The child is 6 months old. The long-awaited six months: what a six-month-old baby should be able to do. Physical development of a six-month-old baby: norms and features

Six months is the first serious milestone, the first “anniversary” in a child’s life, because in the second half of the year a helpless baby turns into a small whirlwind that begins to actively explore the world around us, first on all fours, and then on two legs. At 6 months, the baby sits up independently for the first time, begins to eat “adult” food and learns to manipulate with both hands. At this age, it is already possible to begin developmental activities with the child, but for this you need to know what a child should be able to do at 6 months and what aspects of his development should be paid attention to.

Physical development of a child at 6 months

In the sixth month of life, the child gains approximately 500-600 grams in weight, his height increases by 1.5 - 2 cm, on average children at this age weigh from 7 to 9 kg, and their height is 65-70 cm.

In the sixth month of life, the child already knows how to confidently roll over from back to stomach and back and is constantly improving his skills, managing to roll from place to place and even fall from the bed or sofa; now the baby can be left alone only in his crib or playpen.

Many children by the end of the sixth month already know how to sit up on their own, and those who cannot do this yet sit down, holding on and pulling themselves up onto something with their hands. But at this age, the child’s spine cannot yet support the weight of his body for a long time, so you should not sit the child down for more than 15-20 minutes at a time, or use a walker, a sitting swing or a vertical “kangaroo.”

At 6 months, the child begins to actively use both hands; now he can hold, twist and twirl toys not with one hand, but with two, and also transfer them from hand to hand.

At the same age, children, lying on their stomachs, raise their upper torso, leaning on one hand, and with the other they try to reach or grab something. By the end of the 6th month, some children can stand, holding onto support, or begin to crawl. Those children who are not yet able to crawl begin to master other ways of moving in space - they turn over from side to side, push off from vertical surfaces with their legs, pull themselves up with their arms, or spin around their axis. It is very important to give the child enough freedom for such physical activity - this will help strengthen the muscles of the back, arms and legs and the child will begin to crawl and walk earlier. To do this, you need to lay the baby out on a blanket on the floor or on the bed every day, several times a day, undress him and give him the opportunity to move around for his own pleasure.

By six months, most children The first teeth begin to emerge During this period, the child may become capricious, lethargic, and refuse food and toys. It is quite easy to notice the growth of teeth - the child’s gums turn red, swell, he pulls any objects into his mouth, holds a finger in his mouth or chews on a pacifier, and he also drools.

Neuropsychic development

At the age of 6 months you can already start classes early development child. The baby can already focus his gaze on small objects, for example, on pictures in books, distinguishes well the emotions of others and joyfully copies the sounds and movements of adults. At this age, he begins to identify himself - he turns his head if he hears his name, rejoices when he is praised or begins to cry if he hears an angry voice.

At 6 months, the baby already recognizes his toys, loves to play “peek-a-boo” and listen to various nursery rhymes accompanied by simple movements; at this age, the child actively develops speech - he pronounces various syllables, vowels, sings and “talks” even when he remains one.

So six months is an excellent time for the first developmental activities, now that the child is sitting down, his hands are freed up and various toys for the development of fine motor skills will be very useful during this period. The main thing is not to give him small objects or toys that can easily be broken, as children continue to explore the world “by taste” and will definitely try to chew new toy. Most of all, children at this age like toys consisting of large parts, on a string or elastic band, which can be moved and pulled, as well as a variety of pyramids, Easter eggs and other toys that are inserted into one another or strung on a rod. It is no less useful for a child’s development to give him as many different textured materials as possible to the touch, these can be special soft toys, sewn from different fabrics and stuffed with different fillings, or homemade balls, stripes and other toys with sand, rice, peas, beans and so on.

By 6 months, the difference in the character and pace of development of the child becomes noticeable; calm children at this age are more busy mastering their hands, little “energizers” prefer physical activity and can sing all day long. Starting from 6 months, it becomes more difficult to assess a child’s development, since skills are acquired gradually and depend only on the pace individual development. For example, children begin to crawl from 6-7 months to a year, and some do not crawl at all, but walk straight away, and all this is a variant of the norm. Therefore, parents should not be upset if their baby does not do what his peers can already do, the main thing is that his development meets standard norms. So at 6 months a child should be able to do this.

The child is trying to understand the world around him. He strives to find a use for nearby objects. He can pick up a toy and play with it. At the same time, having lost interest in the toy, the baby drops it. If the baby cannot reach the object, he looks at it and at the same time slowly clenches and unclenches his fists. In his mind, the toy takes on a special meaning. This is not just an object, but something that you can take, taste and touch.

While treating new people kindly, the child, nevertheless, always gives clear preference to those he knows. Only parents can calm down a fussy baby. The baby’s palette of feelings also becomes more diverse. Previously, his life flowed between two states - when he was happy or unhappy.

Now in the baby’s behavior you can notice more varied reactions to what is happening - he can be excited, happy, calm, wary, sad, scared. The expansion of the range of feelings entails a qualitative change in babbling. At this age, behind the sounds made by the child there are very specific requests - “look at me”, “take me in your arms”, “I don’t like this”.

Learning to understand each other

By 6 months, the child has already mastered many consonant sounds and among his babbling you can hear repeated “ma-ma-ma”, “da-da”, “ta-ta-ta”. When a baby says combinations such as “ma-ma” or “pa-pa,” parents usually pick up and repeat them, clearly enjoying it.

The baby, responding to their delight, says these words again and again. This way, receiving support, he takes the first step from incoherent babbling to conscious speech. And although the baby does not put meaning into what he says, his speech exercises are a necessary condition for mastering speech.

The baby finds ways to call mom into the room or force her to pay attention to herself if she has turned away. By answering the baby's call, the mother thereby gives him an idea of ​​the power of human speech. When mom and dad return back from their baby for a while, he greets them enthusiastically, waving his arms with all his might, jumping up and down excitedly, and making loud noises.

I see, I hear, I feel...

For a child, the images that he encounters become especially important. Before this, the baby hit the object in search of interesting sensations, then grabbed it to put it in his mouth. Now the baby takes objects to examine them. Before putting the rattle in his mouth, he shakes it, twirls it and examines it carefully.

As the little man gains knowledge about the world around him, he continues to pay special attention to the sounds around him. At this stage of life, he learns to distinguish voices by ear. If a baby hears the voice of a person he knows, but does not see him, he will let you know with his joyful excitement that he recognizes this person. When you enter a child's room and address him, he will smile even before he sees you. If he enters the room stranger and speaks to him, the baby’s face will be incredulous and wary.

The baby makes new discoveries related to his own voice. He discovers that if he puts a finger or toy in his mouth, the sound he makes changes. This may explain the unusual use of the pacifier by the baby. Now he needs her more to study his own voice than to calm him down.

The baby learns not only to communicate, but also to interact with the world around him. He likes to play with everything, be it his mother or water in the bath. Most children already know how to splash and do so as soon as they get into the water. They usually hit the water with both hands at once. Once your baby has learned to play this game, he will splash water in his face and eyes, scream with delight, and splash again. He seems to be trying to understand how to react. When water hits his face.

While swimming, a child can play to his heart's content in the water and at the same time learn what parts of his body he has. If parents support the baby's back, he will reach out and touch his toes. Then, while he is being wiped, he will discover his belly button or enjoy touching his nose and ears. And if you lean close to the baby, he will try to feel your face and “compare” it with his own.

Activities with a 6 month old baby

Provide your baby with the opportunity to receive a variety of sensations from touch. Let him touch objects of different temperatures (an ice cube or a freshly boiled egg), textures, liquids and solids. Surround your beloved child with a variety of visual materials– these can be children’s pictures, reproductions of paintings, and photographs.

Give your child a large shiny saucepan to look into. Let him twirl, pat and walk on it from all sides. As a rule, children like the “toys” of adults. Hold your baby in front of a large mirror where he can see himself at full length. Let the baby carefully examine the owl's image. Show him where mom is in the mirror and where he is.

At this age, children really enjoy discovering new interesting objects, so your child will enjoy playing with tumbler dolls. As soon as he drops such a toy, it immediately takes a standing position on its own. The baby’s imagination is amazed by this unusual reaction to his actions.

Place your baby in a home swing and start gently rocking it. When the swing “leave” you, say: “Goodbye,” and when it comes back: “Hello.” Although the baby does not yet understand the meaning of what was said, he guesses that you are using two different words. And after a while he will discover that words that sound different have different meanings.

When your child begins to experiment with his voice, you will notice that he clearly pronounces several sounds: b, m, d, a, i, u. Try repeating them after your son or daughter. While making sounds, place your baby's fingers on your lips. Let him feel the vibration of your voice and the trembling of your lips.

Physical development of a child at 6 months

Teach your child to raise and lower his arms. To do this, place the baby in a high chair and, lowering his hands down, ask: “Are you big?” Then raise your arms above your head and say, “That’s how big I am!” Soon the baby will start playing this game with you.

Children love to listen to funny songs and rhymes while sitting on mom or dad's lap. They are especially amused by songs with a “surprise”. The child has a premonition of what awaits him at the end of the song and gives a sign with a smile or laugh. This reaction indicates a gradual strengthening of memory.

Attach plastic rings to the front backrest of the crib. The baby will try to grab them and pull himself forward. In the warm season, go outside with your child and, in a place where there is a slight slope, spread a blanket on the grass. Place the baby on the blanket and, holding him, help him turn over several times.

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The child at 6 months began to practice rolling from one side to the other more strongly. At six months the baby will learn to roll as the main form of movement on the ground, or he may skip all this and immediately learn to sit and crawl. As long as the child is learning new skills and showing an interest in moving around and exploring the environment, the mother should not worry.

What should a 6 month old baby be able to do?

  • Roll over from back to stomach and back;
  • Crawling (attempts);
  • Sit with support;
  • Lean on the support with your toes;
  • Take the object with the whole palm;
  • Hold your head confidently;
  • Play independently for up to 10 minutes;
  • Study the reflection in the mirror;
  • Show dissatisfaction and joy;
  • Make grimaces;
  • babble;
  • Manipulate adults;
  • Imitate others;
  • Study subjects for a long time;
  • Put everything in your mouth
  • Turn your head at the slightest sounds;
  • Show a reaction to the facial expressions of adults;

Baby development at 6 months

Boys are larger than girls of the same age, but physically develop a little slower. In most cases, they can roll over at 6 months, but do not sit on their own and cannot crawl.

The later a girl learns to sit, the better for her health.

Physical development

By the age of six months, the baby doubles its body weight in comparison with the weight at birth and grows by an average of 15 cm. The width of the shoulders should ideally be 1/4 of the length of the body itself. Indicators of height, weight, head volume depend on many factors, but heredity plays the main role.

Mental development

At 6 months, the child learns his name, the names of familiar objects and favorite toys. The appearance of fear of strangers or unfamiliar people will also become new in the baby’s behavior. One of the important skills of a six-month-old baby is the desire to force an adult to fulfill his desires. The baby knows how to express his opinion with facial expressions, sometimes he smiles, sometimes he wrinkles his forehead.

Features of development of premature babies

Body weight doubles. The increase in height is on average 2-5 cm. The head circumference increases to 1.5 cm. The child makes attempts to roll over from his back to his stomach. With properly organized care, activities and exercises, physical and mental retardation should not be noticeable at the age of 6 months.

What educational toys are needed for a 6 month old baby?

  • mobile,
  • rattles;
  • rubber teething ring;
  • musical toys (drum, xylophone, pipes, bells);
  • squeaking ball;
  • toys with mirror surfaces,
  • tubes with cereal and shiny fillings,
  • toys with transparent walls,
  • disk divided into contrasting colored sectors,
  • soft book with pictures.

Early childhood development includes right choice toys. In addition to the playpen and educational mat, the child needs bright (yellow, red, green, blue) and safe toys made of high-quality materials. For example, wooden ones, which also make sounds, roll and have different textures.


At 6 months, the child not only receives attention from others, but also becomes an initiator. The mother may be visited by previously unfamiliar anxiety because the baby’s actions are unintelligible. There is a chance that everyone who gets close to the baby can become his friends. But don't worry, he still needs maternal care and affection from you.

The child has realized that his behavior, whether you like it or not, hurts you, so from six months (and all subsequent years) he will do everything to attract your attention. Right now, all the actions seem cute to you, but as your baby grows up, there is a good chance that he will do some things out of spite, just to get attention. Remember to praise good behavior. This is a way to teach a baby to distinguish right from wrong.

The baby begins to expand his methods of attracting attention, and now they are not limited to crying. You may notice that the baby is constantly moving at 6 months, making various noises, pouting his lips in a bow, etc. Over the next three months, the baby will develop individual style, with which he will let you know what he is thinking about, what he wants or needs.

Dress for success

A child becomes more active at six months, so he needs comfortable baby clothes. You need to choose things made from soft fabrics to avoid chafing of the skin during movements. Loose, stretchable and breathable clothing is a smart choice and will give your little one complete freedom of movement.

A child does not need clothes with rough and scratchy seams. Long ties, clasps or bow ties (they can put pressure on the neck); and everything that can interfere with the baby:

  • sleep,
  • crawl,
  • play or make other movements.

Baby chair

The color or smell of the stool will change after. This is fine. If the stool has become too hard, change some fruits, vegetables, cereals or barley grains (avoid rice, bananas or applesauce, they can provoke).

How to develop a baby at 6 months

Sign language

At 6 months, it's time to teach your baby sign language. The baby develops motor skills faster than speech. Most children, for example, learn to wave (by about 9 months) or point to an object (by one year) long before they can say bye-bye or look at this!

And don’t worry: Communicating with signs won’t hurt, but on the contrary, it will help the child start speaking faster.

Left-handed or right-handed?

A six-month-old baby may prefer one hand for a while, and then vice versa. A child’s main working hand can be determined by the age of 2-3 years.

The child's future will be right-handed or left-handed even before his birth. The baby should not be forced to use right hand when in fact he is left-handed. There will be problems with hand-eye coordination, dexterity and handwriting.

Games with a 6 month old baby

A balloon tied to a baby's leg will help develop an understanding of cause and effect (if the leg moves, so does the balloon).

The child will enjoy group games, especially those that involve sounds and words. Allow your baby to be the leader from time to time, and also imitate his sounds. When it's your turn to lead, in a good way teach and surprise the baby to make animal sounds (“kwa-kwa”, “moo-moo”)

It is important to play with sounds with your child, for example: splashes of water, noise of a battery. You need to show the baby how to make these funny sounds (maybe even sometimes annoying ones), and then give the baby his turn.

Development of tactile sensations in children

The child uses all his available materials to explore the world around him (tongue, hands, feet). Everything in the house around the baby should be safe for play. Baby will love squeezing the soft rubber ball and patting it faux fur, chew on chilled objects and listen to sounds from various soft toys.

Reading books

Looking at books with your baby will instill in him a love of reading books from the age of six months. It doesn't matter which book you choose. Tabletop books are colorful and sturdy that have pull-out pictures or textured illustrations.

The baby will not be able to open a book or turn a page until 9-12 months. Your baby probably doesn't have the tolerance to sit around and do nothing while you read him stories, but don't give up. No matter how old your baby is, reading provides a good opportunity for cuddling and bonding.


At 6 months, a child can support his weight by leaning on his legs. Such exercises strengthen his muscles for free movement in the future. Support your baby under your armpits and help him stand on the floor or on your lap. Be prepared for a lot of giggles.

Motor development

By six months, the child will probably be able to throw things off any surface and transfer objects from one hand to the other without extra effort. Developmental hand movements include finger and wrist movements.

Explicit motor skills are necessary for crawling, which uses large muscles such as the arm, leg, foot and the entire body. To develop a child's motor skills, put a toy in a place where he cannot reach and see if he can reach it, encourage him - but do not give the toy.

The child will dissipate frustration and become much more confident and even faster if you do not give everything on a ready-made platter.
After several attempts, the baby will lean forward to grab the toy, and then straighten up again. Soon, the baby will learn to rock back and forth on his hands and knees.

The baby is interested in small details around him. There are more and more research methods from 6 months. As you explore, be sure to keep buttons, coins, pins, balloons, stones and other choking hazards out of reach.

Complementary feeding at 6 months

The sixth month is the time to change the child’s diet, starting to introduce the first complementary foods, whether he is on guard or IV. The first items on the baby's menu for guards and iv will include purees of the following vegetables:

  • zucchini;
  • cauliflower;
  • broccoli;
  • sweet potatoes;
  • zucchini;
  • carrot.

What to feed a 6 month old baby, besides vegetables?

You can give your child porridge and juices. Complementary feeding begins with cereals if the baby has problems gaining weight. There are almost 50/50 opponents and supporters of juices as a baby’s first food. The plus of juice is vitamins and the baby’s desire to drink it, but the minus is the lack of desire to eat cereals or vegetables in the future due to the difference in taste.

How much should a 6 month old baby weigh?

Girls weight (kg)

month very low short below average average above average high very tall
5 4.8 5.4 6.1 6.9 7.8 8.8 10
6 5.1 5.7 6.5 7.3 8.2 9.3 10.6
7 5.3 6 6.8 7.6 8.6 9.8 11.1

Boys weight (kg)

month very low short below average average above average high very tall
5 5.3 6 6.7 7.5 8.4 9.3 10.4
6 5.7 6.4 7.1 7.9 8.8 9.8 10.9
7 5.9 6.7 7.4 8.3 9.2 10.3 11.4

Baby's growth at 6 months

Girls' height (cm)

month very low short below average average above average high very tall
5 57.4 59.6 61.8 64 66.2 68.5 70.7
6 58.9 61.2 63.5 65.7 68 70.3 72.5
7 60.3 62.7 65 67.3 69.6 71.9 68.6

Boys' height (cm)

month very low short below average average above average high very tall
5 59.6 61.7 63.8 65.9 68 70.1 72.2
6 61.2 63.3 65.5 67.6 69.8 71.9 74
7 62.7 64.8 67 69.2 71.3 73.5 75.7

Why did a 6 month old baby start to sleep poorly?

One of the main reasons bad sleep at six months of age, this is a calcium deficiency, since it is intensively spent on the growth of bones and teeth. Lack of calcium in a child's body excites the nervous system. TV-famous pediatrician E.O Komarovsky recommends giving your baby 1 tablet of calcium gluconate per day.

The first significant date in a child’s life is six months. Starting at this age, the baby gradually develops into a personality. Every day your baby will surprise you with the emergence of new communication skills and the manifestation of his individuality and character. The development of a child at 6 months brings enormous changes to the mental and physiological spheres of the baby, especially with regard to changes in nutrition and routine.

Physiological development

In order to assess the physical development of a child, pediatricians use centile tables, which indicate the norms by month. They are different for boys and girls. In addition to body weight and length, the tables contain indicators of head and chest circumference, which are also important to take into account when assessing the physical development of the baby. A child at 6 months should have the following indicators: weight 6.8 – 8.4 kg (± 1 kg), height 64 – 67 cm (± 3 cm).

What can a 6 month old baby do?

  1. The child is already.
  2. By this age, all children lose physiological function in both arms and legs.
  3. Lying on his stomach, the child can lean on one arm and grab a toy with the other.
  4. Holds your hand tightly with his fingers when pulling you up from a lying position. It pulls itself up on its own so that you hardly have to exert any effort. Some babies are already able to sit on their own (?).
  5. Tries to crawl on his bellies or on all fours, crawls towards a toy (?).
  6. When supported by the armpits, he rests and pushes off with his legs, “dancing.”
  7. Some children try to get up holding the edge of the crib.
  8. Grabs objects with one hand, takes from one handle to another. Holds a toy in each hand. Feels the thing with the whole palm. He picks up the fallen toy and throws it again.
  9. If you hide a toy, he starts looking for it. He himself finds an object covered with something.
  10. Plays independently for up to 10 - 15 minutes. He repeats what he does many times: he opens and closes the box, wraps and unwraps the handkerchief.
  11. At six months, the first tooth may hatch; as a rule, this is the lower central incisor (about). At 6 months, the child visits the dentist for the first time, who will evaluate the correct structure of the jaw and frenulum under the upper and lower lips.

Psycho-emotional development

  1. The child's babbling becomes more and more perfect. Screaming and crying fade into the background and appear with physiological discomfort. In a baby’s speech, consonant and vowel sounds merge in various combinations. Because of this, it may seem that the baby is already pronouncing words and speaking, but this is not yet the case. It’s just that the child already skillfully imitates the sounds he hears, but “speech” does not yet carry a semantic load. By the end of the 6th month, the child pronounces up to 40 different sounds.
  2. Now the baby doesn’t just maintain a “dialogue” with you or repeat, he tries to understand the meaning of what you said. The child is able to find with his gaze the thing that is being talked about.
  3. The baby can recognize his parents by their voice without seeing them. If the child hears the mother's voice in another room, then by screaming he makes it clear that he knows about her presence. Begs to be held.
  4. Many children are already capable of showing affection and tenderness. They can cuddle up to mom when they sit on her lap. They are no longer afraid of strangers as before, but when communicating with them they keep their distance and are not active.
  5. The simplest cause-and-effect relationships are formed in the child’s thinking. For example, a baby understands that if you press a button in a toy with your finger, music will play, the toy will fall and there will be a knock, and if he screams, his mother will come over. But it will be possible to think about real progress in intellectual development only when the baby develops fear - a sign that the child not only grasps the connection between events, but can also foresee them.
  6. The child begins to be interested in the practical use of surrounding objects. Because of this, communication with him is now not only of an emotional nature, but takes on the features of cooperation: the baby attracts your attention with babbling in order to receive the object of interest to him and learn with your help its functions and qualities.

Baby development test at six months

  • Hold the toy at a distance of 20-30 cm from the child. He should be able to move his gaze from the environment to the toy, distinguishing it from everything else.
  • Offer your child a bottle of milk first, and then a toy. The baby's reaction should be different: when he sees food, the baby opens his mouth and can make sucking movements; when he sees the toy, there will be a reaction of animation.
  • When your baby is lying down, ring a bell in front of him and then slowly move it away. With your help, the child will begin to rise and move to a sitting position.
  • Talk to your child, changing your facial expressions. The baby will begin to repeat after you: he will wrinkle his forehead and smile.
  • Try to take away the toy your baby is holding in his hand. At 6 months, the child will hold the object tightly and resist, expressing dissatisfaction.
  • If you often call the baby by name, then at this age the baby should already react to it with a revival complex.

What should you be wary of?

  • The child cannot and does not try to sit, even with support.
  • When you support the baby by the armpits, he does not “dance.”
  • Does not transfer objects from one handle to another.
  • Does not respond to sounds or rustles that are out of sight.
  • Doesn't ask to be held.
  • Doesn't babble, doesn't smile, doesn't recognize his parents.

Additional information:

Baby development at 6 months video 1

Introduction complementary foods

The most favorable age to start introducing complementary foods is six months. Until then breast milk provides children's body in all necessary substances. When feeding with a mixture, the first complementary foods are introduced a little earlier - from 4 to 5 months. When we talk about the timing of introducing complementary foods, we mean the end of the month in which it starts.

Table for introducing complementary foods from 6 months (Clickable)

After 6 months, neither breast milk nor formula can no longer compensate for the energy costs that go into intensive growth, physical development. The baby's body begins to need large quantities minerals, trace elements and plant proteins.

If you start complementary feeding later than the deadline (6–7 months), then it will be difficult for the child to adapt to the new food and its consistency. Late introduction of complementary foods is fraught with the occurrence of deficiency conditions (hypotrophy, anemia, rickets), poor development of chewing skills and taste perception, as well as the need to simultaneously introduce several products, which can cause an allergic reaction or digestive disorders.

It is important that the child is ready for complementary feeding. Be sure to consult your pediatrician before introducing new foods. If the baby chokes or spits out food, then wait a little with the innovation.

So, it is more convenient to start complementary feeding in the first half of the day, before feeding. Children prone to constipation or overweight body, it is better to start with vegetable purees from zucchini, cauliflower, broccoli. Skinny people can start with gluten-free cereals: buckwheat, rice or corn, boiled in water without salt and sugar. The first purees and cereals should be monocomponent, that is, contain only one vegetable or grain.

In summer and fall there is usually an opportunity to find quality vegetables. Before use, they must be processed and boiled, preferably steamed (this way more nutrients remain). The puree should be homogeneous, that is, free of lumps and not very thick. To do this, use a blender and, if necessary, add water or the broth in which the vegetables were cooked. Or use ready-made baby purees in jars. Teach your baby to eat from a spoon right away. Use bottles with nipples only when necessary (on the road). Do not serve hot or refrigerated food; the optimal temperature is 37 0 C.

They begin to administer with 1/2 - 1 teaspoon, and then supplement with milk or formula. In 5 - 10 days, bring up to 150 - 180 g and completely replace one breastfeeding. The rest of the time, continue to feed on demand. New products are introduced only after getting used to the previous one. More than one new product cannot be introduced. Multi-component purees and cereals can only be given from about 7 months.

Watch the chair and allergic reactions in a child. If you are allergic to something, then discontinue this product and try to introduce it later.

We read:

Weaning off the pacifier

Weaning off the pacifier: If your baby has already got his first tooth, be sure to try to wean him off the pacifier. The pressure that a pacifier puts on your gums can cause your teeth to become crooked. Better buy your baby a teething ring. During the introduction of complementary foods, it is easier to wean off the pacifier, as the baby begins to learn to drink from a cup, and night feeding from a bottle becomes rare or disappears completely.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

Baby's sleep at 6 months (mode)

After 6 months, the child sleeps about 14 hours a day: two sleeps of 1.5 - 2 hours - day and night - up to 6 - 7 hours in a row. But still the regime remains individual. Many breastfeeding babies continue to ask for the breast several times a night - this is normal and may last until you stop breastfeeding. Be patient. To help your baby sleep longer at night:

  • Interval between last nap and bedtime at night should be at least 4 hours.
  • Give your baby a bath before bed. Warm water relaxes and calms.
  • After bathing, feed your baby.

How to help your baby develop - games

Continue to stimulate your baby's speech development as in previous months. Buy your child a few small, colorful books with cardboard pages that he can turn himself. It is better if the books are not just with pictures, but with short poems or nursery rhymes in which words and phrases are repeated. Children who are read rhymes from the age of 6 months begin to speak earlier.

Centers that are responsible for fine motor skills and speech are very close in the brain and are interconnected, so it is important to conduct activities with the child aimed at the activity of the fingers:

  • Kids at this age love playing with boxes or molds of different sizes, matryoshka dolls.
  • Make several bags with different fillings: dried peas, beans, coarse salt, millet, pebbles, buttons.
  • Take a ball 5–6 cm in diameter and place it in the baby’s palms. With your hands, squeeze the outside of its arms with the ball inside and roll it there. You can roll the walnut. Do 3 – 4 minutes daily.
  • Massage your fingers: gently massage them one at a time and lightly sip. Do 2 – 3 minutes every day.
  • “Combing”: take turns raising the child’s arms and smoothly moving them back and forth along the head.
  • Squeezing and unclenching a squeaky toy.
  • Toys are spirals along which you need to move the figures.

The games “Magpie-Crow”, “Ladushki”, “Peek-a-boo”, “The Horned Goat is Coming” remain relevant.

If your child manages to do something new, be sure to praise him. The child already feels that you are happy with him.

Expanding the number of toys exponentially is a problem that all parents face. In order not to clutter the house with ten more tumblers and cubes, which the baby gets tired of already on the 3rd day, divide all the toys into two parts. Provide one part for the baby to play with, and hide the rest. Change toys every 4-5 days. Keep in mind that at 6 months a child can play with a maximum of two toys at the same time.

Reading reviews:

The baby will soon begin to crawl, so the crib or playpen becomes a bit cramped for him. Provide the baby with a carpet on the floor and place several toys on it, let the baby try to crawl to them.

Continue doing gymnastics and massage with hardening procedures daily.

Try to keep all activities and games with your child simple and at the same time useful. Do not overload your baby; his psyche is not yet ready for long-term activities. Now the child needs your love and attention even more. If you want to make his life joyful, watch your every word and action, which is now imprinted into the subconscious of the little man.

Baby development at six months video 2

Sixth month of life. Child development calendar. Video 3

What can a 6 month old baby do?

Six months. The first “major” anniversary in the baby’s life. How quickly time flies! Walking on the street, a 6-month-old baby enjoys looking at everything around him - his developed vision already allows him to see objects clearly and clearly. The more you walk “without sleep”, or even better in a kangaroo or sling, and show your baby children, swings, slides, playgrounds, the sky, houses, the more complete his development will be.

Do not forget to name everything that the child sees - this is very important for the development of correct literate speech. Outwardly, there are no noticeable changes in the baby’s speech. But pay attention to the passive vocabulary crumbs. By six months, the baby knows his name perfectly well, the names of the objects that surround him, familiar toys, and actions repeated day after day. He recognizes mom and dad's voices even when they come from the other room.

Passion for repetitions

Gradually, the child begins to comprehend the connection between cause and effect (although he will fully master this skill only by 7 (!) years). For now, only the most primitive, straightforward connections are available to him: press a button - music plays; pushed the toy - it rocks... From now on, calmly explain to the baby. What consequences can one or another of his actions have, using toys as an example.

When a child is satisfied with the result, he can repeat the action tens or hundreds of times. What especially attracts his attention is what appears and disappears. Now, having thrown the toy out of the crib, the little one will carefully monitor its flight path and look to see where it went? The baby is ready to close and open boxes, slam the lid, hide a spoon inside, etc.

A 6-month-old child easily grabs everything that comes to hand, can grab something with one hand, then the other, then two at once, transferring it from one hand to the other, lowering it and picking it up again, more comfortably. Throwing and releasing is much more difficult for him than taking and holding, and the baby strives to master this skill at all costs.

If you don’t have the strength to “return” toys thrown out of the crib or playpen, tie strings to them. And teach the baby to pull the string, returning the toy. With this you will not only make your life easier, but also teach your beloved child a new action with objects.

By the way, the bed and playpen are already too small for the baby. Prepare your home for the fact that the baby will crawl very soon: remove everything that breaks, pricks, cuts, and small things from below. Place the baby on the floor, on a thick blanket or warm carpet, placing toys around so that the little one can reach them with a little effort. Trying to crawl, rolling towards the desired object, the baby will train the muscles for crawling and walking.

By 6 months, most children stand up using support. The support can be the side of a bed or playpen, a hard chair seat (however, check that the chair will not tip over on the baby), a strong rope stretched along the wall at the child’s eye level, a ladder at a children’s sports complex, a horizontal bar or rings.

We introduce complementary foods

At 6 months, the child is ready for another exciting acquaintance: the time has come to begin communicating with “adult” food. Not so long ago, the concept of “pedagogical complementary feeding” came into use. Usually it is followed by mothers who try to make the baby’s development as “natural” as possible, and “follow” in everything, rather than pushing and stimulating.

In food, this means the following: when the child becomes interested in what is on his mother’s plate, he takes a piece and puts it in his mouth. Suck it, chew it - that’s the first “quarter of a teaspoon” in the baby’s stomach. Of course, the presence of sausages with mustard or spicy carrot loins on this very pedagogical plate is excluded. And there are slices of vegetables or fruits, which are convenient to take with a handle, and which attract the eye with multi-colored barrels.

Do not forget that you should introduce complementary foods in consultation with your doctor: he will determine which foods and in what order are suitable for your child. Ill-considered or too early introduction of complementary foods can harm the baby’s health, because the digestive system in the first year of life is not fully formed, the intestinal mucosa has increased permeability to nutrients, a number of important enzymes are missing, and the immune system is imperfect. All this can cause a negative reaction and health problems.

By the way, it is not at all necessary that they will appear immediately. The likelihood of disturbances in any part of the digestive system, which will make themselves felt, perhaps in a few years, is quite high.

The world is touchable

One of the simplest games, but at the same time opening up enormous possibilities, is getting to know the world by touch. This game can be played literally from birth. It practically does not take up any time from adults, nor does it require any special devices or preparations, especially at first. We start playing, of course, at home.

When you carry your baby to the bathroom or just walk with him in your arms, run your hand over all surfaces that come in your way (wall, closet, leather jacket or fur coat, wooden hanger or metal key). This gives the baby the opportunity to learn more about what is around. And what interesting materials are mother’s outfits made from: silk, wool, velvet, leather, cotton, linen, and various synthetics... Everything is new and curious for the baby.

Do not forget to say the name of what the child is touching at the moment. By the way, you can touch objects and materials not only with your hands - the baby will develop better if you include the whole body in the game: legs, chest, back, tummy. On some surfaces you can slide from top to bottom, on some you can flounder like in a snowdrift, on others you can jump or push off from them.

Once the space at home has been mastered, take this game outside. It’s a pity, of course, if it’s winter outside, but even then you shouldn’t deprive your child of the opportunity to get acquainted with snow, ice, icicles, and frozen sticks.

And if it’s a warm time of year, your research fervor should not be limited in any way. Trunks of trees and bushes, different types soil, leaves, grass, flowers, sand, fruits, berries, vegetables - in general, everything that catches your eye and hand can rightfully be included in your classes.

When the baby begins to learn to crawl or simply grabs and feels everything around him with interest, do not forget to change the texture of his “bedding” as often as possible. You shouldn’t limit yourself to a diaper or blanket - give your baby the opportunity to lie down and crawl on any fabrics and materials that are found in your home. Very good patchwork quilts– they give the baby many tactile impressions at the same time.

Training your hands

Games to help relax your fingers and hands:

  • “Painting the fence” - move the brush up and down, left and right.
  • “Let's pet the kitten” - smooth stroking movements are performed first with one hand, then with the other.
  • “The chicken is drinking water” - fingers folded in the form of a beak; rhythmic forward bending of the arms.

Perform these and similar movements, gently taking the baby's hands in your palms. After a few days, the child will perform these actions himself.

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