Methods for developing hypersensitivity and extrasensory abilities. Human paranormal abilities: types and methods of their development. Manifestation of psychic abilities

Anyone can develop extrasensory perception. Of course, becoming a full-fledged psychic for short time You won’t be able to, but the unique technique presented here will allow you to understand that absolutely every one of you has a so-called “sixth sense.” Based on this technique, you can learn to use it and apply this ability in everyday life. The essence is to work with the subconscious, which will answer your questions “yes” or “no”.

The range of applications of this ability is simply enormous. For example, you will be able to successfully pass tests or exams, choose a suitable car or apartment, understand whether it is worth doing business with a person or working in a particular company, choose a really interesting field of activity for yourself, understand whether this or that is suitable for you man for a relationship. Using this technique You will be able to make various choices in your life much easier.

Moreover, you will be able to show yourself and others that. For example, predict which of the sealed envelopes contains the item you are looking for. You can also search for hidden or missing people and so on.

This is a very interesting technique, but not many people know it, although it lies on the surface. This is a truly unique technique, but I think it's time to reveal it. Well, if I've interested you, let's get to the point.

Like everything ingenious, it is very simple, and after a little training, any of you can use it. It is based on the principle of a pendulum, but without its use. The human body itself is a large pendulum. In general, we cannot communicate directly with our subconscious, but we can do this through reflex phenomena. In this practice, we will use muscle contraction and the vestibular apparatus to communicate with the unconscious. If someone knows how a pendulum works, then understanding this technique will not be difficult for him at all.

So, in order to get a “yes” or “no” answer to any question through your subconscious, you need to stand up straight and close your eyes. Feet should be shoulder width apart. This is the starting position, through which we will work. Now we need to carry out the so-called “calibration of the subconscious”. You need to silently or out loud ask your unconscious what “yes” means to it.

Then we relax the leg muscles a little and do not try to maintain balance. And after a while your body will lean back or forward a little. This deviation will be the answer “yes” to any subsequent questions. For example, forward deviation will be “yes”. Although for many, including me, “yes” is expressed by a deviation back.

After this, for the purity of the experiment, we again stand in the starting position and ask the subconscious what “no” means to it. By asking a question, we relax our legs and lose our balance. This time we must involuntarily deviate in the opposite direction. If this does not happen, then try until the unconscious shows you exactly where “yes” is and where “no” is. And naturally, these must necessarily be opposite sides.

Such calibration must be carried out before each session of communication with the subconscious. After all, one day the position “no” or “yes” can be one way, and the next day it can be another. Therefore, repeat the calibration every time. To test your subconscious, you can also ask questions to which you know the answers.

Let’s say you ask: “Twice two is four?”, and if the unconscious answers in the affirmative through the tilt of your body, then you can ask questions that interest you, the answers to which you do not know. But remember that you must ask any question to which the answer can only be “no” or “yes”.

An example of the use of psychic techniques

Let's look at this technique using the example of searching for a missing person. You ask the subconscious: “Is such and such a person still alive?” If it answers yes, then you continue to ask: “Is he in my city?” If the answer is no, then you begin to look through the neighboring cities that the person could go to. If the answer is “yes,” then you narrow your search and ask: “Is it in my area?” If the answer is also yes, then you begin to list streets and houses until you find a person.

As you can see, this technique has one small drawback: the subconscious sometimes has to offer a huge number of options before the desired answer is found. But the accuracy of the answers is quite high and will only increase with your training. Therefore, you can use the technology to solve any issues that interest you.

You will be amazed at how accurate the answers given by your subconscious mind through your body can be!

Moreover, this technique is convenient because it can be done impromptu. After all, only your body is needed, and no fortune-telling accessories are required. People around you won’t even understand how you do it if you practice with with open eyes, ask the unconscious mentally and not lean too far.

In terms of speed and accuracy of answers, this technique surpasses even the same pendulum. How and for what purposes you will use your new psychic abilities depends only on you. Just try it and you will understand that our world is not limited to the usual senses. This world can be effectively studied

Psychics are not born, but made. Even if you were born with the gift of a sixth sense, this does not mean that you will not need to work on yourself. There are a number of useful exercises for development psychic abilities.

The ability to foresight is a consequence of a number of very important conditions. Several factors influence your ability to guess the future: the correct state of mind and body (this is why meditation, yoga and controlled breathing are so important), tuned energy and a developed brain. Based on this, 5 exercises can be distinguished for the development of extrasensory abilities. To find out how strong you currently are, use our article on five ways to find out if you can see the future. This will help you draw conclusions about what you can do and what to focus on in your training.

Useful exercises for beginner psychics

Exercise one: developing intuition. Extrasensory abilities directly depend on intelligence. Many scientists believe that the ancient humans who were our first ancestors had incredibly strong brains. It did not work like ours, but at almost 90% of its total capabilities. This allowed people to communicate contactlessly, at the level of thoughts. Scientific research suggests that intuition and déjà vu are a kind of legacy of ancestors, which sooner or later can manifest themselves in every person.

The more active your brain is, the more likely you are to be able to see the future. The development of both logic and abstract thinking will help to reveal psychic abilities. To do this, you need to read more and study the exact sciences. An effective activity would be to try to predict what awaits you in the near future. Write down your thoughts and expectations so you can check them later and compare them with reality. The more often you have the deja vu effect, and the more often coincidences appear, the better. Déjà vu is when you feel like you experienced your current life situation in the past.

Exercise two: learn to feel your aura. The fact is that a person is surrounded by an energy field. To predict the future or guess people's moods without words, learn to understand your energy. Almost every person has ever experienced this feeling when unpleasant negativity comes from someone. Here you are sitting next to a person who feels bad and is nervous. You begin to feel negative and become infected too bad mood, since your biofield is reconfigured and synchronized with his biofield.

The exercise is to learn to feel the boundaries of your field and, by letting someone into it, feel the changes. Spread your arms to the sides maximum distance. These are the approximate boundaries of your biofield. By stretching your arms forward in front of you, you will work like a magnet. Use the same exercise mentally when the other person is sitting in front of you to develop the sensitivity of this magnet. Try to tune in to the person’s wavelength, catching his energy waves.

Exercise three: meditation. Since we have lost our extrasensory abilities given to us by nature at the dawn of civilization, concentration is now very important. The fewer vain thoughts in our head, the easier it is to find answers to questions about the future or what you want to see.

One way or another, you need to relax as much as possible. You can meditate for this. If you want to clear your mind at home or just want to exercise without distractions, sit comfortably or even lie down. Next, everything is very simple - you need to imagine yourself in a special place where there are no people. The most best options: space, the top of a snowy mountain, just darkness or a cloud you are sitting on. The main thing is breathing. Breathe deeply and as little as possible. Clear your mind of everything to feel the energy of the world around you, which permeates you from head to toe. Try it at home, and then you can do it anywhere.

Exercise four: they say that prophetic dreams- this is not the machinations of witches, but also a natural gift given to us in order to see the future. Famous stories about prophetic dreams - good for that example. This is truly one of the best ways predictions, since the brain at this time is deprived of thoughts about work and affairs, and therefore can interact extremely effectively with biofields.

As for the methodology for developing this area of ​​extrasensory perception, try before going to bed to get rid of all unnecessary thoughts and think about what you are interested in seeing. If these are issues of betrayal, then think about your loved one. If this is an exam, then imagine that you are already in the process of passing it. This will help you see a prophetic dream, but in the beginning you should not give a similar interpretation to everything you see. Watch yourself, and if there are results, then you are on the right track. Lucid dreaming can also reveal unknown facets of your potential. A significant contribution to this direction was made by the ideas of Stephen LaBerge, which may be useful to you too.

Exercise five: Despite all the scientific arguments, scientists have no explanation for how some witches or seers can see the future. They say that reflective surfaces help us see what is hidden from our eyes. In this regard, the best assistant would be a mirror, which, according to experts, is the border between worlds. It shows the future only to a select few. Special classes will help you find out whether you are chosen for this or not.

To check your strength and its presence as such, you will need two mirrors that will create an endless tunnel. Place them around you to try to see what you desire in the endless mirror reflections. Do this in complete silence, calm and darkness. But be careful, because if the biofield is not strong enough.

Finally, I would like to say that scientists draw a clear parallel between eye color and extrasensory abilities. Previously, we wrote about what eye color most clearly reflects a person’s predisposition to the sixth sense. Good luck with your learning, and don't forget to press the buttons and

Psychics claim that all people have paranormal abilities. Some people use their skills in everyday life, calling it intuition. Someone is a closed person, through whose armor no energy impulses can pass. And some develop their abilities to the maximum with the goal of helping people. If desired, a person can develop paranormal abilities at any time. But first he must understand why he needs it.

Types of abilities

There are many of them - hypnosis, telepathy, telekinesis.... Someone knows how to read information from objects, someone masterfully reads fortunes on cards, someone knows how to move things with the power of thought, and someone heals people with touches. Many people have the gift of clairvoyance.

Extrasensory perception is not a divine blessing or the machinations of demonic forces, but simply the ability to pick up vibrations of the earth's bioenergetic field in a range inaccessible to most people.

You can gain paranormal abilities in several ways:

  1. Transfer by inheritance. If a woman (or man) in a family has a gift, she can pass it on to one of her relatives. In this case, the person who received it will need a lot of time to acquire the necessary knowledge. Some are born with psychic abilities, which are most often passed down through the female line. If the older women in the family practice witchcraft, their children are more likely to receive the necessary knowledge as they grow older.
  2. Accident. Often, as a result of a lightning strike or electricity, a car accident or clinical death, a person develops paranormal abilities. Most often, after this, he devotes his life to healing other people, because they understand that he was given a second chance to do just that.

How to determine the presence of abilities

Most often they manifest themselves through prophetic dreams. All people have them, but those who are most sensitive to energetic vibrations see them especially often. If you initially see some events that happen in your life in a dream, there is no doubt that you have some gift of clairvoyance.

Also, people who have a good chance of becoming psychics have strong intuition. For example, some people “feel” others and can immediately tell what character qualities a person they barely know has. The sixth sense also manifests itself in small things. The premonition of an imminent meeting with an old friend or the sound of a telephone call that you hear in advance is also a manifestation of psychic abilities.

In addition, highly sensitive people can also often heal others. If a person feels better after your touch, then you have the beginnings of the gift of healing. However, you should not do this intentionally if you do not know how to restore your own energy balance.

The following also speaks about human superpowers:

  1. Electrical appliances that have been in your hands constantly break down.
  2. You feel the vibes that come from other people.
  3. Animals behave strangely in your presence.
  4. Your offenders soon get what they deserve without your direct participation.

Now let’s look at several effective techniques that will help develop psychic abilities.

Tuning Exercises

Start with simple ones effective techniques. When you wake up in the morning, try to guess how successful today will be, what the outcome of this or that matter will be. If someone calls you, first concentrate and think about who it is. You will most likely guess right. You can develop psychic abilities even while standing at a bus stop. Guess which vehicle number will arrive next.

Perceiving aura with hands

This exercise will help you learn to feel the biofield with your palms. So, you need to sit on a chair or armchair, straighten your back and completely relax. Don't think about anything. Extend your arms about 30 cm, and then begin to slowly bring them together. As you bring your palms closer, you will feel resistance.

The thing is that the space around us is filled with energy. And you can feel it if you want. After a few exercises, you will feel elastic (ball-shaped) or warm. If you practice regularly, you will soon be able to sense the aura of another person.

How to learn to see a person's aura?

This exercise is borrowed from an old newspaper. Its effectiveness has been tested in practice.

You need to lie down, close your eyes and look carefully into the darkness. Soon you will see bright lines. Monitor them for 10-15 minutes. This exercise should be given for 2-3 days, and then move on to the next stage.

In a dimly lit room, place a bright flower pot or other visible object. As a background, you can use a sheet of white paper, which will allow you to clearly see the boundaries of the object. Look at the object not directly, but as if casually. That is, there is no need to focus your gaze on any specific point. It will feel as if you are looking at three-dimensional pictures. After a while, you will notice a haze that envelops the object. Gradually it will acquire color. It will depend on the color of the flower pot. For example, a green flowerpot will have a red "aura".

In addition, it would be useful to spend more time in nature, regularly practice meditative practices, and look for harmony in yourself and the meaning of life.

Eastern practices for the development of psychic abilities

Eastern energy pumping practices are very effective. If you regularly do Qigong or Tai Chi exercises, within a few years you will discover psychic abilities. You will also increase endurance and harmonize your soul and body.

Telepathy - what is it? How to develop it?

This is a way of transmitting information from one person to another by the power of thought. Many people probably want to get such an ability. And this is quite real. Scientist Rupert Sheldrake says:

Telepathic abilities often arise between people with a strong emotional connection, and even at a distance these abilities do not weaken. I am convinced that intelligence extends far beyond our brains. And by this I do not mean anything supernatural or spiritualistic, which by definition is alien to science. I'm talking about the natural, biological capabilities of the brain that are common to humans and animals.

How to develop this ability? You will need a partner - someone you trust. Choose some quiet place, preferably in nature. You both need to focus on your inner feelings, listen to yourself and find peace.

So you are sitting opposite each other. You will need a pen or paper. Draw something simple, then carefully create that image in your mind. Think through the smallest details and imagine how you convey this image to your partner in the form of a bird, a flying letter, etc.

Then ask your partner to sketch out the image that came to mind. He may not draw the symbol you sent him, but the patterns will be schematically similar.

Telekinesis - what is it? Development

Moving objects with the power of thought is very difficult, so you will have to practice long and hard. So, first you need to tune your brain to the fact that you have telekinetic abilities. This is necessary so that he gives certain impulses when the time comes to move on to practice. Remember that a person is capable of anything if he believes in it.

Sit in a comfortable chair and for a few minutes imagine moving light objects easily and naturally. Over time, you can begin to “move” the heavier ones. As a result, your brain will still believe that you have the ability to telekinesis. But this requires regular visualization.

First, try moving energy in space. Practice, you'll get it soon. Then move on to more tangible items. Tip the plastic glass on its side and try to move it from its place. At the same time, you need to concentrate as much as possible and imagine how the flows of energy coming from your palms move the glass.

Develop the gift of clairvoyance

Is this possible? In extrasensory perception, clairvoyance occupies an important niche. It helps predict the future, look into the past, and also understand the present in more detail. Clairvoyance is the perception of information using mental images.

The following exercise will help develop this ability. You need to lie down and achieve complete relaxation of the body. Don't think about anything. Close your eyes and peer into the darkness. While in a state of hypnotic sleep, you will soon be able to see through this darkness some pictures that will gradually form into meaningful images. To achieve this effect it will only take 10-15 minutes.

For real results you will need regular training.


Of course, you can develop psychic abilities if you wish. However, think about why you need them? If you are doing it for fun, then you shouldn't even try. After all, the price for developing a person’s superpowers may be too high. You will learn to see and perceive the world in completely different ways, and this is not very safe for the psyche, which may not be able to withstand such a shock.

Everyone has at least once dreamed of having superpowers or superpowers that would set them apart from the crowd and give them advantages that others do not have. Most people give up on the idea of ​​getting superpowers, believing that it is simply impossible, because only comic book superheroes have superpowers, and not ordinary people. Of course, you can’t argue with this: people cannot learn to fly or teleport, but you can very well sharpen the senses given to you by nature and make them stronger than those of other people. You just need to study and practice!


How to develop psychic abilities

    Find out as much as you can about the abilities you want to develop. Concentrate on one or two abilities, don't scatter your energy on learning a dozen of them at the same time. Determine which psychic abilities are most important to you and train hard to develop them.

    Practice first. Before going to bed, take time to write down three predictions for the next day on paper. Before doing this, close your eyes and concentrate. What impressions do you have when you think about the next day? Do you feel something in your gut? What song is playing in your head? How are you feeling? Who do you represent? Does your mood change?

    • Do this exercise every day and notice any patterns that lead to your predictions being wrong or correct.
    • Keep detailed records of your predictions.
  1. Improve your clairvoyance ability by practicing psychometry. Psychometry is the art of “reading” the energy of an object through touch. This practice is based on the idea that people, places and events around us can leave emotional and energetic traces on material objects. It is believed that a clairsentient can read these emotions and energy by touching objects. This ability can allow you to sense people, surroundings, and events associated with a specific person when you pick up an item that belongs to them.

    • Ask a friend to blindfold you and then hand you a small object. Ask a friend to choose an item that is often used by the owner (for example, keys or jewelry), since such items are believed to be especially highly charged with a person's energy.
    • Take the object in your hands, then relax and notice all the ideas, impressions and feelings that arise in you. Write down everything you felt. There is no information that is insignificant in this matter. When you're done, repeat the session with a friend.
    • Ask him to comment on everything he hears, and you will see for yourself whether there is any confirmation of your feelings.
  2. Work on your ability to see at a distance. Starting to read information from a distance is not so difficult. Choose any location. Before the session begins, decide what you want to know about this place. Are you looking for someone here? Are you trying to see an event that happened here? Then concentrate and clearly imagine this place. Pay attention to any thoughts and impressions that arise when you imagine this place.

    • When you practice distance vision, close your eyes and direct all your thoughts to your third eye, which is located in the center of your forehead, slightly above eye level.
    • If possible, try to practice seeing at a distance also in a group. Group sessions can be a source of powerful energy and produce good results.
  3. Learn to read information. It is believed that each person has his own unique energy, which is emitted in the form of an aura. When you try to look at someone's energy, you sort of tune into their frequency and learn something about the person by analyzing their aura. Mentally sensitive people are believed to have this ability. By practicing this art, you can develop your ability to empathize.

    • Try this exercise: find a person, preferably someone you don't know very well, and stand 1-2 meters away from him. Each of you should close your eyes and imagine the other as a ball of energy or light.
    • As you imagine this together, try to read each other's energy, from top to bottom, and notice any associations that arise (colors, numbers, words, pictures or impressions). After a few moments, you should both open your eyes and discuss what you saw.
    • Discuss how these visions relate to your lives.
  4. Keep a dream diary. Keep this journal on your bedside table or table so you can write down your dreams as soon as you wake up. Each dreamer has a certain code - a set of symbols that is repeated in his dreams. By writing down your dreams, you can solve this code. This is important if you want to create astral projection or practice lucid dreaming. In addition to writing down your dreams, write down any questions or concerns you have from time to time.

    • If you are trying to connect with your spirit guide, it can help to tune in to them and find answers to your questions.
    • Write down any stuck ideas or pictures that come to mind during meditation.

    How to strengthen your mind

    1. Meditate . Any powerful medium will tell you that the key to the practice is meditation. Meditation will help make your mind hypersensitive and attuned to your surroundings. A calm mind will sharpen your awareness and muffle unnecessary thoughts. At first, your thoughts will wander erratically, and it may seem like all your efforts are in vain. Don't worry! Good meditation requires hours and days of practice. Be persistent and you will achieve your goal.

      • Find a quiet place where no one and nothing will disturb you.
      • Start simple, set a clear and achievable goal. Meditate 10-20 minutes a day.
      • Once you have mastered this skill, gradually increase the time of your sessions.
    2. Relax. Usually our consciousness works too quickly for any psychic connection to form. Our brain constantly responds to a variety of stimuli and only a small percentage of signals from the outside are conscious to us. By taking enough time to relax, you clear your mind of unnecessary thoughts. You may even tune in to things that you would never experience in normal life. This will help you develop clairvoyance and clairaudience abilities, and make it much easier to evaluate your intuitive feelings when you are relaxed.

      Practice self-awareness. Self-awareness is the constant concentration of attention on what is happening around you at any given time from a rational point of view. When you can focus on the present, you can perform the tasks at hand perfectly. This will help you develop the ability of psychokinesis. Work on becoming truly aware of as much of what is going on around you as possible. Relaxation and meditation skills will help you greatly as you begin to practice self-awareness.

      Train your intuition. Intuition is an inner feeling, premonitions that you feel in relation to people, situations, and for which you cannot give a rational explanation. It is impossible to logically explain these feelings, but usually such impressions are very strong. Each of us has intuition, strong or weak, but it can be developed through training and life experience.

      • By developing your intuition, you learn to better understand the world around you.
      • Keep detailed notes about any intuitive feelings you experience.
      • As you gain more information about each individual event, compare how it matches up with your initial feelings about it.

    How to acquire physical superpowers

    1. Learn to see in the dark. You can train your eyes so that they quickly get used to twilight or darkness in poorly lit or unlit places. Spend 30 minutes a day exercising your eyes. Spend time in the dark to get your eyes used to recognizing shapes in the dark.

      • Wear it often sunglasses, even if you don't need them.
      • After some time, your eyes will get used to the dark faster.
    2. Play sports and stay in good physical shape. To gain physical superpowers, you must always be in shape. This is a constant process during which you constantly develop and become stronger and more resilient. Work out in gym to become stronger. Do regular cardio to increase your speed and endurance. Do yoga to relieve stress and open your mind. Try hiking and rock climbing to learn how to judge distances and other aspects of the world around you.

      • Don't overexert yourself at the beginning of your workouts. Do only what you can do and gradually increase the load.
      • Superhero physical abilities don't happen in a couple of days.
      • Give up all bad habits. For example, if you smoke, it will be much more difficult for you to increase your endurance and improve your overall fitness.
    3. Practice doing some elements parkour . Parkour is an urban sport. 4

      How to gain communication superpowers
      1. Become an expert at detecting lies. You can recognize a lie by monitoring a person’s verbal and nonverbal reactions. Pay attention to insufficient or, on the contrary, excessive number of details that may signal a lie. Notice how the person breathes (breathing quickens when someone is lying). Liars generally avoid eye contact and will look at anything but you. They also fidget and touch their face, throat, and/or mouth for no particular reason.

        • Try practicing with a friend. Explain that you are trying to learn to recognize lies using your mental abilities.
        • Don't mention that you will be looking for physical signs of lying.
        • Then ask a friend to tell you some stories, some of which are not true.
        • Write down your impressions, and at the end review these notes with a friend.
      2. Try to win people over using techniques that operate on a subconscious level. The ability to persuade is not as rare as you might think. For example, a good sales manager knows how to persuade people. There are several techniques you can try. One of them is related to the concepts of duty and mutual benefit. If you give someone something, no matter how small it is, they usually feel obligated to do something for you in return. This usually results in you getting what you want.

      3. Green is often associated with health and love for animals, nature and other people.
      4. Blue means that this person is calm, caring, loving, sensitive and can intuitively sense the world around them.
      5. Purple can be a sign that a person has some special gift, but it can also mean that the person is artistic by nature.

Reading the thoughts of other people, moving objects with a glance, or the ability to find something that has long been hopelessly lost, events of the future - such unusual abilities have always aroused delight and genuine interest among many, if not all, people.

The fact is that not all people can have such abilities, but only a select few. There is no need to think that this is something supernatural, or that these people are collaborating with evil forces, or, on the contrary, that God has awarded these abilities.

In fact, such people perceive the world around us in a special way, that’s why they can do what the majority cannot.

Extrasensory abilities from scratch.

In general, almost every person has abilities, but not everyone knows how to develop them. But in fact, everything is possible, you just need to have patience, perseverance, not to be lazy and work hard with some exercises. Then, perhaps, you will be able to discover unique skills in yourself and understand what and how to do with them.

Here are some basic exercises:

  1. training hands to perceive a person’s aura;
  2. influence through gaze;
  3. reincarnation;
  4. practice with wood;
  5. dream reading.

To do this you need to sit down, Be sure to watch your posture and don’t slouch. Stay in this position for about three minutes, inhale deeply and exhale slowly. During this time, you need to try to completely relax and abstract yourself from everything that is around you.

When this goal is achieved, you need to spread your arms in front of you at shoulder level, so that your palms face each other. And start moving your hands so that they touch each other. As soon as this happens, take the original position.

Repeat these movements until a certain substance, thicker, tangible air is felt between your palms. You should not rush, actions should be calm and smooth.

The main thing in this matter is consistency. Only with regular repetition of the exercise can you master the skill of recording the size of a person’s aura or his biofield.

Next exercise

Aimed at developing vision.

You need to take a white sheet and use black paste to draw a small circle, about three centimeters in diameter. Hang the drawing at eye level and stand opposite it, about a meter away from it.

You must look intently at the circle for at least 60 seconds, never looking away to the side. Next, you need to move the drawing a meter to the right and look at it. Without changing the position of the body, as if sideways. Do the same, moving the drawing to the left of the starting point. You should add time each time and eventually bring it to 5 minutes. How to develop psychic abilities

Many people are interested in how you can find out what another person feels, about his emotions?

To learn this, you should do the following exercise:

Try to “reincarnate” into the person who is interesting. To be able to do this, you need to concentrate your consciousness and clearly imagine yourself in the body of another person. This is what can help to understand how the person of interest lives, what is characteristic of him, will explain his actions and reveal his desires. By doing this exercise, you can look at the world around you differently.

In an exercise with a tree, it is preferable to choose pine or birch.

The tree should be beautiful, tall, its trunk should be smooth, without knots or growths. It is advisable for this tree to grow a little further away from the others.

First, you should definitely ask if it minds being touched. Stand close, touch your forehead and palms, and listen carefully to how the tree breathes, feel its energy.

Exercise, just like, requires maximum concentration. After a while, a vibration should be felt and all the trees around the same species can be felt. This practice allows you to restore the energy of strength and teaches you to feel the energy around you, positive or negative.

And one more exercise, it will teach you how to interpret dreams and understand what events may follow. Before going to bed, you need to clearly imagine what you want to know about. This is difficult, but you need to understand the importance of this exercise, you need to direct all your consciousness to the question of interest.

Of course, it is unlikely that you will be able to see the number of the ticket that will win the lottery, but you will definitely find out something before this happens. In this way, you can protect yourself or loved ones from unpleasant events.

In order to develop as best as possible, you need to be in nature more, and not lock yourself in offices and apartments. Walk in the forest or parks, listen to the wind and birdsong, admire sunsets and sunrises, the night sky, spend time in silence and alone with yourself. And of course, regularly repeat the exercises and learn to meditate. How to develop psychic abilities