Toasts and congratulations for the New Year. Toasts at a corporate party on New Year's Eve. Hello, dear readers! I'm very glad to see you

A pleasant New Year's feast with loved ones, friends or work colleagues is incomplete without toasting. They help maintain a cheerful festive atmosphere, create some excitement and help unsociable people present take part in the general bustle of the celebration. That’s why it’s worth choosing for a home dinner, a friendly get-together, or a business corporate event. good toast for the New Year 2017. They will help you set the desired rhythm and maintain it until the end of the feast. Toasts should be selected based on the tastes and preferences of the guests and their age. The older generation will love the old toast. Fans of minimalism (and therefore also bosses and colleagues) will like short toasts. But cool and funny toasts Perfect for the festive table for the New Year of the Rooster 2017 at home or with good friends.

Cool toasts for a corporate party for the New Year of the Rooster 2017

Many people believe that gatherings with colleagues at corporate events dedicated to the New Year are always boring. Cool and funny toasts will help fix even the quietest office party. Therefore, the usual corporate party with sour faces should be excluded. It’s worth holding an original and fun get-together in the office in the upcoming New Year of the Rooster 2017. It is necessary to select with special diligence and attention original toasts: They should not be vulgar or rude. Such toasts can be made in the presence of close friends, but under no circumstances should they be pronounced at corporate events.

Each option for toasts under consideration should be evaluated not only by the head of the department or a simple messenger, but also by other colleagues. After all, cool toasts at a New Year’s corporate party should sound solemn or cheerful, support general fun, but should not concern any specific people. Such speeches may cause embarrassment to one of those present: such situations should be avoided at corporate events.

I would like that in the new year each of us would acquire not the best, but our own. Because the best cannot always become yours, but yours is always the best. Take care of your loved ones! Happy New Year!

There is an ancient Japanese proverb that says that happiness comes only to a home where there is fun and continuous laughter. I want to raise this glass in honor of the upcoming New Year and wish everyone present that there will always be laughter and happiness in your homes in the New Year!

Dear friends! Today we have gathered to celebrate the upcoming holiday! Let's raise our glasses so that next year our lives will be a perfect puzzle: happiness, health, prosperity and love. Happy New Year!

Original toasts for a family festive dinner for the New Year 2017 Rooster A

The family holiday dinner on December 31 is usually divided into two parts: seeing off the old year with all its problems and welcoming the New Year, which should bring prosperity, happiness and good luck to the family. Therefore, toasts for the two parts of the celebration need to be selected appropriately. As you see off the old year, you can remember both the achievements of each family member and the difficulties that arose along the way. But toasts for the New Year 2017 should be cool and short. They will help you meet the upcoming holiday in a great mood and forget about adversity.

You can choose toasts that will wish everyone present health and love for the New Year 2017. Or you can say generalized texts congratulating the family on a new stage in life. It is desirable that toasts for the New Year of the Rooster be as positive and kind as possible, praising the coming year and its symbol.

Snow is what makes you believe in winter's tale. It would seem like such a small thing, but you can spend a long time at the window watching it fall from the sky. So let's drink to having more fairy tales in our lives. Let's look around, how many beautiful things there are. Let's try to find magic in the little things!

Everything should be different in the new year. And I want the new year to bring and fulfill everything that we missed so much in the previous ones.

I drink to a wonderful New Year, May it bring us joy, May it bring us magic, We have been waiting for it for a long time! I drink to happiness, to prosperity, to health and goodness, so that everything is in order, we have enough strength for everything!

Funny toasts for friendly gatherings for the New Year 2017

Celebrating the New Year in the company of friends is one of the most best options spending the pre-holiday time. Not only people who have known each other for a long time can get together, but also entire families with children. This option for celebrating the New Year will certainly arouse the favor of the Fire Rooster and will be well appreciated by him.

You can choose beautiful and even funny toasts for the New Year for the celebration. They will help cheer up both adults and children. If the celebration is held in a very narrow circle of friends, then festive speeches should be selected based on the characteristics of communication between each other. These can be both funny and comic toasts. We will allow the selection of original texts with a “spice”, if all those present have a normal attitude towards such toasts or are accustomed to communicating in such a way. “Spicy” short toasts will not cause misunderstandings and will help maintain excellent festive mood from everyone present.

They say that our life is so short that we should not waste it on grievances. Let's drink so that next New Year we have few reasons to be offended. And may all worries and grievances remain in the old year and never remind you of yourself!

During the magical New Year's festivities, even the most daring requests to the generous Santa Claus can be fulfilled. For example, one young man ordered more “chicks and money” for himself, and to this day he cannot get out of a remote village. Let's drink to the accuracy of the wording in our requests to Santa Claus!

Nowadays, it has become fashionable to replace Santa Claus with Santa Claus. And this year I want to wish gifts from Santa Claus. Santa Claus is a short guy in glasses riding on reindeer, and Father Frost is always with the Snow Maiden and with a suspiciously red nose. So let's drink so that next year we won't have to deal with deer, but with a pleasant and cheerful company!

Simple and short toasts for the business celebration of the New Year 2017

The business celebration of the New Year 2017 can be held in a narrow circle of colleagues. This could be a meeting of partners or exclusively heads of departments and management. Such corporate events are usually held not in the office, but in a restaurant. Therefore, you need to choose short toasts for the New Year 2017 for such an occasion. Speeches should be restrained, kind and unpretentious. Cool toasts can be pronounced to congratulate all guests present, wish them to achieve incredible heights in the New Year, and achieve their goals.

An important difference between a business celebration and an ordinary corporate party can be considered a “solid” atmosphere, in which the behavior of guests must be appropriate. Therefore, it is recommended to use short, cool toasts for the New Year, which are simple, understandable, and somewhat strict. From the proposed options, you can find attractive short toasts that will lift the spirits of everyone gathered at the corporate party and happily celebrate the New Year with business partners and colleagues.

“Happy New Year, happy new happiness” - it is customary to congratulate each other. But let happiness not be new, as long as it is stable with us. Let's drink to the kindness of Fate to all of us in this New Year.

Dear friends, let’s drink to the fact that next year there will be more and more moments for the holidays. And there would simply be no place for sadness and sadness in our lives, because happiness and love will always be with us. Happy New Year, friends, with new happiness!

New Year is new life. This is a holy chance to start life with clean slate and no longer repeat old mistakes, but laugh, remembering them in the coming year. So I can safely say that the New Year, like a bird of happiness, carries away on its wings all the most negative things and fills us with the life-giving power of love and warmth, partly changes us in better side and instills humanity. So let's drink to this bird and ask her for happiness. Happy New Year!

Short and funny toasts for dinner with relatives for the New Year 2017

Meeting relatives at the festive table before the New Year is an event that many have been looking forward to for many years. Both people living in the same city or neighboring regions, as well as those who live very far from their relatives, can gather for a family dinner. For such cases, it is recommended to use old toasts dedicated to the New Year. They will definitely appeal to the older generation and will delight them.

You can use other cool short toasts that indicate the congratulatory person’s love for all guests. Such family gatherings are desirable for the New Year 2017. They will help you chat with your loved ones on abstract topics and celebrate the New Year in an upbeat, positive mood. And selected short toasts, in turn, will help create and support it.

Everyone knows about the tradition of making wishes on New Year's Eve. Some people write it on a piece of paper, burn it and drink the ashes with champagne, others embroider it on the hem of their outfit. Everyone wants to be happy. Let us raise our glasses so that in the New Year we will not have to make wishes, for we will have everything we need to be happy.

Soon New Year. I would like to wish that all the problems and adversities remained in the past year, and new emotions, beginnings, and victories were present in everyone’s life in the New Year!

New Year is knocking on the door,

What awaits us in it?

Light, love, warmth, dream,

Happiness, peace and beauty.

And luck and success,

And family, and children's laughter.

We raise a glass

To the new year, because it has come.

And we wish everyone now

Always be happy

So that our courage does not fade away.

Well, New Year is already knocking on the window. Let us meet him with dignity, so that everything in our lives will be calm. And we will see off the old one and will not remember the bad things. Happy New Year, a year of joy, good luck and new things to do!

Short toasts for the New Year 2017 can be either discreet, funny or cool. They will help create the right festive atmosphere and wish everyone present health, happiness and success in the coming New Year 2017. You can use new and old toasts both for a home dinner with relatives and for friendly gatherings or corporate parties or business events. Original short toasts will help you beautifully celebrate the symbol of the New Year 2017 - the Fire Rooster. It is he who will bring positive changes to everyone’s lives in the next 12 months. Therefore, toasts dedicated to the New Year should be beautiful, interesting and simply fun.

New Year's toasts

New Year's toasts in Year of the Rooster 2017- Can a festive feast be complete without them? Especially when cool toasts for the New Year 2017 are said to the theme, to the suit, to the very heart of a friendly and noisy company so that every person feels the significance of these words and wishes.

Editorial Karelian News brings to your attention New Year's toasts in the year of the Rooster 2017 - funny and serious, in prose and poetry for big company and for a close circle of friends. Choose, pronounce, drink, but don’t get drunk!

Cool New Year's toasts 2017:

The first New Year's toast is cool: Farewell! We won’t see each other sober this year!

New Year is not a luxury, but a means of transportation through time!
So let's drink to his perpetual motion machine!

Funny toasts for the New Year 2017

After New Year's Eve, the couple came home, and the husband tries to open the door with a cigarette.
“It’s a cigarette,” says the wife, I’m afraid that you won’t open the door with this!
- Damn, did I really smoke the key?
So let's drink to the fact that in the new year we will smoke the keys to our happiness!

Short toasts for the New Year 2017

Toast to sobriety:
Let's drink to not looking into the glass in the new year!
Let's drink with our eyes closed!

Let's drink to the hope that the new year will be much better than the last, but much worse than the next!

Toasts for the New Year of the Rooster 2017

With the twelfth strike
To the crow of the Rooster
We will say: “Happy New Year!
But life is not bad!”
And, having drained the glasses
To the very bottom,
We wish you happiness
And let's pour some wine again!

New Year's toasts for friends:

A toast to irresistibility:

Dear friends, I wish that in the new year you will be as irresistible as in the past year, and that the next year will not affect your appearance in any way!

One day a girl fell asleep and had a dream: next to her was a beautiful man. I woke up and there was no one nearby. So let's drink to good dreams coming true in the new year!

Girls, let's drink so that in the new year you will have someone to share any mood, both good and bad. The good will increase, and the bad will become half as much.

New Year's toasts in verse

A year passes, a century changes,
Time running non-stop,
He won’t look back and won’t wait,
Time is counting so quickly,
We hear again from all sides
We are clinking New Year's glasses,
The New Year's clock strikes again,
Once again the minutes are passing,
The time has come for the New Year,
I raise my glass
For the New Day, for the New Year,
And for a silent run.

Toasts for the New Year 2017 for a corporate party

To the chime of the clock and the explosion of firecrackers
I want to raise my glass again
For you, my dear souls,
For happiness, friendship and love!

Wine splashes in glasses,
The snow sparkles at the threshold,
Let him bring health and joy,
The arrival of the seventeenth year!

Let's raise a toast to the New Year!
And this toast is extremely simple:
For happiness, joy, sun, laughter
And for love and for success,
For sensitivity, affection, kindness,
Warmth of family life
I raise my glass!
Let's have a drink, who's with me?

Undoubtedly, toasts for the New Year are heard at every table. Millions of glasses of champagne clink loudly to warm, cheerful and always sincere words. We don’t want your toasts to be boring, so we suggest you get inspired by a selection of worthy options for different formats, be it an official corporate party or New Year’s toasts with your family.

Toasts for the New Year in verse

Twelve strikes and my glass is raised.
And at this moment, mysteriously ringing,
My love is the spark of all my affairs.
My first toast is to your flying voice,
For the magic of your calling eyes,
For all the moments I spent with you,
For the joy of meetings that awaits us,
For a thirst that knows no quenching!

Friends! New Year will come soon.
Forget old sorrows
And days of sorrow, and days of adversity,
And everything that killed joy.
But don't forget the clear days,
Golden hours for dear hearts,
And old sincere friends,
Whom you all loved so much.
Live new in the New Year!

The blue planet is flying,
It’s not an easy year to remember.
In your cozy room
The smell of salad, the crackling of candles,
Like a moment of fate - the strokes of the clock,
The heart will shrink in silence,
Then the table, wine, guitar
And the noise of solemn speeches.
Friends! We love you all very much,
We wish you happiness and goodness!
Let's not forget a glass of wine
Empty to the bottom for you!

Now, summing up the results,
Let's sigh sadly about the past:
Probably the gods helped
We have to cope with the enemy all year!
Today, celebrating the New Year,
Let's have fun!
We wish each other happiness,
If someone doesn't love, he will fall in love.
Who is more happy about money than life?
Let him become rich this year!
Now it’s not a sin for us to drink
For us, for everyone and for success!

Happy New Year
And today I wish you
So that this year
Tears were not in use
So that friends appreciate
And the family loved
More often awards were given
So that diseases do not attack.
That's the point. And we will be alive -
We'll get the rest,
By acquaintance or by connections,
Thank you for the salary.
Don't be sad, keep your nose up.
Well, let's drink to make it come true!

The year goes by, goes into a century -
Fast time, eternal running.
Don't look back, don't wait -
Only the army of years gone by.
Only seconds of missing moan
Yes, New Year's glasses are ringing.
Only yesterday time was born,
Only yesterday happiness swirled.
Just yesterday! It was, yes away.
Dawn again, midnight again...
The Kremlin chimes strike again,
Again from the times of passing...
The minute has come, the hour has come -
we raise our glass
For a new day, for a new year,
Over time, an inaudible move.

Dear guests, look,
It’s so nice and cozy here with us,
Wait a little longer
And the clock will strike twelve times.
I congratulate you to the clink of glasses,
Under the smiles, under the sparkle of the eyes,
So that happiness does not end today,
So that there is still some left in reserve.
Joy, love, health, happiness
Let the New Year go in full.
And let's forget all our bad weather -
For him, for the New Year to the bottom!

I raise my glass
For happiness to shine!
To inflame passions
I burned all my misfortunes like paper!
Love will come to us, with it peace.
Everything will become cleaner, more beautiful.
On our New Year's feast
Peoples will become kinder and kinder.
Having said no to unnecessary war,
We will live, friends, without anger.
All smiles will see the light,
Only kindness will come to visit us!
Wish good good!
It should be in every home!
A cap of gold, silver,
I wish everyone, there is no word “except”!
May the New Year give everyone
Everything you've always dreamed of
A old year let him take it away
Enmity, illness and sorrow!

Toasts for the New Year in prose

Agree that the New Year remains a holiday of contrasts. We invariably expect warmth from him, even though it is snowy and frosty outside. I want to wish that such a strange contrast does not leave you all year! No, ideal life it doesn’t happen, and it’s not needed, because it’s boring. Let peppercorns, snowflakes and needles sometimes come across in a huge heap of warmth and happiness - we can’t live without them, and they make us better. Happy New Year!

Friends, do you know that from time immemorial a strange monument was built called “Opportunity”? This statue looks symbolic: a man stands on tiptoe. Symbolic, isn't it? After all, this shows how short the moment that gives us the opportunity is. Sometimes it's days, but sometimes it's seconds. And not everyone has time to grab hold of it, cling to it, and snatch what’s theirs.
However, a person does not just stand on tiptoe. He is inspired. But these wings are on legs. And this only means one thing: if a person still catches his opportunity, then with its help he can take off. And sometimes fly very, very high. The man also has a bald spot. But in front you will see long beautiful hair. Remember dear friends, opportunity is not eternal: it disappears as quickly as it appears. Don't miss out on yours this year!

Unfortunately, our lives are entwined with chains of borders. We know that it begins and ends, leaving behind only memories. But there is one thing in our life that is limitless. These are dreams. While you are on a long and difficult journey, your dream is already resting in your home. While you are just getting ready to meet your beloved woman, your dream is already enjoying her kiss. While you are experiencing this moment, perhaps not the best in your life, your dream has already rushed forward three years. And she knows how it is and what is there. She's always on the go, she never stops. So don’t complicate her path, let her fly! Happy New Year!

My dears, I would really like you to only go upward this year, which means conquer new heights. First you need to rise to love. Without it it is impossible to climb any other mountain! This is the source, the start, the beginning. This is what will fill you with strength and inspire you.

Then it’s worth climbing to the mountain of friendship. And if you understand that there are true friends in your life, then you are not living in vain. Friendship gives us support and reliability. This is something that is impossible without in difficult times.

The next step is to rise to recognition. This may not be the most important thing, but it is incredibly important for most of you. Perhaps recognition will be the most difficult thing to come to: the path may be paved with stones, obstacles, and betrayal. However, looking down from this peak is the most pleasant, believe me!

And in the end you will come out on top. You will look at everything from above and understand that life is a success, because it has the most important thing. Conquer your peaks, everyone should succumb in this New Year!

New Year's toasts for a group of friends

There is no more pleasant feeling than realizing that we have been gathering with the same lineup for many years now! Friends, just a couple more hours and we will hear the chimes, which will proudly announce that another step in our lives has been completed. I won’t make any guesses, because I have absolutely no idea what the new year brings. You can expect anything from him - keep in mind! But we are still together, which means that all the adversity that may come our way will be overcome with ease. And we won’t say anything bad about the passing year: let it go, all the best to it!

Friends, have you ever noticed that our life path is somewhat reminiscent of festive garland? After all, when just one small light bulb burns out, all the others become useless. It’s the same in life: one small adversity leads to a series of grievances, failures and frustrations. Therefore, I would like to drink to the fact that this year we will shine without burning out for a second!

Short toasts for the New Year

You know, not a single person in this world has ever been infinitely happy without having a single true friend in his life. So let's drink to those who are always nearby!

There is a naive opinion that people can do absolutely everything in this world. But they are not allowed to do this. Come on! This New Year we will drink to those who do not need someone's permission!

There are people who live and are inspired only by their past. And such people are deeply unhappy. There are those who live only with dreams of the future. And such people often have nothing in the present. And there are those who live for the moment, for today. And such people are endlessly happy. This New Year we drink to the last ones - to us!

You know, truthful, sincere doctors are much more honest and more necessary than lying, insincere friends. So let there be fewer of the former in the year of the Rooster, and let there be no latter at all!

This New Year, I would suggest drinking to the meaning of life. After all, it is so important to live not only for yourself. So let everyone have this meaning in the Year of the Dog!

Toasts for New Year's corporate party

If you can speak at the family table without choosing words: there are only loved ones around who are interested in hearing everything you say, then it is best to prepare for a speech at a corporate party. Here are some cool toasts for your New Year's Eve with colleagues.

We wish you inspiration in the New Year,
For a miracle to happen, like in a fairy tale.
With work colleagues
We met in reality more often
So that not only nicknames are known,
But also the name of our boss.
And your real faces
Our colleagues showed it.
So that the car lets people go
From social pages on the Internet
And they poured glasses of champagne,
They said a toast worthy of a poet.

Dear colleagues, I sincerely congratulate you on the New Year! In fact, any holiday in your society automatically becomes memorable, bright, and long-awaited. I would really like for us to meet as often as possible not only on work issues in the Year of the Dog. After all, we spend most of our lives hand in hand, and we must not forget about this! May the night be magical and the year happy.

Cool New Year's toasts about a dog

Every year we associate this long-awaited holiday with some animal. Let's remember the Year of the Snake. It’s a so-so symbol: it’s not very beautiful, and it could sting at any moment. Everyone was afraid of her! There was a Rabbit: white, fluffy, spineless. Good, of course. But it's boring! And now the Dog comes. best friend human, reliable, loyal, brave and cheerful. Let's get up early, love each other even more, enjoy our surroundings and admire our reflection. Happy New Year!

New Year is one of the most long-awaited and beloved celebrations by many. As a child, New Year's holidays are perceived as a magical event, with gifts under the Christmas tree from Santa Claus and cheerful matinees in kindergarten or school. For adults and those “wise” with life experience, the end of the year is most likely associated with the completion of work begun and the hope that the coming year will be successful and fruitful. However, despite our age, in the soul of each of us there lives a childish feeling of expectation of a miracle - on New Year’s Eve one so wants to believe in a fairy tale! So, in anticipation New Year's holidays Enterprises and organizations organize fun corporate parties - with songs, dances and competitions. Extremely popular today themed parties in the style of “Masquerade Ball”, “Hollywood” or “Greetings from the 60s”. Be that as it may, any New Year's corporate party involves a feast with many delicious dishes and drinks. And where there are drinks, there is toast! After all, an appropriately pronounced toast gives a festive banquet a unique “zest” of fun and warmth, which contributes to good mood and the spiritual “unity” of all those present. What toasts should you prepare for the New Year 2017? We have made a selection of the funniest toasts for the New Year of the Rooster - such short funny “parables” will fit perfectly into the script New Year's corporate party, and are also suitable for a friendly party or a home feast with the family. Of course, the main character of most toasts will be the Red Fire Rooster, the symbol of 2017. With the help of such funny congratulatory “speeches” you can defuse the atmosphere of tension that sometimes arises between unfamiliar people. Having learned a few cool toasts, raise a glass of sparkling champagne to happiness, good luck and health in the New Year of the Rooster 2017 - undoubtedly, the rest of the event participants will support you and, in turn, will “show off” their oratory skills.

Cool toasts for a corporate party for the New Year of the Rooster 2017

It is known that we spend most of our time at work, and many employees and colleagues have long become friends and even friends. Therefore, on the eve of the New Year 2017, I want to get together, have a lot of fun and take a break from the “endless” workdays. In many companies, management meets the “wishes of the workers” and holds a New Year’s corporate party in the last days of December. As a rule, for this purpose, they rent a banquet hall in a restaurant or cafe in advance, draw up a holiday script and think through entertainment. Having gathered at a generously laid table, funny toasts are used - for the New Year 2017 these could be short congratulations and parting words to colleagues with wishes in a comic form of all the best. What should a good toast be like? Soulful, short, meaningful and not beyond the bounds of decency. For the New Year of the Rooster 2017, we have collected several cool short toasts - you just have to learn their words on the eve of the festive corporate party. Each participant entertainment event can prepare his own toast for the New Year 2017, and then say it at the common table.

The glasses in which the champagne is splashing are clinking. Is it possible at this wonderful time not to wish everyone a Happy New Year and wish them happiness and goodness? May everything be great in your life. I hope that we will work with such a friendly and cheerful team for a long time.

I wish that with the advent of the new year 2017, the innovations that he is waiting for will appear in the life of every person. For some it’s a car or an apartment, for others it’s new meetings and love. Let only friends and beloved colleagues remain old.

The Year of the Rooster is knocking on our homes. I hope it brings joy and good luck to everyone. At least, I sincerely wish this to everyone. So that there is money through the roof, so that there are no mice in the house, so that health flows over the edge. I only have one planned word left to say: “pour.”

A collection of short funny toasts for the New Year 2017 - sincere funny wishes to family and friends

It is traditional to celebrate the New Year with family and friends, at a generously laid table and to the sounds of a festive concert on TV. Indeed, such an idyllic picture of family gatherings at Olivier against the backdrop of the New Year's Blue Light resonates in the hearts of many people. In such a cozy atmosphere, short funny toasts would be appropriate, conveying the unique atmosphere of the New Year of the Rooster 2017 - the best solution will choose an original, cheerful toast in advance and “perform” with it at the festive table. And since the symbol of 2017 is the Red Rooster, this bright, vocal bird can be mentioned in the toast. Let the feathered patron of the coming year bestow his favor on you - raise a glass in his honor, complementing this “popular” gesture with a short funny toast from our collection. Such sincere toasts for the New Year 2017 with wishes of goodness and happiness will definitely be appreciated by your family and friends.

Even as a child, I realized that Father Frost and the Snow Maiden are amazing characters who do not get sick, do not age, and do not suffer from depression. And despite all the defaults, inflation and economic crises, they always have money for a bag of gifts. Therefore, instead of a sophisticated New Year's toast, I will say briefly and banally - may we live like this! For health, youth of soul and financial stability.

Year of the Red Rooster
Not a blemish on the table
Olivier and fur coat
It will be a fertile year!
We fill our glasses
To become even richer
So that it rustles in your pockets
The houses were thriving!

New Year is a holiday of contrasts. While it’s cold, frost, snow outside, the house is warm, cozy, a bright Christmas tree, festive table and the love of loved ones. So let’s drink to the fact that the house will always be warm and comfortable, even if there are hurricanes and severe frosts outside.

Funny New Year's toasts 2017 for corporate events and friendly parties - in poetry and prose

The festive event in honor of the New Year is distinguished by a special atmosphere of carefree and fun. After all, at a corporate event or friendly party in honor of the New Year 2017, all participants are greatly brought together not only by the generously set table with delicious dishes and drinks, but also a unique feeling of magic. In the company of colleagues or close friends, you can wonderfully celebrate the imminent arrival of the New Year of the Rooster - it is clear that everyone will celebrate it on December 31 with family and friends. In the meantime, you can enjoy the conversation and raise a glass with wishes of all the best for the New Year 2017. For a corporate event or a party of close friends, funny New Year's toasts in poetry and prose would be appropriate, which would be equally well received by everyone present at the table. With the help of such a cool short toast for the New Year of the Rooster, a cheerful mood is guaranteed - it is only important to “present” the words beautifully, choosing the right intonation and timing. Of course, if you don’t have the skills of a toastmaster, you’ll have to practice a little. However, your efforts will not be in vain - your speech will be greeted with loud applause!

There is an ancient Japanese proverb that says that happiness comes only to a home where there is fun and continuous laughter. I want to raise this glass in honor of the upcoming New Year and wish everyone present that there will always be laughter and happiness in your homes in the New Year!

The time has come to let go of the Monkey, who has helped us so much all year, leading us to a bright future... And what do I see? There's a new addition to our farm! It's the Rooster! Well, the fact that he is Fiery is such a breed! Happy New Year 2017! Smile more often, and for a reason, I wish that in the coming year you will always have a reason for this!

I raise a glass to the New Year,
May he bring good luck to the house,
Let him give you joy and kindness.
I want to wish everyone happiness!

Let him give everyone magic,
May everything always be fine
Let there be miracles everywhere.
That's what I'll drink to tonight!

Short toasts for the New Year 2017 - funny table speeches with best wishes

The New Year comes unnoticed, bringing with it bitter frost and snowdrifts, the smell of pine needles and tangerine. It would seem that just recently the wind was blowing dry trees through the streets. autumn leaves, and winter was so far away... Every day the most beloved and happy holiday– New Year of the Rooster! In connection with the upcoming corporate events and holiday parties, we decided to collect the best short toasts for the New Year 2017 that will lift your spirits and cause cheerful, approving laughter. It’s so nice to listen to well-rehearsed poetic congratulations or a beautiful speech in prose, with best wishes in the New Year 2017. A cool short toast is perceived much better than a long speech, during which listeners sit with filled glasses and patiently wait for the end of the “monologue.” Therefore, it is better to select toast phrases that are short and understandable, without unnecessary verbiage - such toasts for the New Year 2017 will be better remembered and will convey the full depth of your feelings and wishes.

A year goes by
Taking away sorrows
Well, let him go
The new year will not let us down!
The main thing is to pour it on time,
Wine for the New Year,
So that he can be happy
And drink it all down!

Be rich!
Live in abundance!
And may your salary
Doesn't play hide and seek with you!
In the new year more money get it!
Spend wherever you want!
We'll drink to you for this -
So that everyone has income!

Happy New Year, happy new happiness” - it is customary to congratulate each other. But let happiness not be new, as long as it is stable with us. Let's drink to the kindness of Fate to all of us in this New Year.

New Year of the Rooster 2017 - cool short toasts for the festive feast

The ability to make toasts beautifully is a real art. Therefore, for the New Year 2017, it is better to prepare a few simple, cool toasts in advance and practice their pronunciation properly. Of course, improvisation at a festive feast is welcome, but not everyone is able to “immediately” come up with and beautifully “serve” a toast for the New Year. So we suggest using our options for cool short toasts - you just need to choose and learn the words for the holidays. After all, good toasts give you confidence, put you in a positive mood and lift your spirits for a long time. The Year of the Rooster brings us bright positive changes, so along with toasts you “program” your listeners for future happiness and good luck. May your wishes come true in the New Year 2017!

I want to raise a glass,
So that no one gets bored on New Year's Day,
So that the holiday reigns everywhere,
Spun with joyful snowflakes!
So that there are happy children on the street,
She was happy about the snow and shouted: “Hurray!”

Let's raise a toast to the New Year
Let the toast be extremely simple,
For happiness, friendship, laughter,
Great success in all matters,
For sensitivity, tenderness, kindness
Warmth to family life!

What does the glass consist of? From a support and a drink bowl. What does a person consist of? From the body - the material support and the soul - the spiritual cup. Let's drink so that in the new year our glasses will be filled more often with wonderful wine, and the cups of our souls with wonderful feelings!

Cool toasts for the New Year 2017 are a great opportunity to truly unite people and create a truly magical festive atmosphere. So, for a New Year's corporate party you will find on our pages a collection of short funny toasts that your colleagues will be delighted with. At a friendly party or family feast, funny toasts with wishes in a humorous form will lift everyone's spirits - for the Year of the Rooster you can prepare different versions in poetry and prose. So, let's raise a glass to the New Year 2017!

New Year 2017 is a holiday that we celebrate throughout the country. On New Year's Eve I want to get up with a glass of champagne and say beautiful toast in front of your friends, family or colleagues. On this page we will provide cool toasts for the New Year 2017: for friends, colleagues, family. The toasts are short and funny. Stand out in front of your friends and wish them the best and most pleasant wishes.

Cool toasts for the New Year 2017: for friends.

Some cool toasts for friends for the New Year 2017.

Happy New Year,
I wish you happiness and joy.
Santa Claus for the New Year,
Let him carry the bag of money.

May there be love and happiness,
Let the bad weather pass by.
Positive and kind.
Happy New Year everyone, hooray!

The New Year is about to arrive.
He's probably standing on the threshold.
And the champagne is already playing in the glass,
Nearby, a beautiful Christmas tree is lit.

So let's raise our glasses
For the past year, for past affairs.
Together we will drink to the future,
May everyone's dreams come true!

Many people, congratulating everyone on the New Year, wish everyone a fresh start, but I want to wish you that in the New Year your life will continue in brighter colors, that you will overcome all failures and continue to build your life without repeating your mistakes.
Happy New Year and new successes!

The New Year will come in a few days, and I would like all the troubles and problems to remain this year, I hope that the New Year will bring us more pleasant moments and happy news.

Do you know why there are so many stars in the sky in winter? A new star begins to be born and everyone else comes to see this spectacle. The New Year is the New Star. So let's drink to the fact that this Year the New Star will illuminate the path to Happiness, Health, Peace and Success for each of us. And let's wash down the old year with the same old wine. Happy New Year!

Friends! New Year will come soon.
Forget old sorrows
And days of sorrow and days of adversity
And everything that killed joy.
But don't forget the clear days
Golden hours for dear hearts,
And old sincere friends,
Whom you all loved so much.
Live new in the New Year!

Let the river flow now
Champagne with a snowdrift of foam
So that next year
The seas were knee-deep!

The old year is leaving
Let him take it with him
All the troubles and sorrows
Sex in which you didn't cum
And creaky beds
No headache!
That love that is unanswered
Snow that falls in summer.
Dyatlov, why are they screwing us over?
Let him take it with him!
After all, the old year is leaving!?
Well, to hell with it
Let him go!

Let the balm pour on your souls!
And in this turn, at this moment before the New Year,
With all my heart I wish you
More good days - like today!
So that we don’t hide our eyes from each other,
Don't be upset over trifles!
Let the glass be drunk - for us, -
May we continue to meet so easily in the future!

Once upon a time there lived three women. The first one had a husband. The second lover. And the third had both a husband and a lover. The first one did not complain about life; her husband constantly took care of his wife. The second one was also happy, because her lover spent everything free time with her. The third felt lonely and unhappy. The two men constantly relied on each other.
Let's drink to everyone being happy in the New Year! Happy New Year!
Happy new happiness!

Christmas tree branches, rose scent...
I am glad to give you this for the New Year!
I just can't
I see you -
You are too far away, dear friends!
Better not be bored this New Year,
He will bring a lot of joy today!
There will be worries, just don’t be timid!
Feel free to look further into the future.
Smile nicely, remember me,
Happy New Year, friends!

All covered in toys and lights, the Christmas tree is skating, calling everyone to the holiday, and wishing you well. The New Year is like a fairy tale, Happy New Year, kids!

Life is beautiful even when tears are streaming down your cheeks. So let's raise our glasses and drink to the fact that in the coming year tears will flow down our cheeks more often, but only tears of happiness!


What does the glass consist of? From a support and a drink bowl. What does a person consist of? From the body - the material support and the soul - the spiritual cup. Let's drink so that in the new year our glasses will be filled more often with wonderful wine, and the cups of our souls with wonderful feelings


Twice for the same ones... New Years are not coming! You cannot celebrate the same New Year twice... So let's drink to the timeliness, inevitability and uniqueness of this recurring holiday! Here's to the New Year!


Celebrating the New Year is always a summing up of the old. But no matter how the experience is interpreted, its highest philosophy is simple and boils down to one phrase: “Live and rejoice!” Let's drink to the joys that life gives us!


May we have as many good and joyful events next year, as many good and wonderful deeds, as many lights burn in our New Year's garland! Here's to the New Year!


Let's drink to the hope that all the troubles in the New Year will be as short as the change from one year to another!


One man fell asleep and had a dream: next to him was a beautiful woman. I woke up - no one was there. So let's drink so that all good dreams come true in the New Year!


The New Year holiday is the apotheosis of contrasts: it’s frosty, snowy, dark outside, but the lights at home are sparkling, fun, warm, a decorated Christmas tree, a festive table...
May the new year, no matter how the winds and adversities rage around you, let your home and soul be light and cozy. May all our wishes come true in the new year!
Let's raise a glass to these!


I wish everyone gathered here that in the new year there will be love, worries, and doubts in your life, so that it never occurs to you that you have missed something in this life.


Life is like a New Year's garland - as soon as one light bulb burns out, all the others go out. If one thing doesn’t work out for a person, everything falls out of hand. So let's drink to the fact that the garland of bright events in our lives shimmers with all colors and never burns out! Here's to not burning out next year!

Surprise your colleagues at a corporate event. Tell them a few warm words for New Year 2017.

The most wonderful and most beloved holiday by all – New Year is getting closer and closer. And usually on New Year’s Eve, every work team gets together to sit and spend the old year. Cool toasts for the New Year 2016 to colleagues, they will help you say beautiful words to your colleagues. Short and comic toasts for the New Year 2016 are not only words, they are also humor. Which you should never give up!

There is an old joke:
The boss hires a new secretary and asks her:
- How much did you get paid at your old job?
“200 dollars,” she replies.
- I will be happy to pay you 300 dollars!
- at my old job I was happy to receive $400...
My dear colleagues!
Let's drink to ensure that we get what we deserve for our work. And so that we can enjoy it without any obligations!

— How many of you work here? – the boss asks the builders.
- Five with the master! - the builders answer.
“That means four without a foreman,” the boss thoughtfully calculates.
- No, no one works without a master! - the workers answer in unison...
I propose to raise a glass to our well-coordinated team. Where everyone knows their job and doesn't need to be reminded of it.

Sometimes our work “intersects” with our everyday life. A computer at home and a computer at work. Tea at home and tea at work. There are conversations at home and conversations at work. But home is still better!
I propose to raise a glass to that. So that our work becomes even better and brings only pleasure and positivity!

They say that all people descended from monkeys. And work helped the monkey become a man. But years have passed. People invented alcohol, and everything returned to normal.
In anticipation of the coming year of the monkey, let's raise our glasses of alcohol and refute all this talk!
For us, for the monkeys... ugh, for the people!

New Year is knocking on the windows, a holiday is on the doorstep,
With songs and gifts, Santa Claus is on the road.
He will give all my friends and colleagues a fairy tale,
Open your heart to the miracles boldly, without fear.

Let the glasses be filled, the toasts rise,
Cheerful guests will gather in every house.
Let the Horse wake everyone up with its ringing run,
Will bring good luck and happiness to all friends and colleagues.

Colleagues, the arrow completes the circle
And soon the chimes will ring out.
Each of you is my most faithful friend,
Not everyone has such happiness.

I'm happy that at the festive table
Happy New Year to my colleagues!
May he bring only joy to every home,
I wish you the best from the bottom of my heart!

The New Year holiday is the apotheosis of contrasts: it’s frosty, snowy, dark outside, but the lights at home are sparkling, fun, warm, a decorated Christmas tree, a festive table...
May the new year, no matter how the winds and adversities rage around you, let your home and soul be light and cozy.
May all our wishes come true in 2017! Let's raise a glass to that

Let's drink to Father Frost and the Snow Maiden: for as long as I can remember, they don't get sick, don't grow old, and there is always money for gifts!
For us to be like that too!

Tell your loved ones your best wishes. Nice toasts for the New Year 2017 for the family.

I wish each of you success,
May we have a lot of happiness and laughter,
Give our family wisdom and warmth,
Do not regret affection and kindness!
And who, excuse me, won’t finish drinking,
Sleep through all the fun in the New Year!

Let everything new and beautiful come into the apartment,
It will bring a lot of tenderness and warmth,
Share happiness among everyone
Tomorrow is a new day - there will be success,
We drink and eat at a generous table,
And the snow is having fun and swirling outside the window.
Don’t rush to say these lines,
Allow all good things to come to you!

Old year, take away all the sorrows,
Let's forget the anxiety, resentment, misfortune,
Success, good luck and happiness
I’ll make a toast for you with wishes!

The past year has already said goodbye to us,
It's frosty and it's snowing outside the window,
With this congratulation in verse we
Let's welcome the coming New Year!
A good year has come to us, definitely
In everything there will be victory and success,
May things turn out really well
2017 is for everyone!

On New Year's Day, snow is quietly falling outside your window, May there be joy and laughter at your table, May enviable success await you in any business, and may happiness enter your bright home without hindrance.

May the merry New Year come to you with a lot of joys, And may it bring with it Friends, health, and a rise in life! Let work be a passion, Let family be a rest for the soul, And let all the bad weather and all the sharp turns disappear.

For those who love brevity and conciseness, here are short toasts for the New Year 2017 especially for you:

Let the glasses ring in the New Year!
Let the sparkling wine bubble!
Let the morals of the enemies pacify everything.
This night let everything be one.

New Year's fun
let him enter every house.
Let the lights on the tree burn,
Bright fairy fire!

May the New Year 2017 be beautiful, important and shiny, like a toy crowning a Christmas tree!

What kind of New Year do we have there in order? May 2017 of your wishes come true!

Happy New Year of the Rooster! I am sending an invisible snowflake with the blizzard, it will bring you happiness!

I’m sending an SMS on the magically shimmering New Year’s Eve 2017 and wishing you happiness!

May the coming year 2017 be generous with bright, individual happiness for you!

Congratulations on a brand new year, like fresh snow, 2017! Happy New Happiness!

Congratulations! Let happy moments in the New Year swirl here and there, like champagne bubbles!

I wish that happiness in the New Year 2017 will fall on you like fluffy fresh snow on your head!

Happy New Year of the Rooster! Make a wish, and I will eat 12 grapes to make it come true!

On New Year's Eve 2017, sparkling like mini fireworks, I am sending you congratulations via SMS!

The Arctic bunny told me that the wishes I made today will definitely come true! Happy New Year!

Funny toasts for the New Year 2017.

For those who love humor: funny toasts for the New Year 2017:

Happy New Year to you guys
Try to drink less
Because they are very drunk
Nobody will love you.
Let's pour a glass again,
We raise a New Year's toast,
We hug the girls tenderly,
We wish you to wake up with them in the morning!

We wish you Santa Claus
I brought you a bag of health!
Distributed fun to everyone,
He brought me a glass of champagne,
I took illness and melancholy into the bag,
And hid it somewhere in the forest!

Let's drink to Father Frost and the Snow Maiden: for as long as I can remember, they don't get sick, don't grow old, and there is always money for gifts! For us to be like that too!

As you know, New Year
Brings miracles with him
I am one such miracle
I watch it every year.

What's on New Year's Day
It's getting closer to Christmas
All the money disappears
Well, like magic!

I wish you
(Friends, I wish you)
Miracles of a completely different kind -
Good luck, prosperity,
And tight wallets.

Let the bitter frost outside!
People are rushing through the streets.
Today is the best holiday
Today is a holiday - New Year!
And when at midnight the clink of glasses,
Will fill the New Year's house,
That’s congratulations, and not a little,
We'll say it at the table!
We wish you happiness and good luck,
A red car for the house,
Jacuzzi with sauna in the country!
And there’s a whole snowball of money!

Before you have time to look back, it comes again New Year!
More guests, fireworks, the president drinking under the tree...
Again the sausage is planed and Olivier is prepared,
How can one not become banal in this eternal bustle?
How original and special to wish here?
So that it’s not just: “Congratulations, and I want to tell you...”?
I think I know a way out: I won’t mince words!
Simple, my friend: Happy New Year! Get this humble verse!