The best Georgian toasts for a wedding. Georgian toasts for a wedding. Toasts to the bride and groom

Kazakh wedding toasts amaze the listener (especially a less experienced one) with their scope. The duration of the speech can exceed half an hour. Some weddings even offer special awards for the most short toast. And of course, everyone should speak out (don’t forget that in Kazakhstan weddings are rarely held for less than 100 people).

Well, relatives and relatives,
I'm good enough for you today.

I'll show everyone my daughter-in-law
I won't leave without a gift.

Here, my dear bride,
Your father-in-law is sitting next to you,

Do you see how many people
He collected it at your wedding.

He rode the steppe to the edge
I gathered everyone for your wedding.

He had been waiting for this day for a long time
And I did everything as I dreamed.

A star sparkles on his chest
Bow down to the ground before him.

Caucasian wedding toasts

The Caucasus is considered the birthplace of toasts, but as different as the representatives of the Caucasian nationalities are, their table speeches are also different.

Georgian wedding toasts

Georgian wedding toasts are an epic in miniature. This is a set of rules of conduct for a young family: love and respect each other, honor parents, respect the laws and traditions of the country. Most often in Georgia there are prosaic toast stories, for example, the following:

A quiet and modest young Georgian fell head over heels in love with a beauty. In the evenings, he could stand under her house for hours just to catch a glimpse of the girl dear to his heart. One day a woman came out of the house. She looked sternly at the young man and asked:

Who are you waiting for, why are you standing outside our doors?
“Your daughter,” he answered, stuttering.
- Then you definitely have no business standing here, go away! – said the girl’s mother. – You are not suitable for our daughter.
- Why? – the guy whispered in confusion.
“Once I didn’t come on a date with my father when he was still courting me,” the happy mother and wife began to recall.
“He snuck into our house through the window, locked dad in one of the rooms, found me and said: we’re getting married right now!” This is how it should be a real man, this is how our future son-in-law should be.

Let's drink to real men who boldly and persistently seek the hand and heart of their beloved. And then they reverently take care of her all her life, like our groom!

Two luxurious roses, by the will of an evil fate, ended up in the desert. There they wandered for a long time under the scorching sun in search of a healing oasis. When they found him and asked for help, he slyly answered them:

Well, I can give you a drink, heal you, restore your former luxurious beauty, but first I want to enjoy your beautiful body...

One rose refused such healing. It dried up after a few days. The second decided to agree and, without hesitation for long, gave herself up to the stream. After that, she blossomed even more magnificently than ever in her single life.

So let's drink to the imperishable union of a man and a woman who cannot live without each other just like a rose and a stream! Here’s to our newlyweds, who feed each other with great mutual love!

Armenian toasts for a wedding

Armenian toasts are parables. They tell stories about eternal values, about good and evil, and end with a traditional farewell message to the bride and groom.

The belief says that the parents of love are the eyes and the heart! I raise this wine glass so that the hearts of our young people will glow and their eyes will be sharp for many, many years to come. Let's drink to the bottom for the eternal ability to love!

High in the mountains lived an eagle with an eagle and little eaglets. One day, returning from a hunt, the eagle decided to test his eagle, to see how brave she was, how she protected the nest and eaglets from strangers. He put on the tiger skin and began to slowly approach the nest. The eagle, seeing a tiger sneaking towards the nest, boldly rushed at him. Wow, how she pecked at him, beat him with her wings, and tore him with her claws! And without even allowing her to come to her senses, she dropped me to the very bottom of the deepest gorge.

So let's drink to brave women and to the fact that no matter what the husband comes home in, his wife will always recognize him!

A young man fell in love with a girl and decided to marry her. And she says: “I will marry you if you fulfill one hundred of my wishes.” The young man began to fulfill the girl’s wishes. First, she forced him to climb onto a rock without a single ledge and jump down. The young man jumped off and broke his leg. Then she told him to walk and not limp. The young man did this too. The next task was to swim across the river without getting our hands wet. Then stop the enraged horse and bring him to his knees. Then - cut the apple on her chest without hurting her... Thus, one after another, the young man fulfilled 99 wishes of his beloved. There's only one thing left. Then the girl says: “Forget your father and your mother.” Without thinking twice, the young man jumped on his horse and was off.

This toast is so that you, newlyweds, never forget those who gave you life! For your parents!

Dagestan wedding toasts

Dagestan toasts are distinguished by their brevity and poetry, often taking the form of poetry.

Whipped more than once by the winds of life,
A married man himself is no longer a groom.
I believe - opinion about us
Everything depends not on us, but on them.

The mountaineers have a parable: There lived a handsome guy,
But he was poor, And the rich people of the village laughed often
Over his poverty. But then I saw him and somehow felt sorry for him
A beauty from this village.

And she announced to all her fellow villagers,
What will make it in their village
Not a poor man, but a first person.
Mother in tears: “Oh, why do we need a fool for a son-in-law?”

The father shouts: “You come to your senses, daughter!”
But the girl managed to calm down
her parents and got married
For this handsome poor man,

For this handsome Ahmed.
And it became like this: he goes to the godekan
Ahmed her - she runs forward
It carries a chair and a soft pillow.

He will come to the godekan and prepare everything
And he says: “Sit here, Ahmed!”
And how it happened, suddenly in their village
Any difficulty or question arises,

And people go to her to ask for advice,
She tells them: “Not with me, no, no,
And you need to take advice from Ahmed. Ask Ahmed.
My Ahmed

The wise man can answer everything.”
Well, people see him like his wife
And he values ​​and appreciates his opinion,
From those days they themselves began to respect

Once a poor guy - Ahmed.
Now, when they came to meet him,
The villagers were the first to raise their hands,
And peers gave up their place,

When he came for something.
My toast to wives, - Not only at this hour
For you - lovely, sweet, dear!
So that they appreciate us
And raised us in the eyes of others!

The sages say: “So get used to working,
As if you will live forever, and all those fruits,
What will you have time to create - palaces and gardens -
Everything will be useful to you during your lifetime.”

The sages say: “So fill yourself with work,
It's like you're on the verge of death,
And remember what you didn’t do today,
You’ll never have time to do it again.”

I raise my glass to some kindness and advice
The newlyweds lived together for all the years in a row.
And they would be able to work like this
The sages speak in their sayings.

You, my daughter, are going to a stranger’s house.
And each house is a power in itself.
There only one king has the right
To be a king is your husband, your chosen one.

Be obedient to him.
Know how to soften his vices.
Don't darken your face.
And remember, daughter, that by that road,
There is no end to where people are looking for the perfect ones.

Tatar wedding toasts

Tatar toasts are succinct and laconic; they embody the wisdom of the people and sincere wishes for well-being. The toast must be pronounced with expression, because it is a work of art. We provide translations of Tatar wedding toast poems.

Uniting like two nightingales
How did you two connect?
Both became a couple
How did you find each other?

There are only apples on the apple
There are only leaves on the tree.
Like the star Venus
Live only shining.

Like a pair of doves cooing,
Live together.
You are a suitable match
Don't give up in life.

Two people came to her to marry her: a rich man and a poor man. The sage said to the rich man:
“I will not give my daughter for you,” and he married her off to a poor man. When asked why he did this, he replied:
"The rich man is stupid, and I am sure that he will become poor. The poor man is smart, and I foresee that he will achieve happiness and prosperity."
If that sage were with us today, he would raise the cup of wine to the fact that when choosing a groom, brains are valued, not wallets.

For peace in the family

One ruler was asked:
- How do you maintain peace and tranquility in your state?
And he answered:
- When I am angry, my people are calm. When they are angry, I am calm. In other words, when I am angry, they calm me down, and when they are angry, I calm them down.
The family is a state in miniature. My toast is to preserve peace and tranquility in our families in this way.

In ancient times, in the beautiful country of India lived a padishah,

who had three wives. The padishah also had an astrologer who predicted his fate. And then one day the padishah calls the astrologer to him and says:
“You lived with me for a long time, but you never predicted anything bad for me.” And that's why I wanted to reward you. Choose any of my wives.
And then the astrologer approaches the first wife and asks:
- Tell me, woman, what is two and two?
“Three,” she says.
What a thrifty wife, thought the astrologer.
The second one answered him: -Four.
What a smart wife, thought the astrologer.
The third answered him: - Five.
And this is a generous wife, thought the astrologer.
What kind of wife do you think he chose? He chose the most beautiful one!
So, friends, let’s drink to our beautiful ladies sitting at this table.

High in the mountains of Kakheti lived an eagle with eaglets and small eaglets.

One day, returning from a hunt, the eagle decided to test his eagle, check how brave she is, how she protects the nest and eaglets from strangers... He put on the skin of a tiger and began to slowly approach the nest... The eagle, seeing a tiger boldly creeping towards the nest rushed at him. Wow, how she pecked at him, beat him with her wings, and tore him with her claws! And without even allowing her to come to her senses, she was thrown to the very bottom of the deepest gorge.
So let's drink to the fact that no matter what the husband looks like when he comes home, his wife will always recognize him!

Here in the Caucasus, men say:

“We can’t expect any good from our side.” Allah created woman from Adam's rib, but what if... He appointed her to be the man's mistress. He would have created it from his head; if I had been a slave, I would have made it out of a leg; but since He appointed her to be a friend and equal to a man, he created her from a rib. So let’s drink to the fact that from this rib, like from a true friend, only goodness will come! For the bride!

Once upon a time there lived a sultan

and he had a harem which was located 100 kilometers from him. And he had a servant whom the Sultan sent every day for the girl. The servant died at 30 and the Sultan at 90. So let’s drink so that we don’t run after women, but they run after us.
Because it is not women who kill men, but the running after them.

When a man's wife leaves him,

then a friend remains. When a friend leaves, work remains.
Let's wish our newlywed to have his first, second, and third! I wish him a successful career in life, good work, so that his family lives prosperously, happily and in harmony!

Many men dream of having a harem.

They believe that the more women around them, the more diverse and interesting their family life, the more love and affection they receive.
So let's wish that our young man would never want to have a harem, because his wife alone could replace him! For the bride! Bitterly!

For the wedding, the mother of the young, beautiful bride gave her future son-in-law two ties.

The gallant, smart young man immediately exchanged the tie he was wearing for one donated by his mother-in-law. But the evil woman, seeing this, accused her son-in-law of not liking the second tie and not wanting to wear it.

So let's drink to the mother-in-law of our today's groom never tightening a noose around his neck, especially a double one!

Imagine a huge, boundless sea and a man is sailing on it in a boat.

Sometimes the sun is shining and the sea is calm - a person can relax, but more often the sea is agitated, steep dangerous waves rush in, sea monsters swim nearby, and a person really wants to go to a quiet harbor, where there is light and warmth from the care and participation of loved ones. So let's drink to the newly formed family and wish them a long and successful voyage on the waves of the sea of ​​life! Bitterly!

The most popular genre of congratulations on your wedding day is, of course, Caucasian wedding toasts. Highlanders are rightfully considered true masters of eloquence. Their legends and parables are very beautiful and poetic. It is from them that the best Caucasian toasts for a wedding are born: wise wishes to parents, the bride and groom, relatives and friends.

There lived a shepherd in the mountains. He was lonely because he was very poor, and in love with beautiful girl- daughter of a rich man. Her father did not want to marry her off to a beggar. A shepherd worked for several years, tending his flock in the mountains and valleys. Finally, he was able to buy a house worthy of a bride and acquire a good household. He went to the father of the girl he loved. He comes, and there is a wedding going on, they give his bride away in marriage. The shepherd entered the house and said:

Who dared to marry my fiancee? She is destined for me.

The groom did not want to give the girl to the shepherd, and the bride's father was angry at the appearance of the poor man. Then the shepherd suggested:

If you don't believe that the girl is mine, then let's check it out. Bring two apple tree branches. Let the groom take one of them and stick it in the ground, and I’ll stick the second. On whose branch fruits will appear in the morning, the bride belongs to him.

And so they did. In the morning everyone saw that the groom's branch had dried up, and ripe apples appeared on the shepherd's branch. This is how the shepherd got his beloved as his wife.

Let's drink to love, in the name of which people on earth create true miracles!

A long time ago there lived a man in the mountains. He somehow angered fate - and was severely punished for his sin. This man was constantly thirsty, but could not quench it. He drank from wells, drank from fast mountain rivers, but thirst pursued him. And even the best wine could not help him. One day he walked into an unfamiliar house and asked for a drink. A girl of unearthly beauty brought him a jug of ordinary water. The man fell in love with her at first sight and forgot about everything in the world except this girl. Even about your thirst.

So let's raise a toast to the kind of love that can quench even the strongest thirst!

In one mountainous Armenian village lived a rich merchant. He was so greedy that there were legends about his greed in neighboring villages. He had a son. As greedy as his father. But he was young. One fine day, he fell in love with a neighbor's girl and decided to marry her. He told his father about this, and he was delighted - he could open another shop, and there would be someone to trade in it. Let's go get married. But the girl didn’t want to talk to them; she didn’t need such a greedy husband. The young man was sad. He really wanted this girl to become his wife. Then he took all the money he had earned and used it to buy the girl the most expensive and beautiful gifts, which I could find. The girl realized that love had changed the son of a greedy merchant, and agreed to become his wife.

Let's drink to love, which changes a person - and always only for the better!

In the Caucasus they tell a beautiful mountain legend about love. In the mountains lived a girl of incomparable beauty. She was kind and flexible. Everyone knew that she was an excellent needlewoman. On the flat terrain, next door, lived a beautiful young man. He was a clever horseman and was not afraid of anything. He heard a rumor about a beautiful girl from a mountain village. And he had long ago decided that he would marry only such a girl who in one day, from dawn to dusk, would sew him a burka, a Circassian coat, a hood and dudes. The young man went to the beautiful mountain woman. He came to her house and told her about his condition. The girl liked the horseman and she accepted his conditions.

The next day, at dawn, the girl got to work. In the evening everything was ready, but the girl did not have time to sew the clasps to the Circassian coat. If the sun had been delayed even a little, she would have made it, but the sun was already setting. Then the girl, seeing that she could not fulfill her promises, which meant that she would not be the wife of the beautiful horseman, left the house and prayed to the sun:

Sun, I ask you, stay a little longer in the sky so that I can finish my work!

The girl’s wish came true: the sun, which had almost set, suddenly rose up. So the girl was able to finish the work. A young man came. All the clothes fit him. And soon they got married.

So let's drink to the fact that even the unruly elements will always be on the side of the lovers!

A shepherd was driving across a field, looking for a sheep that had strayed from the herd. I approached a vast vineyard. He sees some gray-haired elder working there. The shepherd greeted him and said:

Have you seen my sheep, good man?

No, I haven’t, but maybe my older brother will help you with this. He's working on that edge of the vineyard. Ask him.

The shepherd approached the elder brother of the gray-haired man. This one's head and beard were black on one side and gray on the other. The shepherd greeted him. He asked about his sheep. The half-grey man says to him:

I didn't see your sheep, but my older brother caught someone's sheep this morning. He works on the opposite edge.

The shepherd approached the eldest of the brothers and saw in front of him young man without a single gray hair on the head. The shepherd greeted him and told him about his trouble. The young man gave the shepherd his sheep. The shepherd thanked him and asked:

Tell me, good man, why do your younger brothers look older than you?

Our younger brother He turned gray because he did not marry for love, and took a rich but evil wife. The middle brother is half gray because he has not yet married. And I am young because I married the girl I love - and every day I live with my beloved prolongs my life.

So let's drink to love, which makes people forever young!

Old mountaineers in the Caucasus tell this legend. When God created the Caucasus Mountains; he picked a beautiful white lily from a mountain lake and threw it deep into the clear waters of the lake. Lily turned into a beautiful woman - tender as a lily and light as the wind. She looked into the crystal waters of the lake and exclaimed: “How beautiful I am!”

The woman walked along mountain paths, through flowering valleys, and everyone around her silently admired her. But she soon got bored with it. She exclaimed: “Everyone around me admires me, but I don’t hear about these delights, everything admires me silently or in a language I don’t understand. I want to hear people admire me, I want to be caressed, to be protected and loved, so that I can love too.”

And God created a husband for the woman.

So let's drink so that men and women never forget why they live on earth! Let's drink to the love of a man and a woman!

Three travelers were walking along a rocky mountain road. A day goes by, two. The water has long since run out, the thirst has tormented me, and there is not a single source nearby. But suddenly the travelers saw on their way an orange tree, miraculously growing among the inaccessible bare rocks. Losing strength, the exhausted travelers reached a tree on which there were three fruits.

The first, not wanting to waste his last strength on peeling the juicy fruit, tried to squeeze the juice out of the orange. But the thick peel let in very little life-saving moisture, which was not enough to save him from thirst. The second, seeing the fate of the first, tried to eat the whole orange without peeling it. However, the bitter and tough peel stuck in my parched throat. The third traveler took into account the mistakes of the first two. Having spent his last strength to remove the peel, he peeled the fruit, and the life-giving pulp saved his life.

So let's drink to the newlyweds to always peel off the bitter skin of quarrels, insults and adversity and revel in the juicy fruits of love!

The journalist came to the most remote and highest mountainous Georgian village to find out from the 120-year-old aksakal what the secret of his longevity is. The elder tells him:

Every year I become older and wiser, and every year the girls seem younger and more beautiful to me. How can I die, because then I won’t be able to admire them.

So let’s drink to the love of beautiful women, because that is the meaning of our lives!

One highlander had two of his four sheep killed by lightning.

Yes, it’s not sweet for you,” the neighbor sympathized.

Why? God himself is now my brother, he divided the cattle with me in half,” answered the resilient mountaineer.

Let's drink, friends, to optimism, which helps us survive in any situation! Be optimistic and never give up, dear newlyweds!

A sad and unfortunate year in Georgia is when the grape harvest is bad. And, on the contrary, the years are successful and joyful when the grapes are successful. Good wine cheers the soul, brings prosperity and peace to our homes. Only children can give us the same joy.

So let’s drink to the fact that every year in every family of our relatives good wine flows like a river, and most importantly, that every year there is a harvest not only for grapes, but also brings them the joy of fatherhood and motherhood!

In ancient times, in an inaccessible gorge in the Caucasus lived a huge eagle, the king of all birds. Every day he flew around the world in search of precious stones, which he then strung into a necklace of extraordinary beauty. But one day something bad happened - the necklace accidentally broke, and that was all. gems scattered around the world. And several of them ended up at our table.

Let's drink to them, to the wonderful women who are next to us now!

Caucasian toasts to parents at a wedding

One merchant had a son. A merchant once gave him a coin and said: “Take it, son, and try to save money.” But the son threw the coin into the water. The father found out about this, but said nothing. The son did nothing, did not work, but only ate and drank in his parents’ house.

Then the father called his son and said: “Go, son, and earn money yourself.” Then the young man got a job. From morning until late evening he kneaded bare feet clay and, having received the money, brought it home.

“Look, father,” said the young man. “I made money.” The merchant replied: “Well, son, now go and throw them into the water.” Then the son realized that he had previously been unfair to his father’s kindness and lowered his head.

So let's drink not to the belt and rod, but to the wisdom of our fathers and grandfathers! Thanks to them, our young people have grown up to be respectable people.

To smelt a bar of gold, a living and zealous flame is needed. To complement feminine beauty, you need to make jewelry from this ingot. For a man to be a real man, worthy of the honor of his family, he also needs jewelry, but not made of gold. A worthy woman, the mother of his children, should become such an ornament!

So let's drink to the most worthy of real men - to our fathers, who successfully withstood all the hardships of life and made our mothers happy! They can be proud of their choice!

High in the mountains lived a gray-haired and wise elder. He was telling an old legend about young unlucky Niko. He wanted to get married, but they didn’t give him, such an unlucky man, a single girl in the village. His mother went to the village and married the most beautiful girl to him. Niko got married, had children, and they were so naughty that his wife could not cope with them. Niko's mother began to sit with her grandchildren, play with them, and raise them. Niko had a flock of sheep, but wolves got into the habit of stealing young lambs from it. He wanted to ask his mother for advice, but didn’t have time. She died. But after death she turned into a hawk and began to drive away the wolves from her son’s herd. And Niko had no more troubles, and he lived a long and happy life.

So let's drink to our mothers, the wisest and kindest, ready to help us in any difficult situation!

One wise man noted: “A woman in love loves most, a wife loves best, but a mother loves us the longest.”

So let's drink to the longest and boundless love of our mothers, who always waited for us and forgave us! After all, a person cannot be educated and subjugated only with the help of severity, but maternal kindness does wonders, subduing both a rebellious will and a zealous heart.

Caucasian wisdom says: if a good person wants to live in the same beautiful place for a month, he should sow corn there, if for a year, he should build a house, and if he wants to live his whole life, then raise a child.

Let's raise our glasses to the fact that our dear parents sowed more than one cornfield, built a beautiful house and raised such wonderful children!

In one mountain village, peasants planted a tree. They came a year later and saw that the tree had withered. They consulted, loosened the soil, watered it and left. They come a year later and see: the tree has drooped and become dull. Then they called the elders and asked them for advice. And the aksakals answered: “It’s not enough to plant a tree, loosen the soil, and irrigate it with water. Give it a support so that the winds don’t blow it from side to side.”

The peasants did everything as the elders advised. They come a year later and see: the tree has turned green, risen up, and spread a fluffy crown.

So let's drink to the support (bride), so that this tree (groom) will always flourish!

In ancient times, two horsemen lived in the Caucasus. They were different, like the sun, which warms the earth with its rays, and the moon, which with its coldness frightens travelers on the night roads. And yet they had something in common: they were born in the same year, they were rich, and each had a beautiful wife.

Only one of them was so happy in life that people called him lucky, and the other walked around like a cloud. He was always dissatisfied with everything. One lived and enjoyed life, and the other was constantly grumbling. One lived as if every day of his life was a holiday, and the other lived as if he were saving his joy for future use. So the years passed, they had children, and then grandchildren. The joy of the first knew no bounds, but the second was not at all happy; on the contrary, he became an even bigger grumbler. It was as if he was afraid of something. It seemed to him that the time had not yet come to enjoy life and be happy.

Many years passed and they grew old. One told everyone that his life was a success, but the other did not understand why he lived. And so the one who lived as if he was afraid of life, realized that he had not lived at all, that he knew nothing about how people live in happiness and joy, he had nothing to tell his descendants. And he decided that his life had been lived in vain. And the one who was not afraid of life and tried to live every moment as if it were the last in his life, was satisfied with his fate.

So let's drink to the newlyweds' life being long and full, like our glasses! For them to try to do as much as possible and not sit around waiting for miracles!

There is a custom in the Caucasus: when a girl is born in the house, the father takes out a gun and shoots once. When a girl grows up and they want to marry her off, the father shoots the gun twice, but when the girl is married off, the father shoots the gun three times.

So let's drink to the sound of gunfire coming from our homes more often!

Woman came from the rib of man.

Not out of your feet to be humiliated.

Not out of my head to surpass.

And from the side, to be side by side with a man, to be his equal friend.

From under the arm to be protected.

And from the side of the heart, to be loved.

So let’s drink to the fact that from this rib, like from a true friend, only goodness will come! And may our bride always be loved and protected by her husband!

In our family, one parable is passed down from generation to generation.

When my great-great-great-great-grandfather married a girl from a neighboring village, he took her to his house on horseback. But on the way the horse stumbled - and my ancestor said: “One.” When the horse stumbled again, he said, “Two.” But when the horse stumbled for the third time, he killed him. Then his wife exclaimed: “Why did you kill the poor animal?” In response, she heard only one word: “One.” Since then, all women in our family have been told this parable before they get married.

So let's drink to the wise women who know how to shut up in time!

A proud horseman fell in love with a beauty.

If you refuse me,” he told her, “I will die.”

She refused. He just died... however, eighty years later.

Girls, remember: when you refuse a man, you kill him!

Let's drink to the fact that real beauties never refuse real horsemen!

Once an Avar got married. The young wife tells him after the wedding:

Dear, I must confess to you that I only know how to cook two dishes - khinkal and scrambled eggs!

The Avar looked at the dish in front of him and asked:

Which one is this?

So let's drink to women who never fully reveal their strengths!

A long time ago, such a custom existed in the Caucasus. The girl, before getting married, had to tame a mountain ram. She took an armful of fresh grass with her and climbed high into the mountains early in the morning. If she managed to see a mountain sheep, she revealed her presence and threw grass to him, while she herself moved away. This went on for some time. Ultimately, the ram got used to the girl and, having eaten the grass brought to him, lay down at her feet and dozed blissfully.

Only after this, when the girl managed to tame the proud freedom-loving animal, could she get married. After all, an untamed beast lives inside every Caucasian man.

So let's drink to the women who manage to tame us!

A long time ago, there was a custom in Caucasian villages: when a son grew up in a prince’s family and he needed to choose a wife, the villagers brought their daughters to the prince’s court. The groom's parents asked the girls various questions - they checked how economical, hardworking, and economical they were. In the end, they chose just one. And what do you think: what should the future wife of the future prince be like? But the answer is - they chose the most beautiful one.

So let's drink to female beauty, which wins in any competition! Our bride is generously endowed with this gift!

There is one legend in the Caucasus: once upon a time there lived a beautiful prince’s daughter and a poor, but brave and noble young man. They loved each other very much. But it so happened that a very wealthy man began to woo the princess. He sent matchmakers to the prince - and he, without thinking twice, gave his consent to the marriage. The princess did not want to obey her father and ran away with her beloved far into the mountains.

They walked, climbing mountain slopes. One day a certain man saw them. He ran to the prince and, for a large fee, told him where the fugitives were. The prince grabbed a gun and galloped into the mountains. When he began to catch up with the fugitives, they made their way along a narrow path. The young man walked in front, and the girl followed him. Overcome with rage, the prince fired and hit his daughter. She fell backwards and her braid hung over the mountain. According to this long braid the maiden's blood flowed, and a spring was formed, the water in which does not dry out to this day.

So let's raise our glasses in honor of heroic women who are ready to sacrifice their lives for love!

In the Caucasus they say: “If you want to be happy for one day, drink wine. If you want to be happy for two days, drink fine wine for two days. If you want to be happy all your life, respect, appreciate and take care of your wife.”

So let's drink to the young wife! May she prolong her husband’s happiness for life!

There is a wonderful legend in the Caucasus. The old khan had one and only son, and his name was Sandro. He was good to everyone - handsome, strong, dexterous, and smart, but the trouble was: he had no memory. The old khan wanted him to have many grandchildren, so that cheerful children's voices could be heard in the house. But there was no way his son could get married. No matter what girl Sandro met, after five minutes he could no longer remember who she was or what her name was.

And so Sandro decided to go to distant lands for his bride. The khan gave him an amulet as a farewell and said: “My son, when you meet a girl who you like, give her this amulet. She will put it around her neck, and you will always be able to remember her by this amulet.”

Sandro left and traveled for a long time through high mountains, valleys and villages, but did not meet a single girl who would suit his heart. And then one day, tired, hungry and thirsty, he wandered into a village. In the center of the village there was a deep well with clean cold water, and a girl stood at the well and drew water.

Beauty,” Sandro turned to her, “give me a drink, I’m dying of thirst.”

The girl poured him not water, but delicious wine, and he got drunk.

Dear girl, give me a piece of bread, I'm dying of hunger.

The girl baked a magnificent pie and fed him. And he realized that he would not meet a better girl on his way, gave her the amulet, and said that if she wanted to become his wife, then let her come to his homeland, he would recognize her by the amulet. And he left.

The girl thought and realized that she had fallen in love with the young traveler. She went to Sandro in the city, but lost the amulet on the way. That's why he didn't recognize his bride when he saw her. The girl brought with her her delicious wine and a magnificent pie. Sandro tried them, remembered her and never forgot her again.

Let's drink to the golden hands of our bride! Let her be a wonderful housewife, and the divine taste of her dishes will make you forget everything in the world!

There is an old Caucasian legend. High in the sky, right under the clouds, a young eagle was flying. A deer was running below, saw her and shouted:

Little eagle eagle, look how good I am: I run fast, I’m wise with experience, and my eyes are big and bright. Come down from the sky, you will be my wife.

No, it's a deer. You are really good, you run fast and low, and you are wise with experience, but actually stupid, and your eyes are beautiful, but not keen - you don’t see that I’m not suitable for you. Run further, don't be my husband.

Let's raise our glasses to the beautiful bride and to the groom, who flew high, and was smart, and had keen eyes, because he saw such an eagle high in the sky and was able to take her as his wife!

Once in one mountain village, a mother admonished her daughter before the wedding: “My child, never argue with your husband, under no circumstances contradict him with a word - immediately cry!”

So let’s drink to ensure that not a single tear falls from the eyes of our newlywed!

When one respected aksakal celebrated his his eightieth and fiftieth birthdays life together with his wife, he was asked:

There is no secret to this. When my wife and I got married, we made an agreement: as soon as we quarrel, I put on a burka and go to the mountains. So it was precisely daily walks in the mountains that brought such benefits to both my health and my family life.

So let's drink to the wives with whom we become long-livers!

Since ancient times in the Caucasus, a man and a woman have been likened to two notes, without which the strings of the human soul do not give the correct and complete chord.

So let's drink to the newlyweds, who, complementing each other, give birth to heavenly music!

In the foothills of the Caucasus lived a huge pack of wolves. The leader of the pack, of course, was the most experienced, but he was already very old and could no longer lead the pack on the hunt. And so the old leader chose a young strong wolf as his assistant.

One day the flock returned from hunting. The wolves gathered for advice. And everyone began to boast about their spoils. There were many successful hunters among the wolves that day. Many sheep and rams were torn apart by wolves that day. And seven shepherds guarding the flock died that day.

After that day, the pack went hunting several times. But the wolves no longer had such prey. And once again the flock gathered to hunt. The old leader did not go with his flock this time either. She followed the young wolf. They did not appear for a long time: in the sky the moon replaced the sun four times. And then, finally, a young wolf appeared. He was all wounded and bleeding. The old leader realized that something had happened to his flock... The young wolf, with the last of his strength, said that they had killed many sheep, rams and bulls. Their hunt was successful. Then the wolves decided to attack two people. They killed the whole flock. The leader's surprise knew no bounds:

How could this happen? There was a time: you coped with seven shepherds, but this time you couldn’t kill two.

Yes, that's right. Only these two turned out to be true friends. Each wanted to save the other’s life so much that together they defeated the entire pack.

Let's raise our glasses to true male friendship!

Georgian poet Shota Rustaveli said: “What you hid is lost; what you gave is yours!

Let's give each other the warmth of our souls! Here's to you, dear newlyweds!

These Caucasian toasts can also be made on significant wedding anniversaries - pink, silver, gold. After all, over the years, spouses become closer to each other, and their feelings become stronger. And Caucasian wedding toasts promise just such a relationship to the newlyweds - long, strong, time-tested and hardship-tested, sincere, tender and beautiful.

Preparation of moonshine and alcohol for personal use
absolutely legal!

After the collapse of the USSR, the new government stopped the fight against moonshine. Criminal liability and fines were abolished, and the article banning the production of alcohol-containing products at home was removed from the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. To this day, there is not a single law that prohibits you and me from engaging in our favorite hobby - preparing alcohol at home. This is evidenced by the Federal Law of July 8, 1999 No. 143-FZ “On the administrative liability of legal entities (organizations) and individual entrepreneurs for offenses in the field of production and circulation of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, No. 28 , Art. 3476).

Extract from the Federal Law of the Russian Federation:

“The effect of this Federal Law does not apply to the activities of citizens (individuals) producing products containing ethyl alcohol for purposes other than sale.”

Moonshining in other countries:

In Kazakhstan in accordance with the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Administrative Offenses dated January 30, 2001 N 155, the following liability is provided. Thus, according to Article 335 “Manufacture and sale of home-made alcoholic beverages”, illegal production of moonshine, chacha, mulberry vodka, mash and other alcoholic beverages for the purpose of sale, as well as the sale of these alcoholic beverages, entails a fine in the amount of thirty monthly calculation indices with confiscation of alcoholic beverages , apparatus, raw materials and equipment for their manufacture, as well as money and other valuables received from their sale. However, the law does not prohibit the preparation of alcohol for personal use.

In Ukraine and Belarus things are different. Articles No. 176 and No. 177 of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses provide for the imposition of fines in the amount of three to ten tax-free minimum wages for the production and storage of moonshine without the purpose of sale, for the storage of devices* for its production without the purpose of sale.

Article 12.43 repeats this information almost word for word. “Production or acquisition of strong alcoholic beverages (moonshine), semi-finished products for their production (mash), storage of apparatus for their production” in the Code of the Republic of Belarus on Administrative Offenses. Clause No. 1 states: “The production by individuals of strong alcoholic drinks (moonshine), semi-finished products for their production (mash), as well as the storage of devices* used for their production, will entail a warning or a fine of up to five basic units with confiscation of the specified drinks, semi-finished products and devices."

*Purchase moonshine stills for home use it is still possible, since their second purpose is to distill water and obtain components for natural cosmetics and perfumes.

Caucasian congratulations and toasts have long become a sign of the most wonderful wedding, or any other holiday.
These congratulations will help make the wedding very interesting and varied.
A huge selection of Caucasian congratulations for every taste...

Caucasian congratulations and toasts have long become a sign of the most wonderful wedding, or any other holiday. In fact, we should thank, not least of all, the famous comedy “Prisoner of the Caucasus,” in which the familiar toast about “a small but proud bird” sounds.

It is for this reason that we offer you a huge number of toasts and congratulations that were born precisely in the Caucasus. They will help make the wedding very diverse and interesting, and your performance will be festive table- the most memorable thing on this day. You can find a huge number of different Caucasian congratulations for every taste and for any situation on our website. Have a nice celebration!

To live life, you need to know a lot.
Remember two rules to start with:
You'd rather starve than eat anything
And it’s better to be alone than with just anyone.

One respectable citizen argued with his friends that he had the most faithful wife in the world and that the Bzyb River would sooner turn its waters back than his wife would cheat on him. The great magician and wizard Suren heard this argument, grinned and said:
- If your wife cheats on you even once, then you will grow real horns, like a ram.

We decided on this. Some time passed, the friends of the respectable citizen realized where he had disappeared to. They looked for him and he was nowhere to be found. Just some strange ram running around the village and bleating. The city citizen, it turns out, not only grew horns, but also wool and hooves, and he turned into a ram, so many times his wife cheated on him.

Let's raise our glasses, friends, so that we never become sheep.

Once upon a time in the same village there lived a beautiful young girl and a proud horseman. The day came, they met and fell in love. Their parents gave them a magnificent wedding, and life went on as usual.
One day the horseman got ready to go on a business trip.
- Don't worry, dear. I'll be back in exactly a week. Don't be bored.
Seven days passed, then a week, a month... And young husband still no.
Then his wife sent seven different telegrams with the same text to seven different cities where his friends lived: “Do you happen to know where my husband is?”
Soon the answer came from all seven friends - the same: “Don’t worry, I have your husband.”
So let's raise our glasses to our true friends who are always ready to support us in difficult times!

In one distant mountain village there lived an old, venerable aksakal, and he had a young, beautiful daughter. And so he decided to give her away in marriage. Then he called all the horsemen to him and said:
“I will give my daughter only to a real man. For the one who can climb the highest inaccessible mountain without dropping a single stone. And then, having caught a frisky ram on this mountain and delivered it to me, he will be able to slaughter it so that even the smallest speck of blood will not stain my clothes. And whoever tries but fails to do this, I will kill.”
The first horseman went up the mountain. He was good to everyone - strong, smart, agile, but one barely visible grain of sand fell off his shoe, and the elder stabbed him to death.
After him came the second horseman, he was also strong and agile. He climbed the mountain and brought a ram from there. The horseman began to cut the ram, and a small drop of blood fell on the aksakal’s clothes. He got angry and killed the second horseman.
The strongest, smartest and most agile horseman went third. He was able to climb a mountain, catch a ram, bring it back and cut its throat without a single drop of blood - like a surgeon.
Both the old aksakal and his daughter looked at him with joy. But this horseman was also killed by the bride’s father. And when the daughter, frightened, screamed: “Father, why? He did everything right? I’ll never get married like that!” The elder answered her: “Be quiet, woman! I’m just here for the company.”
So let's raise a glass to our cheerful company!

Once upon a time, high, high in the Caucasus mountains, where the air is crystal clear like the first tears of a girl, and the rivers rush faster than fast horses, there lived a young guy. One fine day, he went to the pasture to tend sheep. And just as he lay down on the spring grass, his cell phone suddenly rang. At that moment, all the sheep stopped chewing the grass and turned their heads towards the young shepherd. The young man took out his phone, pressed the “Accept call” button and, turning to the sheep, said: “Calm down, everyone, it’s me.” So let’s raise our glasses and drink so that on this beautiful day, no sheep will interfere with our communication!

Let's drink to the mountain!
She never went to Mohammed, who had nothing to drink.
And let's drink to our friends who always come to us!

The parents had an only son. He lived cheerfully and was happy. The table was crowded when he invited friends.
And then one day he met a beautiful girl and decided to get married. Father says to son:
- Let's invite your friends.
The son agreed. The grand wedding day has arrived.
But there were no friends. Not understanding anything, the son approached his father and asked what happened and whether he had sent invitations to all his friends.
And the father answered:
“I sent invitations to all your friends, but instead of a message about the wedding, I asked everyone to help you.” And you see what came of it.
So let's drink to our friends who will always come to the rescue!

A man came to God and God gave him 3 full chests, but with the condition that he would open the chests only on earth.
When he returned back to earth, he could not resist and opened the first chest - and joy flew out of the chest.
He walked halfway and, unable to restrain himself, opened the second chest - and love flew out of the chest.
So he returned to earth, having lost joy and love, and only on earth did he decide to open the third chest, from which hope flew out, and from that day he remained with hope.
So let's drink to lost love, lost joy, but remaining hope!!!

A young girl married a very old Georgian man. She lies in her bedroom and thinks: “I’ll get myself three lovers, I’ll live...
Suddenly there is a knock on the door and her old man in a shirt to his toes and wearing a nightcap shuffles into the room. He bleats in a goat tenor:

“Okay, do it,” says the girl.
He complied and left. She lies and thinks: “No, three are too many. I’ll take two lovers, and sometimes I’ll have a husband.”
There's another knock on the door. The old husband drags his feet in slippers again.
- I came to fulfill my marital duty!
She was surprised and said: “Come on.”
He did it again and left. She thought: “I’ll have to take only one lover!”
This happened several more times and finally the wife said:
- Well, how long can you torment me? I can't do it anymore!
How? - the old man cried. - Have I really already done it?
- And he hit himself on the forehead with annoyance.
So let's drink to our glorious medicine, which has never learned to treat sclerosis!

There lived a pack of wolves in the mountains. The leader of the pack was already old and experienced.
When the pack gathered to hunt, the leader said that he was not able to lead the pack. A strong wolf approached him and asked him to allow him to lead the pack.
The old wolf agreed.
Soon the flock arrived with prey. A young, strong wolf told the leader how they attacked seven hunters and easily killed them.
It's time to go hunting again. And the young wolf again led the pack. The pack was gone for a long time.
And then the old wolf saw the young one, covered in blood. The young wolf told the leader that the pack attacked three hunters, and he was the only one left alive.
The old wolf asked in surprise:
“On the first hunt, the pack dealt with seven hunters and it returned safe and with prey. What happened now?
“Then we attacked seven hunters, and this time there were three best friends.”
So let's drink to friendship!

Ashot sits on the bank of the river and watches how a pretty girl is about to enter the water.
- Listen, beauty, swimming is prohibited in this place.
“So why didn’t you tell me about this earlier, before I took off my clothes?”
- Eh, why say it, undressing is not prohibited here.
Let's drink to beautiful women, which even when fishing haunt us!

Highlanders talk about their wives.
“Mine is like a chamois,” says one, “slim,
affectionate, with huge gentle eyes.
“And mine is cunning, crafty, but fast and agile, just like a fox.”
“What can I tell you,” muttered the third, “mine looks like a person.”
So let's drink to our sweethearts, bunnies, birds and cats!