I can’t choose what profession to do. What profession to choose. Tests to help

“How to choose a future profession?” - sooner or later every person asks this question. Choosing a profession is not easy, but necessary. After all, a happy and successful life largely depends on the work a person does.

How to choose the right profession? First of all, you need to weigh the pros and cons, evaluate different professions in terms of their pros and cons. The following questions need to be considered:

  1. Interest in the profession. Although small, it should be there. Uninteresting work brings neither joy nor satisfaction. But it can cause stress and depression. Do you need it?
  2. Opportunity to develop abilities and talents. People who find a profession that meets this criterion feel at work like fish in water. Identify your talents and try to find a use for them in future profession.
  3. Wage. If your job doesn’t pay enough, you’ll have to either look for a part-time job or change your profession. Interest is lost in a profession that does not bring good income, and people try to quickly find a replacement. If you don’t want this to happen to you, seriously think about how much money you want to receive, and look for a profession in accordance with this. But you need to remember one more point. It concerns career growth. Many professions (such as bartender, waitress, dancer, etc.) provide an opportunity to earn easy and quick money. But these professions do not provide for career growth, which means that over time the dancer will receive the same amount as she received when she first started working. And the work of, for example, a bank employee, is initial stage may be valued significantly lower. However, over time, when it accumulates seniority, this person moves up the career ladder and gets more and more each time. Therefore, if the job suits you, but you are unhappy with the salary, find out about the opportunities and prospects for career growth. If you work well and conscientiously, you will soon receive more than you were initially offered.
  4. Professionally important qualities. You shouldn’t become a singer with a bad voice, or become an astronaut with a weak heart. Each profession requires a person to have certain abilities, knowledge, skills and qualities. Considering different kinds professions, think about what qualities a person should have in each of them. After this, ask yourself: “Do I have these professionally important qualities? Will I be able to work well and enjoy this kind of work?
  5. The fifth criterion is demand in the labor market. It is no secret that there is currently an oversupply of economists and lawyers. Consequently, it is difficult for people with such a specialty to find a job. When choosing a profession, evaluate your chances of future employment. To do this, you can search for statistics on the Internet. From it you will learn what professions society needs today.

It is clear that professions need to be assessed from different angles, but how to choose the right profession which one is right for you? Firstly, the future profession must be desirable. You should not give in to pressure from parents, relatives and friends. The choice of your profession is your personal choice. After all, it is you who will have to work where you go, and not numerous advisers. Secondly, you must evaluate your capabilities and abilities. The better you think about them, the better you will imagine which profession is most suitable. Consider the following:

  1. Psychological qualities. At your future job you should feel psychologically comfortable. Evaluate your positive qualities and think about in which profession they are most in demand. But don't forget about the disadvantages. Either your future profession should take them into account, or your shortcomings should not interfere with your work.
  2. Knowledge, skills, abilities. Assess your knowledge base. Answer yourself the questions: “What can I do best? In what area do I have strong knowledge that I can apply in my work?
  3. Education. Most professions require a certain level and type of education. And you must have the appropriate education. If there is none, then you need to study.
  4. Physical qualities. Assess your physical condition, and then choose from the proposed professions the one that best suits your needs. physical parameters. It is stupid, especially at a young age, to choose a job that ruins your health. You can change your profession, but you can’t buy new health. Remember this.
  5. Employment opportunities. This includes the demand for professions in the labor market and the opportunity to get a job in a certain place. For example, you have a rare specialty. But the place where you live does not require such specialists. The solution is to move to another place and get the desired profession there. The choice of profession also depends on lifestyle, place of residence, and working conditions. Choose a job that you can do without ruining your life.

A profession that meets all or at least most of these criteria is most suitable for you. Often we want our work not to burden us, but to bring us pleasure and satisfaction. People who are looking for this often ask the question: “How to choose a profession to your liking?” The best option– turn your hobby into work. Masters of their craft who achieved great success were delighted with their work because they were doing what they loved. If you love to sew, but you don’t have enough knowledge, take a cutting and sewing course. Add to your knowledge a little talent, imagination and desire - and you will create magnificent things that people will be happy to buy from you. If you have a hobby that can generate income, achieve a high degree of skill in yourself and turn what you love into a job. Well, if you don’t have such a hobby, read the above recommendations for finding a job. They will also help you find a profession you like.

Recently, the process of choosing a job has itself turned into a job that is carried out by certain people. They help you choose a profession different people for a certain amount. How to choose a profession for free? To find suitable profession, it is not at all necessary to pay someone. Other methods will help you too. These can be special articles, advice and recommendations from loved ones, relatives, teachers, psychologists. This also includes psychological tests and career guidance tests. Tests of the first type will help you understand your own personality, identify your pros and cons, which plays an important role when choosing a profession. Various versions of career guidance tests can be found on the Internet, where they are completely free. After passing this test, you receive an analysis of your abilities and a list of recommended professions. It is better to take several such tests.

But, of course, the problem of choosing a profession is mainly a problem for schoolchildren, because many of them have no idea what they want to be and do not understand the intricacies of different professions. How to choose a profession for a child? Here are some tips:

  • Parents should not put pressure on their child. He will choose his future profession himself. You should also not demand that your child early age choose a profession and spend the rest of your school years preparing for it. U small child there are many interests, and they change over time. Wait until the child firmly decides what is most interesting to him and until he proves it with his behavior.
  • Help him. A child may have many talents, but he does not always know about them. Offer your child different interesting activities, circles, sections. Let him try himself in many ways. The more he does, the more talents he can discover in himself. But again, there is no need to force someone to do something.
  • When a child has a strong interest in an activity, field of science, etc., reinforce it. To do this, offer him educational literature, CDs, films. Talk to your child about his interests, offer him professions in which he can develop them. Tell your son or daughter about different professions, draw his attention to them. Let him find out more and then choose what he really wants and can do.

The question of a future profession is especially acute after school, because this is the time to define oneself in adult life. How to choose a profession for a schoolchild?

  • It is better to choose a profession in the upper secondary classes. Then there will be time to prepare for your future profession, and in many schools specialized education begins in high school.
  • Soberly evaluate your “I want” and “I can”. Try to find the profession that best combines your desires and capabilities.
  • Read information about those professions that will be in demand by the end of your professional training. These forecasts are made by analysts and can be found on the Internet. Choose from popular professions, then the question: “how to get a job” will not become a problem for you.
  • Don't be afraid to choose what you want. If your grandmother, grandfather, mother and father are doctors, and you are not at all in the mood for it, do not give in to persuasion. Remember, this profession is yours to live with, not theirs.
  • Take several career guidance tests. They will help you identify those areas of work in which you will achieve the greatest success. They are available on the Internet, and they can also be found at school, for example, from the school psychologist.
  • If a profession or several professions have been chosen, look for people who are already working in this field and talk to them. This way you will get an inside look at the profession, you will learn not only its advantages, but also its disadvantages.
  • Read the first half of this article carefully. There are several useful tips to find a future job.

The question of choosing a future occupation begins to bother any person at a certain stage of life. The topic is beginning to worry parents and children with primary school . Closer to graduating class time for self-determination is becoming less and less. It is important not to make a mistake and find something that you will enjoy doing throughout your life. We'll tell you in more detail how to make your choice.

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How not to make a mistake

Let's figure out why it is so important to choose the right profession.

You need to be able to take advantage of the situation

By mastering the desired specialty, a person creates comfort for himself: stable income, prospects for personal growth, the pleasure of doing what you love.

Having received a specialty that you do not want to work in, you you are already on a random path: you have to work where it is offered. And it begins a series of temporary, unsatisfying tasks.

A chance to show your talents

Every person is a genius at something. It is important to find these inclinations, choose activities in accordance with them - this direct path to career success.

Investment in the future

Professional choices are made for the long term. It is important here to understand how the profile you are interested in will be in demand after few years.

Salary level

When deciding on a direction, you need to understand whether the specialty you receive will provide, in addition to satisfying your interest, opportunity to earn good money.

Attention! More than half of graduates do not work in their specialty. And in recent years, this figure has only been growing, because among parents and school graduates, enrolling in a university has become the main task, and choosing the right and interesting profession has become a secondary priority.

What professions are there?

Who can you become in the future, what profession can you devote your life to? Depending on the subject of work, all classes can be divided into 5 groups:

  • Man-man. These are all specialties where the work involves communication and interaction with people. This includes doctors, teachers, psychologists, managers, executives;
  • Man-technique. People in this field spend most of their work process with machines, apparatus, and computers. These include design engineers, drivers, machine operators, radio mechanics, videographers;
  • Man-nature. The objects of labor here are plants, animals, and microorganisms. Activities in this group closely related to agriculture,, medical and food industries;
  • Man-sign system. Work in this direction involves processing conditioned signals, codes, numbers into a language understandable to humans. This category includes professions translator, programmer, editor, mathematics;
  • Man-artistic image. It's mostly creative art related work, music, literature, acting.

Each of these groups of specialties requires applicants to have certain skills and aptitudes. Not every person can play on stage and deduce formulas equally well. This must be taken into account when choosing a specific profile.

Search process

To make the procedure conscious, we offer several guidelines that will help decide on the direction. Algorithm for choosing a profession:

  1. Separation of interests. Here you need to answer the question “What do I want?” or “What is closer to me?”: communication with people, technology, animals, art. In which the field would like to develop?
  2. Analysis of knowledge and inclinations. At this stage you need to understand what you can do. Match your desires with your abilities, because sometimes they may not match.
  3. Determination of professional suitability. It is equally important to know how much you it is possible to master the specialty of interest in terms of health. If you dream of becoming a rescuer, then the physical component will decide a lot.
  4. Search for in-demand vacancies. Analyze situation on the labor market. You can turn to newspapers with job advertisements and employment portals. Find the necessary information, think about which specialists will in demand soon and in the long run.
  5. Drawing up an action plan. Having noted your interests and inclinations, you can begin work to prepare for admission. Make a list of educational institutions, required exams, and determine financial costs.
  6. The last step is implementing the plan. Sign up for courses, find a tutor, develop the necessary skills.

How parents can help their child

How to determine a suitable specialty in which you want to work all your life? Resolving this issue is important for any growing person. And what is important is how much parents take part in this, and their willingness to give the child freedom of choice, without confusing help and persistent pressure.

Advice for parents of future graduates:

  • Encourage independent choice. The teenager must decide for himself what he wants to do.
  • Discuss together what vacancies are in demand.
  • Give as much information as possible about the activities you are interested in.
  • Some businesses organize open days, do not miss the opportunity to visit them with your child.
  • Take a closer look at the student’s hobbies; a hobby can become the basis of future lessons. Let it happen already primary classes he learns to choose clubs and sections of his own interest.
  • A teenager can be advised on how to decide on a career choice. special career guidance test.
  • Do not refuse to consult a psychologist.
  • In grades 9-11 there is little time left to think, so you can make a mistake. Approach the issue of choosing a profession in advance so that you have the opportunity to study the information, prepare for the necessary exams, get a backup option.

Important! Don't mix your favorite school subject and profession. Common mistake Parents: if you like mathematics, apply to become an economist. Tailor your knowledge to your goal, rather than choosing a profession based on your knowledge.

What methods exist?

In order to determine a specialty, first of all you need figure out the direction, which you or your child is closer to.

It is not always possible to understand this immediately. In this case, they will come to the rescue special techniques. Free career guidance tests to determine your aptitudes and character traits will help you understand which profession to choose.

Usually at the end of these online questionnaires you will be given a description of your interests and options for areas of activity where they can be more effectively applied.

How to decide on a profession if you don’t like anything? The simplest answer in a situation where you can’t choose a profession is follow your passions, a hobby can easily develop into a job you love. But it often happens that a person no obvious preferences.

Here are several options for what to do if you cannot choose a profession:

  1. Seek advice from a career advisor.
  2. You can opt for the most in-demand and profitable profession, there is a chance that this is where you will find your place.

    In a situation of uncertainty, you should not let everything take its course and sit idle. Only good ideas are born in the process of vigorous activity.

    The choice of a future specialty is based on many factors: individual inclinations, accessibility, the situation on the labor market, the environment in which a person is raised. Profession determines your living comfort for a long time, so income and moral satisfaction from the work performed have equal importance.

Choosing a career path can be challenging, but moving in a specific career direction will help you find a job. It will take hard work, planning, and self-awareness, and you can pave the way to a rewarding, loving career that will provide for you and your family.


Part 1

Consider your interests

    Imagine your dream job. There is an old saying: "If you are trying to choose a career, you need to think about what you would do if you didn't have to work." If you had a million dollars and could afford everything, what would you do? Your answer to the question posed will not necessarily point you to the most suitable choice profession, but he will point you towards what you need to do.

    • If you want to become a famous music figure, consider becoming a sound engineer or composer. This career path can be continued throughout your life, and you will have a high chance of success and financial stability in the future.
    • If you want to be an actor, consider working in the media. You could earn a degree in communications technology, or climb the corporate ladder in a television studio.
    • If you want to travel around the world, you can become a steward/stewardess. Such work provides an opportunity to earn a living and fulfill the dream of traveling around the world.
  1. Consider your own hobbies. You can easily turn your hobby into a future profession. Many hobbies correspond to needs and jobs in the real world. Think about what you like and how you can turn this hobby into a profession.

    • For example, if you like playing computer games, you could become a designer computer games, programmer or quality assurance specialist.
    • If you like drawing or art, you can become a graphic designer.
    • If you enjoy playing sports, consider coaching education and certification.
  2. Analyze the subjects you liked at school. The academic disciplines provide the opportunity to get the job of a lifetime, but you will likely need to obtain additional education. Your favorite subject in high school can serve as the basis for a future profession, but you must have the desire to work for results.

    • For example, if you were interested in chemistry, in the future you may become a laboratory assistant or pharmacist.
    • If you enjoyed English classes, consider becoming an editor or copywriter.
    • If you were into math, you could become an insurance math specialist or an accountant.
  3. Do vision board . This board is a great tool for organizing your aspirations. It will also allow you not to deviate from your plans while achieving your goals. Find images online or in magazines and paste them onto a poster. If you feel like it, you can add inspirational quotes and trinkets.

Statistics show that 80% of Russians do not like their jobs. I didn't love her either. None of the four. I worked carelessly everywhere just to earn money. This did not bring me moral satisfaction. But at a certain point I realized that this could no longer continue. And I began to look for the answer to the question: “What profession would I like?” And that’s when the search for oneself and one’s purpose began.


To achieve success in life, you need to realize yourself, and this is only possible through the right decision regarding the choice of profession. And here it is necessary to take into account a large number of factors. But only 3 of them are decisive. Maybe you've already heard about them, maybe you've seen them. This is also called in Japanese Ikigai or the Formula for Success! These are the factors that lead you to the path of your destiny, where there will be success, happiness, and wealth.

“I want” is what I like to do. This is the area of ​​what you want, what you would like to do, your interests in certain areas of activity. More to the point in simple words, then this is something that just “rushes” you, for which you have a “mad” passion. Think about what you could do from morning to evening, 356 days a year and 7 days a week, without getting paid for it? As a rule, these are our hobbies.

Let's say I do web programming and blogging. I like to write about self-development, share with people different insights, techniques, my personal experience. I'm just excited about this. But, as a rule, making money on a blog is very difficult. You need to write a lot of interesting articles, and then be able to monetize it all! And, if you look at many people, for the majority, a hobby remains simply a favorite activity that they do in their free time from their main job.

Moreover, some don’t even have their own hobby. Unloved job, internet, friends and everything. To be honest, I don’t understand how to live like this at all. Does a person have a hobby? This is one of my favorite questions when meeting someone. A hobby can tell you a lot about a person. Therefore, if there is no favorite activity, then you definitely need to find it and tell everyone that I “WANT” to do this all my life!

“I can” means what you can do. This is your real knowledge, skills and abilities. The space of your abilities and talents. Each person is an individual who is characterized by certain creative possibilities. They can be explicit and potential. Explicit ones are those that you yourself know about and can confidently say that you have them, I developed them, and I can use them. And potential ones - those who are still waiting for their knowledge and discovery, about which you do not yet know.

In order to understand more about what I “Can” and “I can’t”, it is necessary to engage in self-knowledge. This is generally the first step in human self-development. Everyone has their own creative potential, which is inherent in fulfilling their specific Mission on Earth. We are all completely different! You need to understand how you differ from other people. In simpler words - what is your “trump card”. We often think that if I know this and can do it, then everyone can do it. And this is a very big mistake.

Let's say I realized that I have a very good analytical mind that allows me to work with large amounts of data. I am good at structuring and systematizing processes. I can train people effectively by conveying information in a simpler and clearer way. And a dozen more clear “I can.” And if you can already do something, then after 10,000 hours or about 7 years of experience, this “I can” will turn you into a real professional in a certain field of activity with a capital P!

“Need” is what people need. These are the demands of the labor market, which consist of socio-economic problems and trends in the development of the world economy. Where there is demand, there is money. And money is one of the important factors in choosing your future profession. A profession should bring not only moral satisfaction, but also the necessary amount of money for a high standard of living in order to fully live and develop in all areas of life.

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From the first two factors in choosing a profession, you can already determine the niche in which you can conduct your activities. But in every niche there are also sub-niches in which there is money and in which there is none. For example, I want to train people. You can be a teacher at a computer science school in your specialty and work for the state for 25-30 thousand rubles. Or you can become a personal growth coach, because you really like to develop yourself and pass on your knowledge. I think you can guess that the second option will be more interesting in principle even without financial ceiling in earnings.

Therefore, the “Should” factor must be carefully analyzed so as not to miss the money issue. And don’t say that you don’t need money there. This is all a lie, and, first of all, to yourself. You don't need to be a poor professional, you need to be a sought-after professional. I can’t say that money directly speaks about professionalism, no. Rather, it is more about the desire to simply have them. But the cash flow that will come to you will directly affect your desire to become better and better. And this is the most important thing in professional activity.

Exercise: take Blank sheet paper and pen. Seclude yourself so that no one disturbs you. Make 3 columns: I like to do it, I can do it, other people need it. Write 10 examples in each column. Then choose the 3 best ones in each column. These will be your 3 main factors in choosing your future profession.

Here are the professions I chose: programmer, marketer, analyst, writer, psychologist, teacher, coach, mediator, entrepreneur.


The “I Want, I Can, I Need” technique, on the one hand, looks very simple, but on the other hand, it is not simple. It can be very difficult to identify, define, analyze, and so on. Therefore, you should not stop only at this instrument to choose a profession to your liking. As they say, trust, but verify. Intuitively, we may be aware of the correctness of the choice, but the brain always needs a more logical justification so as not to doubt. That's the way it's designed!

Therefore, I recommend using other tools to confirm everything. I decided to describe both esoteric and social ones. This was done for a reason. First of all, we are all different. Someone believes in the unknown, purpose there, fate and all sorts of things like that. And some are more progmatic and rely more on accurate facts. From my own experience, I can say that for better diversification and a more accurate determination of the future profession, both methods should be used.

The first esoteric teaching that greatly helped me understand the basis of the desire to engage in a particular activity was Astrology. This is an ancient science based on the influence of stars on human destiny. It is many thousands of years old and arose long before sociology. People always turned to her when they wanted answers to a variety of questions. It has such wide application that you can find out not only what is the best profession to choose, but also understand why you have a particular disease or how to improve family relationships.

In any case, you will need a natal chart - this is a person’s individual horoscope. It can be calculated by knowing 3 parameters: place, date and time of birth. To compile it, you can contact a professional astrologer, or do it yourself through various online services. Which method to choose is, of course, up to you. In the first case, a good astrologer will cost good money, but the interpretation of your chart will also be professional. In the second case, everything is free, but without understanding it, you can “mess up” and choose the wrong profession.

I figured out my natal chart myself. Now I can briefly give you a hint where to look right away. On the 10th house. He is responsible for Career and therefore the Success that a person can achieve in society. It is necessary to look at which house the ruler of the 10th house is in, as well as in which zodiac sign the house itself is. For example, I have the Ruler of the 10th house in the 4th house. Typical position for a writer or some kind of work from home job. And also my 10th house is in Gemini. These are all professions ruled by Mercury: journalism, media, television, teaching, trade, tourism and many others.

Numerology can serve as the next tool for choosing a profession to your liking. From the point of view of numerology, the numbers of the date of birth and name determine not only character traits and personal qualities, but also a predisposition to choose a particular field of activity and even a very specific profession. The big plus of numerology is that it is simpler than astrology and is accessible to every person.

It examines the behavioral aspect of a person's personality. This is done on the basis of his personal qualities. Just as we learn to spell at school, in numerology we read by numbers. Each number is a certain energy that bears its imprint on a person’s fate. Each of us has a passport, but our date of birth and full name are our esoteric passport, which can tell us a lot about something. Currently, numerology has become widespread and, together with astrology, is one of the most effective methods self-knowledge.

So, every person is influenced by three main numbers: soul, fate and name. By the number of the soul you can determine the character, strengths and weak sides any person. The destiny number is what you should do. The name number also carries certain vibrations. You can calculate all this in special services in a couple of minutes. For example, my date of birth is 02/02/1989. The soul number is the number of the date of birth, i.e. 2. She also corresponds to 2 lasso Tarot cards or the High Priestess. In the picture you can see the professions that are suitable for this lasso.


Many people, when they start thinking about their future profession, immediately remember all kinds of career guidance tests. Vocational guidance is a set of actions to identify a person’s inclinations and talents for certain types of professional activities, as well as a system of actions aimed at helping people of all ages choose a career path. Career guidance is based on psychology, sociology, economics, philosophy, law and even medicine.

Unfortunately, in present moment in Russia there is no large-scale and systematic work on professional self-determination either with schoolchildren or with adults. And I think this is a very big mistake of the entire education system. Because the numbers show that the majority then go into something other than their specialty. And economic conditions only aggravate the search for an interesting profession that would be both to your liking and affordable! And then there are simply millions of people who cannot find themselves in life. Hence drug addiction, murder, alcohol, theft and other derivatives that only destroy personality.

Therefore, when choosing a profession, you need to rely only on yourself. And another very wonderful tool can help with this - socionics. It arose not so long ago, but is gaining more and more popularity every day. Socionics offers a classification of profession according to 8 types of information. A person can receive information from 4 organs: vision, hearing, touch, smell; and 2 sources of entry: from the environment or from the internal environment of the body. Based on their different combinations, socionics identifies 16 personality types.

Therefore, I recommend taking an online test in socionics to determine your type in order to understand which profession to choose. In addition, socionics will help you understand people more deeply. This can help in business when you are building a team because it will be more effective if you have people together different types personalities. Some people work better with their minds, others with intuition. Some are introverts who love to do marketing, while others are extroverts who love communication and sales.

After passing the socionics test, I have the following results: Robespierre (22%), Dostoevsky (18%), other types have less than 9%. From the test we can conclude that a person will never have one type of personality. There are many of them. In one situation one personality manifests itself, in another – another. Robespierres are revolutionaries, analysts, and strategists. The Dostoevskys work more with society itself. Pedagogy, diplomacy, recruitment and personnel management, service sector. It's all theirs.

The last tool we will have is a career guidance test, developed by the famous psychologist and academician E.A. Klimov. According to his point of view, all professions can be divided into 5 types: man, technology, artistic image, sign, nature. The peculiarity of the application of this classification, like that of socionics, is that, for example, the profession of a landscape designer can simultaneously belong to both the man-nature type and the man-artistic image type.

Personally, in my testing, 2 types operate more: person-person, person-sign. Man - man - all professions related to education, service, training of people, communication with them. This group includes all teaching and medical professions, service sector professions and others. Man - sign - all professions related to the creation and use sign systems(numeric, alphabetic, musical notation). This group includes translators of literary and technical texts, analysts, financiers, programmers and others.

So, let's sum it up!

If at this stage of your life you are wondering what profession to choose so that you immediately like it, then here are these 5 tools:

— technique “I want, I can, I need”;
— astrology;
- numerology;
— socionics;
— test by academician E.A. Klimov for career guidance.

You can see that different tools give you a variety of professions to choose from. But there are some that coincide. Personally, this is what happened to me. What I wrote using the first technique was confirmed in other ways. I decided on my choice of professions a long time ago. I don’t have one, I develop several at once. I hope that my article will help you choose a profession to your liking! Good luck!

Human life is a series of numerous choices. Serious ones, on which the future depends (for example, choosing a life partner), and everyday, everyday ones (what to cook for dinner - casserole or vegetable stew).

Profession - gender labor activity, which requires certain preparation and is usually a source of subsistence.

Choosing a profession can be considered perhaps the most difficult. After all, this is a choice of what place a profession will take in a person’s life, what he can get from his future work, how the features of the specialty will relate to other life values ​​and plans, and whether the profession will interfere with them.

Choosing a profession, on the one hand, looks into the future (at least not far away): what do I want to do, what difficulties may I encounter on the way to the profession? On the other hand, look inside yourself: how ready am I to overcome obstacles to achieve my goal? To make the right decision, it is important to consider the main factors influencing the choice of profession.

So, since childhood, the girl dreamed of entering the law academy and working as an investigator. The wish came true. Studying at the institute is pure pleasure, interesting subjects, anticipation of exciting and extraordinary work, and the police uniform suits her. Towards the end of the academy, the girl began to have thoughts about starting a family and having children. It must be said that she also could not imagine her life without a prosperous and harmonious family. However, the profession of an investigator requires irregular and intense working hours, night trips and urgent business trips are not uncommon. Naturally, there is not enough time for family. In such a situation, a contradiction inevitably arose between two life goals. Of course, this does not mean that all investigators, geologists, and sea captains are forced to constantly be torn between work and family. However, when choosing a profession, a person must imagine in advance its specifics and possible difficulties. Then he will be able to find a compromise, and as a result, “the sheep will be safe and the wolves will be fed.”

When a young person chooses a profession, he is interested in his profession being popular with employers not only today, but also in 10-20 years. This is called stability of demand for a profession. Along with the “eternal” professions - builder, doctor, teacher, etc., the transport, chemical industry, high technology, communications, new professions at the intersection of traditional ones, economic management, and the social sphere are becoming relevant.

A person is more successful in the activities that he likes. Therefore, when choosing a profession, you need to pay attention to what is interesting to do and what gives you pleasure. For example, if a person likes to organize other people and be a leader, most likely, professions that require the ability to work with a team (manager, teacher, coach) will suit him.

What influences the choice of profession.

What factors determine a person’s choice of a particular profession? In practice, it turns out that inclinations are taken into account last, but the opinion of parents has a huge influence. 8 factors for choosing a profession /According to E.A. Klimov/:

1. Position of senior family members

There are elders who are directly responsible for how your life turns out. This concern also extends to the question of your future profession.

2. Position of comrades, girlfriends

At your age, friendships are already very strong and can greatly influence your choice of profession. We can only give general advice: the correct decision will be one that suits your interests and coincides with the interests of the society in which you live.

3. Position of teachers, school teachers

By observing the behavior, academic and extracurricular activities of students, an experienced teacher knows a lot about you that is hidden from unprofessional eyes and even from you.

4. Personal professional plans

In this case, the plan refers to your ideas about the stages of mastering the profession.

5. Abilities

The uniqueness of one’s abilities must be judged not only by academic success, but also by achievements in the most various types activities.

6. Level of claims to public recognition

When planning your career path, it is very important to take care of the reality of your aspirations.

7. Awareness

It is important to ensure that the information you acquire about a particular

professions did not turn out to be distorted, incomplete, or one-sided.

8. Tendencies

Tendencies manifest themselves in favorite activities, on which most of their free time is spent. These are interests supported by certain abilities.

Mistakes in choosing a profession

1. Choosing a profession “for the company”

Often a person does not have the necessary information, is not confident enough in himself, and is not ready to take responsibility for his choice. In such a situation, the choice of profession is made “for the company.” No matter how difficult and exciting it may be, you still have to make a decision. And in such a situation, you want to be close to someone who is confident in himself, who has already made a decision and is convinced of its correctness. However, there is a danger that the profession chosen for the sake of the company does not meet the interests and abilities of a person, and after only a year and a half of studying at school, college or university, disappointment, dissatisfaction, and a desire to “start all over again” arise. There is a possibility that the profession chosen in this way will not suit you. However, you should remember that the profession that your friend likes may not like or suit you.

2. Choosing a profession based on the external image of it.

Some professions seem very attractive from the outside. But very often a person does not understand what a gigantic preparatory work must be done to achieve the desired success.

When choosing a profession, you cannot pay attention to its external, attractive side; you need to learn as much as possible about the content of the work.

3. Transferring the attitude towards a person to the profession itself.

It happens that you start to like a profession because it belongs to a person you like. And having already entered such a specialty, the young man little by little discovers for himself that his interest was mistakenly taken for interest in the profession.

4. Identification of an educational subject with a profession.

Even if you really like a certain school subject, it does not follow that you will like the work associated with it. It’s one thing to emotionally discuss the actions of literary heroes in class, and quite another to make a living by reading every day a hundred pages of text from books being prepared for publication, correcting all spelling errors in them and editing unsuccessful phrases.

The main thing to remember is that a school subject is not yet a profession. Interest in it does not mean that you will like the work associated with it.

5. Selection solely on the basis of prestige.

For example, some young people choose economics education based on this attribute. And they do not take into account the fact that activity in such an area, as a rule, requires specific character qualities - for example, extreme punctuality and resistance to monotonous, monotonous activities, resistance to stress. Working as an accountant in a bank does not mean handling millions. It is unlikely that a good employee will turn out from someone who went to study economics not because he feels an interest in such an activity, but because it is “cool”. It also happens the other way around: a person feels a calling to some activity and wants to do it, but abandons his intention because, according to his environment, it is not prestigious.

In the profession, like most other phenomena in life, there is a fashion. But what is fashionable is not always the best or most suitable for a person personally. Choosing a profession based on fashion is not entirely logical. After all, by the time you finish your studies and start working, fashion will most likely change.

6. Choice in spite of, in spite of something or someone.

“Parents and friends say that a bear stepped on my ear - well, it’s okay if they see me on the stage, we’ll see what they say then.” There are very few cases when the choice of occupation, despite any barriers and restrictions, leads to success in life. If someone has irreparable speech impediments, then his attempt to “challenge” circumstances by becoming a TV presenter is unlikely to lead to anything other than making him a laughing stock. Although in other areas of activity that do not place such strict demands on oral speech, this person could achieve success.

Choosing a profession is a matter that significantly influences a person’s fate, and it is not very smart to do it “to spite” someone or something. 7. Insufficient consideration of one’s abilities.

7. Insufficient consideration of one’s abilities.

With a great desire, spending a lot of time and effort, you can become an expert even in something for which you have absolutely no ability. It's just very mediocre. And if these efforts are applied to what corresponds to one’s abilities, results achieved turned out to be much better.

8. Focus on the opinions of random people.

Often, when choosing a profession, teenagers are guided by the opinions of people who have a very vague idea of ​​the profession they are being pushed to choose. Sometimes those around you really like to give advice on who and what to be, even if their own ideas about the world of professions are limited only to everyday, stereotypical judgments. In principle, only someone who knows both the profession and the person very well can give informed advice on whether a particular profession is suitable for a person.