What are the stickers on the nipples in the solarium called. What is pestis? Multifunctional innovation. Possible negative consequences

The value of natural feeding is unlikely to be disputed by anyone. However, some women experience difficulties during breastfeeding, such as pain in the nipples or discomfort during attachment. Not understanding the problem and how to solve it, mothers are often in a hurry to buy breastfeeding pads. Let's get into the topic.

All about breast pads while breastfeeding

Breast pads for feeding - special latex or silicone products, the purpose of which is to facilitate the process of breastfeeding.

Unfortunately, the unjustified use of pads often not only does not solve the existing problem, but also gives rise to certain violations of the entire breastfeeding process.

When can breast pads be used?

  1. The development of lactation. At first, breastfeeding can be quite painful. The main mistake is improper attachment to the breast, as a result of which the baby sucks "waste", causing discomfort.
  2. The baby refuses the mother's breast. If for a long time the mother expressed milk and gave it to the child from the bottle, then the baby will begin to prefer the bottle, because eating milk from the bottle is much easier than from the mother’s breast: in order to get milk, you need to make much more effort than during the meal from a bottle. Nipple shields are similar in shape and stiffness to a bottle nipple, so when switching from a bottle to breastfeeding, the use of pads may become advisable ().
  3. Cracks in the nipples accompanied by unbearable pain when feeding ().
  4. Severe birth trauma, leading to a slow development of the nervous system in a child, are the cause of sluggish or incorrect suckling. In this case, breast pads are used to teach suckling.
  5. Premature, debilitated babies the first time after birth, there is not enough strength to suck out milk. Because of this, there is insufficient emptying of the breast and malnutrition (weight loss) in the child.
  6. Teething. During teething, babies are especially capricious and restless, and try to “scratch” their gums with any object, including their mother’s nipple. Babies often bite their breasts during feeding, which is undoubtedly very unpleasant and painful. Breast pads for feeding sometimes help save nipples from bites.
  7. Anomalies in the structure of the nipple: a flat, inverted, or oversized nipple.
  8. Anomalies in the structure of the oral cavity in a child - a shortened frenulum.

It is important to note that the use of breastfeeding pads is always a last resort in solving any of the above problems.

Modern doctors recommend using pads only in exceptional cases and under the systematic supervision of a breastfeeding specialist. Only in case of ineffectiveness of other techniques for applying to the breast, it is possible to use nipple covers as a short-term aid () .

What can cause the use of pads while breastfeeding?

  • Several studies have found results not in favor of overlays: a decrease in milk production by about half was noted. This is attributed to the fact that the overlays violate the psychological contact "mother-child". Because of this, the release of oxytocin, the hormone of pleasure, which relaxes the milk ducts and affects milk production, is disrupted;
  • Even the thinnest silicone nipple pads disrupt the sucking mechanism when used for a long time. The baby begins to suck faster and more intensely, because of this, the pauses become longer. Such sucking is characteristic of the stage of extinction of lactation. The sucking technique is violated: the child squeezes the jaws more strongly (chews the chest), sucks in a “vacuum” way;
  • With the overlay, feeding becomes longer in time. Milk flows under it and the child does not eat up. Also, in order to get the portion of milk necessary for saturation, when using breast pads for feeding, the baby is at the mother's breast longer than expected. Some babies get so tired from sucking that they fall asleep half-starved, as a result of which they often lose weight;
  • When sucking with a pad, the baby swallows air more often, which leads to increased flatulence, colic, regurgitation;
  • Inconvenience of use at night or on the street when walking;
  • Linings, with insufficient sterilization, can become a source of infection of the nipple. Women who use pads for a long time are more likely to develop breast candidiasis;
  • With prolonged use of pads, the child and mother develop addiction to them.

The main types of overlays

  1. Rubber in our time are sold very rarely, and they are not recommended for use. Their design involves attaching ordinary bottle nipples to a plastic or glass base. As a result, the baby is sucking a few centimeters from the mother's breast. As a result, there is no stimulation of the nipple, in addition, milk accumulates at the base of the lining, leaks and does not enter the baby's mouth in the right amount.
  2. Latex overlays are also rarely used. They are soft, have a yellowish tint, wear out quickly and absorb odors. They can also cause allergic reactions in infants.
  3. The most modern and harmless pads are silicone. They are hypoallergenic (do not cause allergies) and wear-resistant. They are flexible and thin plates, denser in the nipple area. Since they are very thin, the nipple receives the necessary stimulation to produce milk.

Top Producers

Philips Avent covers (hypoallergenic, made of the finest silicone, which has neither taste nor smell):

  • Philips Avent small protective pads;
  • Philips Avent standard protective pads.

The ultra-thin material from which the Avent pads are made allows the baby to feel the warmth of the mother during feeding, without disturbing the taste and tactile sensations.

(images are clickable)

Medela Contact overlays:

  • Size S (for premature babies and with a tense nipple diameter of less than 1 cm);
  • Size M (tight nipple diameter is 1 cm);
  • Size L (tense nipple diameter more than 1 cm).

Medela pads are made of elastic and thin silicone. The material has no taste or smell. The shape of the pads allows the baby to have natural tactile contact with the mother during feeding.

Ameda pads have the usual round shape, are universal in use. Made from the finest silicone. Help to change the shape of the nipple. Number of holes - 3.

How to choose

First, it is important to decide on the size. If possible, you need to choose linings of different sizes and manufacturers, and try them on. In this case, the nipple should be in a tense state. If the baby is premature, then it is better to take small size pads, but you need to be sure that they fit the nipple.

Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

Nipple shields should be easy to put on at the base of the nipple, repeating its shape. In front, the nipple should not fit snugly against the lining, this only happens after the baby has started sucking. Then the nipple should be in contact with the holes in the overlay. If during feeding the nipple does not fill the entire cavity of the lining, then it is large. If there is a feeling of friction and tightness - small.

Today, rubber and latex nipple covers are considered low quality due to the roughness of the material and possible allergic reactions. The best material for protective overlays now is silicone. It ensures the thinness of the product and significantly reduces the risk of allergies. The feeling of warmth during feeding, the feeling of the arrival of milk, indicate that the pad is made correctly.

How to use

  1. The patch must be sterilized before first use.
  2. It is necessary to bring the nipple into an excited state, unscrew the pad, and attaching it to the nipple, wrap it back to the chest so that it sits tightly in the shape of the breast.
  3. It will be more convenient to put on a slightly damp pad, so it will sit tighter.
  4. To make the baby want to take the breast with a pad, you can drop a little milk on it.
  5. The cutout of the lining should be at the top, where the child's nose will be.
  6. Sucking with the pad should be the same as without it: the baby's mouth is wide open and the lips wrap around the breast above the halos.

average price

The market offers a wide range of protective pads for feeding from various manufacturers. The price for a pair of products in the kit is from 100 rubles and more, depending on the quality of the material, country of origin and brand.

Of course, when there is a question about the health of the baby, it is better to give preference to proven brands that painstakingly develop products for children. Such firms, as a rule, do not spare money for numerous tests and studies, which guarantees the safety of the product. Breastfeeding protectors, which are more popular and trusted by consumers, are slightly more expensive. Their price varies between 300 - 500 rubles.

Proper care

Like a regular pacifier, the pad must always be kept clean in order to avoid various infections in the child. Frequent boiling of silicone and latex accessories is not recommended, as they harden the polymer.

  • Sterilize before first use. Boil a new pad after purchase;
  • Wash with soap and water. After each use, rinse and dry the product;
  • Boil periodically. A single boil every other day for three minutes is enough;
  • Steam sterilize. If you have a steam sterilizer, you can refuse to boil. This treatment is gentle, so the silicone stays soft longer. Steam sterilization can be carried out daily for five minutes.

How to wean a child from overlays

According to GV consultants, the technique of avoiding overlays is no less important point in the instructions for use than their choice. It is important to remember that the less you use an accessory, the easier it will be to discard.

  • Start feeding in the pad and quickly remove it in the process. A hungry baby may not notice the “substitution” and calmly continue to eat;
  • Offer an unprotected breast to a sleepy baby. The most convenient time for the return of full natural feeding is the period of night sleep and after waking up. When your baby is sleeping, he is much more likely to take your nipple;
  • Reduce the area of ​​silicone. Cut off a small piece of the silicone nipple every day, thereby increasing the contact area of ​​​​the baby with the body. Gradually abandon polymer forms completely;

If your baby is too attached to the pads and refuses to breastfeed without them, be patient. It may take you a couple of weeks to return to normal feeding.

  • Spend more time with your baby. Carry it in your arms, sleep together. Constant contact with the mother and the availability of the breast at any time of the day or night will allow the baby to get used to it faster;
  • Remove all "imitators" of the breast. It is necessary to get rid of everything that the baby can suck: lining, nipple. Gradually, the need to implement the sucking reflex will prompt him to "return to the chest";
  • Supplement with expressed milk. If the baby cries under the breast and refuses to eat, feed him with your milk from a cup, pipette or spoon. Offer breast before and after feeding.

How to choose breastfeeding pads? Who needs them? Do lactations benefit or harm? How to use them correctly? Features of breast pads for a nursing mother and instructions for their use.

Breast pads are forms of polymer material designed to protect the mother's nipple. They are worn over it before feeding and, thanks to several holes in the front, allow mother's milk to enter the baby's mouth.

Getting milk is as easy as getting from a bottle, the baby cannot. He still has to suck. That is why some lactation consultants allow the use of breast pads, choosing between artificial feeding and natural feeding, but with such an accessory.

Indications for use

After the appearance on the market, nursing pads were perceived as a universal and safe product. After several years of use by women in many countries of the world, observations of specialists, it turned out that they create more difficulties than they solve. Therefore, today there is a single recommendation for the use of these accessories - do not use, if possible.

But when there is no possibility, it is not worth perceiving them as a “necessary evil”. Use for medical reasons is acceptable in the following situations.

  • . With deep skin lesions, when feeding causes unbearable pain in the mother, it is possible to temporarily use pads in order to protect the injured areas. After wound healing, the accessory should be discarded as soon as possible.
  • Feeding children of certain groups. Children with central nervous system developmental disorders may also have problems with attachment to the breast. Such children often suck weakly, push out their tongue or wrap it, and poorly hold the mammary gland in their mouths. The use of pads will allow you to maintain natural feeding, which is even more valuable for weakened crumbs than for healthy ones.
  • High sensitivity of the nipples.“Each woman has her own boundaries of pain,” comments breastfeeding consultant Oksana Mikhailechko. “This should be taken into account when recommending breastfeeding pads to the mother.” Reviews of experts on GV in this case differ. Some recommend to be patient and wait until the threshold of sensitivity decreases. This will definitely happen within a few weeks after the start of feeding, when the skin of the nipples becomes somewhat rough. Others are of the opinion that feeding in an overlay is better than or with a mixture from a cup or bottle. Therefore, if the mother has a too low threshold of sensitivity and cannot tolerate pain, the accessory will be the solution for her.

The recommendation for the use of pads for women with flat nipples is not justified. During feeding, the baby sucks not the nipple itself, but the entire lower part of the breast. Therefore, with a nipple of any form, breastfeeding is possible with the development of the application technique. An obstetrician or breastfeeding consultant can help with this.

Pros and cons of accessories

“Breast pads for feeding will help a weak or premature baby,” says Olga Sidorova, breastfeeding consultant. “But in reality, they are rarely needed.”

Breastfeeding expert Natalya Razakhatskaya agrees with her opinion: “The use of these accessories deals a serious blow to natural feeding. Those problems that currently exist in the mother-baby pair are simply pushed aside for later. And they will definitely arise again, but in a more pronounced form.


Products can be used when the mother has tried all the methods of proper attachment to the breast. For example, when the baby can’t grab the nipple in different positions, Olga Sidorova continues.

Among the advantages of accessories are the following:

  • mechanical protection of the nipple, reducing the impact on the skin;
  • the familiar “breast shape” if the baby has already been fed from a rubber nipple in the hospital;
  • psychological confidence of a woman who doubts the shape of the nipples, the ability to breastfeed.

The benefits of breastfeeding nipple shields are questioned by many breastfeeding consultants. So, IBCLC expert Natalya Razakhatskaya warns: “Do not look for easy ways if your nipples are injured or you have difficulty with attachment. Overlays do not solve these problems. Avoid them, work on eliminating the difficulties.”


The ambiguous attitude to the feeding accessory is caused by its many shortcomings.

  • Formation of incorrect sucking technique. The mother's breast is much softer than the silicone or latex that the devices are made from. To "extract" milk from them, the crumbs have to make more effort. Babies begin to bite their chest harder, work not only with their tongue, but also with their jaws. Some master their own technique of creating a vacuum, in fact, working similarly without the necessary stimulation of the mammary gland. After applying the pads, the baby transfers his skills to his mother's chest, as a result of which he injures her, often even more than before.
  • Getting used to the "rubber" chest. Babies who have been introduced to a rubber accessory earlier than with natural breasts, or who have received it for a long time, often do not want to return to full breastfeeding. Everything is unusual for them: the shape of the breast, and its rigidity, and the sensations in the mouth. Feeding causes crying crumbs, whims, the baby turns away from the nipple. It is difficult to retrain him, it requires patience, endurance and perseverance on the part of the mother.
  • Insufficient stimulation. Breastfeeding pads follow the shape of the nipple, but do not have areolas. In fact, the baby stimulates only the nipple zone, which does not allow the mammary gland to be fully released. According to Oksana Mikhailechko, consultant on breastfeeding, this leads to an increase in the duration of feeding, a decrease in milk consumption, and a decrease in its production. One of the most negative consequences of using an accessory for a crumb is a lack of weight due to insufficient nutrition. For mom - the formation of congestion, increased risk,.
  • mechanical difficulties. The polymer "cap" can come off during feedings, the baby chokes on it or swallows air, after which it burps. Mom's discomfort is caused by leakage of milk, difficulties with feeding at night, attachments outside the home.

The disadvantages of nipple covers for breastfeeding are also manifested in the psychological insecurity of the mother. A woman is afraid of feeding without silicone forms, she is worried that the baby may refuse to breastfeed. This increases the period of their application and exacerbates the problem.

Rules for using overlays

When there is no way out, and silicone protective “caps” seem to be the only solution to the problem, it is necessary to decide which ones are best to use and how to do it correctly.


There are various types of pads available for sale. Unfortunately, there are no single recommendations for their choice. You will probably need to purchase a few accessories and try them on, try out the comfort of feeding in different models.

Focus on your feelings. Correct pads sit tight and do not create discomfort during feeding.

  • The size is close to the nipple. Your breast and its “substitute” should be as close as possible in shape and size. Matches are important in their height, base parameters. The latter should freely accommodate the nipple inside, and its tip should approach the tip of the lining, but not rest against it.
  • The nipple occupies maximum space inside after the start of feeding. When the baby makes several sucking movements, the nipple should take up at least two-thirds of the volume of the accessory. It is allowed that he rested on the holes at the tip of the product. In this case, the lining should neither press nor fall off. In the first case, it is small, in the second, it is large.
  • The base is adjacent to the areola. When the baby sucks, the correct pad becomes a "second skin", it sits tightly, like a glove.
  • Mom is experiencing a rush of milk. If this sensation occurs quickly enough, then breast stimulation is provided in the normal mode.

According to experts, the most comfortable accessories are the thinnest, they are practically not felt by a woman. The silicone pads for feeding have a minimum thickness. Reviews indicate a sufficient level of comfort for accessories "Avent", "Medela", "Baby Frank". Thicker and rougher in appearance ("World of Childhood", "Nak"), made of latex, will not be as comfortable.

Application technique

To learn how to properly put on an accessory, you need to practice. The technique of use is as follows:

  • lift the edges with the thumb and forefinger of the right hand;
  • put on the nipple, holding the edges;
  • press the edges against the skin.

Before use, you can moisten the silicone with warm water so that it fits snugly against the body. Feeding is carried out according to the standard technique:

  • put the breast only in a wide open mouth;
  • watch for a snug fit of the lower lip to the areola and the closest location of the chin to it;
  • finish feeding at the initiative of the child, wait until he releases the nipple.

To make sure that the baby is getting enough milk, it is important to control your own sensations and its weight. The absence of congestion indicates that the breast is fully emptied, and the baby eats as much as necessary. Do a wet diaper test: more than twelve urination per day of a one-month-old baby indicates nutritional adequacy.


Like a rubber nipple, the nipple should always be kept clean to avoid diseases of the gastrointestinal tract of the crumbs. Frequent boiling of silicone and latex accessories is not recommended, as they harden the polymer.

  • Sterilize before first use. Boil a new pad after purchase.
  • Wash with soap and water. Rinse and dry product after each use.
  • Boil periodically. A single boil every other day for three minutes is enough.
  • Steam sterilize. If you have a steam sterilizer, you can refuse to boil. This treatment is gentle, so the silicone stays soft longer. Steam sterilization can be carried out daily for five minutes.

Your breasts are never dirty, but in the cavity of an artificial material moistened with sweet milk, pathogenic microorganisms can actively develop. Therefore, proper care of protective "caps" is extremely important.

Opt Out

According to lactation experts, the technique of avoiding breastfeeding pads is no less important point in the instructions for use than their choice. It is important to remember that the less you use an accessory, the easier it will be to discard.

  • Start feeding in the pad and quickly remove it in the process. A hungry baby may not notice the “substitution” and calmly continue to eat.
  • Offer an unprotected breast to a sleepy baby. The most convenient time for the return of full natural feeding is the period of night sleep and after waking up. When your baby is sleeping, he is much more likely to take your nipple.
  • Reduce the area of ​​silicone. Cut off a small piece of the silicone nipple every day, thereby increasing the contact area of ​​​​the baby with the body. Gradually abandon the polymer forms completely.

If the baby is too attached to the pads and refuses to breastfeed without them, be patient. It may take you a couple of weeks to return to normal feeding.

  • Spend more time with your baby. Carry it in your arms, sleep together. Constant contact with the mother and the availability of the breast at any time of the day or night will allow the baby to get used to it faster.
  • Remove all "imitators" of the breast. It is necessary to get rid of everything that the baby can suck: lining, nipple. Gradually, the need to implement the sucking reflex will prompt him to "return to the chest."
  • Supplement with expressed milk. If the baby cries under the breast and refuses to eat, feed him with your milk from a cup, pipette or spoon. Offer breast before and after feeding.

In most cases, the process of returning to normal feeding is much more difficult than the problems that silicone nipple protectors are designed to solve. Therefore, use them for a short time - only while the problem exists. It is ideal to use them for several days.

The question of how to use breastfeeding pads is often raised internationally. Experts of the international organization "La Leche League" urge to completely abandon them, as they create additional problems with feeding. Before resorting to them, it is necessary to take all possible measures to improve the application technique. And the time of use - to minimize.


How often, looking at things made of thin and translucent fabrics with thin straps or with an open back, you noted: “No, they are not for me!”. Too open, tight-fitting chest, translucent, not implying the presence of underwear ... But you can be embarrassed in them in front of all honest people! Down with unnecessary complexes, especially since now there are a lot of women's "tricks" to look decent in any clothes. One of these tricks are silicone nipple covers. Have you heard of such a thing? Let's urgently fill the gap in knowledge.

Who will like these overlays:

Lovers of revealing outfits;
those women who do not like to wear in the form of a bra;
owners of sensitive breasts who feel discomfort when the nipples rub against the fabric;
sports lovers in training.

And, perhaps, women who often wear tight-fitting clothes have already managed to fall in love with silicone pads most of all - so that nipples do not show through the fabric. Do not be surprised: this phenomenon is encountered very, very often - especially in cool rooms. What tricks do the fair sex go to in order to look decent - they put additional T-shirts under blouses, tie scarves or shawls around their necks so that the ends cover piquant places. Some people, even in the summer heat, are forced to wear a tight bra with a thick layer of foam rubber (even if they have rather big breasts) so as not to get into an embarrassing situation. Silicone pads allow you to wear thin bras by sticking the pad on. Some models of overlays even allow you not to use underwear at all.

What are these silicone "things"?

The classic "appearance" of overlays for everyday wear is more than modest. As a rule, these are flesh-colored silicone products of spherical shape or round ones with a diameter of 6-6.5 cm. As for more extravagant models, the colors and shapes of the overlays are limited only by the imagination of the creators. For example, you can find silicone in red, black, purple, and green shades, and metallic in the form of a star, triangle, flowers, hearts ... The undoubted advantage is the ease of use of such overlays. It is enough to stick them on the chest without using any additional means. The result will please you more than: the natural shape of the breast (in the presence of a small size), the nipples are reliably protected from prying eyes, the absence of any seams under tight-fitting and transparent clothing.

What are the benefits of nipple covers?

* hypoallergenic;
* have no smell;
* “breathable”, i.e. pass air;
* reusable: products made of high-quality material will withstand use up to 100 times;
* tightly fixed on the chest, which eliminates their slipping;
* safe and reliable.

Subtleties of handling overlays

So that silicone pads do not become a one-time thing for you, but serve faithfully for numerous appearances, you need to know the simple rules for using them.

1. We pre-clean the skin of the chest with a damp cloth: pads love cleanliness and cannot stand dust, sweat, and body care lotions. If this procedure is neglected, the silicone will instantly become clogged and will no longer be fixed on the skin.

2. Remove the protective film from the inner surface of the lining and precisely fit the product on the nipple in such a way as to hide it.

3. Lightly press the pad to the chest so that its edges are neatly laid around the nipple.

4. When removing the linings, we try to be as careful as possible so as not to damage them.

As for the care of this simple female attribute, it is extremely simple. After removing the lining, it is enough to wipe with warm water, dry with a towel and wrap in a film, preferably food, until the next use.
About once a month, it is worth washing the sticky side of the pads more thoroughly with soap to maintain their fixing properties.

Are there contraindications?

It would be unfair to talk only about the wonderful properties of this miracle item without mentioning the limitation of their use. So, wearing pads should be excluded in case of damage and inflammation of the skin of the chest; conditions that cause violation; individual intolerance to silicone. In addition, do not forget that the maximum time for wearing such products is up to 8 hours a day.

Now your female arsenal will be replenished with another indispensable assistant. The point is small: go in search of a tight-fitting or open outfit that you have been avoiding for so long. In it you will look confident, which means - stunning. Still: all unpleasant surprises that may arise when wearing delicate materials are prevented.

They put on not always comfortable thongs, buy expensive underwear, decide on a painful epilation procedure. In general, they do everything so that only they get male attention. But today you will hardly surprise the representatives of the stronger sex. many see in beautiful underwear, but not every man sees a girl on whose chest there is no bra, but at the same time her nipples will be covered. These are overlays called pestis. Today we will find out what these erotic stickers are like, how to put them on and properly care for them.

general information

Some people do not know, but now you can increasingly hear this word from the lips of fashionable and modern women. Pastis is silicone. They are glued to the chest, covering only the core of the mammary gland. These pads do not smell, do not cause allergies, they can be used many times.


What is pestis is now clear, but what this accessory looks like, many do not know. Nipple covers can be different, for example:

In the form of a heart.

In the form of roses.

Pasties are colorless round.

Stickers with various patterns: red roses, bows, butterflies, skull, maple leaf, palms, strawberries, bells, lips, etc.

Pasties with hanging tassels.

The pads are fluffy.

Chain stickers.

How to use overlays?

Some women don't know how pasties are attached, but it's actually very simple. There are 2 ways to stick these overlays:

  1. With adhesive strips. A small piece of the strip is glued to the chest, and the pestis is attached on top. The advantage of the method is the fast adhesion of the overlay. The disadvantage is the unpleasant procedure for peeling off the pestis.
  2. With the help of a special, apply on the pad, press to the chest. Plus method - pestis lasts long enough. Minus - the glue is absorbed for a long time.

In what cases to use?

Many world stars use pestis at various events. Why are these patches needed? To show the chest, to draw the attention of others to it? In fact, pestis can be used in various situations:

  1. On the beach for an even, even tan.
  2. As an erotic addition to diversify your sex life.
  3. To hide the nipples under transparent light clothing.
  4. In the solarium for protection from ultraviolet radiation.

By the way, for the first time pasties were demonstrated by Dita von Teese. After that, other screen stars began to use silicone pads - Rihanna, Victoria Beckham, Paris Hilton and, of course, Lady Gaga.

Pastis for tanning

It's hard to stand out on the beach, especially if you're not the owner of a bust size 5 or priests, like Jennifer Lopez. Men will not stare at girls dressed in simple swimsuits. What can not be said about those ladies who will have pastes on their nipples. Even if a woman does not have a magnificent bust, the male gender will still pay attention to her. Pastis is the choice of daring girls who want guys to be admired and addicted to them.

In addition, such overlays provide the fair sex with an excellent tan. In a swimsuit, the body will sunbathe unevenly. Where the skin is closed from the sun, stripes will be visible. And it doesn't look very aesthetically pleasing. In order for the body to be covered with a beautiful even tan, you can use such overlays. Then the nipple will be closed from the sometimes harmful sun, and the skin will become swarthy everywhere.


This is a type of pestis. Stickini is used only in the solarium. These pads are small circles that are also glued to the nipples. Stickini are most often made from foil. The purpose of these pads is to protect the nipples from harmful radiation. The difference between stikini and pastis is the expiration date. Linings that are intended for a solarium are disposable.

Erotic decoration

To dance a striptease to your beloved man on February 23 is a great gift. Of course, what erotic dance can be without beautiful lingerie? This is a prerequisite. Transparent panties drive men crazy. But so that the guys do not immediately see your nipples behind the transparent underwear, you can hide them with the help of pastes. In this way, the girl will be able to delay the moment of rapprochement, surprise her chosen one with a new accessory. Surely, every man will like such linings. They will draw the attention of the opposite sex to the chest, kindle in the guys a desire for intimacy, passion.

Storage rules

What is pestis, all girls should know, but besides that, they must definitely buy this accessory and use it. Since these pads are reusable, you need to know how to properly care for them in order to extend their service life:

  1. You can store pasties by attaching them to glass or a mirror. You can also save this erotic sticker in plastic wrap.
  2. If the patch is already poorly attached, you can fix it with any cream that is safe for the skin.
  3. Pastis can only be applied to dry and clean breasts. Before using this accessory, you need to get rid of cosmetics: creams, lotions and other products. If you do not wash off the perfume and care products, you can damage the adhesive surface and then the sticker will not adhere well.
  4. If a woman wants to remove the paste, she needs to know that it must be removed very carefully so as not to damage the skin. After removing the sticker, it must be washed with water, blotted with a soft cloth.


From this article, you learned what pestis is and why this overlay is needed. An erotic accessory, UV protection, an enticing item for men - it's all about this sticker. World stars are not ashamed to appear in public in a revealing outfit in which their nipples are covered with pasties. Maybe ordinary women should try this erotic accessory? Men will definitely be delighted with him.

First silicone breast stickers began to use foreign celebrities. This newfangled and original accessory may well replace underwear.

Silicone stickers or pastes can also be used on the beach as UV protection for the nipples.

Pastis can have a different design - from the simplest stickers to unusual-looking figures that shine and shimmer in the sun. They are used not only as protection, but also as decoration.

What is the difference?

Another type of stickers on the chest - stikini.

Outwardly, they are very similar to pestis, but unlike them, they do not let water and ultraviolet rays through. Their main purpose is to protect against the harmful effects of sunlight.

Remember that there are breast stickers and there are nipple covers. The first ones mask the nipples, and the second ones emphasize them.

Victoria Beckham, Lady Gaga, Rihanna and other celebrities use chest stickers as underwear.

Nipple covers, pastes and stikinis are absolutely safe for women's health. But, if you have violations of the integrity of the skin, severe pigmentation or hypersensitivity, then it is still better to refuse stickers on the chest.

How to attach stickers on the chest?

Yes, it's very simple - they just stick to the surface of the skin.

There are 2 ways of fastening pestis - with a special glue and with a special adhesive tape

1. The first method is longer, but absolutely painless. It is enough just to apply glue to the skin, attach the sticker and wait for 7 minutes. To remove the pastes, moisten the skin with plain water. If you have very little time, use the second method.

2. Take the adhesive tape, cut off a small piece, stick it to the chest, and attach the paste. It takes only 5 seconds to apply the sticker. True, the peeling process will be painful.

How to care for breast stickers?

Small breast stickers are reusable, but they need to be properly cared for.

***Apply pestis only to dry and clean breasts. Before applying the stickers, do not apply sunscreen, powder, lotion and other cosmetics to the skin. Otherwise, you will simply ruin the adhesive surface and the next time you simply cannot stick them.