We remove the belly. Home workout diagram for the “Apple” body type. Individual diet for the “Apple” body type: body features, menu, as well as reviews from those who have lost weight Nutrition for the “Apple” body type

If a woman has an “apple” figure, how to lose weight and get a beautiful, proportional body? Let's look at all the details. Modern methods show that a diet based on body type is relevant. Fat deposits in certain places on the body force one to direct all efforts to eliminate this deficiency. One type of figure with similar problems is the apple figure. This type is characterized by a pronounced abdomen, a massive image of the upper torso and arms.

It is believed that this is the most dangerous type of obesity for human health, because fat accumulates around internal organs and affects their normal functioning. As a rule, such people have a very slow metabolic process, so energy intake and expenditure should be controlled.

  1. 5 min. jogging, 15 min. swimming
  2. Abdominal crunch exercise. We lie on our backs with our knees bent, our arms at our sides, bend our knees in different directions, leaving the body motionless; perform 15 times, 2 approaches.
  3. Twisting while sitting on the floor, legs bent at the knees, arms bent behind the back for support, rotate the knees to the right and left, leaving the upper body in a fixed state; make 15 turns in each direction, 2 sets.
  4. Push-ups from the floor, any support. Take the starting position, then lift the knee to the chest, to the side and press from the floor, then repeat the same on the other leg; perform 15 times on each side, in 2 approaches.
  5. Plank. Take a knee-elbow position so that the body forms one line, stay in the position for 5-7 seconds, then relax, then back; perform 15 times.
  6. Side plank on the right and left side. Lean on your straightened arm and the side of your foot, stay in this position for 5 minutes, do 15 repetitions, adding 2 counts over time.
  7. Exercise “bicycle”. From a lying position on your back, with your hands behind your head, we perform movements simulating cycling for about 2 minutes, 2 approaches.
  8. Abdominal exercises. Lie on the floor, raise your shoulders and legs, tighten your abdominal muscles, arms along your body; We swing our legs, similar to swimming movements up and down, then grab our knees, bringing them to our chest, and continue this way for 2 minutes.
  9. Exercises to strengthen the oblique abdominal muscles. We lie on our backs, legs bent at the knees, arms along the body; we raise our shoulders and swing our arms from side to side, then to the right foot, then to the left for 2 minutes.
  10. Twisting from the previous position. Place on the floor to the right, then to the left, hands behind your head, perform body lifts 15 times on each side.
  11. Side bends. From a standing position, stretch the lateral muscles, bending with your arm outstretched in different directions.
  12. Lie on your stomach, put your hands in front of you and lean on them, stretch out with the top of your head up and sit with your pelvis on your heels; perform 5 repetitions; Finish the workout with some cardio exercise for 1 minute.

It is important to perform this set of exercises regularly at least every other day, changing cardio loads and increasing the number of approaches. You can vary the abdominal and stretching exercises. You need to pay attention to the whole body, working all muscle groups.

Nutrition for the apple diet

As stated above, the diet must be distributed so that the bulk of food is consumed for breakfast and lunch; for dinner, the calorie content and portion of food should be reduced. This is due to the specificity of metabolism in people with an “apple” body type; it slows down in the evening. The enemy of the figure is high-calorie baked goods, sweet drinks, fatty and spicy foods. It is necessary to reduce the portion of unhealthy food several times, gradually replacing it with healthy ones, so as not to create stressful situation and a big spike in blood sugar. It is necessary to consume vegetables, proteins, fruits and whole grain cereals daily, which contain healthy fiber and long-lasting carbohydrates.

Eating sea fish high in amino acids will also be beneficial; they will help build muscle tissue. Give preference to plant sources of protein, legumes, nuts and low-fat dairy products. Steamed food will eliminate unnecessary fats and preserve the benefits of the product. You can stew and bake dishes using a minimum of additional fat. It is important to drink enough fluids in the form of clean water, herbal or fruit tea, compote. Ginger tea with honey, lemon and cinnamon, teas for removing toxins and waste from the body will be useful. Enrich your diet with fresh fruits, but in the first half of the day, for raw snacks and freshly squeezed juices.

Proper nutrition and regular exercise will help make your body fit and proportional.

“Apple” is a body type in which the outline of a girl’s figure resembles the letter “O”. Advantages of this silhouette:

Disadvantages of the apple shape:

  • a belly that constantly protrudes and is difficult to remove;
  • narrow hips.

If your waist-to-hip ratio is greater than 0.8, you have an apple body shape.

With this type of figure and excess body weight, adipose tissue is deposited in the abdominal area around the organs abdominal cavity, this is the so-called “internal fat”. Its danger is that it is hormonally active, increasing the risks of the following diseases:

Among the advantages of this type are always beautiful, slender legs and arms.

Possible mistakes when fighting weight:

  • It is difficult to reduce the volume of the abdomen, but the legs and arms lose weight even more if you follow a diet;
  • Hoops and other similar devices for the waist will not give a significant effect.

In order for the weight loss process to proceed beautifully, it is important to combine exercise and proper nutrition. It is recommended to pay special attention to aerobic exercise: exercise bike, etc. Loads with your own weight on a ball and various devices for balance training are also suitable. Exercises from are useful; they will help strengthen the abdominal muscles and tone other groups.

For greater effectiveness of exercises, it is necessary that they are aimed not only at the waist, but also strengthening the oblique and lateral muscles. Suitable for doing at home:

  • deep squats, including with a fixed stick above or behind the head;

It is necessary to start training with a good aerobic warm-up, and then supplement with exercises to strengthen the rectus, lateral and oblique abdominal muscles in various ways.

  • All gas-forming products should be excluded;
  • it is necessary to give up fast carbohydrates: baked goods, sweets, etc.;
  • complex carbohydrates are healthy, but in moderation: black grain bread, vegetables, unsweetened fruits;
  • alcohol is a high-calorie product and should be avoided;
  • It is better to give preference to chicken breast and lean fish.

You can create a menu for the week, calculated by calories. Prepare everything and put it in containers, which you leave in the freezer.

The “Flat Belly” diet for an “apple” figure helps you get rid of 7-10 kg in a month, which is 5 or more centimeters in your waist. The main condition is to limit the amount of food consumed. It includes two stages:

Basic rules:

  • do not salt food;
  • refuse products that cause gas formation and are harmful;
  • total calorie content is no more than 1600 kcal, but not less than 1200 kcal;
  • every four hours you need to eat something, at least a small snack;
  • drink at least 2 liters of clean still water.

The “Quick and Easy” diet helps you lose up to 5-6 kg within the first 14 days. The total duration is at least six weeks. Basic principles:

  • there is a list of superfoods that need to be included in the diet;
  • You should eat at least six times a day;
  • daily caloric intake – about 1400-1600 kcal;
  • in addition to breakfast, lunch, and dinner, there are three more snacks after each meal;
  • green vegetables and fruits;
  • instant oatmeal;
  • eggs;
  • all types of dairy products;
  • olive oil;
  • lean meat;
  • peanut butter;

Italian diet Suitable if you need to lose weight in your stomach with an “apple” figure quickly, but not for long. It is based on the fact that for four days you need to eat only a certain list of foods.

Italian diet plan
breakfast dinner afternoon tea dinner
First day three asparagus two handfuls of spinach two handfuls of broccoli green vegetables
The second day is protein three boiled eggs two chicken breasts handful of boiled beans
Third day - fats handful of nuts one avocado piece of mozzarella cheese
Day four – carbohydrate day handful of berries one banana

Among salon procedures for weight loss should be given preference lymphatic drainage massage, as well as cavitation. The first one will help to deduce excess liquid from problem areas, the second will help burn fat in the abdominal area. Course – 12 procedures or more.

Wraps with a warming effect and improved blood circulation will help at home. Also suitable contrast showers, baths with various additives. The first is used in the morning, which will give you energy for the day, and the second option is good in the evening.

  • jackets of the “dutik” type;
  • robes will make the silhouette even more massive;
  • anything that will weigh down your legs: trousers with pockets, lots of zippers;
  • tight sweaters;

The following elements highlight the advantages of the figure:

  • roman dress style;
  • V-neck in T-shirts and sweaters;
  • pencil skirt, but not above the knee;
  • The top is not tight-fitting, so as not to emphasize the belly.

The emphasis should be on the legs and chest. To do this, it is better to wear sweaters with cutouts rather than skirts or dresses.. Special attention should be paid to accessories. Various beads and chains with pendants are suitable. It is better to avoid jewelry that is too voluminous and heavy.

Read more in our article about the apple figure and how to lose weight with it.

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Distinctive features of the type

Many parameters of a woman’s figure are determined genetically. And, even without extra pounds, you can identify certain types. “Apple” is a body type in which the outline of a girl’s figure resembles the letter “O”. Advantages of this silhouette:

  • large and lush breasts, although this parameter is not always observed;
  • slender legs and thin graceful arms, fatty tissue is not deposited here even with a strong excess of it.

Among the disadvantages:

  • absence of a waist or its weak expression;
  • a belly that constantly protrudes and is difficult to remove, no matter how intense the load, and all the excess weight remains here;
  • narrow hips, any physical exercise It is quite difficult to give them more volume.

In addition, by looking closely at the outlines of a figure, you can determine your parameters mathematically and understand its affiliation. To do this you need:

  • determine the size of the waist and hips;
  • calculate waist-to-hip ratio;
  • if it is more than 0.8, the figure can be classified as an “apple”.

Pros and cons of the apple shape

Each body type has its own characteristics, including a tendency to various types of diseases. Regarding the “apple” figure, it should be taken into account that with excess body weight, adipose tissue is deposited in the abdominal area around the abdominal organs (liver, kidneys, intestines, etc.), this is the so-called “internal fat”.

Its danger is that it is hormonally active, as a result of which the risks of the following diseases increase:

  • type 2 diabetes mellitus;
  • arterial hypertension, tendency to thrombosis and thromboembolism, arrhythmias, heart attacks and other cardiovascular pathologies;
  • apnea during night sleep due to the accumulation of fatty tissue in the chin area.

In general, any person with overweight body is more susceptible to these ailments, but if in addition there is an “apple” type figure, the risks additionally increase several times.

Among the advantages of this type are always beautiful, slender legs and arms, no matter how big the belly is.

Possible mistakes when fighting weight

Each figure has its own characteristics when losing weight. As a rule, the first deposits to go away are not from where you would like to reduce them. The apple shape is characterized by the following:

  • It is extremely difficult to reduce the volume of the abdomen, but the legs and arms lose weight even more if you follow a diet;
  • remove the last couple of kilograms from the stomach only by strict adherence proper nutrition impossible, to get the final effect you will have to add well-chosen strength training;
  • Hoops and other similar devices for the waist will also not give a significant effect.

Taking into account the above, following only a strict diet will lead to the fact that the “apple” will turn into a “bun” with arms and legs: the stomach will decrease, but the limbs will lose weight even more, thus creating even more noticeable imbalances.

Watch this video about a set of exercises for an apple figure:

How to lose belly fat the right way

In order for the weight loss process to proceed beautifully, it is important to combine training and proper nutrition. It is recommended to pay special attention to aerobic exercise: treadmill, exercise bike, elliptical, etc.

Loads with your own weight on a ball and various devices for balance training are also suitable. Pilates exercises are useful; they will help strengthen the abdominal muscles and tone other groups.

For greater effectiveness of exercises, it is necessary that they are aimed not only at strengthening the rectus abdominis muscles, but also the oblique and lateral muscles. Otherwise, it will not be possible to significantly reduce the volume. It is necessary to perform the exercises regularly and for a long time, this is the only way to achieve a lasting effect.

The following exercises are suitable for doing at home:

  • deep, including with a fixed stick above or behind the head;
  • lunges, also possible with a stick or weights in your hands;
  • “bar” of the classic version;
  • all kinds of crunching exercises.

Expert opinion

Yulia Mikhailova

Nutrition expert

In order to properly lose weight for an apple-shaped figure, you need to start training with a good aerobic warm-up, and then supplement it with exercises to strengthen the rectus, lateral and oblique abdominal muscles in various ways.

Nutrition rules

It is easier for girls with an apple-shaped stomach to lose weight than, for example, pear-shaped girls. The main recommendations are the following:

  • exclude all gas-forming products, they will cause bloating, which will make the stomach appear large;
  • it is necessary to give up fast carbohydrates: baked goods, sweet soda, ice cream, sweets, etc.;
  • include more proteins in your diet, they will help build muscle mass;
  • complex carbohydrates are healthy, but in moderation: black grain bread, vegetables, unsweetened fruits (preferably berries);
  • It’s better to steam, stew, bake, this way you can get rid of unnecessary fat;
  • you should give up alcohol;
  • kebabs, shawarma and other tasty harmful things are prohibited;
  • For meat, it is better to give preference to chicken breast and lean fish.

In order not to be tempted by unhealthy or excess food, you can create a menu for the week, calculated by calories. Prepare everything and put it in containers, which you leave in the freezer. This way everything will be ready for breakfast, lunch and dinner, all you have to do is heat it up. And there will be no opportunity to eat everything that comes to hand when you are hungry and the food is still being prepared. This will help you lose weight in your apple figure even faster.

Diet options

You can simply adhere to some nutritional rules, while others prefer to use diets. However, you should remember that at the end you also need to reconsider your habits, otherwise the kilograms will quickly return.

Diet "Flat belly"

Helps to get rid of 7-10 kg in a month, which is 5 or more centimeters in the waist. The main condition is to limit the amount of food consumed. The diet includes two stages:

  • the start is scheduled for four days;
  • 4 weeks of nutrition according to a special system.

Basic rules:

  • do not salt food;
  • give up foods that cause gas and are harmful, especially sweets;
  • total calorie content per day is not more than 1600 kcal, but not less than 1200 kcal;
  • every four hours you need to eat something, take at least a small snack;
  • Each serving of food should include something that contains unsaturated fatty acids, for example, fish, spinach, avocado, walnuts, pistachios, almonds, etc.;
  • drink at least 2 liters of clean still water.

Diet "Quick and Easy"

During the first 14 days you can lose up to 5-6 kg. The total duration of the diet is at least six weeks. The basic principles are as follows:

  • there is a list of superfoods that need to be included in the diet as often as possible;
  • You should eat food at least six times a day, without allowing a noticeable feeling of hunger to develop;
  • daily caloric intake is about 1400-1600 kcal;
  • in addition to breakfast, lunch, and dinner, there are three more snacks after each significant meal;
  • portion of food is not larger size your fist;
  • Once a week you can allow yourself what you want, but within reasonable limits.

Example menu

The list of superfoods includes the following:

  • nuts;
  • green vegetables and fruits;
  • instant oatmeal;
  • eggs;
  • all types of dairy products;
  • olive oil;
  • all cereals, including grain bread;
  • berries;
  • lean meat;
  • peanut butter;
  • legumes;
  • additional protein from cheeses, protein shakes, soy.

Italian diet

Suitable if an apple-shaped figure needs to lose weight in the stomach quickly, but not for long, for example, it will be suitable before holidays and other significant events. The diet is based on the fact that for four days you need to eat only a certain list of foods.

Italian diet plan
Breakfast Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner
First day three asparagus two handfuls of spinach two handfuls of broccoli green vegetables
The second day is protein three boiled eggs two chicken breasts handful of boiled beans
The third day is fatty handful of nuts one avocado piece of mozzarella cheese
The fourth day is carbohydrate handful of berries one banana tomato and apple in the form of puree or cocktail

Salon and home treatments

To get a faster and more noticeable effect, in addition to nutrition and physical activity, you can add various weight loss procedures. Among salon ones, preference should be given as well. The first will help remove excess fluid from problem areas, the second will help burn fat specifically in the abdominal area. The course consists of at least 12 procedures.

Among home methods, you should pay attention to wraps with a warming effect and improved blood circulation. Contrast showers and baths with various additives are also suitable. The first one is best taken in the morning, which will give you energy for the day, and the second one is suitable in the evening.

The following clothing items should be avoided:

  • “dutik” type jackets;
  • robes that do not emphasize the shape, but will only make the silhouette even more massive;
  • anything that will weigh down your legs: trousers with pockets, lots of zippers;
  • tight sweaters;
  • you cannot purchase clothes with large patterns in the abdominal area;
  • fabrics should be light, not denim or suit;
  • It is better to avoid very narrow or very wide belts.

Sweatshirts for apple shape
Dress styles for apple body shapes

The following elements highlight the advantages of the figure:

  • the Roman style of dresses, when the clothes fit close to the chest and float freely below, which helps to hide the protruding belly;
  • A V-neck on T-shirts and sweaters will help emphasize the chest and remove attention from the stomach;
  • Expert opinion

    Yulia Mikhailova

    Nutrition expert

    The emphasis should be on the legs and chest. To do this, it is better not to wear skirts or dresses, or sweaters with cutouts.

    Special attention should be paid to accessories. Various beads and chains with pendants are suitable. It is better to avoid jewelry that is too voluminous and heavy.

    An “apple” figure has dangerous consequences for health, since visceral fat has a number of negative effects and increases the risks of many diseases. Getting beautiful shape requires not only proper nutrition, but also physical activity. Otherwise, the features of the figure will become even more noticeable. Properly selected clothing will help enhance the effect.

    Useful video

    Watch this video about what to wear if you have an apple shape:

Women with an apple body type sometimes struggle unsuccessfully for years with overweight. However, according to nutritionists and sports trainers, losing unnecessary pounds is easier than it seems. Many celebrities who have this body structure work quite successfully on themselves and end up looking great. The fact is that they know the secrets of the apple figure type and how to correctly place emphasis in food and on sports training. This useful information Available for ordinary girls too.

What is an apple shape?

This type of silhouette has other names: circle, letter “O”, rhombus. But the most laconic thing is the apple figure. According to surveys, men consider this body type to be one of the sexiest. Especially if a woman knows how to dress properly.

What does an apple woman look like?

Among the features of the figure are the following:

  • long, slender legs;
  • small, often almost undefined, flat buttocks;
  • thin elegant hands with beautiful fingers;
  • often lush high breasts, but medium breast size is also possible;
  • massive back part;
  • large protruding belly;
  • problematic waistline (virtually none).

A sure sign of an apple figure is that the circumference of the hips and waist are almost the same size. It is not difficult to determine such a female body constitution. She immediately catches your eye. Sometimes women with such proportions slouch a little. Even if they keep their back as straight as possible, this appearance is obtained due to the fact that the bulk of the body mass is concentrated on the upper part: back, chest, stomach. The belly stands out even more than the chest and sides. It is the stomach that becomes the cause of concern for women. To correct your figure, you need to pay attention to it and try to remove everything unnecessary.

Body types

The peculiarity of the apple figure is the rapid gain of mass in the torso area. It is especially difficult for the weaker sex during menopause. At this time, the figure begins to actively blur from heavy meals. It is important by this age to learn how to use diets, monitor nutrition and pay attention to physical activity.

Additional information. Celebrities have an apple figure: Britney Spears, Kelly Clarkson, Mila Kunis, as well as sex symbols such as Angelina Jolie, Catherine Zeta-Jones.

Health problems

Doctors know that those with a round figure have large number steroid hormones considered male. This is due to the lack of a pronounced thin waist. Often, representatives of the fair sex experience hormonal imbalances. The consequences of such problems are a slowdown in metabolic processes and the accumulation of deep fat deposits.

Due to the slow metabolism, the body cannot actively produce energy from the food received and stores extra pounds fat In this case, accumulation occurs both in the upper part of the body and in its depths. An apple figure involves fat cells enveloping the internal organs. Other health concerns include:

  • Threat of diabetes mellitus;
  • The likelihood of skin inflammation and heart disease;
  • Excessive impressionability;
  • Sleep disturbance, etc.

Important! Because of possible problems with health, plump ladies begin to tidy up their figures. Successful weight loss has a beneficial effect on your health. The woman feels a surge of strength, worries about trifles move aside.

Body shaping at home

The apple figure can be adjusted much faster than other body types. However, a woman needs to make some effort.

It has been established that with the right diet, the fat that is located on the internal organs disappears as quickly as possible. After its resorption, the number on the scale decreases significantly. A small victory is an encouraging and motivating factor.

There are two diets that are optimal for apple-shaped figures. They are aimed at eliminating belly fat. One of them is long, the second is as fast as possible. The first diet is aimed at gradual weight loss and the transition of a person to a constant diet of proper nutrition. The second is for effective, noticeable results in a short time.

Features of the apple figure

The general goal of diets is not to make a person starve, but to fill him with healthy foods. quality products, helping to accelerate metabolic processes. Due to the increased sensitivity and impressionability of apple women, each diet contains products that effectively combat depression and improve mood. We are talking about complex carbohydrates, which, when digested, make the body work, give satiety and a feeling of peace.

60 day pp diet

The regimen provides for slow but effective weight loss. Depending on their constitution and metabolism, women lose from 4 to 10 kg on a diet. It is noteworthy that after completing the diet, the body, accustomed to proper food and daily nutritional routine, can completely switch to a similar lifestyle. This will be the best ending to the program. The 60-day diet has 5 nuances:

  1. The first week is considered preparatory. Therefore, among the recommendations is a gradual entry into the developed regime. During the diet, a daily routine regarding nutrition is followed.
  2. Breakfast is the most important and plentiful meal of the day.
  3. Sweet drinks are replaced by floral, black, green tea without everything or with a spoon of honey.
  4. If possible, you should count the number of calories consumed per day. It should not exceed 1400-1600 kcal.
  5. Once a week you are allowed to have a “loading” day. It involves eating any tasty foods, but not in the evening.

Daily routine


The time of the first meal should fall between 7 and 9:30 hours. At this time, you are allowed to eat one of the offered dishes to choose from. You can alternate them, preparing different breakfasts every day, or you can choose one and eat it in the morning. It is allowed to cook both home-cooked food and order it from public catering establishments. Breakfast to choose from:

  • scrambled eggs with grain bread, herbs and cheese;
  • pea porridge or beans and a handful of nuts;
  • oatmeal with a spoon of honey, apple, yogurt;
  • lentils and lean piece of beef (turkey, rabbit, chicken), kefir;
  • beans with boiled or fried eggs.

A snack can be arranged around 11-12 o'clock. At this time, in addition to green tea, there may be a piece of whole grain bread with cheese, or a few nuts, or a couple of baked vegetables, or green vegetables, or 2 fruits, or a piece of wholemeal bread with peanut butter.

Nutrition for women with an apple figure


Its time occurs from 12 to 14 hours, depending on the employment of the person using the diet. Food to choose from:

  • Oatmeal and a piece of boiled dietary meat;
  • Milk or kefir and a handful of nuts;
  • Lentil soup with a piece of boiled meat;
  • Salad with cheese and low-fat cutlet;
  • Steamed vegetables with olive oil and chicken;
  • Red fish and buckwheat.
Afternoon snack

The main condition for an afternoon snack is to organize it 2-4 hours after lunch. At this time, it is recommended to eat an apple, some vegetables or a piece of cheese (50 g). You can drink tea with honey, eat yogurt, fermented baked milk, or kefir.


Dinner time is from 18:00 to 20:00. However, you should not sit down at the table if there are less than 2 hours left before going to bed. Dishes to choose from:

  • berries, wholemeal bread, yogurt;
  • dietary meat and lentils;
  • nuts with kefir or fermented baked milk;
  • beans or other legumes with a piece of bread;
  • green salad with butter and croutons;
  • cheese with vegetables.
Evening snack

A few hours before going to bed you are allowed to eat fermented milk product either drink tea with honey or eat an apple.

Express diet with tomatoes

The creators of this regime promise that in 5-7 days the apple figure will lose 2-5 kg. This will remove the mass from the abdominal area. The main thing with such a program is to drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day and take complex vitamins. Food portions should be small in volume (100-200 g). The duration of the express method is 5.7 days.

Pay attention! Losing weight quickly is harmful to the body. After returning to a normal schedule, the weight is gained again, and the fact that a person has lost weight becomes unnoticeable.

The diet menu for every day is the same. Breakfast consists of an omelet (2 eggs with tomatoes) and wholemeal bread. Lunch includes tomato soup with spices and 100 g of durum pasta. For dinner, a salad of vegetables and seafood is prepared. Between meals, you can drink unsalted tomato juice and green tea.

The tomato diet allows you to lose 2-5kg

Figure after losing weight

If the diet to get your figure in order is completed successfully, then full belly should shrink and become flat. The apple figure before and after losing weight is very different. The lost kilograms will free up the upper body and make it more graceful. The waist will appear.

After transforming your figure, stylists advise throwing out all the voluminous bag-shaped dresses and updating your wardrobe. When choosing outfits, you should give preference to skirts and dresses that reveal your legs. Shortened dresses in the A-line style, with an asymmetrical cut, open neckline or moderately revealing triangular necklines are suitable. It is recommended to wear jackets reminiscent of Chanel style and cropped sweatshirts. You can wear any trousers, even sporty ones.

Sports activities

For weight loss to be effective, during a diet you need to visit the gym or exercise 1-3 times a week. physical activity Houses. Sports will not only help you tighten up thin parts of your body, but also give you a good mood.

Additional information. Women are often interested in the question “How long should I exercise?” Experts assure that you should not quit exercise immediately after completing a diet. For the figure to acquire attractive appearance and tightened up, you need from 1 to 6 months of training.

The apple figure looks most flattering with a toned body. You can adjust your physique at home. To do this, you need to change your diet and also devote time to sports training.

A genetic predisposition to obesity cannot be explained or understood by nutritionists - experts are confident that a person himself “sets” his figure. It turns out that even overweight relatives and parents can have a slender beauty. But if we talk about body type, then everything is different here - even nutritionists are scratching their heads over the question, how to lose belly fat with an apple body shape.

The Apple figure, even for specialists, is the most difficult to work with - it is not only difficult for older girls and women to lose weight, but also to maintain their healthy condition. There are 5 types of figures - hourglass, apple, pear, triangle, rectangle. Each name directly characterizes the build of a person, his outline of the figure. The article will discuss the Apple body type, which is characterized by an increased abdominal volume, narrow shoulders and pelvic bone. The presented figure cannot boast of a thin waist; a bulging belly is the main problem with the physique. The Apple figure has many ways and opportunities to hide its shortcomings, but compared to others, it is harder for her to lose weight. The article will describe in more detail the dangerous aspects of health if the girl is obese.

The Apple figure is the most dangerous type in matters of human health. Often girls only consider a big belly and lack of waist as the main problem. Doctors and nutritionists talk about health risks due to an increased amount of visceral fat - fat cells on internal organs.

Visceral fat is dangerous for the functioning of internal organs - due to cell blockage and enlarged walls, organs work in wear-and-tear mode. As a result, blood supply is reduced and, consequently, metabolism slows down. It turns out that girls and women with an Apple figure, in the event of unexpected weight gain and poor nutrition, continue to only increase their performance.

Please note: Unfortunately, the metabolism in the case of the Apple body type is set up in such a way that with poor nutrition and excessive overeating, fat cells are primarily deposited on the internal organs - it is this fact that leads to an increase in the abdomen and waist size in case of weight gain.

It follows from this that women with this body type should always monitor their diet and weight. If an enlarged waist, a protruding belly, and a slow motion do not frighten a girl, more significant health risks identified by experts should be cited.

The following points are listed here:

  • Impaired metabolism contributes to the development of type 2 diabetes.
  • The presence of fat on internal organs leads to an increase in the load on the heart and the entire cardiovascular system.
  • Working too hard leads to inflammation of internal organs and the development of chronic diseases.
  • The load on internal organs and their increased weight lead to the development of snoring and apnea.
  • The pressure of the diaphragm on the lungs leads to the development of hypertension.
  • Hypertension and cardiac arrhythmia are often diagnosed.

If you don't know your body type, do the calculations. Measure your waist and hips - if your waist to hip ratio is more than 0.8, then you are an Apple type. It is important to heed the dangers listed above and proceed with the reset excess weight.

About proper nutrition

If your weight is normal, but you are embarrassed by your protruding belly and lack of waist, you should resort to compliance. Here are the following points in the questions of how to remove a big belly by following proper nutrition for the Apple body type:

  • It is important to exclude all processed carbohydrate products - these are baked goods and bakery products. To lose weight, you should give preference to grain varieties of bread, but consume them in small quantities.
  • You should reduce your consumption of sweet foods - cookies, candies and chocolate - they can be eaten in small quantities and only in the first half of the day.
  • You should add complex carbohydrates to your meals - brown rice, oatmeal, whole grains, vegetables.
  • It is important to add protein products to the menu and not get carried away with proteins.

A diet for an Apple-type figure should include unsaturated fatty acids in the menu. These foods include walnuts, spinach, avocados, pistachios, almonds, olive oil, fish, Brussels sprouts. The products presented must be included in the daily menu.

Sample menu for the week

The diet for an apple-shaped figure is based on losing weight in the stomach - at the end of the diet, you can notice a significant reduction in your waist. The diet is designed for 32 days - during this time you can lose up to 7 kg of excess weight, but significantly reduce the volume. The first 4 days are the start of the diet, which will seem very difficult to the girl. At this time, you should keep the calorie content of the diet to no more than 1600 kcal per day, see the article for more details. 4 meals of 400 kcal each are allowed per day, and the break between meals should not be more than 4 hours - these are the basics of every diet.

At the time of starting the diet, food is not salted during cooking. Further, the use of a small amount of spices is allowed. Sample menu for a week for a flat stomach figure An apple is presented in the table.

The table suggests a diet menu for the following weeks, which already implies 6 meals.

Days Meal time Allowed foods and dishes
Monday Breakfast – 8-00 Oatmeal porridge in water with the addition of a small amount of honey or berries, one boiled egg
Snack – 11-00 Handful of almonds
Lunch – 13-00 A serving of boiled brown rice with stewed chicken or turkey fillet
Snack – 16-00 Natural yogurt – 1 cup
Dinner – 18-00 Stewed or baked fish in foil with the addition of your favorite vegetables
Snack – 20-00 A glass of low-fat kefir with added cinnamon
Tuesday Breakfast – 8-00 Egg white omelet, whole grain bread and peanut butter sandwich
Snack – 11-00 Fruit of choice, but low in sugar
Lunch – 13-00 A portion of stewed chicken with vegetables
Snack – 16-00 Boiled egg and a little hard cheese
Dinner – 18-00 Steamed Chicken and Roasted Asparagus
Snack – 20-00 A glass of natural yogurt
Wednesday Breakfast – 8-00 Fruit salad with natural yogurt
Snack – 11-00 Curd smoothie – cottage cheese, milk or kefir, fruit
Lunch – 13-00 Brown rice with seafood
Snack – 16-00 Almonds no more than 30 grams
Dinner – 18-00 Canned tuna in its own juice, a portion of stewed vegetables
Snack – 20-00 Kefir with cinnamon
Thursday Breakfast – 8-00 A serving of low-fat cottage cheese with a little honey
Snack – 11-00
Lunch – 13-00 Casserole with chicken or turkey and your favorite vegetables
Snack – 16-00 A glass of natural yogurt
Dinner – 18-00 Baked chicken with a portion of fresh vegetable salad
Snack – 20-00 Whole boiled egg
Friday Breakfast – 8-00 Scrambled eggs 2 eggs, grapefruit
Snack – 11-00 Banana
Lunch – 13-00 Boiled chicken with red beans
Snack – 16-00 A glass of kefir or natural yogurt
Dinner – 18-00 Boiled shrimp, but not more than 300 grams
Snack – 20-00 A glass of kefir with cinnamon
Saturday Breakfast – 8-00 Oatmeal porridge cooked in water and a handful of almonds
Snack – 11-00 Two boiled eggs
Lunch – 13-00 Roast turkey and grain side dish
Snack – 16-00 Glass of yogurt
Dinner – 18-00 Seafood stewed with vegetables
Snack – 20-00 100 g low-fat yoghurt
Sunday Breakfast – 8-00 Fruit salad with yogurt
Snack – 11-00 Handful of almonds
Lunch – 13-00 Steam cutlets and chicken and vegetable salad
Snack – 16-00 Whole grain bread with a piece of cheese
Dinner – 18-00 Steamed fish and green salad
Snack – 20-00 A glass of kefir with cinnamon

The presented diet allows you to replace foods with acceptable ones for weight loss with an Apple figure. You can consult a nutritionist if the menu contains foods that are not advisable for consumption - he will offer other options that are acceptable for an Apple figure.


In addition to the diet for the Apple type, you should resort to following. In this case, exercises for the Apple are abs. There is an opinion that it is undesirable to pump up your abs if you have excess belly fat.

Please note: In the case of the Apple body type, training in the form of permanent abs will help, on the contrary, burn fat from the internal organs. Thus, with the help of the presented type of exercise, you can increase blood flow in the abdominal cavity, which will burn subcutaneous fat cells and internal organs, and also significantly improve metabolism.

To perform the press, you should take a comfortable position - lie on the floor, cross your arms with your palms at the back of your head and bend your knees. Do the lifting so that the abdominal muscles tense - it is not necessary to do a full body lift, at least at first. In the future, increase the load by adding squats - this also helps improve blood flow in the abdominal cavity.

Losing weight for girls and women with an Apple figure is a difficult but vital task. Otherwise, you may encounter the development of quite dangerous diseases. One of the consequences of poor nutrition will be a slow metabolism, which will lead to constant weight gain, even if you limit yourself in nutrition. It is important to follow the recommendations of specialists specifically for Apple - this will ensure a slim waist and excellent health.

"Apple" - a common type female figure. It is almost impossible to change it, because it is so inherent in nature. But you can intensively influence the fat mass, which gives this body type. The apple body type can easily be characterized by excess fat in the abdomen, sides, and back. There are frequent manifestations of deposits in breast size and the appearance of a double chin. The only “dry” places are the legs, thighs, and buttocks. It is possible to get rid of imperfections and restore the appetizing outlines of the silhouette by following simple but mandatory rules.

If an insignificant fat layer is visualized, it can be removed, possibly through training and regular unloading. If you have excessive amounts of unnecessary weight, you should use a diet in addition to the listed means of weight loss. The most important thing a woman can do is to reconsider her diet. After all, a lot of things regarding the figure depend on it in the first place. Even nutritionists, along with other doctors, confirm that with a dense body and excellent condition at first glance, problems with the heart, blood vessels, and also blood pressure and thyroid gland, diabetes mellitus.

Features of dietary nutrition for an apple figure

During dietary nutrition Those with an apple figure should renounce the Kremlin diet, the diet of American astronauts, and the Atkins diet. All of them, like other protein variations of weight loss, negatively affect the liver condition and kidney functionality. Also, these nutritional methods slow down the digestive system, which is generally contraindicated for apple-shaped people.

It is still possible to lose weight effectively with an apple-shaped body. But you should know in advance that when using cleansing teas, enemas, diuretics and laxatives, the already weak water-salt structure of the body suffers. These methods are acceptable, but only for a short period of time. As soon as the use of such weight loss is stopped, the removed mass will return back, even with weight gain.

Anyone who decides to change the state of affairs with the help of starvation diets should keep in mind that such an approach cannot bring anything other than hormonal imbalance. And since the formation of a parachute vest on the body occurs precisely because of the reduced level of hormones, nothing good can be expected from this. Moreover, it is better not to drink alcohol at this time. This will make it easier for the liver to cope with the process of removing toxins and waste.

Desirable diet for an apple figure

Upon reaching desired result no need to stop. It is necessary to periodically normalize weight by fasting days using fruits and vegetables. Then the apple figure type will no longer bother you with its outline, and your waist will remain in its best shape.

About sports

Exercising is a must for those who want to rid their body of an apple stuck in the center. However, you should not devote all your training time to the press and hoop. Apart from the belly, there are other parts of the body that also need attention. When performing comprehensive strength training, the results will be colossal. Moreover, classes must take place in the gym.

In the morning, it won’t hurt to run for half an hour or do bodyflexing. In addition, you can squat. Pilates is no less effective. With this type of exercise, the load is applied statically, enhancing the effect in the center of the body.