When a man says let's take a break from the relationship. A pause in a relationship: what it means and how to behave. Rules of conduct during a break in a relationship

“You need to understand yourself. Let’s take a timeout”... It doesn’t matter who said it first. It is important that this is a signal: something has gone wrong in the relationship. So.

But for now, this is not a reason to break up. Or maybe just the fear of taking responsibility for the breakup?

There is a saying: “Big things can be seen from afar.” Indeed, it is very useful to look at the situation, as if from the outside, from the outside. And for this you need to get out of it for some time.

When something happens within a relationship that upsets or does not satisfy the partners, there are always exactly four options left:

  • close your eyes
  • take a break
  • solve the problem
  • disperse.

And a break just helps you to abstract yourself and relax, to look at everything from a different angle. Only if you use it not for the left, but for good. And it really helps a lot of people. But not everyone and not always. Let's figure it out.

Why time out?

This applies equally to both men and women, or all at once (in each couple in its own way).

1. We've reached a dead end

And it seems that you are caught in some kind of vicious circle from which there is no way out. You quarrel over trifles, get irritated for no reason...

But still, love each other and know for sure that you want to be together, everyone just needs to be alone with themselves for a while, calm down, collect their thoughts. A change of scenery, after all.

2. Just tired

Perhaps you simply spend too much time together, and you just want freedom and personal space. If you're bored together and have nothing to talk about, if you've just been together for a long time and it's time

3. Stopped understanding

And they got confused in their own interests, goals, thoughts and actions. Perhaps they experienced some kind of shock (a big quarrel, betrayal).

When you urgently need to adequately assess the situation from the outside, dig around and understand yourself (the presence of a partner nearby will interfere with this process).

When one of the two feels that he is giving more than he receives or eats.

4. We decided to try it

Of course, neither of you say this out loud. But, in fact, that’s exactly what it is. See how you are without him/her.

It seems like you broke up, but not for long and for fun. And how long this “short-lived” will last, and whether it will turn into “forever” is unknown.

5. When you're scared

And then “Let’s live separately for a while” is an ostrich tactic. Disguise and fear to consciously and responsibly end this relationship.

It differs from the previous point in that you know how it will end, but you still put it off - because it’s scary.

Not everyone has the courage to put an end to it or say to their face: “Sorry, I fell out of love” or “Sorry, I.”

To be or not to be?

The last two points, as you understand, will not lead to anything good. Therefore, before deciding whether you need this temporary separation or not, analyze the reason.

Maybe it’s better not to honestly fool each other right away?

Or do you both just need to go on vacation for a week, unwind, and change the environment? Give personal space and time for yourself: for example, a bachelorette party for you, fishing for him?

And there are a million more options: go to a psychologist, get training, shift the focus from your partner to personal growth and yourself, find time for a hobby.
To reanimate feelings or - it is not an easy decision to do either.

If there are problems, the most constructive way, of course, is to solve them, and not run away from them into timeouts and return to the same point.

There are no guarantees for a “pause”. There will be nothing left to restore, as an option. Everything is individual here, perhaps in your case it will work to your advantage. What could be positive?

  • the opportunity to relax and be alone with yourself;
  • think everything over and evaluate, reevaluate, analyze;
  • understand how much you really need each other, whether you can live without this person or whether he is still missing;
  • miss each other;
  • draw conclusions, think through your strategy;
  • recharge emotionally;
  • understand that you have lost, even “pretend”, something important, and understand the value of a partner in your life, look at him in a new way;
  • feel the strength of your emotional connection and love, if this is it, and not comfort.

A couple of rules

The optimal period for a timeout is from a week to a month. A few days is not enough for global awareness; more than four weeks is already a risk that you will remain on different shores.

If you decide to do this, determine such a period immediately and discuss all the conditions. By the way, the decision must necessarily be mutual; if one person is categorically against breaks, this is already a problem. Look for a compromise.

And during this time, try not to make a mistake, not to go all out, not to flirt with other men, but to really think about this relationship.

If you realize ahead of time that you don’t need them, don’t play with the man, tell him about it.

And remember...

Before you decide to take a break from a relationship, answer yourself honestly: are you looking for a reason to break up in this way?

If this is the case, it is better to tell him about it honestly and directly. Ask him the same question if there is a pause. One constructive, frank conversation can dot all the i’s and no breaks will be required.

Among the three natural reactions of any living organism to stress - action, flight or freezing in anticipation - the most productive is action. That is, working on relationships.

Think about the consequences
yours Yaroslav Samoilov.

In your relationship, everything was going as well as possible, nothing foreshadowed trouble, you were making plans for the future, and suddenly your loved one announced that he needed a break in the relationship. He explains this by saying that he needs to be alone, understand himself, understand what he wants from life. Are you throwing up your hands in complete confusion and have absolutely no idea why? It was still good!

This happens quite often. Let's try to figure out what could be the reason and how to behave in such a situation.

A pause in a relationship does not always mean an impending breakup. The point of a time-out is to completely eliminate relationships with a certain person from your life and see how you will be without him. Badly? Fine? "Doesn't matter"?

Let's look at the main reasons why a man wants to take a break:

  1. He was tired of constant quarrels, hysterics, and reproaches. In this case, a time out will help both partners sort out their feelings. If you constantly nag a man, then think, maybe this is not the person you need? Perhaps you want from him what he cannot give? What do you fight about most often?
  2. A pause is an excuse to part ways, but gently. Most often, a proposal to pause is a hint at the end of the relationship. But since separation is always associated with a showdown, resentment, and, to put it mildly, an unpleasant matter, many men choose a soft method that will bring the relationship to naught. They are simply afraid to take responsibility for the breakup, as uncomfortable questions will follow: “What happened? What doesn’t suit you? Have you found someone else?”
  3. Fear of close relationships. It manifests itself in the fact that the partner wants to leave at the moment when, it would seem, everything is going well. cohabitation, wedding, and, in order not to get closer, suggests taking a break, which ultimately means a break.

Consequences of a pause:

  • Complete break.
  • Returning to a relationship occurs when both partners understand that the breakup was a mistake.
  • Infatuation with another partner.

What to do if a man announced his desire to take a break:

  • Don't make a scene, control yourself. If a man suggested breaking up for a while, then there are reasons for this, and it’s better to figure it out now than to let everything take its course.
  • Agree on the timing of the pause so as not to torment yourself with false hopes and expectations. If after the set period a man does not remind you of himself, then forget about him.
  • Get busy with your life. Do what you've been putting off for so long. There are so many interesting things in life besides relationships. Take time for your loved ones and sign up for courses foreign language, go on vacation or on an excursion to another city, take up dancing or sports.
  • There is no need to look for a meeting with him; obsession will not lead to anything good. Don’t try to find out about him from mutual friends, don’t write SMS, don’t call. Be patient and disappear from his life for 2-3 weeks. If a man wants to be with you, he will be. And obsession can finally put an end to your relationship.
  • There is no need to look for a replacement for him. You should not immediately enter into a new relationship until there is clarity in the current one. The relationship with the new partner will not work out, you will only hurt the person who accidentally fell under the distribution.

Remember that people enter into relationships to rejoice and have pleasure, if this does not happen, then what is such a relationship for?

Is a time-out necessary in a relationship? This question cannot be answered unambiguously. All people are different. A pause is often taken by couples who are not connected by a stamp in their passport. Sometimes a temporary separation strengthens the relationship, but most often the relationship ends after a pause. If there is a trend in your relationship: we quarrel, break up, make up, and so on in a circle, then this is also an alarming signal. But I'll tell you about this another time.

A relationship without quarrels and misunderstandings is the dream of any couple in love. Unfortunately, in real life such an idyll does not exist. When lovers lose mutual understanding and increasingly face mutual claims caused by doubts about each other’s feelings, temporary separation seems to be the only possible way out of the situation.

Most couples believe that a pause in a relationship is very useful, because it provides an excellent opportunity to sort out their own feelings and understand in which direction to move forward. Others are sure that a break will not lead to anything good, but will be the beginning of the end. Which of them is right and is there any benefit in temporary separation?

There are times when you cannot look at your loved one without bouts of irritation. Everything infuriates you, from his breathing in your sleep to the smell of him eau de toilette. And you seem to still love him, but it’s simply impossible to be near him. And his behavior is far from what it used to be and you understand that he is starting to move away.

Why is this so? Has love passed and the only way out is separation? Is it possible to save a relationship and prevent it from breaking up?

In cases where disagreements and doubts interfere with personal happiness, lovers may decide to temporarily break off the relationship. The initiator can be either a man or a woman. This does not mean that the couple will necessarily break up, it just takes time to think and check their feelings.

Why do you want to take a break from a relationship?

A romantic union is sometimes compared to a roller coaster. Relationships are characterized by ups and downs, weeks of boundless happiness and days of silent apathy. At the very beginning, lovers do not hesitate to show the full depth of their feelings, get used to each other’s characteristics, and get used to their habits.

After some time, when the intensity of sensations fades, a crisis may escalate between partners. They begin to be irritated by living together, the first quarrels occur, doubts may arise about the sincerity of feelings and dissatisfaction with the behavior of the other half. When the crisis is at a certain peak, there may be a desire to break up.

If in a union of two loving people Tension appears and thoughts about a possible pause begin to flicker - do not immediately panic. Perhaps it is a temporary separation that will help preserve love.

Psychologists say that the idea of ​​a possible pause in a relationship can only appear under the influence of the following factors:

  • Uncertainty about your loved one's feelings. At first, it seemed to you that this person was created especially for you. He is ideal in everything: he has a pleasant character, he treats you with respect, strives to always be near you, and in bed you get complete pleasure. However, over time, you increasingly began to notice a certain cooling between you. Yes, and the character could change not in better side. Or maybe he hasn’t changed, just that your lover stopped wearing a “mask” that was alien to him? In general, there can be many nuances, but the result is still the same - you have stopped feeling love. And then you begin to think about what to do next and whether you even need to worry about the safety of the union.
  • Feelings for someone else. The idea of ​​a pause in a relationship may come if sympathy for another person has appeared. One of the partners, with the help of a temporary separation, will try to test himself and understand what he really wants.
  • Lack of romance. When people say that everyday life can kill love, they are not lying at all. Everyday hassles and lack of romance can actually be very damaging to a relationship. If feelings are not periodically warmed up, then lovers begin to move away from each other over time.
  • Treason. Most often, in the event of betrayal by one of the partners, the second tries to break off the relationship, believing that he cannot be with the one who betrayed and broke his heart. But practice shows that betrayal does not always lead to immediate separation. Some people need time to accept the situation and figure out what to do next.
  • Constant quarrels and conflicts. If partners begin to quarrel more and more often, quarrels become much longer and no one is ready to compromise, then a pause in the relationship may be truly necessary.

The decision to take a break in a relationship should be exclusively mutual, otherwise the risk of a final break increases significantly.

Women by nature are very emotional and sensitive creatures. They are no strangers to impetuosity in decision-making, but when it comes to romantic relationships, sober calculation comes into play.

Yes, not a single representative of the fair sex will leave her lover without first considering all the consequences of such a step. She will prefer to watch her beloved man for a while, and if the decision to pause is still ingrained in her mind, then she will carefully and seriously approach organizing a serious conversation. Although, according to experts, women very rarely initiate temporary separations.

Often it is men who offer to take a break from each other. In most cases, this means that the man has become burdened by the relationship and needs rest. Perhaps his beloved went too far with whims and scandals. Unfortunately, if a man suggested being apart, then most likely this is the first step towards a final break.

A man may suggest taking a break if he wants to end the relationship, but is afraid of hurting a woman’s heart.

Pros and cons of a break in a relationship

Family psychologists are confident that temporary separation is very dangerous and does not guarantee salvation for a falling apart relationship. Rather, such a step can be called not a solution to the problem, but a banal escape from it. Practice shows that in more than 70% of cases, a time out leads to a final separation. However, a pause in a relationship has not only disadvantages, but also some advantages.

Pros of taking a break in a relationship:

  • A chance to test your feelings. Very often, thanks to temporary separation, lovers realize that they really value each other and are not ready to be apart. Then a second wind opens and the problems no longer seem insurmountable, because the main thing is that there are real feelings between them.
  • A chance to calm down. Conflicts and disagreements leave no one indifferent. Sometimes, in the heat of a quarrel, a man and a woman can say a lot of offensive things to each other, although in reality they don’t feel anything like that. In such a situation, a tactical escape would be an excellent option, allowing you to cool down a little and look for a way out of the current situation.
  • Opportunity to get bored. Did the temporary separation lead to you feeling sad after just a few days? This means that all is not lost for you and the relationship can still be saved.

Disadvantages of temporary separation:

  • Risk of betrayal. Some may perceive a pause in a relationship as a reason to be free for some time and a good opportunity to “go on a spree.” Endless flirting and entertainment certainly will not help improve your relationship with your loved one.
  • The problem is getting worse. A temporary separation is not always seen as a chance to revive the relationship. One of the partners may feel very offended and bewildered by such a proposal, which will only complicate the situation further.
  • Withdrawal. If there really is no love between lovers strong feelings, then the time-out is more likely to drag on and become the beginning of the end of a romantic relationship.

How to behave during a break in a relationship

Has your loved one suggested that you stay apart for a while? After much thought, you have come to the conclusion that a break in a relationship can be a great way to breathe a second life into it. Great! What's next? You will still survive a week apart from your significant other: visit your parents, resolve your backlog, meet with friends. But are you capable of being away from him for a month or two?

If you don’t want to break prematurely and do something stupid, then listen to the following advice:

  • Control of emotions. Don't put pressure on your loved one and control yourself. Remember that your pause was taken to think about ways to develop your relationship.
  • No manipulation. Do you want normal and healthy relationships? Then don’t play on your partner’s weaknesses and don’t provoke him into active actions. Let your loved one decide what he wants from life.
  • Stopping communication. Ideally, stop communicating completely during the time-out. Try not to even correspond, but if need dictates its terms, then limit yourself to neutral messages.
  • Respect for your partner. Temporary separation meant an opportunity to think about the advisability of maintaining the relationship and checking one’s feelings. If you really love your partner, then don’t even think about going to great lengths - show respect for your lover and behave decently.

Do not make hasty decisions and agree to a temporary separation only if you do not see any other way to resolve your problems. Remember that time out can be not only a blessing.

Understanding the opposite sex can be very difficult. Complications arise that cannot be resolved without a common desire, frankness, and mutual understanding. It happens that all attempts seem futile. Is it possible to say that a pause in a relationship is a healing remedy that can restore cracked love?

Lack of incentive

If there is a need to move away, this does not mean anything good. Basically, running away from problems is a sign of a weak nature. Or the desire of partners to be together is so small that they do not want to resolve the contradictions that have arisen.

A pause in a relationship can be a signal that people simply don't see the incentive to work on it. As a rule, at first everything is very interesting, the partners build ideal images, actively explore each other, experience passion and desire, but at the first pitfalls, many couples fall apart into two separate units. They again go in search of the other half, wanting to find a ready-made ideal, and not work on common happiness.

Both need to work on the relationship

When we are young, we are often told that we will feel love when we meet it, that everything will happen naturally. And we obediently believe in this, we wait for our other half, looking at the clock and asking fate: “Maybe it’s time? Why am I still alone? What's wrong with me?

The fact is that in order for interaction to take place between the sexes, at least one party must show interest, activity, and initiative. But in our cynical age, more often than not, everything turns out in such a way that one partner wraps circles around the other, dances in circles, as if near a Christmas tree, and the second revels in his splendor in the rays of someone else’s adoration.

A pause in a relationship can occur when the partner who is more in love picks up his own dignity from the floor, turns around and goes looking for someone who will value him more. Although for him, in fact, all relationships were one continuous pause and wasted time.

When the goal is achieved

For the attention of girls in love, it is worth explaining what a pause in a relationship after a stormy period of passion means. For example, a young man courted a representative of the fair sex for a month. Moreover, with all the passion and desire. And when they reach mutual delight, he disappears from the horizon, simply disappears somewhere. Everything was so wonderful though.

Naturally, everything was fine for the girl, because she felt needed, desired, sometimes even too much. Questions instantly pop up in my head: “What did I do wrong?”, “Maybe he has something else?” Or maybe there are good reasons.

But for some reason, no obstacles had previously prevented him from rushing to her across the entire city, even if not for intimacy, then at least for a regular meeting. But my partner only likes the beginning. Women in general in this regard are not as quick to kill as men. They can look closely for a long time, but become so attached to their hearts that the sudden disappearance young man plunges them into the deepest moral disorder.

What's the solution?

I would like to believe that this is just a pause in the relationship. What should I do to end it and return communication to the same delightful mode?

As a rule, attempts to win a guy or win him back with reproaches and appeals to feelings of pity end in real failure. In general, very few men are able to feel empathy for someone other than themselves. So the only way to interest him is to show that the girl, in general, is fine without him. Of course, it’s also good with him, but besides their communication, there is still a lot of interesting things in the world. Only in this case will the guy think that he is missing out on something pleasant for himself, and not getting rid of a burden that will burden him.


Many people go to extremes of self-examination when there is a pause in the relationship. How to behave is half the battle. It’s a completely different story to realize with your mind that the problem is not you. Thanks to sad thoughts about lost love, not a single one was born beautiful verse or a melody, but they are extremely painful for the soul, especially when a person is tormented by ignorance and feels sorry for himself. After all, they underestimated him, turned away, and it is unclear why.

It often happens that a pause in a relationship causes even greater feelings for the object of adoration. After all, if a person leaves, he is better than us. And in this case, you should strive for it, hold on to it. Although, most likely, you are not very suitable for each other, your positive qualities were not seen or not considered such, adoration was used only as fertilizer for the growth of your own ego, they did not want to recognize your feelings and share their own.

What to do?

Logically, in such a situation, it would be worth considering that there is no point in chasing a person who turns away from you. But when falling in love, feelings prevail over reason, a person is taken over by passion and instincts, from which everything rational simply flies head over heels.

Perhaps you did not tell your partner something, you behaved too separately and secretly. How can he find out who you are if you don't want to tell him? In order not to carry a burden on your heart, it is better to express all your thoughts in a calm manner.

It is extremely important that your partner’s careless word does not drive you crazy and force you to express everything a little more harshly than planned. Then the pause will turn into the end of the relationship. Usually people turn around and leave when they see that conditions are being imposed on them, they are being locked into boundaries, and their freedom is being limited. Despite all the pleasant moments experienced together, most will give preference to the right to make their own choice.

What if it doesn't work?

If, after you ease your soul by calmly asking all the questions that interest you and expressing your thoughts, the desired effect is not achieved and a happy reunion of the loving couple does not occur, you just need to accept it.

By deciding to take a break in the relationship, your partner shows that he doesn’t need you, that he’s fine without you, and silence is much better for him than your voice. The only hope is understatement, with the elimination of which mutual understanding will be established.

It is much more difficult to languish in ignorance than to experience a little shame, but at the same time learn everything that interests you. But we really are in awe of those we love, we are afraid to say the wrong word, to scare them away. But if, in order to communicate with a person, you have to maneuver and shake, as if you were roller-skating through a china shop, how can you yourself relax and find joy in such relationships?

Having built hopes and an image of a happy future, people spend months waiting, courting their partner and believing that, apparently, some circumstances are simply preventing him. The desire to take a break in a relationship will not appear in someone who loves and respects you.

You have to tread carefully

The most important thing is to do everything possible on your part, and if there is no response, you just need to accept it and not torment yourself. Lovers often fall into two extremes:

    excessive secrecy, fear of saying a word about one’s own feelings;

    when there is no longer any strength to endure and emotions have reached the limit, a literal volcanic eruption occurs - streams of lava burst out, burning everything in its path, including the slightest chance of reconciliation.

Beware of both of these two evils, look for a middle ground, be yourself, because wearing a mask and being good, feeling that they wanted to spit on you, will not always work.

There's always a chance

Is everything really so hopeless? After all, it happens that couples come together again. Of course, such situations do occur. But this requires desire on the part of both partners. No doubt, no one is perfect.

It is extremely difficult to date a person for at least a year and not make a mistake. There are no saints among us, and ideal relationships, like a blue sky without a single cloud, exist only on the pages of books. If the initiator of the temporary break rethinks the situation and changes his line of behavior, everything has a good chance of working out. It often happens that after a pause in a relationship, a new round of feelings begins.

There is a wonderful film by American director Jerry Rees, “The Marrying Habit.” According to its plot, the characters, played by Kim Basinger and Alec Baldwin, appeared at the altar five times. Their story is full of passion and vivid emotions, although, of course, it was not without difficulties. However, the partners, one way or another, returned to each other's arms. For those who are in deep thought about further development own personal life, it will be extremely useful to take the time to watch this romantic comedy.

Maintain respect for yourself and your partner

Never say: “Never”! It's hard to say how long the pause in a relationship lasts. It's different for every couple. It happens that people don’t see each other for years, and then between them new strength feeling flares up.

In any case, the love affair should proceed out of good will, and not because of the handcuffs of marriage. It often happens that, getting used to our soulmate, we take it for granted, we stop appreciating it, but after parting for a while, we become like a traveler in the desert who wants to drink water from his native well.

Everyone eats famous phrase: “If you love, let go. If it's yours, it will come back. Otherwise it was never yours.” So it's best to show your partner as clearly as possible that you are interested in him. If he wants to leave, that’s his right; if he wants to come back, he’s always welcome.

In this case, you will feel much better than if you throw a scandal with breaking plates and shouting: “I gave it to you best years of your life! If you love, let go... We are talking here not only about adoring your partner, but also about your love for yourself. Self-esteem is the core of personality, which should not be broken by the uncontrolled play of hormones. And all disagreements that arise will be resolved with the consent of both parties.

“I don't know what to do next. Let's live separately for a while, figure out ourselves and our feelings for each other. Let’s take a break,” this is precisely the solution that some couples resort to when, at a certain stage in their relationship, they encounter problems that cannot be resolved through peaceful negotiations. Misunderstanding, quarrel after quarrel, the feeling that a stranger is nearby - because of all this, many people seem to run out of steam, do not feel the strength to continue to fight for the relationship, but they are also afraid to put an end to it - they hope that everything can still be returned to square one. own

When a relationship reaches a dead end, you involuntarily ask yourself the question: should you reanimate your feelings or separate? But neither one nor the other decision is usually easy. Tired of the unknown and mental anguish, people come to the conclusion that a pause is the best option. Having lived separately for some time, you can weigh the pros and cons, think about the future prospects of the relationship and, most importantly, understand whether you need this person, whether you can imagine your life without him. However, it is worth considering the fact that they often take a break when they do not know how to provoke a separation. Not all people have the courage to say: “I don’t love you anymore.”

What you need to know about a break in a relationship?

Psychologists warn that a pause is not a panacea for all ills. If you think that problems will disappear on their own after a month spent apart, then you are very mistaken. Your meeting will also bring memories of why you once decided to run away for a while. Therefore, if now you have an unresolved problem, it is better to make an effort and dot all the i’s.

However, sometimes a pause in a relationship is simply necessary, if only because, being constantly near the “stimulant”, you do not have the opportunity to understand the deep psychological processes that occur exclusively in your mind. It is in order to calm down, sensibly assess your behavior and the behavior of your partner, analyze his mistakes and, possibly, forgive them - you need a short break in the relationship.

In addition, when you think about a pause, answer yourself honestly whether you are thus looking for an excuse to break up. If you expect absolutely nothing from this relationship, then most likely there is no point in resuscitating it. It will be more honest to directly tell your partner about your feelings.

When should you take a break from a relationship?

1. When you stop understanding each other in small things. It would seem that there is no serious problem, no one has cheated on anyone, but day after day you torment each other with mutual claims, create scandals out of nowhere and, having calmed down a little, cannot answer what the fuss is about.

2. If you get bored with each other. You don’t know what to talk about, how to have an interesting time together, and any attempts to somehow diversify your joint leisure time fail - you start arguing even at the stage of choosing “cinema or cafe”.

3. If you don't see any return from your partner. You are ready to compromise, but he stubbornly sticks to his line and does not listen at all to your desires and requests. You feel offended, incomprehensible, tell him about it, but he doesn’t seem to hear.

4. If you understand that absolutely all problems are in your head. He hasn’t changed his attitude towards you one bit and hasn’t changed himself, but you want something different, new. You shouldn’t jump right into it; it’s better to take a couple of weeks to think about it.

5. When you feel like you're living in a cage. Your partner controls your every move, suspects you of infidelity and is jealous of all the men around you. Of course, before you take a break in the relationship, you should talk to your loved one, explain what hurts you and upsets his mistrust. If such heart-to-heart conversations do not bring results, it may be worth taking a short break.

A few rules for taking a break in a relationship

1. Never take a break without discussing it with your man. Tell him everything that worries you, and make it clear that at the moment you do not see any other way out of the situation.

2. Convince your partner that you are not leaving him, that this is not a separation. Agree that you are just taking time to think, but not to start a relationship with someone else.

3. Don't try to look at other men. Even if you understand that you want to break up with your partner, do it only after the end of the pause. Then you can start a new relationship, not earlier.

3. During your break, keep yourself busy with something useful and interesting, fill your days with interests and hobbies, and communicate with friends. Try to be alone as little as possible so as not to end the pause solely because you are bored. In this case, problems may remain problems.