Arcade crazy dave plants vs zombies play. Crazy Dave vs Zombies. What happened to him?

Dossier "Crazy Dave"

Dossier "Crazy Dave"

Dossier "Crazy Dave"

Dossier "Crazy Dave"

Comment from Brian O'Sullivan leading the investigation:

The Mister Dave Case, or as we usually call it, the “Crazy Dave Case,” attracted me long before all this mess with dead Americans and problems with necro-political correctness began. I actually became interested in Dave's story when I was still in college. The case was very interesting, and the result of his research was amazing.

Of course, Dave’s name was not mentioned in any military chronicle, not a single official document was found, but because of the Incident (hereinafter referred to as the “outbreak”), information flowed out of a cornucopia. That's how we were told in college about the military's mysterious experiments in the fields of biology, cybernetics and robotics. It all sounded like a novel by Herbert Wells and I accepted it with a smile.

However, then there was an “outburst” and everyone didn’t feel funny at all. Hundreds of people died until the hitherto classified results of the experiments of one brilliant scientist fell into the hands of ordinary Americans. They, in turn, found proper use for these weapons, and turned out to be much more effective than the entire American army and national guard.

But all this happened because one man was brilliant enough to fight against something that should not exist, and was crazy enough to not give up even in peacetime, continuing to create the most incredible and most natural weapons of people.

Therefore, I spent the last five years collecting materials, biographical summaries, interviews with people who knew him before he disappeared, creating a single dossier on him. Below is a selection of the most significant interviews.


General Mark Hamilton.

Dave's story began before the Vietnam War, but it was during this period that his name became discussed and became famous. This was facilitated by General Hammilton, who, even after the end of the war, promoted Dave’s ideas to military structures.

The general has been retired for a long time, but when I see him, it never occurs to me why he sits alone in his house and does not send troops into battle. Two meters tall, broad in the shoulders and with an unbending back, at his age he looks younger and healthier than many of my peers. The general meets me and takes me to his office. Framed photographs hang on the walls different years, several donated sabers and a large American propaganda poster.

Tell us how you met Dave.

Frankly, I didn’t know him well. The first time I learned about it was when several lieutenants vied with each other to talk about one laboratory assistant who had found a way to neutralize enemy tripwires at a distance, without detonating the charge. This not only saved many boys' lives, but also allowed us to bypass enemies from the rear.

Then I had to come and present the eggheads with their well-deserved awards, once again making sure that science moves forward only during war. Just remember the atomic bombs!

I arrive there, and the laboratory assistants give me a tour. The guys showed me a lot, some of which I can no longer understand. As well as their “experiments”, which I could not comprehend in a single lifetime.

And yet, what was Dave like?

Yes, a seemingly ordinary young man. One of those who have no place in war, but in the rear are capable of turning the tide of any battle. The guy had wide face, round eyes, but he was too thin and too weak to even sit in a trench, let alone dig one or walk through the Vietnamese jungle. But compared to his other colleagues, he stood out only because of his young age.

He was only 16 at the time, but don't think he was drafted into the war. In fact, we appreciated his intelligence and sent him straight to our closed program. Do you know what the first thing he did there? He came up with the idea of ​​lubricating the blades of soldiers' machetes with a mixture of kerosene and detergent. The chemical reaction caused any plant in this jungle to dry out in a matter of seconds. It became much easier for the soldiers to pass through the thickets, but it was of little help against the Vietnamese sitting in the bushes.

Now it seems to me that if Dave had appeared with us earlier, if he had taken up his research earlier, we would have won in Vietnam, and we would have met the next war... the “outbreak”... fully armed. But there’s no point in grieving, what happened is gone.

What was so remarkable about it?

Remarkable... The remarkable thing was that he brought everything to the end. A rare quality, we could only learn from him. It's a shame it ended like this. If it weren’t for the secrecy, the guy would have become a national hero, and I would have been the first to donate to his monument.

Dossier "Crazy Dave"

Dossier "Crazy Dave"


Professor David Libbesman, military developer

technologies of the Vietnam War period

Liebessman now lives with his family in California. After the “outbreak”, he decided to stay in a more favorable climate and closer to the coast. His house is located far from the city and city cemeteries. At the time of the Incident, he was working as a consultant on unusual methods of combat against an equally unusual enemy. This was due to the fact that during the Vietnam War he was Dave's direct superior in the laboratory and later supervised all of his developments. It was Liebessman who witnessed Dave's first military experiment.

The professor is not very happy to see me and does not let me into the house. Instead, we meet him on the front porch lawn and sit across from each other on folding chairs. The sun is hot here.

Dave came into our lives just as our ideas were coming to an end. It all started with the development of weapons, and we did our best to create big guns. But what is a rifle without a shooter? In the jungle, power didn't matter much, especially if the conscripts' hands were shaking. Then we secretly began to improve the soldiers. You know, combat stimulants, reflex enhancers, neuro-emotion suppressors. It turned out badly, because, as you understand, we didn’t bring very many experimental subjects to us. As a result, we abandoned this idea too. The staff really wanted to completely cover us, but we were already hard at work soldering robots that did not need to be improved, and on which there was no need to carry out inhuman experiments.

Robots were much more expensive than pills for soldiers, but at least they stopped looking at us askance. And then along came Dave, a young, green genius university graduate. Just think, 16 years old, and already graduating from the Massachusetts University of Technology with honors. I was very skeptical about him at first. And I’m not alone. However, Dave had a completely unconventional and uncomplicated view of things. His ideas were crazy in themselves, but only until you yourself began to think about his plans.

So Dave came, looked askance at the robot that we were assembling, twirled his finger at his temple and said: “Why build a weapon against the jungle, when the jungle can be turned into a weapon?” At first we didn’t understand anything, and in response to the question whether he was introducing a bioweapon, Dave replied that it was both yes and no at the same time.

Look for yourself - the Vietnamese are sitting under every bush and shooting at the boys who were not ready for such a war. And Dave suggested giving conditional rifles to everything that grew: these same bushes, vines, algae and other vegetation. Crazy, right? We also decided so, and someone even reported to the head of the base that Dave was distracting us from serious work with his ridiculous theories. But when the authorities deigned to appear with an inspection, our people no longer doubted the genius of the young man.

Dave took a small piece of vine and began experimenting with it as if it were a living person. According to his theory, any living organism can be made to work for itself, even if it is cancer cells. To do this, it was enough to send neurons, or, as in the case of plants, exclusively biological neurons, with information along the stem, and the organism began to develop its own brain through a collection of cells. Quite simple and very conventional, but still a brain.

The first experiment ended in success: the plant began to react to the approach of a person, reaching out to him, and not slowly, but quickly, as if a muscular system had appeared after the brain.

But the experiment was successful?

Of course, but absolutely useless at that time. The war ended six months later with the defeat of our soldiers, and we did not have time to raise a single “fighter.” After this, the need for both our laboratory and Dave in particular disappeared. I don’t know what happened to him next.

However, I am glad that he did not give up and continued his experiments. They saved us and everyone.

Dossier "Crazy Dave"

Dossier "Crazy Dave"


Harry Mitchell, salesman at Sell'n supermarket

Harry and Dave became friends at school, but Dave's intelligence drove them apart. Dave quickly finished school and was an external university student, and therefore he saw Harry very rarely, only when he returned to his hometown to visit his parents. However, after the war, Dave practically did not leave his parents’ nest, and therefore restored his friendship with Harry.

Mr. Mitchell lost almost everything during the “outbreak”: his house, his car, his job and his entire family. Now he is forced to rent not the best housing and work where there is simply a place. So we meet him during his lunch break in a supermarket car park.

When Dave returned from the war, what was he like?

What do you think? No, I know that in war anything can happen, they shoot, they kill, but Dave is not like that, he is a lab rat, a genius, an experimenter. He didn’t shoot at anyone there, he didn’t dig trenches. But he returned exactly the same as all the guys who almost never fought. God had mercy on me, flat feet and -10 vision, I stayed at home to protect my homeland. But those who returned... I, in general, was damn glad that I didn’t take part in any war. Not patriotic, I know, the war itself found me later, and it wasn’t sugar either.

As for Dave, he returned healthy, but damn depressed. Some were sad because of the death of their comrades and the chaos of Vietnam, and Dave was sad because he could not complete a single scientific experiment. Do you understand? He would gladly shoot someone in this war, and he would worry less. He was all like that. His thirst for knowledge outweighed all moral standards. When he and I got together on Sundays for our traditional Mexican food night, he liked to say something like: “Human life is nothing in the framework of humanity. Only science means anything.” If we forget that the murdered person could be someone's son or daughter, someone's sister or brother, someone's father, grandmother or virginal friend, then this statement of his makes sense. People come and go, but only our knowledge of this world has saved us all this time. If doctors had not opened corpses in the Middle Ages, then medicine would never have learned to treat diseases.

And so, when Dave was ready to make a discovery that would revolutionize science, he was simply kicked out. They say, the war is over, put the gun on the shelf, and we will take everything that you came up with from you, because it belongs to us, and we will burn it so that no one will ever know about it.

Dave started drinking and going to not very decent places. There are already few drinking establishments in our city, and Dave chose the most dubious of them. He didn't try to look for answers there, he tried to drown out the melancholy. Somewhere there he met Zingi. I don't know what this man's real name is, but he gave Dave what he lacked.

Zingi was cooking methamphetamine, and the whole city knew it. But it was not the drugs that interested Dave, but the equipment that Zinga had. Dave had some savings and bought almost everything he had. When he began installing a drug-cooking machine in the backyard of his parents’ house, the neighbors became seriously tense. Dave had serious problems with the authorities, but the mere presence of equipment did not give them the opportunity to charge Dave with any of the charges. He was a scientist; scientists are supposed to have equipment. Dave spent six months collecting everything Required documents in order to be allowed to experiment on his land.

A month later, in his backyard there was a very strange garden of strange plants that he began to talk to...

Dossier "Crazy Dave"

Dossier "Crazy Dave"


Malcolm "Zingy" Black, prisoner.

Zingy was Dave's "buddy" for a long time, as well as his supplier. Finding this person was not easy. Zingi never worked anywhere; he often changed his place of residence, mostly moving from one friend to another, and later from one police station to the next.

Our meeting with him took place when he had already been imprisoned for drug distribution and the subsequent dialogue was conducted in the meeting room of one of the Californian prison blocks.

No, but what? He immediately seemed like a smart guy to me. Dave, right? I never bothered what his name was. This guy was good at chemistry, in test tubes and distillation, although it seems like he never brewed or sold money himself. What a pity, what a waste of talent! Well, in short, he’s sitting at the bar, I see, the guy is smart, word for word, he even explained to me while drunk how to simplify the brewing process. For this I gave him some old unnecessary equipment. Well, not for free, of course.

Even then I asked, why the hell would he need it if he didn’t cook? You are assembling a time machine, gee-gee... He also laughed and said that in order to assemble a time machine you only need two conditions: you need to have sufficient incentive to want to go back in time, and be crazy enough to develop a spatial mechanism. temporary movement. We agreed that the first person to start traveling in time would be a crazy person who would want to once again eat the morning breakfast, which was oh-so-delicious.

What happened next?

And then he started calling me as a specialist... well, in general, as a specialist in something that is not so easy to get, you know? Most often, he needed some kind of rare herb, but not the kind that is smoked, but even rarer and even more illegal. Anything exotic. Sometimes leaves, sometimes even cuttings. What he was doing there at home - I have no idea. For some reason I don’t even want to know. I’ll find out, and they’ll also give you a deadline. Do I need it?

He was there, this guy, apparently, invented some kind of stupid thing, otherwise why did he need all this? And, probably, he carried out all the experiments on himself. You know that, right? Then he went completely off the rails, started throwing himself at people, and even forgot how to talk. They took him to hell. But I have nothing to do with it, at that time I was already sitting here, heating the bunk.

And what kind of plants did he want?

I won’t tell you the names, I didn’t even remember them. The most banal thing was what kind of vine that cannot be brought into our country. Moreover, he needed a fresh one, just grown. And a pot for her. Yes, and this is strange, it doesn’t grow from a pot, right? In short, he apparently was already a complete nerd back then, and I have no idea what he did with everything that I brought him. Moreover, I have already served time for this.

Dossier "Crazy Dave"

Dossier "Crazy Dave"


Montgomery Jefferson

head of the department of psychiatry at Johns Hopkins Hospital

(Baltimore, Maryland)

For several years, Dave continued experiments to create docile plants, but drink and depression left a terrible imprint on his mind. The logical conclusion was that Dave was placed in a hospital with a diagnosis of schizophrenia, until one day he escaped from there.

We met with the head of the psychiatric department where Dave was taken in Mr. Jefferson's spacious office. When this patient is mentioned, the doctor’s gaze becomes sad and the inspiration in his voice becomes less.

Of course I remember how he came to us. He was one of the most interesting patients in my practice over the past ten years. The easiest thing for our students was to immediately send them to him and send them home, since using his medical record one could safely write a diploma on any mental disorder.

Panic disorder, personality disorder, insomnia, schizophrenia... that's just the first twenty pages. At the same time, witnesses claim that he received this entire set in just three years of working from home. He was collecting something there in his laboratory before he came to us. Neighbors complained that during the experiments he began to talk loudly and rudely to himself, and he attacked the police officers who arrived with his fists.

The reasons can be completely different. This was combined with post-war stress, his obsession with work, failures in family life and the inability to realize oneself. You understand, all geniuses’ brains work a little differently, but there was no doubt about Dave’s genius. Even with the full range of mental illnesses, he managed to tinker and repair. He couldn't talk, but he remained as brilliant as before.

And that's why he ran away?

And that's why he ran away. It was very difficult for doctors when they learned that the patient was many times smarter than them and knew much more about the life and structure of people and their brains than college and university teachers had put into their heads. Therefore he was not treated. Modern psychiatry could work a miracle with almost any mental disorder, but only if the patient himself did not know these methods.

Dave knew and did not respond to treatment. His illnesses progressed day by day, and he himself ceased to even resemble a man. His eyes were sunken, his wild temper forced him to be constantly sedated and locked in an isolation ward at night so that his screams would not frighten other patients.

But how could he escape then?

No one knows. It’s just that one fine day we opened the isolation ward and found on the floor the straitjacket he had been in the previous evening. We nicknamed Dave “Houdini,” but I doubt that Houdini could have gotten out of the “soft” room, closed the door behind him with a key he didn’t have, and bypassed all the CCTV cameras to calmly get out of the guarded medical facility so that he nobody noticed. The orderlies and security guards were reprimanded, but what was the point? We immediately informed the police, and the cops showed up at Dave's house. His equipment remained in place, but all the products of his experiments and his parents' old car were gone.

Dave simply disappeared into the night as if he never existed. But it’s usually much easier to find a person with such mental problems, but he turned out to be more cunning and more adequate than many normal people. However, I did not expect anything else from such an outstanding patient. However, I hope that someday he will return to us and we will still be able to help him.


Mark Rogers, dead-American expert.

Mark was not a soldier or a scientist, but throughout the entire period of the “outbreak” he remained in the spotlight and literally did not leave the barricades. He not only supplied the military with new and new information about the enemy, but also dived deeper, looking for the cause of the “outbreak” in science and history. Until now, many secrets about the living dead remain secrets, but thanks to Mark Rogers, they are becoming less and less every day.

After the “outbreak” and overcoming the crisis, Mark received a substantial grant from international organizations, opened his office in central London, gathered a team of like-minded people and is now professionally engaged in his favorite thing - studying the “undead”.

Where did you encounter the “flash”?

Like many - at home. It was a carefree time, if you think about it that way. Back then we were just playing video games about zombies, and their actual appearance on the streets was something out of the realm of cheap science fiction. But now it doesn’t seem unreal or fantastic. The people were seized with panic, some rushed away from the city, not immediately realizing that there were much more burial places outside the city, and there were also a lot of relatively fresh dead there. People ran, soldiers shot, children were happy that they no longer had to go to school. Only humanity would have lost this war. The bullets did nothing to the dead flesh. These are not Romero’s films, in these dead men only the eyes were “fresh”, and the rest of the body was dead and rotten. Shoot at them even with a cannon - you'll only waste the shells.

Not everyone immediately realized that the rules of war that Dave came up with in Vietnam would work now, in the conditions of the city and against the war with the dead Americans. It took a catastrophically long time and human lives to understand this. He, let me remind you, proposed organic, partially intelligent weapons. Killer plants that would use the structure of their modified organism to resist enemies.

And it worked. Yes, yes, no one believed it, but it worked. An organic weapon is not a bullet that just gets stuck in a dead body. There was an almost philosophical war of life from death going on here, intelligent plants against dead flesh. One small planted garden could hold off attacks on entire cemeteries for years.

Tell us more about the beginning of the “outbreak.”

On one lousy day, the cemeteries began to “come to life” one after another, throwing out hundreds and thousands of corpses that were not yet completely decomposed. The dead had one goal - to put on the paraphernalia of their past profession, as if this would give them new life, and feast on the brains of the living. Corny right? Half of them didn't even have teeth, but that didn't stop them. They just walked, dressed and killed.

And then a rumor reaches the national guard retreating from one small town that the number of dead people is getting smaller. They sent scouts and they noticed a huge mountain of corpses next to one of the unremarkable houses next to the cemetery. It was then that the military saw the truth: giant peas, corn, cabbage and much more were mercilessly dealing with the walking dead. When the attack of the dead died out, the soldiers found Dave's car parked nearby. Dave himself wasn't there, and I doubt we'll ever find him, but in that car were the seeds he created for fast-growing, tameable plants. This saved us, and will save us again and again.

I heard you claim that this “plowing” is not the first?

And that's a fact. Only now have I gained access to the archives of the national library. Of course, it was difficult to get even a gram useful information from under all this husk, old wives' tales and stories of drunken sailors, but we did it. “Outbreaks” occur approximately once every 200-300 years. The first recorded “outbreak” occurred in the 6th century BC in Egypt. The last one was somewhere in the 17th century on the Caribbean islands.

From this we can conclude that this is not biological weapons, not radiation or global conspiracies. I will not talk about any biblical motives in this story, but it is not yet possible to substantiate it scientifically. Perhaps nature itself is simply trying to get rid of us with our own hands, reviving the dead.

And how did humanity deal with “outbreaks” before?

Here everything was decided by two factors. First: after all, the human world was much smaller and the population density was not too high. Nomads changed their habitat, and in large cities they simply burned corpses, sometimes with houses.

And now I’m not even talking about leper colonies. If there was a possibility that the body could unnaturally come to life, then the dead man could be considered cursed and “eliminate” not only him, but also his family. Yes, just in case. You know, in the Bible, Jesus practiced reviving the dead, and this was allowed, but when the dead rose on their own, the people instantly forgot about the miracles of the Lord and took up torches.

What's the second factor?

This is what my team and I are working on now. The fact is that quite recently we found evidence of the appearance of a strange bearded guy just before the “outbreaks”. He distributed seeds to people and spoke a strange language, shouting a lot. Those who planted seeds near the house were saved from living corpses. Sounds familiar, doesn't it? If the existence of a time machine could be proven, I would think that our valiant Dave is moving through time and space, saving humanity at any point in history. But this is also fantasy... However, it is the same fantasy as the living dead... This is both pleasing and frightening at the same time.

Dossier "Crazy Dave"

Dossier "Crazy Dave"


Name unknown. Occupation unknown

I would like to immediately apologize to my readers for losing the name of the next interviewee while compiling this dossier. But it doesn’t matter, you can always call him John, or Sam, or any other name, because anyone could be in his place. Even you. So insert your name here and you probably won't go wrong.

It was he who was the owner of the house that was the first to fight back against the dead Americans and began the fight against them by growing obedient plants. And we met just on the threshold of that famous building. There is a lawn, a small swimming pool, a roof that has not yet been fully restored, but now little speaks of the battle that took place here. This is becoming more and more difficult to believe every day.

I can say two things about Dave: he is very strange and he is very greedy. For each set of gardening tools, for each pot or seedling, he asked me for a considerable amount of cash. Moreover, he even had difficulty speaking.

What was your first meeting like?

Well, I saw through the window that across the road, from the local cemetery (and I didn’t know about the cemetery when I bought this damn house) the living dead were walking. Banners “Your brains are in good hands!” were also included, but of course! And then, blocking their path, a gray car, completely rusty, stops. From there, placing either a ladle or a pan on his head, Dave runs out and rushes towards me with a bunch of giant peas. The peas had eyes. I was so shocked by all these events that I did not object when Dave began planting peas on my plot.

And then the peas started shooting at the dead. Well, I thought I was going crazy, but for some reason it was impossible to go crazy next to the truly crazy Dave. Next to him, everything starts to look normal. Even a fighting giant pea with eyes. Even fighting intelligent peas shooting at the walking dead.

Then we began to unload his car and Dave, using a meager set of words, began to sell me these things and explain what they were for. This, as I understand it, he created and raised everything himself. In appearance, of course, it was impossible to say that; he looked more like a crazy homeless person with a dirty shirt than a botanist scientist.

But that was not important. The plants grew quickly and almost immediately entered into battle, and nothing else was required to survive. And they obeyed my commands, especially when I started raising them myself. And this, too, was much more important than Dave’s appearance.

What happened to him?

Dave is missing. Before my house was attacked by a giant robot, Dave was captured by the dead and I never saw him again. I don't think he survived, but... who knows? This guy came up with killer plants that stopped the apocalypse and helped deal with a giant robot zombie (I love Rob Zombie, but he has nothing to do with it), so he could have gotten out of it.

Well... anyway... he was very strange... crazy... ruined me out of $20,000 and disappeared. But I'm still grateful to him. He saved my life. For this, he can be forgiven for everything. Absolutely.

Dossier "Crazy Dave"

Dossier "Crazy Dave"


Arthur Thies, science fiction writer

Arthur asked not to reveal his real name, so as not to give away his sources. Unlike my other contacts, he himself contacted me as soon as he learned about my investigation. We met in an inexpensive cafe in Jersey, where there were few enough people in the morning so that the writer could talk calmly, without fear of extra ears.

There is no need to look for the cause of the zombie apocalypse; it is all there. Have you met Rogers yet? Well, forget all the nonsense he talks about. He simply doesn’t have the brains to imagine the whole “plot” as a whole. Do you already know that next to the same house where Dave’s magic car was found, a giant robot was also discovered? The government, of course, has kept everything secret, but what can they do against globalization? The information leaked online, and independent experts drew the appropriate conclusions. “Zombot” is what they called this robot. The weapon is not so much mobile, not so much deadly, but technologically advanced. Zombot was almost completely destroyed by Dave's plants, but even what I managed to dig up will make your hair stand up.

Zombot is also a zombie, only made of steel and made artificially by a certain Dr. Zomboss. It wasn't me who gave him such a ridiculous name, it was the Internet. Zomboss... yes. There was a certain mad scientist who came up with various dangerous and deadly things, experimented with robotics, anatomy, space and time. In general, he was a creepy guy, next to whom Frankenstein would seem like a bad student from a medical school.

So, in Zombot, witnesses found a laboratory where the doctor created mutant zombies and revived corpses. Yes, everything is so simple, he took and created an invincible army. He revived ordinary zombies en masse, through ray guns built into Zombot. That is why the cemeteries were not erected all at once, but one after another, following the route of the piece of iron. The doctor himself did not control it remotely, he sat directly inside the robot and was in the thick of the whole process, periodically going down to the internal laboratory to conduct some next terrible experiment.

That man, Dave, without even expecting it, stopped the potential destruction of humanity. Who knows what zombies would mutate into in a few days?

If the "outbreak" was the work of some mad genius, then how do you explain the zombie attacks in the past that Mark Rogers talks about?

But everything is the same. Zomboss’s body was not found in the robot; literally a few minutes before the military arrived to take the robot away for research, its “pilot” simply disappeared. I have a crazy theory about this.

Look, that robot had not only a laboratory, not only beam weapons, but also at least guns that fired napalm and liquid nitrogen. There was also a cannon that could restore zombie tissue, restore their vision and partially restore their hair, even if there was nothing left on them except skin and bones. There was also a cannon, and this is an established fact, that could break atomic bonds in matter. Annihilator. Why the doctor didn’t use it is a mystery to me personally. But that robot had technologies that humanity had not yet reached.

I think that Zomboss himself came to us from the future, where humanity has learned to control organic matter. It’s just that the time machine was driven by a mad scientist eager to kill. After his plan in our time failed, he recovered even further along the path of time, in the hope of finding himself in that period of history and at that point on the planet where no one could resist him.

So what happened?

Since we are sitting with you today and drinking coffee in this wonderful cafe, I think that he never found right time. Perhaps, where the dead crawl out of their graves, a hero always appears who can drive them back. At least this crazy Dave of yours. Why not? Maybe now he is plowing through the expanses of time and space and fighting for humanity. Or maybe he has nothing to do with it at all, and now he is somewhere in Mexico City eating tacos and yelling in a crazy voice at passers-by.

Dossier "Crazy Dave"

Dossier "Crazy Dave"

Conclusion from Brian O'Sullivan leading the investigation:

You have now seen a brief version of events and the most important parts of my investigation. I'm still looking for "Crazy Dave." I am often asked “why”, I am often asked “why”, and I always give one answer. Because humanity must learn about him and what he did. If it weren’t for him, we wouldn’t be here now, we would be walking cold corpses through the streets in search of warm flesh that we could devour. And even if our hero is not entirely normal, there were many such among great people.

However, I am not alone in this desire to reveal the truth. Those who have learned Dave's story support me in my endeavor and are trying to convey it to the masses to the best of their ability. Someone even, as a sign of solidarity, dresses like Dave during the “outbreak”, and thereby draws attention to this person. Maybe Dave will see it come back someday. We all want it. But if now he is saving the world somewhere else, well, in that case his personal presence is not necessary, and I will limit myself to only talking about him.

This man was and will be someone of whom humanity can be proud. His ideas, no matter how crazy they were, saved lives, first during the Vietnam War, and then during the “outbreak.” We need such people so that humanity has faith in the future.

Dossier "Crazy Dave"

Dossier "Crazy Dave" Dossier "Crazy Dave"

"Thank you Dave for saving my dad!"

Dossier "Crazy Dave"

Dossier "Crazy Dave"

The annual rally of the "Dave Come Back" movement.

Dossier "Crazy Dave"

Dossier "Crazy Dave"

Dave vs Zombies - this game is made in good quality and pretty good detail! You probably already know Dave from the original game series. So now you have to play as Dave while crushing crowds of zombies!

Of course, not everyone can cope with a crowd of zombies, but ours main character is not afraid, because he has his plants with him, which will always help in a difficult situation! Your task is to protect Dave's camp from zombies, using plants and other means of defense and attack!

There are a lot of levels in this game, the further you advance, the more difficult it will be to hold back attacks from zombies. Of course, you can improve both the hero himself and the camp; after each level passed, a menu with improvements will open in front of you, and the available number of points to raise the level or equipment or camp.

A little secret for those who play for the first time! With the mouse you can select the force of the pumpkin throw; to do this, you need to hold down the Left mouse button and select the required force of the throw (you can see how to throw in my video below).

Controls: MOUSE, all actions are performed by pressing the Left mouse button, to throw a pumpkin you need to press the Left button and select the desired impact force!

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  • Crazy Dave vs Zombies or Crazy Dave vs Zombies, this game is from the creators of PopCap Games! Although it looks simple, it is very interesting! Everything in this game is quite simple and interesting! The bottom line is that you need to score the maximum number of points in this game. A game [...]
  • Here you can play a small fragment from the game Plants VS Zombie 2. Your location is Ancient Egypt, in which you need to protect the approach to the temple from a crowd of zombies. There will be few plants in your equipment, but they will be enough to successfully complete the game! If you previously [...]
  • Plunge into an adventure called Cat and Zombie War, here you will play as a cat girl. Plants have been fighting against Zombies for a long time, and Dave is clearly losing. He decides to call for help a cute cat girl who, with the help of her strength, will protect Dave’s yard from attacks [...]
  • The zombies became so impudent that they even climbed into the depths of the ocean, they thought that they could enslave everyone, but that was not the case!! In the game SpongeBob vs. Zombies you will play as the brave cartoon character SpongeBob, or simply SpongeBob! He will not tolerate the seabed being trampled by terrible [...]
  • Plants have been fighting against zombies for many years, they defended themselves in a noisy city, a hot desert, on the open sea, in the endless sky, BUT for the zombies to reach Space... no, this time in the game Plants vs. Zombies we have to give star wars fight back with full force! This [...]

Crazy Dave vs Zombies or Crazy Dave vs Zombies, this game is from the creators of PopCap Games! Although it looks simple, it is very interesting! Everything in this game is quite simple and interesting! The bottom line is that you need to score the maximum number of points in this game.

The game looks quite colorful and elegant (despite its plot). There are various bonuses here, in the form of suns (increases speed) and other things.

The controls are simple: all you need to do is run back and forth, pressing only two keys ← and →; and of course that’s not all, in order to protect yourself from zombies you need to throw all sorts of things (such as a pumpkin or a stone, well, I don’t know what to call them correctly, in short they are from the game Plantation vs. Zombies), but if you are pinned then you need to press the Z button and you will jump!)

More Games

  • Dave vs. Zombies - this game is made in good quality and quite good detail! You probably already know Dave from the original game series. So now you have to play as Dave while crushing crowds of zombies! Of course, not everyone can cope with a crowd of zombies, but our head [...]
  • If you have previously completed Dave's first adventures, Dave vs. Zombies, then you will definitely like this game! The mechanics of Crazy Dave vs. Zombies 2 are very similar to Mario, but there are some changes made. For example, in the original version you shot anywhere on the map, but here [...]
  • Everyone has long known such a cult game as Plants VS Zombie. But not everyone has heard of the game called Kung Fu Panda vs Zombies! What kind of game is this you ask?! Let me bring you up to date. It all happened because the plants were tired of defending themselves from constant attacks [...]
  • Now I’ll tell you about a plot that I really liked and it’s fun to play! It seems like nothing special, but still there is something in it! It's called Angry Birds vs. Zombies or Mad Scientist Tricks (or just Plants vs. Zombies...but with a modernization). History [...]
  • Plants have been fighting against zombies for many years, they defended themselves in a noisy city, a hot desert, on the open sea, in the endless sky, BUT for the zombies to reach Space... no, this time in the game Plants vs. Zombies we have to give star wars fight back with full force! This [...]