Stages of psychological and pedagogical consultation. Psychological and pedagogical consultation. Interpersonal conflict

Psychological and pedagogical counseling can include the consultant’s discussion with the client of issues of teaching and raising children, teaching something and improving the pedagogical qualifications of adults, pedagogical leadership, management of children’s and adult groups and teams. Psychological and pedagogical consulting includes issues of improving programs, methods and teaching aids, psychological justification of pedagogical innovations and a number of others.

In the practice of psychological counseling, the most common variants of problems include:

    to the relationship between parents and children aged two to three years.

    (In a young family)

    to the relationship between parents and children of primary school age (does not study well, behaves poorly in class, relationships with classmates do not develop, etc.).

    to the relationship between parents and adolescent children.

to interpersonal problems in the remarriage of parents and divorces, the presence of children from another marriage in the new marriage of one of the parents.

Advisory activity is the provision of assistance to students, their parents (legal representatives), teaching staff and other participants in the educational process in matters of development, education and training through psychological counseling.

Goal: optimizing the interaction of participants in the educational process and providing them with psychological assistance in building and implementing an individual education and development program.

Consultation with a psychologist is the process of mutual creation of a special relationship of mutual cooperation between a psychologist-consultant and his client, which allows him to understand himself, his behavior, feelings and thoughts, and gain new knowledge in the field of psychology.

It must be taken into account that we are talking about helping participants in the educational process who do not have pathological disorders, i.e. who are within the medical and biological norm, but have encountered any difficulties of a psychological nature. These can be problems of children (lack of self-confidence, negativism, fears, etc.), students (school maladaptation, poor academic performance, deviant behavior), adults (loss of meaning in life, low self-esteem, conflictual relationships with others, disruption of parent-child relationships) .

Methods of psychological and pedagogical counseling include:

a) discussion methods;

b) gaming methods (didactic and creative games, including business, role-playing);

c) sensitive training (training of interpersonal sensitivity and perception of oneself as a psychophysical unity).

Work with children can be carried out both individually and in groups. The main methods of such work can be art therapy, play therapy, and fairy tale therapy.

Art therapy is a specialized form of psychotherapy based on art, primarily visual arts, and creative activity. The main goal of art therapy is to harmonize the development of personality through the development of the ability of self-expression and self-knowledge.

Play therapy is a method of psychotherapeutic influence on children and adults using games. The basis of various methods is the recognition that play has a strong influence on personal development.

Fairytale therapy is a method that uses the fairy tale form to integrate personality, develop creative abilities, expand consciousness, and improve interaction with the outside world.

When working with parents, it will not be individual activities that will be productive, but holistic systemic work aimed at increasing the psychological competence of mothers and fathers. This work is carried out through informing parents at meetings at school. Another option for working with parents is to develop unique “textbooks” for parents, which very briefly offer the psychological information parents need. Work with parents is carried out by a psychologist and using such a method as psychological training. Parent-child interaction training is built on a different conceptual basis (psychodynamic, behavioral, humanistic, etc.). Such trainings allow you to expand your ability to understand your child, improve your reflection on your relationship with him, and develop new, more effective skills for interaction in the family.

Work with teachers is carried out using socio-psychological training. This is the most common method of psychosocial technologies, allowing reflection of one’s own behavior to be correlated with the behavior of other group members. Trainings allow you to activate and adjust communication skills, expand your behavioral repertoire, and provide guidelines for the possible search for effective interaction between partners.

Psychological and pedagogical counseling presupposes that the consultant has pedagogical education and experience in teaching and educating people. For example, former teachers and educators with experience in teaching and relevant education usually become good psychologist-consultants.

One of the main tasks of psychological counseling of family members of a child with developmental disorders is the optimization of intra-family relationships through the adoption and practical implementation by parents of adequate “role positions” in relation to the child and each other, training parents in the skills of establishing positive contact with the child and raising him in accordance with with social norms of behavior.

Parents’ mistakes in raising a child with developmental disabilities are quite common, resulting from lowering the requirements for him and assigning him the status of “sick.” Observations of teachers and psychologists show that if reducing the requirements in terms of the child’s mental development and learning ability is to a certain extent justified, then it should be minimal in relation to the everyday requirements for the child’s subject-practical activities and actions that have educational significance. A child who is lagging behind in development, just like a child who is fully developing, must be instilled in a timely manner with the skills of neatness, self-service, and in the future, hard work in the family and caring for loved ones. In many cases, when analyzing the situation in the family of a child with developmental disabilities, teachers observe the opposite picture. Parents begin to teach their child arithmetic, reading, and writing prematurely, organize additional classes with teachers, and strive to give the child an amount of information that he cannot comprehend and assimilate. All the aspirations of parents are aimed at solving the problem of teaching and placing their children in school. Therefore, teachers of educational institutions sometimes have to deal with a child who does not have basic self-care skills, but knows the letters of the alphabet. Parents overprotect these children, strive to eliminate even minor difficulties in their daily life, and do not let them leave them alone. In the family, this creates a tense atmosphere and conflict situations between parents and other children.

Often in families where, in addition to a child with a developmental disorder, there are normally developing children, incorrect relationships develop between family members. A full-fledged child in such families becomes neglected to one degree or another; he is required to give in to the “sick” in everything, to take care of him in every possible way, not to react and not to complain about the latter’s wrong or inappropriate actions. All this can negatively affect the character of a normally developing child, and sometimes can lead to a nervous breakdown. Correct assessment of the family situation, regular consultation with a psychologist and neuropsychiatrist help establish an optimal psychological climate in the family and overcome difficult emotional experiences and conflicts among parents.

Psychological and pedagogical counseling is based on the following principles.

a) Respect for the interests of the child. This principle is put into practice in all cases, except for pronounced developmental pathology, when the health of other family members and, above all, children is at risk. Respect for the interests of a sick child consists of creating adequate conditions for his education, upbringing and treatment both in educational institutions and at home.

Currently, our country has created a wide network of preschool and school correctional educational institutions, which makes it possible to organize a child’s education in optimal conditions according to special programs. Often, it is only the parents’ lack of understanding of the real personal capabilities of their child that prevents them from immediately sending him to the appropriate child care institution.

b) The correct form of communicating the diagnosis given to the child. In a conversation with parents, a psychologist (correctional teacher) aims not only to reveal the psychopathological structure of the defect, but also to note the positive qualities of the child’s personality. As practice shows, parents should not only communicate the diagnosis and decision of the psychological, medical, pedagogical commission (PMPC), but tell them in an accessible and understandable way about the characteristics of their child, explain how to work with him at home and what to pay attention to. At the same time, the living conditions of each family, its composition, cultural level, the number of children in the family, their age are always taken into account - so that the advice of a specialist does not turn out to be difficult for the family to implement; parents do not feel helpless.

c) Collective family counseling is preceded by individual counseling of family members, respecting the rights of each individual to personal secrets.

It is not so rare for parents to disagree on the issues of teaching and raising their child and want to talk with a consultant in private in order to check the correctness of their positions or explain some aspects of family life. A psychologist (correctional teacher) analyzes the family situation based on the interests of the child and gives an objective assessment of his capabilities. He consults parents and other relatives of the child individually, keeping the consultation confidential in order to avoid new traumatic situations for family members. Individual counseling helps to more correctly structure further work on counseling the family, in which, in addition to the parents, other relatives of the child also participate.

Those conflicts between parents that do not directly concern the child are not included in the counseling tasks, which are reported to the parents.

With the help of psychological and pedagogical counseling, it is possible to achieve (under the guidance of a psychologist or special education teacher) the development of adequate family positions and the adoption of optimal “family roles” by each family member.

An effective method of counseling is to conduct corrective psychological and pedagogical classes with the child in the presence of parents. This method is recommended for use in working with families whose children are studying in correctional groups of preschool educational institutions (studying in correctional classes or a special school).

Parents' observation of their child's activities with a psychologist (correctional teacher), the process of the child's assimilation of certain rules of behavior, knowledge, abilities and skills helps parents better understand their child, assess the adequacy of the requirements for him and take a more correct educational position in the family. It is also recommended to use the method of analyzing the behavior of children and parents when doing homework together. As parents learn some techniques and methods of working with the child, contact between them in the family gradually improves, which contributes to greater mutual understanding between family members.

Timely psychological and pedagogical consultation of a child with developmental disabilities and his parents allows him to select adequate conditions and methods of teaching and raising the child, overcome the difficulties of education, and also improve intra-family relationships. It is advisable to conduct repeated consultations between children and parents, since even after making some decision on organizing intra-family relations, parents often cannot immediately understand all the issues and they need new advice. It is also important to analyze the dynamics of the child’s development, once again analyze the adequacy of the conditions of his education and upbringing, in order to make organizational changes if necessary, as well as clarify the initial diagnosis and prognosis of the child’s cognitive development.

Psychological and pedagogical counseling can include the consultant’s discussion with the client of issues of teaching and raising children, teaching something and improving the pedagogical qualifications of adults, pedagogical leadership, management of children’s and adult groups and teams. Psychological and pedagogical consulting includes issues of improving programs, methods and teaching aids, psychological justification of pedagogical innovations and a number of others.

In the practice of psychological counseling, the most common variants of problems related to the relationship between parents and children. Very often, in a young family, spouses who have become mothers and fathers face difficulties in establishing normal relationships with children aged two to three years. These difficulties, in particular, can manifest themselves in the fact that the child is overly active or, on the contrary, unusually passive, empathetic, and indifferent to everything. Both extremes can naturally cause anxiety in parents.

48.Characteristics and description of types of psychological counseling by the nature of the theoretical approach and the degree of direct or indirect contact between the consulting psychologist and the client.

They also use as a basis for distinguishing types within psychological counseling the degree of directness or indirectness of contact between the consulting psychologist and the client. In this regard, we can talk about face-to-face counseling, counseling on a helpline, counseling through distance writing, counseling through writing popular books on psychology or open responses from psychologists to letters from readers in popular magazines. All of the above forms of psychological counseling, except for face-to-face psychological counseling, can be combined under a single concept - distant psychological counseling.

49. Characteristics of types of psychological assistance: direct counseling, psychological correction, psychotherapy, psychoprophylaxis, psychological rehabilitation, psychological development or the formation of new mental operations or formations.

There are different types of psychological assistance: direct counseling, psychological correction, psychotherapy, psychoprophylaxis, psychological rehabilitation, psychological development or the formation of new mental operations or mental formations. What matters here is the depth of immersion and the level of the process of providing psychological assistance.

Psychological counseling (counselling), as defined by the British Association of Counseling Psychologists, is a specific relationship between two people in which one person (the consultant) helps another person (the client) help himself. This is a way of communication that allows a person (client) to explore their feelings, thoughts and behavior in order to come to a clearer understanding of themselves, and then discover and use their strengths, drawing on internal resources to more effectively manage their life through making adequate decisions and performing purposeful actions. In my opinion, this definition most successfully reflects the essence, nature and content of this type of psychological assistance.

In short, psychological counseling is non-therapeutic psychological assistance provided by specialists to healthy people with the aim of correcting relationships and improving the quality of life. Consulting is widespread today and one of the main tools in the field of intelligent technologies. Consultative practice is used in any area where psychological knowledge is used: in organizations and management, in medicine and psychotherapy, in pedagogy and education, in personnel and management work. Currently, in each of these areas, a significant potential of knowledge and experience in the practical use of various counseling techniques has been accumulated, which can be useful for specialists in other areas of practice.

The consequence of this understanding of counseling is the building of a relationship of mutual cooperation between the psychologist and his client during psychological consultation, based on mutual trust and respect, equality and mutual openness. This is in contrast to the relationship of medical care, in which the doctor always knows better what the patient’s problem is and how to treat it, and therefore does not ask the patient’s consent to choose a treatment strategy, the use of certain methods and means, and does not explain to the patient their essence, the reasons for his choice and reasons for your decision. The doctor chooses the treatment strategy, and the patient only implements it.

Psychological correction (Psychocorrection) is one of the types of psychological assistance (among others - psychological counseling, psychological training, psychotherapy); activities aimed at correcting characteristics of psychological development that do not correspond to the optimal model, using special means of psychological influence; and also - activities aimed at developing in a person the necessary psychological qualities to increase his socialization and adaptation to changing living conditions.

Psychocorrectional influences can be of the following types: persuasion, suggestion, imitation, reinforcement. There are individual and group psychocorrection. In an individual setting, the psychologist works with the client one on one in the absence of strangers. In a group setting, work occurs immediately with a group of clients with similar problems, the effect is achieved through the interaction and mutual influence of people on each other.

Scope of application of psychocorrection

correction of the child’s emotional development;

correction of sensory-perceptual and intellectual activity;

psychocorrection of behavior of children and adolescents;

correction of personality development.

In relation to children's problems at school:

correction of deficiencies in cognitive activity;

correction of deficiencies in the emotional-volitional sphere;

behavior correction.

Psychotherapy (from the Greek ψυχή - “soul”, “spirit” + Greek θεραπεία - “treatment”, “healing”, “medicine”) is a system of therapeutic effects on the psyche and through the psyche on the human body. Often defined as an activity aimed at ridding a person of various problems (emotional, personal, social, etc.). It is usually carried out by a psychotherapist by establishing deep personal contact with the patient (often through conversations and discussions), as well as using various cognitive, behavioral and other techniques.

Psychological counseling is one of the types of psychological assistance (along with psychocorrection, psychotherapy, psychological training, etc.), separated from psychotherapy. According to R. Nelson-Jones, psychological counseling, at its core, is a type of helping relationship. BE%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%B3%D0%B8%D1%87%D0%B5%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%B5_%D0%BA%D0%BE% D0%BD%D1%81%D1%83%D0%BB%D1%8C%D1%82%D0%B8%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0% B8%D0%B5 - cite_note-.D0.9D.D0.B5.D0.BB.D1.8C.D1.81.D0.BE.D0.BD-.D0.94.D0.B6.D0.BE. D1.83.D0.BD.D1.81-0

Traditionally, the following types are distinguished in psychological counseling (the criterion for differentiation is the focus of psychological counseling on areas of an individual’s life):

Individual psychological counseling;

Family psychological counseling;

Group psychological counseling;

Professional (career) psychological counseling;

Multicultural psychological counseling.

Psychoprophylaxis in medicine “is generally understood as a system of measures aimed at studying the mental effects on a person, the properties of his psyche and the possibilities of preventing psychogenic and psychosomatic diseases.” There are primary, secondary and tertiary psychoprophylaxis.

Rehabilitation is a process whose purpose is to prevent the development of preventable disability during the treatment of diseases and to help a disabled person achieve the maximum physical capacity for which he is fit within the framework of the existing disease.

Age-related psychological counseling has the main goal of monitoring the progress of a child’s mental development based on ideas about the normative content and periodization of this process (G.V. Burmenskaya, O.A. Karabanova, A.G. Lidere).

Its tasks are reflected in its psychological and pedagogical purpose:

1. Orientation of parents, teachers and other persons involved in education on the problem of age-related individual characteristics of the child’s mental development.

2. Timely primary identification of children with various deviations and mental development disorders, referring them to specialists.

3. Prevention of secondary psychological complications in children with weakened somatic or neuropsychic health, recommendations for mental hygiene and psychoprophylaxis.

6. Correctional work in special groups with children, parents, teachers. Psychological and pedagogical education of the population.

The content specificity of developmental psychological counseling is concentrated around the problems of the child’s mental development. In accordance with the general scheme of age-related psychological counseling, the information received is grouped in four main sections: 1) health status; 2) information about the characteristics of the social environment in which the child grows up; 3) data on the characteristics of the child’s behavior and activities; 4) differentiated characteristics of the development of the cognitive and emotional-personal spheres of the child.

Based on the information received, the psychologist draws conclusions:

· general assessment of the level of development;

· the nature of the child’s difficulties;

· degree of their complexity;

factors causing difficulties;

· areas of influence in order to reduce the severity of the problem;

· conditional-variant development forecast.

Age-related psychological counseling is carried out in the following algorithm:

1. Analysis of information received in an initial conversation with parents, specialists, teachers, establishing contact with the child.

2. A conversation with parents aimed at obtaining information about the previous stages of the child’s development, his intrafamily relationships and social circumstances.

3. Collection of information from other institutions about health status (if necessary).

4. Observation of the child in natural conditions.

5. Experimental psychological examination of the child.

6. Data processing, causal analysis of results.

7. Psychological diagnosis of the child.

8. Psychological and pedagogical purpose.

9. Control, repeated consultation.

Psychological diagnosis reflects the level of current and immediate development of the child.

Level of current development:

a) age-psychological characteristics;

b) social development situation;

c) the level of development of leading activities and compliance with its standards;

d) neoplasms of age, their development;

e) difficulties and deviations, their causes. Conditional variant development forecast (zone of proximal development):

a) disclosure of the problem field of development alternatives;

b) showing the conditions for optimal development.

To conduct developmental psychological counseling, a psychologist needs knowledge of developmental and educational psychology. Based on the general patterns of age-related development, knowledge of mental neoplasms and psychological problems of each age and correlating them with the individual characteristics of the development of children and adolescents, the psychologist can draw conclusions and predict the situation of further development.

R.S. Nemov identifies psychological and pedagogical counseling as a special type of advisory work. He includes discussions with the client on the issues of teaching and raising children, teaching something and improving the pedagogical qualifications of adults, pedagogical leadership, managing children's and adult groups and teams, improving programs, methods and means of teaching, psychological justification for pedagogical experiments and innovations and etc. In this type of counseling we are talking about what pedagogical technologies or their individual components need to be used in specific situations and what impact they can have on personality development.

Psychological and pedagogical counseling presupposes that the consultant has pedagogical education and experience in teaching and education. Former teachers who have received a psychological education can become good consultant psychologists.

11.Psychological and pedagogical counseling and its features. Psychological and pedagogical consultation - It is connected with the issues of teaching and raising children, teaching something and improving the pedagogical qualifications of adults, pedagogical leadership in the management of children's and adult groups and teams. Psychological and pedagogical consulting includes issues of improving programs, methods and teaching aids, psychological justification of pedagogical innovations and a number of others. All problems can be reduced to 3 points: 1. identifying the causes of various kinds of difficulties in educational work with students; 2. overcoming and preventing deviations in the student’s intellectual and personal development; 3. assistance in resolving complex issues in conflict situations. The following areas are distinguished: 1) Relationships between parents and preschool children: for example, in a young family, spouses who have already become mother and father first encountered difficulties in establishing a normal relationship with a child aged two to three years, or spouses who already have two or more children of different ages age (not older than adolescence), they complain that for some reason normal relationships do not develop between their children and conflicts arise quite often. 2) Psychological and pedagogical counseling for parents of junior schoolchildren: parents whose child has already started studying in the first grade of school are worried that he is not a good student or for some reason does not have normal relationships with other children or with teachers; 3) Solving the psychological and pedagogical problems of adolescence: for some reason, teenage children do not want to study, behave defiantly, do not conscientiously fulfill their duties at home, do not fulfill their promises to their parents, etc.; 4) Consulting parents of boys and girls: for example, parents with teenage children are not satisfied with the way their children choose their future profession. The choice of children does not completely suit the parents. Functions of psychological and pedagogical consultation: 1.psychic education, mental prevention - prevention of possible unfavorable mental and personal development. 2. mental consultation - a solution to the problems with which teachers, students, and parents come to him. 3. psychodiagnostics, psychocorrection - elimination of deviations in the mental and personal development of a schoolchild, development of the child’s abilities, formation of his personality. Main goals: Preschool education- early diagnosis and correction of developmental disorders, ensuring readiness for school. Primary School- determining readiness for learning at school, ensuring adaptation to school, increasing the interest of schoolchildren in educational activities, developing cognitive and educational motivation, developing independence and self-organization, support in the formation of the desire and “ability to learn”, and the development of creative abilities. Basic school- support for the transition to primary school, adaptation to new learning conditions, support in solving problems of personal and value-semantic self-determination and self-development, assistance in solving personal problems and socialization problems, the formation of life skills, the prevention of neuroses, assistance in building constructive relationships with parents and peers, prevention of deviant behavior, drug addiction. High school- assistance in profile orientation and professional self-determination, support in solving existential problems (self-knowledge, search for the meaning of life, achieving personal identity), development of time perspective, goal-setting abilities, development of psychosocial competence, prevention of deviant behavior, drug addiction. Higher education institutions– assistance in solving pedagogical and psychological issues of vocational guidance, ensuring adaptation, increasing the student’s motivation and level of aspirations.

12.Organization, functions and areas of activity of the psychological service of an enterprise or organization. An organization - in the narrow sense - is an association of people who jointly implement a program or goal and act on the basis of certain rules and procedures. Psychological service is the structure of a division of an organization whose goal is to solve the organization’s problems or achieve the organization’s goals using psychological means and technologies. Target activities of an organizational psychologist (process consultant) - an organization capable of successfully developing in a dynamic (continuously changing) environment. Objects activities - organization, personnel, management, individual divisions or employees of the organization. Products The activities of a consultant can be very diverse, depending on the nature of the activity. The psychologist organizes the process of activity, his task is to ensure that this process is effective. Tasks: informational, training, diagnostic, advisory, corrective, developmental, dispatching - referral of a specialist to another specialist. Functions: research, advisory, pedagogical Components: 1.psychological training of managers and staff; 2. psychological support of the activity process; 3. correctional and rehabilitation – restoration of psychological strength of employees. Currently, the personnel management service in many domestic organizations includes several divisions - the personnel department, the training department, the labor and wage department, the social development department, the labor protection department, and the sociological laboratory. The functions of these units comprise the functions of the service as a whole. Let's move on to a description of the functions of these main divisions: Human Resources Department– provide personnel for the organization (hiring, placement, dismissal), conducting personnel records, analyzing staff turnover and labor discipline, recording the movement of personnel, preparing personnel orders. Training department– organize training for managers, specialists and workers according to individual programs, organize training and certification on safety precautions, organize advanced training, retraining of all levels of workers, summarize the experience of the best workers, organize industrial practice. Department of Labor and Wages– development of the staffing table and changes to it, control of the number of structural units, introduction of modern remuneration systems, formation and implementation of a bonus system, formation of a collective agreement and monitoring its implementation, monitoring compliance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation in terms of remuneration, development of work schedules , preparation of statistical reporting. Social Development Department– planning and use of social insurance funds, organization of financial assistance funds, registration of pension affairs, implementation of medical and other types of insurance, organization of loan payments, various benefits, provision of sanatorium and resort vouchers, organization of public events. Labor protection department– monitoring compliance with legislative and regulatory acts on labor protection, work to prevent injuries and occupational diseases, consulting on labor protection issues, coordinating project documentation regarding labor protection. Sociological laboratory- formation of a corporate culture and a healthy moral and psychological climate in the team. The structure of the HR service and its functions largely depend on the nature and size of the organization.

13.Psychological professional counseling, its essence, content and main approaches. PPC is a type of psychological assistance aimed at coordinating the client’s individual capabilities and needs with the interests of the organization or labor market, as a result of which the client’s professional self-determination occurs, his professional plan is formed or improved, productive changes are made to his professional activities, professional behavior, interaction and communication . Important: - the potential is realized, - there is an external requirement of the labor market. – we make constructive changes. Directions of the CPD: 1. Career-oriented counseling of an optant (a person choosing a profession). 2. Career counseling for the unemployed (the goal is to get a job). 3. Consulting the organization’s personnel (business consulting). In modern conditions, PPC acts as: 1. PC as a function of professional activity, i.e. carried out by HR managers, organizational psychologists, and personnel management employees in corporate-type organizations. 2. PC as a type of activity - for example, in employment centers, career guidance centers for youth, social services there is a position of a career consultant. Types of PC tasks: 1. Informational (communication of information). 2. Psychodiagnostics (there is not a single solution without this). 3. Psychological support (help in overcoming negative emotions). 4. Professional self-determination. 5. Psychological assistance (specific solution to the problem). Ways to seek advice: 1. Self-referral.2. Invitation to consultation. 3. Referral for consultation.

14.The essence, objectives, types and directions of professional consulting for the organization’s personnel. Professional psychological (business) counseling is a type of psychological assistance aimed at finding and generating conscious, unconventional actions by the client towards himself and others, overcoming difficulties in the process of professional activity in order to effectively solve professional problems, harmonious professional development, as well as maintaining restoration of mental health. DC - psychological counseling of clients on business issues related to their work and business relationships with people. DK sent to solve problems prof. formation: prof. self-determination, professional suitability, prof. adaptation, implementation professional psychologist. potential, prof. growth, career, prof. rehabilitation, as well as overcoming prof. stagnation, crises and conflicts. Z adachi:- clarification and clarification of the problem, with a cat. faced a man in his prof. activities; - informing the client about the essence of the problem he has encountered, about the real degree of its seriousness; - a psychologist’s study of the personality of the person being consulted in order to determine his ability to independently cope with the problem that has arisen, psychodiagnostics by a social psychologist. situations in the organization; - formulating recommendations on how to best solve the problem; - providing ongoing assistance in the form of additional assistance. practical advice in the resolution process prof. Problems; - solving the problems of psychoprophylaxis, transferring elementary, vitally necessary psychologists to the psychologist. knowledge, application cat. perhaps by the client himself without a special psychologist. preparation. Kinds: - adaptive; - stimulating; - career; - rehabilitation; - information and analytical; - corrective; - counseling for those being laid off. Target: resolution of personal problems subjectively perceived by the client as an obstacle to personal and professional development. development. In general terms, the system of business career counseling can be represented as follows. way: 1. Technologies: a) acmeological counseling: a specially organized process of communication between a psychologist-consultant and a client, aimed at developing non-standard, creative ways of carrying out professional activities, increasing the personal and professional level of development of the client. target formation and development of a creative and artistic personality. tasks: 1. formation of the goals of professional activity and professional development 2. determination of technologies for professional development 3. formation of career plans 4. formation of a specialist’s professional profile 5. technological support. methods 1) Modeling the image of the desired future in the client’s professional, official or managerial activities. Solved by specification. 2) Systematization and specification of key success factors that contribute to the client’s productive movement towards the image of the desired future and on which overcoming professional difficulties depends. 3) Restructuring, rethinking the “problem space”, forming the client’s ideas about professional activities that do not allow achieving greater effect in the process of its implementation, as well as about those difficulties that, in the client’s opinion, cannot be influenced. b) coaching - a type of psychological assistance aimed at preparing individuals and groups, mastering professional skills in order to achieve results, success, goals, within a set time frame, i.e. preparation for a specific event. c) expert consulting - the process of assisting an expert consultant in identifying and solving a professional problem faced by an individual or group. An expert consultant solves the client’s professional problems using methods, tools and technologies of psychological science. Expert counseling takes place at the consultee’s workplace. An expert consultant is primarily interested not in the inner world of the client, but in methods, techniques, methods, means and technologies for resolving a problem situation that correspond to the capabilities of the person being consulted. Z adachi expert advice can be combined in three groups: 1. Professional and informational - aimed at eliminating the deficit of knowledge and skills. 2. Developmental - focused on the development of the individual psychological qualities of a professional. 3. Conceptual - related to the formation and development of the principles and values ​​of professional activity. d) traditional psychologist. consulting. 2. Contents:- personnel adaptation, - motivation and stimulation, - conflict resolution, - career planning and development, - prof. development and training, - social psychologist. and labor rehabilitation, - work with dismissed employees, - organizational culture, SEC, etc. Types of recreational activities that are related to the content area: 1. Information and analytical career counseling is carried out in the process of psychological support of professional activity, at all stages of professional development. Information counseling is aimed at forming ideas about the patterns of functioning of the psyche, developing and improving professional and managerial skills, psycho-self-regulation skills, building optimal ways of interaction and relationships with other people, as well as developing in specialists a psychological type of thinking, the need for psychological knowledge and the desire to use it in real practical activities. Obtaining information by a consultant is based on serious psychodiagnostic work, because on its basis the psychologist provides it to clients: managers at various levels, employees, interested parties. 2. Adaptation counseling is aimed at assisting individuals in mastering a new position, specialty, profession or new field of activity in order to facilitate the adaptation process and speed it up. 3. Stimulating career counseling involves providing assistance to people experiencing professional stagnation and depression. The main thing is to form the client’s internal readiness for conscious and independent construction, adjustment and implementation of prospects for his professional development, advanced training, professional growth and career. It is important to enrich the individual’s understanding of his professional capabilities, build confidence in his own abilities and motivate professional self-improvement. 4. Corrective professional counseling is aimed at providing psychological assistance to individuals in order to overcome crises of professional development and correct deficiencies in behavior, communication and activity, in the event of negative deviations from the norm in the development and functioning of the psyche of a particular person. 5. psychorehabilitation counseling is the process of providing assistance to psychotraumatized persons in restoring their professionally important qualities, mental functions, personal status, system of relationships, effective behavior and professional activities. 6. Career counseling is a process of joint activity between a consultant and a client to determine values ​​and professional interests, identify professional orientation, level of training, education, skills and work experience; analysis of the client’s immediate and long-term goals, resources and capabilities for self-actualization and self-realization in professional activities, in the organization and in the labor market. 7. Counseling for those being dismissed is the process of providing assistance to a resigning employee, aimed at “mitigating” the psychological consequences of dismissal by providing professional and psychological support, orientation in the labor market for the purpose of quick employment or determining a new social role in society. 3. Category of consultants:- management consulting, - consulting the organization's personnel. Stages of business consulting: 1. establishing contact, 2. identifying a request. 3. formation of an image of the desired result, 4. identification of problems on the way to achieving the goal, 5. identification of conditions conducive to success, 6. awareness of the cause-and-effect relationship, 7. development of alternatives, 8. formation of a specific path and method of achieving the goal, 9. correction guiding the client in the process of implementing the decision made, 10. summing up. The main objective of each specific consultation is the formation of a psychologist. skills and development of those traits of the client, cat. help overcome the most significant difficulties on the path to an effective professional career. activities and noted by the specialist before the consultation as most often manifested in his work. Depending on the object, the psychologist. influences in business career counseling can be identified as follows: forms of providing psychologist. help:- individual and group counseling; - consulting management personnel and managers, consulting organization personnel.

15.Goals, objectives and content of career guidance counseling. POC for adolescents = this is a type of psychological assistance in choosing a profession and an appropriate educational institution based on the formation of a personal professional plan, in which the optant’s inclinations, abilities and demand in the labor market are coordinated. Characteristics of the process of professional self-determination: 1. Awareness of the student (optant: types of vocational education, state of the labor market, differences in educational institutions). 2. Formation of significant motives. 3. Expression of professional interests. 4. Availability of special abilities. 5. Practical experience in the chosen field of activity. 6. Formation and stability of professional intentions. 7. Real level of professional aspirations (interests, assessment, volitional qualities). 8. State of health. Concept of self-determination: 1. must be at the top (demand). 2. On the right I can (this is what ensures the realization of what I want, our knowledge, abilities, skills). 3. On the left I want (our inclinations, interests). 4. I strive from below (that personality characteristic that characterizes him on the labor market, his strong-willed qualities). Purpose of QAP: help choose a profession, educational institution, get a diploma/backup option; professional consultation is aimed at updating and awareness by the optant of those ideas and qualities that influence his professional plans. During the professional consultation, the following general tasks are solved: 1. establish contact with the optant; 2. collect information necessary to build or correct his professional plan; 3. make a decision regarding the type of profession and educational institution suitable for the optant; 4. justify this decision, develop alternative options for a professional plan; 5. finalize the decisions made with the optant, summarize the results, and make the necessary clarifications. The complexity of the tasks facing a career consultant is determined by factors - the optant’s personality traits, - the degree of his readiness for a frank discussion with the consultant of his problems, - the degree of expression of the optant’s inclinations and abilities, - the presence or absence of a professional plan.

16.Psychological characteristics and content of professional psychological counseling for the unemployed. Unemployment is a social a phenomenon in the system of market relations, understood as the lack of work for able-bodied citizens. Types of unemployment: 1. Current – ​​unemployment due to the transition from one job to another. 2. Hidden – is an imbalance of supply and demand in the labor market. 3. Structural – sending workers on forced leave. 4. Mass – as a state in society. 5. Stagnant – typical for homeless people, parasites, etc. PPKB– this is professional psychological assistance provided by a consultant in order to assist the client in solving the problem of self-employment, taking into account his state of health, needs, desires, abilities and the specific situation in the labor market. Purpose of PPKB– choice, change of professions, selection of a retraining profile taking into account the field of choice of profession. The ultimate goal is employment. Tasks of a career consultant: 1. Awareness, i.e. providing professional information. 2. Carrying out diagnostics of individual psychological characteristics. 3. Removal of negative mental experiences. 4. Assessment of individual qualities and their compliance with the requirements of the chosen specialty. 5. Determination of the degree of prof. suitability. 6.Preventing the negative consequences of being unemployed, reducing self-esteem. 7. Formation of necessary skills for job search and employment. 8. Psychological support in the situation of overcoming unemployment. 9. Inclusion of the unemployed in social and professional relations. Problems of the unemployed: 1. Rejection of the situation, the status of unemployed. 2. The need for support and participation. 3. Inadequate self-esteem, lack of self-confidence, anxiety 4. Request for tension relief and psycho-self-regulation. 5. Conflict behavior in general. 6. Prof. self-determination (choice or re-choice of a profession). 7. Discrepancy between the requested profession and the profession according to diploma (education). 8. Selecting a retraining profile. 9. Questions related to prof. career and development. Negative mental states of the unemployed and working with them. 1) States of depression, experiences. 2) Decreased sense of life satisfaction. 3) Increased feelings of loneliness. 4) Social isolation (people tend to limit their social contacts). 5) Loss of the sense of time (daily routine, cyclicality, etc.). 6) Apathy, passivity, submission to fate. 7) The predominance of a state of pessimism, fatalism. 8) Increased excitability, aggressiveness. 9) Distress (he himself cannot restore his strength) 10) neuroses 11) experiencing a feeling of fear. Working with the unemployed. 1. Career consultant: Formation of a person’s confidence in his ability to cope with the difficulties of finding a job, Formation of a job search attitude, Formation or activation of emotional and volitional self-regulation skills, Analysis and activation of professional needs and motives. 2. Vocational training specialist: Formation of readiness to overcome difficulties in vocational training, Activation of cognitive motives, Activation of mental functions that ensure cognitive activity. 3. Placement Specialist: Creating a welcoming and collaborative atmosphere, Active listening and empathy. 4.Psychologist consultant: Formation of adequate self-esteem, Formation of an attitude towards coping behavior, Elimination or weakening of hidden emotional distress, Formation of effective forms of behavior. A flexible counseling structure is typical: 1. Establishing contact.2. Removing the client’s negative emotional experiences and implementing a psychologist. support.3. Finding out the client's problem (type of unemployment, etc.).4. Forming an image of the desired future.5. Identification of Prof. qualifications of the client, personal potential of the client (connections, strong-willed qualities, organizational skills).6. Study by Prof. motives, inclinations.7. Motivational components of professionalization.8. Diagnostics by Prof. Prof.'s abilities suitability.9. Assessment of personality orientation and professional level. client certainty.10. Coordination of professional level level, interests, abilities with the requirements of the labor market.11. Formation and adjustment of personal professional. Plan; + for consultation as needed: - prof. information; - mini-trainings, etc. The result of the psychologist’s work with the client: Goal– employment of the client. Tasks: 1. Expanding the client’s awareness of the content of various. professions.2. Making adjustments to the prof. client's plans and intentions.3. Coordination of self-esteem, professional level. the client's claims and capabilities.4. Making a decision by the client about employment for a specific position. Categories of the unemployed, with whom prof. consulting: 1) The unemployed person is a graduate of a boarding school. 2) The unemployed person does not have a clear, reliable plan for finding a job. 3) The need to change professions. 4) The unemployed have serious, negative experiences, high levels of stress and anxiety. 5) The unemployed have inadequate self-esteem. 6) The unemployed have a need for confession.7) An unemployed person is a citizen who has been discharged from the armed forces.8) Lack of skills and abilities to find a job.9) Unemployed people who have returned from prison. Classification of the unemployed depending on the level of activity in solving employment problems. Unemployed first type do not need employment services. They are completely independent and retain the ability to quickly cope with the situation and find a suitable job. As a rule, these are specialists who are fluent in several professions or specialties, have varied work experience and are therefore quite competitive in the labor market. They may not even be registered with the employment center. Unemployed second type , as a rule, they register with the employment center, trying to make the most of all the services it offers. They make their own decisions about what kind of work is most suitable for them. As a rule, their professional plans are quite adequate and justified; as a result, unemployed people of this type find employment relatively quickly. Unemployed third type They experience job loss for a long time and painfully. For a long time they are busy with their own experiences, and not with looking for a new job. Only after a year does the stage of reassessment of values ​​begin, and with the help of social rehabilitation programs, the unemployed can decide to change their professional situation. Unemployed fourth type - people for whom the loss of a job inevitably results in deep, irreversible social losses in other areas of life. These are potential alcoholics, drug addicts, socially degenerate elements, for whom the loss of a job becomes a provocative impetus for unfavorable personal changes. In many countries, there is a well-developed state system of social rehabilitation for such categories of people.

17. Selection of content for the training course “Psychology”: sources and principles for selecting content. Preparing a teacher for psychology classes. In preparation psychology training course use the following materials as sources, which are divided into the following types: 1) Educational literature in the form of textbooks and teaching aids is usually the main source on which the teacher relies. 2) Scientific literature in the form of monographs, articles in scientific journals and collections of scientific works is often used by psychology teachers in higher educational institutions. Scientific books and articles present detailed content of scientific research and are intended for fellow professional psychologists, so they are not always understandable to students. Unlike textbooks, they are subject-specific and are not designed for educational purposes. Depending on the number of authors and the structure of the book, the following types of psychological publications are distinguished: monograph, collective monograph, collection of scientific works. A monograph is a book containing a presentation of the results of scientific research devoted to one issue. When it is written by several authors, it is called a collective monograph. The collection of scientific papers contains several articles devoted to a number of problems on similar topics, but not united by a common idea or research structure. When preparing for classes, the teacher needs to present the relevant material in a didactically more accessible form. 3) Popular science books and articles can also be used in preparing and conducting training sessions in psychology as auxiliary aids. They contain an accessible and clear presentation of any psychological problem, are written in popular scientific language and do not assume the reader’s knowledge of professional psychological terminology, since they are intended for a wide range of people. 4) A new source of information on psychology is the Internet. To successfully search for information in it, it is important to know the addresses of the relevant sites and web pages. The process of preparing for classes can be roughly divided into two stages: long-term, including preparation for the school year, and current - preparation for studying a specific topic of the curriculum and the next lesson. Planning documentation is a perspective-thematic plan and lesson plans. Preparing a teacher for PS classes: Every teaching session, even the smallest presentation by a teacher to students, requires serious preparation. 1. The initial preparation of a teacher for classes of all types should be based on studying the curriculum and the “Model Program” of the discipline, which is approved by the relevant authority. Then you need to draw up thematic plans for types of classes in accordance with the allocated hours. 2. The teacher’s knowledge should not be limited to textbooks. He needs to get acquainted with related disciplines, systematically expand the volume of specialized knowledge, review newly released textbooks, teaching aids and specialized literature (magazines), exchange experience with other teachers (department, specialty, faculty, university), attend seminars and lectures. 3. The teacher should didactically understand the content of each topic, using theoretical principles, research, historical facts. The purpose of such a didactic restructuring is to intensify students’ interest in the subject and cultivate a sense of responsibility for their future profession. 4. A clear and detailed understanding of the course content allows the teacher to begin development of a long-term thematic plan. A well-thought-out thematic plan helps the teacher rationally distribute educational material among classes, make interdisciplinary connections, and select and prepare the necessary educational and visual aids in advance. A long-term thematic plan is a working document for teachers, which is not approved by anyone. Its form depends on the adopted methodological teaching system. A) The thematic plan can be drawn up for one or two semesters of the corresponding academic year. B) Structure of the thematic plan should contain: lesson number, topic of the lesson and main questions, number of hours, purpose of the lesson, type of lesson, basic methods of educational work (method of learning new material, students’ work in the classroom - in particular in laboratory and practical classes, control of mastery of the lessons), educational visual aids and technical teaching aids, content for students’ independent work, basic and additional literature. The amount of knowledge that a student should receive. C) Drawing up a thematic plan should begin with the distribution of material within each topic into separate classes. Complex and large-scale issues require three to four class hours to study, and vice versa, several issues can be covered during one class session., that is, the teaching, developing and educating purpose of the lesson; survey form (individual, frontal, combined, program); method of studying and consolidating new material; use of visual aids and technical teaching aids; content and scope of independent work. In most cases, the activity does not have clearly defined structural elements.: explanation of the material, to the extent necessary, is accompanied by simultaneous consolidation and testing of knowledge; By testing students' knowledge, the teacher simultaneously consolidates it. In the lesson plan, the teacher identifies structural units- stages, logically completed segments of educational time, each of which is characterized by certain tasks, content, and types of activities of the teacher and students. It is recommended to cover the following in the plan: topic, purpose and type of lesson; educational visual aids and technical teaching aids; interdisciplinary and intradisciplinary connections; main issues of the topic being studied; communication of new material by the teacher or independent work of students; monitoring student activities and testing acquired knowledge; task for yourself. work.