Meaning of shell tattoo. Seashell tattoo General meaning of shell tattoo

A shell tattoo signifies femininity, fertility, prosperity, sexuality, renewal, a reminder of the sea and relaxation, reliable love, family, faith, success, self-knowledge, the unity of the material and spiritual.

Meaning of shell tattoo

The shell or shell has been found in legends and myths of various cultures since ancient times, and in the general understanding symbolizes femininity, fertility, prosperity, sexual energy, and rebirth. In addition, a sea shell can be tritely reminiscent of the sea, which for many people is a place of peace, peace of mind, balance and relaxation from daily problems.

In ancient times, shells invariably accompanied the image of Venus, who, according to legend, was born from sea foam or, according to some legends, from a shell. The Romans often depicted Venus floating in a shell or holding it in her hands. If the shell is harnessed by dolphins, then such an image symbolized the chariot of the gods of the water element - Neptune and Galatea. The goddess of luck, Fortuna, who is also personified with the sea, sometimes rides on a shell. In this understanding, a tattoo with the image of a shell can mean beauty, charm, sea power, and good luck.

Since there are several types of shells, their meaning in body designs may vary.

Thus, the bivalve shell is a female sign, the beginning of all living things. It symbolizes fertility as the main wealth in life. By the way, many commercial enterprises that used the image of a shell for their logos achieved considerable success in business. A tattoo with such a shell will attract strong love, family happiness and good luck in business into the life of its owner.

A sink with closed doors means some withdrawal, secrecy from the outside world. Such a tattoo may indicate turning inward, searching for answers to important questions within the soul, and not in the outside world, and self-knowledge. This body image is chosen by people for whom improving their own self is the main goal in life.

If the shell is depicted as spiral-shaped, then the image indicates that the owner of the tattoo is able to combine two principles within himself, that he has achieved balance, harmony of body and spirit, and is also ready for freedom and risk. On the other hand, by analogy with a snail, the spiral of such a shell, depicted on a person’s body, can speak of his measured character, leisurelyness and enjoyment of life.

If a shell in a tattoo image is drawn with a pearl, then it will symbolize both external beauty and material well-being. According to legends, fertilization of mollusks occurred under the influence of heavenly dew, after which the pearl in the shell began to personify the search for answers within oneself.

The tube-shaped shell and the sound coming from it determined the meaning of such a design. It means the unique live sound of the sea and beautiful music. This tattoo is perfect for creative people.

Tattoos connect us for life with a variety of symbols and signs. Before getting a tattoo, not all people think about its meaning and the fact that these colorful symbols can protect us, attract good luck, or, on the contrary, put us in danger. In this article we will look at the meaning of shell tattoos.

General meaning of shell tattoo

A shell tattoo is not just a beautiful design, but a special symbolic image. It carries the mystery of unknown sea depths and is a powerful amulet for its owner. Who is such an image suitable for and what can it tell about a person?

A shell tattoo signifies femininity, fertility, prosperity, sexuality, renewal, a reminder of the sea and relaxation, reliable love, family, faith, success, self-knowledge, the unity of the material and spiritual.

Types of shell tattoos

Speaking about the bivalve shell, it is worth noting that it is an exclusively female symbol. One of the most important meanings in this case is fertility and wealth. It’s not for nothing that many companies use the image of a shell in their logos. This contributes to success at work. Thus, if you “paint” such an image on your body, then success will certainly await you in any business that you start.

Also often found is a tattoo with a shell that covers the valves. Note that by closing, she withdraws from the outside world. The image of this type tells us that a person likes to “withdraw into himself” and solve any mysteries. Apparently, tattoos of this type are most often suitable for those categories of people who devote their lives to the work process or self-improvement.

The shell, closing, moves away, as if separated from the outside world. This image tells us about going inside oneself, unraveling one’s secrets, and self-knowledge. Probably, such a tattoo is very suitable for people who devote their lives to working on themselves and self-improvement.

If the shell is depicted as spiral-shaped, then the image indicates that the owner of the tattoo is able to combine two principles within himself, that he has achieved balance, harmony of body and spirit, and is also ready for freedom and risk. On the other hand, by analogy with a snail, the spiral of such a shell, depicted on a person’s body, can speak of his measured character, leisurelyness and enjoyment of life.

The external image of the shell and its sound coming from the depths determined the interpretation of this shell as the beginning of a unique, life-giving sound. The symbol is suitable for people who love the sound of the sea and simply beautiful, enchanting music. This tattoo is very suitable for creative people.

History of the seashell tattoo

The shell or shell has been found in legends and myths of various cultures since ancient times, and in the general understanding symbolizes femininity, fertility, prosperity, sexual energy, and rebirth. In addition, a sea shell can be tritely reminiscent of the sea, which for many people is a place of peace, peace of mind, balance and relaxation from daily problems.

In ancient times, shells invariably accompanied the image of Venus, who, according to legend, was born from sea foam or, according to some legends, from a shell. The Romans often depicted Venus floating in a shell or holding it in her hands. If the shell is harnessed by dolphins, then such an image symbolized the chariot of the gods of the water element - Neptune and Galatea. The goddess of luck, Fortuna, who is also personified with the sea, sometimes rides on a shell. In this understanding, a tattoo with the image of a shell can mean beauty, charm, sea power, and good luck.

Bottom line

Shell tattoos are suitable for people born under the element of Water: Scorpios, Pisces and Cancers. It is also a favorite image of sailors, fishermen, surfers and just everyone who loves the sea.

A seashell or shell is not just a beautiful souvenir to remember your vacation, but also a powerful amulet.

The main meanings of a shell tattoo will be: luck, success, prosperity, creativity, knowledge.

The shell is part of the sea world, which means it is ideal not only for girls, but also for everyone who was born under the zodiac signs belonging to the water element, that is, Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

Since ancient times, people in China believed that the shell brings unprecedented luck. In Buddhism, the shell symbolizes the voice of the Buddha and his teachings. The shell was depicted on his feet, among other signs.

A shell tattoo is suitable for travelers and all those who are often away from home. It will bring success in all endeavors, especially in business related to foreign partners.

In symbolism, the shell carries the meaning of a spiral. Birth and death, ascent and descent, up and down, the cycle of natural phenomena - everything that goes in a spiral, all this corresponds to the shell.

The shell also carries the meaning of compatibility of opposite principles: male and female, external and internal, spiritual and material. The tattoo is suitable for people who strive for spiritual growth, development of their personality, but at the same time do not forget about the external material world.

The owner of a tattoo with the image of a shell is a person of fine mental organization, while the hard protective shell will not give anyone the opportunity to injure what is inside. The shell is a talisman for lovers; it symbolizes strengthening understanding of each other.

The shell is considered a female symbol; it is not for nothing that artists often depict it in the hands of girls. Depicted in the hands of men, it is considered a symbol of wisdom and knowledge. It is interesting that if the picture contains bread and wine (symbols of Christianity) and a shell, then the latter means a soul ready to leave the mortal world. In this sense, the shell will carry a spiritual and even philosophical meaning of understanding the vanity of the outside world and the meaninglessness of material wealth.

A shell in the form of a tattoo can be applied in a spiral shape, a cowrie shell (a strong amulet according to Feng Shui) or a sea shell, which looks like two flat plates. The color palette can range from muted pastel colors to bright and enchanting ones. The tattoo can be supplemented with other sea inhabitants or attributes associated with the water element, for example, starfish, seahorses, and an anchor.

Any place for application is allowed, it depends more on the size of the sketch. The shell will look elegant on the wrist, shoulder blade, forearm, ankle, side of the chest, etc.

Shells and shells are created for the purpose of functional protection - a kind of external skeleton, shell, house of an invertebrate animal (mollusk, snail, etc.). Their material is ordinary limestone.

Symbolic meanings of the shell

The sea shell is one of the most beautiful creations of the sculptor named Nature, capable of carrying meaning for the human Mind and being a sign on its life trajectory.

The reading of this sign depends on the form of creation, the main ones are:

The main basic forms of shells; many varieties are found in nature.

  1. shell resembling external female organs;
  2. spiral shell;
  3. bivalve shell.

Each of them has its own unique symbolic meaning.


The main abstract meaning is the source of life and energy, this is the water YIN symbol. It is directly linked to the process conception and female fertility.

Ancient fresco from Pompeii

In culture, this meaning is enshrined in the frescoes of Pompeii and the masterpiece of Botticelli, where we see the beautiful goddess of love Venus, emerging from the sea foam (from the cosmic womb), standing in a shell.

Spiral shell

Associated with space, galactic forms. Values:

  • inhalation and exhalation of the Creator;
  • the folding and unfolding of creation;
  • unwinding and twisting of matter.

In the Hindu tradition, the shell is an attribute of the divine Vishnu and the symbol of the primary sound " Nada-Brahma", which gave life to our Universe. There are similar stories, only with different names, in Buddhism.

Shankha in the Temple

In Buddhism and Hinduism there is a “shankha” - a sacred ritual shell, usually:

  • very big,
  • white,
  • must be twisted clockwise.

It is through her that the Gods can bless a person and awaken him from the sleep of ignorance.

In Hinduism, in addition to the type of spiral twist, shells were also divided into:

  • by gender: female (thinner) and male (thicker and rougher);
  • by color– caste membership was determined: white – Brahmins; red - to warriors; yellow - for traders; gray - workers.

Spiral Nautilus Shell associated with the mathematical model:

Logarithmic spiral- a special species often found in nature. The size of its coils gradually increases, but their shape remains unchanged.

Logarithmic spiral: Nautilus shell, atmospheric, mathematical, cosmic.

Like a sign this shape of a shell can symbolize for a person - process of unfolding or convolution– depending on the direction of movement:

if outside, outside– time goes into space, manifested life is formed, you are in the process of creation, realizing yourself, your energy and information from the inside out;

if it's the other way around, inward– there is a process of decompression, a collapse of spatial life. Along with this - understanding, comprehension of what has been lived. As a private symbol, this is a sign of the completion of something, death (not necessarily physical) - a return from Space to Time.

Something in our body is also made in the shape of a shell.
This Auricle- an instrument of Hearing, the connection of the human brain with the outside world through the perception of sounds.

Please note that inside the head there is a spiral shape, the cochlea:
1 – auricle.
6 – cochlea in the inner ear

Nature doesn’t create just anything, which means this form is especially convenient for capturing and collecting external information, which is processed, understood, and takes on some meaning inside the head:

Double shell

With a pearl inside - may mean integrity and creation.

In different aspects, such a creation of nature symbolizes for humans:

  • virginity and feminine purity, integrity - then she herself is an undiscovered pearl;
  • woman carrying a child, then the pearl of the future life matures inside her, and she herself is a shell.

"Seal yourself in your shell"- a phraseological unit meaning that a person has psychologically ceased to be interested in the outside world, limited his life to himself, to his inner content.

For many people, especially for representatives of the two water signs Cancer and Pisces, this is a normal state of returning to the subconscious mechanisms of restoring one’s own strength and energy, tuning into the internal rhythm (you are “at home”, you just took a break for a while).

Best result such isolation is maturation into a Pearl, beautiful, original. Important to remember: in this state there is a danger of freezing, while you need to periodically open up to the outside world, realizing what has accumulated inside.

Undesirable result- this is a loss of connection with external reality, closing in on oneself (maybe in the most beautiful and amazing oneself, but no one will know about it). A very suitable symbol for autistic people.

Talisman and amulet

The tribes of Oceania and other aquatic peoples used shells as magical objects: they accumulated power in them, used them as homes for spirit allies, etc.

For some time, beautiful shells served as an exchange equivalent, that is, money.

Women still actively use jewelry made from shells: earrings, beads, necklaces. It's just beautiful and gives you good healthy energy.

All these items as talismans and amulets are most suitable for frequent use:

  • representatives of water signs, especially Pisces and Cancers,
  • people with a strong Moon, Venus, Neptune.

For beautiful ladies, shells are talismans that resonate with her energy, add mystery and femininity. It will be easier to focus on the inner world and the hidden forces of your unconscious.

Spiral - can act like Venusian Cornucopia symbol, influence well-being and fullness of life.

Work by Miriam Escofet

A bivalve with a pearl is a talisman:

  • or storage virginity;
  • or for conceiving and bearing a child;
  • it could also be symbol of your dream or idea, which you are still carrying within yourself.

As male symbol It is recommended to use a shell similar to a horn, this is associated with ancient war trumpets. It is an attribute of strong and powerful men, capable of dominating and leading. Such an amulet will ward off evil spirits and frighten the enemies of such a man.

Arjuna and Krishna - blowing their conch shells

Seashells are often a souvenir that reminds you of your travels and the places you have reached. For years, these overseas guests will gather dust on the shelf, but one day you will take this little thing, put it to your ear and again hear the sound of the sea, awakening memories.

For the same reason, the shell is emblem of the pilgrims, pilgrims who brought precisely these small objects from their wanderings to overseas holy places. As proof (available, free) of achieving the goal of your journey.

The pilgrim takes a shell with him - and the shrines visited remain untouched (otherwise the first pilgrims tried to break off and tear off pieces of sacred buildings and objects for themselves as souvenirs).

You can use the shell as one of the symbols of Christianity(together with a cross and a fish). Direct semantic line: Christianity - Age of Pisces - element of Water - shell.

Thus, the shell is a symbol of emptiness, arranged according to a certain model.

Consequently, there are boundaries and rules for its use - filling.

What meaning and what kind of creation you fill your shell with is up to you...