Current men's hairstyles. Fashionable short men's haircuts, photos. Cool sporty men's haircut

A handsome man who wants to remain successful and be in constant demand among women must have an ideal hairstyle. Thoroughly thinking through the image is no longer the task of only the fair sex; now guys are also passionate about taking care of themselves and are keenly interested in the topic of beauty. To be confident, you need to consider all the men's hairstyles of 2018, highlight your favorite options and try to update your look. Our article presents the ever-fashionable old and new styles of men's hairstyles that will be relevant this season.

Stylish men's hairstyles

Men's hairstyle Boxing

A huge number of representatives of the stronger sex wear a Boxing haircut - this is a win-win classic option for hair design. This implies a length of only 3-4 centimeters. This haircut should not be considered too mediocre; it gives an undesirable effect of simplicity to a man’s image only if the overall image is incorrectly modeled, which in addition to the hairstyle includes many more details, for example, clothing, accessories, and demeanor. If the Box is created by a professional hairdresser and is corrected in a timely manner, and the owner carefully takes care of himself and looks stylish in general, then the haircut will be harmonious, neat and interesting. An open hairstyle suits men who have the correct head shape without scars. Straight hair structure is encouraged.

Men's hairstyle Halfbox

Judging by the appearance of modern men of different ages, the Half-Box hairstyle is in demand today and no decline in its popularity is expected. The main area of ​​hair is cut to a length of 5-8 centimeters, the remaining areas are much shorter. Poluboksa is characterized by a smooth transition from long to short zones; hair thinning is also often used and bangs are formed. The haircut looks perfect on men with oval and square face shapes, and does not suit those with a thin and long face at all. The Half Box haircut has a number of obvious advantages, for example, its undeniable versatility for different people. The haircut is suitable for those men who prefer office-style clothes, and at the same time it looks good on men who wear T-shirts with jeans every day. The hairstyle can be called youthful, but at the same time it is not particularly creative, which is why older people willingly wear it.

Canadian men's hairstyle

This hairstyle option for men is good because it provides comfort and protection from sweating of the head in the summer - due to short hair. The Canadian is an example of the golden mean, as it is not excessively short like the Hedgehog. The haircut is relevant for any age; it was borrowed from the Canadians and today is often found among office workers, athletes, and pop stars. The haircut is distinguished by an impressive volume of curls in the crown and forehead area. On the top, temples and back of the head there is short hair. The transition of length is smooth. The Canadian cut can be done with any type of hair; it works especially well on wavy locks. The haircut suits the oval and round face of a young man or grandfather, but does not look good with a rectangular face shape. If we are talking about young people, then it is advisable to combine the hairstyle with highlights.

Men's hairstyle

It is believed that Cap-style haircuts suit all boys and young men, regardless of face shape and hair structure. The approximate age range for using this hairstyle is 10-25 years. You shouldn’t make the Cap too short if your curls are curly; in this case, it’s better to opt for a multi-layered haircut. In addition to multi-tiered and short, there are other options for this hairstyle, such as asymmetrical, long, with a smooth or sharp transition.

Men's hairstyles with bangs

It has been noticed that bangs in both women's and men's hairstyles accomplish many useful tasks, namely, they allow you to instantly create a laconic, complete image, effectively visually correct minor facial defects, and also absolutely emphasize all the advantages of a particular person’s appearance. With a strongly twisted hair structure, bangs may look bad, so in this case it is better not to cut them. Side-swept bangs suit almost everyone; straight bangs combined with a cap haircut often look bad on a round face. You should avoid caution with bangs if the lower jaw is massive and the cheekbone area is pronounced. Side bangs adorn the Canadian, Double Bob, and smooth hairstyles with a side parting. Bangs laid up organically complement the haircuts of the Playground, Elvis, Britannia. Men's looks with long bangs are especially beautiful; this detail is compatible with off-center hairstyles and grunge hairstyles.

Men's sports hairstyles

Neat and easy-to-care sports hairstyles are relevant not only for fitness fans, but also for business people. The convenience of sporty-style haircuts, namely Hedgehog, Boxing, Half-Boxing, Canadian, Square and Zero haircuts, in quick styling with or without a comb. In special cases, you may need a hairdryer and styling products such as wax or gel to beautifully lift and set your bangs. Sports men's hairstyles are done with a clipper, sometimes adding touches with scissors. It is ideal if a man has a smooth skull without scars, a wide, round or oval face, thick eyebrows, a pronounced chin area and large facial features. Also, sporty haircuts look normal with a diamond or square face shape. Hairstyles that do not work well for men with a pointed chin, a narrow or elongated face shape, or a long nose. The sporty Tennis hairstyle is also in fashion - short or long; it has been relevant for decades.

Men's curly hairstyles

If you manage to choose the right haircut and styling for wavy curls, you will get a noble and free look. A good hairdresser will be able to create a short haircut, the highlight of which will be expressive curls or small twisted locks on the top of the head, and also, if there is a significant length, decorate the hairstyle with large, careless curls that form a romantic, stylish composition. Emo-style haircuts work well on wavy locks. We also recommend considering a classic or understated Polka hairstyle. Many people have a beautiful Canadian haircut. Curly hair is a striking detail of a man’s appearance, its natural decoration. If you take care of your hair with good detergents and use styling products if necessary, your hair will look amazing. Curly-haired men should not use haircuts with an even cut; stepped hairstyles look much better, for example, Cascade increases the volume of fine hair well.

Men's hairstyles with comb over

To create a slightly rebellious, original look, you can use the idea of ​​combing your hair back or to the side. A man with such a hairstyle looks well-groomed, slightly brutal and confident. The owner of a beautiful haircut can easily create a smooth or voluminous styling. Most often, the hairstyle looks like this: the bulk of the hair is combed back and slightly to the side using a styling product, the curls are styled voluminously or, on the contrary, smoothed. A typical example of such a hairstyle is the Undercut with long hair on the top of the head. Brave men wear headbands and headbands - inconspicuous, thin or matching the color of their clothes. If you need to comb your hair to the side, then you can choose the always fashionable Retro style - in this case you will need a business suit. Hairstyles with a shaved temple and hair styling on one side are good, as well as a good option - a high hairstyle with an offset center.

Fashionable men's hairstyles for different hair lengths

Long men's hairstyles

Men with coarse, unruly hair are well suited to a long Cascade haircut and various thinned haircuts. Those with thick and soft curls have the widest scope for choosing hairstyles. Simple haircuts are suitable for them; you only need to systematically trim the ends. Representatives of the stronger sex with very thin hair should not give preference to the longest haircuts, although many stylish options can be found for them. Hairstyles with tinting of individual strands are especially attractive; it is advisable to use colors close to natural ones. Chocolate and honey tones look natural. Often creative people prefer long haircuts. You can do styling for looks in Classic, Military, Grunge styles. It should be noted that not every man is able to wear long hair, as it requires thorough care.

Men's hairstyles with medium hair

We offer owners of medium hair to choose from several options: do a Grunge style haircut, get a graduated bob haircut, or completely entrust the choice of hairstyle to a hairdresser. Owners of light curls with a fine structure are usually recommended to make any asymmetrical haircut that suits their face shape, always with a torn outline. If the hair is thick and the appearance is without defects, then any haircut and styling you like is acceptable. To thin out the curls, thinning is done. Of course, medium hair is a little more difficult to care for than short hair, but it has its advantages - an almost limitless selection of haircuts, the ability to add and change the shape of bangs to match the fashion trends of each season. You can choose a strict Classic haircut, Gavroche, Bob, Undercut or a similar Hitler Youth, Beanie, Mr.Cool, Canadian or careless and relaxed Grunge.

Short men's hairstyles

Short hair is easy to style and easy to care for, but the choice of hairstyles is somewhat limited. Today the trend is Boxing, Half-Boxing and Hedgehog. These haircuts do not lose their relevance, as they are really practical in everyday life and have a length of 1 centimeter. An ultra-short haircut suits many men; it is good for sports and physical work. The Canadian haircut is still at its peak, where the back of the head and temples are short, the crown and forehead are elongated with a smooth transition. Also on short hair, styling with a side parting is possible; this fashion was taken from the 60s; today it is used by business people with a respectable appearance. Also today it is important to cut your hair short like a Tennis or make a Mohawk. Men's hairstyles for short hair help lovers of fitness, military style, romantics and followers of the classics to remain stylish and attractive.

Top men's hairstyles with creative elements

Men's hairstyles with shaved temples and nape

You should not assume that the creative men's haircut Shaved Temple looks harmonious only on representatives of youth subcultures. In fact, it all depends on the general image of the person and the professionalism of the hairdresser who does the hairstyle. With the help of a non-standard haircut and styling, you can create an individual style. It should also be noted that such hairstyles are easy to style using a comb and gel. The classic variation involves a smooth transition from the shaved temple to the elongated strands of the crown, and the complicated, more extravagant version looks like a combination of almost bald temples and ultra-long strands. Bold men and boys are charming with designs shaved on the temples and back of the head. Zigzags, stripes and patterns help create an inimitable image. Modern men's hairstyles with a shaved nape and temples allow you to correct flaws in appearance, for example, a square or rectangular face shape becomes softer and sweeter, and a rounded face is visually elongated. If you choose a Boxing or Half-Boxing haircut, then the back and temporal parts will be shaved short; if you give preference to the British hairstyle, you will see that the shaved temples are associated with a voluminous mass of hair on the top of the head, and there is a clear parting on the side. There are other men's hairstyles - with the temples almost completely shaved, for example, this is the Platform haircut, where there is almost no hair on the back of the head and temples, and the crown is angular in shape and of medium length.

Men's hairstyles with drawings

Surely, you have already noticed that fashionable men's hairstyles are decorated with patterns, so they attract a lot of admiring glances. Most often, such unusual haircuts, which give a unique personality, can be seen on young men who are interested in sports or creative activities, are musicians, play football or basketball. Business men also sometimes wear patterns, but often these are aesthetic and discreet small prints. To create truly beautiful compositions, you need the skilled hands of a craftsman and professional tools - scissors, a comb and a trimmer. If the hair is light, then you need to leave a base for the pattern 9 millimeters long, and on dark hair 6 millimeters is enough. Most often, prints are combined with a short mohawk.

Men's hairstyle with ponytail

A long or medium ponytail is appropriate for a man's look if its owner is directly involved in show business, plays sports, or spends a lot of time in an official setting and prefers office-style clothes. Hipsters of any age, fans and performers of heavy music, as well as any romantic people look harmonious with ponytails. There are several variations of the hairstyle. The ponytail with a braid looks original. A man's braid can be classic; to do this, just divide the curls into three strands and weave a regular braid, securing it with an elastic band. A fishtail-style braid also looks beautiful; to style it correctly, you will need to create something like a mohawk and shorten the hair on the sides of your head. Loose long curls are woven into a braid adjacent to the head, it is also called a spikelet. A beautiful Mr. Boon hairstyle creates natural volume with a stylish bun and combed back hair on the sides. You can opt for a popular hairstyle today with a ponytail and neatly shaved temples. To look like a Japanese samurai, you need to tie a knot in the Top-knot style. Also, the Undercut haircut, which has a lot of styling options, does not lose popularity.

Men's hairstyle Bun

Please note that today it is important to put your hair in a bun - men who follow fashion trends are already actively using this idea in creating their everyday, work and holiday looks. Buns look best on straight hair. With shaved temples, which are characteristic of the Undercut haircut, you can collect the upper long hair in a bun, but most often the above-mentioned Top Knot hairstyle is called a man’s bun: in one of its variations there are no shaved areas, in the other they cover significant areas on the sides of the head. The Underkat hairstyle always has a beautiful volume in the upper part.

Men's Mohawk hairstyle

The stylish Mohawk hairstyle is a modern fashion trend, but it is not suitable for all men. This option for hair styling is contraindicated for people who have a strict dress code at work, which applies not only to items of clothing, but also to other details of the employees’ image. For example, non-standard haircuts and styling do not fit into the image of the military, major leaders, politicians, and officials. The mohawk looks best on straight hair and suits all face types, but is not recommended for long faces. The fact is that the hairstyle lengthens the face. The classic look of the Mohawk is the shaved sides of the head combined with an elongated stripe down the center. The temples can be clean shaved or about half a centimeter long. The back of the head is also freed from hair. The stripe on the top of the head is usually 2-15 centimeters wide; the hair on it can be of absolutely any length. The mohawk can be styled in different ways, for example, by making needles. If you are not ready to give yourself an ultra-extraordinary haircut and styling in real life, but creativity attracts you, then try on different men’s hairstyles in the virtual world on your character. The Sims - in this world you can instantly change the appearance of the characters and try out the most unexpected images.

Men's hairstyle Hitler Youth

Having chosen a haircut and styling in the style of the Hitler Youth, it is impossible to remain without the attention of women. There are characteristic features of this hairstyle, such as extremely shortened or absent hair on the back of the head, temples and neck. The crown area has the longest hair. The hairstyle is worn with a side parting. Short curls smoothly transition into long ones. Not every man who wants to get a Hitler Youth haircut can adequately explain to the barber what he wants to get out of it. To prevent the master from making a banal Canadian with bangs instead of this hairstyle, you need to show him in the photo what the result should be. It is worth considering that Hitler Youth is contraindicated for men whose hair curls in small curls or is naturally coarse. The best base is soft straight hair.

Men's hairstyle Undercut

An undeniable advantage of the Anderkat hairstyle, which has the literal translation of “cut bottom,” should be highlighted; it is its versatility. The same cannot be said about the similar Iroquois - it is intended only for creative and courageous people. Undercut is the opposite haircut that can be worn with business suits, jeans, and beach sets. The hairstyle requires straight, medium-length hair, but with curly hair it will be difficult to recreate the desired look. Along with the elegant transition of long hair into short hair, where there may be a completely unsmoothed border, coloring can be used, which will emphasize a man’s sense of style. A hairstyle in the Undercut style can be done to your taste - for example, a Hedgehog style and combing your hair back look good.

Here are some more examples of men's haircuts and hairstyles that you might like.

So, we looked at the fashionable men's hairstyles of 2018, which reign on the catwalks, pages of magazines, on the Internet and on television. Representatives of the stronger sex, accustomed to taking care of themselves and looking stylish, need to choose a haircut and styling based on their type of activity and lifestyle. Also, in order to accurately choose your hairstyle, it is recommended to build on the characteristics of your own appearance, hair structure, head shape and face shape.

Hairstyle is always in the attention of others. Both women and men strive to maintain their hair in perfect condition. On this occasion, the fashion for men's haircuts changes with each new season as quickly as for women's. As we all know, any haircut (for women and men) can be divided into three areas:

  • haircuts for medium length hair;
  • haircuts for long hair.

In the 2018 fashion season, either extremely short haircuts are popular for the stronger sex, or those that allow you to stand out from the crowd, although they require careful care. We can note the main qualities that characterize newfangled men's haircuts: masculinity, sportiness, business style, simplicity of form, minimal time/money spent on everyday styling.
No less relevant this season are somewhat theatrical images, retro style, as well as a neat, even parting on long, smooth hair.

Men have an ambiguous attitude towards long hairstyles. B O Most men, due to stereotypes and prejudices, do not agree to grow long hair. Perhaps the new season will give a reason to dream about the times of medieval knights, who were liked by beautiful ladies not only for their courage and strength, but also for their beautiful long hair...

Everyone knows the fact that progress is rapidly moving forward. The fashion and beauty industry constantly offers its followers more and more new trends. Nowadays, having your own style is a necessity for every modern person striving for success. Whatever one may say, we are greeted not only by our clothes, but also by our shoes, accessories, hairstyle and scent. The everyday stylish image of a business person should not miss any of the above details. Having put on an impeccable outfit and smelling a pleasant perfume, you can fail due to the unkempt appearance of your hair.
Naturally, the female half of the planet's population is more attentive to the topic of hairstyles than the male half. However, these days, many more males are interested in haircut fashion than half a century ago. This means that over time, certain taboo boundaries are erased and stereotypes associated with women's and men's fashion disappear. Nowadays men dye their hair in unusual ways and make spectacular haircuts. A man with a neat, fashionable hairstyle looks confident and modern.

Hairstyles for men come in a wide variety. A young man can express his character and lifestyle with a haircut. If a man is not tied to a specific daily dress code (for example, office), then the choice of hairstyles for him is endless. You can often notice that creative, active people express themselves through their hairstyle. For business people, hairstyle is also an important detail of their everyday look. Modern men and women who want to look perfect under any conditions must devote a significant portion of time, effort and money to maintaining a decent looking hair. So, let's look at the trends in men's haircuts and hairstyles in 2018.

Classic haircut. Business man style

A discreet haircut with short bangs directed to the side. A minimum of time for styling your hair and the least amount of styling products is what a busy person needs every day. For such men, the main principle of creating an everyday hairstyle is based on neatness, style, and masculinity.

Long haircuts are now no less popular among business men. Of course, there is a unique disadvantage to such hairstyles - you will have to set aside time for styling every morning.

Haircuts for creative people

As a rule, people in art professions sometimes have to attend various events that require guests to adhere to the appropriate dress code. A short haircut on the sides and back of the head, combined with long hair on the top, will give the impression of a creative nature, but still will not contradict the official image. Note: beards are still trendy!

The length of the hair allows you to create different styles of hairstyles that suit a given situation. Hair can be tousled or combed back and tied into a bun.

In such a haircut, slightly elongated bangs would not be superfluous. There are a lot of variations of bangs. This “addition” to the hairstyle not only looks stylish, but can also visually correct the shape of the face. In general, with the simple haircut described above, you can develop your hairdressing and stylist skills every day. A creative person is talented in everything!

Retro style

This year, the styles of Hollywood heroes from the 50s of the last century are again popular. This trend has not bypassed hairdressing. The famous hairstyle of Elvis Presley looks extremely attractive on our contemporaries: voluminous hair styled in a bun. Short haircuts with long bangs combed to the back of the head are also in fashion now. Bright and unsurpassed images of the 50s are an inspiration for modern fashionistas.

Creative stylization of coca is an extremely fashionable theme in men's hairstyles this season. Haircuts are made taking into account the silhouette of the 50s, forming a cob of large volume of hair hanging over the forehead.

Asymmetrical men's hairstyles 2018

Uneven haircuts with bangs that fall slightly onto the face look impressive. It should be noted that in the 2018 season, long and straight bangs are fashionable. Ask a beauty salon specialist for advice on what length and shape of bangs will best suit the contours of your face. It is also important to choose a bang that will not create discomfort in everyday life.

Let us pay attention to the fact that shaved or very short temples are now “attached” to voluminous bangs - the image is as brutal as it is contradictory. Well, a modern man is an extremely versatile nature!

Short haircuts can also be asymmetrical. For short hair, you can use oblique bangs (but not long ones). These haircuts are especially good for very thin, elongated, oval faces.

Classic short bob

The classic bob, shaped at ear level or slightly below, is an undeniable fashion trend for men who are confident in themselves and their own charm. The haircut looks good on slender young men with thick, voluminous hair.

This season, let's pay attention to the graphic nature of the cut line: both in the temporal region and on the back of the head. Don't forget to use a razor, gentlemen!

Stylish haircuts with straight bangs

The above-mentioned bob can serve as the basis for the haircut. Heavy bangs are not comfortable enough for everyday wear, but they are undeniably fashionable. A more convenient haircut is one with even bangs that cover the forehead. And, undoubtedly, an absolutely comfortable haircut with bangs reaching to the middle of the forehead.

Medium length 2018

Today, hair that is just below the chin is in fashion. Beauty salons recommend this hairstyle for wide-faced young people, as it visually lengthens the face. In addition, such haircuts visually reduce facial features, making them more neat. It is worth noting that this hair length looks good only on thick hair. Most of the long hairstyles are in perfect harmony with both a business suit and casual clothes.

Long haircuts accentuated by coloring

Haircuts for men in the new season are intertwined with the trends of 2017. Various types of hair coloring bring novelty to hairstyles. Basic color solutions: natural shades, the effect of sun-bleached hair ends (ombre, balayage), chocolate or honey colored strands. Dyed and tousled waves of medium-length hair complete the look of a sporty, stylish, confident man. I would like to note that this hairstyle will also be appropriate in both business and street style.

Long haircuts with bangs

Please note that this type of haircut will suit those people who are engaged in creative activities. This haircut is not suitable for a strict office dress code. Such haircuts will suit those who like to relax in nightclubs. Long hair requires daily care and periodic hair straightening. Before making such a spectacular haircut, seek advice from a hairdresser-stylist who will select possible styling options.

The image of a medieval knight mentioned above will allow you to rethink this hairstyle: just long, even hair, separated by a neat parting. Yes, the hairstyle is not easy to care for, requiring time and effort, but extremely romantic and attractive for beautiful ladies!

Haircuts for curly, curly hair

For those with naturally wavy and curly hair, we can recommend a short haircut with long bangs for the 2018 season. This haircut does not cause difficulties in daily care and requires a minimum of money and time for styling.

The spring-summer season of 2018 will make many men think about combining a beard shape or a light goatee with a hairstyle. The general trend towards shortening the temples allows you to create a beautiful transition from hairstyle to beard.

Haircuts with highlights

For men with dark, dark brown hair, stylists recommend this season's super hit - highlights for very short hair. Highlighting for men is a common service in most beauty salons. If earlier such a procedure was often carried out on medium-length hair, now highlighting has become often applicable on short haircuts.

Haircuts and hairstyles in a sporty style

Styling a men's sports haircut can look varied depending on the style of clothing, lifestyle and situation. Of course, a short haircut is very practical and convenient, but the requirements for the quality of the hairdresser’s work must be increased. Such haircuts are suitable for men who prefer a sporty style of clothing and lead an active lifestyle.

Men's hairstyles and haircuts for fine hair

Graduated haircuts for medium-length hair are an excellent hairstyle option for those with thin hair and lovers of volume. With this haircut, the hair very easily acquires the desired volume and shape. Hair stylists pay special attention to the different lengths of strands throughout the head: medium-length hair in the back, hair of different lengths on the sides and on the back of the head. Bangs are the highlight of this haircut. It can be cut obliquely to the middle of the forehead or slightly directed to the side. This hairstyle does not require complex and lengthy styling.

The most shocking effect can be achieved with a similar haircut by changing only the length of the bangs. She cuts her hair very, very short. This hairstyle will give a man's face a more open, courageous and sporty look.

Style "Manly dandy"

Hairstyles look stylish, neat and elegant, in which all the details are verified down to the nuances. The image is applicable for those who know how to lead and keep everything under their own control. The Manly Dandy haircut style gives the impression of sophisticated elegance.

Classic is always in trend

A classic hairstyle will be relevant under any circumstances. This haircut looks simple only at first glance. In fact, the hairstyle looks courageous and noble in any environment. Styling is amazingly easy to do yourself: comb your hair back or part it.

For adult men who have not lost their enthusiasm, options from the category of fashionable haircuts for short hair are suitable. For those who do not have thick, full hair, hairdressers recommend short haircuts with barely longer bangs. It is recommended to add volume to your bangs using styling products. These haircuts are universal, and they are also great for mature and athletic men. A man's occupation does not matter for such a hairstyle. It is suitable for both serious business owners and representatives of creative professions.

Hollywood style

The difference between these haircuts and the previous ones is that they are best suited to owners of long, voluminous, thick hair. The bangs (if there are any) should not look too short. Caring for this hairstyle does not require a lot of time, effort and hair styling products.

It happens that many men have thinning hair over the years. Don’t despair, because there is a way out of the situation – a super short haircut. Pay attention to one detail: when choosing this haircut, you will have to contact the hairdresser more often than usual. Hair grows back quite quickly, changing the original shape of the haircut. But you can be confident in your choice, because many world sports and pop stars have already chosen similar haircuts.

Boxing, semi-boxing and crew cut hairstyles are, as always, on trend. To style your hair on the top of your head, you can take a couple of drops of styling gel and create unruly “needles” or lightly smooth short strands by combing them back.

Perm (long-term styling) for men

Fine hair is transformed into a head of lush curls using a simple perm procedure, which is carried out using medium-diameter bobbins or boomerang curlers. The curls are treated with special products and styled into the desired hairstyle.

By the way, in 2018 it is worth paying attention to the general trend - lightness and ease of installation. Therefore, when choosing a perm, you can consult with a specialist about the best design for your temples. And the best design for the temples this season is the almost complete absence of hair on them.

The spherical shape when styling curly men's hair is also popular in the new season. A cascade haircut for medium-length hair, a light bio-perm (if the hair is not naturally curly) using ordinary curlers or boomerang curlers of small diameter is what is necessary to achieve the long-term effect of light, neat curls.

Punk haircuts

The aggressively shocking punk style gives way to a less shocking, but at the same time quite original grunge. There is no need for militantly sticking out “Iroquois”, the hair on the top of the head can be more manageable and even wavy, the creativity of the hairstyle will not suffer from this, but the image will become more universal.

Today, many men attach great importance to their hairstyle and are interested in fashion trends 2019 2020. A fashionable haircut can transform a man beyond recognition. Neatness and well-groomed appearance have become a trend, which is noticeable in the photo below. Which stylish men's haircuts should you prefer in 2019?

A strong half of humanity actively follows trends and trends. Appreciating fashionable male haircuts 2019 2020 (photos with names) you will understand much better which style to choose. Young guys and middle-aged men are interested in fashion trends.

Wavy hair
for curly hair


curly hair

A stylish men's hairstyle adds style and charm to the modern man. And a beautiful beard adds a brutal look, be sure to follow the link for photos with fashionable looks.

Stylists believe that there will be no major changes in men's haircut trends in the coming year. Conservatism and the presence of barriers, as always, will prevail over extravagance.

Haircuts are not relevant in the coming season

The following types of short men's haircuts will remain the most popular:

For more creative young people who want to emphasize their image, men's haircuts for medium hair will be popular:

Headless haircuts have completely disappeared from the fashion trends of the upcoming season. In all likelihood, this trend will continue in the coming years.

Stylists make it clear that not every trend of 2019 2020 can be successfully used by different men. In order not to spoil the idea of ​​a trendy type of hairstyle, you should pay attention to other factors that the stylist simply must indicate before choosing a specific haircut look.

Depending on the field of activity, there may be significant differences in the choice. For example, for a businessman, overly extravagant options for dreadlocks and other luxuries will certainly be less relevant. But athletes may not need to pay attention to the classics; maybe some zest and brightness should be allowed to attract the attention of fans.

Depending on appearance:

  • everything is suitable only for an oval face;
  • asymmetry will decorate a round face; tousled hair, bangs and side partings will also be appropriate;
  • for a type with a wide chin combined with a narrow forehead, you should avoid options with angular shapes and high buns;
  • a sharp chin in combination with a massive forehead must be smoothed out due to the volume of the upper part of the head; the temples here should definitely be smooth;
  • For the square type, an analogue of the oval is suitable, but in a more masculine version.

Men's hairstyles may also differ depending on the type of figure; the skillful hands of a hairdresser can easily hide imperfections and add the necessary accents.

Don't ignore advice from hairdressers

Short length is more suitable for thin hair and there are two main advantages:

  • Thin hair can be easily collected and given the desired volume; it is easier for even non-professionals to work with;
  • Thin hair is always easy to part.

As for coarse hair, it is easier to work with longer lengths. It is coarse hair that is better at maintaining volume and therefore it is ready to form cool hairstyles on its own.

About cool men's haircuts “Undercut” 2019 2020 – photos

For several years now, the men's Undercut haircut has remained the most popular among young people. Stylists predict that this model will continue to be a seasonal trend in the coming year.

An undercut haircut provides an opportunity for experimentation

This haircut has some characteristic features:

  • whiskey. This type of haircut is distinguished by rather short or shaved temples. This makes the hairstyle not only stylish, but also convenient, since the temples can always be kept in shape by shaving yourself;
  • length. Undercut is distinguished by an average level of length in the crown and crown area. Sharp changes in short and long hair give the hairstyle a youthful charm and some carelessness, which is inherent in the age of protest and maximalism;
  • styling The high popularity of this haircut among young people is explained by the freedom of styling options. You can not only comb your hair back or pin it on one side, but also style it into a mohawk, making you feel like an independent young hippie.

To simply say that medium-length hair offers more room for imagination is to say the obvious. Current haircuts of this length are ready to take pride of place throughout 2019-2020. These types of haircuts are suitable for creative people and, in general, for those who are not afraid, but want increased attention. But there is some difficulty after choosing a haircut from this category, since many types will require daily styling and certainly styling skills.

The top men's haircuts for medium hair 2019 2020 is headed by “Undercut”

Beautiful men's hairstyle “Undercut” is a model from the category of medium hair length. Moreover, cutting a haircut is not a know-how technique. She has been on the podium for several years and does not change the percentage of her relevance. In 2019, haircut will definitely be relevant.

Here are the distinctive features of this hairstyle:

  • The temples here can be either cut short or completely shaved;
  • average length of hair on the crown and crown;
  • necessarily a sharp transition from these levels.

There are a lot of options for styling this type of hairstyle, as well as this type of haircut in general:

  • comb your hair back and fix it a little with foam;
  • lay in the shape of a mohawk;
  • lay your hair on either side.

Moreover, this is not all that this amazing hairstyle model is capable of.

About popular models of men's haircuts “Boxing” and “Semi-Boxing”

About men's haircuts "Hedgehog" 2019 2020

The traditional crew cut has undergone some changes over time. However, despite everything, the haircut remains popular in all age categories and stylistic directions. The hedgehog harmonizes perfectly with the sports style of clothing and with the business image, with the denim style and with youth clothing. The hairstyle is practical and easy to care for, requiring virtually no special styling.

A hedgehog haircut complements the stylistic direction of the wardrobe

The features of this haircut are:

The hedgehog haircut is pleasant because it requires virtually no maintenance. But there is also that moment in it that hairdressers designate rather as a flaw; it is least of all capable of hiding facial imperfections.

“Hedgehog” - fashionable hairstyle of 2019

The hairstyle will look charming on schoolchildren and students. It can also be safely worn by an office employee. It’s difficult to say something definite about her, in general, she is ready to adorn every man.

The only exception for her was especially reserved natures, who are restrained in behavior and in clothing will definitely not choose this type of hairstyle. After all, it often looks slightly informal and complements the sporty style of clothing. Its correct use can also make it strict, official and, of course, youthful.

About men's haircuts 2019 2020 “with shaved patterns”

The most popular haircuts among young people and teenagers today are those with shaved patterns. What kind of masterpieces you won’t see on the heads of young people! A variety of pictures and symbols, images and entire paintings, all these new items look quite creative and fashionable.

Creative shaved pattern attracts the attention of others

Considering that only professionals can create such masterpieces, one can also judge the high cost of this innovation in hairdressing. The pity is that the hair grows back quite quickly and the pattern completely loses its attractiveness.

The features of this haircut are:

  • length. The hair on the top of the head usually has a longer shape, and the temples and back of the head are shaved, highlighting the master’s design;
  • styling Long parts of hair should be styled as usual on one side or straight, emphasizing the perfection of the shaved pattern and in no way distracting attention from it;
  • style. This haircut is very popular among creative youth of a creative direction, combined with youth or denim-style clothing. For a business suit, you can simply cover the shaved part with long hair, imitating a classic long haircut.

When choosing a new haircut, a man should take into account not only fashion trends, but also his own clothing style, his inclinations or preferences, as well as the direction of his professional activity.

For an athlete, curls or a pompadour are contraindicated, and for a business office worker, a bun or undercut haircut is completely unsuitable. Also, when choosing a haircut, you should take into account the characteristic features of the face and the structure of the hair itself.

Answering the question about trends in 2019 2020 in the field of men's haircuts, it should be said that today there is no specific classical division of haircuts according to forms and processing methods. The right hairstyle is a combination of several options into a single whole, giving a man originality and charm.

Whatever haircut a man chooses, it is necessary to adhere to the basic rules of hair care, which include neatness and naturalness, masculine beauty and originality.

Without a doubt, the expression “a man should be a little more beautiful than a monkey” is losing its relevance. After all, every man takes care of his appearance and his hairstyle does not remain on the sidelines. Not only women's hairstyles change and new fashion trends of the season appear. What are the popular men's hairstyles in fashion in 2019 2020 - this is the question to which we are looking for an answer. Read further in this article and look at the names and photos of haircuts.

For men's hairstyles, with each new season, their own rules and ideas about beauty are revealed. In the 2019-2020 season, several trends are becoming the most trendy. We will continue to talk in detail about each hairstyle and how stylists see the fashion trend for all the variety below.

About youth men's haircuts 2019 2020. Photo. Fashion trends

It is no longer a secret that a fashionable haircut for a man in 2019 2020 cannot be unchanged and permanent. In each new season they change at the speed of light. Imitating celebrities is stupid. Having a permanent and unchanging image is also not worth it. That’s why, in order to look appropriate, you need to follow new trends in hairstyle fashion and choose in advance what suits your type.

Youth fashionable hairstyles 2019 2020 - chic!

Nine hairstyles that promise to be trendy in the new 2019. Having the best men's hairstyle in 2019 is not a whim or a whim. This is something that a successful and confident person now simply cannot imagine himself without.

About men's hairstyle "British" autumn-winter

The brit haircut also refers to hairstyles for medium length hair. It is also a pleasure for a stylist to work with her. It will better decorate a round face and is even ready to carry out corrections for a sharp chin and wide forehead.

Stylish men's hairstyle “Brit” - amazing and interesting

Many people may confuse the British and Canadian hairstyles.

Here's what separates these two very similar hairstyles:

  • For a Canadian, shaving the occipital and temporal areas and a smooth transition is more typical;
  • Shaving is not typical for a brit hairstyle; there are only smooth transitions and nothing flashy. Everything is neat and smooth.

About the classic men's haircut - photo

As for the type of face and everything else, this hairstyle may not be a panacea, but it clearly suits most men. A hairstyle with a parting where the hair is combed smoothly.

Classics are trendy even when it comes to hairstyles

You just have to avoid using a lot of gel and hairspray (other styling products), otherwise your hair may look unclean, overly greasy and shiny.

About the “Classic” men’s hairstyle for long hair

Classic style for long hair will add romance to the wearer. This hairstyle is what makes a man look wealthy and neat.

Classic men's haircuts for long hair are not suitable for everyone

A bang that will decorate a variant of a classic hairstyle can be straight bangs. Also a men's haircut with bangs combed back. You can easily connect the bangs in the parting with the main strands.

About men's hairstyle “Mr. Cool"

This fashionable men's haircut promises to be fashionable in 2019, but not everyone will be able to afford it. It turns out to be completely inconvenient for a person who plays sports. Long curls from the top of the head smoothly flow to the temples and the back of the head. There is no room for shaved areas here. Neatly and softly, it harmoniously fits into the classic style.

Hairstyle "Mr. Cool" is something new!

The effect of negligence is created by curls of different lengths. Only these are not torn elements, but a special combination of different lengths of hair throughout the head. The image of Valentin Yudashkin, who practically remains unchanged to his ideal, in the style of his hairstyle.

About men's haircut in a sporty style - fashion trends

This does not mean that a sporty hairstyle will necessarily be the same length. Absolutely not. You can create smooth transitions and make a slight extension in the center, which will add visual volume.

Short hair is always in! Especially in the spring-summer season

The versatility of the style makes it easy to apply the hairstyle to men of all ages.

About men's haircut in military style

Military hairstyle will be popular in 2019. This is what characterizes this particular haircut: multi-stage lengths and careless hair styling.

Military hairstyle is relevant again!

A special masculinity is guaranteed for the owner of this particular new hairstyle. Moreover, a special age category is suitable for this men's haircut - people under the age of 25.

About the long men's haircut "graduated bob"

Only outrageous individuals can afford this hairstyle. Not all men can afford the color and brightness of a graduated bob. Those who want something “like that” can pay attention to this option.

Graduated bob for men is fashionable this season

As for color, there are practically no frames. The Year of the Yellow Dog brings together many fashionable colors in the hairdressing industry. Therefore, you can safely choose it to match the tone of your face, the color of your eyes and all the subtleties of your face type.

The vast majority of representatives of the stronger half of humanity choose short hairstyles for men. Of course, it’s very convenient, beautiful and stylish.

The most popular types of short men's haircuts

There are a great variety of different men's haircuts for short hair. We offer the most common options.


The name of this haircut speaks for itself. Appearing during the heyday of the Olympic Games, it was named after tennis players - they were the ones who began cutting their hair short so that it would not interfere during training. Indeed, in such a hairstyle there is simply nothing to get in the way! The temples and back of the head are cut almost to zero, but the strands on the top are given an average length. The main advantage of this option is its versatility - it suits all men, regardless of age, face shape, weight and body type. And most importantly, this hairstyle looks masculine - it is very neat, stylish and unpretentious. In the summer it won’t be hot, and in the winter you won’t have to spend a lot of time adjusting your hair after wearing a cap or hat. The only condition is that the strands must be stiff enough, otherwise they simply will not stand.

On a note! The classic tennis haircut is quite short, but if you wish, you can experiment with different variations:

  • Bob – this hairstyle is somewhat similar to a square. To obtain it, the temples and the back of the head are made absolutely identical - about 2 cm;
  • Beaver - the back of the head is cut almost to zero, leaving about 2 cm at the top. This is an ideal choice for men with an elongated head;
  • Youth tennis is the only option that allows long hair in the parietal region (about 5 cm).

Short bob

A very unusual style in which the strands at the back of the head remain the same length as the rest of the hair. An integral feature of a short bob is long bangs, which flow smoothly onto the forehead and form a single whole with the entire hairstyle. Thanks to the long nape, styling this haircut looks a little different. This way you won't have to lift your hair. On the contrary, they need to be carefully smoothed and directed in the direction of natural growth.


Popular men's haircuts are unlikely to be able to do without a brutal hedgehog. This is a fairly short hairstyle (from 3 to 5 cm), which is done only on straight, thick and coarse hair. Styling a hedgehog is quite simple - the strands are combed upward and, if necessary, fixed with gel, varnish or mousse. They can be pulled back for an elegant look. This haircut goes best with a stocky and athletic body type. The hedgehog is not at all suitable for thin and overweight men.

On a note! Short haircuts completely reveal the face, so it is very important that its features are correct and the shape of the skull has no flaws.


This is the most common option among young guys from 16 to 30 years old. If you want to express your individuality through a shocking appearance, choose this one. The basis of this hairstyle is the contrast between the shortened nape and temples and long strands on the crown.

To style this haircut you will need wax or mousse. You need to apply a small amount of styling product to your hair, tousle it slightly and lift it, and then dry it with a hairdryer. Hipsters love volume, so be sure to comb your hair around the forehead, crown and crown. The more magnificent they are, the better!


Boxing is a classic haircut that will never lose its relevance, because with it you will always look incredibly courageous, stylish and charismatic. The best example of this is Brad Pitt himself! The main characteristic features of the box are its simplicity and short length (up to 4 cm), thanks to which it remains neat in any situation. In addition, you don’t have to think long about styling - also a very important plus. And most importantly, by purchasing a hair clipper, you can work on your look yourself.

Advice! Those with curly hair and irregular skull shapes should abandon this haircut in favor of a more suitable option.


Having become incredibly popular at the end of the 90s, half-boxing won the hearts of many men - both ordinary and celebrity. Football player Cristiano Ronaldo is considered the most devoted fan of this beautiful hairstyle. The origin of the half-box has two versions. Some believe that it was invented by athletes, others attribute the authorship to soldiers of the American army. Perhaps both opinions have a right to exist, because both in the army and in sports simplicity, accuracy and versatility are valued.

When performing a half-boxing, the temples and the back of the head are trimmed with a clipper, and the crown is left quite long (4-8 cm). Thus, short hair smoothly turns into long hair, which looks very stylish. The haircut is often complemented with bangs or a pattern - this gives it a daring and irresistible look. When it comes to styling, you can part your hair sideways or down the middle, and experiment with your bangs by styling them in different ways.

On a note! Half-boxing is an excellent choice for those who do not want to suffer with long hair, but consider short hair to be too boring. But not everyone can do this haircut. It is suitable for men with round and square faces. But those with an elongated shape should avoid it.

With long bangs

Among youth haircuts, an unusual crest or a hairstyle with bangs is in particular demand. It suits almost everyone, the main thing is to choose the right length. If done professionally, a haircut with long bangs will highlight your facial features and change your appearance beyond recognition. One of the most important advantages of this hairstyle is its versatility. The bangs can be asymmetrical, oblique, milled or graduated. All that remains is to choose the right model!


Styling this hairstyle does not require any effort, but at the same time it looks very unusual. The French haircut is characterized by short bangs, divided into sections, and side locks that almost completely cover the ears. Strands should be combed in the direction of their growth - from the crown area downwards. If you want to change your look, comb them to one side and divide the rest of your hair with a side parting.


A Canadian or double sports bob is the best option for guys who closely follow fashion trends. In this case, the hair all over the head, except for the area near the forehead, is cut quite short (about 5 cm). As for the top strands, they are long enough to form thick, voluminous bangs.


Fashionable hairstyles in the style of Elvis Presley, which are also called “pads”, are characterized by carefully shaved temporal lobes. Interestingly, the occipital and parietal regions can have different lengths. The bangs are most often combed up.

Hitler-Jugend is one of the modern interpretations of the undercut, which has not gone out of fashion over the past few years. Its main difference is the strengthened temporal lobes and the elongated area of ​​the crown. This style is ideal for young and middle-aged men. What is important is that it does not require complex care. It is enough to wash the strands and style them with gel or mousse.


Beautiful men's haircuts with a side parting look very discreet and elegant. As a rule, they involve the presence of fairly long bangs, which are combed to the side or pulled back. A short haircut for a British woman will turn an ordinary man into a real dandy. This unique combination of fearlessness, masculinity, recklessness and elegance can be worn with or without a parting. It is this element that affects the appearance of the styling. Interestingly, experiments can be carried out literally every 2 weeks, since after 10-14 days the parting cut into an even line is overgrown with new hairs. And also British haircuts are very easy to style. To change your appearance, just work on your bangs - make them boyishly voluminous or elegantly smooth.

See also: TOP 10 fashionable men's haircuts (video)

This version of a men's haircut with bangs is perfect for those with soft or sparse hair. As a rule, such hairstyles are worn along with a beard. As for the length of the strands, it is only 30-50 mm.

Important! If you have basic hairdressing skills, you can easily perform Ceasar at home. However, men with receding hairlines are better off turning to the services of professionals.

Another type of short haircut for men that looks equally good with both a business suit and a tracksuit. The strands for this hairstyle are cut very short and have the same length throughout the entire head, including in the forehead area. Because of this, it should be noted that an essential condition for Buzz cut is coarse hair.

On a note! There is a more elongated version of this haircut, in which the ends are milled with special scissors. Thanks to this decision, the hairstyle takes on a slightly disheveled look, and the image becomes more daring.

Fade style

This classic side-swept haircut has not gone out of style for many years. It is distinguished by short-cropped sides and the back of the head, as well as a slightly elongated crown.

Important! Fade style hairstyle is the best solution for those men who have receding hairline at the temples.

In H&T style

If you look at the photo, you can immediately notice that the H&T style hairstyle is characterized by a strict and laconic army style. The strands in the crown area are cut like a platform and have a very short length - only 3-6 mm. The hair on the temples and back of the head is shaved to zero using a razor or machine. Of course, in ordinary life you can do without such radicalism, so feel free to leave at least a few millimeters.

On a note! H&T haircuts are simple, practical and incredibly masculine.

Haircut a la Bruce Willis

Those with a well-shaped skull can follow the example of the famous tough nut and shave their heads bald. As a rule, such a decision is made by men who are not embarrassed or afraid of anything. And why be shy here, if many women consider bald men the most attractive and sexy. A shaved head will not only highlight your facial features, but will also save you from having to constantly style your hair. In addition, you can save significantly on shampoos and styling products, which is also important. And most importantly, you don’t even have to visit the hairdresser. If you have a typewriter in the house, you can change your look without the help of strangers.

With sideburns

A beautiful retro haircut that takes us back to the distant past. Unfortunately, sideburns are not that common these days. Perhaps the reason for this oblivion is the careful care this hairstyle requires. The fact is that hair in this area grows very quickly, so it needs to be cut at least once a month. But you will have to comb your sideburns every day, otherwise the haircut will look untidy.

But if you are still ready to visit a hairdresser regularly, you can be sure: sideburns are exactly what you need. They give the image solidity and self-confidence. Of course, such a haircut cannot do without bangs. It can be pulled back or combed to the side.

Advice! It is better to entrust the choice of the shape and length of the sideburns to an experienced professional. He will adjust the hairstyle so that the face shape approaches the ideal oval.

Experts identify several types of men's hairstyles with sideburns, but the most unexpected solution is the mohawk. Believe me, such an unusual combination will not go unnoticed.

With elements of asymmetry

When talking about short hairstyles for men, it is worth mentioning this stylish option. When performing a haircut with elements of asymmetry, part of the hair is left longer. This solution looks very original.

Advice! This haircut is absolutely not suitable for those with thin hair.

Light unshaven effect

Stylish sporty haircuts with a slightly unshaven effect are an excellent choice for active and always busy men who do not have time for long-term personal care. Indeed, this styling does not require the use of cosmetics and is suitable for representatives of all age groups. The main advantage of this hairstyle is its simplicity. The strands are cut with a clipper at home or in a salon.

Important! This option will look great on men with a beautiful head shape. Guys with an elongated skull and protruding ears should avoid it.


This hairstyle has long been loved by men of all ages. It is somewhat similar to a haircut in the style of Elvis Presley, but does not involve the use of grease, which was popular at that time. Modern fashion suggests maintaining the volume of hair in the crown area. To do this, use the so-called ladder cutting and backcombing, fixed with wax. This rebellious style takes a lot of time to style, but the results are worth it.

Rebels and daredevils should pay attention to the mohawk. Yes, yes, it can be done even on short hair! True, in this case it is advisable to use the services of a qualified hairdresser - he will be able to choose the type of mohawk that matches your appearance. This haircut is suitable for lovers of everything bright, extreme and unusual, as well as for those who want to emphasize their individual style.

On a note! The ideal face shape for a mohawk is considered to be a circle. But with an oval shape and strict facial features, it would be better to exclude this hairstyle option.

With an image

Fashionable haircuts with patterns are becoming more and more popular. Experts offer several varieties of them at once - in the form of zigzags, cobwebs, abstractions, geometric shapes, with stripes on the sides, etc. The master will be able to create a real masterpiece! As a rule, such designs are cut on the temples or the back of the head. The good thing about this hairstyle is that it doesn’t need to be styled. Moreover, this is one of the best ways to express yourself and stand out from the crowd.

Shaved temples

Regular men's haircuts that do not require daily styling require shaved or short-cropped temples. At the same time, the hair on the back of the head and crown remains longer. This solution suits almost any type of appearance. It doesn’t matter age - the haircut looks great on both teenagers and mature men.


Standard military hairstyles combine a variety of caps, backcombs and sporty hairstyles. Military haircuts with their mega short hair are the choice of real men, confident and brutal. They look good on men with a strong physique and strong facial features. But they are completely unsuitable for fragile and vulnerable romantics.

The Mohawk is a type of Iroquois. This technique, once used by ancient American tribes, has several types. It is worn without styling - it is comfortable, practical and incredibly stylish. The Mohawk haircut can be seen on celebrities such as David Beckham and Tony Routh.

With a ponytail

This is exactly the version of the men's hairstyle that they talk about: short on the sides and long on top. The combination of short and long strands looks very stylish and allows you to experiment with styling. The most popular and, perhaps, convenient option is the ponytail. It can be low, high, short, long, wavy, straight. Ponytails are often combined with stripes, highlights, shaved temples, hair tattoos and stencil painting.

The tomboy or modified bob is the best embodiment of simplicity and masculinity. The length of the hair in this case should not exceed 7 cm. Moreover, the hairstyle itself does not have strict contours. Interestingly, the tomboy has a lot of variations, but to choose the right model, it is better to contact a professional stylist.

The list of the most popular options for short men's hairstyles ends with Undercut - the choice of brave and extraordinary individuals. It is often worn with a beard, another fashion trend. With its clipper-cut temples and nape, Undercut is somewhat reminiscent of British technology. The difference between these haircuts lies only in the length of the hair. With the Undercut, they stay the same size.

How to choose the right haircut?

When choosing men's haircuts, you should rely on several important factors - the structure and color of the hair, the shape and features of the face, the size and outline of the skull, and occupation. Let's consider all the nuances:

  • If the strands partially cover the face, small features will become more expressive;
  • It is best to open large facial features to the maximum, so in this case it is better to comb the bangs to the side or pull them back;
  • Young guys and representatives of the creative field can afford any experiments with their appearance. As a rule, they are the owners of the most unusual men's hairstyles;
  • But business men should stick to more strict and classic options;
  • Those with round faces are advised to choose hairstyles in which short temples and the back of the head are combined with long strands on the crown, smoothly turning into bangs. This haircut will make the face more elongated;
  • For men with a square face and a massive chin, the option with elongated strands on the crown and beautiful bangs is perfect;
  • If you have an oval face type, you don’t have to be afraid of anything at all – you can choose any option;
  • A voluminous haircut with oblique elongated or asymmetrical bangs hanging over the forehead can visually round out an overly long face;

Those with curly hair are less fortunate. If you are not used to spending a lot of time on styling, opt for an ultra-short model. Of course, if you wish, you can make long bangs, but they need proper and constant care.
As you can see, men's hairstyles with short hair are presented with a huge number of interesting options. Choose the one that suits you and enjoy your image in the mirror.

Fashion is a whimsical lady. And what a person does not do to attract attention to himself. Moreover, this applies not only to the female sex, but also to the male sex. What is the first thing you notice when meeting a person? Of course, on the hair. After all, a successful, original hairstyle will always become an adornment for any man. That's why modern fashionistas first of all want to know about popular haircut trends for the coming 2018. What fashionable men's haircuts will become the most popular in 2018? Although today, as in all previous times, many men are not at all concerned about this. The main thing for them is a minimum of care. But still, there are men who pay maximum attention to their appearance, and haircut is almost its main component. Moreover, modern young people wear hair of any length.

Latest articles about style and fashion

Fashion trends for men's haircuts 2018

The fashion trend in 2018 will remain the direction of extravagant hairstyles that young people can afford. A non-standard and creative approach to creating their image will help them stand out from the crowd and express their individuality. Extravagant hairstyles increasingly contain coloring - the hair coloring technique is very popular. Unusual haircuts of 2018 include: shaving an interesting pattern or patterns on any part of the head - temples, back of the head or sides; creating a bun on the top of the head; haircuts with asymmetry or tomboy. Short men's haircuts remain unchanged, the trends of which have been moving away from shaving to zero for several seasons. Fully shaved hairstyles will not come back into fashion in the next few years. Most of the male population opt for short haircuts, since this option does not require daily hair care and waste of time on styling. In 2018, stylists offer respectable and adult representatives of the male population to trust their favorite hairstyle - the British one. This haircut is based on the classic version, in which the temples are shaved quite short, and the hair length increases on the top of the head. In 2018, young and active people should take a closer look at the popular haircut called undercut, which allows you to visually enlarge your face and open it up as much as possible. But at the same time, a decent length of hair remains on the crown and bangs. This hairstyle is suitable only for those who are ready to visit a hairdresser at least once every two months to maintain the ideal length.

Men's undercut haircuts 2018

Of course, medium hair provides much more room for imagination and styling options. Haircuts of this length will occupy one of the leading places among fashionable and youth haircuts for men in 2018. These haircuts are perfect for creative people who are not afraid to attract attention. Some haircut options for medium hair may require a man to have daily styling skills. For the past few years, the Undercut haircut has been on the most fashionable pages of glossy men's magazines. And in 2018, this haircut will undoubtedly be a favorite. The peculiarity of this haircut is very short-cut or shaved temples combined with medium-length hair on the crown and crown. The transition between two different levels of hair should not be smooth, but rather abrupt. Undercut gives you complete freedom of styling options. You can comb your hair back, lightly fixing it with foam or hairspray, lay it to one side or style it in a mohawk shape.

Men's haircuts top knot 2018

In feudal Japan, the samurai led society. Representatives of this stratum stood out from the rest primarily by the fact that they carried two swords with them and had a hairstyle on their heads, called in our time topknot (literally “knot at the top”). They had several varieties of this hairstyle, which you can do too - if only you had hair of sufficient length. What will you need? Grow your hair to about the length that it can be pulled back into a ponytail from your wrist to the end of your middle finger. If your hair is not naturally straight, you will have to straighten it first. In general, this hairstyle is quite difficult to make neat if you have curly or curly hair. There was another option - when the samurai completely shaved the front of the head to the top, leaving longer hair on the sides and back. This made it easier to wear a helmet and prevented hair from getting into the eyes during battle.

Men's hedgehog haircuts 2018

The style of this haircut is difficult to describe in one word, but it is more sporty than formal, youthful, strict, but at the same time a little informal. Of course, in most cases it is preferred by young guys, but it will look great on a schoolchild, a student, or an office employee. This haircut is not suitable for a man who is too restrained in both clothing and behavior; it is intended for creative and courageous young people who are not afraid to attract the attention of others. “Hedgehog” 2018 will undoubtedly give the appearance of masculinity, self-confidence, attractiveness and male charisma, but at the same time it is not suitable for everyone. When choosing this hairstyle, it is worth remembering the “golden” rule of hairdressers: the shorter the hair, the less able it is to hide facial imperfections.

Canadian men's haircuts 2018

Externally, a Canadian men's haircut is somewhat reminiscent of a British one, and an uninitiated person may well confuse these hairstyles. However, for a Canadian it is typical to shave the occipital and temporal areas of the head, leaving only a smooth transition in the length of the hair in the parietal part while maintaining bangs up to 4 cm in size. The haircut is classic, as it looks great on men of different age groups, requires minimal care, and perfectly complements any look . Canadian 2018 combines simplicity and elegance at the same time. The master performs it in a matter of minutes; if desired, you can master the haircut at home. Performed on medium-length hair, it does not require styling time, especially if the choice is made in favor of a sports Canadian. Considering the variety of styles in design, the haircut is combined with a business style, casual and formal. By using different nuances in styling and designing your temples, you can be bright and daring among young people, elegant and sophisticated on a romantic date. The versatility of the hairstyle is that it is suitable for different ages, emphasizing certain qualities in the image.

Men's haircuts with shaved patterns 2018

The history of fashion knows many examples when the traditions of a subculture or youth movement made their way onto the catwalks, and then into the everyday images of most people. High platforms, faded jeans, metal studs. And now the highlight of hairdressing - drawings on shaved temples and back of the head. They can be seen in photos of movie stars, singers and even football players. In recent years, this phenomenon has captured absolutely all categories of modern fashionistas, be it young people who care about their image, bright and courageous women of any age, or very young lovers of creativity. Due to the unprecedented popularity of men's haircuts 2018 with shaved temples, young people are increasingly ordering a “bonus” in the form of a geometric or other pattern. As a rule, these are rather restrained, graphic options in the form of straight lines or clear patterns. But lovers of unbridled creativity are ready to go beyond these boundaries, and therefore choose something more unusual. Lizards, inscriptions, hieroglyphs, flames - all this can show off on the head of connoisseurs of a fun life.