Old school tattoos. Old school tattoos Old school tattoos

Old school” (Old school) - a style of tattoos that previously existed mainly in European countries and America. The history of the style began at the end of the nineteenth century. The most popular in this direction were drawings of skulls, hearts, ribbons, angels, crosses, fire, flowers and anchors.

Tattoos were often done by sailors, so it is not uncommon to see inscriptions in this style with names, names of great events, and quotes. These tattoos are done in bright colors that are framed by a bold black outline.
Sailors were the first people to revive the art and practice of tattooing in Western countries, as they were the first to visit the Pacific Islands of Polynesia and other states in Southeast Asia. Cook, in his explorations of the islands of Tahiti, Hawaii and Zealand, became the first to record and sketch the tattoos of local residents. The concept of tattoos came from a Tahitian word that resembled the sound when the inhabitants made tattoos with their tools.

Sea life was quite harsh, and only the strongest men survived. Sailors, being constantly at the mercy of the wind and sea and dependent on the vagaries of nature, were superstitious and believed that tattoos could protect against falling overboard, from predatory animals, and from a shipwreck. Some tattoos were done while crossing the equator, or when crossing Cape Horn, when visiting Eastern countries. Sailboats and cannons were popular tattoos among sailors. Despite their wild life, many tattooed prayers or religious texts; this reminded them of piety and protected them from corporal punishment. And of course, the sailors often thought about the families and girls they left behind on land. Therefore, tattoos of mermaids, hearts and names, various amulets have always been popular with sailors, and this is how the trend in tattoos of the 19th-20th centuries was formed - Old School.

Meaning of Old School Anchor Tattoo

Tattoo Old School - anchor

Anchor is a standard old school tattoo, most popular in Western countries over the past centuries. It has ancient roots that go back hundreds of years and was considered a symbol that helps not to go astray. The anchor represents hope for salvation, safety, caution, reliability and strength. Anchors were painted for people who are closely associated with maritime work. This tattoo is close to sailors around the world; it was often painted after the first crossing of the Atlantic Ocean.

The meaning of the Old School Swallow tattoo

Martin. Tattoo Old School

Martin symbolizes good luck and happiness. Typically, a swallow is a tattoo that sailors get after a voyage, after traveling five thousand miles. For a sailor, this bird is a symbol of a safe return home, since the appearance of a swallow is a sign that land is nearby. Swallows usually fly long distances, making flights across waters; during the flight they sat down to rest on ships, thus signaling to sailors that land was not far away. When traveling ten thousand miles, a sailor could stuff a new bird on the other side of his body. Two swallows tell us about a successful journey.

Meaning of Old School Heart Tattoo

Old School Heart

A tattoo in the shape of a heart, with a ribbon near it, or a scroll with an inscription - here explanations will be unnecessary. You may break up with your loved one, but the tattoo will remain. There is an aphorism among admirers of the Old School style: “Love lasts six months, but a tattoo lasts forever!” The heart tattoo is a classic old school design and can be thought of as an inverted triangle that has become a symbol of femininity and is often used to express love. The heart is considered a symbol of love, feelings and the power of life for humanity. The heart is often identified with the soul and acts as a symbol of truth, conscience and moral purity. We say "heartless" about people who are unjust or very cruel. Friendship, courage, romance and emotional expression are embodied in this symbol. The heart occupies an important place in the religions of the planet, and is recognized as a symbol of love, as well as the divine principle. It is also a symbol of mercy, piety and understanding. In addition, the heart is a medieval symbol of Jesus, the sacrifice, especially in the Catholic Church. The Sacred Heart depicts the love of redemption towards God as a source of illumination and happiness. Due to the fact that this symbol is very common on the planet, hearts have become a popular motif in tattoos. A heart pierced by an arrow is a symbol of the expression of energy, flow and penetration. National banners in the shape of a heart often indicate a patriotic personality.

Tattoo Old School ribbons with inscriptions

Old School Ribbons with inscriptions

Ribbons with inscriptions
The plot will tell you a lot, but there is a time in every person’s life when a few chosen words can convey more information than a picture. Every person at least once would remember the exact time and place of moments that are dear and have become something special. They make your heart flutter and beat faster! Sometimes a few words can tell everything. Tattoos with words have been common for a long time, and even now lettering tattoos are very popular. In those years, sailors depicted words on their fingers. The most famous were: “life is hard”, “love and pain”, “love and hate”, “hold on” (not drown, stay on the water) on the fingers of one hand, and “quickly” (go home quickly) on the other, served protective amulets. Well, now a ribbon with an inscription is an excellent addition to any Old School plot.

The meaning of the Old School Razor tattoo

Old School Razor

A razor tattoo design can symbolize a large number of things, but they all have the meaning of sharp, cutting, irritated, unrestrained. The razor was used as a suicide tool, synonymous with “cutting the veins.” The straight razor is a common Old School design that was used by cocaine users in the seventies. Using a straight razor, the cocaine was divided into doses. Also, a razor can reflect depression and an explosive nature.

Meaning of Old School Rose Tattoo

Old School Rose

Rose in Western countries it represents the same thing as the Lotus in Eastern countries. A symbol of love, but special, pure. Because of its scent, beauty and shape, the rose is considered the most perfect symbol.
Of all the flower designs, the rose tattoo is both the most popular and sought after. An interesting fact is that the rose is in demand among men and women. A red rose speaks of love, while a rose without thorns speaks of love at first sight. Yellow roses express joy, white roses express respect and reverence, pink roses express admiration and sympathy, and orange roses express enthusiasm. In ancient times, a white rose symbolized virginity. The variety of roses and their aroma have inspired people at all times. If you believe the myths, the white rose appeared at the moment when Aphrodite was born from the foam of the sea. Later, when Aphrodite was in a hurry to go on a date with Adonis, she injured her leg on a rose thorn, the white rose turned into red.
There is also a legend about the origin of thorns: Rodanaz was a beautiful girl, and all men dreamed of marrying her. However, she was proud, and thought that mortals were unworthy of her. One day, men forcefully entered her house. The goddess Diana saw all this, and, angry at the pride of the men, she turned the girl into a rose, and them into thorns.

Rock of Ages
A picture depicting Jesus Christ, an allegory is a classic version of tattoos. For sailors, for example, it symbolized hope, protection and support, and was an amulet and talisman. The presence of phrases like, “Hold on!” gave hope and faith, and was also an amulet. Another version was that the religious symbol, which is depicted on the back, could mitigate corporal punishment, and such a sailor would be punished less. Also common is a tattoo depicting a stone cross, or depicting a man or sailor kneeling in front of a stone cross. Often the Christian faith of people was mentioned in the form of a stone, the foundation on which a virtuous life is built. This was based on the belief that the house was as strong as the foundation on which it was built. The stone cross is known as the “Rock of Ages”.

The meaning of the Horseshoe tattoo

Old School Horseshoe

Horseshoe– basic design in old school style. A horseshoe lowered down was an amulet of protection and good luck. In an image, a horseshoe can be displayed alone, as well as together with other images that are associated with luck.
In many European countries and America, horseshoes are nailed to the doors of barns and houses, and depending on cultural beliefs, they can be in the down position or up. If the horseshoe is in the upper position, it meant a bowl where you can catch good luck. And if shown downwards, it meant failure poured out of the cup, which does not last long in it.
The horseshoe became a symbol of good luck, abundance and wealth during the Roman Empire, when the first Catholics put shoes on horses to protect their hooves from damage and pain. The Romans built many roads where horses were an important part of the transportation system in the empire.

Meaning of Old School Pinup Tattoo

Old School Pin-up

Pinup– synonym for “Girl with a good figure”
In 1955, Bettie Page received the title of “Miss Picture Girl Planet”.
Betty is a common noun. The old school design features an image of a girl whose beauty borders on a hint of rebellion and disobedience. The girl has become a legend, a symbol of beauty and femininity, and inspires new generations of tattoo lovers, because a woman’s attractiveness is aimed at seduction, admiration, and this never goes out of fashion.
Pin-up – a photograph of a beauty, a pretty girl.

The meaning of the Old School Panther tattoo

Panther Old School

Panther- a very ferocious animal from the cat family. This animal is more cruel and dangerous than a tiger or a lion. The panther is an independent and cunning animal, as well as the only cat that can hunt in water. The panther appears in the mythology of many cultures in Latin and Central America. There are in the art and religion of pre-Columbian civilizations. Many cultures have noticed that panthers come in several colors - black and yellow. Believing that the black panther is associated with the moon and the night sky, and the yellow panther (jaguar) with the sun and light. This animal was a symbol of shamans who could unite the conscious and unconscious worlds, who had access to the afterlife. Many believed that the panther was a werewolf who was able to transform himself into a different image.

The meaning of the Old School Devil Woman tattoo

Old School Devil Woman

Devil Woman– also known as the “fallen woman.” A tattoo that consists of a drawing of vices, often a woman with a bottle of alcoholic drink, cards, dice or other attributes of excitement and fun. Tattoo motto: “Song! Women! Wine!"

Cherry tattoo meaning

Fruits and berries are symbols of abundance, and very red, ripe cherries are no exception. The cherry is considered a symbol of chastity and purity, as the fruit ripens on the trees. A picked cherry was considered a loss of innocence. A bitten cherry meant loss of virginity. A cherry that is surrounded by fire speaks of great desire and passion.

The meaning of the Billiard ball 8 tattoo

Billiard ball 8 Old School

Eight ball– this design can have multiple meanings and its symbol depends on the context where it is used. In general, the “8 ball” ends the game in the pool, but due to the rules of the game, a pocketed “8 ball” automatically makes you a loser. And due to the fact that many billiard halls are known for their bad reputation, the “last ball” in the tattoo means alcoholic beverages, women of easy virtue, drugs, and gambling.
Some people see it as a chance, and if they're lucky, everything will come true.
The 8 ball is a tattoo that also hints at a test of fate, symbolizing a willingness to take risks and the possibility of success or failure.

The meaning of the Knife or Dagger tattoo

Old School Dagger

Knife or Dagger– these tattoo designs are famous in many styles. A dagger or knife can be made either as an independent tattoo or as part of a painting.
From the history of this symbol: The ancient Aztecs used ceremonial daggers to cut out the beating hearts from human sacrifices, thus giving back to the gods. The dagger represented the fear and power of the gods. Wherever sacrifice was used, knives were used to make sacrifices to the gods. Drawings of a knife, bloodletting and death are all intertwined. The ability to shed blood, the essence of life, is a powerful image and symbol that brings death. The knife or dagger has been famous since ancient times. Many knights and nobles carried daggers as weapons in addition to swords and spears, because daggers were the last line of defense for a warrior and were used as a kind of last chance. Since ancient times, the knife was the first tool in the arsenal of people; it was used to protect housing, obtain and cut food, becoming increasingly better with the development of mankind. Due to the fact that the knife had a large number of functions, and all men from different classes used them, over time the handle began to be decorated with gold and precious stones.
Tattoos of knives and daggers are very popular in Old School and New School. The Knife/Dagger is a symbol of the willingness to take action, to be fearless and courageous, and ready to answer for an insult. Pirates, skulls with a knife or dagger in their teeth - symbolize decisive action, thereby showing us that the owner of this tattoo is a decisive person, “ready for anything.” A knife in the heart is infidelity, betrayal in love. A skull pierced by a dagger is a tattoo of a man who risks his life and is committed to his ideas.

The meaning of the Apostle's Hand tattoo

Hands in Prayer Old School

Hands of the Apostle
Hands in prayer
If the famous artist of the Middle Ages, Albrecht Durer, were alive today, he would be the richest man. The copyright to the painting “Hands in Prayer” could have been sold for millions of dollars. Originally it was a sketch of the head of Frankfurt praying. A later version of the painting appeared in another work by Durer - the hands of an apostle who stands in an empty tomb and looks at the sky. The original version of the drawing was destroyed by fire in the mid-18th century, but there are many copies that are as good as the sketch. Now Dürer's work is the most popular in tattoo design for all occasions.
"Hands clasped in prayer" is often combined with various additions. These can be ribbons with inscriptions, simply inscriptions with the names of your loved ones and dear people, hearts, rosaries, crosses. In most cases, “hands folded in prayer” is applied as a memory of someone.

The meaning of the Navigation Star or Compass Rose tattoo

Wind Rose Old School

Navigation star or Rose of Wind- an ancient and not at all outdated motif, which was known more than a hundred years ago. The stars were often a guide, especially the North Star. Sailors painted navigational stars because... they often relied on them; their lives depended on it. Sailors were superstitious people and thought that their star-shaped tattoos would be an amulet of prosperity on their journey. Around the same time, the starfish began to be depicted on compasses. In later times, such stars became a symbol of the path of life and its search. They began to be made by those who wish not to go astray, so the navigation star became a guiding star - the image of the star helped not to go astray. Later, such stars became symbols of high encouragement and reward.

Star Tattoo Meaning

Old School Stars

Star- a common motif in tattoos. The symbolism of the star embodies the concept of the divine spark in each of us. And their nature encourages them to show the stars as a struggle against darkness and the unknown. Stars with different designs have their own symbolism and meaning; their design depends on the number of angles and their direction.
You can read more about the symbolism of various stars

Meaning of Old School Lightning Tattoo

Lightning Old School

Lightning– Lightning and thunder are phenomena familiar to everyone. Is there a more beautiful sight than flashes of lightning, fireworks of electricity, these flashes, like magic and something incredible, appear seconds before the rumble of thunder! At night, a flash of lightning made everything appear as if it were in daylight. A powerful symbol and a godsend for a tattoo! Ancient people had a large number of explanations for this natural phenomenon, and many myths tell of gods and incredible creatures who used lightning as a weapon. People were impressed by the power and magic of lightning because... the places where lightning struck were scenes of serious destruction. The trees burned, the earth was scorched, the rocks became sand. And if there was any person nearby, he died.
For a long time, lightning was a symbol of the power and wrath of the gods. The Greeks believed that lightning was thrown by Zeus, the father of the gods, who lives on Mount Olympus. Lightning was a symbol of power, as well as the vagaries of nature. Because lightning comes with rain and thunderstorms, it was a symbol of abundance because... rain is an important condition for the ripening of crops.
Lightning bolt tattoos are popular in most Asian cultures. Lightning bolts are used in Japanese tattoos, in particular when depicting a flying dragon.

Meaning of Flame Tattoo

Flame Old School

Flame is transformation, destruction, passion, a beacon of light and a warning. Fire and flame were mainly used in rituals, because... the smoke of the fire rose into the sky and was associated with the wishes and requests of people. The ability to destroy made fire respected. But fire can not only destroy, but also provide warmth and light. Fire and flame are considered a symbol of hope, light and knowledge. Fire is 1 of the 4 main elements. In Hinduism, fire is 1 of the 5 sacred elements of which beings are made, and is considered the eternal basis for religious ceremonies. In Christianity it is a spirit and is often used to describe hell. Fire is also a symbol of temptation and sin, and Satan is shown surrounded by fire.

Meaning of the Dice Tattoo

Old School Dice Game

Game of dice is a well-known game with numbered dice. Everyone played it as a child and it is very popular in all cultures of the world. When playing dice, one relies more on luck and chance than on ability and skill. As a tattoo, the game of dice is used as a metaphor for life: sometimes in life, as in games, it is more important to get a chance, to “grab your luck” than to rely on talent and ability. Therefore, playing dice is considered a symbol of good luck. At the same time, playing dice is often interpreted in a tattoo as an element of gambling, and is part of human vices: alcohol, drugs, women of easy virtue, etc. The phrase “rolling the dice” means that you need to take a risk where the result will be unknown, because a person cannot control it.

The meaning of the Skull tattoo

Skull Old School

Scull– skulls are represented in many genres of tattoos: Asian themes, Old School, New School, Biomechanics and many others.
There is something mystical in the largest bone; looking at the skull, we see that death is staring at us with large empty eye sockets. It's no surprise that the skull is known as a symbol of death. The skull symbol in cultures is a reminder of mortality. The physical object of a skull is used to symbolize the mortality of people. In the end, none of us can escape death. In the art and culture of Christians, the skull is presented as a symbol of eternity, repentance and vanity and also reminded of death. Historically, the skull was a famous symbol of triumph over an enemy, and a warning to people who were defeated in battle. Skulls were trophies and many skulls could be piled up by the victors in public places, thus providing proof of victory over the enemy and a reminder of the losses of the vanquished.
You can also read about the meaning of the Skull tattoo

Meaning of the Cross Tattoo

Cross Old School

Cross– there is no universal religious symbol than the ordinary Cross.
Religious symbolism is shown in most tattoo genres, so it can be argued that all tattoos among different nations carry a strong spiritual element. Tattoos in the form of a cross have been known for at least the last two centuries; sailors and merchants were tattooed with them. It is an old school classic, and a very popular symbol among many sections of society all over the world. The cross itself is an ancient and important symbol in human history - the vertical and horizontal lines that represent Nature, the point of intersection of 2 lines - represented mystical and spiritual concepts that embraced the meeting of the material and spiritual in human existence. Even before the advent of Christianity, the cross was the most common symbol on the planet: for example, in the Scandinavian countries, America, China and Africa, it was a symbol of life and immortality, abundance, the union of heaven and earth, sun and stars and was used as a protective symbol .
Several thousand years ago, the Hindu Cross was a symbol of good and prosperous things for people. This cross was called the circle of life, denoting a changing world.

The popularity of tattoo art is growing rapidly - more and more people of different ages are putting tattoos on their bodies, putting their own meaning into them. Today, a body pattern can become for the owner both a talisman and a memory, as well as a stylish decoration. In addition to the image itself, the style in which the tattoo is made plays a huge role. One of the most popular and famous styles is the traditional Old School. The old school is still very popular and offers many interesting, original tattoo options using this technique.

History of origin.

This style appeared quite a long time ago - at the end of the 19th century. The first carriers were sailors from Europe and America, who during their travels saw amazing drawings on the bodies of the aborigines of the Hawaiian and Tahitian tribes. Having adopted this tradition for themselves, the sailors also began to decorate their bodies with drawings. Most often these were peculiar amulets, ribbons with inscriptions, images of wives, mothers or beloved girls, memorable dates and names, hearts, mermaids, ships, guns, skulls, flowers, angels, women, anchors and many other pictures that had a special meaning for every sailor. Over time, tattoos using this technique became increasingly popular. Later, the very first tattoo parlor appeared in Chinatown Honolulu, where you could get a tattoo in the Old School style. The owner of the salon and master was a former American sailor - Norman Keith Collins, or as he was also called Sailor Jerry. During his travels, he gained new knowledge and boundless love for this art form. At that time, mostly soldiers and sailors came to him. Nowadays, it is Sailor Jerry who is considered the founder of the Old School style.

Distinctive features of the style.

Tattoos in this technique have their own specific characteristics that make them easy to recognize and distinguish from any others. The main features of the Old School style are:

  • rich, bright colors – most often blue, red, green, yellow, orange;
  • thick and clear dark contours, mostly black;
  • simple, ordinary forms that are not correct or realistic;
  • not intricate, as simple as possible plots;
  • marine motifs of the design, which are reminiscent of the origins of the style.

Old School tattoo technique.

Of course, over time, the technique of tattooing in this style has become better and moved to a new level. However, as in the old days, the master first draws the outline of the drawing, and only then begins to fill it with paints. The coloring of the drawing must be opaque and as dense as possible. Shadows are acceptable, but the color transitions are quite sharp. Such pictures are noticeable from afar and attract attention, because they turn out very juicy, colorful, and saturated. The bold, black outline adds an organic contrast that looks perfect with images like this. Tattoos in the Old School style are durable - they do not fade over time, do not lose their color, clarity, or blur. But only on condition that the tattoo is made with high-quality materials and a qualified specialist. Tattoos using this technique require special skill; they are not as easy to perform as they might seem at first glance.

Where is the best place to get an Old School tattoo?

Nowadays, this type of body art can be applied anywhere - this is a personal choice of each person and there is no particular rigor here. However, the best places for an Old School tattoo are the arms, legs, chest, shoulders, neck, ribs and stomach, that is, all visible places. In addition, the “sleeve” in the Old School style is especially popular. Various color patterns in this technique all over the arm are very unusual and bright; such a “sleeve” looks stylish, original and will definitely not go unnoticed. If we go back to the origins, soldiers and sailors used to put such tattoos mainly on their arms, chest and stomach. Although even then there were those who decorated almost their entire body with them.

Popular Old School Images and Their Meanings.

Drawings once invented by sailors, as well as sketches of the first tattoo artists, have remained relevant and popular to this day. Modern connoisseurs of old-school style still use popular pictures such as:

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the Old School style is a timeless classic in tattoo art that remains relevant at any time. Despite the large selection of other modern styles, the old school remains a popular and sought-after technique that makes the owner of such a tattoo stand out from the crowd.

Old school ("old school") is a traditional style in tattooing. It originated in the 19th century. There are rumors that a certain sailor was the first to get such a tattoo. Later this tradition spread among other sailors. On their tattoos they depicted everything that was connected with their lives.

Sailors went on voyages for a long time and got tattoos as a reminder of those who remained waiting for them on earth. These could be the names of loved ones, their faces. Work at sea was hard and dangerous. Tattoos were a kind of protection from all sorts of troubles. Gambling was common among sailors, so you could often see , on their tattoos. Nowadays, old-school tattoos are common among a wide variety of people, and artists working in this style can be found in almost any tattoo parlor.

Old school style tattoos are characterized by bright and saturated colors and thick outlines. Tattoos in this style are not characterized by three-dimensional images, they are not distinguished by the realism of the depicted objects, and the correctness of the forms is also not very important for them. Old school is characterized by a marine theme: , sea, . They take us back to the origins of this style.

Often depicted. Such tattoos symbolize love and relationships. Lettering on old school tattoos are quotes or names of loved ones. Hands folded in prayer - all this is also used in old school tattoos as a kind of amulet that can protect against evil.

Tattoos remind us of death and the value of life. symbolize danger, cruelty, courage. Pin-up girls, girls in the form of the devil, and witches are often depicted. Also on tattoos in the old school style you can see razors and many other designs.

However, you should not pay too much attention to symbolism. If earlier tattoos had a hidden meaning, now they are done simply as decoration. You can attach special meaning to your tattoo, perceive it as a reminder of something important to you, or you can simply get a design you like.

Nowadays, old school tattoos are being beaten by those who like this simple and vibrant style. They remind you of the sea, travel to distant countries and dangerous adventures. But despite its apparent simplicity, old-school style tattoos also require good technique. You shouldn’t trust just anyone to do them - find a good artist who can make a high-quality tattoo.

The tattoo appeared at the dawn of the formation of the very principle of tattooing. Its origins go back to the 18th-19th centuries, when sailors adopted the tattoo culture from the natives they met.

Gradually, the symbolism underwent changes and acquired its original meaning. Modern old school is a direction for strong-willed and risk-taking seekers.

The list of symbols includes more than 1500 images. The style is unique and 100% recognizable.

Old school tattoo characteristic features of the style

Old school has a unique style. On the one hand, the drawings seem popular, simple and unsightly. On the other hand, applying an image and making it colorful is an art.

The applied drawings look a little humorous and deliberately representative. In such an expression one can see the roots of the origins of the style.

To find out what old school is, just look at the photos with sailors. The harsh conditions of many weeks of water crossings and the trials of the elements strengthen character.

Perception also undergoes transformation. Without humor and strong nerves, the sea can break a person. It is this theme that the old school tattoo reflects.

The characteristic features of the style are:

  • principle of application;
  • subject of images;
  • stylistics;
  • color selection;
  • unique font.

While on the ship, the sailor did not have access to complex devices. That is why the designs were stuffed with needles for darning clothes.

The paint was applied to a depth of 3 mm almost to the surface layers of the muscles. Modern technology is more gentle. But the drawings are still full of elaborate colors and marine themes.

The idea of ​​old school spread thanks to the fashion for vintage. Typical paints:

  • green
  • blue
  • black
  • red
  • orange
  • yellow
  • blue.

The colors have no tints or tints. The lines are drawn with a thick black edging. Gradients and penumbras are performed by the absence of color or a transparent background.

Dagger and rose tattoo

Meaning for men and women

Old school tattoos have the same set of symbols but different meanings for men and women.

Men's tattoos are addressed to inner strength, courage and the ability to resist fate. That is why among the sets of drawings there are many anchors, lighthouses, images of the shore, and birds.

The meaning of men's tattoos:

  • anchor - reliable, a symbol of St. Nicholas, the ability to withstand the blows of fate;
  • swallow - luck, knowledge of your path, strength not to stray from the right course;
  • hourglass - the power of time, “with age I become more reliable”;
  • lighthouse - the way home, the search for your path, which will end in success;
  • ship - home, family;
  • mermaid or female forms - fortune, favorite of fate;
  • - “I’m not afraid of death,” on you with death.

Women's tattoos are addressed to the personal qualities of the wearer. A stuffed rose means that the design signifies the power of attractiveness, fatal passion.

The old-school image of the rose was originally created by “port wives.” By the symbol on their shoulder or arm, sailors could identify from a multitude of women the one who was ready to warm them with her love.

Gradually, the original meaning faded into the background, leaving only the image of strong passion and love on the material level.

Another meaning of the rose says that the wearer will not allow herself to be pushed around. This is a strong and confident woman.

Ribbons and jewelry show that a girl or woman is fully aware of her attractiveness. A swallow on any part of the body means “bringing good luck.”

For a guy, an old school tattoo with a woman’s name is a reminder of his beloved. Many men, when going to sea, depicted objects or words that allowed them to remember their loved ones.

Not many people could afford to carry an image in the form of a miniature. But the pattern on the skin made it clear how seriously the relationship was with a loved one.

Popular stories

One of the most popular designs is the old school rose. It has many meanings, from sacred to quite prosaic.

For men it is « “hot heart”, a symbol of passion for women. A rose with an anchor is a symbol of strong relationships. A rose with a ribbon for men displays past connections.

The second most popular design is swallows. Paired swallows indicate that a person has found his love. One swallow brings good luck to the wearer.

The direction of flight down means finding your earthly path. Flight upward - open possibilities, far-reaching plans for new horizons in life.

Popular animal themes include:

  • old school panther - yellow is a jaguar (sun), blue or black (moon);
  • skull - son of death;
  • heart - faith in a higher power, spiritual person;
  • flowers - life, joy, passion;
  • bear - irresistible force, master;
  • tiger tattoo - aggression,
  • wolf tattoo - a loner, strong in spirit;
  • anchor - binding to the house;
  • fox - cunning, intelligence, foresight;
  • image of an eagle - strength and power;
  • a crawling snake or a coiled snake - a sharp mind;
  • butterfly - soul;
  • dagger tattoo - dangerous, “I’m not afraid to act.”

Among the popular symbols are the ship and mermaids, a legacy of the maritime theme. These are images addressed to home, love of country and good luck.

Sea mythical inhabitants are associated with belief in the protection of the other world. For those who are looking for their way, a compass becomes a frequent companion.

Small tattoos often serve as an explanatory symbol. They make up a composition with the main plot, focusing on one of the meanings. More often they are black and white, since gradients are less visible in small pictures.

Tattoo designs in the old school style are made in a simple manner with a minimum of details. If clothing is depicted, rough folds must be drawn on it. In general, the drawings of this direction can be compared with the comics of the 30s.

Pictures are often produced immediately in color. This helps you choose the area to apply and imagine how it will look on your skin. It is best to order tattoo sketches in the chosen style from a master. It will exactly repeat the genre, the drawing will look beautiful.

Popular places, photos of old school style

The most popular place to apply an old school design is on the sleeves. This is the most exposed part of the body.

Traditionally, sailors would get tattoos on their arms to protect them from harm.

A typical old school tattoo is a bright, multi-colored design with bold black outlines. The most common plots at all times are:

  • Anchor. This symbol means hope and faith in the best. Sailors from all over the world have a very reverent attitude towards this sign.
  • Martin. A very popular symbol representing the long-awaited return home. Swallows living near land have always been good news for sailors about the end of a long journey.
  • Heart. Romantic natures cannot live without love and without the object of their adoration. The old school heart is the personification of faithful male love in all its manifestations.
  • Rose. A symbol of pure selfless love. This tattoo is old school in its brightest and most typical manifestation.
  • Mermaid. The image of mythical creatures is one of the key themes of old school tattooing. It is the personification of female beauty in its unusual interpretation, as well as a magical symbol of the transition to a new level of existence.
  • Horseshoe. This symbol means good luck and faith in the best. Often the horseshoe is depicted with a clover leaf combined with an encouraging motto.
  • Pinup. A typical old school depiction of a beautiful and at the same time unapproachable woman. Old-school colonels are considered the personification of inspiration, a kind of muse in the person of an ideal beauty.
  • Scull. This old school tattoo is very popular nowadays. It symbolizes the transience of life and the immortality of the human soul.
  • Ribbon with inscription. The application of mottos and wise expressions is one of the features of the philosophy of old school tattooing. Often, ribbons with inscriptions are wrapped around hearts, skulls, horseshoes, anchors and other pictures typical of this style.

Old school tattooing is incredibly popular today, despite the fact that there are many alternative forms of body art. Old school remains a kind of stronghold of the classical philosophy of tattooing. Bright, beautiful pictures are actively being collected by fans of body painting in a variety of places. Typical male locations:

Girls most often choose places such as:

  • Hips;
  • Hands;
  • Small of the back;
  • Stomach;
  • Back.


Old school tattoos are very popular among celebrities. The most prominent fans of this direction of body art:

  • Travis Barker;
  • John Mayer;
  • Johnny Depp.