Sexual activity after childbirth: when is it possible? Sexual life after natural childbirth: reviews. When can a woman sleep with her husband again after giving birth and what do you need to know about resuming a relationship?

Immediately after giving birth, women usually want to rest a little, chat with the baby and often just get some sleep.

But gradually the body recovers, and a normal desire for physical intimacy comes. Then the question comes to the fore, how best to do this.

Immediately after childbirth, sex is impossible for several reasons - injuries, ruptures of the genital organs, severe pain, etc. Lochia usually ends within six weeks.

By this time, in most cases, if the birth went well, the ruptures will also heal. But, before you rush into the arms of your loved one, you need to make sure that everything has healed and everything is fine. If the vagina has been severely injured, the recovery period may be delayed, and accordingly intimate relationships will have to be restricted longer.

If you feel pain during sex, postpone this activity for a while. If any discharge appears, you should visit a doctor.

If there is no pain, and the doctor does not prohibit sexual intercourse, but it causes discomfort associated with vaginal dryness, you can try special gel lubricants. The fact is that in women the hormone is unstable and a lack of estrogen can interfere with sexual arousal. This is not a contraindication for intimate relationships and over time everything will return to normal.

When is it okay to have sex after a caesarean section?

During the procedure, the uterus and the abdomen above it are dissected. In this case, the vaginal muscles do not suffer.

Therefore, you can make love as soon as the lochia ends and the seams grow together.

But in some situations, the postoperative period is prolonged, and any touch to the abdomen causes pain. Naturally, this does not contribute to the resumption of sexual relations. In this case, you need to see a doctor and undergo an ultrasound to make sure everything is normal.

Why do young parents delay the start of intimate life?

Many couples have problems resuming sexual relations. This is normal at first, but if intimacy does not begin when the woman's body is fully restored, it can cause family breakdown. Typically, this situation indicates psychological discomfort in a couple, which more often occurs in women. Most often, young mothers refuse sexual relations because:

  • Priorities in life change, the strongest maternal instinct turns on. Now all the love and tenderness goes to the baby, and the pleasures of the young mother and husband are in the background.
  • Complexes about appearance appear. The tummy at this time is still far from ideal, there is often overweight and stretch marks. Many young mothers consider themselves ugly and do not want to appear to their husbands in this form.
  • Postpartum depression gets in the way. It happens to many women, but it is expressed in different ways. Sometimes depression affects sexual desire, reducing it.
  • Chronic fatigue causes suffering. The burden of responsibility for the child, lack of sleep, household responsibilities, etc. lead to the fact that a woman simply collapses and refuses sexual relations in favor of rest and sleep.

Men also often refuse sex. Main reason-fear of hurting your loved one. This happens especially often after partner childbirth. Seeing what a woman has to go through to give birth to a baby, and what injuries remain after childbirth, he may simply be scared. Also, men are often afraid to tell their wives about their desires, because they feel guilty that they suddenly wanted sex.

A short intimate pause is common; it gives time to get used to the new situation. But if the lack of sex causes discomfort to one or both family members, you need to talk about it, perhaps seek help from a psychologist.

How to properly resume sexual relations after childbirth

Restarting intimate relationships after a break caused by childbirth must be done carefully. Choose classic poses, face to face or man from behind. They are the least traumatic. If there is pain, you should immediately stop trying and postpone for a while.

Problems often arise after caesarean section. A woman may experience pain in the incision, so it is important to avoid putting pressure on the abdomen and straining the abdominal muscles. An orgasm can be quite painful, as it causes contractions of the uterus. Sometimes after it there is bleeding and pain in the scar.

Therefore, all movements after childbirth should be light and leisurely. It is also important that pregnancy immediately after childbirth is possible and undesirable from the point of view of doctors.

Intimate life is intimate so as not to let curious strangers into it and not to discuss it at every step, even if only with friends. But there are still situations when you can and even need to talk about sex life, for example, with a gynecologist after a successful birth. It is known that pregnancy and the birth of a new small family member leaves its mark on the relationship between spouses. Including sexual life, which also undergoes changes and requires a careful approach to resumption after childbirth.

Sexual life after childbirth - abstinence for at least 4 weeks

Sex life after childbirth is definitely necessary, but the question of when and how to have the first sexual contact after the birth process must be approached responsibly. It is no secret that childbirth is a certain stress for the mother’s body, requires significant energy expenditure from her and leads to certain physiological changes. And after childbirth, a woman definitely needs time to recover: sexual activity in this case is usually indicated no earlier than after 4-8 weeks. Of course, everything here depends on the individual anatomical and physiological characteristics of the “newly made” mother, as well as on how the birth took place, how difficult or easy it was.

In any case, doctors do not recommend allowing sexual intercourse earlier than 4 weeks. This is the minimum time required for the restoration of the uterus after childbirth, as well as for its cleansing of blood residues. Returning to intimate life immediately shortly after the birth of a baby is also contraindicated because during this period the uterus is most susceptible to infection. And the risk of infection will not disappear until it returns to its original state and recovers.

If the birth was difficult, with incisions, the time before the start of sexual activity after childbirth should pass even more. Many people mistakenly believe that if the birth took place via cesarean section, then such problems regarding sexual life should not arise with the birth of the baby. And this is a completely false statement: afterward, a woman needs even more time to recover until the stitches from the operation completely heal.

Ideally, it is better for a couple to discuss the “permitted” moment for the first sexual contact after childbirth with a gynecologist. The specialist will examine the woman’s genitals and assess the speed and degree of their recovery, and therefore will be able to determine when to begin resuming sexual activity. In addition, the doctor will be able to advise the most suitable method of contraception to prevent another pregnancy almost immediately after the birth of the baby.

Possible problems

But, even if the first sexual intercourse is carried out according to the recommendations of doctors, it still may not at all live up to the “hopes” placed on it, both by the mother and the father. The most common problems that young parents encounter in the early stages after the birth of a baby are anatomical changes in the vagina and its dryness. The first is explained by the stretching of the vagina as the baby passes through the birth canal. Over time, doctors reassure, the vagina will return to its original shape, and this process can be accelerated by performing special exercises (the so-called). A woman can perform them even during pregnancy, which allows her to avoid excessive stretching of the vagina and quickly return it “to tone” almost immediately after childbirth.

Vaginal dryness is also a temporary phenomenon, which is provoked by estrogen deficiency in the period after the birth of a child. The same factor becomes decisive in the occurrence of postpartum depression and depression in the mother, which is aggravated by fatigue. In this case, men are advised to treat the woman they love with understanding, not only helping her physically, but also supporting her morally. Special lubricants and creams will help cope with vaginal dryness.

Often, women also complain about the discomfort they feel during sexual intercourse after childbirth, and the pain they experience. This situation may arise if the birth occurred with ruptures requiring suturing. Painful sensations occur if the sutures “catch” the nerve endings, and in this case it is recommended to jointly search for the most optimal position for sex, the maximum attention of the man to the woman’s sensations. Over time, the nerve endings adapt to new configurations, but for now you just have to take care and listen to each other during intimacy.

Maximum attention and tenderness

After the birth of a baby, a woman requires increased attention and tenderness from a man. Now more than ever (about the same as during pregnancy) she needs the psychological support of her beloved man. Regarding sex life: even if sexual contact is undesirable at first, no one forbids tactile caresses. Now is the time to get to know each other’s body again, find new sensitive areas and zones on it, treat each other with maximum affection and tenderness. That's just with woman's breasts need to be careful if new small penis family is breastfed. In general, the postpartum period is not only difficult, but also filled with new pleasant worries, joy and trepidation. This is a new opportunity to reevaluate the relationship between spouses, an opportunity to relive the first minutes of meeting each other physical level. The main thing here is love, mutual understanding, patience and the ability to listen to each other.

Especially for- Tatyana Argamakova

The birth of a child is undoubtedly the number one event in the life of every woman. But when becoming a mother, it is important not to forget about the purpose through which this child was born.

How to start and how to improve your intimate life after childbirth?

Experts in women's health issues from a women's magazine site share tips and useful recommendations.

When is it possible?

For the impatient - no earlier than 4-6 weeks after birth.

Attention! We are talking specifically about natural childbirth, which took place without complications, serious ruptures and episiotomy. For a caesarean section, the timing will also be different - after it it is better to abstain from sex for 6-8 weeks after birth.

Why so long? Even if you already feel great and are full of desire, processes are still happening inside that require special attention. On the mucous surface of the uterus, healing occurs at the place where the placenta was attached.

And any sexual contact with penetration into the vagina can be risky - if an infection gets into the wound, even endometritis (inflammation of the uterus) cannot be ruled out, and this is completely unnecessary for a young mother.

Please note that we are talking about contact in its classical sense. Of course, caresses and relaxation without him are quite acceptable.

Possible problems

Alas, a woman’s sexual activity usually decreases sharply after the birth of a child.

But not only this can become a stumbling block on the path to obtaining sexual pleasure in a couple. The most common problems are described below.

Vagina sizes

Child during natural birth passes through the birth canal, making it a little “freer”. Of course, after 2-3 weeks, the internal genital organs begin to return to their size, but they will never be exactly the same as before childbirth.

Not always, but very often this negatively affects the quality of intimate contacts.

The situation can be corrected.

The first method requires time and persistence. We just do Kegel exercises. Whenever possible, we tense the vaginal muscles as if we were holding back urination. This strengthens not only the vaginal muscles, but also serves as a prevention for a number of other female problems.

The second method does not interfere with the first, but it will allow you to return truly bright colors to your intimate life. We buy special products for narrowing the vagina in this store using the link - - and enjoy communicating with your loved one as if everything is just beginning for you.

Lack of desire

The reason for this could be a man’s loss of interest in a woman, who suddenly goes from being an object to sexual desire turned into a mother hen, so does the chronic fatigue of a woman, exhausted by lack of sleep, worries and solving health problems - hers or her child’s.

Only radical measures will help here.

A woman urgently needs to remember that she is not a walking breast with milk, but, above all, a woman capable of seducing. And for the man, find an opportunity to relieve his wife of workload, in order to at least save her from everyday problems. A babysitter, help from grandmothers, personal involvement - anything will do, as long as it brings results.

Woman's fear

Experiencing pain, appearing ugly, or becoming pregnant again. This also happens often.

And here a lot lies with the man.

Support, do not insist if the woman is completely unprepared, raise self-esteem with a compliment, be patient and gentle.

Regarding contraception, one should not forget that the statement that a woman will not become pregnant during breastfeeding, nothing more than a false stereotype.

It is impossible to guarantee the absence of pain upon first contact. Especially if the birth was not easy. Sometimes vaginal dryness adds to the problem. This can also be solved with the help of lubricants.

By eliminating all possible external causes of concern, you can also remove internal ones - uncertainty, unnecessary fears or doubts about attractiveness.

Harmonious relationships!

The resumption of sexual activity after the birth of the baby has an individual time frame for each couple. Usually, the gynecologist sets a certain period of abstinence for the new mother during a routine examination. Its term depends on the woman's health, characteristics of childbirth and other nuances.

Every young mother is concerned with the question: how long can you not have sex after childbirth? We answer: if the birth of a child occurred without complications, you can return to intimate life a month and a half after giving birth.

This is caused by the need to restore the uterus and heal the placenta attachment site. Infection in an open wound can lead to inflammation of the uterus, so you should wait until the damaged tissue heals.

The vaginal dimensions should also come into shape. Immediately after birth, it is in a stretched state and gradually contracts to its previous size. To speed up this process, many gynecologists recommend performing special exercises that train the muscles of the vagina and perineum. During the examination, the gynecologist will see have the woman’s organs returned to normal? or further abstinence from sexual activity is recommended.

After childbirth, the vagina is susceptible to infection. Therefore, it is worth using high-quality contraception and maintaining hygiene. This will help avoid postpartum complications.

Remember: by deciding to have sex a week after giving birth, you are risking your own health!

If surgery occurs in the form of curettage of the uterine cavity, the period of abstinence increases at least two months. In some cases, the duration of restriction of sexual activity should be increased by the time necessary for the complete restoration of the birth canal of the young mother.

Seams and tears

Sexual life is affected by various complications that occurred during childbirth.

For example, after an episiotomy (tearing the perineum and subsequent suturing), a woman needs longer recovery period, during which she will need to give up sex.

In the female genital area there are many nerves, the sensitivity of which is damaged when the perineum is ruptured. Because of this, nerve endings can become pinched, causing discomfort when resuming sexual relations. When sutures are placed, a change in the configuration of the vagina may occur, which will cause pain in the woman in certain positions.

Painful sensations will pass over time, because the sensitivity of nerve endings has the ability to adapt to new conditions. At first a man should be especially neat during sexual intercourse, so that it is not painful and unpleasant for the partner.

In the postpartum period, due to sutures, the skin in the perineal area and the entrance to the vagina becomes more sensitive.

Pressure on the sutures, which is inevitable during sexual intercourse, can cause pain and a lack of natural lubrication in the woman. To reduce pain, you can soften the suture area by using ointments that heal keloid scars.

Features of sex after caesarean section

The duration of abstinence from sex after childbirth by cesarean section does not differ from the period of abstinence after normal childbirth and is four to six weeks.

The uterine scar will take approximately this amount of time to heal, unless any complications arise.

In most cases, a abdominal scar from a cesarean section heals faster than a uterine scar. However, since it is not the main indicator of muscle recovery, the speed of its healing is not taken into account when recommendations regarding the resumption of sexual activity.

Women who have had a C-section have a slightly easier time having sex after giving birth because their genitals have not been altered.

Since the vaginal walls and cervix remain the same as before pregnancy, there will be no problem of loss of sensation.

Types of intimacy

Almost every married couple experiences changes in their sex life after the birth of the child. At first, partners adapt to new sensations and must find best option intercourse that will suit both of them.

Oral sex After childbirth, you can resume much earlier than other types of sex. This will allow the woman and man to receive release without having to engage in penetrative sex.

The first time after childbirth, difficulties with vaginal sex may occur. various reasons. Lack of lubrication, a woman's fear of pain, changes in sensitivity - all this can affect the desire for sex. Using high-quality lubricant, choice correct posture and a slow pace will help you cope with problems and regain your former sexual activity.

As for anal sex, it also should be abandoned for the time after childbirth. This is especially true for women who have suffered perineal ruptures during childbirth, hemorrhoids or anal fissures.

Even in the absence of contraindications, a young mother should know that during anal sex the uterus is stimulated along the back wall. This can lead to uterine bleeding.

Unpleasant symptoms: what should you pay attention to?

Every woman after childbirth should listen to her feelings during sex, not only to get pleasure, but also to prevent problems.

For example, pain during intercourse can be both physiological and psychological. If you have severe pain you should postpone sex and start looking for the cause of the discomfort.

Presence of blood during sex it can frighten partners and to find out the reason, a woman should immediately see a gynecologist.

Bloody discharge can be caused either by lochia residue or by healing scars after ruptures. If the bleeding is severe, you should not delay your visit to the doctor and call an ambulance.

When deciding to disturb sexual intercourse, a woman needs to take into account not only the recommendations of her doctor, but also her own readiness for sexual life. The psychological state of the young mother must be stable. Only then is quality sex possible, which will bring pleasure to both partners.

Watch the video on how to return to bed with your husband after childbirth:

After the birth of a child, a woman must follow the rules and recommendations of the doctor so as not to damage her health. To the question When can you have an intimate life after childbirth?, the doctor will answer only after examining the woman in labor and identifying the presence or absence of complications after labor.

When can you make love?

The painful 9 months of pregnancy limited the married couple from marital duties, and now, when everything is over, the question arises: when after childbirth can you live an intimate life? If the birth went according to plan and without complications, then sexual activity begins already from the second month of the baby’s life. During this time, the mother will stop bleeding, and all processes will improve.

Situations often arise in which a woman has no desire. This is a fairly common manifestation that can be caused by postpartum depression. To do this, you need to improve your mood by the presence of your loved ones nearby, and tune in only to positive thoughts. If a woman does not want to sleep with her husband for a long time, we can talk about psychological disorders, which only a specialist can help cope with.

How to increase desire for sexual intercourse

There are situations when a husband does not sleep with his wife after childbirth because of her fears and worries caused by a disorder of the nervous system. In this case, the man’s task is mandatory control, increased attention and positive emotions for his wife.

There is no need to panic, because after a while this syndrome will go away, and you will enjoy the delights of family sex life. If after giving birth a woman is not psychologically ready for this process, it is worth creating a romantic atmosphere that promotes relaxation and an intimate mood. When you can live an intimate life after childbirth will depend not only on the general physical condition of the mother in labor, but also on the psychological factor.