Children need a high calorie diet. Obesity in children: the essence of the problem and the choice of diet for children. Fish day: what fish to choose for the children's menu

The child’s body grows, its functions improve, the baby’s cognitive and motor activity increases, and the need for energy increases. All these reasons influence the child’s diet, which is already significantly different from the diet of children in the first year of life.

What happens to a child’s body from one to one and a half years old?

At this age, children continue to develop the chewing apparatus, a sufficient number of teeth appear - by the age of 1.5 years, children should already have 12 teeth. The activity of digestive juice and enzymes also increases, but their functions still do not reach full maturity. The volume of the stomach increases - from 200 to 300 ml. Gastric emptying occurs on average after 4 hours, which allows you to eat 4-5 times a day.

The daily amount of food (excluding liquids consumed) for children from one to one and a half years old is 1200-1250 ml. This volume (including calorie content) is distributed among feedings in approximately the following ratio: breakfast - 25%, lunch - 35%, afternoon snack - 15%, dinner - 25%. The volume of a single meal can be 250 ml, taking into account 5 feedings a day, and 300 ml with 4 feedings a day.

How to feed a child from one year old?

For children 1-1.5 years of age, dishes with a mushy consistency are preferable. If a child’s chewing teeth (baby molars) have erupted by this age, he can be offered whole pieces of food no larger than 2-3 cm in size. The child develops a sense of taste, an attitude towards food, the first preferences and habits begin to form. The baby begins to develop a conditioned food reflex during meals, which ensures sufficient, rhythmic secretion of digestive juices and good absorption of food. That is why it is important to follow a diet and expand the diet by introducing new products and dishes.

The child’s cognitive and motor activity increases, and along with it, the body’s energy consumption increases. The physiological need for energy in the age group from 1 year to 1.5 years is on average 102 kcal per 1 kg of body weight. With an average body weight of 11 kg, it is 1100 kcal per day.

The main requirements for a child’s diet after one year are: variety and balance in basic nutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins). Combinations of dishes from vegetables, cottage cheese, cheese, milk, animal and poultry meat, eggs, cereals and flour products are required.

The basis of the diet of a baby from 1 to 1.5 years- these are products with high content animal protein: milk, dairy and fermented milk products, meat, poultry, eggs. The child should receive dishes from these products, as well as from vegetables, fruits and cereals, daily.

Dairy products for children over one year old

In the nutrition of a baby over 1 year of age, an important role belongs to milk, dairy and fermented milk products. They contain easily digestible proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals. Fermented milk products contain lactic acid bacteria, which regulate the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, have a positive effect on the intestinal microflora, improve digestion, and increase the child’s immunity. Milk, kefir, yogurt should be included in the diet daily healthy child, and cream, cottage cheese, sour cream and cheese can be used after one or two days.

For children with normal weight the body does not accept foods with a reduced percentage of fat content; the diet uses milk 3.2% fat, kefir 2.5-3.2%, yoghurts 3.2%, sour cream up to 10%, curds, both milk and cream - 10% fat. Total amount of milk and fermented milk products should be 550-600 ml per day, taking into account the preparation of various dishes. Of these, a child can receive 200 ml of kefir intended for baby food daily. For babies with cow's milk protein intolerance, it is best to postpone introduction to whole milk until later. late date(up to 2-2.5 years), and instead continue to use formulas for the second half of life (they are made from whole milk powder without the addition of whey).

One-year-old babies can receive only specialized children's milk (not creamy) yogurt with a moderate content of fats and carbohydrates in a volume of up to 100 ml per day. Cottage cheese, as a source of protein and calcium, is required for children within 50 g per day. Sour cream or cream 5-10 g can be used to season first courses; hard cheeses up to 5 g in crushed form are used in the nutrition of a baby in the second year of life after 1-2 days.

Can children have eggs?

Definitely yes, if there are no medical contraindications, such as food intolerance, dyskinesia (impaired contractions) of the biliary tract). Eggs are given to the baby hard-boiled or added to various dishes, in the daily volume 1/2 chicken egg or 1 quail. Until one and a half years, it is recommended to use only hard-boiled yolk, mixing it with vegetable puree.

What kind of meat can a child eat?

With age, the amount in the diet gradually increases meat. Canned meat, meat soufflé, meatballs, minced meat from lean varieties of beef, veal, pork, horse meat, rabbit, chicken, turkey in the amount of 100 g can be given to the child daily, preferably in the first half of the day, given their long period of absorption. The diet is expanded due to the introduction of offal - liver, tongue and children's sausages (the packaging indicates that they are intended for children early age). Sausages are not included in the list of “allowed” products.

Fish day: what fish to choose for the children's menu?

With good tolerance and absence of allergic reactions in the diet baby low-fat sea and river varieties are introduced fish (pollock, hake, cod, haddock) in the form of fish, canned fish and vegetables for baby food, fish soufflé, 30-40 g per serving, 1-2 times a week.

You can't spoil porridge with oil

Vegetable oil in a daily norm of 6 g, it is advisable to use it raw, adding it to vegetable purees and salads. Animal fats child gets with sour cream and butter (daily allowance up to 17 g). By the way, it is still recommended to widely use gluten-free foods in the diet of children over one year old. porridge (buckwheat, rice, corn), gradually introducing oatmeal. It is recommended to give porridge once a day in a volume of 150 ml. Until 1.5 years old, you should not offer your child pasta rich in carbohydrates.

The set of products for children 1-1.5 years old should include bread various varieties of rye flour (10 g/day) and coarse wheat flour (40 g/day) Cookies and biscuits can be given 1-2 pieces per meal.

We create a fruit and vegetable menu for children

Vegetables are important as a source of carbohydrates, vitamins, mineral salts, dietary fiber, and should be widely used in the nutrition of children from 1 to 1.5 years old in the form of vegetable purees. The daily volume of vegetable dishes from cabbage, zucchini, carrots, pumpkin with the addition of onions and herbs is 200 g. And potato dishes - no more than 150 g, because it is rich in starch, which slows down metabolism. Young children, as well as children with functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, should not be offered garlic, radishes, radishes and turnips.

In the absence of medical contraindications (for example, food allergies), children should receive 100-200 g per day of fresh fruit and 10-20 g berries . They also benefit from various fruit, berry (preferably without sugar) and vegetable juices, rosehip decoction (up to 100-150 ml) per day after meals. It is not recommended to use jelly in the diet of young children, since they unnecessarily enrich the food with carbohydrates and their nutritional value is low.

Compote will not replace water

Don't forget that child must receive enough fluid. There are no norms for the volume of additional liquid; the baby needs to be given water on demand (during feeding, in between feedings). It is best to offer your child boiled water, baby water drinking water, weak teas or children's teas. Sweet drinks - compotes, fruit drinks, juices do not compensate for the lack of fluid, and the sugar they contain reduces appetite and increases the load on the pancreas baby. Make sure that liquid is available to your baby between feedings.

Cooking food for children must be correct

And a few words about food processing: for baby up to 1.5 years. Porridges and soups are prepared in pureed form, vegetables and fruits in the form of puree, meat and fish in the form of soft minced meat (passed once through a meat grinder) or in the form of soufflés, steamed cutlets, and meatballs. All dishes are prepared by boiling, stewing, steaming, without adding spices (pepper, garlic, etc.). Feed your baby from a spoon and let him drink from a cup.

The daily volume of food is 1200-1250 ml. Calorie content daily ration– 1200 kcal.

Breakfast: Porridge or vegetable dish (150 g); meat or fish dish, or omelette (50 g); Milk (100 ml)

Dinner : Soup (50 g); meat or fish dish (50 g); side dish (70 g); fruit juice(100 ml)

Afternoon snack : Kefir or milk (150 ml); cookies (15 g); fruit (100 g)

Dinner: Vegetable dish or porridge, or cottage cheese casserole (150 g); milk or kefir (150 ml)

Sample menu for 1 day:

Breakfast : Milk porridge with fruit; Bread

Dinner: Vegetable puree soup; vegetable puree from cauliflower with meat; biscuits; Fruit juice.

Afternoon snack : Yogurt or biokefir; children's cookies.

Dinner: Curd or milk; fruit or vegetable puree.

For the night : Kefir.

Whole milk is milk, during the processing of which none of its components – proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and mineral salts, etc. – has been changed qualitatively and/or quantitatively.

Gluten-free porridges - porridges that do not contain gluten - a vegetable protein of some cereals: rye, barley, oats, wheat (from which semolina is made), which can cause damage to the cells of the small intestine in young children - celiac disease and allergic reactions, since there is a deficiency in children peptidase enzyme that breaks down gluten.

Every day your baby is growing up. After only a year, his digestive system becomes stronger, and energy consumption also increases. But still, the basic functions of the intestines, stomach and liver are not yet fully mature. At this age, various chronic diseases of the digestive system may begin to form. Therefore, it is important during this period to establish correct mode nutrition for children 1-3 years old.

Volume and calorie content

The energy value of a 1-2 year old child’s diet per day is up to 1300 kcal. A child over 2 years old needs about 1500 kcal per day, and a three-year-old child needs 1600 kcal per day.

How much food to give the baby, of course, depends on his appetite. If the baby eats well, be happy, but don’t abuse it, don’t teach him to overeat. This can later lead to obesity. If your baby doesn’t eat enough, try organizing an extra meal for him. Give me a glass of warm milk, yogurt with cookies, kefir with a piece of bun.

Food processing

How to prepare food for a baby? While he is not yet 1.5 years old, prepare pureed soups and porridges, and give meat and fish in the form of steamed cutlets and meatballs. Fruits and vegetables are best given in pureed form. From 1 to 3 years, also pay attention to mechanical and thermal processing of food. But it may not be as thorough as before. Prepare boiled porridges, light casseroles... You can try to cook the first fried, but most importantly, low-fat cutlets.

Baby's diet

Food in a child's stomach is digested on average within 4 hours. The intervals between meals should be the same. Feed your baby at the same time every day. Do not allow the baby to eat any food between these feedings, especially do not give the baby sweets.

It is best to feed your baby four times a day. But for very young children 1.5 years old, you can introduce a fifth feeding, namely night feeding.

Children should eat meat and fish, that is, high-protein foods, in the first half of the day. It takes quite a long time to digest in the tummy. For the second half of the day, lighter food is suitable. For example, dairy-vegetable and carbohydrate. And now about the proportions...


A child 1-3 years old should eat about 500-600 ml of dairy products per day. Milk is still very important to him. It is a source of calcium and vitamin B2. And they are necessary for the growth of the baby.


Nutritionists advise saturating the child’s body with proteins of animal origin. Such proteins promote the digestibility of protein, and they also retain nitrogen in the body. And without it, the synthesis of DNA and RNA is impossible. The baby should definitely be given meat, but not all types of it. For example, pork and duck and geese meat contain too much animal fat, they can overload the baby's digestive system. It is best to give the baby chicken meat, lean beef and veal, turkey, and rabbit.


The baby really needs the fish. Its protein is easily digestible. The baby should be given low-fat varieties of sea and river fish. We are talking about pike perch, cod, hake, and sea bass.


They should not be abused in a child’s food. Possible allergic reaction. Eggs can be given to your baby hard-boiled or with other dishes. For example, an omelet with milk and cheesecakes are suitable for a child.

Bread and cereals

It is best to give the baby oatmeal and buckwheat porridge. Porridge can be prepared with milk or without milk. It is better to choose bread from wholemeal flour. It is rich in B vitamins. And the dietary fiber it contains stimulates intestinal function.

Don't forget about fresh vegetables and fruits too! There should also be enough of them in the baby’s diet.

In 2008, Russia officially established calorie standards for the daily diet, taking into account gender, age and level physical activity different groups population.

The concept of rational nutrition officially adopted in Russia is reflected in methodological recommendations Rospotrebnadzor. This document establishes the physiological needs for energy and macronutrients for men and women (taking into account age and intensity of exercise), as well as for children (taking into account age).

The standards developed by Rospotrebnadzor are drawn up taking into account the fact that the energy value of the diet must correspond to energy consumption, and the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates consumed must have a certain ratio.

Where do official calorie standards apply?

The indicators given in the tables are indicative and averaged; they are used primarily for planning in the food industry and agriculture, for organizing catering in government organizations, including medical and health resorts. These norms are used to promote principles among the population healthy eating , they are aimed at practically healthy people.

Classification of the population by physical activity groups

The population is divided into physical activity groups, where group I consists of people with very low physical activity, mental workers; Group II - people engaged in light physical labor; Group III - medium-heavy manual workers; Group IV - workers of heavy physical labor, and this category also includes athletes, that is, according to modern terminology, people actively involved in fitness. Group V is intended only for men, it includes workers of very heavy physical labor and professional athletes during training.

Norms of physiological need for energy and nutrients for men

Indicators (per day)

Age groups

Men over 60 years old

Energy and macronutrients

Energy, kcal

Carbohydrates, g

Norms of physiological needs for energy and nutrients for women

Indicators (per day)

Physical activity group (physical activity rate)

Age groups

Women over 60 years old

Energy and macronutrients

Energy, kcal

Carbohydrates, g

Additional daily calories are provided for pregnant and lactating women

Norms of physiological needs for energy and nutrients for children

Indicators per day*

Age groups

11-14 years old, boys

11-14 years old, girls

14-18 years old, boys

14-18 years old, girls

Energy, kcal

Carbohydrates, g

*Indicators of energy, proteins, fats and carbohydrates for children 1 year of age are given per 1 kg of body weight. At the same time, protein indicators are normalized for children on artificial feeding - for children on breastfeeding Protein rationing is not provided.

Average basal metabolic rates

Rospotrebnadzor also establishes average basal metabolic rate (BMR) values. This is the minimum amount of energy required to carry out vital processes, that is, energy expenditure for the performance of all physiological, biochemical processes, for the functioning of the organs and systems of the body in a state of temperature comfort (20 degrees Celsius), complete physical and mental rest, on an empty stomach. These indicators take into account not only gender and age, but also weight.

The most accurate way to determine individual energy and macronutrient needs using Rospotrebnadzor data is by multiplying the BOO by a suitable physical activity coefficient.

Basal metabolic rate (BMR), in kcal

On the relationship between the average and the individual

The creators of the above standards specifically emphasize that the indicators are of a group nature and take into account precisely the physiological need. The individual need of each person, and even average level needs will differ from these indicators in one direction or another. Statistics show that approximately half of the population has an individual need above average, while the other half has a lower one.

Expert: Galina Filippova, general practitioner, candidate of medical sciences

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A slim and good figure is the dream of almost every girl. But, unfortunately, on our planet this issue occupies far from the last place. How to deal with extra pounds when there is very little time for sports?

This problem is especially acute for mothers with small children. After all, they have absolutely no time left for themselves, since babies require increased attention.

Recently, a new and effective diet. It was developed by fitness trainer Tracy Anderson and became very popular among show business stars. Currently, the number of lovely ladies who have tried this diet and are delighted with this diet has increased.

Baby food diet for weight loss

Various modifications of this diet have been developed with different numbers of days of its use. Strict is weight loss of up to five kilograms per week, or extended - for 14 days.

When applying a strict diet, the diet of a person losing weight will consist exclusively of baby purees. Any of these diets should not be repeated more than twice a year. The problem is that baby food contains virtually no fiber, and this can affect the digestion process.

In addition, it is necessary to count the number of calories consumed. It should be approximately 1200 kcal per day.

To rid the body of excess fat deposits, it is necessary to consume purees for children. When buying food, you need to check the composition of the purees so that they are without sugar and without cream, as they contain more calories. Otherwise, the benefits of such a diet will decrease.

It is advisable that the purees be varied: meat, fish, vegetables and fruits; juices and curds will not be superfluous. You need to eat food often and in small portions. A prerequisite is the need to drink before each meal clean water, at least one glass. You should also drink herbal or green tea without added sugar throughout the day.

Positive Diet Factors

  • Rapid weight loss due to low calorie baby food. After all, you won’t want to eat a lot of it. And what’s convenient is that each jar indicates how many calories are in the baby food, which makes it easier to count them.
  • This diet is convenient because there is no need to constantly spend time preparing food: you open the jar and lunch is ready. You can always take the puree with you for a snack.
  • Since purees are prepared for children, they contain a minimal amount of various preservatives and emulsifiers. And the quality of ready-made baby food is much higher.
  • The variety of baby food is huge, so the diet will not be boring.

Sample diet menu using baby food for weight loss

This menu is an example for a fourteen-day diet.

Breakfast: one 100-gram jar of cottage cheese and fruit puree, tea.

Second breakfast: pear puree or other fruits, 1 jar.

Lunch: 2 jars of meat or fish, 2 jars of vegetables, tea.

Afternoon snack: 1 cottage cheese, a bottle of juice.

Dinner: 1 jar each of fish and vegetable puree.

Late dinner: 1 jar of fruit puree, tea.

This diet contains a small amount of fiber, as well as less protein and carbohydrates, because the portions are designed for babies, so it is not recommended to use it for longer than 14 days.

During the diet, the body will be cleansed of waste and toxins. Eating according to such a diet, the stomach gets used to small portions and when switching to a regular diet, it is important not to overeat, but to continue to eat fractionally and in small portions. Otherwise, rapid weight gain will occur and all efforts will be in vain.

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For proper and complete development child's body a complete balanced diet. When creating a children's menu, you should carefully select products and avoid strict dietary restrictions.

Energy value of baby food

When compiling a daily menu for a child, you must strictly follow daily norm calories. Exceeding this indicator can negatively affect the baby’s health.

Taking into account the child’s age, certain types of complementary foods are introduced into his diet, each of which has a certain calorie content and nutritional value:

  • Vegetable puree - 25 kcal.
  • Fruit puree - 60 kcal.
  • Meat puree - 144 kcal.
  • Mixtures and cereals - 286 kcal.

If a cereal component is used to feed a child, the energy value of the food increases due to its enrichment with complex carbohydrates.

Baby food for an adult diet

Quite often, baby food is used for the adult diet menu. Inclusion of such products in therapeutic diets reduces the load on the digestive system. But despite this, baby food enriches the body with all the necessary beneficial nutrients.

While following a weight loss diet menu, baby food can be used as healthy snacks. Ready-made purees do not contain additional flavors, spices or preservatives and are made from natural raw materials. Baby food satisfies hunger well and does not increase appetite during meals.