Udaltsov is sitting or has left. Left alternative to Navalny's sect. Who is Sergei Udaltsov? "Vanguard of Red Youth"

, Moscow, RSFSR, USSR) - Russian left-wing political figure, leader of the “Vanguard of Red Youth” (AKM) movement, coordinator of the “Left Front”, coordinator of the Council of Initiative Groups of Moscow and the public “Moscow Council”. One of the leaders of the protest movement in Russia 2011–13.


early years

According to Udaltsov, despite their origins, his parents lived like average Soviet citizens. The future politician lived in a panel house near the Kolomenskaya metro station, after school he entered the law faculty of the Moscow State Academy of Water Transport. Udaltsov said that his family did not adhere to orthodox Marxist-Leninist views, and his fascination with the ideology of Stalinism began in the perestroika years against the background of comprehensive criticism of Stalin. In an interview, he mentioned that he had been working part-time since his first year, doing odd jobs - for example, delivering newspapers or selling cosmetics. After graduating from the institute in 1999, Udaltsov worked for some time as a lawyer in the socio-political newspaper Glasnost, which was published by the Union of Communist Parties - the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

Labor Russia

During his student years, Udaltsov became interested in politics and in 1997 joined the socio-political movement "Working Russia", which was led by Viktor Anpilov. Udaltsov’s first action in the ranks of Labor Russia was the “March on Moscow”, which Anpilov organized under the impression of the marches of the Brazilian opposition to the capital city of Brasilia. According to Udaltsov, he walked in a column of about a thousand people coming from Tula. The “March to Moscow” lasted a week with regular stops for rest and campaigning. After several columns from different cities converged in Moscow, in the area of ​​the Prazhskaya metro station, the procession was stopped by riot police and watering machines.

In December 1999, Udaltsov took part in the elections to the State Duma of the 3rd convocation as the last 18th number on the list of the electoral bloc "Stalin's bloc: Labor Russia - Officers - for the USSR", created by Antipov, the head of the "Union of Officers" Stanislav Terekhov and the leader of the National -Bolshevik Party Eduard Limonov. The top three list of the association included Anpilov and the grandson of Joseph Stalin Evgeny Dzhugashvili, and the election program of the “Stalin bloc” included the abolition of the post of President of Russia, the restoration of the USSR, the abolition of the results of privatization of the early 1990s and the persecution of those involved in it, the nationalization of banks and the introduction of a foreign monopoly trade The bloc failed in the elections, gaining 0.63% of the vote and not getting a single person into the State Duma. In the early 2000s, Udaltsov remained an active member of the movement and in 2002-2003 he was a member of the central committee and the Moscow city committee of the Communists of Labor Russia party.

Vanguard of the Red Youth, SKP-CPSU

In 1998, Udaltsov created, under the wing of Labor Russia, the youth political organization “Vanguard of Red Youth” (abbreviated as AKM). According to him, at first the AKM, ideologically, was a red-brown (communofascist) organization that acted from the position of revanchism and apologetics of the Stalinist period. The Kalashnikov assault rifle was chosen as the emblem of the organization; the most striking motto sounded like “Socialism or death!” AKM members protested at events of liberal politicians, picketed embassies of “bourgeois countries,” rallied against infill development, for the rights of workers and hostel residents, participated in May Day demonstrations and the annual “Anti-Capitalism” march initiated by Udaltsov in 2001. In addition to peaceful pickets, the organization resorted to radical methods of speech. In 2001, Alexander Shalimov, a member of the AKM central headquarters, was sentenced to 2 years in prison for throwing a Molotov cocktail at the office of the Church of Scientology. In 2003, activist Igor Fedorovich attempted an explosion near the Mosgortrans building to protest against increasing fares.

In the fall of 2003, a split occurred in the movement, as a result of which some activists expressed loyalty to Udaltsov, and some to Labor Russia activist Maria Donchenko. In 2004, disagreements between Udaltsov and Anpilov escalated into a conflict. The politician left Labor Russia and joined the SKP-CPSU, headed by the former secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Oleg Shenin, which declared itself the successor to the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Following him, loyal members of the AKM joined the CPSU, and for some time the AKM CPSU and the AKM of Labor Russia existed in parallel under the leadership of Donchenko. In the mid-2000s, AKM was one of the most numerous radical youth organizations. Udaltsov participated in a number of notable actions of that time: an attempt to seize the office of the Minister of Education Andrei Fursenko (conceived by analogy with the action of the National Bolsheviks who seized the office of the Minister of Health, the action did not go according to plan; AKM activists did not find the desired office and scattered leaflets demanding increased scholarships in the corridor) , blocking traffic along Ilyinka with a human chain in protest against the monetization of benefits, hanging an anti-Putin banner on the Ivan the Great Bell Tower on Cathedral Square of the Moscow Kremlin. In the CPSU, Udaltsov joined the central committee and subsequently unsuccessfully participated in the elections to the Moscow City Duma of the 4th convocation on the list of the Moscow city branch of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. At the plenum of the CPSU Central Committee in October 2006, Udaltsov proposed merging the AKM and the CPSU with the renaming of the common organization into the United Communist Party, the All-Union Communist Party or the Bolshevik Party, citing the insensitivity of young people to the CPSU brand, but the proposal was rejected. As a result, in 2007, Udaltsov and his supporters left the ranks of the CPSU.

Left Front

Since 2004, AKM Udaltsova has collaborated with a former employee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, State Duma deputy from A Just Russia Ilya Ponomarev, who headed the alliance of radical left organizations “Youth Left Front”. In an effort to take place outside of youth politics, Udaltsov was one of the initiators of the creation of the “Left Front” - a unification of disparate left-wing political movements with the prospect of creating a new left party. During its formation, members of the AKM, Labor Russia, the RCP-CPSU and a number of other organizations joined the Left Front. At the founding congress in October 2008, he was elected to the council and executive committee of the Left Front and became coordinator of its organizational department. In addition to him, the leadership of the “Left Front” included Ponomarev, the leader of the RCP-CPSU Alexei Prigarin, the director and wife of State Duma deputy Oleg Shein Karin Kleman and the head of the Islamic Committee of Russia Heydar Dzhemal. The Left Front program included reforms aimed at achieving socialism: a transition from voluntary secret voting to compulsory open voting, a reduction in the powers of the president followed by the abolition of the office, the nationalization of natural resources, banks and other financial institutions, the elimination of private ownership of land and the abolition of bank secrecy.

Despite ideological differences, in the second half of the 2000s, Udaltsov became involved in the work of a number of broad opposition associations and coalitions, which included members of both nationalist and liberal views. In 2006-2007, Udaltsov and AKM collaborated with the “Other Russia” coalition and took part in the Dissent Marches organized by it. The paths of Udaltsov and the Other Russia diverged in the fall of 2007, when the federal congress of the coalition decided to nominate a single candidate for the 2008 presidential elections. Udaltsov named probable candidates Garry Kasparov and Mikhail Kasyanov semi-comic characters and considered that the “Other Russia” does not have a broad enough representation of opposition forces and will not be able to choose a strong consensus candidate.

In 2007, Udaltsov became one of the founders and coordinators of the Council of Moscow Initiative Groups, which united representatives of more than 100 housing, urban planning, environmental and social public and political organizations in Moscow. Later in 2009, the Council of Initiative Groups was transformed into the Moscow Council (Mossovet) movement, which put forward a number of political demands, including the return of elections of heads of heads of Russian constituent entities and the resignation of Yuri Luzhkov from the post of mayor of Moscow.

In May 2008, Udaltsov became a deputy of the National Assembly of the Russian Federation established by “The Other Russia” from the AKM, joined the association’s Politburo and headed the committee for interaction with social protest groups. Also in 2008, Udaltsov joined the working group of the Union of Coordination Councils, which included representatives of non-systemic left forces: AKM, the Russian Communist Youth Union, the Russian Communist Party of the CPSU, Labor Russia, the Association of Marxist Organizations and the Islamic Committee.

In November 2009, Udaltsov co-initiated the creation of the “Russian United Labor Front” (also “ROT Front” or “Labor Front”), designed to represent leftist forces in future parliamentary elections. Along with the Left Front, the Russian Party of Communists, trade unions of air traffic controllers and auto workers, and the trade union of Ford plant workers decided to join the party. In February 2010, at the founding congress, Udaltsov was elected to the central committee and political council of the Labor Front, and in July the party submitted an application to the Ministry of Justice. The party was denied registration in July and five more times during 2010-2011. In May 2011, in response to the creation of the All-Russian Popular Front, the Labor Front, Left Front, Other Russia and the Rodina: Common Sense association of Mikhail Delyagin formed the Committee of National Salvation, designed to counteract the holding of uncontested elections.

Protests 2011-2013

Udaltsov became widely known for his participation in the protest movement, which formed after the elections to the State Duma of the sixth convocation. Udaltsov’s wife Anastasia was one of the protestors of the rally on Bolotnaya Square on December 10, 2011, but the politician himself was in custody at that time and went on a hunger strike in protest against numerous administrative arrests. At the same time, Udaltsov met lawyer Violetta Volkova, who subsequently repeatedly acted as his defender in various trials.

In January 2012, Udaltsov, despite ideological differences, signed an agreement on cooperation between the Left Front and the Communist Party of the Russian Federation for the March presidential elections in Russia, subject to the fulfillment of the political demands of the street protest, for which he was criticized by his comrades. In February, Udaltsov was registered as a confidant of presidential candidate Gennady Zyuganov and spoke in support of Zyuganov on television, but Zyuganov did not win. In October 2012, Udaltsov took part in the elections to the Coordination Council of the Russian Opposition and took 20th place in terms of votes among 45 elected delegates.

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Detentions and arrests

As of 2013, Udaltsov was detained more than 100 times at rallies and demonstrations. The last time Sergei Udaltsov was detained was on August 14, 2018 under Part 8 of Art. 20.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation for 30 days for repeated violation of the rules for holding mass events, namely for a rally before the start of an agreed rally on July 28 on Sakharov Avenue.

Attack on Anna Pozdnyakova

On April 21, 2012, during a rally in Ulyanovsk, at which Udaltsov was present along with Zyuganov, an incident occurred involving a freelance correspondent for Road Radio, activist of the Young Guard of United Russia Anna Pozdnyakova. According to the girl, during the rally she turned to Udaltsov with questions about the hunger strike of the “Socialist Revolutionary” Oleg Shein, but after a short conversation, the politician hit her, which led to a closed craniocerebral injury. Udaltsov claimed that he only covered the lens with his hand, and the accusations were a provocation. The police rejected the statement of false denunciation and opened a case under Part 1 of Article 116 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Beatings”. The court reviewed the video provided by the prosecution, medical examination materials and witness testimony, but refused to add to the case a number of materials confirming the defense’s arguments. In June, the court sentenced Udaltsov to 240 hours of compulsory work, which was later replaced by a 35 thousand ruble fine. Udaltsov pleaded not guilty. In November, after a cassation appeal, which upheld the verdict, the politician complained to Izvestia journalists that he did not have the funds to pay the fine, and announced plans to hold a fundraiser among citizens.

The case of Udaltsov, Razvozzhaev and Lebedev

On October 5, 2012, the NTV channel aired the documentary film “Anatomy of Protest - 2”, the main character of which was Udaltsov. Part of the film was dedicated to the meeting of Udaltsov and his assistants Konstantin Lebedev and Leonid Razvozzhaev with the head of the parliament for defense and security of Georgia Givi Targamadze (according to the description given by NTV journalists, a “designer of color revolutions”), the Georgian consul in the Republic of Moldova Mikhail Iashvili and their assistants. Hidden camera footage showed that the meeting participants discussed financing the protest movement from abroad, preparing mass riots and a violent change of government. The Investigative Committee initiated an investigation, during which Udaltsov testified during interrogation on October 11; on October 17, a criminal case was opened against him on charges of preparing mass riots. According to the materials of the case, considered by the Basmanny Court of Moscow on October 18, Udaltsov, Lebedev and Razvozzhaev planned to organize mass riots involving 35 thousand people in the fall of 2012, for which they organized a network of training camps across the country. According to the investigation, Left Front activists planned to begin seizing power in Kaliningrad and planned to raise about 20 million rubles from various sources. The case materials almost completely repeated the information presented in the film “Anatomy of a Protest - 2”.

On October 26, the politician was charged and a preventive measure was chosen in the form of a written undertaking not to leave the place. On February 9, 2013, the Basmanny District Court changed the measure of restraint to house arrest. The court extended the arrest several times: on April 1, house arrest was extended until August 6, then on August 1 it was increased to October 6, after October 2, the court extended the arrest until February 6, 2014, thus increasing it to 1 year. There was no attempt to challenge this decision in the Moscow City Court was crowned with success.

On June 19, 2013, Sergei Udaltsov and Leonid Razvozzhaev were brought to the Investigative Committee, where they were finally charged. Udaltsov was charged with organizing mass riots on Bolotnaya Square on May 6, 2012, as well as attempts to organize mass riots throughout Russia. On November 15, the Investigative Committee reported that Udaltsov had finished familiarizing himself with the materials of the criminal case, after which his lawyers demanded that the criminal case be terminated, but they were refused. At the end of November, upon completion of the investigation, the criminal case was sent to the Prosecutor General's Office for approval of charges and transfer of the case to court. On December 4, it became known that Deputy Prosecutor General of Russia Viktor Grin approved the indictment in the case of Udaltsov and Razvozzhaev, after which it was sent to the Moscow City Court.

On December 26, the first court hearing in this case took place, but the court decided to return it to the prosecutor's office. Prosecutors appealed this decision, but then the complaint was withdrawn.

Moscow mayoral elections in 2013

While under house arrest, in June 2013, Udaltsov announced plans to participate in the Moscow mayoral elections scheduled for September and published the theses of his political program on social networks and a blog on the Ekho Moskvy website. In early July, the politician, who was under house arrest, tried to submit documents to register as a candidate through proxies, but the Mosizbirkom demanded Udaltsov’s personal presence. To change the conditions of arrest, Udaltsov appealed to the Investigative Committee and the Basmanny District Court of Moscow, but the judge referred him to the investigators, and the investigators to the judge. Udaltsov's lawyers managed to convince the Mosizbirkom to accept the documents only a day before the end of collecting signatures of citizens and municipal deputies in support of the nomination. Udaltsov called this situation outrageous and called on Alexei Navalny, Ivan Melnikov, Nikolai Levichev and Sergei Mitrokhin to withdraw their candidacies in protest. In September, 4 days before the elections, Udaltsov’s “Left Front” came out in support of the candidate from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Ivan Melnikov.


On July 9, 2014, Udaltsov made his last speech in court, where he stated that his guilt had not been proven and that there were no mass riots on May 6, 2012. On July 24, 2014, the Moscow City Court found Sergei Udaltsov guilty of organizing mass riots and sentenced him to 4.5 years in prison. Udaltsov was taken into custody in the courtroom. Immediately after this, the oppositionist, who was sent to pre-trial detention center-1 (“Matrosskaya Tishina”), declared an “indefinite” hunger strike in protest against the verdict, which he stopped after 26 days. The prison term starts on February 9, 2013, when Udaltsov was placed under house arrest, and expired on August 8, 2017.

After release

At a press conference that Udaltsov gave on August 10, 2017 after his release, the politician announced plans to unite the “left” around a single candidate in the presidential race (Udaltsov named presidential adviser on regional economic integration Sergei Glazyev and writer Zakhar Prilepin as possible candidates ), criticized Alexei Navalny and other former comrades in the opposition movement and expressed his readiness to continue criticizing Putin for the fact that the latter did not justify the patriotic upsurge after the annexation of Crimea to the Russian Federation.

Personal life


After graduating from law school, Udaltsov worked as a lawyer in various companies. In 2007, the politician, when asked by a journalist about his place of work, replied that he consults his political allies and helps them “solve various problems.” In 2017, in an interview with Vladimir Solovyov, the politician’s lawyer, Violetta Volkova, characterized Sergei Udaltsov as “an absolute beggar” and noted that she hired him as her assistant, which was facilitated by his legal education received at the Moscow State Automobile Theater.


Udaltsov enjoys playing football and is a fan of the rock band “Civil Defense” and its founder Yegor Letov. Until 2003, Udaltsov was involved in organizing Civil Defense concerts in Moscow and other cities of the country.


The politician is married to former NBP member Anastasia Udaltsova (b. 1978), whom he married in 2001, shortly after they met. Udaltsova worked with her husband, in 2004-2008 she was the head of the press service of the Vanguard of Red Youth, and in 2008-2013 - the press service of the Left Front. According to the politician, she also helped him blog on LiveJournal. The couple has two sons - Ivan (b. 2002) and Oleg (b. 2005), whom the couple left with their grandmother during rallies. Ivan Sergeevich Udaltsov became a prize-winner (2018) and winner (2019) of the Final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for Schoolchildren in Literature.

Anastasia Udaltsova

Anastasia Olegovna Udaltsova was born on September 2, 1978. She spent her childhood in Cherkassy (Ukraine), where she graduated from high school and music school in piano. From the age of 18 she took an active part in political activities and was a member of the National Bolshevik Party (NBP). In 2004, she headed the press service of the Vanguard of Red Youth (AKM).

In 2007, she graduated from the Faculty of Law of the Russian State University for the Humanities, and received her second higher education at the RUDN University, majoring in public relations. Since 2007, press secretary of the Left Front; founder of the Council of Initiative Groups of Moscow, uniting >100 housing, urban planning, and environmental movements; public and political organizations of the capital. In 2009, the Council was transformed into the Moscow Council (MosSoviet) movement, which protects the rights of citizens from urban planning, housing and communal services and environmental tyranny. She actively participated in the campaign to combat infill development; protection of the Khimki forest; residents of South Butovo and the village of Rechnik; and etc. .

Since 2013 - assistant to the State Duma deputy from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation V. F. Rashkin. She took part in the election campaign and was a trusted person of P. Grudinin and V. Kumin.

In 2019, Anastasia Udaltsova registered as a candidate for deputy to the Moscow City Duma. Due to close ties between the Left Front and the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, she became a candidate of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. A. Udaltsova became more actively involved in political activities after her husband was deprived of this opportunity (stay in prison and a subsequent ban on participation in public events).

She was awarded the medal of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation "90 years of the Komsomol" and the medal "25 years of the Moscow City Duma."


Winner of the “Word to the People” award from the Soviet Russia newspaper.


In September 2012, Udaltsov presented the book “Putin. A View from Bolotnaya Square”, in which he focused on the issues raised by the opposition during protests - the “vertical of power”, corruption, political lawlessness, lack of freedoms, the state of the economy and culture.

At the beginning of 2013, Udaltsov’s second book, “Fight Putin!”, was published, which included articles authored by the politician, interviews and recordings of debates with his participation. In 2017, a third book was published entitled “Catechism of Protest. What are we fighting for?

Sergei Udaltsov's books have sold more than 10,000 copies

  • Udaltsov S. Putin. View from Bolotnaya Square. - M.: Eksmo, 2012. - 224 p. - ISBN 978-5-4438-0109-4.
  • Udaltsov S. Putin - fight! - M.: Algorithm, 2013. - 240 p. - ISBN 978-5-4438-0209-1.

In culture

  • Udaltsov is one of the heroes of Valery Panyushkin’s book “12 Dissenters” - a collection of short stories about the heroes of protest actions, published in 2009. In addition to the story of Udaltsov, the book presents the stories of Garry Kasparov, Viktor Shenderovich, Maria Gaidar, Ilya Yashin, Maxim Gromov, Andrei Illarionov, Marina Litvinovich, Anatoly Ermolin, Vissarion Aseev and Natalia Morar.
  • “Term” (directors: Alexey Pivovarov, Pavel Kostomarov and Alexander Rastorguev, production: Russia), 2014.

see also


  1. Alexey Chelnokov. Elusive Udaltsov// Well-fed riot. "Dirty laundry" of the opposition. - M.: Yauza-Press, Eksmo, 2012. - 288 p. - ISBN 978-5-9955-0463-4.
  2. Udaltsov, Sergey (undefined) . Lentapedia.
  3. Elena Vlasenko. Sergei Udaltsov, Navalny candidate (undefined) . Top Secret (September 30, 2013).
  4. Left front and rear (undefined) . Kommersant (March 19, 2012).
  5. Barabanov Ilya. On the attack line (undefined) . New time (February 6, 2014).
  6. Biographies of Sergei Udaltsov and Leonid Razvozzhaev. Dossier (undefined) . TASS (July 24, 2014).
  7. Sergei Udaltsov (undefined) . Free press.
  8. Danila Galperovich. Oppositionist Sergei Udaltsov (undefined) . Radio Liberty (September 9, 2012).
  9. Udaltsov is free. What is the oppositionist known for and what will his political future be like? (undefined) . Open Russia (August 8, 2017).
  10. Oppositionist Udaltsov released from arrest (undefined) . Vesti.Ru (January 4, 2012).
  11. Maxim Yaroshevsky. “The Other Russia” is suffering losses: further without AKM (undefined) . Radio Liberty (September 30, 2007).
  12. AKM leaves the "Other Russia" (undefined) . Lenta.ru (September 30, 2007).
  13. PR Lawyers: Violetta Volkova (undefined) . Lenta.ru (November 22, 2012).
  14. Oleg Morozov. Sergei Udaltsov Day (undefined) . Daily Journal (April 24, 2013).
  15. Udaltsov was arrested for 30 days for an illegal rally before a permitted rally (undefined) . Interfax (August 14, 2018).
  16. Olga Kuzmenkova, Olga Spivak. Udaltsov received a labor front (undefined) . Gazeta.ru (June 27, 2012).
  17. Sergey Gogin. Udaltsov is ready to educate the Young Guard (undefined) . Radio Liberty (May 25, 2012).

One of the leaders of the opposition movement of 2011-2012 is back in action. While he was in prison, the political landscape changed greatly. What tactics will the oppositionist adopt in the new conditions, when to expect the left to return to the streets, and whether former supporters of Udaltsov should be afraid of his revenge - in the material.

“These four and a half years [in prison] have not changed my position in life, my worldview and my attitude towards the current government,” said the Left Front coordinator two days after his release from the Tambov colony.

He emphasized that he remains a harsh critic of the country's current leadership. However, he does not like all the decisions of the authorities, which may not please other oppositionists.

I'll ask in terms of concepts

On August 8, Udaltsov left general regime colony No. 3 in the Tambov region, where he spent four and a half years serving a sentence in a criminal case regarding mass riots on Bolotnaya Square. The oppositionist was released a day earlier than announced. “The family wanted the meeting not to be surrounded by the media. Sorry for the misinformation,” explained the oppositionist’s lawyer Violetta Volkova.
According to her, Udaltsov’s voice was cheerful.

“He sends a huge greeting to everyone and thanks for their support, he is full of optimism and positive emotions,” the wife of the Left Front coordinator wrote on her Facebook. She met her husband at the gates of the colony and took him away in a Mercedes.

While in Penza the oppositionist’s supporters took to the streets with flares and flags of the “Left Front” and the left-radical organization “Borotba” (banned in Ukraine), his ill-wishers left their mark in Moscow. At the entrance to Sergei Udaltsov’s house, the inscription “Udaltsov is a traitor” appeared, and under it two abbreviations “LB” on red stars.

Former (or current?) comrades of the unofficial leader of the “Left Front” received the news of his release with joy - including those who participated with him in the sit-in strike on Bolotnaya Square in 2012, because of which Udaltsov left to jail. They congratulated him - they congratulated him, but they did not greet him at the gates of the colony.

“I’ll meet whoever I need. I’ll ask everyone to understand, as they say in prison,” the oppositionist said in an interview with REN TV immediately after his release. I didn’t immediately speak out specifically about personalities, so as not to “in the heat of the moment say anything wrong.” Udaltsov left the details for a press conference on August 10.

What's worse about me?

In addition to Udaltsov, his comrade-in-arms was found guilty of organizing mass riots at the “March of Millions” in Moscow in May 2012. The demonstration then ended in clashes with the police: dozens of people were injured, hundreds of protesters were detained.

It is with Zyuganov and the leader that the coordinator of the “Left Front” intends to discuss prospects for the 2018 presidential elections. He considers the nomination of a single candidate from the left to be promising: “I hope for their wisdom to hold primaries and nominate a fresh, strong, younger candidate.” He himself does not have presidential ambitions - due to his outstanding criminal record.

Now the oppositionist sees his goal in something else. “The coalition has collapsed, the fact that there is no such coalition now is a big disaster,” he admitted. “What I see as my task, my mission for the near future: to try to restore this coalition.”

He promised to announce the first protests in the fall. It is possible that the coordinator of the left will return to street politics on a memorable date - the centenary of the October Revolution. Whether the remaining interested political parties want to unite at the call of Sergei Udaltsov will say a lot.

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    18:09 18.02.2019

    The court returned the car and money seized as part of the Bolotnaya case to Udaltsov

    The Moscow City Court canceled the security arrest imposed on the Opel car and 142 thousand rubles. As Interfax clarifies, the authority partially granted Sergei Udaltsov’s petition. The amount of 12 thousand 911 rubles 55 kopecks remained under arrest. The Moscow City Court did not specify the reason for the decision. The property of the leader of the Left Front was seized back in 2012 during the investigation of the swamp case as security for possible civil claims. Udaltsov claims that the statute of limitations provided for filing such applications expired back in March 2018,

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    12:50 03.06.2018

    Since the godfather will soon retire, the contradictions will inevitably escalate

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    19:56 12.01.2018

    I thought that after 4 years in prison, Udaltsov had seen the light. And he is for Grudinin

    I read Sergei Udaltsov’s post on Twitter this afternoon and can’t believe my eyes: the Central Election Commission registered Grudinin as a presidential candidate. It's time to start large-scale campaigning for our candidate! (https://twitter.com/s_udaltsov). And my very first thought, excuse me: So even after 4 years in prison you haven’t seen the light, my friend? God knows, I have always had sympathy for Sergei Stanislavovich. Of all the swamp revolutionaries, he considered him the most harmless and harmless. And one of my ironic notes here about him on the portal dated September 29, 2012 was called: Marches with

    10:27 01.10.2017

    Sergei Udaltsov: Let's free up prison cells for oligarchs, corrupt officials and judges

    Sergei Udaltsov: Let’s free up prison cells for oligarchs, corrupt officials and judges Why I support a broad amnesty for the 100th anniversary of the Revolution The other day, I, along with Eduard Limonov and other comrades, were detained in the center of Moscow while trying to hold a people’s gathering under the slogan “Anti-capitalism 2017.” It is clear that our powerful oligarchs are extremely unpleasant to hear anti-capitalist demands, especially regarding the return of natural resources and large industry to the control of citizens and the revision of the gangster privatization of the 90s. However, in

    16:43 23.09.2017

    Udaltsov said that instead of partying he ended up on a police bus

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    19:23 15.08.2017

    Udaltsov was offered to give an interview with a “penitential plan” in exchange for parole

    The defendant in the bog case, Sergei Udaltsov, who was released on August 8 after 4.5 years in prison, said that he was offered to give an interview with prepared questions and answers in exchange for parole. He stated this on the Dozhd TV channel. The administration once encouraged me to do an interview with the same NTV or Rossiya-1, not the point, such a penitential plan. “Still, I realized, reconsidered, some events happened, and now I won’t take that path anymore, the meaning was this,” he said

    18:02 11.08.2017

    How Sergei Udaltsov applied for a job in the Kremlin

    Upon his release, Udaltsov appeared as what he had always been - a Stalinist with imperial views, and also a supporter of the Kremlin’s policies, writes Konstantin Eggert specifically for DW. On August 10, at a press conference in the Moscow office of the Rosbalt agency, a kind of record was set. From the mouth of Sergei Udaltsov, who was released two days earlier, came the longest job application in modern Russian history. The leader of the collapsed Left Front, as follows from his almost hour-long speech, is applying for a position in the System department

    08:54 11.08.2017

    Commentary: How Sergei Udaltsov applied for a job in the Kremlin

    Upon his release, Udaltsov appeared as what he had always been - a Stalinist with imperial views, and also a supporter of the Kremlin’s policies, writes Konstantin Eggert specifically for DW. Sergei Udaltsov at a press conference in Moscow on August 10 On August 10, at a press conference in the Moscow office of the Rosbalt agency, a kind of record was set. From the mouth of Sergei Udaltsov, who was released two days earlier, came the longest job application in modern Russian history. The leader of the collapsed Left Front, as follows from his almost

    22:09 09.08.2017

    Udaltsov is free - the left is at a crossroads?

    The release of Sergei Udaltsov in the political situation, including the protest movement, changes little. Unfortunately, the Left Front (which was not the most massive movement until May 6) was practically destroyed. As a political phenomenon, even by the age of 12 he was ideologically untenable, his actions reminiscent of Lenin’s work on the Infantile Disease of Leftism in Communism. But today LF is generally a political abstraction and apart from the personal, qualitatively human brand of Udaltsov and the Bolotnaya prisoners, there is nothing in it. The new Left bloc, put together by Ponomarev

    11:17 08.08.2017

    Sergei Udaltsov was released

    Left Front leader Sergei Udaltsov was released from a colony in the Tambov region. His wife Anastasia announced this on Tuesday, August 8. Udaltsov served his full sentence in the case of organizing mass riots on Bolotnaya Square in 2012. Sergey thanks for the support, he is full of optimism and positive emotions, noted Anastasia Udaltsova on her Facebook. The politician intends to talk about his future plans on August 10 at a press conference in Moscow. A criminal case against Sergei Udaltsov and Leonid Razvozzhaev was opened after

    23:47 10.07.2017

    Would you go to a rally with the participation of Left Front leader Sergei Udaltsov?

    Information about Sergei Udaltsov’s release from prison in August to freedom had just surfaced in the media, but guesswork had already begun: how will he and Alexei Navalny share the opposition clearing? We won’t guess whether the leader of the Left Front will organize protests, but if he does, I’ll go to the first one. Of course, agreed upon. I would like, you know, if anything, to look into the eyes of that bone crusher who will screw a minor teenager. And if a riot policeman clad in armor is bitten or scratched by a student, it will be a spectacle for the gods.

    04:49 15.12.2016

    Udaltsova was offended by the media and changed her mind about sending her husband to the presidency

    The wife of oppositionist Sergei Udaltsov explained her words about his participation in the Russian presidential elections as a joke and accused journalists of unprofessionalism. Anastasia Udaltsova posted the corresponding messages on her Twitter page on Wednesday, December 14. She admitted that she doesn’t really know what her husband will do after his prison term ends. Maybe politics, or maybe something else. He is a man of versatile talents, Udaltsova noted. The oppositionist's wife also reproached journalists for chasing sensations and posted a new

    13:42 29.03.2016

    The court denied Udaltsov early release

    The Rasskazovsky District Court of the Tambov Region denied parole to Left Front coordinator Sergei Udaltsov, who was convicted in the swamp case. This was reported on Tuesday, March 29, TASS. According to Udaltsov’s lawyer Violetta Volkova, representatives of the Federal Penitentiary Service opposed early release, since the convict did not admit guilt and has eight penalties and no rewards. Currently, Udaltsov is serving his sentence in colony No. 3 in the Tambov region. Oppositionists Udaltsov and Leonid Razvozzhaev were found guilty

    23:32 11.03.2016

    The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) will give priority consideration to the complaint of Left Front leader Sergei Udaltsov, convicted of organizing mass riots on Bolotnaya Square in 2012. Udaltsov’s lawyer Dmitry Agranovsky reported this on his LiveJournal blog. The European Court of Human Rights gave priority and communicated the complaints of Sergei Udaltsov in the case on May 6, 2012. Two complaints from Sergei Udaltsov about unlawful arrest and about the verdict of the Moscow City Court dated July 24, 2014 are combined into one proceeding. The European Court has put before

    16:53 18.02.2014

    Udaltsov compared the riots on Bolotnaya to the arson of the Reichstag

    Photo: RIA Novosti Oppositionist Sergei Udaltsov believes that the riots on Bolotnaya Square in Moscow were provoked by the authorities; he compared them to the arson of the Reichstag. As a BFM.ru correspondent reports, the coordinator of the Left Front movement made this statement at a meeting of the Moscow City Court, which today began considering the case. Udaltsov called the criminal case against him and Leonid Razvozzhaev fabricated. As the oppositionist emphasized, in his opinion, the events of May 6, 2012 were incorrectly classified as mass riots. These Sergei Udaltsov: “Internally ready for any outcome”

    The leader of the non-systemic left, Sergei Udaltsov, who is under house arrest, gave an interview to Gazeta.Ru. The coordinator of the Left Front, Sergei Udaltsov, in an interview with Gazeta.Ru, spoke about the situation around the protest movement in Russia, the upcoming elections to the Moscow City Duma, the intensification of nationalism, about Ukraine and the Eurasian Union. February 9 will mark exactly one year since Sergei Udaltsov was placed under house arrest. The Basmanny Court extended this preventive measure three times, the last decision until February 6. He and Leonid Razvozzhaev are accused of organizing mass

    12:20 21.01.2014

    The case of Udaltsov and Razvozzhaev came to court

    Moscow. January 21. INTERFAX.RU - A criminal case about organizing mass riots against oppositionists Sergei Udaltsov and Leonid Razvozzhaev was received by the Moscow City Court. “The case has been received. No hearings have been scheduled yet,” Ulyana Solopova, head of the press service of the Moscow City Court, told Interfax on Tuesday. Earlier, Udaltsov’s lawyer Violetta Volkova told Interfax that the Prosecutor General’s Office approved the indictment in the case, which significantly worsened the situation of the accused. According to her, from the text of the indictment completely

    13:09 16.01.2014

    Udaltsov and Razvozzhaev received a new indictment

    Sergei Udaltsov Photo: Vasily Shaposhnikov / Kommersant The Prosecutor General's Office approved a new indictment in the case of Sergei Udaltsov and Leonid Razvozzhaev. This was reported on Udaltsov’s Twitter account on January 16. Udaltsov received an indictment on 768 sheets (his lawyer Nikolai Polozov writes about 789 sheets). He is accused of organizing mass riots on Bolotnaya Square in Moscow on May 6, 2012. The investigation also accuses Udaltsov of planning mass riots in the fall of the same year. The case of Udaltsov and Razvozzhaev will be

The biography of Sergei Udaltsov is well known to everyone who closely follows the political situation in the country. He is an adherent of leftist views and heads the “Vanguard of Red Youth” and “Left Front” movements. In 2011-2013, he was one of the main activists of the protest movement in the country.

Childhood and youth

You need to start telling the biography of Sergei Udaltsov in 1977, when he was born in Moscow. His parents are representatives of the Soviet nomenklatura. Grandfather was actually a nobleman, but at the age of 20 he decided to join the Bolshevik Party. At the end of the 20s he was the rector of Moscow State University, and since 1944 - the first director of MGIMO. One of the Moscow streets is even named in his honor.

Udaltsov’s grandfather worked in the ideological department of the CPSU, his uncle worked as ambassador to Latvia, Slovakia and Lithuania after the collapse of the USSR. The father of the hero of our article was the historian Stanislav Tyutyukin, who studied the history of the revolutionary movement in our country.

Sergei spent his childhood in a panel high-rise building near the Kolomenskaya metro station. After school, he graduated from the Faculty of Law of the Academy of Water Transport. Talking about his biography, Sergei Udaltsov likes to remember that he worked part-time since his first year. He sold cosmetics and delivered newspapers.

After graduating from university in 1999, he worked for some time at the Glasnost newspaper as a lawyer.

"Labor Russia"

His passion for politics during his student years played a decisive role in the biography of Sergei Udaltsov. Already in 1997, he joined the socio-political movement "Labor Russia", which at that time was headed by Viktor Anpilov.

In 1999, he took part in the first elections of his life. He ran for the State Duma from the “Stalinist Bloc - for the USSR” bloc. But the movement was unable to overcome the 5 percent barrier.

In 2004, Udaltsov finally disagreed with Anpilov. The “Vanguard of Red Youth,” which he heads, begins to support Oleg Shenin’s CPSU party.

In 2005, Sergei Stanislavovich Udaltsov participated in the creation of the “Left Front”. A few years later he was elected to its council and executive committee. The hero of our article is actively working to unite representatives of various housing, urban planning, environmental and social public organizations. The movement he formed begins to defend the rights of Muscovites and participates in the campaign to return gubernatorial elections.

Zyuganov's successor

Adhering to leftist views, Udaltsov has repeatedly stated that he has many differences and contradictions with the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. Moreover, in 2012, before the presidential elections, he still sided with Gennady Zyuganov. He even takes part in the filming of one of the election videos. Sergei Udaltsov's "Left Front" supports the communist leader.

A month later, media representatives reported that Udaltsov was being considered as Zyuganov's successor as General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. Experts were very skeptical about this idea, noting that Sergei is too young for this, he is not ready to manage a large party.

At a meeting between President Dmitry Medvedev and the non-systemic opposition, Udaltsov makes an unexpected proposal. Despite Zyuganov's support, he offers Medvedev to cancel the elections, remaining at the head of the country for another two years. In this way he hoped to split the tandem.

First arrest

In his political career, Udaltsov often resorted to extreme measures. The first scandal with his participation occurred in 2012 at a rally in Ulyanovsk, at which the hero of our article was present along with Zyuganov.

As stated by freelance correspondent for Road Radio Anna Pozdnyakova, who also happened to be an activist of the pro-government movement Young Guard, during the rally she began to ask Udaltsov about the hunger strike of the Socialist Revolutionary Oleg Shein. After a short conversation, the politician hit her. As a result, the victim was diagnosed with a traumatic brain injury.

Udaltsov called all the accusations a provocation, claiming that he was only covering the lens with his hand. The court sentenced him to 240 hours of compulsory labor, which was then replaced by a fine of 35,000 rubles.

"Anatomy of Protest-2"

Udaltsov was among the active participants in the protest movement of 2011-2013. His wife was one of the applicants for the famous rally on Bolotnaya Square; the politician himself was under administrative arrest at that time.

In December 2012, he found himself at the center of a political scandal after the release of the documentary film “Anatomy of a Protest-2” on the NTV channel. Most of the film was devoted to Udaltsov’s meeting with oppositionists Leonid Razvozzhaev, Konstantin Lebedev and Georgian politician Givi Targamadze.

Hidden camera footage showed that they discussed financing the protest movement in Russia from abroad, a violent change of power in the country, and organizing mass riots.

After the release of this film, the Investigative Committee organized an inspection, and a criminal case was opened against Udaltsov on charges of preparing mass riots. Prosecutors argued that Udaltsov, together with Razvozzhaev and Lebedev, organized a network of training camps throughout the country to organize mass riots involving 35,000 people. In particular, plans were made to seize power by force in Kaliningrad.

House arrest

First, Udaltsov was given a written undertaking not to leave the place, and then he was put under house arrest.

In court, the hero of our article was also charged with organizing mass riots on Bolotnaya Square on May 6, 2012.

While under house arrest, Sergei Udaltsov tried to register as a candidate for mayor of Moscow through proxies. But the election commission demanded his personal presence.

At the same time, the end of 2012 turned out to be fruitful for Udaltsov. In the fall, he published the book “Putin. View from Bolotnaya Square.” In it, he tried to highlight the main issues that the opposition raised during those protests. In particular, they talked about rampant corruption, the construction of a rigid vertical of power, the unsatisfactory state of the economy and culture, and the lack of freedom.

In 2013, the second book by the hero of our article was published, entitled “Fight for Putin!” It included articles by the politician, recordings of his debates and numerous interviews.

In 2014, Udaltsov became one of the characters in the documentary film “Term” by Alexander Rastorguev, Pavel Kostomarov and Alexey Pivovarov.


In his final plea in July 2014, Udaltsov refused to admit his guilt. However, the court agreed with the prosecution's arguments. For organizing mass riots, the hero of our article received four and a half years in prison.

From the courtroom he was sent to the Matrosskaya Tishina pre-trial detention center, where he declared an indefinite sentence, protesting against this decision. I stopped it only after 26 days.

His time under house arrest was counted toward his prison term, so the politician was released in August 2017.

After release

Just two days after he was released, Udaltsov announced at a press conference that he was going to unite all left-wing forces around one candidate in the presidential race. He then named Sergei Glazyev and Zakhar Prilepin as potential election participants.

At the same time, he criticized his former supporters in the opposition movement, including Alexei Navalny. He also promised to continue to criticize Putin for not justifying the patriotic upsurge that arose in the country after the annexation of Crimea.

In the 2018 elections, Udaltsov supported the communist candidate Pavel Grudinin. He was his confidant, but then he was deprived of this status.

Personal life

Udaltsov is married to former National Bolshevik Party member Anastasia. They got married in 2001, a few months after they met.

After this, the wife accompanies and supports her husband in everything. From 2004 to 2008, she headed the press service of the Vanguard of Red Youth, then represented the interests of the Left Front in the media until 2013. According to her, she also helped the politician maintain his own blog on LiveJournal.

The couple has two children. Ivan was born in 2002, and Oleg in 2005. During rallies, as Anastasia Udaltsova herself says, they are left with their grandmother.

There is no reliable information about the politician’s income. It is known that after graduating from university, he worked in several companies in his specialty - as a lawyer. In 2007, he claimed that he made money by helping his political allies solve various legal problems.

Moreover, in 2017, his lawyer Violetta Volkova argued that Udaltsov does not have any permanent income. She was even forced to hire him as her assistant, given his experience in business and legal education.

It is known that in his free time, Udaltsov is interested in football, and is considered a fan of the punk rock band Civil Defense, as well as its leader and founder Yegor Letov. At the beginning of his career, Udaltsov even organized Civil Defense concerts in Moscow and other Russian cities.

In the summer of 2014, the Moscow City Court indicted the leader of the opposition party “Left Front” Sergei Udaltsov and his associate. The oppositionists were accused of organizing the riots that occurred in May 2012, as well as failed anti-government protests in a number of Russian cities. Despite the fact that Sergei Udaltsov and his associate denied their guilt, they were sentenced by the court to 4.5 years in prison. The decision of the Supreme was upheld.

Who is Sergei Udaltsov? Position

One of the most active left-wing politicians in Russia, an irreconcilable oppositionist, leader of the Vanguard of Red Youth movement, leader of the Left Front, Sergei Udaltsov consistently defends the idea of ​​​​building socialism in Russia. He considers the “democratization of the bourgeois revolution” to be the only acceptable method for implementing this idea. The oppositionist sees the development of modern computer technologies as a means of creating “direct democracy,” which should replace parliamentary democracy, which is currently experiencing an obvious crisis. The politician considers the main enemy of the country to be plutocracy, in which state power belongs to the oligarchs. Sergei Udaltsov believes that a necessary step towards strengthening the struggle for democratization of society is the renewal of the left party, the unification of the forces of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and A Just Russia under its banner.

Despite positioning himself as a consistent fighter against the Putin regime, the revolutionary declared support for the idea of ​​​​creating Novorossiya.

About biography

Sergei Udaltsov (real name Tyutyukin) was born in 1977 in Moscow into a famous family of Soviet intellectuals. His father is Professor S. Tyutyukin. The politician took the surname of his mother, whose family is famous for the activities of outstanding people: the politician’s uncle Alexander Udaltsov was the Russian ambassador to Latvia in 1997-2001, and his great-grandfather, Ivan Udaltsov, was the former rector of Moscow State University, the first director of MGIMO.

Graduated from the Moscow State Academy of Transport. A lawyer by training.

The meaning of life is socio-political activity, the fight against the system.

The politician is married and has two sons.

Social and political activities

Since 1998 - organizer and leader of the “Vanguard of Red Youth” (a branch of V. Antipov’s “Working Russia” party).

In 1999, after graduating, he collaborated with the Glasnost newspaper as a lawyer and ran for the State Duma from the Stalinist Bloc. The list fails to pass the 5% barrier.

In 2005, he was the initiator and participant of the Left Front organization.

In 2007, he was one of the co-founders of the Council of Initiative Groups, which unites a large number of organizations. After some time, the organization was transformed into the Moscow Council, which deals with the social protection of Muscovites.

In 2008, he was elected to the Council and Executive Committee of the Left Front, being a deputy of the National Assembly of the Russian Federation, and became the head of the committee for interaction with protest groups.

Since 2009, Udaltsov has been one of the co-chairs of the Organizing Committee of the Russian United Labor Front movement.

In the 2012 presidential elections, he supports the candidacy. Journalists predict him to be the successor to the leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.

Detentions and arrests

According to the politician, the number of his detentions and arrests during rallies and demonstrations already exceeds a hundred. Many times he had to defend the right to fight for the truth with the help of a hunger strike, including a dry one, which undermined his health, but was effective as an argument in a dispute with the system.

Arrests, detentions, clashes and fights with the police, searches, slander (charges of possession of weapons and drugs, bribery - participation in an allegedly paid meeting, beating a girl during a demonstration) - these are the everyday life of a revolutionary.

The words of the politician, spoken by him in March 2012 on Pushkin Square, sounded symbolic. Sergei refused to stop protesting against the presidential elections, saying that he would not go anywhere “until Putin leaves.”

Where is Udaltsov now?

Sergei Udaltsov, who is currently serving a sentence in the Tambov region (institution IK-3, Zeleny village, Rasskazovsky district), is again on hunger strike. The oppositionist protests against his placement in a punishment cell.

According to his wife, Anastasia Udaltsova, to the Interfax agency, the convict did not provide any grounds for such a penalty. The woman considers being sent to a punishment cell, as well as a number of minor penalties received by Udaltsov recently, to be deliberate nagging aimed at preventing him from applying for parole.

Sergei Udaltsov, whose sentence was handed down on July 24, 2014, has the right to apply for parole since May 2015. His prison term expires in August 2017.

The Memorial Human Rights Center recognizes Udaltsov as a political prisoner.

Sergei Udaltsov’s wife Anastasia reported on social networks about the plight she and her children are in after her husband’s imprisonment. The woman accuses public organizations of not providing her and her sons with the promised assistance.