What does it mean if a guy kisses you on the neck? Discussions - - Groups My World

Types of kisses Have you ever wondered how many different ones there are? But there are not so few of them.
I wonder how you kiss? Perfect- after love caresses your Love takes your face in his hands, softly kisses your eyes, the tip of your nose, and a long, long kiss on the lips, from which your heart melts...
Gentle– run your finger across your loved one’s lips, whisper to him that you love him and kiss him lightly.
"Red"– this makes the car ride more pleasant and “conversational”. Every time there is a red light, you lean in to kiss each other.
Eskimo- while you are getting ready to go to bed, you bend over and rub your noses together. I think it will make you both smile.
Licking– slowly and gently run the tip of your tongue over your loved one’s lips, as if licking them.
in the neck– bite the ear, kiss behind the ear, slowly move down the neck to the collarbone, making barely perceptible teasing touches with your lips.
Strawberry– which kiss is best? Meaningful! Place a strawberry discreetly in your mouth, move closer to your partner’s lips and, while kissing, pass half of the fragrant berry to him.
Children's- they just add variety to your kisses. Kiss all the freckles or moles on his face.
Contour– run the tip of your tongue along the contour of your loved one’s closed lips, very slowly and carefully. And then kiss him.
"Shchechkin"– gently rub your cheeks against each other, then rub your lips, barely touching each other, then run your tongues over your lips several times, as if teasing, and kiss passionately.
butterflies- just touching each other's eyelashes.
Ice– for fun or for a sensual moment, place a piece of ice in your mouth. Approach your partner from behind and kiss their neck, letting the ice touch it softly.
hostage– cover your lips with tape and attract the attention of your loved one. When he approaches, make sounds from under the tape as if you want to tell him something but can’t because your mouth is taped. When he tears off the tape, you tell him: “You saved my lips for only yourself,” and kiss him passionately.
Sweet whisper– gently place a few kisses near the ears, and between kisses whisper romantic words of love (what if he is more excited by obscenities?).
Edible– before kissing, smear your lips with something tasty (honey, banana). He will definitely appreciate it!
Computer– for fun, record the sound of your kiss in the sound recorder of your computer and send it to your dear friend by email.

If you look at a special art, then the sincerity and strength of the feeling experienced by lovers for each other is much more important than the technique of kissing. And the rest... The rest is a matter of technology.
In the book “1001 Ways to Kiss,” popular in the West, Rustem Mehta gives the following:
1. Regular on the lips, accompanied by weak pressure on them.
2. Regular on the lips, accompanied by stronger pressure.
3. .
4. “Deep”, or .
5. in the eyes with very little pressure on them.
6. in the neck, considered especially pleasant for women.
7. Long. The lovers' lips seem unable to tear themselves away from each other. The kiss is accompanied by either strong or weaker pressure on the lips.
8. in the corner of the mouth. Kiss first on one corner of the mouth, then on the other.
9. Throbbing. The lips and nose are pressed to the girl’s cheek, lightly vibrating and rubbing against the cheek.
10. Lots small on the inside of the arm, rising from the wrist to the armpit. Such kisses can awaken love.
11. on your cheek. The most common and natural. However, much greater pleasure can be obtained from light, very, very quick kisses on various points of the face, excluding the lips. Speed ​​is especially important here.
12. You can add a lot of variety by kissing your partner on the lips, while slightly pouting your own.
13. The previous option can be slightly modified if the person being kissed pouts his lips.
14. Can cause extremely pleasant sensations, kissing your earlobe a loved one or close to her. Men especially love to be kissed like this.
15. A variation of the previous method can be a lung sucking earlobes instead of kissing them.
16. Rain, covering the neck and chest, descending lower and lower at different speeds. Some kisses may be shorter, others longer.
17. Inner side hips especially responsive to kisses.
18. Many romantic writers sang in the shoulder. Men don’t really like such kisses, but they love kissing women’s shoulders themselves.
19. A wonderful preliminary stage before kissing on the lips - kissing your fingertips.
20. A common modification of a kiss on the lips is light sucking of lips, instead of putting pressure on them.
21 and 22. You can limit yourself to sucking only one lip. Top or bottom.
23. You can continue to add variety to the methods already described by sucking the upper and lower lips in turn. Don't do it too hard. Tenderness and attentiveness have a place in passion.
24. ironing. Lightly touching your lips to your forehead on one side, gently move them across your entire forehead and kiss on the other side.
25. Exactly the same stroking kiss can kiss on the lips. Touching the corner of your mouth with your lips, run them along your lips and gently kiss the other corner.
26. Light to the tip of the nose can be a great prelude to more intense forms of kissing.
27. A man can insert the tip of his tongue between the lips of his beloved, moving from left to right, then from right to left. This can go on for quite some time. And there is no reason to prevent a girl from doing the same.
28. You can touch your lips and cheek with your teeth, but be careful not to hurt each other.
29. You can also “bite” your lips partner's lips only so that teeth do not participate in the kiss.
30. Gentle contact of the tips of the tongues.
31. The previous one can be varied by alternately touching the tips of the tongues and withdrawing them.
32. Suction at gives lovers great pleasure. Such kisses are used actively and accepted calmly and patiently. Sometimes one partner kisses, sometimes the other, but you can, for variety, kiss at the same time.
33. Many people are especially sensitive to kisses in the area where the neck meets the shoulders. Both front and back.
34. As for kissing other parts of the body, most men and women back unusually sensitive to caresses, especially the lower part at the base and along the spine. The thighs are also very sensitive and form a weak erogenous zone.
35. Kiss with mutual gentle stroking of the erogenous zones.
36. You can kiss directly under the chin, while the kisser’s head is raised up.
37. Throat area very sensitive to kisses, so 42. to the upper chest girls. Kissing nipples.
43. Back of the head and the back of the neck are an erogenous zone for most people, so lightly stroking this area with your lips up and down causes a very pleasant sensation.
44. “Vertebrate”. It consists of a series of small kisses along the spine, starting near the neck and ending at the lowest point of the spine.
45. The reverse version of the previous one is also a whole rain, but from the front.
46. “Ironing” along the eyebrows.
47. It is possible to suck on eyebrows instead of kissing them.
48. Quite intimate kisses in the area where the hips meet the body are very exciting and awaken desire. Men for the most part prefer to be active participants, and women prefer to accept kisses.
49. It is also possible to kiss down from the navel to the point where the thigh meets the body. The lips should be relaxed so that they can glide across the skin easily.
50. young when they kiss the tip of their finger and then press it for a moment to the lips of their beloved. This is also a kiss, but such that clumsy words after it are sometimes unnecessary.

Have you ever wondered how long it exists? different types kisses. But there are not so few of them.

I wonder how you kiss?

The Perfect Kiss- after love caresses, your Love takes your face in her hands, softly kisses your eyes, the tip of your nose, and a long, long kiss on the lips, from which your heart melts...

Tender kiss– run your finger across your loved one’s lips, whisper to him that you love him and kiss him lightly.

"Red" kiss– this makes the car ride more pleasant and “conversational”. Every time there is a red light, you lean in to kiss each other.

Eskimo kiss- while you are getting ready to go to bed, you bend over and rub your noses together. I think it will make you both smile.

licking kiss– slowly and gently run the tip of your tongue over your loved one’s lips, as if licking them.

Kiss on the neck– bite the ear, kiss behind the ear, slowly move down the neck to the collarbone, making barely perceptible teasing touches with your lips.

Strawberry kiss– which kiss is best? Meaningful! Place a strawberry discreetly in your mouth, move closer to your partner’s lips and, while kissing, pass half of the fragrant berry to him.

baby kiss- they just add variety to your kisses. Kiss all the freckles or moles on his face.

Contour kiss– run the tip of your tongue along the contour of your loved one’s closed lips, very slowly and carefully. And then kiss him.

"Shchechkin" kiss– gently rub your cheeks against each other, then rub your lips, barely touching each other, then run your tongues over your lips several times, as if teasing, and kiss passionately.

Butterfly's kiss- just touching each other's eyelashes.

Ice Kiss– for fun or for a sensual moment, place a piece of ice in your mouth. Approach your partner from behind and kiss their neck, letting the ice touch it softly.

Hostage Kiss– cover your lips with tape and attract the attention of your loved one. When he approaches, make sounds from under the tape as if you want to tell him something but can’t because your mouth is taped. When he tears off the tape, you tell him: “You saved my lips for only yourself,” and kiss him passionately.

Sweet whisper– gently place a few kisses near the ears, and between kisses whisper romantic words of love (what if he is more excited by obscenities?).

Edible kiss– before kissing, smear your lips with something tasty (honey, banana). He will definitely appreciate it!

Computer kiss– for fun, record the sound of your kiss in the sound recorder of your computer and send it to your dear friend by email.

Kissing plays a big role in a relationship. They can have different meanings. And many girls are interested in what it means if a guy kisses you on the neck? Why could there be such an intimate, passionate touch of lips?

This gesture conceals not only sexual fantasy, but also special love. Indeed, unlike kisses on the cheek or on the cheek, this type of caresses cannot be friendly. This type of communication is created exclusively for couples in love.

What does it mean if a guy kisses your neck or ear?

The main meaning here is intimate (sexual) subtext. This type of affection is not a joke or a prank. If a guy touches his neck or ear with his lips, then he:

  1. Induces you to have sex;
  2. Declares his love;
  3. Wants to make relationships deeper;
  4. Requires frank affection from you;
  5. Shows his excitement.

It is worth noting that if you do not like this type of “harassment”, then you should immediately declare it. Otherwise, you open yourself up to intimacy by showing agreement with his intentions.

A woman's kiss on the neck has the same meaning. If you want to emphasize your passion for your partner, then you can resort to this method.

The neck is one of the main erogenous zones of a girl! It contains numerous nerve endings. And the skin here is the most sensitive. That is why caresses in this area are included in a number of intimate games with a partner.

As a rule, this type of kissing should excite both. If this does not happen, then you do not have enough feelings for the guy.

What does it mean if a guy kisses your neck in a dream?

Kissing the neck in a dream can be pleasant or unpleasant. In the first case, your dream speaks of:

  • Spiritual harmony;
  • The desire to be loved;
  • Sexual desire;
  • Looking for love;
  • Soon parting with loneliness.

But unpleasant kisses are evidence of hidden fear. This could be: phobia of rape, fear of unsuccessful relationships, fear of unrequited love, etc.

If in a dream a specific person caresses your neck or ear, then you will experience feelings for him. If his face is not visible, then you should not apply the essence of the dream to specific people.

If you see your boyfriend (girlfriend) being kissed in a dream, this indicates your jealousy. Think about this, even if you don’t notice this vice in your life. After all, in your subconscious you are a real Othello.

Often dreams are related to what is happening in our lives. There is no need to attach a higher essence to every night vision. The easier dreams are perceived, the better they become. And the less stress you get.

How to kiss the neck correctly?

If you want this type of caresses to bring pleasure, then you should follow some recommendations. Don't let your partner kiss you when he has stubble. The “sandpaper” effect is remembered for a long time. After which, such closeness will be associated with unpleasant sensations.

Avoid the appearance of so-called hickeys. After all, this is not only a painful skin injury, but also a symbol of debauchery. A girl with a hickey is a priori considered easily accessible.

Also, don't allow too much affection if you don't want sex. A protracted love game makes you obliged to “go to bed.” And if you don’t do this, the guy may be offended. After all, an official promise was given to him in body language.

Kissing on the neck has a good stimulating and relaxing effect. They work great for both partners. But do not forget that if a guy kisses the neck, then he wants to get intimacy from the girl. And if you do not share his desires, then you should limit yourself to lips or cheek.

Kissing video: