What to wear to a disco for a girl. How to dress for a school prom or school disco (for girls) What is best to wear for a disco

How to dress for a disco is a dilemma that arises every time you need to choose the right outfit for the dance floor. After all, it must be comfortable, but no less beautiful, in order to impress the opposite sex. Most young people look forward to weekends or holidays to go to a disco and have fun, dance, meet friends, and meet new people.

What to wear to a disco for a girl

To be stylish, bright and seductive is a natural desire. A girl's wardrobe should be diverse. Attending a disco and other youth parties in the same outfit several times in a row is a sign of bad taste.

  • Dress. Its color can be any, but at a disco you want to move away from everyday life, so let the color be shocking and provocative. Sequins on the fabric sparkling under the light of safits, provocative combinations of tones, unusual styles of models - everything is appropriate and allowed at a disco. Besides, having bought such a bright dress, you will have less thoughts about what to wear to the club :)

  • Overalls– a popular option for disco clothing. But his choice should be taken seriously, because a poorly chosen style can spoil the outline of the figure and the image as a whole.

  • Skirt and blouse. Many girls love mini or medium-length skirts combined with a beautiful blouse. To avoid being a “gray mouse”, you should choose a bright, catchy blouse for a plain skirt. Conversely, a colorful bottom should be combined with a neutral top.

  • Skinny jeans and a nice sports top. Instead of jeans, you can wear leggings, but the T-shirt should be elongated, like a tunic. And eye-catching shoes and bright jewelry will add color to your look.

How to dress for a 90s disco

Life was difficult for people in the 90s, but everyone wanted to look beautiful, so got dressed in those things that were imported from abroad. In some ways, past fashions were shocking. Looking at old photographs, the question inevitably arises: how could such things be worn?

Having carefully examined photos of girls from the 90s, you can choose a disco look for yourself.

  • Wide raver pants framed on the sides with acid stripes, bright leggings or high-waisted jeans, wide-cut blouses (blouses) with hemmed shoulder pads and shiny (leather) belts at the waist.
  • Those around you will especially appreciate the look of a miniskirt, under which you can wear fishnet tights (in the 90s, fishnets were often decorated with leaves, butterflies, circles in gold or silver, but now it’s unlikely to find such an item of clothing).
  • “The theme” will be a “schoolgirl” outfit: a denim sundress or a skirt with straps, bright high socks, a plaid shirt and a pair of ponytails on the head.

Do not skimp on hairspray and be sure to curl your bangs.

The 80s were a time of disco and freedom. For a disco, girls will wear leggings in “poisonous” colors, T-shirts and batwing blouses, banana trousers, bright headbands, miniskirts and flared jeans. The integrity of the look is emphasized by large beads, powerful clips with dangles, blue shadows on the eyelids and pink pearl lipstick on the lips. It is recommended to make a lush backcomb and style your hair. Options for styling a la the 80s can be seen at photo parents or on the Internet.

Guys can wear flared trousers or skinny jeans to dance. An excellent ensemble will be achieved with a colorful wide shirt and platform shoes.

What to wear to a school disco

For a teenage girl, the best option for a disco is a loose-fitting dress or skirt. The advantages of a girl’s figure will be successfully emphasized by skinny jeans or short shorts, and they will not hinder movement while dancing. A T-shirt in white or bright color will definitely attract the attention of others.

Boys should dress simply, but better than they do every day at school. Jeans, breeches, polo shirts, fashionable slacks in a sporty or elegant version should be combined with a simple top: a button-down shirt, a smart T-shirt, good shoes. There is no need to wear a tie.

The main thing is not what a person is wearing, but how he feels in the chosen outfit. After all, you can become a queen or king of the ball even in the simplest and most modest clothes, if you are her or him in your soul!

This question torments every representative of the fair sex on the eve of getting ready for such an event, because you want to conquer everyone with your beauty and grace, always look stylish and modern, but at the same time you will never repeat the same outfits and accessories.

After all, as you know, constantly attending a disco or any party in the same, even the most fashionable outfit, is considered a sign of bad taste.

If you are a fan of such nightlife establishments, and if it’s not a day off, you’re going to a party, then, of course, it’s difficult to wear something new every time, if only because it’s quite financially expensive. However, everything is not so bad, you need to thoroughly go through your closet, where you can definitely find a couple of forgotten, but quite good things.

The most important thing at a disco is to look bright, but at the same time always find a fine line, crossing which you can seem vulgar and tasteless.

The right and skillful combination of things will always help you stay stylish, and your look will be appropriate at any party. By the way, it is always important to know exactly where you are going, because recently the fashion for themed parties has spread, and at them you generally need to look in the most unpredictable way.

Therefore, in order not to look like a “black sheep,” always find out in advance what program is planned at the institution this time, so as not to get into trouble.

There is no specific formula or rules that oblige you to dress this way and not otherwise, however, we can give a number of general recommendations that will help you dress as best as possible for a disco or a party in a nightclub.

The most important and indisputable rule is that you should feel comfortable, so to speak, at ease. If you've never worn heels, and also don't know what a miniskirt is and what you wear it with, then wearing it all to a club for the first time in your life may not be the best idea.

You are unlikely to enjoy dancing in high and uncomfortable heels, and a miniskirt will constantly cause some confusion and self-doubt.

You need to start wearing such things gradually, and a disco is a place of entertainment, fun and dancing, so you need to feel free. In many ways, the outfit will depend on the reason for your decision to visit such a nightlife establishment. If you are mostly going to sit at a table, sip a cocktail and flirt with the opposite sex, then you can wear a short dress and high heels - you will still sit and chat for most of the evening.

But if your plans are to dance until the morning and wear off your soles on the dance floor, then short minis are not your friend, and forget about heels, otherwise you definitely won’t be able to dance to your heart’s content.

What can you wear to a disco?

If the party does not promise to be themed, and you have decided on the purpose of your visit, then you can go through your wardrobe.

As has long been known, at all times it was believed that a short cocktail dress is the best option, both for a night party and for meeting with friends, but dancing in such clothes, unfortunately, is not always convenient. But, if you are a brave and confident girl, then this option is just for you.

It can be of any color, but remember that a nightclub is a place where you can wear something that you wouldn’t wear in a normal setting. Now we are talking about various shimmering and sparkling fabrics; in such an outfit you definitely won’t get lost among the general crowd.

A dress completely embroidered with sequins or partially decorated with rhinestones, stones and iridescent coatings - all this is a great disco option, but remember that such things are only suitable for nightclubs; you don’t go to dinner with friends or to an important meeting in this.

Open backs and deep necklines are appropriate at discos, but do not forget about a sense of proportion, it should always be present so as not to look vulgar and vulgar.

Naturally, such dresses and outfits are always complemented with high-heeled shoes or over-the-knee boots. Another win-win disco option is a T-shirt.

Remember that only modern and, preferably, narrow versions of pants are suitable for a disco; by the way, these can even be leggings, the main thing is to remember the rules for wearing them with T-shirts, the latter should be slightly elongated.

In order for the image not to look boring, it must be complemented with fashionable shoes and bright accessories that are well suited for a disco. You can easily wear low-cut sandals under jeans, as long as they are bright and catchy.

If the style of the trousers is tapered, then the now popular ballet flats, decorated, for example, with studs or rhinestones, will look great. Heels are the favorite of girls in such establishments, so it’s up to you to decide what you’ll feel more comfortable in.

Another great disco option is a beautiful jumpsuit. Such a thing is completely independent, it looks original and very feminine, the main thing is to choose it correctly according to your figure, because a jumpsuit, like any other thing, can both decorate your figure and completely ruin it.

Another win-win option is a medium-length skirt and a beautiful blouse; the main thing to remember is the principle: if the skirt is plain, then the upper part can be quite colorful and bright.

But if the skirt itself combines several colors, then the upper part should be worn more modestly so as not to look like a traffic light. It is clear that at a party you want to look the brightest of all, but this does not mean that you need to wear all the colorful things you have, everything should be in moderation.

As for makeup and hairstyles, at a nightclub party, of course, it is permissible to wear evening makeup and rather unconventional hair decisions.

But again - remember the line - it’s better to go without makeup at all than to look like a raccoon or a gothic young lady with dark circles under her eyes from running mascara or eyeliner.

After all, active dancing until the morning is unlikely to contribute to neat makeup, and if you are not confident in the quality of your cosmetics, then you need to approach this process carefully.

Ideally, the well-known smoky eyes are suitable for night parties; neat black wings will look good, without going overboard with foundation and powder.

The face, sweating from constant dancing, can turn into unkempt and unkempt, the foundation will roll off and begin to come off in layers, obviously no one likes such a sight. The hairstyle should be comfortable for you - crazy backcombing or curls, because of which you sat on curlers for half a day, are not the best option. The main thing is clean hair, neatly styled or gathered into an elegant ponytail.

What should you not wear to a disco?

Under no circumstances should you wear long dresses or long skirts to dances - such an image would not be appropriate in such an establishment, and a huge crowd of people will strive to leave you without a hem. Strict office and business suits are also not a disco option, unless, of course, the theme of the meeting itself requires it.

Any girl wants to take a break from hard work, intensive study or household chores and go to a club to unwind. In order not to look like a “black sheep” in the club, you should take care of your outfit and choose it in advance. In this article we will talk about how to dress for a disco to form a bow in which you will feel cozy and comfortable.

When choosing a disco ensemble, you should focus on the goals that you plan to achieve when attending the event. There are the following main goals.

  • Hunting. Many unmarried girls have only one goal - to get a guy. Perhaps you want to meet a young man for an evening out, or perhaps a lifelong companion. Since we are talking about a nightclub, you should immediately reject all options for the looks of coquette girls armed with modesty and embarrassment. If you go to a disco, then there you will meet a guy who is more likely to notice a bright girl than a gray mouse. Romantic looks can be left for the official first date, to which he can invite you. For hunting, it is better to arm yourself with a classic fitted dress or cocktail outfit. However, one should not “go too far” and go beyond the bounds of decency. Remember that a vulgar woman can only interest a guy for one night.
  • Meeting with friends. This could be a bachelorette party dedicated to the marriage of one person from your company, or simply a meeting with girlfriends whom you have not seen for a long time. If this is not a themed bachelorette party, but an ordinary meeting, then let you be decorated with a medium-length cocktail dress, complemented by a bright clutch, elegant pumps and stylish jewelry. There’s no point in wearing jewelry from head to toe – it’s no longer fashionable now.
  • Dancing until you drop. When planning to have a blast at a disco, you should first of all focus on convenience. These requirements are met by denim trousers, a bright shiny top, decorated with rhinestones or sequins, a T-shirt or tunic. Stylish wedge sneakers or mid-heeled shoes will fit perfectly into this look. If you are a supporter of jeans, you can replace them with leggings, short shorts or a seductive length skirt.

To make it easier for you to create a look from the items in your wardrobe, we will tell you about the basic rules that are relevant for disco ensembles.

  • Shoes. When choosing shoes, focus on comfort and convenience. Remember that you will have to dance at least a little, even if you plan to enjoy the taste of cocktails at the bar all evening.
  • Color. In order not to blend in with the crowd, you need to choose eye-catching clothes, decorated with sparkles and shimmering fabrics. The richer the color of your clothes, the easier it will be for you to stand out from the crowd. Silver, gold, blue, green, pink tones are preferred.
  • Accessories. Stylish accessories - watches, handbags, straps - will emphasize individuality and allow you to create an original image.
  • Material. Heavy fabrics and long sleeves should be avoided. It will be hot on the dance floor, and therefore clothes should be made of light materials.
  • Decorations. They must be original, stylish and beautiful. There is no need to wear expensive jewelry as it is easy to lose. When choosing earrings or rings, you must remember that if you suddenly lose them, you will not feel remorse.
  • No vulgarity. You don’t need to wear vulgar outfits, otherwise face control won’t even let you through. Transparent and too revealing outfits are not allowed; pieces of underwear should not be visible from under trousers and tops. Deep necklines are acceptable, but they should not go beyond the bounds of decency.
  • Character. The ensemble in which you go to the disco should reflect your character traits. You don’t need to radically change your look, just dress a little smarter than your favorite look, in which you feel comfortable and confident. If you like jeans, then wear them, just complement them with an interesting top. There is no need to dress up in short dresses and high heels if you have never worn them before.
  • Cost of clothing. If you have the opportunity to buy branded items, then you don’t need to think about the cost of clothing. All you have to do is look at the collections and buy yourself a suitable outfit that completely suits you and your style. If this is not possible, but your friends are used to dressing stylishly and with high quality, there is no need to put yourself in debt and run to the store for fashion purchases. It’s enough to review your wardrobe and add small details to your outfits. For example, a simple solid tone can be embroidered with rhinestones, sequins or appliqué. The sleeves of a stylish long sweater can be shortened or cut off altogether and a belt that matches the color of the shoes can be added to the look. Old worn jeans will be decorated with original embroidery or several stylish holes.

Now it’s time to talk about what looks you can create for a disco from the things you have in your wardrobe. Do not forget that you should remember the purpose of visiting the club, convenience and body shape.

  • Gatherings at the bar. Surely you have been convinced more than once that the brightest evenings take place when no one is going anywhere. Likewise at a disco, if you are just going to sit at the bar, you need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to dance until the morning or meet the man of your dreams. Wear a little black dress, add a bright clutch that matches the color of your pointed heels and clutch, have a long-lasting updo that doesn't need to be adjusted for a long period of time, line your eyes, paint your lips and nails, and wear a couple of simple jewelry.
  • Acquaintance. If you came to the club to meet a young man for a long-term romantic relationship, or a potential business partner or an important client, focus on your figure in your outfit. Best with this role. A dress that fits your figure will do the trick. If your figure is perfect, wear a tight-fitting dress, and if there are problems in some areas, disguise them with a beautiful drapery. Emphasize your luxurious wasp waist with a bright belt. Make your makeup more festive and emphasize the expressiveness of your look. With such an outfit, you have a better chance of getting the right man into your tenacious hands.
  • Tight-fitting outfits. They look very impressive on those with an hourglass figure. If you have beautiful breasts, highlight them with a top or dress with a low neckline (remember to respect the rules of decency). If your breasts need volume, wear a dress or top with a bodice decorated with pleats, ruffles or ruffles. If you have beautiful hips, highlight them with tight leggings, jeans or a dress.
  • Slender legs. Such beauty does not need to be hidden even from prying eyes - let others envy! Wear a fluffy miniskirt or short dress with a V-neck and high heels that will make your legs look even more seductive.
  • Hair color. Match the color of your clothes to your hair color. This will make the image harmonious and complete. If you have brown hair and brown eyes, wear a dress in brown tones, decorated with golden piping. Golden shoes, a narrow belt, a purse and a hair clip will make the look noticeable and winning.
  • Shoes. You should always go for outfits with heels, at least the smallest ones. Boots other than summer lace boots should be avoided. You will get an interesting look if you wear a denim miniskirt and cream lace boots, similar to the texture of the top of the same color. shoes or sandals can be complemented by original lacing, satin ribbons or rhinestones.
  • Originality. Don't be too strict with textures and colors, because good images are often born when colors and textures are easily combined. For example, this could be a shiny gold high-waisted skirt paired with a light denim shirt tucked into the skirt. The outfit will be completed with golden sandals, stylish bracelets and a handbag.

Having chosen a look that is relevant for a disco, stock up on a good mood, a positive attitude and free time, because after the dance floor you will need peace, quiet and relaxation to recuperate.

If you're going to a school disco for the first time, you might be nervous. You're probably worried about what to wear, who to go with, how to dance, and, of course, how to look unique! However, looking unique is much more than just an attractive appearance. This is the internal state of a person. If you want to be attractive, strive to be confident, outgoing and cheerful. There is no need for fancy clothes or unique dance moves if you want to be an attractive person. All you need is the desire to have fun and try something new. However, you can still prepare for the upcoming disco and have a good experience.


Part 1

Get ready

    Take a bath or shower. If you want to look good at a school event, remember to start preparing long before you arrive. To make a good impression, you need to take care of your body being clean and fresh. If you haven't washed your hair in the last couple of days, be sure to do so using the right shampoo.

    • Use hair conditioner to keep your hair looking healthy and moisturized.
  1. Wash your face and apply moisturizer. You should do this daily to keep your skin clear and healthy. This should be especially taken into account if you are going to apply makeup, since cosmetics should be applied to a clean face.

    Get your nails in order. Remove old nail polish. Trim and shape your nails using a nail file. Use a special brush to remove dirt from under your nails. This will not only improve your appearance, but will also give you more self-confidence.

    • If you want to paint your nails, now is the time to do it!
  2. Comb and style your hair. Hair styling is an integral part of looking good. Follow your preferences when styling.

    • You can curl your hair (use a curling iron) or straighten it (use a hair dryer or flat iron). In addition, you can leave your natural hairstyle, put your hair in a ponytail, braid or make a bun. You can also leave your hair down.
    • If you want to look unique at the school disco, don't be afraid to experiment with different styles and hairstyles. Try changing the location of the parting, for example, make it on the other side or at a new angle. If you wish, you can get a new haircut.
    • Use hair styling products: mousse, hair spray, serum, oil and gel.
  3. Apply makeup if you wish. Some girls love to wear makeup, while others don't enjoy it. Follow your taste preferences when deciding whether to wear makeup or not. If you choose to wear makeup, use your favorite products. These may include:

    Choose clothes. Choose clothes that make you feel comfortable. Find out if there are any special dress code requirements before going to the disco.

    • If you're going to a regular school disco, you don't have to worry about needing a special outfit. You can wear your favorite pieces of clothing, such as jeans and a T-shirt, pants and a blouse, a skirt or dress, or even shorts and sneakers.
    • To really impress others, consider wearing items of clothing that others won't have, such as following a new fashion trend or choosing an outfit that matches the theme of the party. To determine what is currently fashionable, look at the people around you and their clothes. Also, look through teen fashion magazines and pay attention to what celebrities are wearing when you watch TV.
    • If you're attending an event that's more formal, chances are the organizers have specific dress code requirements. In this case, you will have to give up your favorite items of clothing (ripped jeans, casual shorts, etc.). You can wear cute pants, a dress, a skirt, a blouse, a sweater, a cardigan and matching shoes.
    • If you're going to a formal event, you may have to buy a new outfit or wear something you rarely wear. This could be a formal dress or a suit.
  4. Add accessories. For example, you can add a necklace, bracelet, rings, earrings, belt, tie or a matching bag.

    • As for shoes, choose something very comfortable since you will be dancing all evening. If you're not comfortable in heels, opt for a pair of flats, sandals, or flats.

    Part 2

    Act confident
    1. Make sure your evening gets off to a good start. They say that the first impression can leave a mark for a lifetime. So remember that the first impression you make on others is very important. If you come to the disco alone or with friends, hold your head high (this shows your confidence) and do not hesitate, thereby showing that you are not shy.

      • When you enter the hall, choose a seat and confidently walk towards it. For example, you can approach a table with drinks, a group of people, or straight to the dance floor if the music makes you want to dance!
      • Be sure to smile often, as smiling exudes confidence.
    2. Remember that your goal is to have fun. At the end of the day, how you look, what you wear, or what hair and makeup you wear is not that important. What matters more is how you feel and behave! You can be dressed in the simplest outfit, but at the same time have fun at the party and light up others with your enthusiasm, on the other hand, you can have the best outfit, but you will be a bore.

Most authors would begin this article with these words: “If you really want to visit an expensive nightclub, then you should dress like this...”, however, we declare that you, dear girls and men, should always maintain a fashionable and stylish image in order to freely and at any time bestow your presence on any establishment, even the highest class.

You should look equally beautiful and impeccable both when visiting a car showroom or shopping center, and when spending exciting nights in elite clubs. The only thing is that it is necessary to distinguish “day” clothes from “night” clothes.

The main difference between an elite nightclub and a second-rate establishment is that there is free entry, but free only in terms of financial costs. I think I won’t reveal the secret by clarifying that a fee for entering the club is not charged only because expensive clubs, designed for very wealthy visitors, fully pay for themselves due to the bar and kitchen. Why also humiliate your dear customers with a paid entrance? Do you get the idea?

So, what should men look like when visiting an elite nightclub?

Oddly enough, it is somewhat easier for the strong half of humanity to look impressive than for women. The best option is classic straight trousers, a fresh shirt with cufflinks, preferably gold or, in extreme cases, “gold-like”; matching jeans and a sweater (or T-shirt) are also quite suitable. But, it is necessary to take into account that if these clothes were purchased at the popular “Oji” or “Austin”, you will never get inside the club, at most you will have a nice chat with the knights of face control. The best option is to buy a pair of jeans and trousers, several T-shirts and sweaters in expensive boutiques, and then combine these items of clothing, successfully complementing them with various accessories.

Shoes - exclusively shoes, moccasins or classic boots. Remember: sneakers are made for sports, and sandals and flip-flops are made for visiting grandma. The color of the shoes is black or to match the trousers. It is vital that your shoes look new and fresh - no cracks on the toes of your shoes or worn out heels on your shoes. By the way, socks under shoes should be plain and match the color of the shoes. White socks are a thing of the past.

The belt is medium size, strictly matching the color of the trousers and the texture of the shoes, without inscriptions or buckles. The belt should be tailored to your size and should not bunch up the waistband of your trousers.

The watch is modest, but expensive! It is very important to periodically buy yourself an expensive watch, since this is a man’s only body jewelry. There shouldn't be any Gucci or Calven Klein purchased for $30 from the metro. The last option is Citizen or Seiko, these are also some kind of brands.

And one more thing - there should be no rings for 100 dollars, chains that barely resemble gold, or the like! It’s better to sell it all and buy an incredible and expensive perfume.
Important! In any clothes, no matter what you choose to visit a nightclub, you need to behave accordingly: a confident gait, a bewitching look, a minimum of alcohol and maximum attention to the girls.

Very important! Clean shoes are the first thing that both girls and representatives of face control will pay attention to, because, you see, it’s unlikely that you arrived in a Porsche in shoes with a centimeter layer of dirt.

Incredibly important! Pockets of trousers, jeans or outerwear must be empty. Protruding jeans with a phone sticking out of the pocket - leave this for the subway, so that your mobile phone is easier for pickpockets


In any case, you must be in a dress. It is better if it is an elegant, feminine dress from a modern designer. By the way, if you call an elongated belt that barely covers your charms a dress, then you are mistaken. It is important to maintain modesty, because most rich men are married, and representatives of face control will not dare to upset their wives with the presence of practically naked “ladies”.

If you are a fan of men's clothing style, then jeans in combination with a T-shirt and jacket are an ideal option if you wear heels. Basically, if you want to go to a club, you will be wearing heels!

There are many options for how to dress a girl. The main thing is to remember that clothes are only an addition, and not the basis of the image. A stunning hairstyle, moderately tanned skin, a snow-white smile and a fresh look - this is what you will definitely conquer with the icy heart of face control.

The rest is as much as a moderate imagination is enough, which should be limited to expensive and stylish watches and a minimum of jewelry.
Important! Men are always attracted to girls by their cuteness and modesty, so create just such an image when choosing clothes and makeup. Bitches are loved by those who need a girl solely for temporary self-satisfaction of the male “I”.

Very important! Any, even the most stylish and fashionable look can be ruined by poor quality or complete lack of manicure. Neat and well-groomed nails are a trend for all seasons, in contrast to the already unpopular long works of art, which only spoil the beauty of the hands.

Incredibly important! No winter clothing sets, even if it’s -30, you should be beautiful like summer. Believe me, winter shoes and a down jacket are for walks in the park with your nephews or children.