The inscription God is my judge in Latin. The meaning of the tattoo “God is my judge. Places of tattoo application

Tattoo with God's face or words about God

The issue of religion and belief from ancient times to this day remains one of the most complex and controversial. God, faith, religion - these words are so deep and meaningful that it is very difficult to describe their meaning, interpret and understand. In many cases, such words are found along with the words “church”, “rite”, “priest”, “”. This further complicates and confuses the situation. Each person has his own individual view and approach to such things; no one has the right to condemn and reproach for the choice a person has made.

Some people are used to analyzing and relying on their minds, while others are influenced and their choices may be imposed by someone else. Be that as it may, it is worth noting that a huge number of people still have faith in the highest powers and God. Although each of them has completely different concepts about God and faith, in principle, like God himself.

Religion is a special, one might even say specific, form of perception of the world, its awareness, which is based on belief in the supernatural, which consists of a set of moral rules and types of behavior, as well as peculiar actions.

All this is accompanied by the unification of groups of people into organizations such as churches or religious communities. How many religions there are in the world cannot be accurately counted. The numbers are so different that it is impossible to give even an approximate number.

However, every religion, no matter how many there are, has its adherents, otherwise it simply would not exist. One thing you can be absolutely sure of is that for people, belief in God and attitude towards religion are very important, and sometimes even vitally important, things.

No less controversial, controversial and hotly debated is the issue of tattoos associated with God. You shouldn’t even try to find a common opinion and answer to the questions. Everyone must make decisions for themselves and, if necessary, find a clear explanation for their actions. God tattoos or words about God are nevertheless in great demand. Judging by the number of such tattoos, we can conclude that they are in no way inferior to other types.

Types and meanings of tattoos

Tattoos on religious themes, as a rule, are made in two types: a direct image of God himself and tattoo inscriptions about God. Sometimes they also decorate the body with drawings of churches, crosses and other symbols and attributes belonging to this theme. Among the various tattoo options, it is very popular tattoo inscription With God And God is with me tattoo.

Definitely, we can say that a person who has this cannot help but believe in God and his power. It rather shows how significant a place God occupies in his heart and mind. Another widely used inscription is tattoo Only God is my judge. Photo of tattoo Only God is my judge confirms that belief in God is widespread among different peoples, races, and does not depend on skin color, age and gender. This phrase has been translated into many languages:

“Only God can judge me” is the English equivalent of the phrase,

“Deus solus me iudicare potest” - this is how this phrase sounds in Latin,

“Nur Gott kann mich beurteilen” - in German it looks like this,

« רק אלוהים יכול לשפוט אותי» - the same phrase in Hebrew;

“solo Dio può giudicarmi” - in Italian.

And this is not a complete list of languages ​​into which the phrase is translated and which people use to create tattoos on their bodies. Tattoo about God in Latin occurs very often, this is due to the fact that Latin is the basis of many other languages. Tattoo about God has a special energy and semantic load, so the poet needs to treat such things carefully and seriously.

Both inscriptions and tattoo images should be given special attention. God tattoo designs are worked out very carefully, especially for small details. Widespread Egyptian gods tattoo. Among Egyptian gods tattoo I want to highlight Ra tattoo. He is the sun god.

He was considered a very strong and powerful god, given the ability to monitor the believers, he could see each of them. Such egyptian god tattoo symbolizes joy, light, healing and protects against evil spirits. This drawing on the body is a talisman for many. People believe that he changes their lives for the better and brings them closer to the Almighty.

Tattoos of Slavic gods can also be found quite often. Basically, many people are inclined to choose sketches with the thunder god, whose name is Perun. Since ancient times, he has been considered the patron saint of all warriors. Another one in this way is the god Veles, his name is associated with material wealth and the well-being of financial affairs, he was also read as the patron of agricultural land and forests.

He had the power to influence the fertility of the land and the gifts of nature grown on this land. The sun god - Dazhbog - is another one of the most revered images. It symbolizes warmth and light. Among the female audience, the female goddesses Makosha and Lada are more popular. The image of the god Lada is associated with goodness and love.

For many people, the choice of a future tattoo design stops at hand of god tattoo, sometimes also called “hamsa”. Widespread among Jews and Arabs. Literally, the word “hamsa” means “five,” just like the number of fingers on one hand.

However, almost always, this symbol is depicted not as an anatomical hand, but with a symmetrical shape, as if with two thumbs on the sides. Basically, this serves as a talisman that protects a person from the evil eye. The choice of location for such a tattoo very often falls on the back.

This is no coincidence, because a stab in the back is considered the most vile and can even be deadly. After all, a person does not have eyes from behind and cannot see the attacker. This does not mean at all that this blow will have characteristic signs of physical violence. This kind of blow can be psychological, which is often more painful and carries a serious threat.

This sign has a very beneficial effect on the female sex; it protects the unborn child, especially at the moment when he is just being born in the womb, promotes lactation, strengthens a weak body and increases the overall tone of the body. In different religions, such a protective sign is usually called differently, for example, in Ancient Greece it was called the “hand of Aphrodite”, and in Islam the same sign is called the “hand of Fatima”; for Christians it is familiar under the name “hand of Mary”.

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A tattoo with the inscription “Only God is my judge” refers to religious slogans. Performed in lettering style with the addition of realism or old school style. The emphasis is on the expressiveness of the font and the placement of the design.

The image can be placed independently, on top of the tape, or be included in the composition. The drawing carries deep emotional and spiritual meaning for the wearer.

The meaning of the “God is my judge” tattoo

The inscription “Only God is my judge” is a tattoo for religious people with strong convictions in life. The expression has a deep meaning, which is partly based on dogma. The presence of a tattoo on the skin shows that the wearer is convinced of the chosen position and is not ready to compromise.

Tattoos in different languages ​​can be found not in the traditions of European and American tattoos. In Spanish, the phrase sounds like “Dios solo me juzga.” The meaning of the expression reveals a person’s attitude to society. It shows how unwilling he is to follow secular law.

Phrases in foreign languages ​​sound beautiful:

  • in French - Dieu seul me juge;
  • in English - only God can Judge Me;
  • in German - Gott verurteile mich nur;
  • in Latin - Deus iudex est solus.

It’s easy to choose fonts to match the expression. The Gothic group and graceful script are popular. The letters of the Old Church Slavonic or church alphabet look convincing for drawing in Russian. The drawing can be supplemented with an image of a vine and hands folded in a prayer gesture.

How do you make such a tattoo?

The tattoo “Only God is my judge” belongs to the lettering style. It is performed with a needle to hammer in the contour. If the letters are three-dimensional, use the technique of filling the outline with pigment needles. For the placement of letters, places with minimal muscle dynamics are chosen.

The trash polka technique will allow you to make your tattoo more expressive. The style combines realistic or technical techniques with lettering techniques. Letters can be of different shapes and font styles. Supplemented with strokes of paint or graphic effects, they will carry a deeply emotional connotation.

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The pattern is placed along the line of the muscles. Areas on the chest or back provide more room for positioning. Here they carry out three-dimensional sketches with a number of additions. On narrow areas of the skin, the font is lined up with a small number of additional elements.

Places of tattoo application

The first place in popularity for text placement is considered to be the forearms. The letters are struck along the line of the radius on the back. Less commonly, letters are arranged in a composition on the inside of the forearm.

If brushes are used for tattooing, the letters are struck along the line of the edge of the palm. The back of the hand is less often involved. The wide side of the biceps muscle is used in the shoulder area.

Old school style uses the technique of putting a word on top of a ribbon. In this version, the image can be placed on the shoulder, combined with images of rosary beads, folded hands or wings.

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  • Tattoo with inscription and cross, brush
  • Tattoo with a cross and an inscription on the arm

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The arrangement of the letters in a semicircle in the collarbone area looks original and beautiful. Compact compositions are used for stuffing or ribs. In the back area, the font line is laid across the shoulder girdle. On pumped up muscles, a composition launched in a small arc looks beneficial.

Large-scale tattoos can be placed along the side line and transition to the hips. An example of such a tattoo is the work on the body of 26-year-old Instagram star Naz Mila.

The inscription in Latin begins on the ribs and continues along the waist, going down to the knee. The letters are in a thin Gothic font with minimal decoration. The girl emphasized her chiseled figure and enhanced her feelings of sexuality and femininity.

Video - inscriptions in Latin, photo gallery

And although religion has a very ambiguous attitude towards tattoos, body designs on the theme of faith have always been and remain in fashion. If we talk about such tattoos in the form of inscriptions, the most popular is: “God is my judge,” or its version in English: “only god can judge me.” The meaning of the “God is my judge” tattoo is obvious, but also multifaceted.

In general, religious tattoos can be divided into two categories. The first is drawings depicting God himself, Jesus or saints, as well as various symbols (for example, a cross). The second category is inscriptions with a corresponding meaning.

The meaning of a tattoo with the inscription “Only God is my judge,” of course, is faith in God. An atheist is unlikely to put such an inscription on his skin. So we can definitely say about the owner of this tattoo that he is a believer. However, the meaning of the inscription is somewhat aggressive. Or rather, not even aggressive, but self-confident. The person clearly shows that he does not need anyone’s advice and always knows what to do. He does not accept judgment or evaluation from others. Such a person is confident in himself and always does as he sees fit. As a rule, such an inscription is written by men with a very strong, strong-willed character. It’s better not to argue with the owner of this tattoo, and you might anger him. Most of all, the “God is my judge” tattoo is common among athletes, namely wrestlers and boxers. Because they are the ones that have the appropriate character.

A very common version of this inscription in English is: “only god can judge me.” However, in our time, almost everyone knows English, so if you want the meaning of your inscription to be less obvious, but more hidden, it is better to choose another language.

For example, the same inscription, but in Latin, will be very interesting and not so clear to others: “Deus solus me iudicare potest.” The meaning of this tattoo remains the same, but not everyone will be able to immediately understand it after reading it on your skin.

For the same purpose, you can choose any other language, for example, German - “Nur Gott kann mich beurteilen”, or Italian - “solo Dio pu? giudicarmi." By the way, in German this phrase is preferred by representatives of radical political and nationalist views. And the version in Italian evokes associations with the Italian mafia.

If you like this idea for a tattoo, then all that remains is to choose the artist, the location on the skin and the font for the inscription itself. Our team will help you with the latter

The tattooed body of the thief in law is, oddly enough, first of all, a linguistic object.

Tattoo is a unique language of symbols and the rules for “reading” them transmitted through oral tradition. This language, similar in its esotericism to thieves' argot, plays a similar role - it encodes secret thieves' information from uninitiated "fraters". As in argot, in which neutral literary words are endowed with special “narrowly professional” meanings, the tattoo also uses ordinary, at first glance, familiar allegorical images (a naked woman, a devil, a burning candle, a dungeon, a snake, a bat, etc. ) to convey “secret” symbolic knowledge. This language is extremely social, extremely politicized. The tattooed body of the thief “depicts” as if an official uniform, covered with regalia, orders, signs of rank and distinction. It is no coincidence that in thieves' jargon the traditional set of tattoos is called a “tailcoat with orders.” Thus, we can talk about the image of the uniform in the literal sense. For example, there are many shoulder tattoos that depict real epaulettes or shoulder straps with stars or skulls. There are even German shoulder straps of the Fuhrer's aria here. The body also depicts rings, pectoral crosses with a chain, shackles, wrist bracelets, breast stars and crowns. Moreover, for example, the transverse encircling lines on the fingers are called “rings” in the jargon. In fact, the thief’s entire track record, his entire biography, is embodied in such tattoos. Here are all his ups and downs, appointments to new positions and demotions, prison “business trips” and transitions to a new “job”.

Thieves' tattoos are at the same time a “passport”, and a “dossier”, and “order books”, and “letters”, and “epitaphs”. That is, it is a complex of official bureaucratic documents. Naturally, a person who does not have tattoos in the world of thieves has no social status at all, as if he does not exist at all. In thieves' lingo, such a person is called a “cockerel,” that is, he instantly acquires the status of a camp “chukhan.” The first division of new arrivals in the zone is into those with tattoos of “cancer necks” and those without them “roosters”. A person uninitiated into the secret meaning of thieves’ tattoos perceives them as a chaotic set of random signs. In reality, the thief’s body is not a disparate set of “pictures”, but a holistic and complexly organized speech act. Sometimes it is a person's speech that expresses his thoughts, feelings or memories. Tattoos can also become a specific message in cases where letters sent by thieves into the zone are tattooed on the body of the “gon.” Such a messenger specifically “takes” upon himself the necessary Crime and goes to the desired zone. He becomes a living letter, his body - the direct speech of the thieves' authority. But most often, a tattoo is the speech of the entire thieves’ world, a means of socio-political communication, a kind of thieves’ media (by the way, the “messenger” often also carries on his body the message of the thieves’ community to the entire zone). Tattoos become signs of social self-identification, public reflection, and collective memory. They form Stereotypes of mass behavior and set ritual rules for ordering the world of thieves. Such, for example, are the proverbial tattoos “The main one in the zone is a thief in law”, the abbreviation tattoos GOD (“I Will Rob Again”), BEETLE (“I wish you luck with thefts”), LIST (“Your Cop Enemy”), WORLD (“He will correct me”) Execution"), NKVD ("No Stronger than Thieves' Friendship"), SLIVA ("Death to the Cops and All Actives"), USORV ("Informer Will Die From the Hand of a Thief"), etc. Such tattoos present a whole code of laws of the world of thieves, giving their bearer the rules of his behavior for the future and the rules for interpreting his past. One of the genres of tattooing is the so-called “autograph”. As a rule, this is the name of the “owner of the body” or any symbol that replaces it. These tattoos are also widespread outside the world of thieves. And they are often perceived as a manifestation of lack of culture. After all, the body in modern civilization is the most valuable object that cannot be “spoilt.” From this point of view, a tattoo on the body defiles it. By the way, the tradition of applying such autograph inscriptions was widespread in Ancient Rus'. Moreover, such inscriptions were even applied to church walls. A. A. Mendytseva also noted that “...autographs were equated to prayer, which is confirmed by the image of crosses or temples that often accompany such an autograph.” In the same way, a tattoo on a person’s body can be perceived as a prayer addressed to God. The idea that a simple cross can be a sign of prayer was first expressed by A. A. Medyntseva: “Numerous images of crosses without accompanying notes, often found on the walls... are also people’s prayers...” All kinds of crosses on the body of a thief can have very different shades of meaning. Some crosses are signs of the thieves’ suit, others are “walks into the zone,” others are oaths of revenge, fourths are symbols of devotion to the thieves’ idea, and fifths are the need to protect the thieves’ honor until death. However, prayer crosses and amulets crosses are also present in the tattoo language. A tattoo is not just a “person’s voice” carved on the body, its replica, but also the voice of the body itself, the voice of the body as a “thing”, an object. The main feature of such tattoos is “speech” in the first person; they seem to address the viewer. These are, for example, tattoos on the legs “Wash, dry!” or on the eyelids “Don’t wake up.” Prayers and amulets (OGPU tattoo - “Oh, Lord, Help me escape” or images of the Virgin Mary) in this context can also be perceived as “speech” of the body or even its parts. In such ritual tattoos, fragments of the body - legs, arms, eyes, buttocks - can be personified. This is indicated, for example, by tattoos on the eyelids “We are sleeping”, tattoos on the legs “We are tired of walking”, “They are tired of the long journey” or “They are tired of walking under escort”. The tattoo applied to the insteps of the legs is very indicative - “They are dragging me under escort.” In it, the body speaks of the legs as an independent character. So, the closed space of the body, completely covered with magical inscriptions, radically changes its status. By the way, D. S. Baldaev’s thieves’ dictionary classifies the image of a temple or monastery specifically as amulets: “The tattoo-amulet of a thief in authority is a tattoo with the image of Jesus Christ, the Mother of God, archangels, saints, angels, a church, a monastery and a cross.” Elsewhere, the same dictionary also classifies images of skulls as amulets: “A talisman is a tattoo of authority in the world of thieves with the image of Jesus Christ, the Mother of God, archangels, saints, angels, churches, monasteries, a cross, a human skull...” Apparently all the tattoos are related, It would seem that with religious themes and the theme of death, in reality they always have hidden magical overtones. Although, we repeat, all these symbols are multi-valued, and the same skull means, for example, that a given person belongs to the rank of thieves. In the thief meaning, this meaning is one of the main ones, which is confirmed by the data in the dictionary of D. S. Baldaev: “The skull is a tattoo, meaning belonging to authorities.” In addition, the skull is also a symbol of death. Similar symbols may also include a cross, an axe, a scythe, a snake and some others. The snake, by the way, is not only a symbol of deathly fate, but, at the same time, a symbol of the wisdom of thieves' laws. The theme of death in tattoos is represented by three main thieves' formulas, meaning the absence of fear of death; constant proximity to death, its presence and initial location “inside” death. This desire for death is the fundamental principle of the world of thieves. Thus, the image of a skull in thieves’ tattoos is also the main thieves’ concept. It is clear that a thief who is afraid of death is no longer a thief, if only because in the world of thieves there is no death at all in the usual sense of the word.

Among the tattoos of the criminal world, images of various stars occupy a special place. Such tattoos can only be applied by experienced criminals who have a high status in the criminal world. As a rule, the stars are located under the collarbones. Such tattoos are an expression of the prisoner’s life principles, as well as a manifestation of his attitude towards the law and the administration of the correctional institution. Below are interpretations of some images of stars common in the criminal community.
1. A star tattoo, which is interpreted as follows: “I became a thief from lack of rights and poverty.”
2. “Grin”, “Everything for me, nothing from me”, “Here I am at home.” Authorities of the highest ranks - godfathers, thieves in law, etc. - have a similar tattoo.
3. A star with the image of a burning candle. This tattoo means: “I live while my candle burns.”
4. A star tattoo meaning the following: “Good and evil walk side by side.”
5. “There is no God but Allah.” This tattoo is given to prisoners who preach Islam.
6. Star tattoo - the sign of a thief in law. Interpreted as: “Keep the zone in fear and obedience.”
7. A star tattoo means: “May God protect me from poverty, hunger, communists and garbage!”
8. Star tattoo with anti-Soviet meaning. It is interpreted as follows: “Under the Tsar, the Russians were people.”
9. A star tattoo expressing the life principle: “Man is a wolf to man.”
10. A star tattoo with the following interpretation: “Thief, hide your life.”
11. “The zone is my holiday home”, “Yours will always be ours.” Such tattoos are made by thieves in law.
12. A star tattoo is a sign of the authorities of the criminal world, meaning: “I have never been and will never become a slave.
I am free in spirit and body."
13. “Live and let others live.” Such tattoos contained numbers indicating the number of the article of the Criminal Code.
14. “I started stealing when I was young.” Such a tattoo is a sign of an experienced or hereditary thief.
15. “Thank Allah that I am a Muslim.” This tattoo was done by Muslim prisoners.
16. The eight-pointed star is a symbol of “negative”.

Knee tattoos This was done mainly by “deniers”. The choice of location of the image was not accidental: in this way, the prisoners tried to protest against the authorities and justify the principle of non-compliance. Below are the interpretations of some knee tattoos.
1. “I will submit only to Allah.” A similar tattoo was applied by convicted “deniers” who preached Islam.
2. “Only God is my judge.” Such a tattoo was an expression of extreme protest against the authorities.
3. Knee tattoo, which is the sign of a thief in law.
4. A tattoo that is a sign of a convicted anarchist.
5. “I am God’s chosen one.” This tattoo was done by “deniers” who protested the injustice of the correctional authorities.

Criminal tattoos and tattoos with the image of shoulder straps and epaulettes, meaning, what they mean, designation In addition to ring tattoos, the so-called epaulettes and shoulder straps are especially popular in the criminal world.
Such body images contain certain information about the prisoner: they tell about his biography, indicate his status in the criminal world, etc. As a rule, the bearers of tattoos in the form of shoulder straps and epaulettes are the authorities of the criminal world.

1. "Colonel". Such a tattoo is a sign of a prisoner who works only of his own free will.
2. “Passed the missile defense system.” This tattoo is given to prisoners who have been in a high security zone.
3. "White Guard". Such a tattoo has the following meaning: “I don’t want to work and won’t!”
4. “I am a thief.” This tattoo is applied to experienced thieves. 5. An image indicating that the convicted person was in a disciplinary cell in the VTK.
6. An image that has the following interpretation: “Crush the communists, informers and bigots.”
7. "Fighter" Such a tattoo is a sign of prisoners close to authority who carry out punishments imposed on other convicts.
8. “I will not change the law of thieves,” “Authority.” Such a tattoo is a sign of a thief-authority.
9. The image applied to the thief in law. Criminal tattoos abbreviations, meaning of criminal tattoos, designation, what does it mean
Such tattoos are constantly used in the criminal world. Why? Because with their help you can hide your thoughts and some facts from your biography, they allow you to differ from other prisoners. For a long time, the meaning of such tattoos was known only to initiates. The reductions were interpreted differently in different prisons.

Abbreviations- alphabetic body symbols, in which messages of various kinds can be encrypted - oaths and pledges, declarations of eternal love and fidelity, the life principles of the convicted person. And sometimes these words reflected the status of their owner among his own kind.
Such inscriptions, as a rule, are extremely sentimental and naive in nature. It is as if a veil of secrecy hides the true soul of a prisoner.
ALLURE - “I love anarchy with young love - with joy”
BERLIN - “I will be jealous, love and hate her”
AMUR-TNMN - “My angel left early, that’s how my misfortunes began”
VERMOUTH - “Come back if separation is already tormenting you”
ALENKA - “And you have to love her like an angel”
BJSR - “Beat the Jews, save Russia”
BOTN - “From now on I will be yours forever”
WIMBL - “Come back and it will be easier for me”
GODDESS - “I will be the only one to be proud and enjoy”
BOSS - “Was convicted by a Soviet court”
WOLF - “Here it is, such love”, “A thief's shortness of breath - a cop's cap”
GOD - “I was condemned by the state”, “God will forgive sins”, “I will rob again”, “Be careful - a robber”
WINE - “Come back and stay forever”
University - “Eternal Prisoner of the Zone” VOR - “Leader of the October Revolution”
GOTT - “I'm only proud of you”
VOYUN - “A thief, he was born of one hatred”
BOTTOM - “Give me a little rest”
BEETLE - “Life was stolen by the communists”, “I wish you successful thefts”
Grief - “The Lord deprived the slave Eve”
EVYUPA - “If a thief works, he is a fallen prisoner”
ZHIRSPK - “The Jews made guinea pigs out of Russians”
BURN - “The state doomed to slaves forever”
FIR-tree - “Her (his) caresses seem like a fragrance”
JOHN - “Only misfortune awaits at home”
ZHNSSS - “Life will teach you to laugh through your tears”
DMNTP - “For me, there is no more beautiful you”
ZEK - “There is a convoy here”
LOT - “I love one (one) you”
EVIL - “Zek loves to relax”
KAT - “Convict”
LEO - “I love him (her) forever”
LORD - “Their own children will take revenge on the cops”
IRKA-CENTR - “And separation seems like hell if you’re not around”
LAURA - “Love bypassed the prisoner slave”
MAPLE - “I swear to love him (her) forever”
KLOT - “I swear to love one (one) you” LIS - “Love and Death”
CROSS - “How to stop loving if your heart is yearning? »
LOM - “Love one (one) me”
LIST - “I love and miss you very much”
CUBA - “When you leave, the pain is hellish”
LSD - "Love is Expensive"
SWANS - “I will love her (him) even if he changes”
LEMON - “I’m tired of loving and suffering alone (ode)”
LBJ - “I love you more than life”
DSP - “The end justifies the means”
LOTUS - “I love one (one) you very much”
YARDS - “I was born for happiness”
LTV - “Love, comrade, freedom”
STAGE - “Excursion of taiga prisoners”
BEAM - “The person I love has left”
APPLE - “I will love one (one), as I promised (promised)”
I AM SILENT - “My obsessive love and feelings have died”
YUG - “Young Robber”
WORLD - “Execution will correct me”
Sapper - “Happy is the prisoner after his execution”
YALTA - “I love you, angel”
PEOPLE - “First and Last Love”
YDV - “Young Friend of Thieves”
CORE - “I give joy once”
ACE - “Prison Prisoner”, “Prison teaches the law”
UTY - “Followed the path of my own father”
PILOT - “I remember and love one (one) you”
RHYTHM - “My Joy and Longing”
SWAT - “Freedom will return, and you?”
USORV - “The informer will die at the hands of a thief”
NKVD - “There is no stronger friendship than thieves”
TMJ - “Prison interferes with life”
YUST - “Sooner remained an orphan of a tyrant”
SIR - "Freedom is heaven"
OSMN - “Stay with me forever”
SEPTEMBER - “Tell me if you need it, I’ll be there”
SATURN - “Do you hear, but it’s already impossible to stop loving you”
RUBIN - “Separation is already close and inevitable”

Biographical criminal tattoos, sketches, designations, meanings
Biographical tattoos are an integral part of the world of crime. They talk about some important events in the life of the prisoner and about the inclinations of his character. Many of these tattoos are frankly aggressive in nature. They express their owner’s protest against the existing order, a negative attitude towards the authorities, the law, traitors and traitors.
In biographical tattoos, information is often found in the form of a special code, knowing which one can judge the place of a criminal in the criminal community, his “experience” and criminal “specialization”. Sometimes drawings with images of temples or saints, as well as religious attributes, were used to create a biographical tattoo. But this should not be seen as a sign of piety or submission to fate. Rather, on the contrary - it is a symbol of protest, revenge and rebellion. Previously, the body depicted a church with as many domes as the prisoner’s sentence. Subsequently, they stopped attaching importance to this - now artists depict an arbitrary number of domes, and the prison experience of the tattoo owner does not affect this.

Prisoners are often superstitious people. And that’s why some people need amulets. Images of angels act as amulets. But if in the hands of such a tattooed angel there is a bow and arrows, then it will have a love meaning. Here are some descriptions and interpretations of biographical and amulets tattoos.
1. Devil or devil pierced with a dagger. The tattoo is anti-Semitic. Applies everywhere.
2. Religious signs - crosses of various kinds, the head of Jesus Christ, the Bible, the word “Freedom” in flames - have an anti-Soviet orientation. The meaning of the last tattoo could be understood as follows: “freedom and faith were burned by party fire.” Most often applied to the chest or shoulder.
3. Hammer and sickle. On top are crossed bones. This is a symbol of the fact that a person suffers for his principles. Located on the arms or legs.
4. Small crosses. They were applied to the chest, temples or fingers of thieves.
5. Stars inside a crescent. A tattoo of this kind is a symbol of the Muslim religion of its owner. It was done on the chest or lower forearm.
6. Crucifixion. Symbolizes pure thoughts and the inability to betray. They are most often done on the chest.
7. Lily or chamomile. They are impaled on members of a gang of thieves or clan. The inside of the petals is filled with the names of the group members. Must be visible from under clothing.
8. The Virgin and Child. This tattoo signifies loyalty to friendship and purity of spiritual thoughts. Located on the chest.
9. A witch burning at the stake. The tattoo reflects the desire of its owner to take revenge on the woman who betrayed his love. The number of logs on the fire symbolizes the term of imprisonment. This tattoo is placed on the thigh.
10. Stylized cat head. This tattoo has two meanings. On the one hand, it is a symbol of a thief. On the other hand, it has symbolism of caution, prudence and good luck. Its interpretation also depends on its location: under the arm - “Prison is my home.” On the forearm or shoulder - “CAT” (“indigenous inhabitant of the prison”). On his feet - the man was convicted of robbery.
11. A dagger, the blade of which is entwined with a snake. This is a sign of a person from the thieves' elite - an authority figure at the head of a group of thieves.
12.Spider on the web. Most often this is a sign of a drug addict.
13. Sailboat. Symbol of a touring thief.
14. Predator, a mythical monster with horns and a beard. If a person has such a tattoo, then this indicates that he has a negative attitude towards the authorities and their representatives. He is also quite aggressive towards the administration of the correctional institution and traitors. Usually such a tattoo is located on the chest.
15. Leaping deer. Here the meaning of the drawing is more than clear - the prisoner thus expresses his desire to quickly break free. It also punctures on the chest.
16. An executioner who is about to cut off a girl’s head. This tattoo is usually found on those who are serving time for the murder of relatives or a woman. Located on the chest or hips.
17.Flying eagle with a suitcase in its claws. This image is a characteristic of a person prone to escaping from prison.
18.Drawing depicting a girl. Such a tattoo on the shoulder means that the convict celebrated his 17th birthday in a colony.
19. Roman gladiator or Russian knight with a sword. Such tattoos are worn by those close to the authority, the so-called “fighters”, who carry out his instructions.
20. A dagger, and in its background there is a skull. This badge is worn by repeat offenders or thieves in law. Placed on the chest.
21. A genie flying out of a jug against the background of a cloud. The marks are applied to the shoulder or chest, forearm or thigh and usually identify drug inmates.
22. Russian clerk. The tattoo means that its owner is good at using bladed weapons and will not miss the opportunity to use them.
23. Tiger head. This image is applied to those prisoners who refuse to cooperate with the prison administration. They denied this, and quite active ones at that. Such a person is able to protect himself.
24. If on a prisoner’s body, that is, on his shoulder and chest, you can see a tattoo depicting a pirate with a dagger in his teeth, then this is a sign of a threat. On the blade of this dagger you can often read the inscription “IRA” (I’m going to cut an asset).
25. On the forearm or shoulder is the Latin letter D. Inside the letter is the head of a tiger and a skull in its lower part. Also inside the letter is a sign of the suit of spades.
26. This type of tattoo is applied to the back. He wears a crown with the sign of reds and diamonds on the teeth.
27. Another back tattoo. This is an image of a girl entwined with a snake.
28. Cross depicting a crucified woman. This tattoo is given to thieves-authorities. Its location is the forearm, chest or thighs.
29. Another tattoo of thieves in law is an eagle, and above it is an eight-pointed star.
30. Tattoo-amulet. She brings, according to the prisoner, good luck. It depicts palm trees, the sun and an eagle flying above. Very often this tattoo can be seen among the criminal elite. 31. God above the cloud. This tattoo also belongs to amulets. It is believed to protect against justice.

The news that the rapidly growing MMA organization Bellator signed a native of Russia, a former football player, but who played not American football, but European football, called “soccer” overseas, became unexpected and very interesting. Who is this Georgy Karakhanyan? What connects him with Russia, and how did he manage to retrain from an athlete-gamer into a fighter as an adult? Having asked these questions, your humble servant contacted the fighter, currently living in California.

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From 1994 to 2006 he played football. In mixed martial arts since 2006.

MMA statistics: 12 wins (including 2 knockouts, 8 submissions/choking), 1 draw, 1 loss. Nickname - Insane.

Lives in Riverside (California, USA). Height 173 cm. Fighting weight 66 kg. Styles: Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (brown belt), Judo, Shotokan Karate. He plays for the Millenia club. Since 2010 he has been performing in the Bellator organization.

– In your youth you played football. What successes have you achieved in this sport?
– I started playing football at the age of seven and finished in 2006. Changed several clubs: Torpedo (Moscow), Gimnastic (Taragona, Spain), American youth team under 17, San Diego Suckers (USA). The peak of my career was playing in MISL, the main American futsal league. I also tried out for the Mexican team Morelia Monarchs.

– What made you change your sports major to martial arts?
– I was not satisfied with my success in football, and besides, it is an individual sport.

– You wrote on your website that in America football is not developed as much as in Europe, and it is difficult for them to make a living. In Russia the same can be said about mixed martial arts. Is MMA really that much more profitable than football in America?
– MMA is the youngest and most controversial sport in the world. Even here in the US, it is almost impossible to immediately start fighting professionally and make a living from it. I was just lucky enough to get a job in the US as a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu instructor. It’s not enough to just be a good athlete; you also need to be a good businessman to build relationships with sponsors. It also doesn’t hurt to be an outstanding PR master to be able to present your story to fans. And money will come if you have success in all these areas.
Football players in Europe are like gods, and they are paid like gods. But in the USA, for a number of reasons, football will never become so popular, despite the fact that even Pele himself played here at one time. I can’t tell you exact figures, but in terms of earnings, professional football players here cannot even equal the middle class.

– Were you interested in mixed martial arts before you started training in Brazilian jiu-jitsu?
– I started doing jiu-jitsu only because my friend was doing it. In my first training session, I was forced to knock too often as a sign of surrender, and then I told myself that I had to learn something about this matter. But it never even occurred to me then that I would someday become a professional fighter.

– Is Jiu-Jitsu still your main discipline?
– I prefer to fight in a standing position than to fight on the ground. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is the discipline that gives me the most complete understanding of the philosophy of hand-to-hand combat.

- From whom did you receive your brown belt in jiu-jitsu?
“I got it from my Brazilian jiu-jitsu coach Rami Aram, who received his black belt from Rodrigo Medeiros.

– Where do you prefer to train?
– I prefer the Millennia gym in Rancho Cucamonga in California. There I started my professional career as a fighter. But I also travel to other gyms, for example, GOKOR, SK GOLDEN BOYS WRESTLING, to work on my wrestling with Olympic participant Martin Berberyan (European freestyle wrestling champion - Note "").

– Who is your role model in MMA?
– Fedor and Geghard (Emelianenko and Musasiyu - Note “”).

– In general, there are many talented Armenian fighters in MMA, and you have already mentioned two Armenian names. Do you have a kind of brotherhood of Armenians? Do you train with any of them?
– I never thought about brotherhood, but we have a really close relationship. I trained a lot with Manny Gamburyan, Karen Darabedian and, of course, Gegard Mousasi when he comes to the USA.

– How did you become a vegetarian?
– I have always been looking for a diet that will give me more energy, health and strength. And I'm proud to be a vegetarian because it really helps me.

I have always been looking for a diet that will give me more energy, health and strength. And I'm proud to be a vegetarian because it really helps me.

– Is it just your approach to nutrition or an ideology that promotes non-killing of animals?
- I'm not an activist. It's just my lifestyle choice, but I don't judge other people's choices.

– Are you a religious person? What is the meaning of your tattoo with the inscription “Only God is my judge”?
– I consider myself a religious person, and the tattoo on my chest reflects my understanding of religion.

– Why did you write this phrase in Russian and not in Armenian?
– Unfortunately, I never studied in an Armenian school and do not know the Armenian alphabet. I studied in an ordinary Russian school, and all my childhood memories are connected with Russia and the Russian language.

– What memories of Russia are most vividly reflected in your memory?
– Harsh life, bad weather, playing football in the snow, going to Spartak matches and fights with CSKA fans. And, of course, the most beautiful girls in the world!

– Is there anything connecting you with Russia now?
– I still keep in touch with some friends and classmates.

– When was the last time you were in Russia?
– I have never returned to Russia since my family emigrated 14 years ago.

– Who, in your opinion, is the best young fighter in Russia?
– I don’t know a single strong fighter in Russia except Fedor. But I'm a big fan of the M-1.

– You fought in not the most famous organizations, but recently signed a contract with Bellator. How did they find you?
– They looked me up in the organizations in which I fought, and, of course, good management and competent PR, in particular a professionally designed website, helped me.

– Why did you choose Bellator?
– First of all, because of the opportunity to show your abilities on large free TV channels: FOX, NBC, Telemundo. They do not broadcast any other MMA organization in America. I also like the tournament format of this organization, somewhat reminiscent of M-1, as opposed to some other ugly attempt to copy .

– What other options did you consider?
– M-1, DREAM and WEC.

My main goal is to make a name in the MMA world, take the belt from Joe Soto and hold it for five seasons.

– What goals do you pursue in Bellator?
– My main goal is to make a name in the MMA world, take the belt from Joe Soto and keep it for five seasons.

– Do you know anything about your future opponents in the tournament? Which one is the most dangerous?
– I spent a lot of time studying my opponents. I know everything or almost everything about them and am satisfied with what I see. Some of them are more or less experienced, but overall they are at about the same level.

– Which fighter would you most like to beat in the future?
“I’m ready to beat any fighter who tries to come between me and my future.” I've done this my whole life and I intend to continue it in Bellator.

– How do you feel about ? Does its monopoly contribute to the development of MMA or would it be better to have several strong organizations?
- This is not good for sports. Outside, the development of new fighters stops, and they simply skim off the cream. Another problem is that their competitors do not want to bring anything new to the table, but simply copy the . Therefore, it seems to me that Bellator has a long life ahead of it, certainly longer than EliteXC (an organization that collapsed after the first defeat of Kimbo Slice. – Note “”).

– Your top five fighters, regardless of weight categories?
– Fedor, Gegard Mousasi, BJ Penn, Anderson Silva and Georges St-Pierre.