How to prepare your child for school after the holidays. How to prepare your child for school after the summer holidays

Returning to school is a difficult issue for both students and their parents. After all, in the last days of the summer holidays, you don’t want to think about the upcoming workload, lessons, homework, or getting up early. Doctors are sure that it is worth overpowering yourself and starting to slowly accustom yourself to the work regime after a relaxed rest. This will allow the child’s body to more gently transition to exercise without falling into stress. told about what exactly needs to be adjusted and how to organize a child’s day before school pediatrician Anna Shulyaeva.

Important dream

We need to return to school routine little by little. So, for example, if all summer the children went to bed and got up whenever they wanted, and the nightly period varied from 8 to 12 hours, then now we need to switch to school mode: we should act in the usual daily routine. Lights out should be at 9-10 o'clock, and rise at 7-8. Small deviations from the school schedule are allowed, but no more than half an hour. If you think about this not on September 1, but in advance, the transition to the regime will be smoother.

In the morning after getting up, you should give your child some time to recover, play, chat with someone, and have breakfast. Also at this time it is worth starting to study little by little: for example, you can set aside at least 2 hours to do some homework, homework for the summer, or read a book. This will also set the tone for the school day.

Going outside

One of important issues What parents ask themselves about is walking. If children spend almost all their time walking all summer free time(in the village, in camps or just at home they have a lot of time to relax fresh air, literally until lights out), then now walks should be included in the school schedule. Walks should be moved to the afternoon or morning (if the child studies in the second shift). They should end before dinner.

Attention to nutrition

At the end of summer, special attention should be paid to diet. Before the school year you should return to correct regimen. After all, in the summer children forget about breakfast, and parents are quite loyal to this. Breakfast may be completely missed, because the child will simply get up late, lunch will vary: maybe without soup, and instead of steamed cutlets, the child will become addicted to fast food.

Before the school year, we need to switch to the usual schedule, because breakfast, for example, is one of the main meals for students. The child must remember that he should have breakfast; there is no way to skip this meal. Lunch should also be complete: it includes both the first and the second. Why? Because at first, children returning from vacation and staying for extended periods or some activities after school refuse lunch, which undermines their health. You need to get used to eating on a schedule in advance.

In addition, it is worth remembering that not only meal times are important in preparing for school. It is imperative to return to a proper and balanced diet. The child should eat vegetables, meat, fish, cereals, etc. In addition, now parents still have time to teach the student the right snacks. Ideally, you should have a snack once every half hour to an hour. These can be healthy snacks such as cereal bars and dried fruits. You can also offer your child fruits, buns: anything you can take with you to school.

Day rest

If a child has become accustomed to sleeping during the day over the summer, you should not deprive him of this rest during the school period. It is important to include it correctly in the routine. Rest should be organized so that it falls during after-school time. Then, even after September 1, it will be easier for the student to adapt.

Summer is ending and autumn is approaching... And accordingly, the beginning academic year. Many parents are concerned about the question: how to get their child ready to study after a carefree summer holiday? And what steps need to be taken to ensure that the beginning of the school year does not become torture for the whole family and the process of adaptation to school is painless. We will tell you about the key points that you need to pay attention to.

During the three months of summer vacation, young students have time to completely wean themselves from the rigid school regime, and it is very difficult for them to quickly return to the academic daily routine. Much depends on the character of your child, his age and temperament, but for almost all children, returning to school causes sadness and joy at the same time. So, how can you help a little schoolchild readjust and avoid stress?

The right motivation

First of all, you need to make an effort to create the right and positive attitude towards the learning process. To do this, the last two weeks of August must be planned in a competent manner, then it will be easier for children to set themselves up for success at school.

Long live the regime!

The daily routine allows the student to develop conditioned reflexes that help him easily switch from one type of activity to another. A clear regime is needed in order to maintain a balance between work and rest, which is very important for the health of a growing organism. What is the most difficult thing for a child after the summer holidays? Naturally, early rise, because in the summer parents usually allow the child to go to bed late. Therefore, some time before September 1, you need to again help the young student get into the routine of the day.

In a couple of weeks, start getting your child out of bed earlier, invite him to do exercises or go to the pool with him. Watching cartoons and computer games should be limited; it is better to replace them with reading or board games. The main thing is to get used to the routine gradually; you shouldn’t send your child to bed at six o’clock in the evening; it’s better to put your child to bed 15-20 minutes earlier than the previous day.

What to feed the brain?

The nutrition of a small schoolchild is also of great importance: the menu should be balanced and varied. Children's menu must necessarily include products such as liver, meat, fruits and vegetables, cereals and eggs, as well as dairy products. But at the same time, you should limit your consumption of fast food, chips and soda.

If a student’s body suffers from a lack of vitamins, micro- and macroelements and other useful substances, this will certainly affect mental activity, memory and perseverance. Therefore, in the last couple of weeks of August, you need to create a competent diet, taking into account the age and health characteristics of the student. Strict adherence to the diet is also important; the child should have a full breakfast before school, lunch between classes and dinner in the evening.


It will be good if the child takes part in the selection and purchase school uniform, tracksuit for physical education, notebooks and diaries, briefcase and other stationery. A young schoolchild involved in this process will see more advantages at the beginning of the school year, the main thing is to provide him with freedom of choice (within reasonable limits). The main thing is that the child does not feel that he was forced to go shopping with his parents; let him choose something important and useful with them, but to his own taste and discretion.


Never lose sight of your child's worries and problems. If you notice that your child is sad or upset about something after school, try to find out why he is upset. School for children is a small life, so it is important to ask the little schoolchild about everything, what he liked and what he didn’t. This way you will know what the problem is and what actions need to be taken to resolve it.

And again at the desk

During the first month of September, it is usually difficult for children to “get involved” in their studies and concentrate on classes. Therefore, you should not overload your child with additional classes in the first two to three weeks from the start of the school year. Increased loads can have negative impact on the physical and mental health of the student. It is important that the child does not sit at lessons all the time; it is necessary to allocate time for rest. There are also difficult subjects that are difficult for almost all children, so be sure to help your child study these disciplines. He will be grateful that you help him understand a difficult subject.

At the beginning of the school year, you should not demand perfect discipline and academic performance from the student; do not scold him for his mistakes. Words of support from his parents are very important to him; he wants his parents to notice his successes and appreciate their importance. This will motivate him to be diligent and diligent.

Tip from the editor: Most often, before leaving for the summer holidays, schoolchildren receive a list of fiction that needs to be read before September. We recommend that you monitor the completion of this task, as it will help save your child’s time during the school year and will help him develop his imagination, memory, literacy level and significantly expand his horizons.

The summer holidays flew by like one magical, wonderful, fabulous day. Parents anxiously look at the calendar and sadly note to themselves that their carefree life is coming to an end. Ahead are school bazaars, purchasing new uniforms, stationery, tracksuits, shifts and other indispensable school attributes, organizational parent meeting and a long, endlessly long school year. Read our article on how to prepare your child for school after the summer holidays.

We understand that returning to school after a long holiday is not easy for a child. So why are we, parents, sure that the child must get ready to study on his own, and cannot help him? It is your help that your beloved child needs most. It's all about the adaptation that the child needs after the holidays are over. Of course, as a rule, none healthy child does not try to maintain the usual daily routine and does not rise at dawn in the summer. Finally, he had the long-awaited opportunity to play late into the night, read a book, watch TV, or just walk carefree in the yard until it gets dark and his mother “drives” him home. The same applies to diet. In the summer, the child eats heavily and mostly what he likes and when he wants, and not what is given for breakfast or lunch at school and strictly according to the schedule. If this “anti-mode” continues throughout the holidays, it will be extremely difficult for the child to return to the school schedule and start learning. And, as a consequence of a cloudless summer life, we get stress, which in no way contributes to full-fledged study. Ideally, it is better not to allow changes in the child’s schedule and get up at the usual time, and go to bed no later than 21.00. Of course not one loving mother will not be able to get his child out of bed at 7 am in the summer and will not force him to sit down to read fiction. Therefore, you need to return to your usual daily routine gradually and several days before the start of school. This is not an easy task that will require a lot of energy from you, but, having gone through all the grievances and tears, you will much more easily return your baby to the “work” schedule and have time to get ready for the upcoming school year.

  • First of all, you need to exclude watching movies and programs that end later than 21.00. Ideally, you should stop watching TV altogether. For good.
  • A week before the start of the school year, we stop lying in bed until noon and begin to lead an active lifestyle. It would be great and very effective if you and your child got up early in the morning and, after having breakfast - healthy porridge, went on an interesting hike, to an exhibition, for a walk, to the mountains, to a picnic, show your imagination, and not just say: everything, starting from this day, you get up at 6.30 in the morning and eat oatmeal.
  • Master a simple and useful game “I like that you...” Take some toy or object and pass it with the words “I like that you...” This game will reveal a new, unexpected side to the participants and will help you get closer to your child. Remember that for one transfer of an object you can come up with only one dignity of a person, for example, “I like that you are a very neat girl.” Of course, the more you transfer an item to each other, the better. Another useful game is “I want you.” The principle of the game is similar to the previous one, but the result is completely different.
  • Let's remember the lessons assigned for the summer. Parents must ensure that all assignments are completed, and that the last night before September 1 is not spent suffering over hated books and textbooks. Of course, it is best to do your homework at the beginning of the summer and forget about it during the holidays. Don’t put off this activity until the last day and make sure your child completes all the assignments and reads what is needed. Dear parents, there is another extremely effective way overcome your child's laziness. To do this, just don’t be offended, you need to overcome your own laziness. Therefore, let’s not be lazy, open the diary and study in detail what has been completed and what has not. Most the right way- uniform load distribution. Spend no more than 30 minutes a day on your lessons.
  • It is absolutely unacceptable for a child to spend the entire holiday watching TV or sitting at the computer. Be sure to organize joint family walks.
  • The “last night” before September 1 is of great importance. A lot depends on how the evening before returning to school is organized, namely, the mood with which the child returns to class. Most importantly, this evening should be calm. Try not to make a scandal, not to reproach, not to sort things out. Be sure to prepare your briefcase the night before. Let your child do this independently, but under your supervision. Prepare in advance the clothes that the child will wear to the festive assembly. To avoid a morning that looks like chaos, don’t forget about such important little things as tights, bows, socks, handkerchief, tie, bow tie. Hang the prepared, well-ironed uniform on hangers and in a visible place.
  • In order for a child to want to go to school, he needs to be properly motivated. Talk to him and tell him how great it is that he will see the guys again and learn a lot of new and interesting things. And best of all, tell him how you were getting ready for school when you were as old as he is now. Share your feelings and thoughts. This will bring you very close to your child and help him.
  • Create perfect order. The home should have a pleasant and cozy environment, and all things should be in their place. Take this function for yourself. Make sure that the new school year does not start with pencils in socks, erasers under the pillow, and other inappropriate things.
  • Don't make a fuss if at first your child gives completely different grades than you expect from him. Remember, he needs time to get in the mood for learning, and if you push him, his grades may not improve. Therefore, if you have already signed up for a club or section, wait a couple of weeks until the first days of the new school year have passed. The child spends a lot of energy, and a new activity can unsettle him.
  • Don't forget about walks in the fresh air. No matter how difficult it may seem, it is necessary to walk with your child in the park or in the yard every evening for at least half an hour.
  • We introduce more fruits and vegetables into the child’s diet. Proper nutrition is an important component of successful studies.
  • In order for your child to have an incentive to learn, do not forget about affection and attention. Children, as well as adults, need praise and kindness from their parents. And if they lack love, then they begin to suffer and grow up to be unhappy adults. This applies not only to first-graders, but also to high school students. Talk to your child more often, find time. When you put him to bed, don't forget to tell him a few kind words. Spend more time with your child, play, walk, read, visit. Only by feeling parental support and care will it be much easier for your child to start a new school day and conquer new heights.

While your child is “gnawing on the granite of science at school,” you and I are learning our adult lessons. We learn patience, justice, attention and love. Remember, a child is like a mirror. It reflects you, and if you don’t like this reflection, you need to think seriously and start with yourself first. KAFABELLA.RU wishes all children and parents that the coming school year will be interesting, exciting and productive. Love your children, because only YOUR unconditional love will help your child achieve heights that you could never even dream of. Tell him as often as possible that he is the best and that he will succeed. He must know that home is a place of strength and love, which means that he can handle all difficulties.

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Anastasia Sergeeva

Back to school soon: how to prepare your child for school after the summer holidays?

The closer the beginning of next September, the more questions parents begin to ask themselves. How to prepare a child for school in August so that further adaptation is successful? Should I burden him with studies or give him more rest? Is it possible to go to the sea right before the start of the school year? What to consider when purchasing school supplies? It's time to give answers to these and other questions.

Daily routine

Summer is a rather leisurely time for children: they go to bed later than usual, sometimes after midnight, and, therefore, get up much later. Parents allow their offspring such liberties, as if giving them the opportunity to have a good rest and sleep off all the hours of sleep lost at school. And there is nothing wrong with this, unless, of course, the child systematically goes to bed at one in the morning and wakes up at noon. But if late going to bed and getting up continue until September 1, when you want it or not, and you have to get up early, then this will become stressful for the child. Therefore, you need to prepare your child for a stricter daily routine gradually, starting at least two weeks before school.

This does not mean that you need to immediately set bedtime at nine or ten in the evening, and wake up at six - shift the time gradually. First, put your child to bed 30 minutes earlier (and wake him up accordingly), then an hour, and then two (depending on how much the sleep-wake pattern has changed during the holidays).

To make it easier for the child to prepare for the new regime, and nothing prevents him from falling asleep on time, he should fall asleep in a calm state, when nothing can distract him. Try to ensure that at least 1-2 hours before bedtime he does not watch TV, play computer games or mobile games, did not listen to loud music, did not read comics and magazines. You can read a fiction book with your child, or just talk to him, ask how his day was, find out what interested him today - this way the child will find a listener, share his emotions and impressions with you, and fall asleep much more peacefully.

Child nutrition

To understand how to prepare a child for school, you need to worry not only about sleep patterns, but also about diet. In the summer, children don’t always eat on time, run home for a snack only when they have free time from walking and playing with friends, eat a lot of sweets like candy and ice cream, steal sweets from friends and eat at a party, pick apples from trees... No mention of any regime there is no question here.

Therefore, at least 2-3 weeks before September 1, start feeding your children according to the school schedule: at least three times a day, at the same time (taking into account how late classes will end), minimizing harmful treats and saturating the diet with healthy and delicious dishes with a sufficient content of vitamins and microelements. Games and walks should not interfere with sleep and eating!

Development of communication skills

Throughout the years, one of the few things that made children want to go to school was a long-awaited meeting with friends after the summer holidays: an exchange of impressions, the opportunity to find out how someone spent the summer, whether someone had changed in appearance, acquired some new clothes and etc. If your offspring, even for this reason, does not want to go to school, then perhaps the problem is not only in anticipation of boring and difficult studies. Perhaps the child has problems with self-esteem, he is enslaved, and he has no friends among his classmates. Reluctance to go to school also manifests itself in children who move to another grade in parallel, or to another school.

If the problem is serious, then it is better to show the child to an experienced one. child psychologist, but you can also have time to help your child socialize better in the classroom. Fill the rest of his summer with bright impressions! Go for walks, to the cinema, to an ice cream cafe, go to a river or lake, have a picnic, ride bicycles, play various games, visit an amusement park, an interesting museum, a zoo. All this will go on the list of how he spent his summer - active, eventful, fun - so that he would not be ashamed to tell his friends.

  • But it’s better not to plan trips to other countries and other climatic zones at the end of August: acclimatization and new experiences will confuse the child when he immediately sits down at a school desk upon returning and will be forced to calmly, diligently study and listen to the teacher.

Buying a desired toy, gadget or other thing can also become a pleasant new thing for a child, which he can show off to his classmates and become cooler in their eyes, which is typical for children and even teenagers. In addition, due to the popularity of social networks and the availability of gadgets for everyone (even fifth-graders can use Instagram), children need photographic evidence of a good rest.

If your child’s peers live in your house or on the street, encourage them to play together, invite them to your home so that the children can watch cartoons together, cook something, play and chat - this will also help speed up socialization in the team and make it easier to prepare for school.

Be sure to attend the school “roll call” with your child, which is usually held in the last 2-3 days of August. This way the child will be able to plunge back into the school environment, walk along the school corridors, sit at a desk, meet class teacher, teachers and classmates, but at the same time he will not have to immediately start studying and sit in class. This will be a small rehearsal for going to school that will help you prepare your child for school and help him adapt.

How to prepare your child for school

Parents often wonder whether they should prepare their children for school in August, or let them enjoy the holiday while they can. In this case, the “golden mean” rule applies: you shouldn’t burden your child with repeating all the materials, but there’s no need to completely bypass home preparation.

In the first academic quarter, many subjects provide for repetition of the material covered, so you can leave mathematics, your native language and other subjects alone for now. But so that your child remembers how to hold a pen in his hands again, give him a short dictation, which you can find on the Internet, and at the same time check your child’s literacy.

What is better to do, at least partially, is to read the literature assigned for the summer. Reading develops abstract thinking and imagination in a child, and introduces him to new social situations, so do not avoid this task. Even if there are a couple of weeks left until September, read at least one book, or several stories. You can also devote at least twenty minutes a day to repetition foreign language, only in game form, if the child studies in elementary school- for example, using cartoons or funny videos.

Purchasing educational supplies

And finally, the most interesting and important stage for children is the purchase of notebooks, diaries, pens, pencil cases, backpacks and other school things and little things that will be useful to him in class. Be sure to take your child shopping with you and do not buy anything without his knowledge, especially clothes, a diary and a bag.

Always give him the right to choose, don’t force him to buy something he doesn’t like. Even if you are on a limited budget, offer him to choose, say, a pencil case, from three inexpensive options. This way, the child will still have the feeling that he himself influenced the final decision, he will feel his importance and will look forward to going to school and filling a new backpack with new notebooks, and a new pencil case with new pens and pencils.

We hope this plan will help you understand how to prepare your child for school after the summer holidays, even if there are only a few weeks left before school starts. How to prepare a first-grader who is not yet familiar with school for school? Watch the opinion of an experienced doctor in this video:

Take it for yourself and tell your friends!

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Autumn is associated not only with yellow leaves, cold and rain, but also with active study. The thought that the holidays are already over, and everyday school life, homework, and tests lie ahead, causes panic among schoolchildren and reluctance to study. How can you make sure that after the holidays your child gathers his courage and goes to school with great pleasure? There are many simple tips, which will most effectively help you get into a working mood, both from a moral and physical point of view. We will talk about some of them in this article.

Why do you need to prepare for the start of the school year after the holidays?

During the summer holidays, children develop their own routine. They go to bed late and wake up late, eat only during breaks between games and focus on fast foods, chips, crackers, Coca-Cola, and not on healthy food, often get stuck in computer games, watch a huge number of films, play outside until dark. In other words, they enjoy summer freedom to the fullest. But after the holidays freedom ends, and all the children sit down at school desks. To ensure that this period does not turn into a complete nightmare for the child, preliminary preparation is necessary that will help motivate the student to acquire new knowledge.

It is necessary to prepare for the start of the new school year in advance, so that later the child does not develop stress and aversion to school. It would be ideal if you start preparing with your child somewhere in early August. This is an excellent time for the student to tune in to school everyday life.

It is very important to prepare gradually so that the child does not completely lose the desire to learn.

You need to start preparing for school everyday life with your health. After all, to gain new knowledge it is very important to be healthy and strong. If your child is used to playing outside until late and watching his favorite movies until midnight, you will have to reconfigure him to school mode, that is, going to bed before 10:00 pm and getting up at 7:00 am. Be prepared that this will be difficult at first. But over time, the child will enter this mode and from September 1 he will easily wake up in the morning, feeling quite cheerful.

Proper nutrition

Nutrition is also very important for children school age. After all, they experience enormous stress on their brains. If in the summer you are used to pampering your child with ice cream, various fast foods, sweets, chips and other non- healthy products, then as school approaches, you should completely abandon them. At this time, it is very important to switch the child to a proper balanced diet, including a full breakfast, lunch and dinner. It is very important to pay attention to meat, fish, fruits and vegetables, which are rich in all nutrients. And instead of sweet carbonated drinks, it is better to drink grape or apple juice.

Walking in the fresh air

If your child cannot tear himself away from the computer, be sure to ask him to go outside for some fresh air. And when school starts, don’t neglect short walks after class.

Even half an hour spent in a park or forest will give your child good mood and will charge you with energy.

Cultural program

If during the summer holidays the child’s main interests were shooting games, dolls, ball games or other entertainment, then on the eve of school everyday life, introduce him to a more cultural program that perfectly develops and broadens his horizons. This could be a trip to the zoo, to the theater or to an exhibition. And after spending time together, ask your child to write a short essay about what he saw so interesting.

Purchasing new things

Shopping is a pleasant experience not only for adults, but also for children. Therefore, it will be very useful to go to a school fair. A new briefcase, a diary, shoes, a jacket, pleasant-smelling notebooks, beautiful pens and rulers - not a single schoolboy or schoolgirl can resist all of this.

New acquaintances

New friends will come in handy, especially if the child has been transferred to another school. Pleasant acquaintances will not let you get bored and will increase your self-confidence. If you have old friends, don’t neglect meeting with them. It's more fun to study and do homework together.

Interesting training

Doing homework is probably not something many students like, especially if they have a lot of homework assigned for the summer. But you still have to do them. What to do in this case, how to get your child to study? You can turn doing homework into interesting game. For example, if a child has read a book assigned according to the school curriculum, he receives a prize in the form of going to a water park or riding a horse.

By devoting at least 30 minutes a day to homework, your child will more easily adjust to his studies.

Note to parents: what should not be done?

There are many points that parents need to know so as not to spoil their child’s mood and prevent them from wanting to learn. We have highlighted the most important of them:

  • Under no circumstances should you overload your child with textbooks and homework. He should enjoy the summer. Include a little of everything per day.
  • Do not transfer your child to a strict regime suddenly.
  • Do not deprive the student of meetings with friends.

Taking into account all these nuances, the transition to school mode will be very easy and pleasant, and your child will probably study with great pleasure.

Questions and answers:

  1. Why do you need to prepare your child for the start of the school year in advance?

This is necessary to ensure that the child is mentally and physically fit for work.

  1. How many days in advance do you need to prepare your child for school?

The sooner the better. Ideally - 3 weeks before September 1st. During this time, he will have time to tune in to school everyday life.

  1. How to properly prepare your child for school?

This must be done gradually. Otherwise, the child may lose the desire to go to school. healthy sleep, proper nutrition, walks in the fresh air, a cultural program, buying new things and school supplies - this is the correct preparation of the child for the start of the new school year.

  1. Is it necessary to study during the holidays?

You should not force your child to study during the holidays. But you still have to do your homework. The ideal solution would be an even load, that is, a month before the start of the new school year, you need to devote at least 30 minutes a day to homework.

  1. What is prohibited?

You should not deprive your child of summer by forbidding him to go out with friends, cram textbooks and do homework until nightfall. In everything you need to know when to stop.

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