What to do if a child deceives his parents. Why does a child lie and how to deal with it: recommendations from psychologists. Improved social status

Parents, educators, teachers, neighbors, books and cartoons tell children that it is not good to lie, they need to be honest. Why does the child keep silent about something, hide something, do forbidden things on the sly, or, looking straight into your eyes, give out obviously incorrect information?

  1. Children are very impulsive, they live in the here and now, it is very difficult for them to restrain themselves from getting what they want at the moment. This is due to the immaturity of certain areas of the brain. Often they don’t even have time to think about whether they can take or do something now or not; they act spontaneously.

But what do they then hear from their parents? “Why did you take this without permission?”, “What have you done? What a horror!”, “Don’t you dare do that again! If you do, I’ll punish you!”, “Shame on you!”, “You upset me very much.”

As a result, the child is ashamed, blamed, and scared. But all because of the same features of the development of the child’s brain and the lack of certain neural connections, the next time he will do something similar again, no matter how much he wants to act differently in the future. But in order to avoid punishment and not upset his parents, he will most likely prefer to hide it or lie.

  1. Children look up to their elders and really want to be like them - bigger, faster, smarter, more influential, etc. Since this is impossible right now, they have to fantasize and imagine that they are already like this. That's why they like to embellish reality or tell things that didn't really happen.
  2. Of course, if a child sees adults lying, he will also do the same. Some parents themselves teach their child to lie when they ask him to hide something from a younger child or tell a lie to a teacher or teacher. His same behavior towards his parents and other people is not something surprising and outrageous, but a completely natural phenomenon.
  3. Another reason for lying is protest, resistance to the influence of adults, their pressure and control. In such a situation, when parents once again check whether the child has brushed his teeth, done his homework, or put away his toys, the children answer lies. In this way they expand their borders and, as it were, say that this is their territory, there is no need to interfere here.
  4. Children can also invent all sorts of tall tales and play pranks in order to attract attention.

As you can see, children do not lie out of bad intentions - this is how they adapt to the conditions in which they find themselves.

What to do if a child is lying?

The most important thing is to establish a trusting relationship with him. To do this, first of all you need refuse punishments, intimidation, accusations and humiliation. Draw your child’s attention more often to what he does well. Let your child know that you will not scold or punish him for his misdeeds and try to really treat them more calmly.

Explain what consequences his actions can lead to (when people deceive, they stop believing them). Tell us about your experience and your feelings, about how unpleasant it is for you when people tell you lies, and how for you honesty is important and why.

At harmless fantasies the child can join in and turn it into a game, which can have a therapeutic effect - by living in imagination what he dreams of, the child forms a positive image of himself, feels confident and satisfied with his life.

If you feel from a child a lot of resistance, then you should pay attention to whether you are strangling him with your excessive control. Give him more opportunities to make his own choices and receive his consequences, let him express himself. And assure him that if he needs help, he can count on you.

remember, that children lie not out of malice, they have some reason for this, and we need to deal with it. And, of course, talk more often about how you love him and will always love him, no matter how he behaves.

And lastly, don’t forget about your personal example! You need to be very careful about your promises: make them only when you are sure that you can keep them, and be sure to keep your word. Tell the truth children and in front of children, make honesty a value, make sure your actions match your words and admit your mistakes.

Comment on the article "What to do if a child is lying: 6 tips"

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Section: Education (The child is deceiving). lies and truth, very good. a lot of letters :) Three cases in a row.

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What our kids can’t come up with! Even a storyteller would envy their imagination!

Surely all parents have already encountered the first fictitious or embellished stories of their little ones. But the moment comes when you realize that the child no longer just fantasizes , but develops his abilities as a professional liar.

Then parents begin to worry, not knowing how to wean their child from such an unpleasant habit. Often we don't think about what it is our attitude, upbringing or reaction to that aggravates the problem.

Why does a child lie?

If a growing child begins to deceive his parents more often, most likely he stopped trusting them or is simply afraid of a negative reaction for a misdemeanor. It is very important for him to know that you will not scold him. Express dissatisfaction with the child’s actions, not with him as a person.

Scientists have found that a 4-year-old child lies about once every two hours, and a six-year-old child lies every 90 minutes. Lying “through the mouth of a baby” appears at 3 years old, and by 4-6 years old children achieve perfection in this.

I am afraid of you!

The most common reason for children's lies is fear of parental screaming or punishment . When the child realized that because of a broken toy, his mother would scold him (deprive him of sweets, put him in a corner, not let him go outside, etc.), then next time in such a situation he will lie. He will say that he does not know where the broken truck is, or that it was taken from him in the yard by grown boys, although the car will be under his bed.

What to do. If lying has become a habit for a child, you shouldn't put up with this . Have a heart-to-heart talk with him, without accusations or irritability: “Let's agree that you will tell me that you did something wrong. Do not be afraid. I’ll try not to be too angry and I’ll be very glad that you told me the truth.”. Be sure to keep your promise, even if the offspring did something truly horrific.

Great dreamer

Children can often exaggerate to gain the respect of peers , talking about an actor brother or sister in America. To appear “cool,” our offspring say that their parents easily let them go out late into the night with their older friends. This is done mainly by 7-8 year old children when they want to amaze their classmates.

Always emphasize how important honesty is in your family. Tell your child that you really appreciate it when people tell the truth and get very upset when they lie.

What to do. If you notice that your child often lies about his adventures, know: life seems boring to him , and he seems to himself weak, stupid and unworthy of more. Ask your child about his imaginary friends and achievements, but don't show negative reactions . Ask him how he would like to spend his day off. Try to understand what your son or daughter is missing in life. Find the answer - solve the problem.

Parents provocateurs

Every parent has had to lie in front of a child . For example, refusing to lend money to a neighbor or turning off the phone so as not to talk to the boss. If you demand from a child to always tell the truth and at the same time demonstrate such inconsistent behavior , nothing good will come of it. At a minimum, the child will feel an internal contradiction and will not know what to do next time. At the very least, he will stop trusting adults.

What to do. If the growing offspring constantly deceives, ask him again again: “Are you sure that’s what happened? Tell the story again.". As a result of the repeated story, some inaccuracies, new facts and fresh fruits of fantasy will definitely emerge.

You can use another technique: let your child know that you are aware of what is happening . Angry question: “Who scattered all the shadows in the bathroom?” replace with calm "I know you took my cosmetics". It turns out that the main words have already been spoken, and you can continue the conversation in completely different tones. So the child will understand that it is quite safe to tell the truth , and after some time he will stop cheating.

You can't be punished for lying

If you punish a child for lying, he will decide: you are screaming because you found out the truth. Then the conclusion will be fixed in the child’s subconscious: the truth must be carefully hidden. The child will decide that it was not a lie, but the truth that made his mother angry . He won’t stop lying, he’ll just make sure his parents don’t know anything about it.

Elena Makarenko, child psychologist: “Remember yourself at this age. Surely the neighbor's dog ate the diaries, and a gust of wind broke the vase. Don't get angry with your child or punish him. Remember how you yourself felt in a similar situation, and how you did not want to be scolded. And learn to distinguish between childhood fantasy (which can be useful) and the desire to avoid punishment. Sometimes a child simply comes up with stories that have never happened to him in his life - in this case, try to make it as diverse as possible.”

A child will be honest with his parents when he:

  • I am sure that under no circumstances will mom and dad humiliate him;
  • is not afraid of parental anger or being rejected by them;
  • knows that he will be supported in a difficult situation and advised on the right way out of it;
  • I am confident that (if followed) it will be reasonable and fair;
  • knows that in a controversial situation his parents will take his side;
  • I am sure that there is trust between him, mom and dad.

Try to always emphasize how important honesty is in your family. Tell your child that you really appreciate it when people tell the truth and get very upset when they lie.

Praise your child for his honesty. After all, it is better to teach him not to lie than to constantly punish him for minor offenses. Good luck to you in this difficult, but quite doable task!

Expert video tips: How to stop a child from lying

At the age of 12, many children begin adolescence, and parents experience a difficult period, during which they need to show maximum patience. Children often become uncontrollable and stop obeying. How to help them and how should parents behave? We will talk about this in our article.

How to deal with aggression in a child?

Aggressive behavior of a teenager is most often a kind of defense. Children who have problems communicating in groups usually become aggressive. The response to misunderstanding in society is excessive irascibility. The child gets irritated over trifles and splashes out his emotions on others. What should parents do? Of course, do not despair and try to help your child. It is necessary to show him by example how to behave with other people.

If your child is too aggressive, direct his energy in a different direction. For example, send him to the sports section, where he can throw out all the negative emotions.

It is better to ignore mild manifestations of aggression altogether: there is no need to pay attention to them.

A 12 year old child has tantrums: what to do

Why does a 12-year-old child constantly cry, how to calm him down? Oddly enough, tantrums at this age occur quite often in children. A teenager may scream, cry constantly, stomp his feet, throw various objects, in general, behave like a small child. Why is this happening? Do not forget that the child is in adolescence, and these are simply manifestations of emotionality. In this way, children can attract the attention of their parents and can demand permission from them to do things that are prohibited at their age. In any case, there is no point in focusing close attention on hysterics. Sometimes it can even be helpful to leave your teenager alone to calm down.

What to do if a teenager becomes uncontrollable?

What to do if a child at 12 years old becomes disobedient? Most likely, he is signaling to you that he needs help. Change your attitude towards your teenager and your parenting style. You need to look for the reasons for disobedience in the psyche of a teenager. In this way, a child can assert himself and show that he is old enough. This means that we need to try to reduce excessive parental care. Also, a teenager becomes uncontrollable if there are any problems in his family.

If you are worried that your recently obedient child is out of control, take him to a psychologist. He will help stabilize the teenager’s emotional background and find out why his behavior has changed so much.

How to stop a child from lying?

Children often lie, some less often, others almost constantly. Lying is often a way to avoid punishment or to increase one's value in the eyes of one's peers. Many children lie to challenge their parents' authority or because of family problems. How to deal with lies in children? Change your attitude towards your child, talk to him, show him that you accept him for who he is, with all his shortcomings and advantages. The main thing here is mutual understanding in the family and parental love.

What to do if a teenager often gets nervous?

Excessive nervousness in a 12-year-old child may also be a consequence of adolescence. But sometimes it is a reflection of reality and can lead to psychological trauma. To find out the cause of a teenager’s nervous condition, it is better to consult a psychologist. This will help avoid problems in the future, sometimes quite serious ones.

How to wean a child from stealing?

Theft must be stopped, but only if the parents are completely sure that the fact took place. You cannot unfairly accuse a child and start a conversation when there is no evidence. In addition, you need to talk about theft with a teenager in private, without bringing the problem to public discussion.

Stealing, in some cases, is a sign of a disease called kleptomania. This disease is characterized as a mental disorder, so it is best to show the child to a specialist.

Why do children steal? This may occur due to the inability to control one's impulses or in order to attract the attention of parents. A bad environment could also affect the child. Therefore, try to track who he communicates with and exclude unwanted contacts.
Be that as it may, support your child, do not turn away from his problems. Remember that only your attention and love can change a teenager for the better. And be patient - you will definitely need it.

Little children love to tell made-up stories, passing them off as reality. This is how they develop fantasy and imagination. But sometimes worried parents begin to notice that innocent inventions develop into something more, and think about why the child is lying.

In order not to raise a pathological liar in the family, you need to try to wean your child from this habit. To do this, you need to find out why the baby is cheating and change your approach to education.

Why do children start lying?

All children tell lies from time to time, but some do it more often than others. The origins of this behavior are hidden in self-doubt and the desire to increase self-esteem. In some cases, lying helps to avoid punishment, and the child, having realized this, continues to lie constantly.

At the age of four, children often invent a world populated by magical characters. Over time, this passes, but you need to let the baby know that real life is also wonderful. Sometimes they begin to blame fictional characters for their misdeeds. This must be stopped and explained that this cannot be done.

The reasons for children's lies hide deep problems, and parents need to carefully understand them. Modern psychology identifies five preconditions that encourage children to lie. Eliminating each of them requires a careful approach.


A child constantly lies when he is afraid of punishment for his actions. This behavior is typical in families where there are excessive demands on children and excessive severity.

  • For example, a mother tries too hard to teach her daughter to be tidy and wants her to put away toys and neatly arrange things in the closet on her own initiative.
  • A five-year-old girl, when asked if she has put things in order, will most often answer in the affirmative, even if she forgot to do so. She will do this so as not to be scolded.
  • As a result, the mother gets upset and does not understand why the child is lying. Although this is due to excessive demands on my daughter.
  • The little girl simply adapts to the current situation and does not want her mother to punish her and scold her for unfulfilled duties.

If you don’t change your attitude towards the child, continue to demand too much from him, punish him and put him in a corner for the slightest offense, the lie will continue and will cease to be harmless. As children get older, in order to avoid punishment, they can easily shift the blame onto others, shielding themselves. It will be difficult for them to find a common language with peers and make friends.

Increased self-esteem

Uncertainty makes you want to embellish your strengths. Many children like to pretend that they have an expensive, rare toy or a famous athlete brother.

If such stories are a rare occurrence, there is no need to worry. But when lies are repeated regularly, this is a signal that not everything is in order with the baby’s psyche. This means that he is gnawed by uncertainty, and he is trying to increase his authority among his friends with made-up stories.

What to do in such a situation? Try to find out why the child feels worse than others. Sometimes this indicates that they are laughing at him in the team.

Lying in protest

This behavior is typical for schoolchildren. The main reason why children lie when they reach the age of 12-13 is an attempt to escape parental control and pressure.

This is a way to assert yourself. Many teenagers believe that their parents interfere in their lives and make excessive demands. When they are asked a question, they can easily lie so as not to listen to lectures.

Psychology says that such lies are more common among children of domineering parents who strive for constant control and do not allow them to make independent decisions.

Lying as an attempt to set personal boundaries

Some fifteen-year-old children think that it is better for their parents not to know much, so they do not talk about their actions and friends at home. When a child lies at this age and does not want to talk about who he communicates with and where he goes for walks, he wants to gain privacy and independence.

Parents often call this behavior adolescence. The teenager is rude, secretive and moves away from his family. The more the mother and father try to influence and care for him, the stronger the desire to get out of control and gain independence manifests itself.

Family problems

The child acutely senses the parents’ mood and, if something is wrong in the family, he may begin to deceive and behave badly. So he unconsciously tries to unite his mother and father, attracting attention to himself.

The main reasons for schoolchildren lying

The older a child gets, the more reasons he has to tell lies. The motives for lying are varied:

  • an attempt to attract attention;
  • increased self-esteem;
  • protecting friends and secrets;
  • fear of punishment;
  • shame for the offense committed;
  • problems in the team;
  • an attempt to avoid parental control.

Most often, the reason for lying is fear. The child is afraid that they will scold him, lock him at home, and prohibit him from using the telephone and computer.

To gain mutual understanding with your son or daughter, it is important to gain their trust. If it is not there, children will have many reasons to hold back and lie in order to protect themselves from problems.

Parents need to understand that constant punishment and excessive severity create a wall around the child, which is subsequently very difficult to destroy.

What should parents do?

It is important to always be honest with children and show by personal example sincerity and openness in communication. Every child subconsciously strives to be like their parents, so they will definitely adopt this useful quality.

If you notice that your five-year-old toddler lies with alarming regularity, do not shame or scold him. This will only make the situation worse. To prevent the habit of lying from taking root, be sure to find out the reason for its occurrence and talk to your child.

  • Sit next to him, look the baby in the eyes and calmly tell him that you know about his lies.
  • Ask them to tell you how it really happened, promising not to punish or scold.
  • Explain that his transgression will not affect your love, so he can trust and tell you everything.
  • When the baby calms down and stops being afraid, he will definitely admit to deception. Keep your promise and don't punish him.
  • Support your child, understand the situation and gently explain that it is better to always tell the truth, no matter what it is.

How to stop a schoolchild from lying

What to do when an older child starts lying and you feel like you are losing contact with him? Analyze his behavior. Most often, lies are associated with the desire to create a personal space in which the teenager will feel like the master of the situation.

Child psychologists recommend giving him such space. Show your child that you understand his desires and are ready to build relationships at a new level. It is important to outline the boundaries of what is permitted and define some boundaries that a teenager should not cross. Be sure to discuss the new rules with the whole family and find a compromise that the child will agree with.

Both the child and the teenager need to know that their parents love them, always support them and will never humiliate them. Don’t brush your children off, always listen to their stories, even if you don’t have enough time to communicate. When a child is firmly convinced that his parents will understand and forgive, he will not lie or hide his actions.

How to create a microclimate without lying

A small child lies to attract the attention of adults if he feels lonely. Modern realities force parents to spend a lot of time at work, and children are bored. It seems to them that their mother does not love them, since she is never around.

The responsibility of parents is to make sure that the child does not feel deprived. It may be worth changing your job or planning your day differently so that you have enough time for meaningful communication.

  • From a very early age, you need to build a trusting relationship with your child.
  • Eliminate physical punishment; it is unacceptable in a harmonious family.
  • If the baby is not afraid that he will be severely punished, he will not have a reason to lie to hide his offense.

What to do when you catch a little one lying, how to deal with it? The main thing is don’t scream, don’t grab your heart and don’t say that the baby has disappointed you. This way you won’t wean him off, but he will understand that lies need to be hidden more carefully, and he can turn into a filigree deceiver.

Create comfortable psychological conditions in the family in which lying is impossible:

  • complete trust between all family members;
  • personal example of parents' honesty;
  • instilling responsibility for one's actions.

In a playful way, tell your baby about what deception can lead to. There are many true stories, fairy tales and cartoons that describe this in detail. If he understands that it is normal and natural to be responsible for his misconduct, this will have a positive effect on the formation of his personality. The baby will grow up to be a self-sufficient person and will not resort to lies, even as an adult.

When a child lies purposefully, do not look for the reason in friends, kindergarten, or school staff. As practice shows, the origins of the problem lie in the family. Think about when the trust between you broke down and try to restore it at all costs.

Children's lies. To us adults, she seems so simple-minded and naive. But the reasons that a child begins to lie to his parents cannot be called harmless or insignificant. Does your child fantasize and pass these fantasies off as reality? Or is he telling lies, trying to hide some of his actions and actions from your watchful attention? How to stop a child from lying? Do not rush to expose the toddler and punish him. After all, if we approach the problem from the point of view of psychologists, then, rather, educational work should be carried out, first, with the parents themselves. So that they do not mistakenly begin to fight the investigation, which, in essence, is a lie. But we tried to understand the reasons that prompt children to resort to such an unpopular way of getting out of situations that are uncomfortable for them.

Children lie to their parents because for some reason they feel uncomfortable in their world.

  • This is a balm for mental wounds.
  • This is an internal conflict that has found a way out.
  • This is a lifeline in a seemingly hopeless situation.

And what are children's lies for parents?

  • This is a distress signal.
  • This is a call for help.
  • This is an indicator that in the world of your beloved baby, not everything is as good as it might seem to you at first glance.

No matter how sad it may sound for you, the fact that the baby began to lie to you indicates a crisis of trust in your relationship. And it is you, the parents, who need to look for ways out of this crisis, as the more experienced, balanced, authoritative ones.

Children lie when they stop trusting their loved ones

Do not rush to expose your child in a lie and scold him for. Try to understand why the baby felt the need to tell you a lie. After all, often, the reasons for children’s lies are not at all those that are visible to you upon superficial examination.

You will not find a single recipe for solving this problem. Everyone will have their own. Depending on the problems of mutual understanding that have arisen between you and your child.

A crisis of trust between parents and children occurs when the older generation chooses the wrong model of relationships and not entirely correct tactics for raising their children.

The baby will not lie to you if his life flows calmly and measuredly, if everything is in order with him. And you shouldn’t think that he allows himself to tell you lies because the little one doesn’t love or respect you.

Try to understand what is really behind his lies. What particular need is the baby trying to satisfy in this way? This will be the answer to the question: “How to wean a child from lying?”

Children lie when they are afraid of punishment and reproach.

Why do children tell lies?

Any parent tries to give their child the best, tries to convey to him their experience and their life wisdom, puts a piece of their soul into their beloved “little blood”. But despite all this, moms and dads are still doing something wrong. I wonder what it could be?

What are the reasons that, sooner or later, our children begin to tell us lies?

  1. Excessive severity. If you punish the little one for the wrongdoings he has committed, then you shouldn’t be surprised that the little one is lying to you, trying to avoid yet another censure for what he has done.
  2. Play on feelings. If you are demonstratively upset, clutch your heart, blame your child for your poor health after his pranks or bad grades, you yourself provoke him to hide his mistakes in every possible way, so as not to upset you.
  3. Lack of attention. If a child comes up with and tells everyone who is willing to listen to him, stories about a happy family, about how his parents love him, how attentive they are to him, then maybe all this is what he really lacks. And he plays pranks and lies only in order to attract your attention, which he so lacks.
  4. Inferiority complex. The baby may be dissatisfied with himself. This happens when parents often criticize him, thereby developing an inferiority complex in the little person. A lie in this case is an attempt to change, to embellish a not very rosy reality. Become worthy of respect and admiration in your own eyes and in the eyes of others.
  5. Limitations in the expression of emotions . A child is not a robot. He cannot always have the same, necessarily good, mood. He may be sad and upset, he may be irritated and even furious. And if he is prevented from showing these emotions and giving them vent, he will simply withdraw into himself and begin to lie. For the sake of his parents who always want to see him as a cheerful and cheerful toddler.
  6. Fantasies. Visionaries and dreamers are perhaps the cutest and most attractive of all the little liars. And such a lie is, rather, a manifestation of creativity and too much. The lies of dreamers are quite harmless if you understand them and direct them in the right direction in time. Maybe you have a modern Jules Verne or your own Jacques Yves Cousteau growing up in your family?..

Or maybe your baby is not lying, but just fantasizing? Then you need to direct this feature of it in the right direction.

Well, did you manage to determine its main reasons based on the nature of the child’s lies? If yes, then you have already passed half the way to eradicating this habit in your baby.

Now the main thing is to draw the right conclusions and diligently work on your own mistakes in .

How to wean a 4-5 year old child from lying to his parents?

It often happens that the child is still very young, but he has already encountered your disapproval.

And, afraid to see him in your eyes once again, afraid to lose your love, he, having done something that, as the little one is sure, will entail this very disapproval, uses lies as salvation, as protection. How to prevent lying, whatever its reasons, from becoming a habit and becoming the norm for a child?

If a child believes in your kind attitude towards him, he will not be afraid to confess to you his wrongdoing.

What should parents do in such circumstances?

  1. Sit down next to your baby so that your eyes are at the same level.
  2. Calmly tell him that you know that the little one lied to you.
  3. Ask your child to tell you the truth, assuring him in advance that you will not be angry with him or punish him.
  4. Be sure to emphasize how much you love the baby. And no matter what he does, you will not love him less.
  5. When your child gains confidence in you and tells you the truth, keep your word - do not blame him.
  6. Help the baby understand the current situation. Explain what the child did wrong. And be sure to tell us what you should have done in this situation.
  7. End the conversation with one more assurance that you love him and are always ready to help your little one in any situation.

Of course, one such conversation is not always enough to completely restore trust.

Growing up, the child tries to protect his personal space from strangers. And he should be allowed to do this. Within reason, of course

What to do if a teenager (7-9 years old and older) cheats?

When children reach adolescence, very often the reason for their lies is the desire to create a personal space for themselves, a territory independent of adults, where only the child himself will be the owner.

And your task is to provide this territory to your teenager. Within reasonable limits, of course. But to give the child a real feeling that he has moved to a new stage of growing up.

Mom and Dad understand this. And we are ready to build relationships with him on a new level. But greater independence is not synonymous with permissiveness. Therefore, it is important here to clearly outline the scope of a teenager’s independence at this age stage.

And it is even more important that the child himself agrees with these frameworks. Discuss and be prepared to compromise. You can even enter into a written agreement. An agreement between two parties, when tangible, is more powerful.

If a teenager is sure that his parents love him, that they act only in the interests of his well-being, that they are always ready to listen, understand and forgive, he will not lie even if some agreements are violated.

Mom and dad, create a trusting relationship in the family, become not only mentors, but friends for your child, and he will simply have no reason to tell you lies!

A child can be honest with his parents

  • When he is not afraid of punishment, anger and loss of love from those closest to him.
  • When he is sure that he will not be humiliated, no matter what happens.
  • When he knows that his parents will support him in any situation.
  • When you don't skimp on praise and encouragement.
  • When there is trust and mutual understanding between you and the child.

And never forget about personal example. How sincere, honest and open you are, the more your children will inherit these qualities from you. Create an atmosphere of agreement and harmony in your family. And then its small members will not seek salvation from adversity and loneliness in lies...

Video “How to stop a child from lying?”