Eyelash growth at home - folk remedies. Folk remedies for eyelash growth and strengthening. The cheapest pharmaceutical product for eyelash growth

Jet black, fluffy, velvety - beautiful eyelashes poetically minded citizens describe it this way. People don’t write odes to scanty, faded hairs on their eyelids.

You can grow beautiful eyelashes. At the same time, you need to understand that most remedies will not work a miracle: the length of the hairs is programmed by the body and only radical intervention can change it. But healthy eyelashes look more lush and worthy of poetic epithets.

Habits that are good for eyelashes

Weakened and brittle hairs will not grow better, no matter what products you use. Therefore, you need to acquire several habits that will help lengthen your eyelashes:

  • Always wash off your mascara at night, or better yet, immediately after returning home.
  • Massage your eyelids to improve blood circulation, but without fanaticism, so as not to stretch delicate skin.
  • Change your mascara every three months to prevent bacteria from getting into your eyes and causing problems.
  • Don't sleep on your stomach: contact with the pillow can deform your eyelashes, making them weak and brittle.

Eyelash growth products

1. Castor oil

Castor oil is an effective and proven remedy for eyelash growth, which stimulates hair follicles thanks to the acids in its composition.

First, let's decide how not to use it. No matter what the internet advises, do not apply castor oil to your eyelashes at night. The oil irritates the mucous membrane of the eye and the delicate skin of the eyelids. Because of this, you risk getting red, watery and expressive eyes in the morning.

Gently apply the oil to your eyelashes with a brush. You can wash off the old mascara, or better yet, order disposable ones: they do not need to be washed and do not need to be stored after use, risking staining the entire apartment with oil.

Leave the oil on for 15-45 minutes, then remove with makeup remover. Once will not be enough. Castor oil should be used in courses. Repeat the procedure several times a week for a month before assessing the results.

Castor oil is good on its own, but you can increase its effectiveness with the help of components that are sold in pharmacies for literally pennies or can be found in almost any home.

Mask with burdock oil for eyelash growth and strengthening

Mix the oils in the container in which you will store the mask: this way you won’t have to wash extra dishes. These ingredients are enough for several uses. Apply the composition to the eyelashes for 15-30 minutes, then rinse.

This remedy will be useful for those who periodically suffer from. But you can make this mask only in the intervals between relapses of the disease - for prevention.

  • ½ teaspoon castor oil;
  • ½ teaspoon aloe juice.

Mix oil and juice, apply to eyelashes for 15-30 minutes, and then rinse. It is not recommended to store this composition for a long time, as aloe juice may begin to deteriorate.


Mask with calendula

  • 1 teaspoon castor oil;
  • 10 g dried calendula flowers;
  • 100 ml water.

Place the calendula flowers in a small ladle and fill with water. Boil the mixture for 5 minutes, then cool. Measure out one teaspoon of strained broth and mix with oil. Apply in the same way as previous masks.

2. Burdock oil

Burdock oil strengthens eyelashes and accelerates their growth thanks to sitosterol and stigmasterol - plant stearins that stimulate the process of cell division. It should be used in the same way as castor: apply to eyelashes for 15–45 minutes, then rinse.

Burdock oil will only be effective if used regularly.

3. Eyelash serums

These preparations usually consist of oils, herbal extracts and vitamins. Essentially, these are almost the same formulations that you could make at home, but ready to use and placed in a convenient package with a brush.

Depending on the manufacturer and volume of drugs, the price starts at 100 rubles. Eveline 3 in 1 serum will cost an average of 250 rubles. Alerana's eyelash growth stimulator costs about 500 rubles, and the popular Eyelash booster costs 1,500.

4. Serums based on bimatoprost and its analogues

This is the most controversial point in the selection. Bimatoprost is used as a medicine for high eye pressure. Eyelash growth is a side effect that has been actively used in cosmetology.

The essence of the action of bimatoprost is to irritate the hair follicles and stimulate blood circulation. Due to this, the growth of eyelashes does not stop when they reach the length established by nature. You need to apply such products with a brush on the eyelid at the roots of the eyelashes.

Now, based on bimatoprost and similar prostaglandins, many drugs are produced under different trade names: Latisse, Careprost, Maxlash, Dreamlash and so on. You can buy them at the pharmacy; some formulations are available only through distributors. They cost from 600 rubles.

Research has shown A Retrospective Review and Observational Study of Outcomes and Safety of Bimatoprost Ophthalmic Solution 0.03% for Treating Eyelash Hypotrichosis that in 27.4% of patients, when treating eyelash hypotrichosis with a drug containing 0.03% bimatoprost, side effects were noted, including skin hyperpigmentation, itching, erythema of the eyelids and irritation of the mucous membranes of the eyes. And yet, scientists have recognized such compounds as safe for long-term use and effective.

5. Eyelash gels

Therapeutic gels for eyelash growth and strengthening are used before or instead of traditional colored mascara. In the first case, they perform a protective function. Mascara, especially waterproof ones, can dry out your eyelashes. The gel not only creates a protective barrier, but also nourishes the hairs throughout the day.

Using this product instead of mascara will allow you to curl and secure your eyelashes, making them look natural color more saturated - all this without side effects.

In terms of composition, gels are usually a lighter version of colored mascara with the addition of herbal extracts, ceramides and other hair-strengthening ingredients.

You can find eyelash gel in the lines of companies producing decorative cosmetics, and at the pharmacy.

6. Vitamins

Previous remedies were for external use; vitamins must be taken orally. Any complex that contains:

  • B vitamins - stimulate the activity of hair follicles.
  • Vitamin E - improves oxygen microcirculation in blood vessels, improves blood flow to the hair follicles.
  • Vitamin A - restores hair elasticity.

At the eyelashes difficult life– from 2 to 5 months. They begin to grow poorly various reasons(stress, cosmetics, lack of vitamins, genetics, health problems). We disguise this problem as best we can: we build up long artificial buns, put on “voluminous” mascara, and then indelicately wash it off (and sometimes we completely forget about it). Someone tints eyelashes and eyebrows professional paints to maintain maximum naturalness, but they become thinner and weaker.

From all this chemicals and cruel torture, the eyelashes become thin, brittle, turn pale, and simply stop growing. In some cases, poor growth (not thick enough or too short) and areas of the eyelash line without hairs at all is a hereditary feature. Extensions, of course, will help for a while, but when the deadline expires, the props will come with the remnants of their own eyelashes. And then we begin to look for natural and folk remedies. The most popular and effective are oils, vitamins and herbal ingredients.

This is a very good base for therapeutic masks and compresses for the growth of eyelashes, hair, eyebrows. Almost all vegetable oils have a magical set of substances, namely:

  • Fatty polyunsaturated acids (improve local immunity, strengthen the barrier lipid layer of the skin and cell walls).
  • Vitamins A, E, sometimes D, groups B and P (needed for good metabolism, skin restoration processes and eyelash growth).
  • Microelements (for example, potassium, selenium and others) and other useful substances.

Which oil to choose depends on the task and preferences. Some popular options may not be suitable, while others, if spoiled, will give a better result.

Therefore, if you don’t find “yours” the first time, then continue experimenting and you will definitely find a wonderful option!

How to use?

To achieve maximum effect you need to follow some simple rules.

  • The product is applied to the eyelashes not from the roots or to the growth line; the oils are liquid enough to spread to the base on their own.
  • You need to leave it on for an hour and then remove it from your eyelashes. If you wait too long, your eyelids will swell a lot in the morning.
  • The basis of treatment is duration and regularity, use every day for a month (at least).
  • Remember that you need to use warm oil (at least at room temperature). They are often stored in the refrigerator, but it is better to warm them in a water bath. Direct heating will cause the product to deteriorate.
  • It is most convenient to apply with a brush (for example, a mascara brush, but do not forget to wash it thoroughly).
  • “Treat” can only be done after.


Eyelash oils are useful on their own; they can be applied without mixing with other ingredients. Or you can combine 2-3 ingredients in equal proportions (1 spoon each) for daily care, store in a bottle and use as usual.

Popular combinations:

  • castor + burdock,
  • basic+almond,
  • basic+peach.

Castor, burdock, and flaxseed are used as a base.

Rose oil, wheat germ oil and grape seed oil are often used as additional supplements.

An interesting combination is castor oil (2 parts) and glycerin (1 part). This mixture does not require rinsing, but it must be stored tightly covered.

Essential oils also attributed to the strengthening and growth of eyelashes. To do this, you need to add 2-3 drops of your favorite essential oil to the base. Sandalwood, lavender or rosemary are often chosen for eyelashes.

Test the esters on the crook of your elbow before using them! They have individual intolerances!

SPA treatments

But for spa treatments, you can make enhanced mask formulations 1-2 times a week. Apply them for 15-20 minutes and then rinse off; this is enough for special components:

1. " Semi-finished products» from the pharmacy - oil capsules of vitamins A and/or E, aevit. Add the contents of the capsule to the oil or mixture. This nourishment has a beneficial effect on eyelash growth.

2. Homemade vitamins. To enhance eyelash growth and strengthening, you can add freshly squeezed juices of carrots, aloe or parsley.

3. Black tea. Tea leaves are often used for eye care. To help your eyelashes, mix castor oil and freshly brewed tea in equal proportions. This is how the hairs are “tinted” naturally and strengthened.

Other secrets

Let's look into the past. In addition to exotic methods of care (I found Emu oil), ancient ones are also mentioned. For example, Egyptian women actively used usma, which feels comfortable on the windowsill as an indoor flower. Its specific extract causes active growth hair and eyelashes. Fresh juice (a couple of leaves is enough for one application for eyelashes) is applied to the hairs with a cotton swab or brush. Be careful! If the product gets into your eyes, you will need to rinse them thoroughly with water to avoid irritation.

Quality. Beautiful makeup and mascara can transform your face. But our eyes are more demanding of the quality of cosmetics. Therefore, if you use expired beauty products or are not sure of their quality, then eyelash loss may well be the price for inattention.

Cleansing. Eyelashes are also demanding when it comes to removing makeup: don’t go to bed with mascara on. So they can be broken, and because of cosmetics, the condition of the skin of the eyelids worsens (and this also affects the eyelashes!). If you like natural and effective means, then pay attention

They not only remove makeup, but also carefully care for the skin of the eyelids and face.

It is useful to periodically wash your face with decoctions of sage, chamomile and a weak tea leaves solution. They wonderfully cleanse and soothe the skin.

We are what we eat. However, external measures will be incomplete if you neglect the quality of food: include fresh vegetables and fruits, herbs, fish, dairy products in your diet, in general - eat a varied diet!

Improving blood circulation. And to improve blood circulation, you can massage your eyelids. Use a moisturizing delicate base (olive or almond, peach oil on your fingertips) and rub in lightly with gentle movements of your fingers, being careful not to pull or stretch the skin. A rush of blood will saturate the hair follicles with the necessary elements and promote the growth of eyelashes. If such a massage for 1-2 minutes seems “difficult,” then try simply combing your eyelashes and eyebrows (at the same time) with a brush.

It is impossible to follow all the advice! Choose the main care option (I highly recommend vegetable oils) and supplement it as desired and possible. If you do one thing every day, it will be much more useful than trying everything, but only once.

The main thing in caring for yourself and your eyelashes is habit. In a month, your eyes will not look like those you see in mascara advertisements. But a luxurious fan of eyelashes is often just an advertising gimmick, and natural beauty– this is daily work. Therefore, by spending a couple of minutes a day, you will learn not only how to take care of yourself, how to take care of your skin and hair. You will get more - you will love the real you. And this is priceless!

Few doubt that folk remedies are the most effective in caring for eyelashes. They are safe, and therefore can be used without risk to eye health. They are effective, as evidenced by reviews not only from women, but also from professional cosmetologists. We will talk in more detail about which home remedies for eyelash growth should be used and which methods are better.

What helps eyelashes grow. No product will provide such gentle care as eyelash oil; any natural oil, even sunflower oil, will do at home. The peculiarities of the effects of oils lie in their composition. They contain a lot of fatty polyunsaturated acids that nourish the skin of the eyelids. It also contains vitamins and microelements necessary for hair growth. This better food for eyelashes.

Among natural oils, there are also record holders for the content of one or another component. Therefore, cosmetologists recommend choosing a product depending on the existing problem. So, almond and peach oils are used to stimulate hair growth. To strengthen eyelashes, you need to choose castor oil.

A universal remedy for comprehensive health improvement is burdock oil, which stimulates growth and eliminates the problem of hair loss. And olive oil takes care of the skin of the eyelids better than others, gently softens and moisturizes it, saturates it with the necessary substances for eyelash growth.

The use of any oil includes several requirements.

  • Apply with a mascara brush- use a clean brush from an old brush.
  • Apply warm - this way the product works more effectively, it helps to better penetrate the structure of the eyelashes and the skin.
  • Don't leave it overnight- leave the product on for an hour and remove with a napkin.
  • Apply only to clean eyelashes- after removing makeup.
  • Carry out the procedure daily- the result largely depends on the frequency.
  • Complete the course for 30 days- this is the minimum term for hair health.

Almost every folk remedy for eyelash growth is made on the basis of one or another oil. Other useful natural substances are added to the base component, which increase the effectiveness of the composition.

5 mask recipes

There is no need to make a mask for eyelash growth at home every day. Such compositions are applied 2 times a week, in addition to basic care with the selected oil. The following remedies are effective.

  1. Castor oil mixed with sea buckthorn oil carrot juice and oily vitamin A. This combination stimulates hair growth and helps strengthen it.
  2. Castor oil with black tea, in equal proportions. Allows you to get rich dark color eyelashes, which makes them look longer.
  3. A mixture of 3 types of oils: castor, olive and almond (peach). These eyelash masks at home provide comprehensive care for the hair and skin of the eyelids. With regular use, they restore hair health, accelerate their growth, make the skin of the eyelids soft, and eliminate fine wrinkles.
  4. Selected vitamin oil. Useful to use oil vitamins to strengthen eyelashes. Beauty vitamins A and E, which can be purchased in gelatin capsules, are ideal for this. Instead of taking it orally, open the capsule and add a few drops of the product to the oil. Apply the mask for half an hour and massage your eyelids before removing.
  5. Vegetable oil and parsley juice. The simplest mask for eyelash growth at home, reviews of which confirm its effectiveness. You can use either olive or almond, or regular sunflower oil. The solution should be applied carefully. You need to add parsley or aloe juice to it. This mixture should be applied to the eyelids for 15 minutes, massage and rinse with warm water.

  • Don't forget about medicinal herbs. They tone the skin, eliminate inflammation of the eyelids, remove toxins, due to which the eyelashes grow and renew themselves faster. Infusions of sage, chamomile and cornflowers are so beneficial. Regular black tea perfectly renews the tone of the eyelid skin. Brew useful plants, let the broth brew. Then make compresses: dip a cotton swab and apply to the eyelids. After 15 minutes, remove the tampon and lubricate your eyelashes with care oil.
  • Take care of your eyelids. Only healthy skin without swelling can nourish hair well. Therefore, take care of it regularly using folk remedies. Quick masks made from cucumber or potato slices, which should be used raw, will help remove swelling.
  • Eat right. Throughout the year, do not forget about a balanced diet rich in vitamins. And in winter, include vitamin complexes in your diet. Your eyelashes need vitamins A and E, as well as B vitamins.

And finally, don't forget to give your eyelashes a rest. Once a week, for example, on the weekends, do not apply mascara to them. Better make a caring mask and a toning compress.

Many women face problems such as fragility, fragility and loss of eyelashes.

And this is not surprising - especially thin and vulnerable ones constantly suffer from negative influences, the environment, stress and poor lifestyle. The nutrition in it is disrupted, the hairs fall out.

Therefore, today we are talking about how to strengthen eyelashes and improve their growth at home using folk recipes and traditional cosmetics.

Essential oils to strengthen and improve hair growth at home

This home remedy It will not only prevent eyelash loss and fragility, but can make them much darker and reduce their expression.

Use oils with vitamins

Butter with rum

Mix oil, preferably castor or burdock, at room temperature in equal quantities with rum or cognac, apply in the familiar way to the eyelashes.

The effect will become noticeable within 3-4 days after the start of use.

Oil mask “express strengthening”

If you're not at all patient, try a mask made from a mixture of different oils.

If you regularly use this combination, you can stop eyelash loss within the first week.

Mix slightly warmed castor, burdock and unrefined olive oils in equal proportions.

The quantity should be such that you have enough for one time use.

You cannot store the product even in the refrigerator for several days.

Try mixing several oils at once

Oil mask +

You will also learn how to strengthen eyelashes and improve their growth at home from this video:

Eyelash growth and strengthening can be stimulated in different ways from skin care products to pharmaceutical medications. Let's thoroughly understand this "fluffy" issue.

How quickly eyelashes grow: phases

Each eyelash consists of 4 parts: bulb, core, cortex and cuticle. The bulb, which is a kind of root, is responsible for the growth of eyelashes. It supplies nutrients and stimulates the eyelash. The pith produces and distributes protein along with keratin. The cuticle performs a protective function, and the cortex contains dead cells.

If any part of the eyelash is damaged, characteristic problems may appear: hair loss, slow growth or thinning of the hairs.

How long do eyelashes grow?

Eyelash hair development cycle: 1. Anagen, 2. Catagen, 3. Telogen

The hair development cycle is divided into 3 main stages (phases):

  1. Anogenic (growth). Lasts about 1 month. A healthy eyelash can grow by 0.12-0.15 mm per day.
  2. Catagen. Transitional stage, the duration of which is 5-15 days. During this phase, the hair becomes curved as the hair follicle actively contracts.
  3. Telogen. The final phase lasts about 2 months. After this period, the eyelash falls out.

All eyelashes are at different stages of development. For this reason, a person loses about 5-7 hairs every day that have passed the final telogen phase.

How long does it take to treat eyelashes?

A hair can grow completely in 1.5 months. Therefore, the growth agent must be used daily for 30-40 days to achieve the desired effect.

The growth of eyelashes, as well as their number and structure, depend on heredity. For this reason, many people initially have sparse and thin eyelashes that are prone to loss.

Why did your eyelashes fall out?

Why do eyelashes fall out prematurely?

Factors that negatively affect eyelash health:

  • lack of vitamins;
  • use of low-quality cosmetics;
  • incomplete cleansing of makeup;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • diseases (for example, hypotrichosis).

It is worth noting that a person’s age plays an important role in this matter. In older people, eyelashes grow slowly and lose pigmentation and thickness. This is due to a lack of hormones, minerals and vitamins in the body.

Eyelashes can become dull, sparse and lifeless after extensions and coloring. Similar cosmetic procedures significantly damage the condition of the hairs. It is strongly recommended to replace chemical dyes with henna and refuse extensions.

Review of cosmetics

Weak, lifeless eyelashes take a very long time to grow, but this process can be accelerated with the help of various means - cosmetic and medicinal. It is best to resort to complex treatment and start taking vitamins for hair, eyelashes and eyebrows growth.

Cosmetic products give a full and relatively long-lasting effect only if they contain the following components:

  • minerals, vitamins and keratin;
  • taurine;
  • ricinoleic acid;
  • glucosamine;
  • bimatoprost or prostaglandin.

All these substances accelerate the growth of hairs, making them thicker and stronger.


Caperost - eyelash growth product

Careprost is a highly advertised product that has received a lot of praise from various well-known bloggers. The product is manufactured in India and comes in the form of a bottle with a dispenser. One package contains 3 ml. Drops can be used for eyelashes and eyebrows. The product contains a growth stimulator – bimatoprost. The solution is contraindicated for use by minors.

Promises from the manufacturer: accelerated growth and thickening of hairs, return of bright pigment. The product can really strengthen eyelashes and stop their loss. But this product does not help everyone: many buyers complain about the lack of visible results. For some people, significant effects only appear after a few months of use.

Toplash - eyelash and eyebrow growth activator

Toplash – eyelash and eyebrow growth activator

Irish product for eyebrows and eyelashes in a convenient package that resembles eyeliner. Among the main components there are extracts of thuja orientalis and ginseng root, as well as myristoyl pentapeptide, but there are no hormonal substances in the composition.

The product is hypoallergenic and suitable for people with sensitive skin. The serum prolongs the hair growth phase, reduces the hair loss phase and prevents fragility. The manufacturer promises ultra-fast results compared to other serums - in just 21 days.
In addition, the price of this serum is 30% lower than that of other high-quality analogues.

Another advantage: if you don’t like how Toplash works or have some kind of reaction, you can return the bottle within three months, which is especially nice considering the rather high cost of the product.

Now about the disadvantages: these include the previously mentioned price (2290 rubles) and the still insufficient number of reviews with dynamic photos on popular resources. You can buy the serum on the Internet; it is more profitable from the distributor, since you can “get in” to the promotion. Serum for eyelashes and eyebrows Toplash

Eyelash growth serum from Almea Xlash

Almea Xlash Eyelash Growth Serum

This serum looks like mascara and comes in the form of a small bottle with a convenient applicator. The manufacturer guarantees an increase in eyelash density by 20% and length by as much as 45%. On the official website you can buy the product and also see before and after photos. The safety of the serum has been proven by clinical studies. It contains 4 plant extracts, the description of which is presented on the website.

Disadvantages of the product:

  • many people mistakenly believe that this product is a medicine, although in fact it is cosmetics;
  • the effect after using the product is visible and impressive, but far from the longest lasting;
  • the price of the serum is quite steep (3000 rubles for 3 ml);
  • The product is prohibited for use by minors, as well as pregnant and lactating women.

The product can stimulate hair growth for several months, but then its effect wears off. Roughly speaking, after some time the person is again left without eyelashes.

Platinus Lashes

Gel based on oils Platinus Lashes

An oil-based gel that helps accelerate the growth of eyebrows and eyelashes. The main disadvantage of this product: a lot of fake laudatory reviews on the Internet. Only this product is posted on the manufacturer's official website. The company is constantly running a dubious promotion: “buy now, only 15 packs left, price reduced by 50%.” The product itself costs 2000 rubles (without discount). It comes in the form of a mascara and has a generous volume of 10 ml, but that’s where the advantages end. The product is definitely not recommended for purchase.


Russian product for eyelash growth Alerana

The hair growth activator from Alerana has a double formula and interesting packaging. One side is for daytime use, the other for nighttime use. The product helps to achieve good hair density and stimulates their growth. The product consists of several active components. The day version contains taurine, panthenol, nettle extract and cyramide. The night formula consists of vitamins and vegetable oils.

The manufacturer guarantees not only the strengthening of eyelashes, but also the restoration of pigmentation. The hairs actually regenerate and darken along their entire length. Activator cost: from 400 rubles, you can buy it on the Internet and in some cosmetic stores.


Latisse eyelash growth solution

Initially, the manufacturer of the product released eye drops of the same name. Subsequently, another interesting property of the drug was revealed, which was its positive effect on eyelash growth.

Latisse is a solution made from a fatty acid (bimatoprost). The drug provides renewal of eyelashes. The active substances penetrate the bulbs, thereby stimulating hair growth. The product is available in the form of a 5 ml bottle. It must be carefully distributed along the eyelash growth line, avoiding contact with the eyes.

The solution may cause hairs to appear in unwanted places (if used incorrectly).

The cost of the product varies from 2000 to 4000 rubles. It is most profitable to buy on the manufacturer’s website.


Solution from India Carelash

The solution is produced in India and comes in the form of a 4 ml bottle. The kit comes with a special brush to help distribute the product. The solution contains a fatty acid (bimatoprost), sodium chloride, citric acid and water. The product may cause allergic reactions; it is not recommended for use by people with hypersensitivity.

The composition of Karelash and Careprost is almost identical.

Carelash has a cumulative effect. The drug helps to grow eyelashes in about 2-3 months of regular use. After this, the result must be maintained by using this solution 2-3 times a week.

Cost of the drug: 950 rubles. You can buy it on the official website of the manufacturer.

MD Lash Factor

Eyelash growth product MD Lash Factor

Conditioner containing glucosamine, biotin and panthenol. Good drug, helping to achieve a visible effect within 1-1.5 months of use. The product is available in the form of mascara, one package contains 6 ml. The main disadvantage of the product: high cost (the price of an air conditioner varies from 5,000 to 6,000 rubles). At the same time, the product lasts for several months of use.

You can purchase MD Lash Factor online or in premium cosmetics stores. Before making a virtual purchase, you should carefully study the site, since many people counterfeit this air conditioner due to its high cost.

Perfect Eyelash

Complex of products for eyelash growth Perfect Eyelash

Perfect Eyelash is a complex of two products to stimulate eyelash growth. The set consists of 6 ml mascara and 5 ml lotion. Such volumes allow the drugs to be used for a long time (for 2-3 months). The products contain biopeptides, panthenol, hyaluronic acid, taurine. Eyelash booster (serum for eyelash growth) has exactly the same composition. The products do not cause an allergic reaction. The complex helps to significantly increase the growth of eyelashes and strengthen the hairs.

Cost of the set: 1500 rubles. You can purchase it in online stores.

Emulsion Riciniol-V

Emulsion Riciniol Basic

This emulsion is medicinal, so it can be purchased in pharmacies. The drug is available in the form of a 15 ml bottle. Cost of the product: from 200 rubles. Active ingredient: ricinoleic acid. The composition also contains natural grape seed and lavender oils. The medicine strengthens hairs and stimulates hair follicles. The drug prevents eyelash loss and increases their thickness.

Feg Eyelash Enhancer

Feg Eyelash Enhancer Serum

Feg Eyelash Enhancer is a serum produced in the form of a bottle with a convenient brush inside. The packaging states that the composition is 100% natural. The product consists of purified water, citric acid, carboxymethylcellulose, sodium dihydrogen phosphate. Can cause allergic reaction in case of individual intolerance to the components.

The serum stimulates the growth of eyelashes and thickens them. The only negative: new eyelashes may be white at the ends, so they will have to be trimmed or constantly tinted. Cost of the product: 650-800 rubles. You can buy it in cosmetic stores and online.

Home remedies for eyelashes

What to do if your eyelashes fall out? Eyelash loss in a person can begin for various reasons. The use of cosmetic products is not enough, since most of them provide only a temporary effect. In addition, some recipes can be implemented right at home.

Castor oil

Castor oil is known for its nourishing properties

This product is known for its beneficial properties for eyelashes and eyebrows. Castor oil nourishes hairs and strengthens them along their entire length. This remedy also stimulates the bulbs. The oil can be purchased at any pharmacy, the average price for 50 ml is 100 rubles.

The product is best used as a stand-alone product. To do this, just apply it in a thin layer using cotton swab. Avoid contact of oil with eyes. The product should be used once a day (before bedtime) for 1-2 months.

Burdock oil, cognac and Vaseline

Homemade eyelash mask made from burdock oil, cognac and Vaseline

Based on burdock oil, cognac and petroleum jelly, an effective homemade mask for eyelash growth. To enhance the effect, you can add 2 tablespoons of castor oil. The remaining ingredients must be mixed in the following ratio: 1 tablespoon each of Vaseline and cognac and 2 tablespoons of burdock oil. Apply the mixture according to eyelash growth using a cotton swab.

Tinctures based on various herbs should not be used, as they are not effective enough. With the help of medicinal plants you can relieve swelling, get rid of signs of fatigue under the eyes, but they have practically no effect on the eyelashes.

Rose and castor oil

Rose oil

Another folk recipe, which is easy to implement at home. You will need to take 1 tablespoon of castor and rose oil. The ingredients must be thoroughly mixed and left for about 30 minutes. The solution should be applied before bedtime. The mixture accelerates the growth of eyelashes in about a month of use.

Vitamins also help improve the condition of eyelashes. You should take vitamin E, D, A, B. For your own convenience, you can buy any vitamin complex(for example – Aevit).

A procedure that should definitely be abandoned is eyelash extensions. It is recommended to refrain from heavy eye makeup and use only high-quality cosmetics.