Seeing yourself in the shower in a dream. I dreamed of a shower: see, wash, cold shower. What if you dream about taking a shower

Dream Interpretation of O. Smurova

Why do you dream and what does Shower mean:

Shower - Seeing that you were washing in the shower means that soon someone will humiliate you.

If you see that you took a cold shower, then you will have big problems.

See also: why do you dream of cold water, why do you dream of a bath, why do you dream of washing.

Dream Interpretation of S. Karatov

Why do you dream about Shower?

Shower - If you dreamed of a shower, then your efforts will be noticed and appreciated.

Taking a shower - Seeing what you took cool shower- then some surprise will happen to you.

Pocket dream book by T. Lagutina

Why do you dream about Shower, how to understand the dream:

Shower - If you dreamed about washing yourself in the shower, then very dubious entertainment awaits you.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Shower - Seeing a shower in a dream is a harbinger of oblivion of sorrows, joy and pleasure. If you take a shower in a dream, then the dream warns you of disappointments, illnesses and losses.

Building a soul in a dream is a sign of great success and recognition of your abilities.

To see that a person unfamiliar to you is washing in your soul, then you are destined for career advancement and strengthening of your financial position.

A dream in which you see a well-finished shower, with a full set of plumbing fixtures, means receiving a large inheritance or something that you have been expecting for a long time.

For lovers, seeing a shower in a dream means that their wedding will soon take place.

Taking a shower - Seeing that no water comes out of the shower, grief, sadness and despair.

Dream book for girls

Why do you dream about Shower according to the dream book:

Shower - A broken shower signifies bad luck that will befall you the next day. Therefore, on this day it is better not to make dates, not to buy anything (because the purchased item will not last long), not to show independence and activity (there is a high probability of failure). In general, you need to live this day quietly and unnoticed, then you can avoid any unpleasant surprises.

Lewis's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Shower, for what reason:

Shower - Taking a shower in a dream can mean spiritual or physical renewal or the need to wash away heaviness from your life. On the other hand, a shower can symbolize rewards that “pour” on the dreamer.

Universal dream book

What does it mean to see a shower in a dream?

Shower - Brief interpretation: hygiene; update; success.

Popular expression: shower with praise; in perfect order.

Taking a shower is the perfect way to freshen up and get clean. Therefore, the dream suggests that if you take on problems as early as possible, you can simply wash them away.

Are you or another person taking a shower in your dream? Showering symbolizes hygiene. Are you feeling dirty? Or do you feel that the person who takes a shower is dirty? Why?

The shower also symbolizes renewal, i.e. a dream may indicate that it is necessary to slow down the progress of development, pause and relax.

Showering can also be associated with success. Are you particularly successful at this point in your life? Is everyone showering you with praise?

Dream Interpretation of O. Adaskina

Why do you dream about Shower, what does it mean:

Shower - If you dreamed that you were taking a shower, then soon you will be able to get rid of some circumstances or people that interfere with the implementation of your plans and aspirations.

Shower - A little intimacy - Dreaming of a shower means that in the near future you will experience an unusual surge of vitality and energy, which will allow you and your partner to feel at the height of bliss while making love. This has not happened to you for a long time, so you will perceive what happened as a gift of fate.

Taking a shower in a dream means that you are destined to meet a person who will flash into your life, leaving behind only a dent on the pillow. You will spend wonderful days together, “there will be no further continuation of your relationship.

What can you see and do in your dreams!

If you washed yourself in a dream, consult a dream book for an explanation of this dream. Washing means getting rid of negativity and enjoying new, pleasant events in life.

To find out in more detail the meaning of such a dream, you need to remember its details and look into the dream book.

Take a shower

Wash in the shower under cold water, - means to be cured of a serious illness. And if it is warm, then you will enjoy basic things.

Hot and cold jets mixed together indicate that you are facing a serious choice. And getting burned when you wash in the shower means making a lightning-fast but correct decision.

  • Being in a shower stall with a stranger means changing your job.
  • Wash with your loved one - to a new stage in the relationship.
  • Running out of water - help friends.
  • Multi-colored streams in the soul - to good news.
  • Being there with a dog means meeting a decent person.

As the dream book writes, bathing in the shower while standing in water with a lot of foam means quickly dealing with problems. And if the water is dirty, then before making an important decision you should weigh everything carefully.

Avoiding illness thanks to preventive measures is what dreams of washing in winter clothes mean. And if you stand in the shower in your underwear, then this characterizes you as a shy person.

Swim in the bath

If you are lying in the bathtub and there is a lot of foam around you, then be careful when communicating with unfamiliar people, they can easily deceive you. And take it with essential oils or incense - in the dream book means to be in agreement with your loved one.

The dirty, smelly liquid in which you are lying is a sign that big cash receipts are waiting for you soon. And meeting a rich man is what dreams of washing in a champagne-filled bathtub mean.

  • Seeing your body underwater means being frank with your partner.
  • Lying in a glass bathtub means a calm, romantic evening.
  • Swimming with toys brings pleasant memories with your best friend.
  • Water flows out of the bath - to many new impressions.
  • Plunging headlong means falling in love.

The dream book also says that washing in the bathroom with best friend, means trusting your secrets to a reliable person. And swimming with a stranger means thinking about changing your place of residence.

Lying in a jacuzzi means inventing original idea to make money. And being content with what you have and not striving for more is what dreams of washing with old laundry soap mean.

Visit the bathhouse

If you dream that you are steaming alone in a bathhouse, then in reality you have realized your mistakes, and you are no longer burdened by feelings of guilt. And if your friends or relatives wash with you, then you don’t have to worry: all your problems will be solved by themselves.

When there are representatives of the opposite sex near you in the bathhouse, it means that you have admirers among your friends. And washing in the company of strangers, according to the dream book, means starting a relationship with a good person.

Washing in a large public bath means not hiding your feelings towards others. In the dream book, taking a steam bath in a small rural bathhouse means diversifying your sex life.

Whipping yourself with a broom is trying to improve relations with someone you have offended. And if your friend or girlfriend whips you in the bathhouse, then they are waiting for news from you.

Knowing what you dream about washing - in the shower, in the bath or in the bathhouse - you can bring it closer good events and avoid unpleasant ones. Author: Vera Drobnaya

Dream interpretation of washing in the shower

Water in any of its manifestations is a symbol of imminent changes in the life of a sleeping person. Especially big changes carries the image of flowing water, a waterfall, a river, a stream, a soul.

Taking a shower in a dream

Why do you dream of washing in the shower? Any dream book will give the answer - to quick changes, depending on many details that the dreamer has to remember.

What shower to take

As in reality, in a dream you can take a cold or hot shower, in your own apartment, or with a friend. Every detail is of paramount importance for a reliable interpretation.

Water temperature

The Wanderer's Dream Book says that taking a warm shower is a sign of events that will make you quite worried. If the water was scalding cold, then you will be able to look at your behavior from the outside. This will help you soberly assess the current situation and make the right decision.

If you took a nice, cool shower, your financial situation will soon improve significantly.

Jets of cool water also promise a sleeping person cleansing from negative thoughts and feelings.

Washing in a dream with cool water

An interesting interpretation has a dream when you intended to wash yourself with cool water, but boiling water suddenly poured on you from the tap. You will make a rash step that will significantly spoil your affairs.

Did everything happen exactly the opposite? Did you want to warm up, but was hit by an icy stream? Your loved one will not treat you according to his conscience, which will greatly disappoint you.

Where is the shower cabin located?

The place for water treatments was crowded. The dream book perceives this night vision as disturbing thoughts related to the lives of your loved ones. The interpretation is as follows: the loved one will act rather riskily, and the dreamer will worry.

In a dream, you have to wash in a secluded dark and cold place - you will suffer from a feeling of loneliness. Unfortunately, you will be left without any support.

If the shower room was bright and warm, then you will definitely receive friendly participation in your destiny.

If you take water procedures in front of the public, there are unpleasant rumors about you, people think negatively about your person.

Who do you wash with?

A man's dream: taking a shower

A similar night vision, where you will not be alone in the shower stall, interpreters, as a rule, divide into two groups:

  • If a man sees a familiar girl or woman in his shower in a dream, then she definitely feels sympathy for him, although perhaps hidden.
  • If a woman sees herself in a dream in the same booth with a man, then a crisis has emerged in her family relationships. And a woman wants to be desired and loved.

How did you shower

If in a dream you were wearing clothes during water procedures, then this is a bad omen. At the most inopportune moment, unexpected problems will arise. But if the sleeping person experienced pleasant sensations, then you can overcome all the troubles and obstacles with ease.

For those ladies who are legally married, washing naked in a dream is a sign of a pleasant surprise or a gift received from their spouse.

Dream details about shower

In a dream, you could just see a shower stall, but not wash in it. In this case, a certain person will be able to open your eyes to what is happening around you and to the essence of certain people. It’s as if the scales have fallen from the dreamer’s eyes.

The psychological dream book generally considers taking a shower as committing some kind of mistake in one’s life and a desire to wash away all sins from the soul.

And Sigmund Freud’s dream book says that taking a shower in a dream for those people who are in a permanent relationship promises a revival of former passion and strengthening of the union.

I dreamed of colored water in the shower

It happens that when you take a shower in your sleep, you experience certain problems. What they can lead you to in real life:

  • In night vision, you wanted to wash yourself, but were unable to open the tap - your financial affairs will be in a deplorable state. This vision is especially negative for people doing business.
  • If the water does not flow to you because there is a large layer of scale on the tap, then a rather impressive obstacle will appear on your way that will need to be overcome.
  • During washing, water does not flow down the drain, but accumulates and rises higher and higher - you should urgently begin to solve important issues, otherwise there could be a disaster.
  • When washing, the water is either boiling water or ice - you will have to make an important decision. Your future life will depend on it.
  • In the process, colored water suddenly poured out of the tap - you will receive good news.

1. Shower- (Dream Interpretation Medium miss Xacce)
Modest efforts will be rewarded; cold shower - nice surprise
2. Shower- (Modern dream book)
Taking a shower in a dream means that you will soon atone for your guilt before a loved one. Seeing a naked woman washing in the shower is a sign that grief and disappointment await you. If you dream that you are washing in a cold shower, then soon a big scandal will break out in your family, and it will be you who will become its involuntary initiator. Washing in a hot shower in a dream means unpleasant work that you cannot refuse.
3. Shower- (Intimate dream book)
If you dreamed of a shower, it means that in the near future you will experience an unusual surge of vitality and energy, which will allow you and your partner to feel at the height of bliss when making love. This has not happened to you for a long time, so you will perceive what happened as a gift of fate. Taking a shower in a dream means that you are destined to meet a person who will flash into your life, leaving behind only a dent on the pillow. You will spend wonderful days together, but your relationship will not continue. If in a dream cold water came from a hot tap, it means that you are destined to experience love disappointment. Indirectly, this will be your fault. You were warned that such a result was natural, but you relied on your own strength and miscalculated. But if in a dream there was water coming from a cold tap hot water, this warns that in reality you will make a mistake by trusting a person who is not trustworthy.
4. Shower- (Dream book of Yuri Andreevich Longo)
Taking a shower in a dream - in real life you are increasingly visited by the thought of how dirty our life is. You believe that all intentions, all human actions are dictated by one desire - to make my neighbor feel worse than me. You want to cleanse yourself of the filth of the world around you. It is possible that you also know sins behind you that do not give you peace. There is only one piece of advice - step back for a while from the business you are doing and understand your own feelings and your worldview. A non-working shower means some kind of obstacle. If in a dream the reason for his “refusal” limescale or clogged pipes, this means that in real life there will be interference in business. Perhaps the fault will be your slowness and the enterprise of your competitors or enemies. If cold water comes from a hot tap and, conversely, hot water comes from a cold tap, then in real life you will be disappointed in love. Your friends warned you that this could happen, but you did not pay attention to their words, relying entirely on your own experience. If you cannot turn the shower handle in a dream, it means that in real life you will face failure related to your affairs. Listen to your intuition and make decisions according to what it tells you.

This dream suggests that you will experience an emotional upsurge through intimate relationships with a partner (partner).

Even if this happens not for the first time, you will perceive it as a gift of fate.

A dream in which you take a shower foreshadows your acquaintance with a person with whom you will be connected only for a few short nights.

He will disappear from your life as quickly as he appeared.

A shower from which cold water comes out means that you will experience disappointment in love.

Both sides will be to blame for this.

If you dream that hot water comes out of a cold tap, this means that you will trust a dishonest person who will betray you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Sexual Dreams

Seeing a Shower in a dream

Taking a shower: In real life, you are increasingly struck by the thought of how dirty our lives are.

You believe that all intentions, all human actions are dictated by one desire, if the reason for its “failure” is limescale or clogged pipes: this means that in real life there will be interference in business.

Perhaps the fault will be your slowness and the enterprise of your competitors or enemies.

If cold water comes out of a hot tap and, conversely, hot water comes out of a cold tap, in real life you will be disappointed in love.

Your friends warned you that this could happen, but you did not pay attention to their words, relying entirely on your own experience.

If you cannot turn the shower handle, it means that in real life you will face failure related to your affairs.

Listen to your intuition and make decisions according to what it tells you.

Interpretation of dreams from Longo's Dream Interpretation

What do Soul dreams mean?

The shower, like any object from which liquid flows, symbolizes the penis. But at the same time, the soul symbol also has some of its own characteristics.

If you shower naked and notice some flaws in yourself, this suggests that your desire to engage in sexual intercourse comes into conflict with the fear of failure.

If you wash in the shower with your clothes on, then you are worried that you forgot or did not want to use a condom during a previous sexual encounter.

If you rub yourself with a washcloth while in the shower, then you did not receive the expected pleasure from your previous sexual contact.

Interpretation of dreams from Freud's Dream Book

Dream about Shower

The dream means a surge of vitality and good luck in business.

Imagine yourself basking in a warm shower. It washes away fatigue and laziness, gives you health and energy.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

Meaning of the dream Shower

Taking a shower means exaggerating your failures too much.

To be wet is sorrow.

Dousing yourself with water is a joy.

Pouring another means well-being.

Interpretation of dreams from the Noble Dream Book

Interpretation of sleep Shower

If you start a new promising and profitable business, another romance will begin.

Air shower is a disease of the upper respiratory tract.

Interpretation of dreams from the Newest Dream Book

What does Shower predict in a dream?

Finding yourself in the shower in a dream means humiliation and unexpected shock. Taking a cold shower in a dream means expect the unexpected. See interpretation: wash, soap.

Interpretation of dreams from