How to achieve the wet hair effect. How to easily create a wet hair effect at home? Wet hair effect on short hair

Do you think it is possible to create the wet hair effect at home? If you think that this requires visiting a hairdresser, then you are very mistaken.

You can add a special charm to your hairstyle or hide some imperfections with the help of styling that emits the effect of wet hair. For a more beautiful, sophisticated effect, you need to choose the right product to create a wet effect.

It is not necessary to involve a professional stylist or hairdresser in updating your image, because with the help of simple products you can create a fashionable, “wet” result on any hair at home.

The main trick when creating a stylish effect is not to overdo it with styling products. Otherwise, the wet effect will look dirty.

To avoid this mistake, follow simple, consistent instructions:

  • First, thoroughly cleanse your head with shampoo.
  • Apply a moderate amount of styling product to slightly damp hair.
  • To give the hair a suitable shape, you can use curlers, tight flagella, whooping coughs or your own fingers.
  • You need to dry your hair very thoroughly, especially if your hair is wrapped in thick strands in curlers or other curling devices. Otherwise, you risk losing the results of your work in just a few hours.
  • For naturally curly and curly hair, it is best to use natural drying of curls. It will take much longer, but the effect will look much more natural and will last longer.
  • Fixing the hairstyle comes down to the correct selection of hairspray. The performance of the fixing agent, that is, varnish, directly depends on the structure and length of the ears. The longer and denser the curls, the stronger the level of hold required for the hairstyle. And for curly and curly hair after curling, you can use a hairspray with a minimum level of fixation of the result.

Choosing a styling product

The choice of products to give your hair a wet effect depends entirely on the quality of your hair and its length.

Each styling product has its own purpose, which determines its consistency and degree of fixation, as well as its own subtleties in application and subsequent drying.


Most often, wax is used to create or give short hair extravagant, extreme looks. It is its dense consistency that allows you to fix your hair in the most unusual, original directions.

It's quite easy to apply. Apply to hair, distribute with a comb or comb with wide teeth along the entire length.

After drying with a diffusion hairdryer, you get the desired hairstyle, be it a mischievous mess, tousled chaos, side parted hairstyle and smooth hair.


Unlike wax, foam has a light, almost weightless texture, which is used for styling long hair. Which retain their shape throughout the entire installation and do not stick together.

During the blow-drying process, it is very quickly absorbed into the hair structure and dries almost instantly. Therefore, in this case, it is recommended to use not a hairdryer for drying, but the natural drying process.


Correct distribution of the gel during the styling process plays a very important role. If too much gel is used, the effect will be “dirty” and “heavy”.

Therefore, to give hair a wet look, experienced stylists most often use a professional styling product called “texturizer.”

A small amount of this gel is enough to treat your curls to give them a natural shine and structure the desired shape.


The degree of fixation of the varnish is selected individually depending on the individual characteristics and structure of the hair. For fixation, a “glossy” varnish of maximum fixation is used - for special occasions and events. And for everyday fixation of wet hair, light and medium levels are suitable.

If a large amount of strong hold varnish is sprayed onto the hair, the effect of a motionless wig may occur. Therefore, you should spray the varnish in moderate quantities, checking the flexibility and mobility of the curls.

How to create a wet hair effect at home

To create a style with the effect of wet hair at home, you will need to choose the right product that matches your hair type, length, taking into account your individual structure.

For curly hair

Foam, gel, or a special spray will help you form curls. The chosen product for styling and giving effect can be distributed both along the entire length of the hair and on individual curls. The main thing is to achieve the effect of “wet” hair, like after a shower.

After applying the styling product to your hair, comb it with a wide-tooth comb. It is easier to shape the curls with your hands, squeezing them from bottom to top. During the drying process, a hairdryer can frizz the strands and ruin the wet effect of your hair, so be patient and let it dry naturally.

You can fix the result with glossy varnish or texturizer gel.

For straight hair

To give straight hair a wet effect, you need to try a little more. You should not use a large amount of styling product, which, if used in excess, creates dirty “icicles” instead of wet hair.

To select styling products, you should choose the maximum degree of fixation of the varnish, and wax, gel, and foam are suitable for creating curls.

The ideal hairstyle for long, straight hair is a ponytail, which is formed at the crown with the help of a beautiful hairpin or elastic band.

Using the product distributed over the palms, smooth out the protruding hairs on the sides and top. And to give the strands in the tail relief and curls at the break, you can additionally distribute the product over them.

For a romantic or relaxed look, treat your hair with styling product before pulling it into a ponytail.

The resulting tail can be gathered into a bun or twisted at the back of the head. And after thorough drying, they can be dissolved again and formed into separate independent strands. Fix the result with varnish with the strongest hold.

For short hair

Use gel or wax for styling with the maximum degree of fixation. In the process of shaping, you will need a hairdryer and a comb, and to give your hair creative chaos and disheveledness, use your own fingers.

For medium length

For medium-length hair, it is worth evenly distributing the amount of styling product, preferably treating each strand separately.

Don't use too many styling products that turn your hair into rags.

How and where to wear a hairstyle with a wet hair effect

If you use styling products correctly, the wet hair effect will be an excellent decoration for any type of hair, any length and different hair structure.

  • A private party or everyday business styling using wax or gel will allow you to create a smooth styling option with a strong hold on unruly hairs.
  • Soft wet waves and curls will be appropriate for walking around the city with friends or creating a sensual look for a romantic evening.
  • An option for a nightclub with an emphasis on an asymmetrical parting will highlight the stylish curls and volume of the hairstyle.
  • For different hair colors, the wet effect looks different, but the most original version is obtained from a combination of the most unusual color strands, for example, when coloring, tinting different curls, or bronding.
  • For brunettes, using styling products to create a wet effect, especially if they are applied to the entire length of the hair, can add color saturation and shine. Especially relevant for black and chestnut flowers.
  • For blondes, it is best to use products to create a wet effect only on individual curls, otherwise blonde hair may acquire a yellowish tint.

When you want to try something different, surprise your friends with a new look, why not style your hair with a wet hair effect?

It will revive your hairstyle and give it graceful lightness and charm.

And in the summer, this styling method looks most impressive, especially in combination with an even tan and open summer clothes.

Who is the “wet hairstyle” suitable for?

First of all, it looks beneficial on dark-haired girls, since dark strands look more shiny and well-groomed.

As for blondes, this hairstyle does not suit them very well; besides, if you use a large amount of styling product, their hair will take on a dirty effect and an unkempt appearance.

Owners of bright red hair should be more careful, because in their case the wet effect may seem somewhat aggressive, giving your image a flashy and even vulgar look.

But curly hair, of any color and length, holds its shape much better.

Despite the fact that long strands are more difficult to style, a wet hairstyle will perfectly fit into your look with a summer outfit or dress, giving it a romantic, feminine touch.

Those who have dark curls of medium length are given a wider scope for imagination (as are girls with short hair).

And in general, it should be noted: the shorter your hair, the more courage and creativity you will be able to show in the process of creating a hairstyle.

Which product to choose for the wet hair effect?

Without special tools it will not be possible to do such a styling, and, fortunately, there are quite a lot of them today. Which styling product to choose depends on several factors - for example, the length of your hair.

For curly, wavy hair, a product with a weak degree of fixation is suitable; for straight and short hair, on the contrary, it is better to choose a strong hold.

Let's list the main assets:

  1. Wax is usually used when you want to create an extravagant hairstyle on short-cropped hair. Wax is thicker in consistency than other styling products. It perfectly fixes all strands.
  2. The foam has a very light texture, and therefore the strands will not stick together. It will not weigh down the hair, as a result of which the hairstyle will be able to keep the desired shape for a long time. Typically, foam is used for styling long strands.
    Foam is also an ideal product for creating a wet effect on curly, wavy hair. It absorbs well and dries quickly, but to get a really good result, it is recommended to dry your hair before applying it not with a hairdryer, but naturally.
  3. Prefer gel? Then it is important to distribute it correctly throughout all the hair. Due to the large amount of product, they may seem greasy, heavy and dirty.
    There is also a gel called a texturizer. With its help, you only need to lightly process all the strands, then it will deal with the structure of your hair, and at the same time give it a natural shine.
  4. Spray hairspray is worth using if you need to style your hair for a long time. For important events, it is better to use a spray varnish with the strongest degree of fixation, but on ordinary days it is recommended to use a medium or light fixation product.

Don’t forget to take into account the structure and length of your strands. For example, if you spray a generous amount of hairspray on your fine curls, don't be surprised if your hair looks more like a clown's head wig.

Wet effect on short hair

In order for you to get this effect, you need to work on your hair literally immediately after you wash your hair, otherwise it will dry out very soon, and nothing will work out for you.

How to create a wet hair effect at home? Very simple! After washing your hair, do not comb your hair. Tilt it down and squeeze a little gel onto your palm, then rub it with your hands.

Now apply the resulting jelly-like mass to your curls with quick movements. While doing this, try to press the ends of your hair to the roots. Afterwards, you can raise your head and part it anywhere.

Done? Then take a brush or hair comb and arrange separately those curls that remain on opposite sides of the parting you made. Don't forget to shape your bangs (if you have them, of course).

Wet effect on long hair

To prevent your curls from drying out too quickly and becoming prickly, apply the gel to them little by little, in parts.

How to get a wet hair effect using home remedies?

Don't want to use chemicals? To create the effect of wet hair, folk styling products, of which there are many today, are also quite suitable.

They are made entirely of natural ingredients, so do not worry about getting them on your skin.

However, it is advisable to use such products only in the cool season, because in summer, in hot weather, they will only do harm, causing increased interest in your hair from insects.

In addition, natural ingredients can create a dense film on the hair, which will cause the so-called greenhouse effect - it is hardly beneficial for your hair.

Sugar composition for hair

Dissolve enough granulated sugar in warm water to create a sweet liquid for rinsing your curls. After rinsing, twist them with your hands, giving the strands the desired shape. After some time, the water will evaporate from the strands, but the effect will remain for a long time, and the hair will take on a shiny appearance.

If you want, fix your hair with colorless varnish. However, sugar itself will cope with this task.

Gelatin solution

Take 150 milliliters of clean cold water and pour a little dry gelatin powder (about a tablespoon) into it. The water must be cold, otherwise the gelatin will not dissolve but will curdle.

Give the product time - after an hour or a little more, the gelatin will gradually begin to swell. Just at this moment you should add a couple of teaspoons of lemon juice to it. Place the mixture on the lowest heat, remembering to stir it periodically. After everything boils, cool the composition completely.

Few people know how to create the effect of wet hair in such a way that the hairstyle looks well-groomed, stylish and holds its shape for a long time. It would seem that an ordinary hairdryer, the right comb, hairspray or mousse and a little free time are enough.

Still, you need to know a little more about this simple and versatile hairstyle. How can you create the effect of wet hair at home and look irresistible in any weather all day long?

Choosing a remedy

Depending on the consistency, purpose, and degree of fixation, styling products such as varnish, wax, foam and gel are distinguished. Each of them has its own advantages, disadvantages and rules of use.

When choosing, focus on your hair type and brand. Give preference to trusted manufacturers who have proven themselves in the market. The ideal option would be to purchase a whole series from one company: shampoo, conditioner and fixative.

  • Varnish
    Suitable for those with oily hair, since sprinkling hairspray at the roots of the hair allows you to “dry” it. For a special event, it is better to use a product with a strong hold, and for daily use - with a low or medium hold. A glossy effect varnish will add shine and elasticity to your hair.
  • Gel
    To create a hairstyle with the effect of wet hair, this is the most common product. It is easy to use: just apply the gel evenly to the strands - and they themselves will fit the way you want. For those with dry hair, the gel will help moisturize and revitalize it, but girls with oily hair should be careful. An excess of gel will weigh down your hair, giving it an untidy and even “dirty” look.
  • Foam
    Used mainly on wet hair. If you apply the product to dry strands and dry them with a hairdryer, they will stick together and the result will be a greasy effect. Therefore, it is better to stick to natural drying.
  • Wax
    It has a strong hold and gives the strands the shape that you create yourself. Wax is suitable for extravagant girls with short hair. To use, apply it evenly to your hair and dry with a hair dryer and diffuser.

How to achieve the wet hair effect

After choosing the product, you can start styling. To do this, you don’t have to go to a hairdresser or a stylist. How to make the wet hair effect yourself at home? The following recommendations will help you with this.

  1. Wash your hair thoroughly with shampoo without using masks or conditioner. Shake off excess liquid and gently pat dry hair with a towel.
  2. Apply the care product with light movements along the entire length in an even layer and twist with curlers or strands. Curly girls just need to lift the strands at the roots with their hands and leave to dry.
  3. Dry your hair and remove the curlers. Creating the effect of wet hair is only half the battle. Girls with naturally straight hair will need additional fixation in the form of varnish in order for the styling to keep its shape for a long time.

The procedure for creating the effect of wet hair is simple and quick, but if you wish, you can see photos and diagrams of other options. Please note that a similar effect can be created both on the entire head of hair and on individual strands.

Middle length

Girls with hair of medium length (approximately to the shoulder blades) are the luckiest. Such lucky women easily cope with styling and fixing. The wet effect on medium curly hair is more pronounced. Give preference to a special gel, but avoid excess of it. Otherwise, the hairstyle will not only lose all its chic, but will seem unkempt.

Apply a small amount to your palms and rub. Apply gel evenly to each strand from root to tip, twist and secure with a clip. After this, leave it to dry for half an hour, and then dry it with a hairdryer for an additional 8-10 minutes.

For a girl with natural curls, using a hairdryer will only do harm, because it will fluff them up and add unnecessary volume. To style, simply apply the product, lift your hair at the roots with your hands and leave to dry.


Those with straight long hair will need more time to create their hairstyle, since in this case the curls will not be easy to form. A wet effect on long straight hair will also require more gel or foam.

Stylists recommend doing a ponytail in this case. To do this, gather a tight ponytail and smooth it on the sides using gel or foam. Dry your tail a little with a hairdryer, apply the product evenly, crumpling the strands with your hands. Then gather them into a bun and secure with clips for an hour. After this, unravel and spray with varnish.


A short haircut is a convenient option for creating a wet effect quickly, efficiently and for a long time. Apply the optimal amount of gel or wax to a cleanly washed hair.

The strands should be processed evenly in the direction from roots to ends. To do this, place your hands on your head and, spreading your fingers, lightly lift your hair up. After these simple manipulations, leave them to dry for an hour, and then dry them with a hairdryer for a few minutes. Done, the image of Venus, just emerging from the foam of the sea, is guaranteed to you!

The effect of wet hair at home is easy and simple, following the above recommendations. This hairstyle is universal and will suit almost all women, regardless of length, hair color and build.

After practicing several times, you can easily create a chic and stylish hairstyle on your own, without the help of hairdressers. To do this, just study the following tips.

  • It is advisable to do the effect of wet hair in the summer: you will look great with this style in a flowing sundress and with tanned skin. In winter, due to bad weather, the hairstyle will look ridiculous and even provocative.
  • To create a romantic, airy look, use foam. With its help, you can easily form graceful, flowing curls in half an hour.
  • Ladies of an elegant age are better off avoiding this hairstyle, as it will add frivolity to their look.
  • For super-strong fixation, wax is recommended, since the strands after the foam begin to fluff within a few hours. This option is suitable for the office and for work in official institutions.
  • Styling with the effect of wet hair looks original on girls with highlights or coloring. For brunettes and brown-haired women, the hair care product will add the desired shine and depth of color. Blondes should use it carefully because it makes the hair yellow. In this case, styling should be done on separate strands.
  • To go to a nightclub or a friendly party, you can do an asymmetrical parting. It will add flirtatiousness and enthusiasm to the image.
  • Comb only with a wooden comb with wide and sparsely spaced teeth. It will not damage your hair or ruin your hairstyle.

This styling was especially popular in the early 2000s, but now it is in its second wave of popularity. She can be seen at fashion shows of Armani, Wang, Versace and others. This is no coincidence: she looks bright, fresh and energetic.

When styling, use only high-quality products, follow the care recommendations - and you will always look stunning and irresistible!

The following video will also help you create the effect of wet hair:

The wet hair effect is one of the simplest and quick ways to style your hair into a beautiful hairstyle. The effect of wet hair looks especially beautiful in summer, combined with light clothing. If you have had your hair bio-permed, permanently permed, or carved, try styling it with a wet hair effect. A hairstyle with this effect will suit both short and long hair, it will remove excess frizz and help maintain your style for a long time.

One of the most fashionable hairstyles with the effect of wet hair today is "partially" wet hair. This hairstyle will suit any hair, even straight and short. The essence of partially wet hair is that all the hair should not look wet - just highlight and fix the ends of the hair and individual strands.

Wet hair styling products often contain reflective particles to add extra shine to the hair. Such styling products look especially beautiful on brunettes’ hair. Blondes should carefully use hair products with a wet hair effect: too much styling product will give blonde hair a stale look.

If you have thin blonde hair, then to give it the effect of wet hair, it will be enough to use mousse and hairspray.

How to make the wet hair effect at home

You can create a hairstyle with the effect of wet hair yourself, at home, in several ways, each of which does not require special skills or time.

Create a wet hair effect using a hairdryer

Every girl has a hair dryer. Remember that it was sold complete with an obscure attachment called a diffuser, which almost no one uses. It is a round nozzle, the base of which is equipped with so-called “fingers”. In some models, these fingers even move or vibrate. It is precisely this attachment, once undeservedly sent to the far corner, that will help create a hairstyle with the effect of wet hair.

So let's get started. Wet your hair, pat dry with a towel to remove excess moisture and apply hair styling products. Since we will be using a hair dryer, hair styling products must be heat-protective. As a rule, this is a regular hair mousse designed for blow-drying. Mousse can be replaced by other products, such as styling spray. Using your hands or a wide-tooth comb, distribute the styling product evenly throughout your hair. Then, separating small strands, twist each into a tight strand.

After twisting the flagella all over your head and not leaving a single strand unattended, dry your hair with a hairdryer. You don't have to use the attachment for now. Once your hair is slightly damp, you can use the attachment. It is best to tilt your head and dry all your hair strand by strand. In this case, the hair can be slightly lifted at the roots with your fingers. This way you will achieve more volume in your hair.

Once all your hair is dry, lift your head and carefully use your fingers to separate the hair into strands. There is no need to use a comb, as it will disrupt the effect of wet hair.

“Wet” hair with gel

If you intend to create the effect of wet hair in this way, then it is best to use professional products called texturizers. The remedy will also work. which has the consistency of a cream, but is capable of creating and fixing textured, complex hairstyles. Many people have heard of hair gel that was used for regular styling. Such products, although they are much cheaper than professional ones, but if applied excessively, can give the hair not a “wet”, but a “dirty” effect.

The beginning of this procedure is the same as the previous recipe. We wet our hair and remove excess moisture with a towel. You can simply wrap it around your head for about 15 minutes. Then comb the hair thoroughly and apply styling product to the entire surface in an even layer. In this case, we will not use a hair dryer, since it is impossible to achieve the effect of wet hair with it and with the help of gel. The hair will dry naturally. In this case, it is constantly necessary to crumple the strands, lifting them towards the head. This way you will form curls that will form your hairstyle.

Once the hair is completely dry, the hairstyle is ready. Do not comb your hair so as not to disturb the resulting effect. To consolidate the result and highlight individual strands, spray your hair with hairspray.

Hairspray for creating a “wet” hairstyle

Unfortunately, this method is only suitable for those with curly hair. To create this hairstyle, you just need to wet your hair, lightly dry it with a hairdryer and apply hairspray. This hair fixing product is applied only to the middle and ends of the hair to consolidate the effect and separate individual strands. There is no need to fix the roots with varnish. This way you will add weight to your hairstyle, depriving it of naturalness and lightness.

Having fixed this hairstyle, in a few minutes you will look like a lovely sea siren who has just left the depths of the sea. This method is distinguished by its simplicity and speed of execution. After applying hairspray, you should also not comb your hair, because it is the hair glued together with varnish that gives the hairstyle a “wet” look. In the middle of the process, you can lightly spray your hair with hairspray, then, without waiting for it to dry, scrunch the strands of hair towards the head, as if shortening the strands, and then finally fix the hairstyle. This will make your hair more textured and your strands clearer and more pronounced.

Wet hair effect with mousse

We offer several ways to style the effect of wet hair using mousse.

1. Apply mousse to slightly damp curls and distribute it over all strands using your fingers. Let your hair dry naturally, as drying it with a hairdryer will cause it to become frizzy.

2. Apply mousse to individual strands and then curl your hair with curlers. After which you need to dry it. Very carefully remove the curlers and divide the curls into small strands. Spray the resulting hairstyle with strong hold hairspray.

When creating this effect on long hair, it is better to use mousse, because the gel weighs down the curls. In addition, do not forget to spray your hair with strong hold hairspray to prevent your hair from becoming frizzy.

For short hair, apply the gel to individual curls using a comb or your fingers.

Wet hair effect with wax

Numerous hair styling products do not make your hair healthier. These products dry out your hair, making it dry and lifeless. But among all the variety of synthetic products, there is a styling product of natural origin. This is a hair styling wax. With its help, you can also easily create many hairstyles without causing even the slightest harm to your hair.

It’s not at all difficult to create the effect of wet hair using wax. Also moisturize your hair and apply wax to it. For the entire hairstyle you will need about the amount of product as a hazelnut. First you need to thoroughly rub it in your hands so that it becomes plastic from the warmth of your palms. You can distribute it on your hair using a fine-toothed comb. Once you distribute the wax throughout your hair, you can form curls. Your own hands will help you with this. To consolidate the result, they can be dried with a hairdryer.

You can also apply wax heated in your palms to dry hair. But in this case, either curlers or twisting your hair into a rope will help you form curls. After the wax has dried and hardened, you can separate large curls into many small ones.

Folk remedies for creating a wet hairstyle

If you are a supporter of everything natural, this does not mean that hair fixing products are prohibited for you. There are several folk remedies that allow you to make your own fixing agent that will preserve your hairstyle for a long time.

The first method of making a hair fixing product is gelatin. Pour a tablespoon of dry powder into 150 milliliters of cold water. The water must be cold, otherwise the gelatin will not dissolve and the product will not work. After about 40 minutes you will see that the gelatin begins to swell. At this point, add two and a half tablespoons of lemon juice. This product will provide excellent fixation of the hairstyle, and at the same time provide shine and vitamin treatment to the hair. Now, after mixing thoroughly, place on a very low heat or water bath. Stirring occasionally, wait until the gelatin is completely dissolved in the water. Then remove the resulting product from the heat and wait until it cools down. After the product has cooled and acquired a gel-like consistency, it is ready for use. This product is used by analogy with regular hair gel. The entire sequence of your actions is similar.

Another hair styling product can be prepared from the same ingredients, replacing only gelatin with sugar. The proportions remain the same, just add warm water to the sugar and add lemon juice immediately. After dissolving sugar in water, we obtain syrup, which we apply to damp hair. After applying freshly prepared styling product to your hair, wrap it in curlers and leave until completely dry.

Natural hair styling products still have their drawbacks. They are not recommended for use in hot weather. It has a high temperature, which will be intensified by the heat from your body. The entire structure can simply melt. The hairstyle will turn into a shapeless something.

In addition, lemon juice and especially sugar can attract insects, which will lead to unpredictable consequences.

In any case, using styling products purchased in a store or homemade to create the effect of “wet” hair, it is better to test them at home without rushing to an important meeting, date or walk. First, evaluate the resulting effect at home, and then, gradually honing your skills, create hairstyles for going out.

The beauty of a “wet hairstyle” also depends on the shade of the hair. Dark-haired girls do not have to skimp on styling products, since styling will emphasize the richness of the shade. But it is advisable for fair-haired girls to reduce the use of gel, which can turn their hair into a real disgrace.

To get a hairstyle with the effect of wet rather than dirty hair, it is important to know the technology of applying products and correctly combine the type of styling with the situation. For example, the “wet hairstyle” effect for large curls is suitable exclusively for the summer period and for a specific setting. “Wet hairstyles” with unstyled bangs on short hair are also inappropriate for everyday office work. But it would be very appropriate to appear with such a hairstyle at a party.

The wet hair effect is a hairstyle that stylists, beauty bloggers and other representatives of the beauty world talk about. Such hairstyles are increasingly seen at fashion shows and are used by stars as non-standard solutions for going out.

Many girls, although they are interested in this trend, do not have a clear idea of ​​how to use the effect of wet hair when creating a hairstyle. Let's clarify the current situation and look at different techniques for giving strands a wet look.


Curly strands

Achieving the wet hair effect is not difficult for those with curly hair. For this you will need:

  • wash your hair with your usual means, if necessary, use a balm (conditioner, rinse aid, etc.);
  • dry your hair with a towel;
  • apply gel, mousse or foam to damp strands;
  • press the curls with your hands from bottom to top;
  • wait for natural drying or dry with a hairdryer.
  • Gently straighten the strands and secure the result with fixing varnish.

When the hair dries on its own, it becomes more natural and “live”, so if you have a certain amount of time, do not use auxiliary electrical appliances.

Such an experiment with your appearance will allow you to look attractive and sexy, so we advise those who like to attract attention to themselves to take note of this!

Short haircuts

For short and medium haircuts bob, bob, cascade, ladder Volume styling with the effect of wet hair is suitable.

To make it, you will need:

  • wash your hair, dry your hair with a towel;
  • apply foam or mousse to damp strands, rub into the roots and distribute along the length, as shown in the photo below;
  • dry with a hairdryer from bottom to top;
  • press the curls with your hands so that volume is created at the roots and the ends are curled inward;
  • Sprinkle with varnish.

It is better to do the styling first with your head down so that all the inner strands become wavy, and then raise your head and continue modeling the hairstyle from above.

Volume styling plus the effect of wet hair is ready! The process of creating a hairstyle is shown in more detail in the video.

Do a “wet” hairstyle with a very short haircut better with gel. For this:

  • apply the product to your hands, rub your palms;
  • smooth the temporal strands;
  • Use longer hair to create feathers (or give them any other desired shape).

The effect of wet hair in this case is created without using a hair dryer. Possible results are shown in the photo.

Long or medium haircuts

On long or medium-length hair, the effect of wet hair in the following variation will look stylish:

  • wash your hair, dry your strands with a towel;
  • distribute a small amount of gel onto damp hair, moving from the roots down to a distance of 10-15 centimeters;
  • comb them back using a fine-toothed comb;
  • Press the ends with your hands and make a slight waviness.

A hairstyle with a beach effect for medium and long hair is shown in the photo.

An appropriate option for an evening out would be the effect of wet hair on the strands, collected in a bun. To make it, you will need:

  • apply gel to the roots;
  • distribute the product with a fine-toothed comb;
  • comb your curls back;
  • form a bun in any way familiar to you.


The wet hair effect can be done in 15 minutes, for this you will need:

  • wash your hair, dry your hair with a towel;
  • Apply a strong hold mousse to damp strands and distribute evenly over the entire length;
  • put on the diffuser attachment and start drying, pressing the hair dryer as much as possible onto the surface of your head, as shown in the photo;
  • Separating strand by strand, dry the curls;
  • Gently straighten your hair with your hands and fix it with hairspray.

As you have seen, a hairstyle with a wet hair effect does not require hairdressing skills. Every girl can do it in a very short period of time (about 10-20 minutes), using the usual tools and cosmetics. Available to you any ways: hair dryer with diffuser, treatment of strands with all kinds of gels, mousses and foams, etc.

This is a great option for both an everyday look and an evening out. The main advantage of styling is changing the style without affecting the length and structure of the hair. Therefore, experiment and surprise others!