Waterfall styling for medium hair. French braid or French Falls hairstyle. How to braid a waterfall braid on your own medium hair (video)

The trend of 2016 is natural beauty, and to emphasize it, it is enough to make a beautiful and original hairstyle.

Standard braids are no longer so relevant these days. Now stylists offer more interesting options, the basic basis of which is openwork weaving. These include waterfall hairstyle.

Waterfall hairstyle: how to weave?

Hairstyle waterfall It is performed on the basis of a French braid (you can watch how to weave it in any video lesson) and can have several options. Its main feature is the flowing strands, which add a special charm to the whole look.

Step-by-step instructions with video

  • Hair should be combed well using a comb or wooden comb. They should be smooth, only in this case they will be evenly divided into several strands. In order to hairstyle waterfall lasted for a long time, it is necessary to use styling products - varnish or foam mousse.
  • After the hair is completely prepared for braiding, it is necessary to separate the hair at the temple and divide it into three equal parts. Weaving begins in the standard technique, but only the lower strands should be released from the main weave. In place of the released strand, a new one is taken from the top and so on throughout the head.

  • To securely fix the hair, you will need to grab a strand above the ear. Moving along the head, releasing the strands, you need to get to the next ear. You can secure the remaining strand using a small silicone rubber band.
  • Now the weaving is repeated on the other side.
  • After the free hair runs out and you reach the second braid, as can be seen in the step-by-step photo, you will need to remove the elastic band and connect the two braids together. Fasten them together so that the joint is invisible. Then hairstyle waterfall it will look just perfect.
  • If you want to get a voluminous braid, you can stretch out the braided strands a little.

This type of weaving can be done in two rows. Looks impressive hairstyle waterfall with a bun.

Waterfall hairstyle: decorate with accessories

The French Falls hairstyle can be decorated in a variety of ways. It all depends on the occasion for which it is created.

  • For an everyday option, a hairstyle with straight curls is suitable. If you have naturally curly hair and want to change up the style a little, use a straightening iron. As a decoration, you can use a small clip in the shape of a living flower or a small crab with rhinestones.
  • For special occasions, a “waterfall” with curls is suitable. To do this, you can use a curling iron or large curlers. You can decorate this hairstyle with bright ribbons, voluminous flowers, clips, and rhinestones.
  • If you're going on a date or for a romantic dinner, " French waterfall hairstyle can be made from an openwork braid.

Waterfall hairstyle: photos of beautiful wedding, evening and everyday looks

We figured out how to make a waterfall hairstyle (photo above). Now it’s time to watch a video lesson in which the whole weaving technique is more clear.

Also in the photo gallery you can see several braiding options for curly and straight hair.

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!


The curls braided into an openwork braid, some of which freely fall down, lying between the strands, resemble streams of water. As a haircut, the waterfall is simple, but it looks beautiful, suitable for all occasions - both for going out and for a wedding. You can easily do it yourself.

What hair is it suitable for?

The French waterfall hairstyle is suitable for both straight and curly hair. The styling is intended for haircuts whose length is below the chin, when the strands can be braided, leaving free ends. The styling looks beautiful on long hair. A headband near the forehead is an ideal option for women who are growing bangs and want to remove the strands from the front: this way they will not get into the eyes.

Waterfall styling can be done either with a single-color color or with a highlighted color, with a complex color. Alternating colors look original, interesting, romantic, and add additional volume and expressiveness.

Step-by-step instructions for waterfall hairstyles

There are many varieties of waterfall hairstyles. To make the classic version, you need to adhere to this scheme:

  1. Comb well to avoid tangled strands or knots. To make your curls more manageable, apply styling gel.
  2. Comb into a side parting.
  3. Separate a strand near the parting on the forehead.
  4. Divide the bun into three equal parts and start braiding.
  5. From the second weaving, begin to release the strands: when making the binding, let the lower curl hang freely, taking instead a bundle of the same thickness from loose hair not involved in the work.
  6. Then weave according to a similar pattern: the upper bundle is woven into the waterfall, the lower one is released and replaced with a free one.
  7. Having reached the lobe of the opposite ear, secure the braid with an elastic band, a hairpin or hide it under the strands. If desired, the braid can be led not to the opposite temple, but let it go down, making a one-sided hairstyle.

You can decorate your hair with a beautiful bow, flower, hairpins with rhinestones, or a hair clip. To make it bright, you can weave into a braid:

  • braid;
  • leather cord;
  • contrast tape.

With curls

A waterfall hairstyle with curls is done according to a similar pattern. Having finished braiding, the loose strands under the braid must be curled using a curling iron or wound with large or small curlers, depending on what kind of curls you want to get. Do not comb the curls, but carefully separate them with your hands, and then fix them with varnish so that they do not fall apart.

Double French Falls

An interesting hairstyle is a double waterfall. Two braids are woven in parallel, located symmetrically in relation to each other: above and below. More complex option:

  1. Separate a large strand from the upper part of the left temple (the width of the head should correspond to the size of the temple).
  2. Comb and begin to weave a thin, dense braid, using reverse braiding, when the bundles are placed not on top of each other, but under them.
  3. The braid is woven to the end of the ear, after which it is temporarily fixed with a crocodile.
  4. Next, work begins on the right side.
  5. Separate a small strand from the temple and begin weaving using the classic waterfall method.
  6. Braid to the left braid and pin with a crocodile clip.
  7. The next stage is the lower weaving on the right side.
  8. Take a strand under the beginning of the upper braid and begin to weave the lower braid, similar to the upper one.
  9. When the bottom braid reaches the junction of the top and left, stop braiding.
  10. Remove the crocs from the left and top right braids and begin to weave a tight simple braid from three braids.
  11. Secure the braid with a thin elastic band.
  12. Curl the hair that is left loose with a curling iron.
  13. Fix the hairstyle with hairspray.
  14. Decorate the junction of the braids with a hairpin or a bright flower.

For long straight hair, a waterfall with a twist is suitable. It is suitable for beginners; it is made not with three constantly changing strands, but with two, which are used throughout the entire weaving. Scheme:

  1. Separate a wide strand above the ear, divide it into 2 parts and cross it so that the upper one is under the lower one.
  2. Take a new bunch from above and place it so that it is above the bottom and below the top.
  3. Cross (twist) the working strands. As a result, the third one will seem to be in a loop.
  4. After this, the upper working beam will become the lower one and vice versa.
  5. Then pull the next strand through them according to a similar pattern.
  6. Repeat the steps, moving downwards at an angle.
  7. When there are 5-7 cm left to the end of the working strands, you need to stop threading the bunches, weave a thin braid, secure with an elastic band and secure it on the back of the head with bobby pins.


Girls who grow bangs or want to remove strands from their forehead can weave a headband. In this case, weaving should start from the temples and move not back, but along the forehead, along the hairline. The wider the bun, the thicker the hoop will be. Scheme:

  • strands from the side of the face are taken into a braid, leaving those at the back free;
  • Having reached the opposite temple, secure the waterfall with hairpins/elastic bands or continue braiding.

A hairstyle with a voluminous braid looks impressive. It’s easy to create: take a larger strand from your temple and start weaving. New buns should be placed not on top of the braid, but under it. Do the rest according to the classic waterfall scheme. Having finished the braid, gently pull the combs so that they become more fluffy and airy.

For short hair

Although waterfall styling is recommended for women if the hair reaches at least the shoulders, weaving can be done by those with shorter haircuts. The length is needed to be long enough to braid and release loose strands. The only caveat:

Each bunch must be treated with mousse. This way, unruly hairs will not fall out of the braid and will be easily woven into the braid.

How to do your own hair

It is difficult to braid the entire circumference of the head with a waterfall braid. Stylists advise women to do their own hair to adhere to the following rules:

  • When styling, use several mirrors so that you can view your head from different angles. You will see and correct shortcomings in time.
  • It is better to weave a waterfall braid to the middle: first from the right temple, then from the left. Hide the ends at the meeting point under loose strands, make a ponytail, and secure with a ribbon or hairpin.
  • Before your first experiments, it is better to practice on a friend or doll.
  • Although the waterfall braid is woven quickly, it is not easy to do without skill. You need to set aside at least an hour before leaving the house to do your hair calmly and without nerves.
  • Mousse or styling gel will make the job easier. They will make the strands more manageable.
  • If the hair is too hard or too dry, apply a balm or conditioner during braiding. If these products are not available, the strands must be moistened with water.
  • You shouldn’t weave a ribbon or thin cord into your hair for the first time. This should be done when the waterfall can be obtained without problems.
  • Do your hair only on a clean, washed hair today. A complex braid with strands released from it will look fuller, more voluminous, and more beautiful.


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The usual classic braid is a relic of the past; simplicity is no longer in fashion. In the last few seasons, braided hairstyles have become popular. One of these hairstyles is the French waterfall, which you will learn how to weave by reading this article. Every girl, without exception, dreams of being beautiful and irresistible; this is inherent in nature. To charm others, especially men, is a goal that becomes achievable, and this is where the French Falls can become the main weapon in seduction. It will give you romance, airiness and, of course, you will undoubtedly look stylish.

There is an idea that the hairstyle actually got its name from one of the waterfalls that were located in one of the French colonies. Perhaps this is what inspired barbers to create the French waterfall hairstyle. Other sources contradict the main version: here the spit is the ancestor of the French waterfall.

French waterfall hairstyle, description

Weaving a French waterfall hairstyle is actually a simple matter and every girl can learn how to weave it, if of course she has the desire. First of all, you need to take into account the structure and the fact that it looks most beautiful on those with wavy hair, but if you have straight hair, then a curling iron and hair dryer will help you.

Hairstyle diagram

French waterfall step by step (photo)

French waterfall hairstyle, photo:

Video on how to make a French waterfall with your own hands:

Let's follow the direct weaving pattern. Firstly, a French braid looks best with a straight parting. Take a strand of hair from your forehead and divide it into three equal parts. If you have bangs, grab them too, or let them out. Start braiding the braid in the traditional way, periodically releasing the lower strands, and continue in this spirit until ear level. Next it will be like this: we see three strands, on the right, left and in the middle. Cross the right and middle curls, and weave a thin strand on top, taken randomly from above. Afterwards, everything is covered with a free curl, and the right one goes down. In this simple way you get the first “trickle” of the French braid. However, please note that after releasing one curl, you will only have two left. The third must be taken each time from the free amount of hair. Thus, continue weaving to the level of the next ear, simultaneously fastening the stray strands with hairpins or bobby pins. And quietly hide the end of the braid in the overall structure behind the ear.

This is considered the main type of French waterfall hairstyle; if you managed to do it, even if not the first time, then I’m sure you can easily experiment with other types. It will look unusual with a bun; the weave is no different from the usual one, except for the fact that it does not need to be collected and secured. Halfway through the braiding process, gather your hair into a ponytail, backcomb it and pass it through any braiding, creating a bun that can be secured with hairpins. I would like to note that there are not two or three patterns for weaving a French waterfall hairstyle, there are actually a huge number of them, despite the fact that the basic weaving technique remains the same, various manipulations can give it a completely different, unique look.

Waterfall braid: how to weave, photo step by step, diagram + video

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Hairstyles based on braids have been popular for several years and are not going to give up their fashionable position at all. All kinds of weaving of varying degrees of complexity require certain skills and craftsmanship. But, if you have the desire, you can learn everything!

Today the site will show you what a wonderful waterfall braid looks like and tell you how to weave it yourself. We will show step-by-step photos, and the weaving pattern will become clear to any girl.

All braids are based on the classic French braid. It is woven from three strands over the entire head and new strands from the total mass of hair are captured on each side. If you already know how to weave a French braid (spikelet), you can easily learn how to weave a waterfall braid.

This braid has several names; it is also called a cascade braid, a partial braid with strands released. The name waterfall braid comes from the fact that the strands that are left out resemble the flowing streams of a waterfall. Very beautiful!

The hairstyle has many advantages:

  • it can be braided on short hair (chin-length bob);
  • looks great on straight and wavy hair;
  • it is not difficult to weave;
  • ideal hairstyle for thin and thin hair. Thin hair must first be combed a little and braided, capturing thin strands;
  • if you have highlighting or coloring, a waterfall braid will successfully highlight strands that are different in tone. The hairstyle will look voluminous, with a prominent weave pattern.

The waterfall braid is also woven in several versions. You can braid it from one temple and finish the braiding on the opposite side, securing it with a hairpin or bobby pin. You can also finish the braiding with a regular braid, which will be on the side and hang playfully - this option is suitable for straight hair. Or put a braided braid in a flower. You can braid your hair by starting a new braid on each side and connect the two braids at the top of your head. Hairstyles created from a two-tiered waterfall braid are also beautiful. That is, under the first braid you can braid a second waterfall braid.

Waterfall braid, how to weave, diagram. Photo step by step

Comb your hair well before braiding to remove any knots that might interfere with braiding. Separate 3 strands of equal thickness from the side.

Start braiding a regular braid: place the top strand in the middle (through the top), then the bottom strand in the middle. Make two such bindings.

  1. Place the top strand in the middle again, now place the bottom strand in the middle. Then, the strand that is located below is left (photo 4) and is no longer involved in weaving - this will be that first trickle of the waterfall, a free falling strand.
  2. Instead of the left strand, take a small new strand from the total mass of hair from below.
  3. To the top strand, add a small strand from the total mass of hair on top, as if weaving new hair into the existing weave.

We continue weaving according to this pattern further. The braid can be pulled down a little and braided diagonally, or kept at the same level. During braiding, it is better to take the falling strands forward and let the girl who is braiding this braid hold it. If you braid a waterfall braid on your own, the falling strands can get in the way; holding them with your mouth is very convenient.

Braid in the same way to the opposite side and secure the braid with bobby pins behind the ear. The strands can be slightly straightened to give the effect of a voluminous braid. It is advisable to fix the hairstyle with hairspray.

Spit-waterfall photo

Waterfall braid for straight hair. Two-tiered spit waterfall.

If, when braiding, you move the strands not along the top, but through the bottom, as with an inverted, voluminous French braid, you get a slightly different weaving pattern, the braid turns out to be voluminous.

The waterfall braid looks great on short hair and allows you to diversify your look.

Waterfall braid, how to weave: video

Have you already tried to weave your own waterfall braid? Share in the comments!

The hairstyle with the beautiful name waterfall really looks like a stream of water - in it the hair is braided into a braid, in which part of the curls freely flows down like streams of water. This hairstyle looks very beautiful, is suitable for any occasion, and at the same time, this hairstyle is easy to braid yourself. In this article you will learn about the features of the waterfall hairstyle, its types, weaving methods and see step-by-step instructions for creating a beautiful weave.

What kind of hair is the waterfall hairstyle suitable for?

To create beautifully flowing curls, you will need hair length from the chin - in this case, the strands can already be braided and there will be free ends. This means that the waterfall is suitable for owners of a long bob or bob, long cascade haircuts and, of course, for owners of curls of the same length. This hairstyle looks especially beautiful on long hair, allowing you to demonstrate all the beauty of luxurious hair.

An important point - the waterfall hairstyle is perfect for those who grow bangs and want to move their hair away from their forehead. Weaving in the form of a headband at the forehead will hide the overgrown strands of bangs, and the hair will not get into the eyes.

As for whether to weave a waterfall on straight or curled hair is a matter of taste. The hairstyle looks good on any hair, but in combination with straight strands it will be a more casual option, but braided curls are suitable for creating festive styles. The waterfall hairstyle is great as a wedding or prom hairstyle.

Also, this hairstyle option looks great on highlighted hair and curls with complex coloring. Alternating the color of the strands adds additional volume and expressiveness to the hairstyle.

Hairstyle options

There are several options for creating this beautiful weave. A variety of braiding methods allow you to make the hairstyle symmetrical or one-sided, to capture part of the hair or all the curls. There are also many options for waterfall hairstyles with buns, braids and ponytails.

Classic waterfall

This variation involves symmetrically weaving two braids from the temples back, which are connected with a hairpin or elastic band. You can also hide the ends of the braids under the strands of hair, creating the effect of one uniform braid.

Double waterfall

Since waterfall-style braiding involves loose strands on one side, many use this feature to create a double braid: you just need to braid the remaining loose strands into a braid again. Moreover, it can be any weaving: “spikelet”, “fishtail”, etc.

One-sided option

An asymmetrical variation of the classic “waterfall”, when the braid is woven only halfway up the head or just above the ears. The free end of the braid can be secured with a beautiful hairpin or woven into a more complex hairstyle.


This is a great option for those who want to remove hair from their forehead. In this case, the braiding starts from the temples and does not go back, but is braided near the hairline, picking up strands from the side of the face and leaving free strands at the back.

The waterfall hairstyle combined with a voluminous braid looks beautiful. Moreover, it can be left free or put in a lush bun. You can make two symmetrical braids.

Waterfall on straight hair

This hairstyle on straight hair will highlight its structure and silkiness. In this case, it is important to comb your hair well and add smoothness to it using moisturizing sprays or styling products. When braiding, you can use a wide-toothed comb to better separate the hair strands.

Waterfall on curls

Most often, a waterfall is done on curled hair. This hairstyle looks very beautiful and elegant. If your hair is long, then you can curl it after creating your hairstyle, and short hair can be curled into curls even before styling. It is imperative to use fixing agents to extend the curl, so the hairstyle will last longer in its original form.

Step-by-step instructions for making waterfall braids

And for clarity, we will give several examples of step-by-step instructions for creating this spectacular hairstyle.

1st option:

  1. Divide the strand chosen for weaving the “waterfall” at the temple into three parts.
  2. Start braiding a regular braid.
  3. Leave the strand that turns out to be the free end downwards free, do not braid it into a braid, but take a strand of the same thickness from the free mass of hair and weave it into the hairstyle.

4-6. Repeat the steps for subsequent strands, each time leaving the end of the bottom strand free and instead selecting a strand of the same thickness from the rest of the hair mass.

2nd option:

  1. At the temple, separate 3 identical strands. For convenience, in the photo they are numbered 1,2,3.
  2. Move strand 1 to the middle of the braid.
  3. Move the tip of strand 1 down, and move strand 3 to the middle.
  4. Lift the tip of strand 3 to the top, and move strand 2 to the middle.
  5. Lower the tip of strand 2 down and release it.
  6. Separate strand 4 from the top of the hair and move it to the middle.
  7. Lower the tip of strand 4 down
  8. Weave strand 4 into the braid.
  9. Repeat the previous steps, each time leaving the tip of the bottom strand free, and instead grabbing a new strand from the mass of hair on top.

3rd option

And this is how a double waterfall hairstyle is woven:

This styling will look even more beautiful with additional decor. These can be ribbons and bows, colored elastic bands and hairpins, fresh flowers and twigs. When braiding a braid with a ribbon, it is advisable to take a bright fabric of a contrasting color to the hair. The ribbon must be attached at the very beginning and woven so that the left strand with the ribbon is wound towards the bottom, while the right strand is on top.

  • If your hair is coarse, unruly or dry, then you should definitely use a hair conditioner or hair balm. Moisturizing leave-in sprays are also suitable.
  • If you are planning your hairstyle for the whole day, then you should choose a classic version and secure the braid at the back with an elastic band - this way it will last longer.
  • Before braiding, hair should be thoroughly combed with a brush with natural bristles.
  • It is better to straighten wavy and coarse hair at the roots using wax and a small amount of water.
  • If the hair in your hairstyle is frizzy, you can spray the braid with hairspray and lightly smooth it. The bottle with varnish should be kept at a distance of at least 15 cm from the head, so as not to get the effect of gluing the hair.

Video instructions for weaving hairstyles waterfall

Despite the apparent complexity, the waterfall hairstyle is simple to perform and does not require special skills. Try braiding this braid for a friend, and then move on to experiments on your own hair.