What is the list of berries? How to buy and select different types of berries. Fruits: These are berry-shaped fruits. However, they do not develop from a single ovary like true berries. Many ovaries from one or several flowers, united into one, sos

Delicious ones can be used not only in cooking, but also as medicines, and like any medicines, they have their own contraindications. Let's consider the beneficial properties of the most famous red berries and the features of their use. Let's learn how to grow them and what beneficial substances nature gives us in the form of bright and juicy fruits.

Strawberry is a perennial plant of the Rosaceae family, which is common in many countries of the world: America, Europe and Central Asia. Red and juicy strawberries are very tasty and aromatic.
Strawberry petioles can reach a height of 5 to 40 cm and end in large trifoliate oval-shaped leaves. The root system is fibrous, well developed. Strawberry flowers consist of five round petals white on a short peduncle, collected in thyroid inflorescences. Strawberries bloom from May to June, the ripening process of the berries is about 3 weeks from the beginning of flowering.
You can grow strawberries in open ground, grows well on chernozem soils, on the southwestern side.

It is necessary to do weeding periodically. It is recommended to replant the strawberries to a new location after four years.
Strawberries are not only very tasty and aromatic, they contain large number beneficial substances for the entire human body. It contains vitamins C, A, E, group B, fruit acids, iron, calcium, manganese, phosphorus, carotene, fiber, pectin, folic acid, sugar.

Important! Strawberries help overcome headaches and act like an aspirin tablet.

A handful of aromatic and tasty berries has diuretic and sugar-lowering properties, it can be used by patients with diabetes. Used to boost immunity, treat gallstone disease, hypertension, eczema.
widely used in cosmetology to improve skin health. Strawberries are an antioxidant and an excellent aphrodisiac, improve mood and help overcome depression. Red berry is a dietary product and improves metabolism.

Strawberries can harm people with gastritis and stomach ulcers, and can also cause allergies.

pleases with red berries at the beginning of autumn. This is an evergreen subshrub belonging to the Lingonberry family. The height of the shoots is about 20 cm. Thick, matte leaves in the shape of an ellipse up to 3 cm long. White with pink tint bell flowers with four petals, collected in brushes. The fruits are shiny red berries in the shape of a ball, about 0.8 cm in diameter. The flowering period is from May to June.
Lingonberries grow in coniferous and mixed forests, in the tundra, in peat bogs and in mountain meadows. Distributed in northern Russia, Siberia, the Far East, and also in the Caucasus. Can . A bright and level area with sandy, loamy or peat soil with high acidity is suitable for it.
have been known for a long time. Delicious fruit drinks, jams and other dishes are prepared from it. it remains useful even after heat treatment. Lingonberries are rich in a whole complex of vitamins C, E, A, group B, and contain pectin, carotene, phytoncides and flavonoids. It contains a lot of fructose, macro- and microelements: calcium, potassium, manganese, iron, copper and chromium.

Lingonberry juice is an effective medicine, which can improve the supporting functions of the body, the functioning of the digestive system, improve vision, and relieve skin diseases and swelling. Benzoic acid makes lingonberries a natural antiseptic.
Lingonberries can be harmful for those with ulcers, for those suffering from cholecystitis and kidney stones. People with low blood pressure should use lingonberries with caution, as they lowers blood pressure.

Sweet and aromatic raspberry is a subshrub with erect, prickly stems more than 1.5 m high, a representative of the Rosaceae family. The complex, oval leaves are covered with fine hairs. Raspberry flowers are white with a greenish tint, up to 1 cm in diameter, collected in racemes.

The fruits are spherical, consisting of small drupes covered with hairs, which are fused into one whole on a conical receptacle. The color of the fruit is red, but there is a yellow variety. Raspberries are a very tasty and healthy berry. The raspberry flowering period begins in May and ends in June, ripe berries appear in early summer and until August.
Raspberries grow between bushes in the forests of Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, and can be found in the Caucasus Mountains, Central Asia and the Carpathians. In addition to wild raspberries, there are many varieties of healthy berries that can be grown.

Raspberries have a two-year development cycle; they grow well in well-lit places, protected from strong winds, with neutral soil. It can be grown in rows or individual bushes.
Tasty and aromatic raspberry jam has been used for many years treatment colds as an antipyretic and diaphoretic.

Raspberries contain the following elements: iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, organic acids. Juicy berries are rich in vitamins C, A, B, PP, they contain fructose and glucose, and pectin. Raspberry decoctions and syrups strengthen the immune system and reduce blood pressure, have a beneficial effect on intestinal function. Not only berries, but also roots are used in medicine. Raspberries have antiseptic properties.
Essential oils that raspberries contain may cause allergic reactions. Also, fresh raspberry juice is contraindicated for people suffering from gastritis or stomach ulcers, or kidney diseases. Raspberries are contraindicated for patients with bronchial asthma.

is a small tree or shrub native to the Caucasus. The bright fruits of dogwood have excellent taste and beneficial properties and contain a large amount of active substances.

The height of dogwood can reach 3-6 m, the branches are covered with grayish bark and are located horizontally. The length of the oval leaves is from 3 to 8 cm. Small golden flowers consist of four petals and are collected in an umbrella inflorescence. Petals with sharp ends. The juicy fruit can be oval, pear-shaped or spherical. Inside the fruit there is a fairly large long bone. The berries ripen in late summer - early September.
Dogwood is found in the wild mainly in the Caucasus. It can be found in gardens as a cultivated plant in Europe and Central Asia, Ukraine, Moldova, and Russia.

The fibrous root system requires watering until the seedling takes root. This plant is long-lived and can grow for more than a hundred years.
Dogwood fruits have long been used as food; they have a pleasant aroma, tart taste, moderately sweet with a slight sourness. The fruits are prepared in tasty compotes, preserves, marmalade, wine, used as a seasoning for various dishes. The seeds are used as an alternative to coffee; to prepare an aromatic drink, the leaves are brewed like tea.
Dogwood has: normalizes blood pressure, strengthens and tones. The vitamin C content in it is much higher than in. Contains pectin and phytoncides, organic acids, macroelements (magnesium, calcium, potassium). It has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Contraindicated for hyperacidity and insomnia, also needs to be taken with caution by pregnant women, as it may cause allergies.

It has been decorating gardens for many centuries and is used as a green doctor. This tree or shrub can grow up to several meters. On round shoots there are leaves of three to five lobes, with sharp ends in the form of teeth. White flowers are collected in an umbrella inflorescence at the ends of young shoots. The fruits are spherical, bright red. The diameter of the drupes is 0.5-1 cm; inside there is a large round stone. The flowering period begins in May and continues in June. The fruits ripen in autumn.
Viburnum is found wild in Europe and Asia and grows well in temperate climates. Very unpretentious and frost-resistant, also tolerates drought. Can be used in sunny or slightly shaded areas.

Viburnum bushes are planted in the garden at a distance of 2-3 m from each other. Kalina is a wonderful ornamental plant at all times of the year.
Red viburnum berries are used as medicine. Vitamin C helps overcome colds and viruses. Viburnum can lower blood pressure and treat cough. The berries contain vitamins E, A, P, K, organic acids, pectin, phytoncides, and a number of macro- and microelements (iron, phosphorus, molybdenum, potassium, etc.).
Viburnum has a sour taste due to organic acids. It has no equal, it improves the functioning of the liver, heart, gastrointestinal tract, and has diuretic and antipyretic properties.

You should not use viburnum hypotensive people, people with high acidity, kidney disease, pregnant women.

- an ornamental shrub, branched, with thorns, more than 2 m high. Leaves are elliptical in shape, up to 4 cm long, with small teeth. Yellow flowers with six round petals are collected in brushes. The diameter of the flowers is about 0.7 cm. The fruits are oblong, red, more than 1 cm long, and sour in taste. Barberry blooms from mid-spring until the end of May. The berries ripen in September-October.
Barberry is found naturally in the forest-steppe zone in European and Asian countries, in the Caucasus. This shrub has a beautiful crown shape, looks very attractive in the fall when the leaves turn red, decorates many gardens and widely used by landscape designers.

Preferably in well-lit places. It propagates by seeds or cuttings and shoots. It is best to plant in the fall.
Barberry is widely used in cooking; the fruits are dried and added as a seasoning to many oriental dishes. Fruits and leaves contain a large amount of alkaloids, vitamin K, fructose, glucose, organic acids and pectins. The berries make delicious juices and jams, and aromatic sauces.
Barberry is used in folk medicine, it is indicated for hypertensive patients, has antibacterial properties, improves the body's support functions due to the content of vitamin C, treats liver diseases, diabetes, and has a choleretic effect.

Contraindicated barberry for hypotensive patients, people with high acidity and blood clotting, pregnant women and during menopause. Long-term use may lead to constipation.


Red currant is a perennial shrub 1-2 m high and belongs to the Gooseberry family. The leaves are serrated, with 3-5 lobes. The flowers are small, yellow, and collected in racemes. The berries are bright, red in color with a sour taste.
Red currants are distributed throughout Eurasia near water sources and on the edges of forests. as an ornamental bush and for obtaining healthy berries. Sunny places on the south side with loamy soil or black soil are suitable for it.
Currant - . It contains especially high in vitamin C, as well as B vitamins, vitamins A, E, K. Sour berries are rich in potassium, phosphorus and calcium, as well as iron, selenium and zinc. Used in cooking to prepare various desserts.
Red currant has anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects, improves appetite and quenches thirst. Currant berries and leaves are used in folk medicine.

Redcurrant juice contraindicated for gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis and cholecystitis.

Cranberry is an evergreen creeping plant belonging to the Ericaceae family. The stems are flexible and thin. The leaves are small, oblong, up to 1.5 cm long, dark green in color. Cranberries bloom in late spring - early summer with pink flowers on a long stalk. The fruits are round in shape, bright red in color, and can reach 1.5 cm in diameter. The taste of cranberries is sour.
Cranberries grow in swampy areas, in damp coniferous forests, and on the shores of lakes in the northern region. This healthy berry is grown on an industrial scale on special plantations in the USA, Poland, Canada, and Russia. Cranberries are very light-loving, frost-resistant and not demanding on the soil. It can be propagated vegetatively. The place is well-lit and moist; the soil should be peat or a substrate with pine needles.
The value of cranberries lies in their rich vitamin composition, this natural antioxidant. It contains basic micro- and macroelements, vitamins B, C, A, K. Cranberry helps patients with diabetes, hypertension, people with kidney and excretory diseases, rheumatism and skin diseases.

Cranberries are contraindicated for gastritis and ulcers with high acidity, as well as for liver diseases.

- a representative of the Rosaceae family, a shrub with straight stems covered with thorns. The leaves are imparipinnate with 5 leaflets from 4 to 9 cm long. Single flowers are light pink with a diameter of about 5 cm. The fruits are oval or spherical, juicy, smooth, up to 1.5 cm in diameter. They ripen in September.
Rose hips grow in temperate and subtropical climates and are widespread in Central Asia, Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, and Moldova. It can be used in the garden, it is a relative of the rose and has decorative qualities. Can be used as a green hedge. The easiest way to propagate rose hips is by cuttings. This unpretentious plant grows well in fertile soil with moderate moisture in bright places.
especially rich in vitamin C, as well as vitamins A, K, B2, E, and keratin. He has bactericidal property and is a natural antioxidant. helps to quickly cure colds, diseases of the genitourinary system, cholelithiasis.

The most ancient method of preserving berries for long-term storage. In this form, their peel petrifies, the constituent elements become very dense in the process of loss of moisture, but do not lose their healing qualities.

Not only the fruits, but also the flowers and roots are used as a medicine. Rosehip helps with skin diseases, arthritis, anemia.
A high content of vitamin C can increase acidity, so people with ulcers and people suffering from gastritis should use rose hips with caution. Strong infusions can damage tooth enamel; long-term use in large quantities disrupts the functioning of the liver and other internal organs.

- a thorny shrub or tree of the Rosaceae family. The alternate leaves with denticles are arranged in a spiral. Hawthorn blooms with thyroid-shaped inflorescences. The flowers are white with five petals. The fruits are orange to burgundy in color, spherical or elongated, hard with a sweetish taste. The diameter of the fruit can reach from 0.5 to 4 cm. It ripens in late August - early September.
Hawthorn grows on the edges of forests and river banks in Eurasia and North America. It is not whimsical, resistant to drought and frost. Grows well in moderately moist fertile soils in sunny places.

Openwork leaves, white flowers and red fruits look very beautiful from spring to late autumn.
Hawthorn has flowers, fruits and leaves are used in medicine. The fruits have antioxidant properties and are used to treat heart disease, cleanse blood vessels and improve blood circulation. They contain ascorbic acid, vitamin K, flavonoids and ursolic acid, which dilates blood vessels. Hawthorn has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, relieves stress and calms.

Hawthorn can harmful if consumed on an empty stomach or washed down with cold water, intestinal spasms and colic occur. Long-term use of hawthorn in large doses can slow down the heart rate and depress the nervous system.

Another shrub or tree, a representative of the Rosaceae family -. The dense branches of rowan are crowned with long and narrow leaves with sharp teeth. It blooms with white flowers collected in umbrella inflorescences. The flowering period begins at the end of May and continues into June. Orange fruits are pea-sized, spherical in shape with a bitter and tart taste. Rowan ripens in September, after frost it becomes sweet and the astringency disappears.
Many species of rowan are common in temperate climates in Europe, Asia and North America. Bunches of rowan look beautiful in autumn and winter. It decorated many Slavic estates; in ancient times they believed that rowan protected the home from evil spirits. not difficult, it grows well on fertile soil in a well-lit area. It can be from ripe berries; you need to remove the seeds from the pulp and sow them in the soil in the fall.
Rowan berries are used for making pastilles, jelly, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. The composition of rowan fruits is rich in a number of vitamins (C, A, E, B, PP), organic acids, carotene, flavonoids and tannins.
The berries are used in folk medicine. Rowan helps improve metabolism and digestion, has diuretic and choleretic properties, can have an antibacterial effect and improves the support functions of the body as a whole.

Rowan is contraindicated for people with high acidity, heart disease and increased blood clotting.

Not everyone is familiar with irga, another representative of the Rosaceae family. It is an ornamental shrub or low tree up to 2.5 m high. Simple oval-shaped leaves with denticles along the edge. It blooms profusely with white flowers collected in lush clusters. The fruits have the shape of an apple with a diameter of up to 1 cm, color from red-violet to dark blue. The irga ripens at the end of July and in August, the fruits are fleshy and sweet.
Saskatoon grows in temperate climates in Europe, North Africa, North America, and Japan. The shrub easily adapts to new conditions; it can be found on rocky slopes in the Caucasus and Crimea.

Thanks to its unpretentiousness, winter hardiness, good decorative and productive properties, many gardeners use it on their plots. The shrub grows well and bears fruit in bright areas; it is not picky about soil. Propagated by dividing the bush, cuttings and seeds.
The berries are used to make excellent wine, jams, and marshmallows. Saskatoon is also used in medicine as a source of vitamins and other useful substances. It is especially rich in vitamin PP, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of blood vessels and heart function. The fruits improve digestion and are used for hypovitaminosis.

In cooking it is wide. Dried berries resemble raisins and are used as a filling for pies, pies and pastries. Shredded shadberry is used in the preparation of muffins, casseroles, pancakes and pancakes. For desserts and main courses, sauces are prepared with the addition of serviceberry berries.

Irga can cause harm to hypotensive patients in case of individual intolerance. Berries have a calming effect; this must be taken into account, especially when driving, and do not overindulge in sweet desserts.

Schisandra is a perennial climbing plant from the Magnoliaceae family. Liana-shaped branches can reach a length of more than 10 m with a thickness of 1-2 cm. Simple leaves are ovoid in shape and quite large. Schisandra blooms with white or pink flowers collected in brushes. The flowering period begins in late spring and continues into June. The fruits of lemongrass are bright red, spherical, the size of a red currant. The taste of the fruit is sour with bitterness, and the aroma is like that of lemon. The fruits ripen in early autumn. Schisandra is a fairly productive crop, but it bears fruit within a year.
In the wild, lemongrass is found in China, Japan, the Far East, and the Kuril Islands. Gardeners as an ornamental and fruit plant. It is recommended to grow on a two-meter trellis in a sunny and protected from the cold place. The plant develops well in light and well-drained soil. The easiest way is to use cuttings and layering.
Schisandra is rich in vitamins E and C, it contains essential oils, organic acids. Beneficial substances contained in fruits improve the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, liver. Drinks made from lemongrass have a tonic effect.

Schisandra is contraindicated for people suffering from insomnia, high stomach acidity and hypertension.

Cloudberry is another representative of the Rosaceae family, a perennial shrub or herbaceous plant about 30 cm high. Thin, erect stems end in several leaves. Five-lobed, rounded leaves. Single white flowers with five petals appear in June-July. Cloudberry fruits are amber in color, similar in shape to raspberries, but the taste and aroma are different. Ripens in August.
In nature, cloudberries are found in swampy areas in the Northern Hemisphere, the Far East, and Siberia. The industrial production of sweet and healthy berries is carried out on special plantations in Scandinavian countries and America.

It is quite difficult on a personal plot; it is necessary to create conditions similar to its natural habitat. To do this, you need to dig a ditch with waterproofing, simulating a swamp, and fill it with a mixture of forest litter and maintain the necessary humidity. It is better to propagate cloudberries vegetatively; it is difficult to grow them from seeds.
Cloudberry is a source of ascorbic acid, vitamins PP, A, B. The berry contains malic and citric acids, pectins and tannins.

The fruits can be consumed fresh and for making various sweet desserts, jams, drinks. Cloudberries are also consumed soaked.
Cloudberry is used in medicine as an antispasmodic, antimicrobial and diaphoretic. The berry improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and heart, and helps in the treatment of skin diseases.

Cloudberry is contraindicated for people with ulcers and people suffering from gastritis with high acidity during an exacerbation.

Did you know? In Finland, the cloudberry is a national symbol and is depicted on the 2 euro coin.

Gumi is a beautiful ornamental shrub with healthy berries native to East Asia. Belongs to the Sucker family, can reach a height of more than 2 m. The leaves are elliptical in shape, smooth, similar to laurel. The flowers are white and fragrant. Bright red fruits are oblong or spherical in shape with long stalks and seeds inside. Gumi berries are about 2 cm long, similar to dogwoods, and ripen in mid-summer. The taste of the berries is sweet and sour, slightly tart, similar to the taste of, and.
Gumi is native to Japan, China and Korea, and is also cultivated on Sakhalin. If you wish, you can do it on your own plot. The shrub loves the sun and fertile soil that is neutral in acidity. Propagated by layering, cuttings and seeds.

Gumi berries are valued for being rich in vitamin C. They also contain valuable amino acids and metals. Not only berries are useful, but also flowers and leaves. In the east, gumi is used to prolong youth and longevity. They produce a general strengthening effect on the body, tone up, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, prevent sclerosis and cardiovascular diseases, and have anti-inflammatory properties. Sweet and sour berries are used in cooking to prepare various sauces, drinks and vitamin supplements.
Gumi berries are contraindicated in case of individual sensitivity and diabetes.

So, we have learned the main properties of the most popular red berries. Ornamental shrubs can decorate a garden and personal plot and provide a wonderful harvest. Anyone can grow healthy berries, provide themselves and their family with vitamin-rich treats, and also use them as medicine.

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The variety of berries amazes the imagination and causes confusion. What types of berries exist in nature, and by what principles is separation carried out? "The World of Berries" will help you find the answer to this question.


Berry crops belong to different families.


Berry crops are mostly edible, but there is a category - they can cause serious poisoning. The danger lies in the presence of special substances - alkaloids, glucosides, saponins. It is worth noting that berries may contain either one of these elements or several. Some fruits remain poisonous even after heat treatment(this is raven's eye, belladonna), and some after drying lose their toxic properties(this includes the world-famous berry). A certain part of plants loses poisons as it matures. A striking example of this is nightshade and other berries belonging to the nightshade family (for example,). Unripe fruits can lead to poisoning, but fully ripe ones are quite safe.

Varieties of fruits

The ovary can be multilocular (lingonberries, Manchurian currants, etc. belong to this category). Drupe berries are apocarpous (not fused together) single-stone(this is a cherry), coenocarpous (fused together), single-stone (this category belongs to) and multistone(This , ). Berries are also divided into true and false. The latter include all plants in which in the development of the fruit Not only the ovary is involved, but also the receptacle or other parts of the plant (a striking example of this is,). The fruit in this case is called a false berry, since the true fruits are found on the surface or in the middle of it(like rose hips). In this case, the plants give us the so-called polyhazel, and not a drupe.

Place of growth

Berries can grow in natural conditions, or they can “move” into our gardens. In the latter case, they undergo some changes - breeders increase frost resistance plants, improve them taste qualities, increase productivity and introduce other useful innovations. Often used in work different types berry crops, which allows you to create large-fruited hybrids(an example of this is yoshta - a cross between currants and two types of gooseberries).

Ripening time

Berry crops delight us with their original taste, starting from spring (early berries include strawberries, strawberries) and until late autumn(rowan and viburnum acquire a balanced taste after the first frost). Throughout the summer, the average ripening berries literally replace each other - mulberry, cherry, sweet cherry, raspberry, blackberry and other summer fruits allow you to be fully saturated with vitamins, minerals and other useful elements.

We hope that our article has to some extent helped you understand the incredibly rich world of berries. If you still have questions, don’t worry – on our pages you will always find the information you need.

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When telling children about berries, first of all, they explain the difference between berries and fruits. Berries, as a rule, do not have a dense peel and have many seeds inside, while fruits have both a peel and a seed, and sometimes several seeds. In fact, even here there are exceptions. You will learn everything about berries, including interesting facts about berries and fruits, on this page. You will also see photos of beautiful berries and receive information about their use.

The fruit is the part of the plant that first protects the seeds and then allows them to go into the ground so they can germinate. Sometimes there is only one seed in a fruit, but more often there are many. The fruits are juicy, with many seeds, like berries or, but they are also dry, like.

This is an overgrown receptacle. The real fruits are tiny nuts scattered across its surface. Therefore, the correct name for the strawberry fruit is “multi-nut”.

The blueberry fruit is a berry with pulp and many seeds.

It has a thin skin, juicy pulp and a large seed - a stone, covered with a hard intracarp. This fruit is called a “drupe”.

Raspberries, which appear to be berries, are actually complex fruits made up of small drupes.

The juicy rowan fruits attract birds, which eat them with appetite. The seeds pass through the digestive system of the birds and fall into the ground. Waxwings love to feast on berries, which are actually not berries at all, but apples. After all, the seeds in its fruit are also surrounded by a leathery shell, like those of the same apple.

Sticky burdock

Many seeds are dispersed by the wind. However, there are seeds with thorns, with which they cling to animal fur or human clothing and are thus transported over long distances. The most interesting thing about the agrimony berry is that it became the “prototype” of Velcro. One day, the Swiss engineer Georges Mistral, after a walk, cleaned his clothes and dog's fur from the thorns of burdock, or large burdock. And then he came up with the idea to create clasps and buns. Today such Velcro is the most common thing. And all thanks to the sticky burdock!

Watermelon has juicy pulp and many seeds. So this is a berry? But its peel is hard, like that of zucchini and pumpkin, which is why this fruit is called “pumpkin.” Even the cucumber is a pumpkin. However, scientists believe that pumpkin is just a type of berry! Well, another interesting berry, watermelon, is extremely tasty and perfectly relieves thirst.

Mandarin fruit

The tangerine, with its soft peel that is so easy to peel, is one of the ancestors of the orange. It also comes from China, but is not so demanding of heat. It can be a tree or a shrub. Nowadays, tangerine fruits are exported by Argentina, Morocco, Turkey, Japan, Brazil, Korea, and Egypt.

Ancestor of the pomelo orange

One of the ancestors of the orange, the pomelo, has very large fruits. There are pomeloes weighing 10 kg and up to 30 cm in diameter. In China, on New Year's Day, these fruits are given to each other as a symbol of well-being and prosperity. Pomelo is grown by placing it in large nets in advance.

The taste and aroma of an orange depends not only on the time of year and the area where it grew, but also on the place on the tree. But the color of the peel does not indicate the ripeness of the fruit.

Citron is the champion among citrus fruits

Citron is the champion among citrus fruits, its fruits reach a length of 40 cm. And its most amazing variety is the Buddha's Hand citron, or Buddha's Fingers. It is named after the founder of Buddhism. Citron fruits are not eaten fresh, like oranges or tangerines. They are used to make candied fruits, marmalade and jam, as well as essential oil.

Information about grapes and photos of berries

Grapes are one of the most ancient cultivated plants. The vine and bunches of delicious berries have more than once become a source of inspiration for poets. The ancient peoples even had gods of viticulture and winemaking, the most famous of whom was the Greek Dionysus. What are grapes as a plant? This is a tree-like vine that can reach a length of 10-20 m and occupy tens of square meters.

Grapes are grown all over the world, with yields second only to citrus fruits and bananas. This is a long-lasting plant. On plantations, with good care, vineyards can live 50-80 years. And in Austria there is an amazing grapevine, the shadow of its branches covers an area of ​​120 m2. Her age is 200 years!

It cannot be said that modern winegrowers risk their health when caring for the vine. But in ancient times, grape pickers had to write a will before starting work. After all, the grapes, like a vine, climbed along the tree trunks and grew so that they dried out and remained only a support for the vine. Often branches broke under a person, he fell and was broken.

The basic information about grapes that is always mentioned when talking about this berry is that not only juice, but also wine is made from grapes, and they are also dried to obtain raisins.

This word just means “grapes” in Turkic. Since ancient times it has been widespread in the East and the Mediterranean, and is now known throughout the world. By the way, the famous seedless grape raisins (which in one of the eastern languages ​​- Farsi - means “dried grapes”) was also bred for the sake of raisins.

One of interesting facts about this berry is that the vine can rotate. It ends with antennae that cling to the support and rotate around it, making one revolution in 2 hours. The branch rotates at a speed of one revolution per 4 hours. So the tendrils twist around the support and hold on very tightly - a dried tendril, even after 10 years, can withstand a weight of 5 kg. With the help of tendrils, the vine rises to great heights.

The berries are very refreshing in the summer heat; they contain a huge amount of vitamin C, which has a strong anti-inflammatory effect and also improves immunity. Berries are added to pies and cakes, and soft drinks are prepared from them in the form of fruit drinks and compotes. They make jams and preserves.

Berries are an excellent dessert in general, but only after a good lunch. And if you don’t have the time or opportunity to prepare lunch, then be sure to order delicious pizza delivered to your home here: http://spb.zakazaka.ru/restaurants/pizza. You just have to try this pizza because it’s really delicious. Well, after you’ve had enough, you can treat yourself to some berries...
Wild berries are more aromatic and have a brighter taste than those grown in the garden. The variety of berries is amazing. There are so many flavors and types of berries growing on the earth. From the familiar strawberries and raspberries to the exotic mangosteen, carambola and feijoa. The beneficial properties of different berries are simply countless. Today we will tell you about the brightest and interesting features and characteristics of berries. Interestingly, some berries are not actually berries at all. For example, strawberry- this is an overgrown receptacle with fruits (what we call seeds) on the surface. Tasty, large, juicy (one of the most beloved), they are called incorrectly. In fact, the “berry” that we call strawberry is garden strawberries. But for some reason the name strawberry stuck, although this is one of the types of musky strawberries, the berries of which are quite small. Interestingly, the enterprising Japanese have learned to grow apple-sized strawberries. The berry we call strawberries, small, but very tasty, aromatic and, of course, healthy. Strawberries stimulate appetite, regulate digestion, and protect against the formation of gallstones. The beauty of strawberries is that many varieties bear fruit all summer and even autumn.

What else grows in the garden?

Currant, black, red, white. The berry is very rich in many benefits, for example:
  • One tablespoon blackcurrant Vitamin C content is equal to a whole lemon.
  • According to pectin content a glass of blackcurrant is a serving of green salad.
  • Half a cup of black currant contains as much vitamin B1 as 3 slices of white bread.
There is an opinion that it is best for children to eat black currants, for adults - red, and for older people - white. Blackcurrant juice used for skin rejuvenation: gauze soaked in water is soaked in juice and applied to the face and neck for half an hour, then wipe the skin with a piece of ice. The result is a healthy, fresh complexion. - good prevention of high blood pressure and more. Here is an incomplete list of vitamins and microelements contained in gooseberries:
  • B vitamins,
  • Vitamin A,
  • Vitamins C, E, PP,
  • Iron (Fe),
  • Iodine (I),
  • Potassium (K),
  • Calcium (Ca),
  • Magnesium (Mg),
  • Manganese (Mn),
  • Copper (Cu),
  • Molybdenum (Mo).
Gooseberry is often called northern grapes, the ways of using it are very diverse. Wine is made from gooseberries, jam, jam, jelly are made, they are frozen, salted, pickled, and sauces for meat and fish are made from it. , "bear berry". They say that the first raspberry orchard in Russia was founded by Yuri Dolgoruky. This garden was very large, and bears came there to eat the berries. Everyone knows its antipyretic effect; it is often enough to drink a glass of tea with raspberry jam at night, and by the morning the cold will disappear. Besides, raspberries are the champion among berries in terms of antioxidant content(substances that prevent the aging of the body). The closest relative of raspberries is blackberry appeared in Europe only at the beginning of the 18th century, but in America it has probably always been there, and today blackberries are found in almost every American garden. It is in vain that our gardeners pay little attention to this berry. Blackberries are an excellent tonic. Blackberries change their color several times as they ripen: green, brown, black. They make jam from blackberries, make compotes, and eat them raw. In ancient times, blackberries were used to produce dye for fabrics. The name “blackberry” means “hedgehog-berry”; the stem is prickly. Because of this, it was believed that blackberry bushes near a house protected it from trouble. Cherry, cherry... The homeland of this berry is northern Persia. From there it went to Rome and further throughout Europe. In the 15th century in Rus', cherry became one of the cult trees. Even then, it began to be used to treat diseases. All parts of the plant were used: berries, leaves, twigs, bark. Cherry is one of the record holders for the amount of coumarins(substances that normalize blood clotting and maintain body tone). Berries and leaves contain a huge amount of phytoncides (biologically active substances that kill or slow down the growth of bacteria and microorganisms). That's why cherry leaves are added to homemade marinades, after all, they prevent putrefactive processes and help the preparations survive throughout the winter. Another very tasty berry with a seed - cherries. The tree on which these berries grow can reach 30 meters in height. Cherry berries, depending on the variety, can be pink, yellow, red in different shades, almost black. The darker the berry, the more sugar and organic acids it contains. A storehouse of valuable substances - sea ​​​​buckthorn. The ancient Greeks treated horses with sea buckthorn leaves, and the horses not only recovered, but also acquired a well-groomed, sleek appearance. The mythological Pegasus loved sea buckthorn very much. Birds are also happy to feast on this berry if the owners did not have time to collect it. And they do it right, because the berries contain sea buckthorn more than 190 different useful substances, and the content of vitamin C is such that only sea buckthorn can provide it to all inhabitants of the planet. Another berry that is not very common in the Russian garden is honeysuckle. It grows on small bushes, ripens very early, and is the very first berry. However, not all honeysuckle is edible in the wild. yellow, orange and red berries are poisonous. Edible types of honeysuckle produce fruits that are sensitive to the place of growth and weather, so the composition of the berries can vary greatly. There are many useful substances; honeysuckle is good for almost any organ. But its main property is berry of youth, it helps us stay cheerful and not grow old longer. Traditional medicine uses many fruits, for example, dogwood. These bright red berries were also used by Hippocrates and Avicenna. Residents of Taurida believed that where there is dogwood, medicine is not needed. Today dogwood is included in the diet of astronauts. Exotic for some, but many already grow nightshade. This plant is the result of Luther Burbank's selection of various nightshade species. A pleasant berry with beneficial properties, it is very unpretentious to grow and is productive. Sunberry, as the garden nightshade is called, contains such a rare element as selenium, a trace element that slows down aging and prevents the development of cancer cells.

Berries from the forest

Wild berries- special, they grew up without human help, it is only a natural gift. Wild berries contain many important, necessary substances, and they are also very tasty, although some have a somewhat specific taste. For example, cowberry. This berry is practically not sweet, but we eat it with pleasure. And the Finns even organize lingonberry picking championships.

What are the benefits of wild berries? - a good diuretic, stone berry restores metabolism in the body, blueberry good for diseases of the stomach and pancreas, blueberry helps preserve vision, it is also a good natural antibiotic and antioxidant. If you had to take chemical antibiotics, be sure to include them in your diet cranberries, it removes from the body everything that can harm it and gently stimulates the immune system. , A.S.’s favorite berry Pushkina, also called the royal berry, contains twice as much vitamin C and ten times more vitamin A than oranges. She is very helpful in dietary nutrition, has an anti-inflammatory, restorative effect.

What's exotic?

It tastes like nothing else feijoa contains as much iodine as seafood. Bright yellow large berry with a romantic name carambola, in cross section taking the shape of a five-pointed star, has a pleasant-tasting watery pulp. - a round berry measuring 5–7 centimeters. The peel is very dense, purple or brown, and the white juicy pulp has a creamy taste, which is considered the most exquisite among tropical fruits. Interesting fruit cinepalum (synsepalum dulcificum) Some call it a berry, some call it a fruit. It changes the ability of human receptors to sense the taste of food. After eating these small red berries, you will taste everything sweet: both the meat and the hot sauce. Nature throws up many mysteries. Quite a little hard Pollia condensata berry has a color 10 times more intense than any of the brightest colors. It does not change over time; herbariums created 100 years ago present this berry as bright as a recently picked one. However, there is no pigment in this plant; this color is achieved due to its structure, which reflects only waves of a certain length. It's a pity that these berries are not edible.