How can you celebrate September 1st? How to celebrate the first of September with your class. KGroup company. What is important to consider

Another 2 weeks - and our children will put on a brand new school uniform en masse, pick up flowery briefcases and go actively gnawing on the granite of science. It is not easy to acquire knowledge, so it is hardly possible to call this day the brightest in the life of humanity between the ages of seven and eighteen. In order to sweeten this pill a little, parents should think ahead of time about how to spend September 1 and leave their child with positive emotions about this day. Starting from the 7th-8th grade, teenagers will be able to figure out this issue themselves by getting together in a cafe, bowling alley, or organizing a trip to the cinema. For elementary school and especially first-graders, parental intervention is mandatory.

For some reason, many parents, thinking about how to celebrate September 1 for a first-grader, most often reduce the celebration to the family format of “gift, dinner with cake, congratulations to relatives.” First, ask the hero of the occasion what he wants, and you will probably hear about rides, movies and other entertainment. And not with relatives, but with peers! If in your yard or circle of friends there are three or more people who are going to primary school in the fall, you should get together and think about where to celebrate September 1 so that it is fun and festive for everyone - adults and children. If you do not take into account very original decisions, then such celebrations are usually celebrated as follows.

  1. Cafe. Sweets, entertainment and fun - what more do kids need? However, in no case should this format be reduced to a “home” format - gifts and congratulations while eating cake. How to celebrate September 1st with a child at the highest level? – Book tables in advance in a colorful cafe, plan a truly festive menu and take care of entertainment. The last point is the most difficult: you will need maximum creativity and time. Although you can take a simpler route: order entertainment from specialists. By contacting the KGroup company, you will receive an excellent script for the action, find excellent animators who know an incredible amount of fun, you can order a quest, you will be provided with a professional photographer, etc. Professional performance is always better than amateur performance, so think about it.
  2. Outdoors. What is the best way to celebrate the first of September with your class? – Of course, if the weather permits, an outing into nature would be ideal. Here you can play sports games, swim, barbecue and barbecue, or just walk in the fresh air. If desired, the effect of the holiday can be greatly enhanced by selecting a good presenter and ordering an interesting program. For high school students, an open-air disco with good sound and lighting will be a pleasant bonus.
  3. At school. This option is not suitable for first-graders: on the first of September, a holiday at school is usually organized by an already formed parent committee. Again, in this case it is important not to turn the celebration into eating sweets. With the right approach, you can start an excellent program already at the lineup stage: for example, invite one of the performers with a couple of numbers. If the school management doesn’t mind, you can set up a whole entertainment town at the stadium: rides, animals, a magician. Another option for spending September 1 at school is to hold master classes or competitions that are interesting for children, start the same quest throughout the territory, etc.

The theme of the first of September is quite fertile for original and fun solutions. Just devote enough time to this issue or entrust it to the professionals from KGroup. Seeing that the children go to school with enthusiasm, you will see that all your efforts were completely justified.

And despite the age of the child, I want this day to be remembered only by pleasant emotions. And here everything, as they say, is in your hands, parents. We have prepared for you some simple and useful ideas that will turn the day of the first call into a real holiday.

The bell is ringing

The ceremonial ceremony and the first lesson in the class are over. Parents can relax and children can enjoy the holiday to the fullest. But in order for this to be possible, it is necessary to think through an action plan in advance.

You need to start a few days before the important date, because the right attitude is the key to a pleasant day.

Creating a festive atmosphere

Where should I start? In fact, everything is very simple:

First of all, parents should forget about fears and discontent. Yes, you may have to spend a lot of money to provide your child with all the necessary educational materials, but you shouldn’t even mention this in front of your child. Prepare him for the beginning of another interesting year, during which he will be able to gain a lot of new knowledge and impressions.

To create a festive atmosphere, first give your child freedom of choice in the process of buying school supplies, and then decorate the house together. The most affordable option is balloons, beautiful autumn leaves, a wall newspaper and a photo collage.

On a wall newspaper you can display your child’s expectations for the upcoming school year, “seasoning” it all with short poems of your own composition.

In a photo collage, it would be appropriate to use photographs from previous celebrations or collect the brightest moments of a child’s life from birth to the present, if this is a first-grader.

Go for a walk

It’s worth saying right away that you should have two options for celebrating September 1, in case the weather lets you down.

So, if your plans are not disrupted by weather conditions, then you can please your child with a hike:

  • To the picnic. This is a real haven for children. In addition to jointly prepared delicacies and songs around the fire, you can easily hold family competitions, interesting competitions and end the holiday with bright fireworks.
  • To the amusement park. Such entertainment will be of interest not only to younger children; even teenagers are often not averse to having fun in such a place. A significant advantage also lies in the fact that while the child is enjoying the games, parents can be distracted by a coffee break.
  • Walk on the water. Have you ever had a picnic on the water? Then Knowledge Day is the right time for this. Firstly, you can fully enjoy a warm autumn day, and secondly, this is a truly unforgettable experience.
  • Horseback riding. Communication with animals is one of the best ways to relieve stress. The beginning of the school year is always a little exciting for schoolchildren, so leisurely walks on beautiful, stately horses can perfectly relieve the atmosphere.

But if the ceremony had to be held under umbrellas, you shouldn’t despair. There are many more options for how to celebrate this day:

  • Cinema. Popcorn, an interesting film or cartoon, and a long time to discuss impressions. The child will definitely like this.
  • Dolphinarium. If your child has never swam with dolphins before, give him this opportunity. No weather can prevent you from receiving a hurricane of positive emotions.
  • Holiday at home. Who said celebrating the start of the school year at home is boring? Favorite delicacies will definitely lift your spirits, and interesting quizzes will awaken the spirit of competition. Another interesting idea is video interviews. Make it a tradition to record a video every year where you ask the same questions. For example, what the child wants to become, what he likes most about school, a few words about friends, etc.

It is worth noting that such entertainment is usually suitable for primary and secondary school students. Don’t be offended if, after finishing school, a teenager asks you for some money for personal expenses and goes for a walk with friends.

Nice gifts

September 1st is a holiday and worth celebrating. Gifts, of course, are an integral part. First, let's think about teachers. It would be a shame not to give a good class teacher a nice present. But this does not mean that you will have to fork out for expensive equipment or precious jewelry. Excellent options for this case are:

  • Candy stand;
  • original diary (for example, personalized handmade);
  • a cup with pleasant wishes from students;
  • souvenir tea or coffee sets.

Now let's figure out what you can give to a schoolchild. First of all, you should pay attention to whether the present will be useful. Of course, it’s great if the theme of the holiday continues in this case. But if you know that some other option will be more useful, then why not:

  • High school students will certainly appreciate a new computer desk or some modern gadgets and devices (tablet, e-reader, fitness bracelet).
  • For first-graders and elementary school students, childhood does not end, so you can safely please them with board games or creativity kits. And for parents who are ready to share the responsibility for our little brothers with their baby, we recommend giving them a pet as a gift.
  • A fun gift for children of any age will be an unusual alarm clock - jumping, glowing, with a special glass surface on which you can leave wishes every day.

Pleasant impressions with which the new school year begins are the engine that will help you gain knowledge with pleasure. Don’t be lazy to make a holiday, it’s so simple.

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I do not want to go to school? How to organize a child's holiday on September 1?

Summer is ending. School time is quickly approaching. The holidays flew by unnoticed, and the need to go to school again, to be honest, does not make all students happy. Why? There are many reasons. In order for us, parents, to understand that school in a child’s mind is sometimes “not sugar,” we will superficially list only a few of them. And then we will use all our parental resources to ensure that our students start the new school year in a good mood, or better yet, with the right attitude. How his main activity – training – will go will largely depend on this.

I do not want anything!

Imagine yourself: you don’t like something, but you have to do it. You spit, you suffer, but you do it. Sometimes - somehow, just to get rid of it. Does your activity benefit anyone? No. And now there is a different situation: you are inspired to do difficult work, and you become inspired, begin to see the situation in bright colors, get down to business, showing diligence, achieving the desired result. Now let's get back to our children.

Literally in one line - why the need to go to school again does not arouse their enthusiasm:

  • learning is not interesting (due to the program, the teacher’s teaching, because the child is more developed than other children, etc.);
  • lazy to study (simply reluctant to go to school or do homework due to personal characteristics);
  • it is difficult to study (despite all efforts, school knowledge is acquired with difficulty, constant stress deprives one of strength);
  • the need to communicate with specific students is annoying (I don’t like some students from my own or another class, perhaps there were open conflicts with them);
  • the need to interact with specific teachers is stressful (you don’t like the class teacher or subject teacher, perhaps the student has experienced situations where the teacher treated him harshly, rudely, unfairly).

Hard labor or pleasure?

You may know the reasons why your child is unhappy with school, or you may not be aware of it. Anything can happen. This is a matter of the child’s trust in his parents, your attentiveness and interest. Of course, now we could spin this topic and dive into the depths of the depths, looking for the root of the problem, but still - today we have other tasks - to organize a holiday on September 1, the hidden meaning of which is to:

  • prepare your child for the school year;
  • motivate him to acquire knowledge.
  • make it clear that you are there and will support him if necessary.

And for us to succeed, we need to make it bright, interesting, introduce an element of surprise, surprise, etc. In general - so that your student gets inspired, “lights up”, sees the meaning, and sets a goal. Makes an action plan - and go ahead! Here are some simple ideas for September 1st.

Action plan: preparation for 5!

1. Wake up the student with music

Prepare several songs about school (you can easily download them on the Internet). Maybe not directly - about the school, but somehow related to it. For example:

  • "They teach at school"
  • "Two by two is four"
  • “Natasha is a first-grader”
  • “Winged Swing” (from the film “Adventures of Electronics”)
  • “We are little children - we want to walk” (from the film “Adventures of Electronics”)
  • “Once upon a time” (from the film “Dunno from Our Yard”)
  • “Surprise” (from the film “Dunno from Our Backyard”)
  • "Ring"
  • music from the film "Guest from the Future"

You can also find something more modern, for example:

  • "Favorite school"
  • “Back to School” - group “Roots” (not for elementary school) or something else

Why is this necessary? Music will help create the right mood (sometimes even festive) immediately after waking up. Let her play quietly until she leaves for school.

2. Give the student something pleasant, attractive (ideally, also useful for study or personal development)

2.1. The most traditional and logical option is a book. And even better - books. And not necessarily dictionaries and encyclopedias - a child can perceive this as “ugh...”. It is better if you give as a gift books with adventures, detective stories for elementary, middle or high school age, something suitable from domestic and world fiction. Moreover, if you choose between the foreign “Harry Potter” and the domestic “Tanya Grotter”, I would choose the first.

Depending on your age, you can give preference to different books; here are a few as examples:

M. Twain. "Adventures of Tom Sawyer";

B. Polevoy “The Tale of a Real Man”;

L. Davydychev “The Life of Ivan Semenov, a Second-Grader and a Second-Year Student” And "Lelishna from the third entrance"(these are all-time hits)

Works by A. Volkov: “The Wizard of the Emerald City”, “Urfene Juice and His Wooden Soldiers”, “Seven Underground Kings”;

Collections of stories by M. Zoshchenko;

N. Nosov “Vitya Maleev at school and at home”;

Works by Vladislav Krapivin(ideal for boys);

J. Kinney "Diary of a Wimpy Kid"(in three parts)

Collections of stories about school(including funny ones).

If your schoolchild is interested in something, find a book about his hobby.

If for some reason you don’t like paper books, there is another option - an e-book. Perhaps, with the help of an electronic device, interest in reading will increase at least a little.

2.2. Notepad for notes (notebook). Nowadays there is a huge selection of notebooks: for boys and girls, for creative people, for business people - you will definitely find something that suits a schoolchild. Seeing a beautiful notebook, your hand will naturally reach out to write something there: either secrets, or plans for the future.

2.3 . Logic game, constructor, puzzle, etc. If you supplement the book with something equally interesting, great! Depending on the child's preferences, choose the appropriate option. By the way, you can play some games together (for example, Monopoly).

2.4. Unusual stationery: bendable pens, original pencils, unusual pencil case, etc. Give something that will cause surprise and delight, now there is a lot of such “goodness”. Of course, all sorts of pen-typewriters may not be suitable for study, but at home they are quite suitable. The main thing is the emotions that the child experienced at the time of receiving the gift.

2.5. Creativity/exploration kit (for example, a young chemist kit). To “stir up” interest in studying, as well as simply in doing something, you can give a schoolchild a kit that allows you to create something if you put in the effort and do everything right. Such classes teach accuracy, patience, attentiveness, caution, accuracy, dexterity, etc. In general - useful and interesting.

3. Surprise, surprise, long live surprise!

You can organize a small party, invite a couple of friends and arrange a fun “exam” with refreshments. You prepare small simple prizes in advance (pens, pencils, rulers, postcards, bookmarks, erasers, as well as bags to put everything you earn there). Also prepare tasks according to age. These can be “danetkas”, poems with a trick, funny logic problems, flips, puzzles, pieces of pictures (guess what they are). Children gradually become excited and answer with pleasure.

If the weather permits and the conditions also permit, go to a forest clearing, arrange it all in nature, fry sausages or kebabs.

4. Education with refreshments

Have a family dinner and cook something delicious. You don't have to have a grand celebration, just let everything be a little more solemn than usual. You can tell your student various interesting, funny and instructive (but not boring) stories from your school life. Or tell us about the difficulties you experienced and how you overcame them. Let the child feel that his parents understand him, that they are interested in him, that they love him.

5. Confidential conversation

In the evening, before going to bed, find a few minutes to talk with your child. Just don’t say something like: “I hope that at least this year you will study better, because then you will have to take the Unified State Exam. Stop messing around, it’s time to come to your senses.” Instead of tedious and useless moralizing, wish your child to find something interesting and useful for himself at school: subject(s), communication with friends, the opportunity to show his abilities, the opportunity to participate in various competitions.

The day has come to an end. You tried your best and get an A for effort, for a creative approach to work, for a high level of performance. Let's diary! But seriously... When parents know how to not only insist (you should, you are a student), but also interest the child so that he learns and develops - this is class! Of course, you cannot solve all problems in one day, but it is quite possible to create a mood. And how your student starts the school year also depends a lot on it.

Those who read to the end - all five!

If you liked this article and found it useful, please do a good deed by clicking on the social media buttons below. Thank you!

Natalya Reutova.

P.S.: My son is not a very diligent student. And he doesn’t feel any particular zeal for school (for he is not an academician, but a creator). Every year on September 1, we traditionally arrange a small holiday for him, each time he is happy, inspired, and... drawn into school life. Recently I asked my son about how our efforts on the first of September affected him. I received a sincere answer: “I still don’t really want to go to school, but it’s somehow becoming more interesting and easier. After all, there are some good things at school.”

Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 9 minutes


September 1 is a special day. Especially for first graders. And parents, of course, want this day to leave only the brightest emotions in the child’s memory and become a reason for an attentive attitude to school. And for this you need to create a real holiday for your baby, which, first of all, the parents themselves should be imbued with. How to arrange a holiday for your first-grader?

Of course, you should think about the holiday in advance. Preferably a month or two in advance to have time to prepare everything.

What are main points of preparation?

  • Firstly, mood of parents and child . It is unlikely that the baby will wait for this day with bated breath if for parents September 1st is just an extra headache. It is clear that a lot depends on financial resources, but the very atmosphere of the holiday can be created with a minimum of money - if only you have the desire and imagination.
  • The statements “School is hard labor” and “How much money needs to be invested!”, as well as all of your own keep your fears to yourself , if you don’t want to discourage your child from learning in advance. Tell your child about the friends he will meet, about the interesting excursions that await him, about his busy school life and new opportunities.

To create a festive atmosphere, start early with your child. decorate an apartment for the Day of Knowledge:

And, of course, autumn leaves – where would we be without them? There are a lot of original paper crafts that imitate yellow-red autumn leaves - one of the symbols of September 1st. You can hang them on strings or make pictures from real leaves.

What gift to choose for your first-grader on September 1 - what to give to a first-grader?

When choosing a gift for your beloved first-grader, remember his age. You shouldn’t immediately reject the idea of ​​a toy gift - after all, it’s still a child. Well, don’t forget about the main “gift” ideas:

How to spend September 1 interesting and unforgettable?

To make Knowledge Day not just a tick on the calendar for your child, but a memorable and magical event, you need to put in a little effort. In addition to decorating the apartment, the holiday table, the mood and gifts, the child can extend the holiday outside the school walls.

For example, tell a first-grader:

  • To the cinema and McDonald's.
  • To a children's performance.
  • To a zoo or dolphinarium.
  • Arrange a festive picnic with fireworks.
  • Can record a video of an “interview with a first-grader” as a keepsake. Don’t forget to ask questions - what is school, what do you want to become, what did you like most about school, etc.
  • Buy a huge school photo album , which you can start filling out together with your child, accompanying each photo with comments. By the end of school, flipping through this album will be interesting for both the child and the parents.
  • Can negotiate with the parents of the baby’s classmates and gather everyone in the children’s cafe – there they will have the opportunity to get to know each other better and at the same time have fun celebrating the holiday.

Everyone knows that most people love summer. This is especially true for school-age children. And this is understandable, because schoolchildren have the longest holidays at this time. This means that in the summer they can play, have fun and do whatever they want all the time. Therefore, September 1 is a sad holiday for most schoolchildren. But this does not mean that they do not like to celebrate Knowledge Day. Many children try to celebrate the beginning of the school year as fun and interesting as possible.

There are a huge number of ways to celebrate September 1st. For example, you can go with your classmates to an amusement park or go to a cafe with friends. But in order to have fun celebrating Knowledge Day, you don’t have to go or travel anywhere. You can celebrate this holiday at home. Some may say that this way of celebrating is boring and uninteresting. But actually it is not. If you take organizational issues seriously, then even at home you can celebrate Knowledge Day in a fun and unforgettable way. However, for this you will need to pay attention to all the details and little things.

Developing a plan

Before you start preparing for your holiday party to mark the start of the new school year, you will need to develop an event plan. Without a detailed plan, it will be quite difficult for you to organize a truly fun and unforgettable holiday on September 1st. An approximate plan for a holiday party in honor of Knowledge Day should look like this:

1. Choosing a party theme
2. Timing the party
3. Inviting guests
4. Buying everything you need for your holiday party
5. Preparing entertainment for guests
6. Cooking and cleaning the apartment

If you follow this simple plan, you'll have no problem throwing a really fun September 1st party.

Apartment decoration

You need to start preparing for the celebration of September 1 at home by decorating your apartment. This needs to be done in order to create a festive atmosphere in the house. Many people do not decorate their apartment on the eve of the holiday. They think it's a waste of time and effort. But actually it is not. Decorating an apartment plays an important role in the process of preparing for any holiday that is celebrated at home. Knowledge Day is no exception. Therefore, it is imperative to pay attention to this process.

To decorate your apartment for a holiday party in honor of the beginning of the school year, you will need:

Decorative elements;
Garlands and flags;

With this small set you can easily decorate the room where the holiday party in honor of Knowledge Day will be held. Well, how exactly to do this is up to you. There are a huge number of ways to decorate an apartment before the holiday. So you won't have any problems with this.

Gifts and prizes

Knowledge Day is not one of those holidays on which it is customary to give gifts to each other. But if you want your holiday party to celebrate the start of the school year, then you can prepare for your guests some gifts and souvenirs that will remind them of the holidays.

In order to please your guests, it is not at all necessary to buy any expensive gifts for them. You can limit yourself to small souvenirs that will be associated with the school and Knowledge Day. A sample list of gifts might look like this:

Cool pens;
Fridge magnets;
Small toys;

In general, the choice of gifts that you can give to your friends and classmates on September 1 is really great. Well, since most of them are quite inexpensive, you won’t have any problems buying gifts for guests. Of course, you can do without gifts for classmates and friends. But if you want this Knowledge Day to be different from other holidays, then take care of buying gifts for guests. Be sure that they will definitely not forget such a gesture from you.

Games and competitions

If you want your September 1st holiday to be truly fun and interesting, then pick up some games and competitions for your guests. They will allow you to diversify your holiday.

1. Crocodile
Perhaps this game is the most popular among young people. And this is understandable, because it is very fun, does not require any additional attributes and is really easy to play. Therefore, if you don’t know what you can do to have fun with your classmates at a house party in honor of Knowledge Day, then the game “Crocodile” is exactly what you need. It will surely brighten up your evening and give you a charge of positive emotions.

2. Mafia
Another popular game, which is also perfect for brightening up your home holiday on September 1st. But, unlike "Crocodile", the game "Mafia" has much more complex rules. Not all people know how to play it. Therefore, if you don’t want to spend a long time explaining the rules to your classmates and friends who will come to visit you that day, then choose some other game. Another disadvantage of "Mafia" is that it may only appeal to high school students. Primary school students will not be interested in it.

3. Jenga
One of the most popular board games in the world. It is perfect for schoolchildren of different ages who want to diversify the celebration of September 1st. But if you don’t want to buy Jenga on the eve of Knowledge Day, then you can play something else.

4. Quiz
Since September 1 is the Day of Knowledge, entertainment at a home party in honor of this holiday may be related to this topic. Give your classmates and friends an intellectual quiz. Find interesting and fun questions on the Internet that you can ask the kids in your class. The winner of the quiz will be given a prize.

5. Home basketball
A fun game for which you will need one bucket and several notebooks to create “basketballs”. Place a bucket or trash basket in the middle of the room and throw crumpled paper into it.

This is not a complete list of games and competitions that are perfect for a festive party in honor of the beginning of the school year. On the Internet you can find other fun things that will become a real highlight of your holiday.

Organizing any holiday is always difficult. You need to pay attention to a large number of details and little things. However, if you use these simple tips, it will be much easier for you to organize a truly unforgettable Knowledge Day party.

1. Try to celebrate Knowledge Day in some thematic style. This will allow you to make an unforgettable holiday that will appeal not only to you, but also to all the guests who come to your home on September 1. For example, you can throw a Hawaiian or Greek themed party. In general, show your imagination and organize a really interesting and unusual holiday event.

2. When choosing a theme for a holiday party in honor of the first of September, you need to build on your age, tastes and preferences. For example, a gangster-themed party is not suitable for elementary school students. So you need to choose a theme for the event that everyone will like.

3. Invite to your home only those classmates and friends whom you want to see at the holiday party in honor of Knowledge Day. This will make you feel as comfortable as possible at your holiday party.

4. When preparing for the event, buy a sufficient number of treats in advance, which will probably be enough for all the guests. Well, what exactly to buy for the holiday table, you must decide for yourself.
5. Don’t forget that you need to take care not only of the availability of treats and drinks on the festive table, but also of entertainment that can make your first September unforgettable. On the Internet you can easily find a huge number of all kinds of games and fun that are ideal for a holiday party in honor of Knowledge Day. In general, you definitely won’t be bored at this holiday.
Using these tips and tricks, you can throw an unforgettable September 1st party.