What do hairdressers spray on their hair before cutting. Preparing hair for hairstyle. Salon treatments to make hair smooth and shiny

Specialists working in a beauty salon have their own little tricks, just like representatives of other professions. In this article we will reveal all the secrets of hairdressers - in the future, the knowledge you have acquired will help you to navigate well in the psychology of your hairdresser, achieving the necessary results from him.

What do you need to know first?

The hairdresser's greatest fear in the world is when he is told: “Do as you see fit.” Or if the client assures that he is very easy to work with. In fact, this is rarely true - one case out of ten.

Every master knows that women are terrified of the word “lightener.” Therefore, he successfully disguises it when talking about highlighting or coloring. But the fact remains: making the strands lighter, he uses a bleach that ladies hate.

For almost every client, specialists draw up a short resume, making appropriate notes in a notebook. They are often very personal. Therefore, while getting a haircut, you shouldn’t chat with the hairdresser about divorce or your next lover. Who knows who he will tell about this later.

In addition, almost every hairdresser cannot tell you when he will see you if you ask for it at the last minute without having an appointment. If he told you that he will be free in two hours, add another 30 minutes to this time - you won’t go wrong.

Little tricks

Never schedule a visit to a new master on Saturday. This day is a living hell for beauty industry workers. There are a lot of clients - they simply won’t give you the attention you deserve. You will be unhappy, thinking that you are in a booth and not in a professional.

Be sure to ask your hairdresser about possible bonuses - they rarely voluntarily tell you that a haircut and coloring done in one visit provides a substantial 20% discount.

A short haircut is not a death sentence for those with thin hair. Specialists in salons know many examples when such young ladies looked stunning by growing their strands to their shoulders or shoulder blades.

Before using any hot tool - curling iron or tongs - be sure to dry your hair. If the strands are wet, the device can significantly damage them.

Don't be offended if something is wrong...

When a master does not have the color of paint that a client wants, he will never admit to his mistake: that he forgot to write down when you called him before the visit or simply missed your request. Instead, the specialist dyes the strands in a similar shade, mixing different tones available in his arsenal.

Surely you have heard that it is better not to wash your hair before visiting the salon. They say that it will be easier for the master to work with freshly dried hair. But this is a misconception. Think about it: who enjoys digging through tangled, greasy, and unpleasant-smelling strands?

Every year before September 1, some mother brings her daughter to the salon, asking her to cut off her long hair. Masters always know that the reason lies not in the child’s desire to have a fashionable haircut, but in the presence of lice. Therefore, they always politely refuse to surprised parents who pretend that this is not so. Experts advise to first deal with the problem, and only then come to them. So don't be offended.

Salon workers are ordinary people, not wizards. They will create the image you want, but they will not make it suit you.

Follow the main rules

If you have a specific appointment time, please arrive 5 minutes early. When you are late, be sure to warn - value and respect other people's time. This is business, not entertainment.

Never rush a specialist. Hairdressers don't like it when clients are in a hurry. They can make a lot of mistakes when cutting or coloring. Therefore, it is in your best interest to make your appointment with at least 2 hours of free time.

A hairdresser does not have to be a psychologist. You can talk to him about light things, but you should not pour a tub of negativity on the head of a stranger. To do this, make an appointment with the appropriate doctor.

Don't ignore the number indicating your age. Don't think that just because you wear a schoolgirl hairstyle that you look the part. As a woman gets older, she should choose her haircut according to her years.

The condition of the hair depends not only on the skill of the hairdresser

Poor hair condition is not only a cosmetic problem, but also a physical one. Therefore, if your hair is dry, brittle, split or breaking, consult a trichologist first. You may have problems with the endocrine system. In addition, the cause may be pregnancy or other changes in the body.

Haircut is not a simple trimming of excess hair, but an entire art that requires knowledge, skills and abilities. Therefore, treat hairdressers with respect.

Don't skimp on your hair. If the master says that you need to do this or that with them, agree. Let the specialist do his job.

Never say the following phrase to your hairdresser: “Do it like last time.” This always confuses even a professional. The interval between visits to the salon is usually measured at two months. Do you really think that the master remembers how he pleased you a few weeks ago? Therefore, always bring photographs of the image you want to achieve.

What are masters afraid of?

A child’s visit to the salon is not a game, but a regular appointment. Why do you think that services provided to a baby should cost less? The masters are sure of the opposite: dealing with a small person is difficult. This is valuable knowledge and experience that is not cheap.

Try not to make an appointment in the evening. Standing on their feet all day with a hairdryer and scissors in their hands, hairdressers get very tired and want to go home early. Give them this opportunity!

Masters don’t like it when women who come to the salon without makeup and in a tracksuit talk about how bad they look today. Hairdressers don't care about your face or figure, they are only interested in your hair.

The specialist in the salon wants to know that his work was not in vain. Therefore, be sure to say that you are satisfied with his work. This will bring a smile to his face.

Be aware of some secrets

Leave tips not only for waiters, but also for hairdressers! If this is a professional stylist, then the surcharge on the bill can reach 15-20% of the total amount.

When going to see a specialist, you can take your baby or dog with you if you have no one to leave them with. But this is only if you are sure that they will behave quietly and unnoticed. If your child runs around the salon, and the dog whines protractedly, stretched out in the corner of the room, this will not only prevent the master from working, but will also create inconvenience for other visitors.

Even if you didn't like what you got after visiting the stylist, be sure to pay. Working time was spent on you, which has its price.

You are the face of the stylist. Therefore, he is interested in making the client look chic. If something doesn’t suit you, most likely it’s not the master’s fault. Believe me, he did everything possible to make you look like a princess from a fairy tale. Perhaps the lady simply does not suit the image she has chosen.

And a few more secrets...

The masters say: those men who complain about life during the reception are unhappy in their marriage. Most likely, their wives are not interested in their problems. And they simply have no one to talk to - only in the salon they have the opportunity to pour out their souls.

Heat is the enemy of your hair. So, hot water makes the strands dull and brittle, and the sun's rays dry them out. Therefore, take care that these factors do not spoil your curls.

Don't cancel your visit to the specialist at the last minute. He won't be able to quickly find a new client to fill his time. Therefore he will lose money.

The master’s work alone is not enough - you must help him by properly caring for your hair. Buy good hair care products - it will be easier for a specialist to work with them.

To prevent hair from becoming frizzy during the hairstyle process, and this is especially true when braiding, hairdressers use various styling products. Useful tips will help your hairstyle last longer and make it more neat.

How to treat hair when braiding

  1. The simplest and most harmless remedy is water. Spray your hair with water and comb it well, distributing the moisture. To make the braid smooth, brush the strands with a brush. Even though the water will dry quickly, your hair will still look neat. Suitable for everyday hairstyles.
  2. Moisturizing hair conditioner spray. In addition, curls will receive protection and nutrition.
  3. Serum for split ends or liquid crystals for hair. Hair is easier to comb, shiny and easier to style.
  4. Wax or cream gel. Designed for a tight weave you'll want to wear for days. Use a small amount of these products so as not to weigh your hair down.
  5. Special smoothing creams that you will find in professional series, such as Londa, and in household ones, such as Wella. They have an average fixing effect.
  6. Regular mousse or foam. Not suitable for thin, thin hair, as it can give it the effect of dirty, wet and sparse.
  7. Varnish for fixing the finished hairstyle or its elements during the process.

You will receive even more useful and practical information from the video tutorial. You will see with your own eyes how styling products help in the braiding process. Now you can confidently start mastering the various braided hairstyles that you will find

Preparing hair before styling is an important stage that determines whether the result will be as expected and will satisfy the client. Our beauty studio advises you to listen to your hairdresser, then you will get the desired hairstyle. Preparing hair for a wedding hairstyle (and any other hairstyle) depends on:

  • hair type (oily, normal or dry);
  • the time at which the hairstyle will be done;
  • hair volume (thin, sparse, thick...) we will ask you to wash your hair the evening before, in the morning or immediately before the meeting with the hairdresser.

Normal, dry, not too greasy and not very fine hair is washed the day before so that working with it allows you to realize your plans - this is the first rule. All these cases are discussed personally with the stylist at a hairstyle rehearsal or over the phone.

IMPORTANT!!! If we do our hair in the morning, under no circumstances violate our agreement (if there was one) that you wash your hair in the evening. Why? The thing is that the hair absorbs moisture and dries completely not when you feel it is dry, but about 3 hours after washing.

If it is possible to get up early enough to wash your hair 3 hours before the expected time at which you will start doing your hair, then please. Hair preparation will include not only cleansing of dirt and grease, but also high-quality drying. Remember that wet hair will not retain curls! You should also not go to bed with a wet head, since thick hair may not dry out, and as a result of an unfortunate position, creases may form on it, which are difficult to fix later. It is better to dry your hair with a hair dryer in volume and without parting it - this is also part of the plan on how to prepare your hair for the wedding.

IMPORTANT!!! You need to treat, restore and care for your hair not in the last wash before your hairstyle, but in advance. Preparing hair before the wedding may include masks and balms that smooth out the hair structure well, but they may prevent it from curling, i.e. it will be impossible to screw them up. Be sure to wash your hair well before going to the salon so that you don't end up with dirty hair.

Preparing hair for styling is accessible to everyone, the main thing is to listen to the opinion of a professional. The advice will not be superfluous, it will help you achieve your goal and please your reflection in the mirror.


Such accessories are at the peak of their popularity in 2017, because they allow you to lengthen your hair, create the desired styling in the absence of thickness or volume, and simply radically change your look without much effort. It would be better to give your hair to the stylist in advance, clean, if you have previously used it, or in the form in which you purchased it, so that the stylist can prepare it as needed.

One of the tips that everyone, without exception, comes in handy is to conduct a styling rehearsal in advance. In the article 10 reasons to make a trial look, you can familiarize yourself with them and strengthen your opinion that it will be better, because the hairdresser will be able to look at how the hair behaves when applying styling products, whether it fits, whether it can be curled, and much more.

Wedding stylists from Yulia Ksenita's studio in Kyiv always recommend listening to the opinion of a professional and not making your own adjustments in the process of preparing your hair for a wedding hairstyle, and the evening hairstyle will look impressive if you do not engage in amateur activities, but clearly follow the path proposed by the salon master .

To make your trip to the hairdresser as beneficial as possible, there are a few things to consider: haircut tips and timing for it.

First advice for the hairdresser- choose the time.

It's important to remember that haircut advice hot scissors, and especially open fire, only applies to visiting a salon. Do not try to repeat this yourself or questionable hairdressers! Think twice about it if you see an advertisement about a thermal haircut for 300 rubles! Most likely, such a procedure will do more harm than good.

But a mobile beauty salon in Kyiv offers Comfortsalon a haircut in a beauty salon at home. In other words, they will come to your home and cut your hair at a time convenient for you and in comfort.

Third advice about hairdressing salons- Is thinning necessary?

From my own experience, I can say that the ends of the hair remain elastic and soft longer if the master does not perform the hair thinning procedure at all. True, after this, a ladder or cascade on straight hair will look a little sloppy for the first 2 weeks.

Thinning is not necessary at all, so it’s better to do without it.

When creating the effect of torn ends and when thinning in general, it is better if you use regular scissors rather than thinning scissors (one side of which resembles a comb). Thinning scissors are believed to damage the hair.

The fourth tip is how much to cut!

You feel that the ends of your hair are already stale and need trimming. This can be determined visually or simply noticed during the process of combing your hair, when the comb begins to have difficulty separating the hair to the very end. But how do you understand how much it costs to cut so as not to overdo it (if the length is critical for you), but also to remove dry ends. To do this, take it (it doesn’t have to be frequent!) and carefully slowly run it through your pre-combed hair from top to bottom. From the point where the comb starts to get stuck in the hair, it should be cut.

Smooth and shiny hair always have a healthy and well-groomed appearance, complementing the image favorably.

Unfortunately, adverse environmental influences, frequent use of hair dryers, straightening irons and curling irons, as well as incorrectly selected care products make hair dry and lifeless, like straw.

To restore a natural, healthy shine to your curls and make them smooth, you should use simple recommendations.

Wash your hair correctly

First you need to decide with whether we wash our hair correctly at all. It would seem that there is absolutely nothing complicated in this procedure: we simply take the required amount of shampoo in our palm and begin to lather our hair, pulling it like a washcloth.

However professionals say that in order to give your hair smoothness and shine, it is necessary to “close” the hair scales, so when washing your hair you should follow some rules:

  • Before applying shampoo It should be diluted much with warm water onto the hair to achieve the optimal concentration of detergents and ensure easy distribution of the product throughout the hair.
  • Apply shampoo only to the roots, for the ends the foam flowing from the root part of the hair will be sufficient.
  • When washing, do not collect hair on the top of your head., soaping movements should be carried out from top to bottom, you need to cover the hair scales, washing each strand.
  • When washing shampoo out of your hair, you don’t need to lower your head, you should direct a stream of water (it’s best to do this with a shower) so that it flows from the crown to the ends of the hair, so the scales are closed, and the hair looks smooth and shiny after washing.
  • After washing your hair, you should rinse your hair cool, settled or melted water with the addition of a small amount of lemon juice, apple cider vinegar or citric acid, which will also close the scales and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Healthy hair always looks shiny and smooth, so, first of all, it is worth providing your hair with proper care. It is best to give preference to shampoos does not contain SLS and parabens.

But what to do if the hair structure is damaged, and you simply need to look luxurious, for example, on the occasion of some special event?

As an emergency measure You can resort to using shampoo containing silicones, which envelop each hair, making the curls smooth and shiny. However, you should not abuse such products, as this will negatively affect the condition of your hair.

Balms to give hair smoothness and shine

Using the balm will quickly make your hair smooth and shiny. To achieve the desired effect, should be remembered, What:

  • Do not apply the product to the root part of the hair, since after this the hairstyle will be devoid of volume. Hairdressers recommend nourishing your hair with balm, moving away from the roots to a distance equal to approximately 1 palm;
  • Leave the product on your hair for exactly the same amount of time. how much is recommended in the instructions for use, usually 3-5 minutes, after which the balm should be thoroughly rinsed with running water.

Very helpful at least once a week, pamper your curls with useful masks to give your hair smoothness and shine.

How to choose the right comb and comb your hair to give it smoothness and shine?

The appearance of your hair directly depends on how well your hair care tools are selected. And first of all, you should make sure that buy a good comb. So, let's arm ourselves with the necessary information:

  • It is best if the comb is made from natural materials, however, if it is wood, then you should make sure that there are no nicks on the teeth, otherwise the structure of the hair may be damaged.
  • When choosing a massage comb, it is important to pay attention so that the tips of the cloves have a rounded shape so that the effect on the hair is as gentle as possible.
  • Preference is best given to professional combs, despite the rather high cost, such a tool will last for many years and bring invaluable benefits to the hair.

When combing your curls you should remember that you should not comb wet hair, and if your hair is long, you should first comb the ends, and only then move on to the root part.

And further little trick for those who want to give their hair extra shine: once a week, you can apply a couple of drops of essential oil (rosemary, ylang-ylang, orange or lavender) to your comb. This aromatherapy combing will not only improve the appearance of your hair, but also take care of its health.

To make your hair smooth and shiny with styling, you should take into account the characteristics of your hair.

For some, simply combing their hair is enough to make it looked luxurious, while some will have to put in some effort using a hair dryer or hair straightener.

It should be remembered that frequent use of “hot” hair styling tools can negatively affect hair health, so resorting to such methods is not recommended on a regular basis. And before “hot” styling, you must protect your hair with special heat-protective products.

Smooth and shiny hair with a hair dryer:

  • apply to damp hair protectant and foam, distributing them along the entire length;
  • dry your hair using a hairdryer and comb, directing the air stream from top to bottom;
  • enhance the effect of smoothness and shine by turning on cold air function.

Let's give your hair smoothness and shine with the help of a hair straightener:

  • dry your hair using a hairdryer or naturally;
  • apply a protective agent;
  • straighten hair with an iron, working through each strand;
  • if necessary, if there is high humidity outside or you want to preserve the styling for a long time, fix the result with varnish for hair.

It is worth noting that many manufacturing companies produce styling products that give hair smoothness and shine without the use of a hair dryer or straightener. For example, such products are in the line Sunsilk, Got2b, Maria Nila and etc.

Salon treatments to make hair smooth and shiny

For those who dream of hair always looking shiny and smooth, but do not have the time or desire to do daily styling, we can advise do a professional procedure giving your hair a gorgeous look.

Here are the most common ones:

  • Lamination or Ellumination– application to the hair of a special composition containing proteins, which smooth out the scales, making the hair smooth and shiny. Depending on the hair structure, the effect lasts from 1 to 3 months.
  • Shielding– a procedure whose purpose is to surround each hair with a dense film, giving the curls a glossy shine and protecting them from the negative influence of the external environment. The composition applied to the hair is based on soy protein and various plant components and does not contain ammonia;
  • Keratinization is a hair treatment with a composition that does not contain any chemicals that adversely affect the hair structure. The procedure provides long-term hydration of curls, clogging of split ends, smoothing of scales and, as a result, smoothness and shine of hair.

Each girl makes the decision on how to give her hair smoothness and shine independently, however, first of all, it should be remembered that healthy hair looks amazing on its own.

Find out how to make your hair smooth and shiny by watching the video: