Ice cream black coal composition. What is black ice cream “Siberian Coal” made from and is it edible? Activated carbon toothpaste

Recently I tried a new product - black ice cream "Colibri Delicacy", made in the Nizhny Novgorod region. It is really black, both itself and the waffle cone. This color is achieved thanks to activated carbon, which is part of this delicacy.

I have a normal attitude towards this sorbent and all sorts of innovations, so I dared to buy this ice cream and eat it, but some of my family flatly refused to even try it a little. Of course, black color completely changes the idea of ​​what ice cream should be, although you won’t surprise us with bright acidic colors. But if red, yellow, purple colors are achieved through dyes, which are not always natural, then here is activated carbon, which not only does not harm health, but also brings benefits. By the way, if there is ice cream with eyes closed, then nothing: neither taste nor aroma reveals the presence of this black additive in it.

The taste is good, despite the fact that this dessert is made on the basis of a substitute milk fat. Now many ice cream manufacturers are guilty of this, but it’s good that there is no palm oil, only soy and coconut oil, which in principle is not so bad. The aroma and taste of vanilla is felt. The cone is crispy, just the way I like it. I liked this ice cream; perhaps a small amount of coal not only colored the product in its original black color, but also slightly adsorbed some toxins. By the way, there is a slight aftertaste of activated carbon, if anyone has ever taken it, they know this neutral and at the same time specific aftertaste.

The manufacturer warns that short-term darkening of the teeth is possible, which is not harmful to health, but I did not notice anything like that in myself. In any case, after eating, especially sweet dishes, it is recommended to rinse your mouth. For some, this will be an additional reminder. that you need to rinse your mouth. I only see this as a plus.

I know that black ice cream, packaged and loose, is now produced by several manufacturers, I will try everything to compare and find best option. I gave “Hummingbird Delicacy” 5 points with a bit of a stretch, since it was the first of its kind; it didn’t reach a full five because of its composition. Still, it is desirable that it be made from natural cream, and not skimmed milk powder and vegetable fats. True, its price would then be higher, but this horn costs 37 rubles, which is the average price range.

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It's summer, and summer means ice cream time!

For the third year in a row, charcoal ice cream has been popular. It is offered in cafes and restaurants, sold in kiosks and shops, the media and users write about it social networks, who willingly publish photographs of the black delicacy on their pages.

Many people wonder if ice cream actually contains charcoal. It turns out there is. Ice cream is colored black using natural food coloring - vegetable charcoal. The raw material for it can be crushed and purified coal or any plant material processed by carbonization. Recently, black food coloring is more often obtained by the carbonization method: wood, coconut shells or other plant materials are placed in special installations, where high temperature And high pressure they turn into coal. By varying the starting products, you can get the dye of the desired shade.

You can make your own charcoal ice cream and it's quite easy. There are many video instructions on the Internet that will help you prepare it. And in the absence of food coloring, you can use crushed activated carbon.

Here is one recipe for homemade charcoal ice cream. It is especially suitable for those who are afraid raw eggs in finished products. For the “brave”, there are faster recipes, without heat treatment of the ingredients (at the end of the article there are links to several videos).

· 1 glass of milk 3.5-6%

· 1/2 cup cream 30%

· 2 egg yolks

· 1/3 cup powdered sugar

Vanillin on the tip of a knife

· 20 tablets of activated carbon, crushed into powder

1. Pour the milk and cream into a saucepan and heat until the mixture begins to steam, but do not let it boil!

2. Beat the yolks, add powdered sugar and vanillin, beat again. Pour in the hot cream and milk mixture. This must be done extremely slowly and gradually, stirring continuously so that the eggs do not curl.

3. The finished mixture must be heated again in the pan, adding crushed coal (again, do not let it boil).

4. After this, remove the pan from the heat and let the mixture cool at room temperature, stirring occasionally.

5. Once cooled, transfer the mixture to a sealable container and place in the freezer overnight.

6. When you open the container in the morning, you will most likely find pieces of ice on the surface. To ensure the consistency of the ice cream is homogeneous, the mixture must be stirred with a spoon or mixer and put back in the refrigerator for several hours. After this, the ice cream will be ready to eat!

How ice cream is made black

The first black ice cream that was invented in Japan was not as jet black as it is now. Rather, it is grey-black because black sesame paste is added to it. This natural coloring gives the dessert a unique flavor, so it is not added in large quantities.

When black ice cream began to be made in America, along with the excitement, questions arose about the safety of eating such a dessert. But there were no harmful dyes in it. The delicacy was given color by adding coconut ash, which is essentially the same activated carbon. It turns the color jet black without affecting the taste. This ice cream is served either alone or in combination with white or colored fruit and berry ice cream in regular or black waffle cups.

Is new fashion harmful to health?

Once the myth about harmful dyes was dispelled, some other concerns emerged. This makes sense, since black ice cream doesn't exactly look like an edible food. But, in fact, its composition is practically no different from regular ice cream. The only new ingredient is charcoal, derived from plant fibers.

Charcoal promotes detoxification of the body, that is, it helps cleanse it of harmful substances. Its only disadvantage is the ability to wash out some beneficial substances from the body, as well as slightly reduce the effect of certain medications. But this is only possible if ice cream is consumed very often and regularly, for example, for lunch and dinner every day.

Is it possible to make black ice cream at home?

It is unlikely that you will be able to replicate the coal-black color of the dessert at home. But you can make black ice cream at home by adding urbech - a special black sesame paste. You can also add poppy seeds as a dye. The main ingredients for ice cream are heavy cream and milk, egg yolks, sugar and vanilla sugar. You can cook it in an ice cream maker or just in a container. The main thing when freezing is to stir the mixture periodically. You can serve this dessert with mint, fruits, bright-colored berries, or on its own.

This summer, everyone is going crazy for black food: burgers on charcoal buns, raven-colored ice cream, macrons resembling volcanic pebbles - all this has appeared in trendy restaurants and pastry shops. Black color does not affect the taste of dishes in any way, it is only a decorative technique that allows you to make ordinary food spectacular. Food is dyed black in several ways. Firstly, black can be achieved by mixing red, blue and green in equal proportions food coloring. If the color looks greenish during mixing, add more red; if it turns purple, add more green.
The second method, often used in Mediterranean cuisine, is coloring with cuttlefish ink. When you eat black risotto or black pasta, they are colored by it. The third method, probably the most suitable for our realities and, moreover, completely healthy, is the use of activated carbon crushed into powder as a dye.
Activated carbon has no taste; you can put as much of it into a dish as you like (and for good coloring you will need a fairly large volume). The only downside to charcoal-colored food is that it will leave a black mark on your lips. However, this does not stop the fashionable public, which has been filling Instagram feeds with black food for two months now.
If you're interested in experimenting with a new trend, we suggest making black ice cream with a licorice flavor.

  • 70g licorice toffee, chopped as finely as possible
  • 1 glass of milk 3.5-6%
  • 1/2 cup cream 30%
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 1/3 cup + 1 tablespoon powdered sugar
  • vanillin on the tip of a knife
  • 20 tablets of activated carbon, crushed into powder

Place the licorice candies in a saucepan and add 1/2 cup water. Heat over low heat for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the candies have melted.
Pour the milk and cream into another saucepan and heat until the mixture begins to steam, do not let it boil!
Beat the yolks, add sugar and vanillin, beat again. Pour the hot creamy milk mixture into the eggs. This must be done extremely slowly and gradually, stirring continuously so that the eggs do not curl.
The finished mixture must be reheated in the pan (again, without letting it boil), adding melted licorice and crushed coal.
After this, remove the saucepan from the heat and let cool at room temperature, stirring occasionally.
Once cooled, transfer the mixture to a sealable container that can be stored in the freezer. Leave the ice cream there overnight. When you open the container in the morning, you will most likely find pieces of ice on the surface. To ensure that the consistency of the ice cream is homogeneous, the mixture must be stirred with a spoon or a mixer and put back in the refrigerator for several hours. After this, the ice cream is ready!

Who was the first to make this rather strange ice cream? It turned out that confectioners from Japan and neighboring Asian countries were among the first to start making the trendy black dessert. It is not surprising that today they are receiving handsome dividends for their unusual idea.

And more recently they were inspired by it in America. An ice cream company in Los Angeles has introduced a jet-black, refreshing treat in a black waffle cone that looks truly gothic. It may appear to be colored with some kind of ink and made from very dark chocolate. But the creators claim that the ice cream is completely natural, and the black color is achieved by adding coconut ash, which is obtained by roasting and processing the residues coconut shell. Coconut crumbs, butter and milk are also added to this dessert, giving it a pleasant coconut taste.

Coconut ash, which is essentially activated carbon, perfectly cleanses the body. A well-known assistant for food poisoning, charcoal binds with toxins in the stomach and removes all unwanted substances.

So black ice cream not only looks impressive, but is also very healthy. And to add at least a little color to the gloomy ice cream, just decorate it with bright sprinkles.

Photo Generous Internet