What is a hair perm called? Perm hair: types of perm (photo). Hair curling "Silk wave"

Many different procedures are used to transform hair. Nowadays there are different types of perms with which you can get the desired hairstyle. For this purpose, preparations are used that are gentle on hair compared to their predecessors. Different curlers and bobbins are used, differing in material and shape. More information about perm is described in the article.

Chemical composition

Modern means for all types of perm do not include:

  • ammonia;
  • glycol;
  • hydrogen peroxide.

Their active ingredients are of a different nature. They only stretch the biological connections of the hair structure, making it more flexible and elastic. As a result, a curl appears. The product may include protein and lanolins, which are considered caring substances.

Why are classic compositions used?

Although they are harmful, classic compositions are still used when biowaves are powerless. This is observed if the curls:

  • Asian species;
  • thin and liquid;
  • difficult to curl;
  • fatty.

In these situations, it is necessary to perform a classic perm or a hard type of bioperm. The newest methods are not suitable if silicone shampoos and masks are used. Typically, Syoss and Pantene products contain water-insoluble silicones that accumulate in the hair and scalp.


This is one of the popular and lasting types of perm.

Its features include:

  1. The results last for six months.
  2. The active substance is glyceryl monothioglycolate, which has an acidity of 6.9-7.2.
  3. The hair scales do not open; the product gets inside the curls thanks to the osmotic method.
  4. During the procedure, exposure to high temperature occurs.
  5. The product used for the procedure does not cause swelling of the curls.
  6. This method should not be chosen for brittle hair or sensitive skin.

An acidic type of perm is ideal for long hair. According to reviews from women, many prefer to perform this type of treatment. The result is a stylish hairstyle suitable for different occasions.


This type of perm is considered less durable compared to the previous type. Its features include:

  1. Acidity is in the range of 8-9.5.
  2. The result lasts for 3 months.
  3. Can be used for unruly hair if acid perm has an unstable effect.
  4. The curl will be steeper and more elastic.
  5. No temperature exposure required.
  6. The method should not be used for hard and heavy curls.
  7. There is no need to pull the strands too hard when curling.

Using thioglycolic acid

This type of hair perm is gentle due to a number of factors. This:

  1. Slight swelling of hair.
  2. Perform on colored curls.
  3. The result lasts for a month.


To get beautiful curls, you can use a neutral method of procedure.

Its features include the following nuances:

  1. Acidity - 7.4.
  2. The product balances the water-repellent effect of curls.
  3. The hair hardly swells.
  4. The result is a lasting curl.

Amino acid

Photos and names of types of perm allow you to understand the principle of the procedure. Whatever type of processing is used, it must be carried out according to the instructions. The amino acid procedure is gentle. Its features include:

  1. The components that affect hair are proteins and amino acids.
  2. It has a gentle effect and a minimum of harmful effects.
  3. Not suitable for coarse and heavy medium and long hair.

This type of perm is ideal for short strands. A photo of the result allows you to confirm this. In salons, this type of treatment is considered quite popular.

With silk proteins

The original choice would be this type of hair perm. Large curls allow you to perfectly emphasize your individual style. Modern processing methods have a gentle effect on the structure of the strands.

The method is in demand due to the following features:

  1. Silk proteins are essential components for hair.
  2. The curls look much better after this.
  3. The procedure has a gentle effect, but because of this there will be low durability.

This is the ideal type of perm for medium-length hair, as it makes the method look impressive. The result is an original hairstyle. Such curls are always in fashion.

Cheating techniques

Each master has his own methods of curling curls, no matter what types of hair perm are used. Photos of the processing results show an excellent effect. Cheating techniques are as follows:

  1. Circular. First, they wrap from the top of the head, then move along the head in a spiral.
  2. Partial. There is a wrapping of one area, for example, bangs or ends.
  3. Chess. This is the classic method used most often.
  4. Ordinary equipment. Also considered a classic.
  5. Vertical. The rows of bobbins are arranged in ranks.

In addition to the classic plastic or wooden bobbins, many options are used. The most popular is curling on bicycle shapers. The originality of execution in this case is in harmony with the wonderful result.

Features of the procedure

The more hair, the longer the curling procedure will be.

Perm is performed according to the following instructions:

  1. The strands are wound onto bobbins.
  2. Then you need to apply the curling compound. It is kept for no more than 25 minutes.
  3. Then you need to wash off the composition without removing the curlers.
  4. Apply a fixative to the strands for 10 minutes.
  5. It is necessary to remove the curlers.
  6. The hair is treated with a stabilizer that stops chemical processes.
  7. Other treatments that have similar functions may be performed.

What do you need to know?

Women who perm regularly should consider that:

  1. Between procedures there should be at least six months. Hair needs rest.
  2. The result lasts for 3-6 months.
  3. After the first wash, when the procedure has already been completed, the curls may unwind somewhat.
  4. The volume at the roots disappears after a couple of months due to the growth of curls.
  5. The quality of the procedure depends on the structure of the strands. If it is dense, then the curls hold perfectly. Curls are preserved even better on colored hair.
  6. To wash, use a product designed for curly hair.
  7. Styling should be done using a diffuser, which produces a clear curl.
  8. Shampoo should not be used on smooth hair.


Whatever type of perm is chosen, the procedure should not be performed if:

  • stress;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • hormonal therapy;
  • treatment with antibiotics;
  • critical days;
  • severe hair loss;
  • allergies to curling products;
  • dyeing curls with henna;
  • highlighting and strong lightening with cheap coloring compounds.

Before perming, you need to do a proper haircut, preferably a cascade shape. The curls need to be dyed completely, but you don’t have to use dye. Chemistry should be performed 5-10 days after staining. If the curls are weak, then salon treatment is performed first.


To get beautiful curls, you need to know the disadvantages of the procedure:

  1. After treatment, the hair is dried. Thin strands will be difficult to comb, they get tangled. First you need to take care of quality care.
  2. After curling, an unpleasant odor remains. Weathering occurs after 1-2 weeks.
  3. Wet hair looks ugly at first. Restoration must be performed using masks.
  4. Usually the scalp suffers, and there may be dandruff.
  5. It is necessary to constantly style your hair, otherwise instead of a luxurious hairstyle you will have an ugly head of hair.
  6. Any type of perm is harmful.


But perm also has its advantages:

  1. You get original curls of any size, and they look stylish.
  2. Hair becomes voluminous.
  3. Curls are much easier to style.
  4. Modern formulations are soft; with proper care, the results will last a long time.

Care and recovery

After perm it is necessary to properly care for your hair. This can be done using professional or folk remedies. The first is considered the most effective, but also costly. At home, trichologists advise:

  1. Perform masks with honey and aloe juice.
  2. Use oils, for example, burdock, peach, castor, almond, palm.
  3. Use special shampoo. Products created for brittle, colored, damaged curls are also suitable.
  4. You can use products with silk proteins, collagen, panthenol, keratin.
  5. It is advisable to use products from the same manufacturer, as they complement each other and give excellent results.
  6. After washing, you need to rinse with an infusion of bread, a decoction of chamomile, nettle, and hops.
  7. The diet should include fish.
  8. You should regularly trim your ends and use sprays, serums, mousses and oils that protect against split ends.
  9. The comb should have sparse teeth.
  10. Hair should be protected from the sun's rays by wearing hats and applying products with a UV filter.

Often, hairdressers suggest performing hair restoration before curling. This will improve their condition. If there is such an opportunity, then you should take advantage of it.

Saving the result

  1. After the procedure, you cannot wash your hair, use hot air for drying, or use curlers for 2 days.
  2. You should not wear tight hairstyles. It's better to walk with your hair down.
  3. After washing, your hair should not be twisted, you just need to pat it dry with a towel.
  4. When combing, you need to immediately form curls.
  5. Before going to bed, you need to dry your hair.

To ensure that curls always look beautiful, you should style them correctly. For this, a diffuser and special cosmetics are used. Most women are sure that perming will completely ruin their hair, but this is not entirely true. It is important to contact a professional who can perform the procedure efficiently. And with proper care, the level of harm to curls is reduced.

Thus, perm allows you to transform your hair by creating an original hairstyle. The choice of processing must be made by the master so that the method fits perfectly.

It is short-term in nature. In an effort to get a long-lasting wavy hair effect, many girls use “chemistry”. With proper care, beautiful curls last for several months. They can turn out small, elastic or natural, slightly curly - it all depends on your desire. Volumetric hair perm looks very impressive; large curls are suitable for owners of hair of different lengths. When planning to perform the procedure at home, you need to take into account many important nuances and prepare properly.

What's happened

  • protect curls from ultraviolet radiation and mechanical damage with metal hairpins and combs;
  • walk more often with loose curls, avoid tight braids and ponytails;
  • eat more fish (helps strengthen hair, prevents hair loss).

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of the procedure:

  • large curls are stylish and relevant at all times;
  • curls keep their shape in any weather;
  • There is a clear saving of time - you don’t have to do styling every day;
  • thin hair acquires pomp and volume;
  • oily strands stop being shiny because the chemicals dry them out;
  • styling curls is easy;
  • The hair gains additional volume.

Disadvantages of perming hair for large curls:

A large curl looks great on different strands, which is why it is so in demand in all its variants and manifestations. Many girls choose beautiful voluminous waves or curls that fit perfectly into any look: casual or festive.

Hair perm is a special procedure that allows you to achieve long-lasting curly hair. If perm used to be an extremely risky undertaking that did not have a positive effect on hair health, today modern technologies make it possible to neutralize the negative effects on hair through the use of gentle products.

Who needs a perm? Firstly, for those women whose hair lacks volume due to its thinness, secondly, for those whose hair very quickly loses its purity, thirdly, perm allows you to save time (from 30 to 40 minutes) that is spent daily for hair styling. In addition, permanent curling allows you to maintain your hairstyle even in damp, humid and windy weather.

To get curls that look like a corkscrew, strands of hair are wound onto thin curlers located vertically on the sides of the parting. The use of curlers of different sizes also gives your hair a natural appearance. Curling with corrugated curlers looks good only in one case, when it is used not on the entire head, but on individual strands of hair.

Perm hair - what is it?

For the purpose of transformation, women resort to various types of procedures, one of the most popular and also affordable is hair perm. The procedure fundamentally changes the structure of straight strands, transforming them into playful curls.

Wanting to please every client, cosmetic companies have created types of curls, which determine the thickness of the curls, the degree of curl and the duration of the effect. On average, the hairstyle retains its appearance for up to 6 months; during this period, the hair does not require the use of curling irons, curlers or other devices.

“Chemistry” came into fashion in the 20th century, when hairdressers used products that were merciless for the health of curls, but at the same time provided lasting results. Women went for the procedure, sacrificing the beauty of their hair. Today the situation has changed; curling mixtures do not damage the hair structure. Some manufacturers have created substances that, on the contrary, guarantee an improvement in the appearance of hair.

Ammonia and alkaline compounds are excluded from the composition of chemical agents. The effectiveness of the procedure is ensured by acids and other safe components, which are selected by the hairdresser based on the condition of the curls and wishes regarding the type of curls.

The active component, penetrating deep into the hair shaft, helps to weaken intercellular connections and destroy protein compounds. After this, the strand is ready to form curls. For this purpose, various devices are used that fix the hair in the desired condition. Once the form is removed, the curls acquire a long-lasting curly appearance.

Only a professional hairdresser who has experience working with chemical compositions for curling can ensure the effectiveness of the technique without damage. The specialist will help you assess the condition and type of hair, because not every woman is suitable for this procedure. An error in selecting the composition or algorithm for a curling session can result in loss of attractive appearance and damage to the strands.

An experienced hairdresser will perform the procedure in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. He will adjust the duration of action of the preparations so as not to overexpose and burn the hair, but at the same time to ensure tight curls that will retain their shape for a long time. Immediately after dyeing or lightening, it is prohibited to perform the procedure, this is due to the presence of a chemical reaction that negatively affects the health and color of the curls.

To understand what is right for you, you need to familiarize yourself with the types of procedures that are offered on the cosmetic services market. And after that, consult with a professional and make a final decision.

Types of perm

In a sense, it was easier for our grandmothers and mothers - they permed with acid and alkali. They didn't have to rack their brains about which option was best to choose. True, those types of perms were hazardous to health. Sometimes after such beauty I had to cut my hair short so as not to look ridiculous.

Today, it’s easy to get lost in all this, since new hair curlers and hair treatment products are released every year. However, at the same time, the old, but slightly modernized methods of perm hair do not give up their positions. Which option to choose depends on what you want to get.


She still remains popular among the fair sex, as she is one of the most persistent. Despite the fact that the acidic drug penetrates inside the hair without opening its outer scales, it is still not harmless. But that doesn't stop the lovely ladies.

The fact is that this type of curl lasts for about 6 months, and the curl turns out to be very rigid. Please note: such manipulations are contraindicated for fine hair, since the rods stretch at the root and do not hold their shape. Plus, acid makes hair brittle. Acid perm is also not recommended for women with dry, brittle strands and sensitive scalp.

In professional salons, such a pleasure will not be so cheap. On average, a perm for short hair (10-15 cm long) costs about 2,700 rubles. The longer your hair, the higher the price, as you understand. True, if a lady has too thick and long hair, she will have to give up curls.


In this case, you will get a less lasting result that will last no more than three months. Then you will have to repeat the procedure. Alkaline curls look natural and become elastic, and the drug itself penetrates into the hair, revealing the outer scales. Despite the fact that it is considered more gentle, not all hair types can be curled. On straight, heavy and hard surfaces it will last no more than a month and a half. Alkaline perm will cost you less than acid perm (approximately 10-20%).


This type of perm combines the features of both acidic and alkaline. The product, suitable for neutral hair, contains the substance allantoin. The pH of the drug is so well balanced that it has a very gentle effect on curls and scalp. Therefore, this option can be used on any type of hair. The curl itself is relatively stable, and the curls are elastic and strong. By the way, this is the most suitable option for girls who have naturally thin hair.

Amino acid

The preparation for such a perm contains amino acids and proteins that heal and nourish the hair, thereby minimizing the negative effects of aggressive substances. In fact, as you may have guessed, this is also gentle chemistry. Curls after it look natural and are soft and soft. However, this perm is short-lived, so experts do not recommend using it on long, heavy and coarse hair, since it will quickly straighten from its own weight.

Hair curling using silk proteins

This perm is based on preparations containing silk protein. It improves the hair structure and takes care of it carefully. “Silk wave” (second name) can be safely applied to bleached hair, which after it acquires a healthy, radiant appearance.

Despite such high popularity, these types of perms are not suitable for everyone. On the one hand, you will get healthy hair and a well-groomed appearance, on the other hand, you will get a too soft curl that lasts no more than two months. This pleasure, as you might have already guessed, is not cheap - about 4500-5400 rubles. To make the chemical last longer, experts recommend using it on short strands and medium-length hair.


Any perm product that does not contain thioglycolic acid, hydrogen peroxide, or ammonia is considered practically safe. In this case, an alternative drug is used, similar in structure to the hair molecules responsible for connecting sulfur bridges.

As a result of all manipulations, long-lasting curls are obtained that look natural and healthy. Biowave has many types, such as “Angel Curls” (with a special botanical complex), Italian (based on bamboo extract). Such pleasure on average costs about 2,700 rubles for short hair, 3,900-4,350 rubles for medium-length hair, 6,000 rubles for long curls.


Japanese perm with lipid-protein complex LC2 is recommended by experts for problem hair. It gives a more lasting result than silk perm, while helping to regulate the moisture of the strands, maintaining their elasticity and shine. For hair just below shoulder length, a medium-hard curl is perfect; this procedure will cost an average of 4,500-5,400 rubles.


If you decide to make curls, it is better to use a special plastic cap with holes through which the hair strands to be processed are pulled out with a hook. In this case, the scalp remains maximally protected from the effects of chemicals. Since this method of curling can be used even for problematic scalp, it is nicknamed “children’s”.


Carving is nothing more than a light perm that uses the most gentle chemical solutions. This chemistry significantly improves the appearance of your hair. Plus, this has its advantages - you don't have to wait for your hair to grow back. The chosen hairstyle gradually fades away on its own, so there is no need to make corrections and cut off those hairs that have lost their appearance.


This option got its name because of the method of winding strands onto bobbins, in which the tool is placed vertically, and the curls are wound onto it in a spiral. This type of curling is a very labor-intensive process that involves a large number of bobbins (sometimes reaching 100 pieces).

The price for curls cannot be small, since, in addition to the solution, vertical perm of hair takes from three to six hours of working time from the master. But the result after such a procedure exceeds expectations. To style curls at home, experts recommend drying your hair with a special attachment for a hair dryer - a diffuser, as well as with compositions intended for styling.

How to do chemistry and not end up without hair

Whether such experiments end successfully or not - it all depends on what kind of master you come across. First of all, a specialist should examine your hair. The elasticity, liveliness and clarity of the curl will depend on the condition of the ends of the hair. If the ends are split, dry or damaged, the curl will look untidy and unpresentable, and the curls will begin to form incorrectly. Before carrying out such procedures, it is necessary to “refresh” the ends and start using cosmetic products (masks, balms).

Before perming, you will need to avoid dyeing your hair for some time, otherwise the result may be unpredictable. On day X, the specialist will have to conduct a small test to check if you are allergic to the products used. If everything goes well, you can start applying. And after a couple of hours you will become the owner of gorgeous curls.

How to perm your hair

Hair perming, also simply called perming, is the treatment of hair with special chemicals to make it curl. Perming consists of two steps: curling the hair and then using a chemical treatment that breaks down and reforms the disulfide bonds inside your hair. Even though it is not so popular, you can make chemistry at home. And if you contact a salon, it will be much easier if you can accurately and specifically describe what you want to achieve.

You must be sure that the chemistry is what you need. Remember, perm has a lasting effect, new hair will grow straight, but the rest of the hair will retain its curl for up to 6 months, and after this period it will become slightly less curly. If you only want to have a curl a few days a week, try using a hot roller or curling iron. Chemistry is only suitable if you want to have permanent curls.

  • Find out your hair type. It is critical to know your hair type and the condition your hair is in. This is important in determining the type of perm you need to minimize the negative side effects of perming such as damage and hair loss.
  • Unruly hair, coarse gray hair, Asian hair, hair with poor elasticity, thick and coarse or strong hair are usually best treated with alkaline perms.
  • Healthy hair with good elasticity, colored hair, damaged or brittle hair should be treated with milder acidic perms.
  • If your hair is very damaged or has been dyed a lot, or you have African hair, it's probably best to go to a salon. Find a professional who specializes in working with your hair type to minimize damage.

Get your hair cut first. After a perm, it will be much more difficult to cut your hair (though not impossible), so trim any split ends in advance.

  • Decide what to do with your bangs (optional). If you have bangs, try to decide what to do with them from the beginning. Know that bangs with chemicals turn out to be quite voluminous; if you do not want such an effect, you can postpone the chemicals for several months so that the bangs grow a little. When performing chemical treatments on hair with bangs, ask yourself whether or not you should leave your bangs straight.

Also decide where to start applying chemicals to your hair. If you curl your hair from the very roots, then as your hair grows back, straight roots will be clearly visible.

Decide whether you will do chemistry at home or in a salon. It is possible to perform this procedure at home, and it will be less expensive. However, if you contact a stylist, you can rely on the fact that he has probably done chemistry for clients more than once and, probably, he will be able to correct any possible flaws for free. Consider the following points: If you want to do light chemistry, contact your stylist. You may accidentally over-process your hair.

  • If your hair is very damaged or has been dyed many times, it's probably best to head to a salon. Damaged hair reacts differently to perms than healthy hair, and an experienced stylist will know how to handle this difference.
  • If your hair is already somewhat wavy or frizzy, try to find a stylist who specializes in working with this hair type. In this case, the stylist will be able to ensure the uniformity of the perm result and avoid the formation of intermittent curls.
  • If you have fairly healthy hair with good elasticity and you've done perms at home before, or you're generally an expert at treating your hair yourself, then you can probably do a perm yourself.

Decide on the type of perm. Do you want small, tight curls or larger, bouncier curls? You should have a good idea of ​​what you want to achieve before you start getting a perm.

  • Understand that your hair will initially have tighter curls immediately after curling than later. Over time they will fall off somewhat. It's a good idea to curl your hair a little tighter than you want.

Allow enough time for curling. The procedure may take from 2 to 4 hours. After curling, you need to give it 24 hours for final fixation, which means refusing to wash, style or stretch your hair. After curling, hair should not be washed for 48 hours. Make sure your schedule will allow you to squeeze this procedure in.

Contraindications against perm and straightening

When choosing the type of permanent curling or straightening, you should focus on the current state of your hair, the desired effect and existing contraindications:

Both curling and straightening with the use of chemical reagents are not permissible while carrying a child. Since the drugs used enter the bloodstream, the procedure can harm the baby’s health;

It is worth soberly assessing the condition of your hair - thin, repeatedly dyed and dry strands should not be curled or straightened using standard methods, but gentle options are possible - biocurling or carving can improve the condition of the strands, but the reaction is always very individual. Most often, dry and brittle hair becomes even more dehydrated after chemical exposure;

Allergy sufferers should not undergo perm/straightening, especially since before any procedure the specialist will still perform a test for the individual reaction of the body - if it is negative, then the procedure will not be carried out. From the list of the most common allergic reactions of hair and skin to chemical compounds, one can note alopecia, itching, dandruff, etc.;

The constant use of oil masks, basma, henna, both colored and colorless, and other preparations that tend to accumulate in the hair structure can provide a non-standard reaction of the strands to curling or straightening. The effect of the procedure may be less, since the substance present in the hair prevents the penetration of the reagent into the hair structure and does not allow the reactions to take place in full. The “chemistry” may not work at all, the hair may change color, so you should first consult a good hairdresser about the advisability of the procedure;

Taking strong medications can greatly affect the result of perm/straightening, so you should refrain from visiting the hairdresser during illness;
By the way, negativity or a stressful state can also have a negative impact on the result of the procedure - so a bad mood is also a contraindication for perm or hair straightening.

Video: hair perm: types of perms

Today, beauty salons offer the fair sex a large number of different hair transformation procedures. And to create curls, hair perm has been used for quite a long time, which has many variations and varieties, which has earned it particular popularity among women.

What it is?

Hair perm is a hairdressing service, thanks to which you can permanently and radically change your hairstyle, regardless of the original haircut, making your curls curly or wavy. Curled curls of any shape and size, with proper care, will retain their attractiveness for quite a long period, thanks to which chemistry has not gone out of fashion for several decades. Over time, manufacturers have worked on the quality of the chemicals used, in light of which many products have appeared that have a more gentle effect on the structure of the hair shaft. In addition, modern types of fixatives, neutralizers and curlers have made it possible to use new types of perm, which has led to the demand for the procedure today.

A special feature of chemistry is its versatility, because not every representative of the fair sex has been endowed by nature with beautiful and lush curls. Curls will suit almost every woman and girl; thanks to curls, the volume of hair increases, in addition, the features and oval of the face become more feminine and soft. The essence of such a perm is the effect of special compounds on the structure of the hair shaft. A short amount of time after treatment with the drug, they penetrate into the hair. In its natural state, the shaft has a rounded shape, and the reagent penetrating inside, interacting with the keratin of the hair, opens its cuticle, destroying some bonds.

This allows you to give the curls the chosen shape; they become lighter and more manageable, so they take the form of the bobbins or curlers used. But chemicals deplete the hair shaft, and natural keratin is also replaced with meta-keratin. Therefore, specialized aftercare after a perm is mandatory. During chemistry, the hair comes into contact with fixing substances twice - the first time, when the compositions work to open the hair cuticle, and then to consolidate the result, when the master applies a neutralizer to the hair, fixing the created wave or curls.

The history of perming in beauty salons distinguishes many domestic and foreign brands among manufacturers of hair products. Modern curling products are represented on the market by such popular brands as Schwarzkopf, Wella and L'Oreal. In addition to well-known companies around the world, companies specializing in the manufacture and sale of a professional line of hair products produce chemical products; these include Estel, Paul Mitchell and Moss. Such diversity allows the master to select the composition, focusing on the condition of the hair, the type and length of the strands, their color, etc.

Today you can perm even colored hair, the main thing is to maintain a certain interval between procedures. However, curling bleached strands that have had their pigment removed in such an aggressive way more than once can be a rather serious test for hair. For hair that has not been dyed, the harm from the effects of the composition will be less noticeable. As for thin hair shafts, in this case it is worth choosing the most gentle types of curl transformation.

Very often, chemistry is recommended for girls who want to give their hair extra volume. For such purposes, hairdressers offer clients local types of perm, during which there is no need for the hair shaft to come into contact with aggressive substances along its entire length.

As a rule, a root perm allows you to correct natural curls or make your haircut more voluminous. Despite the active work of manufacturers on curling compositions, the procedure still has a number of contraindications. These should include the following points:

  • During pregnancy and lactation, you should temporarily refrain from curling;
  • too damaged hair shafts;
  • reusable bleaching of curls;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drugs used for fixation;
  • hair dyeing with henna, basma or other natural dyes;
  • taking hormonal medications;
  • the presence of skin diseases on the head;
  • abrasions and wounds.

Perm technology makes it possible to perform it at home, however, to achieve a beautiful and durable result, as well as the correct selection of composition for working with hair, it is better to entrust its implementation to the masters of their craft. Curly curls can be an adornment for any type of appearance and hair color. But a beautiful result that will truly harmonize with a woman’s appearance is achieved only with proper selection of the shape and size of the curls.

As many years of hair curling practice shows, for thin and sparse hair shafts it is best to choose small curls. For a round oval face, the size of the curly curls created should gradually decrease towards the ends. As for the rectangular or square type of appearance, experts recommend perm with large horizontal curls. Hair length will be one of the fundamental factors when choosing the size of curling iron. On long hair, you can use various variations and shapes of curls; additional waves and curls will only emphasize the natural attractiveness of the curls.

The average length of hair will allow you to do root chemistry or curl it only at the ends. In this case, you can use various techniques, combining and alternating them with each other. However, trusting your imagination, you should take into account that some types of curling can significantly affect the length of your curls in the end. Therefore, when combining different methods, you should trust the opinion of an experienced specialist in a beauty salon.

Chemistry for short hair should only be carried out by a specialist in order to correctly select the composition, its concentration and the option of curling strands of the minimum size.

Advantages and disadvantages

Perm, like any procedure performed on hair, has positive and negative features. Its advantages include the following:

  • with the help of chemistry it will be possible to radically transform any image, haircut and image in general;
  • in comparison with other procedures for creating curls, the effect of waves or curls will last a very long time;
  • chemistry is a universal service, so it can be performed on hair of any length;
  • Today, masters in salons offer clients many types of perms;
  • After the procedure, styling will require much less time; in some cases, you can do without it altogether.

For all its advantages, chemistry is not without a number of negative features. The disadvantages of the procedure include the following:

  • as is already clear from the name, hair curling technology is carried out using aggressive agents that harm the health of the hair;
  • after contact with the drugs, the curls will be dehydrated, which will negatively affect the appearance, lead to fragility, and will also require the purchase of specialized care products;
  • perm has a number of contraindications that reduce the possibilities of its implementation in a given period.

Chemotherapy should not be performed too often, as the curls will need time to recover.


This salon service can be classified according to the type of compositions used for the work.


This type of perm is considered to be universal, since there are no contraindications for it regarding hair type. This kind of gentle perm can be done on any hair shaft. As a result of the procedure, very elastic curls of different sizes are formed on the strands, depending on the curlers used. As a rule, the effect of neutral chemicals lasts on the hair for 3 to 5 months; the preservation of the result and its duration will depend on the structure of the strands.


The agent used includes thioglycolic acid. Despite this, the drug is not too aggressive, so the damage to hair from it will be minimal. The result of contact with the hair shaft and curlers will be the formation of hard curls that can maintain their elasticity for a month. This type of curling is not recommended for fine hair, as it will straighten out very quickly. Also, a contraindication for working with acidic compounds is increased dryness of the skin and curls.


Thanks to the penetration of alkali into the hair cuticle, the effect of curly curls can last for 3 months. According to reviews from clients who have used alkaline curling, they note a fairly natural-looking curl that will also be very soft to the touch. The short-term result of this procedure is observed on hard strands, which will very quickly return to their original appearance.

Amino acid

Experts recommend this type of perm for girls whose hair needs treatment. A special feature of the products used is the presence of amino acids and proteins, which have a positive effect on the health of curls. The negative aspect of this procedure is the short duration of the curls created.

Amino acid perms are not suitable for long and coarse hair shafts, as they will very quickly become flat under their own weight.


A feature of such a gentle perm will be the replacement of most chemicals with natural ingredients.


A local type of chemistry, the peculiarity of which is to work only with the area near the roots. After this procedure, the hairstyle will receive additional volume, which can last for a long period or for several weeks. In this case, everything will depend on the fixing products used.


The name is due to the presence of silk proteins in the fixing compositions, which have a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair after the procedure. The effect lasts for 5-6 months. However, the service stands out for its high cost due to the specific nature of the drugs used.


Among modern varieties of chemistry, this option is the most popular. This is due to the expressive result. The curls are wound on special large curlers, which create lush curls without any creases along the length.


This type is in demand among women with thin and sparse hair. As a rule, such chemistry is carried out on haircuts with medium hair length to shoulder length. A special feature of the procedure is that it produces incredible volume. However, such a result will require a certain approach to subsequent care. Styling small and curly curls will be quite difficult.


Gentle chemistry of a new generation, which is distinguished by the lipid-protein composition of the curl fixatives used. According to experts, after contact with the preparations, the hair receives the missing amount of moisture, which is important for brittle and overdried hair shafts that have been subjected to frequent coloring or daily styling with hot air. The effect on the hair lasts from 2 to 5 months.


This type is recommended for medium-length hair; it is also used on short haircuts with curls, the size of which does not exceed 20 centimeters. The curls after this perm have a natural appearance, the volume of the hairstyle increases due to the additional splendor at the roots. A special feature of carving is the surface contact of chemical compounds with the hair shaft.


A suitable option for long and thick hair, on which horizontal chemicals simply do not work. A distinctive feature of this chemistry is the technology of working with hair, during which curlers are placed vertically on the head, and the curls are twisted in a spiral. This type of curl can be styled as beautifully as possible by creating a wet effect.

Electric curling

A hairdresser can only recommend this type of service for healthy hair. The process of creating curls is carried out by working with hair using a device on which the heating temperature is regulated.

Chemicals are also classified according to the type of curlers used to curl strands. Today craftsmen use the following devices:

  • curlers that will help create voluminous curls on your hair;
  • boomerangs - allowing you to make natural waves;
  • rollers - necessary when working on American curls;
  • polymer bobbins in the form of sticks - necessary for curling hair at the roots;
  • curlers-sticks with grooves, used in the spiral technique of curling curls.

Ways to curl strands

Based on the technique of winding strands on the selected type of curlers, today the following techniques stand out.

Classic horizontal hair curl

A master can make similar chemistry with different curlers. They differ in diameter; in addition, several types of bobbins are often combined during the curling process. This method makes it possible to get a more natural effect on your hair.


In this case, the hairdresser will only work with the roots of the hair. By winding them with curlers, you can create volume in this area. The principle of fixing a strand involves curling the hair in the shape of a half-eight, with a freely flowing length of curls.

Spiral method

During this chemical treatment, curls of minimal size are formed on the hair, and due to their large number, the hairstyle becomes very voluminous. The hair is wound onto a bobbin, pre-twisted into strands of small thickness.

Double curling curls

A similar technique is practiced on long hair. As a rule, the process involves working with the root zone using thin curlers, when the remaining length is already fixed with devices of a suitable diameter based on the desired appearance of the final curl.

Curling the ends

Another type of local chemistry. In this case, the master twists the hair with different curlers, and the technique for fixing it is also selected individually.

Creating large curls

To achieve this result, the master will use curlers with a maximum diameter. The technology for creating such a curl requires paying special attention to the time of contact of the hair shafts with the fixative. The longer the composition interacts with the hair, the stiffer the resulting wave will be.


Natural bends in the hair that follow the contours of the sea wave are obtained when the master uses ribbon-shaped bobbins, which are pulled through the strands.

Afro curls

This curl is obtained when working with small curlers or spiral curlers. As a rule, the process of working with hair itself will be quite painstaking, so it will take at least 3 hours.

"On a pigtail"

This type of chemistry is done on medium length hair. The essence of the process is to braid the braids in a tight way, while the master additionally twists their ends with bobbins.

"On a stiletto heel"

In this case, the curls are wound onto a special device in the form of a hairpin.

Chemistry "Twin"

The effect on the hair is achieved by combining two techniques of curling hair curlers. The master divides the hair into two halves, works with one in a vertical manner, and curls the other horizontally.

Curl for short hair

In this case, the specialist selects the option and size of the curling device based on the length and thickness of the hair. Usually they work with short curls by curling them in a rectangle, vertically, or choosing curls for curling in a checkerboard pattern.

Children's chemistry

This method involves the specialist using a special cap, which prevents the composition from getting on the scalp. Having put it on, the master will one by one remove the strands from the holes, wind them on curlers, treating them with a fixing compound.

Preparation for the procedure

In order to cause minimal damage to the hair shafts during the curling process, you should prepare for the transformation of the image in advance. Preliminary work with hair before chemistry will consist of the following steps.

  • The most important step, on which the result will largely depend, will be assessing the structure of the curls. It involves determining the strength and density, as well as the elasticity and type of hair shafts. The need for such a procedure is due to the subsequent selection of a means for fixing curls based on these characteristics. For example, for thick hair, you will need to use preparations with maximum fixing effect. Thin curls are treated with gentle products.
  • An assessment of the skin is necessary in light of the fact that even with the slightest abrasions or irritations on the head, contact with fixing substances will be contraindicated until the epidermis is completely healed and restored.
  • The next step in preparing for a perm will be an allergy test, which is performed on all clients. To eliminate the possibility of a negative skin reaction to the compositions used, the specialist applies a small amount of curling composition behind the ear for a quarter of an hour. In the absence of any manifestations on the skin, perm work can be carried out.
  • The hair stylist needs to test the fixative in order to correctly determine the amount and concentration of the product to open the hair cuticle. There are cases when the curls cannot withstand contact with the drug and break.
  • In some cases, a haircut is done before curling to remove split ends and also provide the desired shape to the hairstyle. However, this stage is not mandatory; a haircut can be done after chemotherapy.
  • Before chemical treatment, you need to wash your hair along the entire length using a special shampoo. This product will soften the scales, so that the fixatives can penetrate inside faster.

Execution technique

After completing all the preparatory activities, you should collect all the necessary tools, tools and equipment for the work. For curling you will need the following set:

  • container for diluting the composition made of glass or porcelain;
  • plastic comb with a sharp end;
  • measuring cup;
  • bobbins;
  • elastic bands or hair clips;
  • polyethylene cap;
  • sponges for treating curls with a fixative and neutralizer.

The curling process itself is performed according to the following approximate scheme.

  • First, the master divides the entire mass of hair into strands of equal width. For the effect to be harmonious, their size should not exceed the length of the curlers used. For this process to go quickly and correctly, it is best to divide your hair into two vertical partings, securing the strands with elastic bands or a clip. Next, from the vertical borders, you will need to make a horizontal parting behind the ears.
  • The back of the head should be divided into 3 equal zones using vertical partings. After all the hair has been divided, you can move on to the curling itself.
  • Processing of strands begins from the center of the back of the head. The curl is separated and moistened with a fixative, and then wound onto curlers. The ends of the hair should protrude no more than 1-2 centimeters; they will need to be pulled up and bent inward, moving as the entire strand is twisted. Having twisted the entire area, the hair is once again moistened with the composition, after which the work is carried out on the temporal and parietal parts.
  • After all the hair is curled and treated with a fixative, it must be hidden under a cap. The exposure time of the composition will depend on the desired result and the type of chemistry used.
  • After time, the hair and curlers should be washed under running water without using any additional products. You can wash your hair with shampoo a little later. The fixative is washed off with water for 5-6 minutes.
  • After the hair has dried a little, after 5-10 minutes you can begin to unwind the bobbins, as well as re-process the curls with a fixative, which is kept on the curls for only a few minutes. This portion should also be washed off with plain water.
  • Then comes the turn of treating the curls with a neutralizer. Rinse hair with this mixture about 2-4 times.
  • Styling and drying are the final stages of perm.

How long does it last?

Chemistry is not a procedure that allows you to make curls permanently curly. However, its effect lasts for a long period. Depending on the composition of the curling products used, curls can remain on the hair from 2 to 9 months. However, the external attractiveness of such an image will require regular correction of overgrown roots, as well as the removal of split ends.

The duration of the created effect will be influenced by the structure of the hair shafts and their length. On short haircuts, the curl lasts several times longer. The result will also depend on the type of curl; as practice shows, body waves will become smooth much earlier.

During the process of natural hair growth, the border between the regrown and curled parts will be very noticeable. In this case, it is recommended to use local root perm. As for re-full perm, it can be done no earlier than after a year.


Since the effect of curly curls, which lasts for several months, is achieved using chemicals, the hair shafts after such contact will require specific care. Experts recommend caring for your hair as follows.

  • You need to wash your hair only with specialized products. There are shampoos and skincare complexes on sale that will strengthen and restore the structure of the damaged hair shaft.
  • After any curling composition, even the most gentle one, the hair will be dry, so regular nourishing masks for curly hair will become a mandatory step in care. You can use folk remedies or store-bought products that contain collagen, keratins and panthenol. As for homemade masks, compositions based on nettle and hops, various moisturizing and nourishing essential oils can be used as a suitable option.
  • The beauty of hair after chemotherapy can be maintained if you start taking fish oil.
  • A well-groomed appearance can be maintained for a long time with regular cutting of the ends, as well as the use of special oils and creams.
  • It is better to comb your hair with a wide-toothed brush. After curling, some women do without a comb at all, modeling their hair with their fingers.
  • To consolidate the result, you should refrain from washing your hair for 2-3 days after the procedure. It is best to dry your curls naturally, without a hair dryer, carefully blotting along the entire length. You should not go to bed with wet hair.

After the chemicals, your hair will be dry, so you should hide it from ultraviolet radiation under hats.


The curls that form after chemistry will significantly change the initial appearance of a girl’s hairstyle and haircut; you should be prepared for this moment in advance. Immediately after perming, the hair must be given some time to adapt. Beauty salons recommend refraining from using hair dryers and styling products for a week. You can start braiding and styling curly locks only after 3-4 days. This resting phase is necessary for the hair shafts in order for the curls to finally take shape.

To further work with your hair, you should get sprays, mousses and gels, which you can alternate with each other, creating different looks on your hair.

As for short haircuts with perm, they are usually styled using wax or gel. Fixing the curls does not take much time; it will be enough to take a small amount of the chosen product in the palm of your hand and squish the hair a little. You can lift the strands at the roots to make the haircut look fuller and more textured. A good option would be chemicals for a short haircut with bangs. It is left straight and the rest of the hair is curled. Further creation of a beautiful and feminine image is achieved by decorating the head with headbands, ribbons or other similar decorative accessories.

You can also create a beautiful hairstyle with chemicals by styling your hair with wax, creating a wet effect. The longer the hair, the more options for styling curled strands. Curls can be collected on one side at the top or, if the length allows, under the ear. Strands that fall out are fixed with invisible hairpins. On medium-length hair, it will be possible to collect the hair as high as possible on the back of the head, fixing and arranging the strands in such a way that some of them fall forward and the rest falls back. Shoulder-length and lower hair with small curls or voluminous curls can be left loose, creating the effect of wet hair.

To make the most voluminous styling, curled curls can be dried with a diffuser, which will provide volume and airiness to the curl.

The classic styling option involves applying foam or mousse to damp hair, excluding the root area. Then you need to tilt your head forward, squeezing the curls with your hands from the ends to the roots. Having finished with this procedure, a parting is made, straight or oblique, as desired, and the hair is dried with a hairdryer or naturally. This option is universal and, at the same time, very convenient for long hair.

To add shine to curly locks, you can use wax, which will help fix the chosen styling option, as well as give additional expressiveness to your hair.

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For many hundreds of years, women have been changing their image as they please. And if earlier beautiful ladies had to sleep on curlers to create curls, now it is enough to contact a good hairdresser or even carry out a procedure yourself that will delight you with a long-lasting effect. There are many varieties of long-term perms, you can choose them for any hair, and besides, less traumatic compounds are used now than 10 years ago.

When choosing a method, it is important to decide on the desired effect: root volume, vertical curls, small curls or light waves.

There are several types of perm, depending on the composition used. They all have different effects in terms of duration and type of curls.

  • For several years now the most popular method has been acid perm. The main component in the composition is glyceryl monothioglycolate with an acidity level of 6.9 - 7.2. Women fell in love with it for its long-lasting effect (up to six months). The composition penetrates deep into the hair under the influence of high temperature through its cuticle, without lifting the scales. In order for the curls to turn out strong and pronounced, the strands must be well stretched on the curlers, otherwise the curls will turn out weak and uneven in shape. Acid perm is not recommended for dry, brittle, damaged or sensitive scalps. The acid in the curling product can cause additional dryness and flaking.
  • Alkaline perm has a neutrality level of pH 8 – 9.5. It is not as persistent as acidic. The effect lasts only 3 months, and on heavy, thick hair - about 1.5 months - it unwinds under its own weight. This perm is recommended for use for unruly hair or if the previous perm was weak. The main component of the alkaline perm preparation is ammonium thioglycolate, it opens the hair scales and penetrates inside, changing its structure. The result is a cool natural curl. The procedure takes less time than acid perm, plus it is less traumatic for hair health due to the lack of thermal effects. It is very important to observe the required exposure time of the composition and not exceed it, so as not to harm the hair. The curler must be able to work with the chemical composition to prevent damage to the hair structure and chemical burns to the scalp. Under the influence of alkali, the hair becomes larger in volume, so it must be curled, but not overdo it. Too much tension can lead to uneven distribution of the compound and, as a result, damage.
  • Neutral perm has an acidity level of pH – 7.4. The result is structured natural curls, but less pronounced than the previous two curling methods. The composition takes into account the distribution of hydrophilic and hydrophobic zones of the hair, balancing their balance. This method of long-lasting curling is best used for soft, light and thin hair - it is safer than acid and alkaline chemicals.
  • Amino acid perm– one of the safest methods of long-term styling. The styling composition includes amino acids and proteins, as well as the active substance cysteamine, which has a healing effect on the hair structure. Due to its composition rich in amino acids, this perm has a restorative function and minimizes the harmful effects of chemicals. After the procedure, the hair shines and shines, looks healthier and smoother. It is best used on soft, thin, light hair; the curl can last up to six months.
  • Perm with silk proteins, or silk perm stays on hair for up to 2 months. The main component of the drug is silk proteins, known for their positive effect on brittle, dry and colored hair. Silk wave curling is recommended for short and medium length hair.
  • Perm with thioglycolic acid is not very durable. The effect after the procedure lasts only a month, but this is one of the most delicate methods of long-term styling. It is acceptable to use it even on colored and thin hair.
  • . This is a relatively new method of curling and is considered the most delicate for hair. Ammonia, thioglycolic acid and replaced with a special composition that contains components similar to hair molecules. This styling gives long-lasting, natural curls, while the hair retains a healthy and beautiful shine. Bio-curling lasts quite a long time - 3 - 6 months, and the effect on curly hair can last up to 9 months. Biowave is carried out in three stages:
  1. The hair is wrapped in curlers of different sizes, and a protein-rich composition is applied for curling;
  2. The following drug, when applied, affects the protein, causing it to thicken;
  3. At this stage, a special product restores the acid-base balance and the curls are fixed. looks natural, recommended for normal and. For thin, bleached and hair prone to hair loss, such long-term styling is not recommended. Bio-curling should be entrusted to an experienced professional, since the result depends on the specialist’s ability to carry out the curling and the quality of the compositions used.

Types of perm depending on the method of curling

The shape of the curls depends not only on the chosen perm preparation, but also on the method of doing this hair curling. The stylist chooses a method for curling curls, focusing not only on the client’s wishes, but also on the structure of his hair, its condition, his face shape and figure.

  • American way of curling It is carried out on hair no shorter than shoulder length, because large curlers are used. Due to this, creases do not form, and with natural hair growth, the border between curled and regrown strands will be invisible. This type of curls is suitable for those with large facial features; the curls will beautifully highlight the beauty of the face, softening the image. The curls look very natural and are defined and textured.
  • Vertical curl Use only for long hair. It adds volume and thickness to the hair and looks very romantic and elegant. To create this hairstyle, long spiral curlers are required. The hair is wound from roots to ends, with the bobbin itself positioned perpendicular to the plane of the head. Vertical curling looks very impressive and fresh, but has one important drawback - as the hair grows, the border between the regrown and curled hair will be clearly visible.
  • Horizontal perm Suitable for hair of any length. The curlers are placed horizontally in relation to the plane of the head, and are wound in the direction from the ends of the hair up to the roots.
  • Double wrap It is used only on long and very long hair, using curlers of different sizes: smaller at the roots, larger along the length. At the same time, they should be wound towards each other for a uniform result.
  • Perfect for those with thin and soft hair curling hair ends. It can also be used for girls with a cascading haircut. This long-lasting styling will emphasize the structure of the hairstyle and make the lower part of the face a little fuller. So this type of curl is ideal for those with a triangular face shape. Hair will look well-groomed and neat even as hair grows.
  • Root perm used to add volume. Most often used on short haircuts, but there are no restrictions; if you think that your hair needs additional volume, then you can do this long-term styling for any hair length. Root perm is also used for hair regrowth if chemistry was previously carried out to erase the border between curled and straight hair.
  • Trapezoidal twist adds volume along the length of the hair, excluding the root zone. Curling begins from the lower occipital part, bobbins are attached to the frame to maintain the trapezoid shape.
  • French bubble method appeared thanks to the specialists of the brand. The main difference from other methods is that the curling composition is whipped into foam before application, which ensures active oxygenation and acceptable temperature conditions. As a result, the curls look natural, so this styling method is suitable even for men.

The price of a perm directly depends on the styling composition and its type, on the length and thickness of the hair.

What to look for when choosing a perm

The composition of the curling preparation and the method of curling the strands are very important, but what to pay attention to when choosing a hairstyle in order to get the intended effect:

  • Sensitivity. Neutral chemicals or suitable for those with sensitive scalp.
  • Hair thickness. For thick and thick hair, it is easier to maintain a given shape, while thin, unruly hair is more demanding on the composition of the perm product.
  • Hair condition. Damaged and brittle hair requires preliminary treatment.
  • Face shape and body type. To create a harmonious image, it is necessary to take into account the features of appearance. For example, for a round face it is undesirable to use large curls, but for a triangular face curling the ends of the hair is suitable.