Hardware log. Hardware logs Buy a radio amateur's hardware log

The hardware log for a radio amateur is the second most important document, after the permit to operate the radio station. In the last century, hardware logs were often kept in paper form, since computers were not yet as widespread as they are now. Choosing a log is a personal matter, and as they say, there is no arguing about tastes. I'll tell you what I use and what capabilities my electronic hardware journals have.

An electronic hardware log is very simple, visual and reliable; in a word, it should be the best assistant for a radio amateur. It should prompt: and repetitiveQSO, and suggest the country and approximate distance by call sign, show whether they were sent or receivedQSL(including e- QSL). It is advisable that the log contain a map that would show where the radio amateur is operating from. It is very important that external programs can be connected to the log (as a rule, these are digital communication programs). It would be desirable to be able to control the transceiver directly from the log. And of course, the log must be updated: load the database on new territories, call signs, diplomas. And lastly, the hardware log should be free.

Giving advice on choosing a hardware magazine is a thankless task. I’ll just tell you which logs I use myself and tell you about their pros and cons. Let's start with the fact that choosing a log is a very important step, and as a rule, having already chosen one type of hardware log, it is already difficult to switch to others. At one time I used different ones, and finally the choice settled on three:MIX, HRD, UR 5 EFQ.

Let's start with MIX . With a bunch of minuses (the interface is at the levelWIN95), there are a couple of advantages. The most important thing: this is combat readiness in just a couple of seconds. That is, I clicked on the icon and the program is immediately ready to work (unlikeUR 5 EFQ, which needs to download a lot of data and also check for updates - which may take a couple of minutes). The second plus is working in modeSSTV. Well, another plus is that the mix can decode telegraph signals. Perhaps that's all...

UR 5 EFQ - probably one of the most famous logs. Lots of amenities, great design, intuitive interfaces and, in general, a lot of advantages. The main thing is the windowDXcluster, and if you configure the transceiverCATYou can switch the system with one click of the mouse. Digital types of communication also work great (it’s just a pity that there aren’t very many of them here). If you have the Internet, the log can help you “break through” any call sign (on the serviceQRZ), send spot toDXcluster and finally sendeQSL. Another very important advantage: you can connect external programs (ROS, MIX, DigitalMaster..) which makes it possible, working in a variety of programs, to automatically transfer information (call sign, name,QTH, report, etc.) from the connected program window directly to the log. There is one downside: when you start the program, it will not be ready to work immediately, but after a couple of minutes (especially if you update all the databases, it will take even longer). But there are a lot of advantages...

HAM Radio Deluxe consists of several separate programs interconnected by an IP server. Thanks to this, each program can be launched on a separate computer connected to other local networks. The program is not intended for localization, so there is no official Russian version. There are versions Russified by enthusiasts. Of greater interest are the translations of the instructions. The appearance of the programs may change depending on the “Skins” used; extensive settings allow you to create a screen as you wish, so that the necessary information is before your eyes.

Rig Control

The program for controlling a transceiver or radio allows you to almost completely implement the functions of the controlled device. The program allows you to organize remote control of the device via a TCP/IP interface (via a local network or the Internet).


Automatic hardware logging for both two-way QSOs and SWLs, as well as competition logging. The program also allows you to connect a DX cluster and call sign identifier via the Internet, track diplomas (connection with LOTW, eQSL and Ham Radio Deluxelog.net) and competitions. The database is compatible with Microsoft Access and MySQL for backup and recovery.allows you to automatically upload logs to the electronic QSL systems E-QSL.cc and LOTW.In addition, the program works together with Google Earth. If you select entries in the log, and then click on the Logbook -> Lookup -> Google Earth icon, the Google Earth map will display the locations of correspondents (if there is a locator) and the route lines connecting them to your station.

Digital Master (DM-780)

The DM-780 works with most computer sound cards, supports virtually all digital ham radio modes, and links to the Ham Radio Deluxe Logbook. AtHovering the cursor over the call sign of the correspondent shows his country and the presence of previous connections with him. The main advantage of this program is the presence of a very large selection of modulations (there are many more of them thanUR 5 EFQ), and it was also noticed that with a weak signal (even when it is not visible at the waterfall, this is approximately a level of -20 dB) the program accurately decodes the received signals.


Description: The new version 8.1 corrects errors and adds an expanded statistics mode for QSOs performed. A separate statistical window has been added for more visual information. ATTENTION!! !Before using the new version, you must remove the old version of the program Amateur Radio Hardware Log IHR 8.0 The program is completely free, use it without any restrictions. Installation of the program is not required, unpack the archive and run the RadioJurnal file. The goal when creating this program was accessibility and ease of use. The program is designed for both an advanced user and a non-professional computer user who communicates primarily by telephone and telegraph. The program has all the basic capabilities necessary for maintaining a log of conducted QSOs. It is possible to work on diplomas, create a description of diplomas, conditions for fulfillment, etc. (scoring and data entry are automated). There are databases for Names, QTH, RDA areas, all of them are replenished with your data and saved during further work. Entering data, auto-filling fields and displaying information on the last QSO made is made as easy as possible due to the ability to use an on-screen keyboard when working, which greatly simplifies entering data without being distracted by working using a regular keyboard; you just need to manipulate it with one hand using the mouse. It is possible to edit data directly in the recording log. The editing process is similar to working in common text editors, which simplifies the work in editing mode. It is possible to display repetitions when the call signs match (it can be done automatically), there is a mode for sampling data on the page according to any given parameter. You can customize the color scheme of the magazine to suit your needs - it allows you to choose colors that you enjoy working with. Help for working with the program (F1) and pop-up tips will help you quickly learn how and what to do. Journal pages and additions are saved directly to a file with its own extensions, in text format, and export/import to Excel format is possible. It is possible to send messages by e-mail to files directly from the program (the program installed in the system by default is used). Added the ability to work with the “magnifying glass” mode for people with poor vision. Send all your suggestions to the email specified in the program (see “About the program!”). The latest version of the program has added the ability to view data about the correspondent from the website database with a constant Internet connection and a built-in mini-browser, some service functions have appeared to make work easier, the position of the Earth/Moon/Sun has been added on an additional map in real time, a database duplication function has appeared in case system failure, but basically the program remained simple and accessible.

Fixed minibrowser script errors when executing queries

To update the program you need to: Delete the Nastroiki.ihrN file in the IHR folder on the disk (C:IHR), then unpack the archive to a location convenient for you and run the RadioJurnal file from this folder. 73! See you at Banda"x.

Description: The new version 8.1 corrects errors and adds an expanded statistics mode for QSOs performed. A separate statistical window has been added for more visual information. ATTENTION!! !Before using the new version, you must remove the old version of the program Amateur Radio Hardware Log IHR 8.0 The program is completely free, use it without any restrictions. Installation of the program is not required, unpack the archive and run the RadioJurnal file. The goal when creating this program was accessibility and ease of use. The program is designed for both an advanced user and a non-professional computer user who communicates primarily by telephone and telegraph. The program has all the basic capabilities necessary for maintaining a log of conducted QSOs. It is possible to work on diplomas, create a description of diplomas, conditions for fulfillment, etc. (scoring and data entry are automated). There are databases for Names, QTH, RDA areas, all of them are replenished with your data and saved during further work. Entering data, auto-filling fields and displaying information on the last QSO made is made as easy as possible due to the ability to use an on-screen keyboard when working, which greatly simplifies entering data without being distracted by working using a regular keyboard; you just need to manipulate it with one hand using the mouse. It is possible to edit data directly in the recording log. The editing process is similar to working in common text editors, which simplifies the work in editing mode. It is possible to display repetitions when the call signs match (it can be done automatically), there is a mode for sampling data on the page according to any given parameter. You can customize the color scheme of the magazine to suit your needs - it allows you to choose colors that you enjoy working with. Help for working with the program (F1) and pop-up tips will help you quickly learn how and what to do. Journal pages and additions are saved directly to a file with its own extensions, in text format, and export/import to Excel format is possible. It is possible to send messages by e-mail to files directly from the program (the program installed in the system by default is used). Added the ability to work with the “magnifying glass” mode for people with poor vision. Send all your suggestions to the email specified in the program (see “About the program!”). The latest version of the program has added the ability to view data about the correspondent from the website database with a constant Internet connection and a built-in mini-browser, some service functions have appeared to make work easier, the position of the Earth/Moon/Sun has been added on an additional map in real time, a database duplication function has appeared in case system failure, but basically the program remained simple and accessible.

Fixed minibrowser script errors when executing queries

To update the program you need to: Delete the Nastroiki.ihrN file in the IHR folder on the disk (C:IHR), then unpack the archive to a location convenient for you and run the RadioJurnal file from this folder. 73! See you at Banda"x.

(US-E-12: at the request of the user of the Avast antivirus!, links to the previous site have been removed and links to the site have been registered, help files from RM4Y, UX8IW on working with UR5EQF Log Backup and UR5EQF Log Backup itself have also been included, queries have been added when installing the update to replace the help files and the BUR5EQF Log Backup utility)

  • (Update 07/11/2017 ) Update3.31-61a(US-E-12: Correct processing of reports occurs when generating adif mods T10, FT8, WSPR, QRA64. In the range and modulation editor, you can add other mods with reports -10. Printing of reports for JT9 has been fixed (previously only JT65 mods were printed correctly , ROS), etc., and now these mods are printed correctly with a minus)
  • When installing the Log for the first time, you must download and install the full basic version of the Log and the latest Log update (it contains changes to all previous ones)

    Past versions of UR5EQF_Log and its updates:

    • Archive with ur5eqf_log_v2
    • Archive with ur5eqf_log_v3 (not relevant, left for history!)
    • Archive of past versions of Log updates (not relevant, left for history!)

    Log interface translation files:

    • Russian interface language (from RD3M)

    Information in the LotW and eQSL systems by call sign:

    • file friends.ini(from UR3LTD) for UR5EQF_Log download. ver. 2014_05
    • file friends.ini (from RA9YRU, June, 2014). The file contains lotw, eqsl, cpp members, qrz.com directory in English.