Ocher tones. Ocher color and other natural shades in a modern interior. Magical uses of blood and red ocher

Neapolitan yellow(antimony acid lead with some amount of lead oxide) - the lightest of all yellows. An oil mixture of greenish and reddish tones is prepared. Rubbing with an iron spatula makes it darker. Dries slowly.

Cadmium. This is cadmium sulfide. Commercial - may contain some free sulfur and some other substances harmful to color constancy. The circumstances under which the precipitate forms affect the hue or tone of the cadmium; There are 3 or 4 different tones available, ranging from lemon yellow to orange. Lemon yellow is not permanent enough. Cadmium is a very strong K, that is, when mixed with others, it controls the tone resulting from the mixture. It came into use in painting only in the middle of this century. Serves in oil painting and watercolor.
If cadmium sulfide enters the human body, it can have a strong toxic effect.

Ultramarine yellow(chromic acid barite).

Zinc yellow(zinc chromate).

Chromium(lead chromate) are also on K.’s list of products sold for painting, but they are fragile, some by themselves, others in mixtures.

Indian yellow, transparent paint, is one of the most permanent paints of organic origin; it is brought from Tibet to Calcutta and from there to Europe; The exact method of preparation is unknown. Oil and watercolor K.; very light.

Gamboge. — Organic yellow watercolor, very transparent paint, poisonous. Ochers necessary for K. are considered yellow, although their color is impure and dim; their color comes from iron oxides, which comprise about 1/4 of them.

Light ocher(Ocre clair, jaune, Lichter, Ocker, Yellow, Ochre), impure yellow color.

Golden ocher(Ocre d'or, Gold Ocker), darker than the previous one, but with a yellow-golden tint.

Dark ocher(Ocre foncé, Dunkel Ocker) - almost brown.

Brook ocher(Ocre de ru - shortened ruisseau - stream). Ochers come in different shades, depending on location; Each country has its own ocher, but they are usually not given local names, although Italian ocher is named. A very long rinsing before washing the paints in oil is necessary to improve their earthy yellow color.

Mars two or three shades, a type of artificial ocher, more transparent than natural ocher. According to the method of preparation, K is very expensive. Yellow also includes


Strontian yellow

Platinum yellow(Strontion Yellow, Platin Yellow - both English preparations), which, as fickle, we will limit ourselves to mentioning. Brown:

Sienna or Sienna earth (Terre de Sienne, Sienna natü rliche), similar in composition to ocher, is dark but transparent, yellow-brown in color. Refers to dark brown

Burnt green earth(terre verte brulée, Grüne Erde gebrannt),

Kassel land(Terre de Cassel) - transparent, also Cologne land. These are natural lignites or brown coal - the tone is good, but not consistent.

Brown Vandica(Vandyckbraun) can be considered durable from a chemical point of view if it is obtained by firing certain ocher materials. However, even more often it is made from a mixture of several K. and this one is of dubious strength (about dark ocher - see above: Yellow K.).

Umber- earthy brown color,

Burnt Umber- red-brown. Almost all ocher is used equally for oil and watercolor paints. Umber (oil) dries very quickly.

Burnt Prussian Blue- brown, sometimes of a very good tone, which depends on the choice of Prussian blue, which is not identical in all fabrications. The purest and most transparent brown materials should include resinous bitumen or asphalt and mummy.

Real asphalt prepared from the resin of the Dead Sea in Palestine (Bitume de Judée). Without drier or drying, bitumen does not dry at all. This mixture is a solution of resin in oil and extremely slows down the drying of the latter and is therefore used only in a very thin layer to cover other already dried mixtures (glazing or glazing). But even in this purpose its strength is questionable, and when mixed with other colors, bitumen, although it produces especially warm and initially pleasant tones, after some time it greatly changes the color of the picture. Many works of art are damaged by the use of asphalt: for example. the famous Hans Makart.

Mummy(pigment) (In the painting industry, a mummy is called a completely different mixture than the one mentioned in the text: a painting mummy is actually iron oxide, burnt, and often with impurities) the real one is a resin extracted by dissolution from the remains of Egyptian mummies, but how Recently, mummies as a commodity have become very rare, so under the name of mummies, manufacturers produce resinous K., of a completely different and unknown composition. Of the watercolor browns, K. is especially good

Sepia- animal origin. The mollusk (Sepia officinalis - see Sepia) provides the material for this valuable and excellent K.; warm sepia (Warm-Sepia), with a brighter yellowish very pleasant tone, there is already a compound K.

Bistre, also watercolor K., prepared from soot formed by burning beech wood, is now rarely used. Red K.

Cinnabar(cynabre, vermillon) - mercury sulphide is poisonous in composition and as a mercury preparation. Its color is red, of different tones, which depends on the method of its preparation (mountain, Chinese), it is used as oil and watercolor; erased with oil dries very slowly. Changes from light; Some varieties darken and turn brown when exposed to light. In chemistry, a variety of mercury sulphide is known, which has a black color. Of the various varieties of oil cinnabar - the name. mountain (Bergzinnober) is the least variable. The French distinguish cinnabar (cynabre) from vermillion (vermillion); both are mercury sulphide; the second K. has a brighter and purer color, but is more changeable than the first.

Scarlet(Scarlet), English watercolor K. pink in color, the composition is mercury iodide, it quickly changes under the influence of light.

Carmine(watercolor and oil) is prepared from cochineal, organic K, which is fragile for painting. Carmine, heavily diluted with water, applied with a brush to paper, disappears from exposure to sunlight in several tens of hours.

Krapplak or guarantee, on the contrary, is distinguished by a high degree of immutability. Krapplak carmine (a combination of garancine and purpurine contained in crappie) is not inferior in tone to cochineal carmine, but is much stronger than the latter. Currently, plant kraplaks are being replaced by more and more K., extracted from alizarin, obtained from coal tar; this production began more than 20 years ago and experience so far shows that this K. is in no way inferior to plant-based. Krapplak - very light K.; erased with oil dries very slowly. Laque Robert apparently belongs to the krapplak family.

Refers to orange-red red lead, lead in composition K., easily changing in mixtures.

Burnt sienna, watercolors and oils (Ocre brul é, Gebrannt Ocker) have an unclean red and red-brown color; are: light burnt ocher,

Dark burnt ocher, Italian burnt ocher. Some natural earths have a similar tone, for example. land of Pozzuoli. Burnt sienna is a sharp red-brown tone (watercolor and oil).

Much loved by artists brown-red, Braunrot is composite and can be strong or weak, depending on the composition.

English red(Light Read, rouge d’Angleterre) - a tone like burnt light sienna, but sharper; there is light and dark.

Dead Head(Caput mortuum) - light and dark. This K., like the previous one, is composed of iron oxide. C. mortuum is the name given by the alchemists. When mixed with white, dark English and Caput mortuum give a rough violet-red tone.

- a rather interesting solution, since many simply have no idea what this color is, although they constantly encounter it. Firstly, this color can have a yellow, golden or red tint. Secondly, it belongs to a warm color scheme.

Ocher color in the interior: influence on humans

The ocher color evokes associations with autumn, fallen leaves and the decline of nature. Consequently, in large quantities it can cause depression, but with moderate use of this color in the interior, it will make the design more comfortable and pleasing to the eye. With this approach, this color will promote relaxation and good rest. That is why designers advise using it only in company with “neighbors”.

Ocher color in the interior: popular combinations

This color combines well with all shades, but there are several most popular combinations:

Ocher with white color gives the design a certain festiveness and solemnity, while making it stylish and modern;

Ocher with terracotta is considered a classic combination;

Ocher with a purple tint is a bold but very successful combination, suitable for modern and ethnic styles.

The ocher color in the interior looks very interesting with a burgundy shade, but only if these two intense colors are diluted with neutral tones. At the same time, this color can be used in many interior directions, the main thing is to choose the right color companion and then ocher will show itself in all its glory.

Designers with extensive experience often use only 2-3 basic tones when drawing up color combinations for decorating rooms. In order for the interior to look as harmonious as possible, it is important not only to choose the optimal combination of colors, but also to correctly calculate the intensity of each of them, and correctly place the necessary accents.

Monochrome interiors

Experienced designers advise starting with creating monochrome interiors. To do this, you just need to choose the main (base) color, and then select accessories and finishing materials that match the color palette of this particular primary color. Additional elements in a monochrome interior include furniture in neutral shades, such as ocher or ivory, and flooring in soothing colors. However, when creating a monochrome interior, you should take into account the fact that excessive caution when choosing colors can create the feeling of a solid color spot, and the interior will turn out boring and standard.

The first stage in creating an interior

You should start creating an interior by choosing a base color. This color can be any chosen from the basic color wheel, or a more complex shade based on a neutral palette, for example, milky or slightly diluted ocher. Next, you should evaluate the parameters of the room and consider whether these parameters need to be visually adjusted (size, width, lighting, etc.). In accordance with this, it is worth choosing the color of the walls. You can use color to highlight one wall - the one to which you need to draw attention.

Winning colors

When choosing a color, you should first of all rely on your own preferences. However, designers still advise adhering to several rules. For example, the entire brown and yellow color palette. These are shades of bark, falling leaves and autumn landscapes. The interior, designed in this color scheme, literally breathes peace and tranquility. Bronze-colored accessories, as well as shades such as terraco, golden brown, and ocher, are perfect for such an environment. These colors are in harmony with natural wood finishes and leather furniture. Other natural shades—leaf green and sky blue—are comfortable and pleasing to the eyes of most people, so they can also be added to an interior designed in a natural, natural color palette. The color of ocher is quite easy to combine with both shades of a cold palette and warm tones, so ocher is very often used in the design of modern interiors, and this applies to both residential premises and offices. Natural shades are very suitable for decorating bedrooms, as natural shades have a calming effect on a person, which is ideal for a room intended for relaxation. Golden ocher is a color that will highlight cooler shades if the bedroom is designed in a bluish or greenish tones. This color will soften the cool color palette, balancing it and making it softer. When creating a monochrome interior, it is worth taking into account whether a “warm” or “cold” color will dominate in such an interior. It is better to slightly “warm up” rooms that are not too brightly lit on the north side with colors such as warm yellow, cream, or ocher. Southern rooms, on the contrary, can be somewhat “cooled” with calm gray or muted gray-blue shades.

Ocher is a family of natural earth pigments containing iron oxide as the main coloring component. Various types of ocher are mined from natural deposits of clay or sandy clay mineral. The dye is characterized by a variety of colors, including yellow, dark orange, brown, red, and purple.
Modern ocher pigments are often produced using synthetic iron oxide.

The quality of natural ocher is influenced by various factors: the proportion of clay and iron oxide, the presence of coloring elements in the composition, . Yellow or golden ocher contains hydrated iron oxide, also known as limonite. In this substance, iron interacts freely with water. Partially hydrated iron oxide, goethite, gives the pigment its brown color.

In places where the soil is very dry, the ocher will have a red color, which gives it anhydrous iron oxide -. Violet ocher is close to red in its chemical properties, but its hue is determined by the diffraction of light caused by the large average particle size of the substance.

If a natural mineral is heated under the influence of temperature, it becomes thicker and denser. In this process, limonite or goethite is dehydrated and transformed into hematite, and yellow or brown ocher turns red.

Extraction and use of ocher

Archaeological research shows that long before our era, ocher was widely used as a dye, cosmetics, protection against dry skin and insects, as well as for religious purposes. In 1780, scientist Etienne Astier developed a method for producing ocher, which was improved over time.

Raw clay, which is mined in mines and quarries, consists of 80-90% flint sand. To separate ocher particles from it, the raw material is washed in several stages and then dried. To obtain a red pigment, the mass is exposed to a temperature of 800-900 ° C. After cooling, the ocher is ground to 50 microns, graded by quality and color, and packaged.

To obtain the required colors, it is necessary to mix several types of ocher obtained from different ores.

Modern large producers of ocher are located in the USA, France, and some other European countries. This natural pigment is used in the construction industry to add color to finishing mixtures, and in agriculture it is added to fertilizers. Since ocher is non-toxic, it is included in artistic oil paints and cosmetics. It plays an important role in painting pottery and ceramics, and in decorating buildings. Colored sands left over from ocher production are also used: they are used to fill trenches for electric and telephone companies.

Ocher colors

adj., number of synonyms: 2

Yellow (4)

Ocher (7)

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