The importance of choosing the right profession. Teenager and choice of profession What is the importance of choosing a profession

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find out how important the choice is future profession for a teenager and help the teenager decide on the choice of profession in order to start working in this direction now


Teenager and choice of profession

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1. Choosing a Profession is like personal self-determination. The initial and final stages of self-determination;

2. The importance of choosing a future profession;

3. Goals and objectives of my project;


1. The concept of profession;

2. A small list of the most in-demand professions in the labor market today;

3. Problemreal specialists;

4. The problem of making the wrong choice of profession in youth;

5. Who or what can help a teenager choose a profession;

6. Mistakes made by teenagers;

7. Factors that need to be analyzed in order to make a realistic career decision;


My path to choosing a profession.


1. Essay on the topic: “My ideal profession”;

2. Conclusion.



Choosing a profession is a difficult and responsible step in the life of every person. The problem of choosing a profession is very important, since most people usually face this problem. Choosing a profession means finding your place in life. The choice must not only be free, but also fully conscious, and must correspond to both the interests of the individual and the interests of society. Therefore, deep motivation (motivating force to action) is necessary. Choosing a profession and mastering it begins with professional self-determination. According to I. Konz, a person’s professional self-determination begins far in his childhood, when in a child’s game, the child takes on different professional roles and plays out the behavior associated with it. If you look closely at these games, it is not difficult to notice that children in them easily and willingly make all sorts of symbolic substitutions for real attributes of professional activity. (For example: chair - “counter”, paper - “money”). Professional self-determination ends in early adolescence, when it is already necessary to make a decision that will affect the entire future life of a person. On last stage teenagers should quite realistically formulate for themselves the task of choosing a future field of activity, taking into account the available psychological and psychophysiological resources; at the same time, teenagers are forming an attitude towards certain professions.


find out how important the choice of a future profession is for a teenager and help the teenager decide on the choice of profession in order to start working in this direction now.


1. Accelerate the process of professional self-determination, expand your understanding of various fields of work, the world of professions;

2. Find out who and what will help a teenager choose a future profession;

3. Warn against mistakes made when choosing a future profession;

4. Find out in what ways you can identify the individual inclinations of a teenager in order to choose a profession, and do this;

5.Show an example of an individual analysis of professional guidance;

6.Write a short essay about yourself and your “ideal” profession after studying personal and professional characteristics, taking into account your preferences.


It is very important for a person entering life to self-determine and make the right choice. The world of professions is vast and changeable. Profession– this is a type of work activity that requires certain knowledge, skills, and abilities acquired as a result of special training (training, practice), and work experience. Every year, many new professions appear that exist only for 5–15 years and then disappear or change beyond recognition. How many professions do you think there are in the world? In the 17th century in Rus' there were only 200 different professions. Today there are more than 50 thousand professions in the world.

The most in-demand professions:

Engineers and chief engineers, technologists and chief technologists. This applies to both light and heavy industry - wherever international quality standards are of great importance.

Automotive technicians. This includes specialists who work with vehicles throughout their entire “life path” - from design and production to disposal.

Carriers. Moreover, both specialists in the creation of automobile, water and other types of transport, and professionals in the field of logistics (the science of promoting goods and services from suppliers of raw materials to consumers), goods and transport operations.

Specialists in the field of nano- and biotechnologies. Nanotechnology will find its application in medicine, the food industry, space and mechanical engineering. Biotechnology will be introduced into biopharmaceuticals and molecular medicine.

Internet technology specialists in five years they will also remain in demand. Everyone always needs programmers, and although the salary depends on age and experience, it is not fundamental: they can hire a 19-year-old student for a fairly high position.

Circuit designers, technical supervision specialists, electrical engineers, service technicians, turners and milling operators, mechanics working with machine tools, mechanics who repair technological equipment may also not think about the meager salaries of the post-Soviet period.

Mass installation of air conditioning, air ventilation, heating and water supply systems, especially automated ones, implies a demand for specialists.

Forestry and paper production specialists, specialists in environmental monitoring and management will be in demand. According to forecasts, by 2015 - 2018, environmental issues will no longer be ignored. And in order not to completely destroy the Earth, man will have to study and satisfy its needs.

The labor market is quite volatile. Some professions disappear, others appear, some of them are more in demand, some are less popular. However, the situation may change.

At the moment, the situation is such that there are fewer and fewer real specialists working with enthusiasm and raising our country to higher levels of development. One of the reasons for the lack of “real specialists”, as well as disappointment in one’s career, is the wrong choice of profession in youth. It is known that adolescence (14-18 years) is the age of self-determination. Who to be? What to be? Where am I most needed? How to find your own among many professions? These are the questions teenagers face.

To the question: “What do you want to become?” - students cannot always answer. Meanwhile, the problem of choosing a profession is very serious. A person is increasingly required to have high professionalism and a willingness to quickly adapt to new phenomena in social and economic life, because time does not stand still, but rather moves at a rapid speed. In order to choose your business not at random, but wisely, you must, first of all, understand your own attitudes, abilities and interests. Making a social and deeply personal choice in professional self-determination is not a simple or easy task. Independent choice of profession is the “second birth of a person.” After all, the social value of a person, his place among other people, job satisfaction, physical and neuro-mental health, joy and happiness depend on how correctly the path in life is chosen. When a person chooses a profession, he makes an important decision, the success of which depends on a significant number of factors. But the most important factor is the desire and desire to take responsibility.

“If you successfully choose your work and put your soul into it, then happiness will find you on its own.” K.D. Ushinsky

Thus, professional work activity, which is preceded by the right choice, is one of the most important factors that determine much in the life of a modern person.

Who or what can help a teenager choose a profession:

  • Real advice from parents.
  • A teenager especially needs support and approval from his parents, this helps him gain self-confidence;
  • Professional guidance specialists. In every city there are special employment centers where everyone, including teenagers, can apply. There you can also find a professional guidance specialist and consult with him;
  • Passage by Prof. testing (this can also be done at the employment center);
  • Fairs of educational institutions (all information is freely stored in the employment center and is available to anyone who is interested in it);
  • Teachers, educators, instructors.
  • Mistakes made by teenagers:
  • not knowing your physical health
  • !It is especially important to pay attention to individual characteristics your body before deciding on your future profession.
  • go out with a friend. Often a young man or girl who does not know his abilities simply enrolls in the same educational institution as his friends;
  • go under parental compulsion. Sometimes parents are mistaken and begin to impose their opinion; you should not mindlessly poke at him and forget about your own interests;
  • lack of knowledge of the world of professions.
  • To make a realistic decision about choosing a profession, you need to analyze the following factors:
    The first factor is “I want”

    A teenager must evaluate his interests and inclinations, find out what professions he likes, and imagine what he would like to do every day.

    The second factor is “I can”

    Familiarize yourself with the requirements that your chosen profession may impose. Identify abilities and skills, knowledge and skills acquired at school, tell how they can be applied to the chosen profession.

    The third factor is “Must”

    Find out whether the chosen profession will be in demand on the labor market and where you can get professional education in your chosen specialty.
    1. Identify several alternative professional choices.
    2. Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of each option.
    3. Explore the chances of success in each choice and calculate the consequences of each option.
    4. Think over backup options in case of difficulties in implementing the main plan.

    After analyzing the mistakes made by young people and finding out who and what can help a teenager choose a future profession, as well as outlining a rough plan for my actions, I began my journey.


    My path to choosing a profession

    My actions:

    1. I called the Pervouralsk employment center and signed up for a prof. testing.

    2. Passed testing.

    3. I talked with a specialist in the prof. orientation.

    4. Got the result. I also received my psychological characteristics and learned that the role of self-esteem in finding and choosing a profession for a teenager is very important. In psychology, self-esteem is considered as a phenomenon of self-knowledge. Self-knowledge is a person’s awareness of himself, his “I”. To become aware of oneself means to give oneself an account of one’s strengths, capabilities, personal qualities, and the level of their development, that is, to evaluate them properly.

    5. I have identified 3 priority professions for myself: teacher, journalist, psychologist.

    6.I decided to inquire about wages and demand.

    7. I inquired about the educational institutions where they train these specialists.

    8.My plans include visiting these educational institutions on an open day.


    Essay on the topic “My choice of professional activity”

    I have long noticed a simple, but at the same time great “law of life”. Its meaning lies in the fact that our grandparents often talk and remember the past (days gone by), while our parents are trying to arrange their present, that is, they live “here and now.” We, teenagers, always look to the future and dream of a happy adult life. And no matter how hard we try to outwit this law, we still won’t succeed.

    I often wonder who I am? Or what would I like to do professionally, what can I prove myself in? I asked my friends and peers what they wanted to become. Rarely did anyone answer me with confidence; more often they answered doubting their intended decision, and some simply did not even imagine what profession they would choose. But after my questions there is always a counter question: “And you? What profession will you choose? And I really began to think about this issue and approached it as responsibly and seriously as possible, deciding that I would write an educational and research project on the topic: “Teenagers and the choice of profession.” By the word “teenager” I mean not only myself, but also my other peers, because I know that for them this question will be no less relevant than for me.

    So, I wrote the project, but in my essay I will not analyze what I got in the end (since I will describe this in my conclusion), but I want to talk in this essay about my previous plans for the future and the decision, which at the moment I accepted after practically writing my educational and research project. I want to immediately make a little clear: since I am just a student finishing the eighth grade, my decision about choosing a profession may change, but at the moment I am confident in my choice, so I am already starting to look for ways to achieve the new goals that I have set for myself , but at the same time I have several more “backup options” in case of unforeseen circumstances.

    I want to start with the fact that when I was about seven years old, I came to a private dental clinic for the first time. After my tooth was treated there, I left there with a smile and immediately declared that I would be a dentist. Why was I so happy? It's simple. I felt incredibly ill at the city dental clinic, and I was terribly afraid to visit it and see these always nervous doctors, so I always went to them with a heavy heart, knowing in advance that it would be very painful and I would have to suffer again. But in private dentistry it was not painful for me at all and even interesting.

    In general, I dreamed of being a dentist before the sixth grade. Meanwhile, my mother advised me to think ten times before making such a burdensome decision, and to evaluate my chances. And I appreciated them only now. I still didn’t want to be a dentist, having decided that there were more interesting professions in the world than torturing people forever and picking the same sick teeth all my life (but always making good money). And then I began to think about what I really wanted to become. In addition to school, I was engaged in drawing (I’m not saying that I go to art school, because these classes cannot be called school) and tried to learn languages. I constantly tormented my mother with questions: “Who should I be?” She desperately cited the example of a linguist, but did not insist on this professional direction, but only proved how wonderful it was to travel all over the world, rather than look at one point all her life. I understood perfectly well that she was right, and also that I would not be a linguist, because “not everything is so perfect” with languages.

    After some time, I learned about professional testing at the employment center of our city. And I expressed a desire to get there. I spent three hours there, but I liked it. It was interesting to take a very extensive test and communicate with a wonderful woman - a specialist in professional guidance for citizens. She told me and showed me on a printed sheet with the test results (which they gave me) about my psychological characteristics and professional inclinations. The result of my efforts were three options for the types of professions that suited me: psychologist, journalist and teacher. After some time, after analyzing all the options and taking into account all the information I found for

    educational and research project, I decided what I really wanted to become.

    It’s not for nothing that I mentioned that I really like to draw. On the Internet, I found the website of a university located in the Urals, where they train to become teachers-artists, while investing students with knowledge of psychology. I feel that if I choose this direction, I will realize myself. I am very pleased with the results of my “research”, because I found answers to the questions that interested me. And at the moment, I am completely confident that I will be able to do this type of activity all my life and be happy.

    Good afternoon friends! Today we’ll talk about how to choose a profession – for the first time or again. We will discuss the main factors influencing self-determination, consider some career-oriented techniques and, as always, help with good advice.

    • personal comfort,
    • self-development vector,
    • material well-being,
    • environment.

    Reasons for choosing a particular profession

    It only seems that professional determination is influenced solely by interests. Why does a person choose this or that profession? In fact, there are many factors to choose from:

    • Prestige, fashion

    In the 60s everyone wanted to be astronauts, in the 90s everyone wanted to be lawyers and economists. Now on the pedestal are IT specialists, top managers, and senior officials. But you shouldn’t be guided only by these criteria: fashion changes, prestige fades, and perhaps this will happen before you graduate from college.

    • Financial well-being

    The most paid professions include ocean liner captain, pilot, top manager, IT specialist, marketer, etc. When choosing a “gold mine”, keep in mind that the profession itself will not bring a lot of money. To have a high salary, you need to be a good specialist, and this requires additional knowledge and experience.

    • Advice from friends and acquaintances

    Sometimes young people choose a path in life “for the company.” My best friend goes to become a veterinarian after 11th grade - what’s not a reason to follow him? It's more interesting together. Sometimes it works, but generally such a rash act leads to professional disappointment.

    • Parents' opinion

    It would seem, who knows their child better than mom and dad? Nevertheless, a large number of great writers emerged after refusing to follow their father’s path and secretly entering a literary institute. Often, parents in their advice do not base their advice on the abilities of their son or daughter, but on considerations of prestige or their own unfulfilled desires.

    Undoubtedly, their opinion is worth listening to, but each advice must be assessed soberly. When in doubt, listen to the opinions of other adults you respect, such as a teacher. Outsiders are free from worry about your fate and unnecessary vanity, so they will give more balanced advice.

    • Own wish

    You need to listen to the voice of intuition. The difficulty is that it is not always distinguishable from a momentary whim. You can trust a time-tested dream, but if it caught fire only recently, live with it for a while and take a closer look.

    What to do if you have no ideas?

    Not all high school students have decided on their future profession by the time they enter university. What to do if your soul doesn’t belong to anything?

    1. Understand yourself, evaluate your abilities. Try to think analytically about what you could do.
    2. Come up with several options and study them thoroughly. Perhaps they will all fall away as unusable, and something worthwhile will come in return.
    3. If you can’t make a choice at all, but are about to start studying, you have several options: a) go where your parents say or where your friends invite you, b) choose something simpler and closer to home, c) wait a year and figure it out to yourself (and, of course, to work).
    4. Try all possible activities on yourself. Waiter, courier, manager - everything that is possible. You will better know your strengths and weak sides, strengthen your character, make new acquaintances and make a choice.

    There are no guarantees that you won't make a mistake. But the main mistake is inaction. Whatever profession you prefer, this is your path, and it will definitely benefit you.

    Is it possible to choose a business you like for the rest of your life?

    According to surveys, almost 60% of Russians work outside their specialty. A third of respondents are reluctant to work. Another 16% change jobs annually. Is it possible to choose a business you like for the rest of your life? Yes, sometimes there are lucky people who guessed their destiny from childhood.

    As a rule, they show their hobbies immediately and remain interested in them for a long time. Therefore, if your child has been treating stray kittens for several years in a row, most likely he has already made a choice.

    Little Lyuba played teacher from an early age. Already as a teenager, she regularly explained difficult problems to her classmates, for which she came to school long before the start of classes. And this without any instructions from the teacher! The most amazing thing is that my underachieving friends were in a hurry to get to school at first light in order to strengthen their knowledge in mathematics.

    Lyubov went, of course, to the pedagogical institute. Having finished, I began teaching. There was a time when Lyuba almost went to work at a factory, but fate returned her to the right path.

    Lyubov Ivanovna was a favorite teacher for several generations. Over 25 years of experience, she has accumulated many awards. And now, at the age of 82, she continues to explain difficult problems, but as a tutor.

    Choosing the right profession is difficult even for those who have a favorite school subject. Let's say a teenager loves biology, and it opens up a wide range of choices: veterinarian, agronomist, biologist, teacher, etc. Therefore, judging professional inclination by school preferences is not entirely correct.

    When you stand at a crossroads, it seems that there are many roads in front of you. But, studying the map, you realize that one of them is closed to traffic, the second exists only virtually, the third is too broken up by passers-by, the fourth is overgrown with bushes, and only a couple of the rest have asphalt laid. No one claims that you need to walk exclusively on asphalt. The prince broke through the thickets to wake up the sleeping beauty. Decide what is closer to you: what is easier or what is more tempting.

    It’s the same in life: you start to analyze all the options and come to the conclusion that you don’t like one specialty, the second doesn’t suit your personal qualities, you can’t afford to master a third, and you simply don’t have the ability to master a fourth. There are a few left, it’s easier to choose from them.

    A competent approach to your own future means that you need to take into account not only fashion and your own aspirations. In addition, it is worth assessing:

    • capabilities,
    • personal qualities,
    • possible prospects.

    Let's say you dream of becoming a professional hockey player and already don't miss a single game, but your coach says you're not strong enough. It is worth listening to his opinion and choosing a related profession related to sports. But you can be stubborn and go towards your dream, because it can work miracles.

    Or you want to become a design engineer, your technical and creative thinking is excellent, but, for example, you lack perseverance. Think carefully about whether you can sit in front of a computer for 8 hours, 5 days a week, or whether you will want to escape after a month.

    The prospects for a particular profession are difficult to assess (it would seem that grooms and stove makers have been forgotten, and now these people are worth their weight in gold), but you can always read forecasts, attend various seminars and job fairs.

    What professions will be in demand in the future?

    Thus, experts from Skolkovo promise that very soon completely new professions will appear, such as space tourism manager and virtual world designer. Analysts say that IT specialists, managers and other managers, and builders will not lose their relevance in the near future.

    It is clear that teachers and doctors will always be needed. Girls will not be left without work in teaching (school, kindergarten, additional education), in the field of hospitality and beauty.

    With increasing globalization, tourism will develop, which means that travel lovers will find employment. People providing various personal services (for example,) and working in the Internet sector will be in demand. The remaining forecasts (about the replacement of engineers, controllers and loaders with robots) are probabilistic in nature.

    In any case, if you feel that you have a calling for something, do not shy away from it. Good specialists are always valued.

    Tests to help

    Today, many methods and tests have been developed to help you choose a profession.

    Socionics is the concept of personality types according to the following parameters: extraversion/introversion, logic/intuition, logic/ethics, rationality/irrationality. The combination of these characteristics gives 16 psychotypes, each of which is recommended for a number of professions. For example, I got a picture like this. Quite an accurate portrait.

    Officially, not everyone recognizes socionics as a science, but testing gives interesting results.

    Holland Questionnaire

    Dividing people into types (realistic, intellectual, social, artistic, enterprising, conventional) is a bit like the previous test. The Holland Questionnaire allows you to understand personal qualities, evaluate communication skills and get some rough recommendations.

    Klimov's technique

    We owe to Academician E. A. Klimov the tests that at one time filled all employment centers. After answering 20 test questions, the subject receives the type of profession that suits him - these are the same “man - man”, “man - nature”, “man - technology”, “man - sign system” and “man - artistic image”. Recently, the group “person - self-realization” has been added to this classification (we are talking, for example, about athletes).

    Using this method, you can determine the approximate area of ​​application of talent, but it is worth considering that since its creation, the list and content of professions have changed.

    Career choice matrix

    The advantage of this technique is a small number of questions and clarity of the results. Having chosen the 2 desired options, find their intersection in the table and receive professional recommendations. The disadvantage is the limited selection of advice.

    How to help your child decide on a profession?

    Parents tend to protect their children from mistakes, but career guidance should be their independent choice. How to properly mentor the younger generation and help a child decide on a profession?

    1. Talk with your teenager more often, find out not only their inclinations, but also their prerequisites. Ask for what reasons your child prefers this or that activity - this way you will learn not only his motives, but also his level of awareness about the profession.
    2. Try to deepen the teenager’s understanding of work: suggest literature, introduce him to people who are engaged in this work. TV series about doctors and investigators paint idealistic pictures, but the neighborhood police officer will tell the whole truth as it is.
    3. Help me find career guidance tests, but explain that they do not fully reflect reality, but only provide some guidelines.
    4. Don't insist on going to college. Firstly, sometimes a technical school or courses are enough to successfully master a specialty. Secondly, when a young man grows up, he himself will feel the need for higher education, which means he will make the right choice and treat his studies more responsibly.
    5. Find out what specialties you can get in other regions. Firstly, you will learn about all the new trends, and secondly, sometimes in a neighboring region you can learn for free what you would have to pay a lot for in your city. If your son or daughter is ready to go far away for the sake of a successful future, do not hold them back: they will leave sooner or later anyway.
    6. Give your teenager the opportunity to try his hand at some industry. If he wants to become a teacher, let him agree to conduct lessons with a teacher; if he dreams of the restaurant business, advise him to get a job at McDonald’s.
    7. Give him a chance to make his own decision. Let the teenager break the woods, gain valuable skills and good lessons, but he will not blame you for his failed life. You can always change your occupation; it is more difficult to regain lost trust.

    Changing profession after 30 years

    The topic of career guidance is relevant not only for young people. For various reasons (changes in the labor market, relocation, personal circumstances), people at any age are thinking about changing jobs. One of the most popular is just over 30; it’s not for nothing that this period is considered a crisis.

    What to choose if you decide to change profession at 30? It is not easy for people with a family and a decent work history to dare to take this step. We have already described cases when it is really necessary. If in doubt, analyze your life and trust the voice of your intuition.

    If you decide to say goodbye to your old place, but fears are getting in the way, tell yourself the following:

    1. I am not already, but still only over 30. I am young, full of strength, and I will succeed.
    2. I know my needs and capabilities better than at 18.
    3. Psychologists consider this age suitable for life changes, since freshness of thinking is maintained and at the same time there is sobriety of judgment and considerable experience.
    4. All my skills remain with me. It will be great if they are useful to me in a new place, but if not, I can still return everything.

    Changes are possible in the following scenarios:

    • Occupy a sought-after niche - master a new profession.
    • Develop acquired skills in a new direction - make a smooth transition to a new activity, based on what you do best.
    • Turn your passion into work - heed the call of your soul.

    The first two points are chosen, as they say, by the mind, and the third – by the heart. What are the pros and cons of each?

    1. The advantages of the first option are obvious: if a profession is in demand, specialists are in great demand. This is especially true for new industries. Here the salary is usually higher. But there is a risk that development will not be as successful as we would like. But until you try, you won’t know, right?
    2. The second approach seems to be the most reasonable: you do not lose anything by developing in related activities, and the transition is smooth and painless. If you feel that sudden jumps are not for you, choose this path.
    3. The third scenario is suitable for enthusiastic people who are bored doing things they don’t like. The positive side: you will like the profession. Negative: it is not a fact that you will be able to make income from your hobby.


    Everyone chooses their own path. And you will always find stories of people who successfully changed their profession on our blog. Of course, its creator, Vasily Blinov, himself told readers about it.

    If you associate the future with remote earnings, check out and choose an activity to your liking. And the course will help you start earning money with pleasure.

    About the importance of choosing the right profession - page No. 1/1

    On the importance of choosing the right profession

    Are you faced with choosing your own path to follow?

    The right choice of profession means confidence, peace of mind and material well-being in adulthood.

    Why? Yes, because your entire future adult life will depend on whether you choose your future profession correctly.

    The wrong choice of profession leads to the fact that many people are dissatisfied with their chosen field of activity, and as a consequence - with the level and quality of their life, the degree of professional fulfillment, and their state of mind.

    1. Don’t treat your choice of profession as a choice of a lifelong destination.

    In any field of activity, there is a natural change in occupations, specialties, positions, and places of work as a person’s qualifications increase.

    2. Do not confuse position, profession and specialty.

    For example, a chief physician is a position, a doctor is a profession, a dentist is a specialty.

    3. Don’t choose a profession based on its external appearance.

    Always try to learn more deeply about the content of the profession, the essential aspects of the daily work of a professional.

    4. Do not give in to prejudices about a particular profession.

    The fashion for professions is constantly changing; today some professions are prestigious, tomorrow - others. But fashion in professions does not always keep pace with changes in the labor market.

    5. Do not transfer your attitude towards a person - a representative of a particular profession - to the profession itself.

    The likeable or unlikeable personal qualities of a particular person are not always professionally important for a particular profession.

    6. Do not equate academic subjects and professions.

    The world of professions is much wider than one might imagine based on the list of school subjects.

    7. Do not choose a profession “for the company”, under the influence of comrades.

    We buy clothes and shoes according to our size, and not what fits our friends. Do the same with your choice of profession.

    8. Don’t choose a profession without understanding your personal qualities.

    It is very important to know your interests, inclinations, abilities, level of knowledge and preparedness.

    9. Do not choose a profession without assessing your physical characteristics and shortcomings that are significant when choosing a profession.

    10. State of health.

    Many professions have special requirements for health, and some professions are contraindicated (not recommended) for certain characteristics of the body or deviations in health.

    Do not choose a profession without knowing the basic rules, actions and their order when solving the problem of choosing a profession. If you don’t know how to solve the problem of choosing a profession, turn to a specialist career consultant for help.

    The right choice of profession is a choice taking into account your real capabilities.

    Choosing a profession (introductory lesson)

    Author - Maksimenko Victoria Yuryevna, psychologist-professional consultant, Belgorod

    - educational: to acquaint students with the goals, objectives, directions of the course “Choice of a profession;
    - developmental: creating conditions for students to get to know the psychologist and each other, to unite the student team;
    - educational: instilling responsibility in students for observing the rules of working in a group;
    - career guidance: motivating students to actively master the course and make an informed choice of profession.

    Form of conduct: a comprehensive lesson with elements of training and psychological diagnostics.

    Equipment: “Notebook for thoughts and useful information” (from separate sheets), blackboard and chalk.

    Teaching methods: verbal (conversation, joint decision-making), practical methods(analysis, exercises, diagnostics).

    Vachkov I.V. Fundamentals of group training technology. Psychotechnics: Textbook. – 2nd ed., revised. and additional – M.: Publishing house “Os-89”, 2000.

    Gadzhieva N.M., Nikitina N.N., Kislinskaya N.V. Fundamentals of self-improvement: Tr-ng of self-awareness. – Ekaterinburg: Business book, 1998.

    Gretsov A.G., Popova E.G. Choose a profession yourself. Information and methodological materials for teenagers. - St. Petersburg, 2004.

    Leaders A.G. Psychological training with teenagers. - Moscow, 2001.

    Puzikov V.G. Training technology. – St. Petersburg: publishing house “Rech”, 2005.

    Rezapkina G.V. Psychology and choice of profession: pre-professional training program. Educational and methodological manual for psychologists and teachers. – M.: Genesis, 2006.

    Smid R. Group work with children and adolescents Trans. from English 2nd ed., revised - M., Genesis, 2000.

    During the classes

    I. Organizational moment

    Greeting, checking the presence of students, checking the availability of supplies for the lesson.

    II. Main part. Immersing students in the classroom atmosphere

    It is advisable to start the introductory lesson with a self-presentation of the psychologist, during which he should provide his last name, first name, patronymic, work experience, personal interests, positive attitude towards work and students, and answer relevant questions from students. Next, the psychologist informs the students of the goals of the upcoming lesson (they can be written on the board).

    Exercise "Anthill"
    Goal: students understand the specifics of the “Choice of a Profession” course, create a working and trusting atmosphere, and get students to know each other.

    Instructions: “I suggest you relieve tension and take a walk around the class, and at the same time get to know each other. We will all walk at different speeds: the higher the number I give, the higher our speed. When I say “stop,” everyone must immediately find a partner and say their name” (the procedure is repeated several times). Next, students must provide any information about themselves and tell the group in pairs about their partner.

    Development of group-wide rules
    Psychologist: “I think you already understand that these classes are not like everyone else. We will not read and retell something, learn to apply formulas and rules. I would like each of us to turn to our own personality. This may be a difficult task, but if it works, we will be able to live and perceive ourselves differently, suffering less and enjoying more, we will be able to become wiser. But this is a rather deep process, you can find out something that is a secret, therefore, to ensure psychological safety and so that you yourself help me manage what is happening, I propose to introduce rules for our group. After all, any developed collection of people has its own norms. Let’s not differ for the worse and also introduce such standards for ourselves.”

    Everyone participates in the development of rules. The presenter and participants first name the rules, then discuss. The rules are written on the board or whatman paper, which is hung in a prominent place, and are in the field of view of all students.

    Sample rules for working in a group
    Privacy Rule
    means that everything we talk about in the group will remain between us.

    Activity Rule

    (“How do you understand what this rule means?”)
    The more actively each of you participates, the more benefit he will bring both to others and to himself. This rule means that it is advisable to respond to the presenters’ proposals, answer their questions, if you want to ask something, then ask, and if you want to offer something, then offer it.

    Stop rule

    a group member who does not want to answer a question or participate in a particular exercise can say “stop” and thus exclude themselves from participation. But it is advisable to use this rule as rarely as possible, since it limits both the participant and the group itself.

    Rule of openness and honesty

    you need to try to be yourself here, to say what you think and feel. If revealing yourself in any action is painful for you, it is better to turn to the “stop” rule than to tell a lie.

    The rule “be on time!”

    Rule of punishment
    the group has the right to come up with a punishment for anyone who breaks one of the rules. However, this punishment should not cause physical or mental harm.

    Not rated

    do not criticize and recognize the right of everyone to express their opinion, do not allow judgment of a person, evaluate not the participants, but only their actions (statements), learn to understand the other, feel what the person wanted to say, what meaning he put into the statement. The type of expression could be: “I don’t like your tone of address.”
    It is important to emphasize that instead of assessing another person, we talk about our feelings that his actions evoke in us.

    The psychologist asks if any other students would like to propose introducing some kind of rule (turn off cell phones, call by name, treat each other with respect; if a question arises that you would like to discuss with the facilitators outside the group, you can contact them).

    After fixing the rules, a “voting” process occurs - the student raises his hand in agreement that he accepts them and is ready to apply them.
    Further, the psychologist says that work in the classroom will be accompanied by keeping an unusual Notebook for reflection and useful information. It is needed primarily for high school students themselves. At almost every lesson, another page of the Notebook will be provided, which can be conveniently stored in a binder. Sometimes (when tests are administered for processing) individual sheets will need to be turned in, but they will subsequently be returned.

    The psychologist distributes the first page of the Notebook. Students record the rules they have developed.

    Exercise “What is the most important thing in life for you?”
    Psychologist: “Let's talk about what is important for each of us. It’s clear that the lists are varied, but let’s try to find something in common.”
    Students are asked to answer the question: “What is most important to me in life?”

    Those who wish can read what is written aloud. Next, it is proposed to count: how many of all those present noted: health, well-being of family and loved ones, material security, good work, love, career, fame.

    Perhaps a group discussion of these issues, and after it - M. Weller's views on how most people deal with these values.

    From M. Weller’s book “Everything about Life”

    Health. They kill in every possible way. They drink, smoke, use drugs. They overeat, don’t get enough sleep, and don’t move much. They are overexerted and nervous.

    Family well-being. They swear, tyrannize their relatives, lie, cheat, and “hoard” money. They forget their parents and abandon their children. They become so immersed in their own interests and affairs that they no longer have time for their family.

    Material security. Everyone loses at gambling. They indulge in scams and go bankrupt. In the pursuit of what is superfluous, they are deprived of what is necessary. They drink it away. They are lazy. They spend money on obviously unnecessary things, and in difficult times they go around the world.

    Good job. Most people are indifferent to their work or, moreover, hate it. They get tired, overworked, and dream of a vacation. They engage in menial labor - for the sake of money, which in such quantities is not strictly necessary for them.

    Love. If all people want to love and be loved, then simply by the law of large numbers the majority should have this. Life convinces us that there is nothing like that. Why, why is this “main value” so often associated with a huge amount of suffering, deprivation and all kinds of misfortunes?

    Career. Stress, be a hypocrite, bend in front of your superiors, endure unfair reproaches, step over people - and this is what you want to spend your life on?

    Glory. Devastated countries and 2 million corpses in the end. Here is the unsurpassed glory of Napoleon. There is also harmless fame. Practice spitting hard and you'll get into the Guinness Book of Records. Sports glory means ruined health, a shortened life and a regime full of hard work and strict restrictions. And what will the athlete say to the Apostle Peter at the gates of heaven? “What did you do in life?” - “I was long jumping.”

    Motivational talk

    Let's pay attention to the author's statements about the most important components of everyone's life - a good career, fame.

    Choosing a profession is the second birth of a person. The social value of a person, his place among people, job satisfaction, physical and neuro-mental health, joy and happiness depend on how correctly the path in life is chosen.

    At school they give guidance in many important issues. Disciplines such as physics, chemistry, geography, botany, zoology introduce us to the world of inanimate and living nature. History and literature - into the world of social phenomena, mathematics - into the world of quantitative relations and spatial forms, astronomy even takes us beyond the boundaries of our native planet. But there is another unknown world that every girl and every boy faces - the world of professions. Moreover, each profession is sometimes also a whole world, interesting and surprising.

    There are more than 50,000 professions. Choosing a life path or profession is a task with many unknowns. How can you not make a mistake and solve it correctly?

    A reasonable person will not undertake to design a bridge unless he has specifically studied for it. He understands that this is a difficult task and the cost of a mistake here can be very high – people’s lives. As for the task of choosing a profession, its complexity is often underestimated not only by teenagers, but also by some adults, too confidently giving the first advice and solutions that come to mind. And the price of mistakes here is also considerable - the fate of a person.

    Each profession requires special abilities, but how to identify, find and develop them in yourself? The profession requires talent, but what will it give a person in return? What are the prospects for promotion? Possible stages of a person’s growth as a specialist? All these and many other questions arise and must be taken into account when choosing a life path.

    A far-sighted person, in addition, prefers to choose a profession that is most needed by society.

    There are two reasons why this is a conscious choice: one has always existed, the second has appeared recently:

    1. It is important to choose correctly, because otherwise you can make a mistake.
    If you haven’t chosen it yourself, you’ll still go somewhere “for company,” “fashion,” or on the advice of your parents—there’s a high probability of making a mistake. Most people understand this late, they suffer in a job they don’t like: bad employees - little money, stress - irritable, the world is not nice, they get sick. Imagine a chemistry lesson (what is your least favorite subject?) for 8 hours a day, 6 days a week, with a short vacation a year - for life! But it’s difficult to change: you need to feed your family, you can’t quit your boring job - you can remain unemployed.

    2. The second reason has appeared in our time: high real unemployment (more than officially registered by a good dozen times), and therefore high competition in the labor market, because of which you can find yourself left out of life, “at the bottom of society.”

    In other words, during the course classes we will do everything to avoid making a mistake in choosing a professional path and to avoid serious mistakes.

    Practical work

    Filling out professional self-determination questionnaires for schoolchildren P.S. Lerner, N.F. Rodicheva.

    III. Discussion of lesson results

    The psychologist independently or with the help of high school students analyzes whether the goals of the lesson have been achieved. If not, what was the reason for this and what measures can be taken to make the goals come true.

    Participants are invited to answer the following questions if they wish:

    - What was interesting for you in today’s lesson and what was not?
    - What new have you learned? Will this help when deciding on a career choice?
    - What wishes and suggestions do you have for the presenter?
    Everyone chooses for themselves
    A woman, religion, a road.
    To serve the devil or the prophet -
    Everyone chooses for themselves.
    Everyone chooses for themselves
    A word for love and for prayer.
    A sword for a duel, a sword for battle -
    Everyone chooses for themselves.

    Thanks to the psychologist for the lesson. Parting.

    "Thanks to all! Until the next lesson! "

    Evaluation of educational activities class teacher

    Control and measurement materials for assessing the educational activities of the class teacher


    Methods used

    Expert assessment


    Parents' satisfaction with the help of the class teacher in developing their children's ability to solve basic life problems

    A comprehensive methodology for studying parents’ satisfaction with life activities educational institution A.A.Andreeva


    Diagnostics of the level of formation children's group(Methodology by A.N. Lutoshkin “What kind of team we have”)


    Methodology for determining the level of development of self-government in the student body M.I. Rozhkova



    Methodology for studying student satisfaction with school life by A.A. Andreev


    Method of expert assessments based on indicators:

    • Implementation of an individual educational route

    • Experimental or research work of the class teacher

    • Results of training in advanced training courses

    • Using advanced education technologies


    Methodology for studying the degree of development of the main components of pedagogical interaction L.V. Bayborodova

    Diagnostic techniques

    A. A comprehensive methodology for studying parents’ satisfaction with the activities of the class teacher

    (developed by A.A. Andreev)

    Target: obtaining quantitative information about parents’ assessment of the class teacher’s help in developing their children’s ability to solve basic life problems.

    Progress. Parents fill out a questionnaire with the following text.

    Instructions for parents. Please mark in the table the statement that is closest to your point of view.


    Completely false

    This is hardly true

    More likely,


    The class teacher helps the child:

    a) believe in yourself

    b) learn to decide

    life problems

    c) learn to overcome

    life difficulties

    d) study correctly

    communicate with peers

    d) study correctly

    communicate with adults

    Processing the results.. Parents' answers are scored:

    “Completely false” – 0 points,

    “This is hardly true” – 1 point,

    “Most likely true” – 2 points,

    “Exactly true” – 3 points.

    The average score of the parents' assessment for the entire set of proposed statements is calculated: the sum of the scores of the parents' answers is divided by the product of two numbers - 5 (the number of statements) and the number of parents who took part in the diagnosis. For example, the sum of the points for the answers of 10 parents is 107 points. It is divided into the product of 5 and 10, i.e. 107: (5 × 10) = 2.14. The obtained result is correlated with the interval scale:

    B. Methodology “What kind of team do we have”

    (developed by Professor A.N. Lutoshkin)

    Target: determine the degree of student satisfaction with their team.

    Progress. The technique is used to diagnose classroom groups with whom the class teacher works at least once. school year. Schoolchildren are offered characteristics of various levels of team development: “Sand placer”, “Soft clay”, “Flickering lighthouse”, “Scarlet sail”, “Burning torch”. Students evaluate the level of development of their team.

    Instructions for students. Listen carefully to the characteristics of the various levels of development of the team: “Sand placer”, “Soft clay”, “Flickering lighthouse”, “Scarlet sail”, “Burning torch” (the names of the levels must be written on the board). Assess the level of development of your team. On your answer sheet, make a note next to the level you have chosen.

    "Sand placer"

    Take a closer look at the sand placer - how many grains of sand are collected together, and at the same time, each of them is on its own. A weak breeze will blow and carry some of the sand to the side and scatter it across the site. The wind will blow stronger and there will be no scattering.

    This happens in groups of people. There, too, everyone is like a grain of sand: it seems like everyone is together, and at the same time, everyone is separate. There is nothing that would “link” or connect people. Here people either don’t know each other very well, or simply don’t dare, and maybe don’t want to meet each other halfway. There are no common interests, common affairs. The absence of a solid, authoritative center leads to looseness and friability of the group. This group exists formally, not bringing joy and satisfaction to everyone who is part of it.

    "Soft Clay"

    It is known that soft clay is a material that is relatively easy to manipulate, and various products can be made from it. In the hands of a good craftsman, and such a person in a group, class, or student body can be a commander or organizer of a task, this material turns into a skillful vessel, into a beautiful product. But it can remain a simple piece of clay if no effort is put into it. When soft clay finds itself in the hands of an incapable person, it can take on the most indefinite forms.

    In a group at this stage, the first efforts to unite the team are noticeable, although they are timid, not everything works out for the organizers, and there is not enough experience in working together.

    The binding link here is also normal discipline and the demands of elders. Relationships are different - friendly, conflicting. Guys rarely come to the aid of each other on their own initiative. There are closed groups of friends who communicate little with each other and often quarrel. There is no true master - a good organizer yet, or it is difficult for him to prove himself, since there is no one to truly support him.

    "Flickering Beacon"

    In a stormy sea, the lighthouse brings confidence to both experienced and novice sailors: the course has been chosen correctly, “keep it up!” Note that the lighthouse does not burn constantly, but periodically throws out beams of light, as if saying: “I’m here, I’m ready to help.”

    The emerging team is concerned that everyone follows the right path. In such a student body, the desire to work together, help each other, and be together prevails. But desire is not everything. Friendship and comradely mutual assistance require constant burning, and not isolated, even frequent outbursts. There is someone in the group to rely on. The “keepers” of the lighthouse are authoritative, those who will not let the fire go out, the organizers, the activists.

    This group is noticeably different from other groups in its individuality. However, it can be difficult for her to fully gather her will, find a common language in everything, show persistence in overcoming difficulties, and some members of the group do not always have the strength to obey collective demands. There is insufficient initiative, proposals are not often made to improve things not only in his team, but also in the larger team of which he is a part. We see activity in bursts, and even then not for everyone.

    "Scarlet Sail"

    The scarlet sail is a symbol of forward striving, restlessness, friendly loyalty, and devotion to duty. Here they operate on the principle of “one for all, and all for one.” Friendly participation and interest in each other's affairs are combined with integrity and mutual exactingness. The command staff of the sailing ship are knowledgeable and reliable organizers, authoritative comrades. People turn to them for advice and help, and the ponies selflessly provide it. Most members of the “crew” develop a sense of pride in their team; everyone experiences bitterness when they fail. The team is keenly interested in how things are going in other teams, for example, in neighboring ones. It happens that they come to help when asked.

    Although the team is united, there are times when it is not ready to face storms and bad weather. You don’t always have the courage to admit your mistakes right away, but gradually the situation can be corrected.

    "Burning Torch"

    A burning torch is a living flame, the combustible material of which is close friendship, common will, excellent mutual understanding, business cooperation, and everyone’s responsibility not only for themselves, but for the entire team. Yes, all the qualities of the team that we saw at the Scarlet Sail stage are well demonstrated here. But that's not all. You can shine for yourself, making your way through the thickets, climbing rocks, descending into gorges, blazing new paths. But how can you feel happy if someone is having a hard time next to you, if there are teams behind you, groups that need your help and your strong hand. A real team is one where they unselfishly come to the rescue, do everything to benefit people, illuminating the way for others, like the legendary Danko, with the heat of their hearts.

    Processing the results. Students evaluate the level of development of their team. Based on the answers, the teacher can determine on a five-point scale the degree of their satisfaction with their class, find out how students evaluate its cohesion and unity:

    • "Sand placer" 0 b.

    • "Soft Clay" 1 b.

    • "Flickering Beacon" 2 b.

    • "Scarlet Sail" 3 b.

    • "Burning Torch" 4 b.
    Then you need to calculate the average grade (the sum of all answers divided by the number of students who took part in the survey). For example, the sum of the points in the answers of 18 students is 26. Then the average score is calculated: 26: 18 = 1.44. The obtained result is correlated with the interval scale:

    The technique helps to identify those students who underestimate or overestimate (compared to the average assessment) the level of development of collectivist relations, who are satisfied and dissatisfied with them.

    Another option for using this technique is possible. Schoolchildren, divided into groups, discuss the following questions: at what stage of team development is our class community and why; what prevents us from rising to a higher level of development of the team; which will help us become a more united team. In this case, the teacher can obtain more detailed information about the state of relationships in the team, children’s satisfaction with their team, and students’ vision of the prospects for its development.
    B. Methodology for determining the level of development of self-government

    in the student body

    (developed by M.I. Rozhkov)

    Target: determine the level of development of student self-government.

    Progress. The board gives the semantic meaning of the digital codes:

    3 - “Rather yes than no”

    2 - "It's hard to say"

    1 - “Rather no than yes”

    Each student fills out a form with the following digital codes and sentences:

    4 3 2 1 0

    1. I consider it important for myself to strive for the staff of my class to work better.

    4 3 2 1 0

    2. I make suggestions for improving the work of the class.

    4 3 2 1 0

    3. I independently organize individual activities in the classroom.

    4 3 2 1 0

    4. I participate in summing up the work of the class and in determining the immediate tasks.

    4 3 2 1 0

    5. I believe that the class is capable of friendly independent actions.

    4 3 2 1 0

    6. In our class, responsibilities are clearly and evenly distributed among students.

    4 3 2 1 0

    7. The elected activist in our class enjoys authority among all members of the team.

    4 3 2 1 0

    8. I believe that the asset in our class copes well with their responsibilities independently.

    4 3 2 1 0

    9. I believe that the students in our class conscientiously carry out their social duties.

    4 3 2 1 0

    10. I implement decisions made by the meeting or class members in a timely and accurate manner.

    4 3 2 1 0

    11. I strive to make every effort to ensure that the tasks assigned to the team are completed.

    4 3 2 1 0

    12. I am ready to answer for the results of my work and for the results of the work of my comrades.

    Processing the results. When processing the results, 12 proposals are divided into 3 groups of components.

    1) involvement of students in self-government activities (proposals 1-4);

    2) organization of the class team (5-8);

    3) responsibility of members of the primary team for its affairs (9-12);

    For each group, the sum of points given by all survey participants is calculated. It is then divided by the number of survey participants and by 16 - the maximum number of points that the respondent can indicate in each group. For example, the sum of the points given by 10 survey participants for the first group is 78. Then 78: 10: 16 = 0.4875. The resulting coefficient is correlated with the interval scale:

    The indicators for the remaining two groups are calculated similarly. If at least one of the coefficients is less than 0.5, then the level of self-government in the class is low.

    D. Methodology for studying student satisfaction

    school life

    (developed by A.A. Andreev)

    Target: determine the degree of student satisfaction with school life.

    Progress. Students are asked to read (listen) to the statements and rate the degree of agreement with their content on the following scale:

    4 - completely agree,

    3 - agree;

    2 - hard to say;

    1 - disagree;

    0 - completely disagree.

    4 3 2 1 0

    1. I go to school in the morning with joy.

    4 3 2 1 0

    2. I am usually in a good mood at school.

    4 3 2 1 0

    3. Our class has a good class teacher.

    4 3 2 1 0

    4. You can turn to our school teachers for advice and help in difficult life situations.

    4 3 2 1 0

    5. I have a favorite teacher.

    4 3 2 1 0

    6. In class I can always freely express my opinion.

    4 3 2 1 0

    7. I believe that our school has created all the conditions for the development of my abilities.

    4 3 2 1 0

    8. I have my favorite school subjects.

    4 3 2 1 0

    9. I believe that school truly prepares me for independent life.

    4 3 2 1 0

    10. During the summer holidays I miss school.

    Processing the results. The indicator of student satisfaction with school life (U) is the quotient of division, where the numerator indicates the total sum of points of the answers of all students, and the denominator indicates the product of the number of students and the total number of answers (10). For example, the total of 15 students' answers is 420. Then 420: (15 × 10) = 2.8. The resulting coefficient is correlated with the interval scale:

    Methodology “Test to identify readiness for online learning” E.V. Korotaeva

    Target:Identify the student’s level of readiness for interactive learning and group work in the classroom.

    Progress.The student is asked to mark his level of readiness for group interaction on the rating scale.

    Student assignment.

    Dear friend!

    Read each characteristic carefully and mark your level of readiness for group interaction on the rating scale.

    Characteristics of readiness for group interaction

    Rating scale

    Characteristics of avoidance of group work

    Accepts group work situations easily






    Avoids joint activities

    Free and relaxed at work






    Tense, constrained

    I am ready to agree with the arguments of others






    Doesn't change his own point of view

    Freely expresses opinions and assumptions






    Afraid of open exchange of opinions

    Shares information






    Prefers to have information

    Adequately responds to offers of mutual assistance and cooperation






    Avoids situations that require cooperation, searching for a common solution

    Possesses skills and abilities to work in a group






    Difficulty finding one’s place in general activities

    Aimed at solving group problems and providing support during activities






    Group goals and activities are not a priority

    Reacts flexibly to changing roles during activities






    Tries to choose the same role during collaboration

    Attuned to receiving a variety of information during the reflective phase






    Has a negative attitude towards the stage of reflection and analysis

    Leaves the group in anticipation of a new meeting






    As a result, a mood of disappointed expectations prevails

    Data processing. The shift of the line to the right column indicates a fairly conscious inclination towards individual forms of work and training. The presence of such a person in a group can delay the process of finding a common solution.

    The central position of the resulting line shows that the subject, if desired, can fit well into group work, but may also prefer individual forms of activity. Participation in the group depends on the subject's mood.

    The shift of the line to the left column indicates openness and readiness to interact in group communication. Difficulties may arise at the stage of individual work: the student becomes bored, he may refuse to complete the task in anticipation of the next stage of joint activity.

    Methodology “Matrix for studying the subject’s positions in pedagogical communication”

    E.V. Korotaeva.

    Target: identify the student’s position in communication in the pedagogical process.

    Progress. The teacher is asked to read 20 judgments and evaluate the degree of his agreement with their content on the following scale:

    Assignment for the teacher.

    Select an object for observation (student) and evaluate his readiness to communicate in the pedagogical process according to the proposed matrix.

    Communication side

    Positional options

    Response Index

    1. Information and event

    Does not perceive information, does not react to events


    Perceives and assimilates event information at the level of passive inclusion.


    Receives and assimilates information.

    Acts according to events


    Assimilates and processes information; looks for new channels for receiving and processing information, predicts developments


    2. Organizational and activity

    Not included in general activities


    Takes part in general work under pressure from external circumstances.


    Actively collaborates with others based on intrinsic motivation to work together


    Takes an active part in cooperation; organizes situations of joint activities of other people


    3. Emotionally-empathetic

    Ignores the positions of others


    Takes into account the positions of others, but does not change the style of his behavior


    Adjusts his position, taking into account the behavior of others


    Creates conditions for harmonizing one’s position with the positions of others


    Data processing.“A” - 1 point; “B” - 2 points; “B” - 3 points; "G" - 4 points.

    Calculate the total:

    • up to 3 points– closed position, alienation;

    • 4–6 points– position of passive participation (enters into contact under pressure of circumstances, out of fear of punishment, disciplinary sanctions);

    • 7 – 9 points– position of active participation (enters into contact because what is happening is of interest);

    • 10 – 12 points– a position that initiates positive communication with others.
    Using this matrix, try to assess the position of the entire class team and draw a conclusion about the prospects for educational cooperation.

    Methodology “Willingness to work with information”

    and information sources"
    Goal: To identify the student’s level of readiness to work with information and information sources.

    Progress. Within 20 minutes, the teacher is asked to mark on the rating scale the points corresponding to the level of development of certain characteristics. It is important to take into account that the “3” rating reflects an intermediate position between pairs of characteristics, corresponding to the “when how” answer.

    Instructions for the teacher.

    Read each characteristic carefully and mark on the rating scale the student’s level of readiness to work with information and information sources.

    Characteristics of a student’s readiness to work with information and information sources

    Rating scale

    Characteristics of student difficulties in working with information and information sources

    Easily concentrates his attention on an information object






    Has difficulty concentrating his attention on an information object

    Able to formulate an information request






    Finds it difficult to formulate information requests

    Able to assess the adequacy of the information source to the request






    It is difficult to assess the adequacy of the information source to the request

    Able to initiate and effectively conduct a conversation based on the content of a read text or other information source






    Has a negative attitude towards situations that require maintaining a conversation based on the content of the text read or other information source

    Able to obtain missing information using questions






    Avoids situations that require turning to the teacher or friends to obtain missing information

    Has good reading and writing technique






    Poor reading and writing skills

    Consciously reads the text (highlights main ideas, understands subtext and context, establishes logical connections when reading, etc.)






    The student mainly has mechanical reading (it is difficult to identify main ideas, understand subtext and context, establish logical connections when reading, etc.)

    Effectively knows how to use home and public libraries, books, texts, computers to find the desired source (fragment) of information






    Experiences difficulties when using home and public libraries, books, texts, and computers to find the desired source (fragment) of information

    Able to identify the topic, plot, keywords of an information source






    Finds it difficult to determine the topic, plot, or keywords of an information source

    Easily includes the received information in a general work or another block of information






    Difficulty incorporating received information into general work or another block of information

    Data processing. The final score for each student is calculated by the teacher and entered into the summary score sheet. The summary assessment sheet reveals the student’s final level of readiness to work with information and information sources.

    Summary score sheet

    School ________________________________________

    Class _________________________________________

    Interpretation of the data obtained

    Score table

    Thus, quality assessment educational process at this stage of testing is carried out according to the following indicator:

    • the number of students with a high level of readiness to work with information and information sources, expressed as a percentage of the total number of respondents.

    D. Methodology for identifying professional activity

    class teacher

    The methodology is based on the principle of educational statistics, which provides objective diagnostic material. Professional actions that are included in the content of the criterion “professional activity of the class teacher” are not the results of his professional activity, but serve as basic factors for the effectiveness of the teacher’s work.

    Instructions for filling out the assessment sheet

    The evaluation sheet in column 3 records the facts of participation of class teachers in activities to improve their skills. Column 4 contains the coefficients of the teacher’s professional activity. In this case, the coefficient changes its value depending on the level of the event:

    The number of activities to improve skills (facts of participation) is multiplied by the corresponding coefficient. If a teacher has used the same form of improving his professional skills several times, the coefficient is multiplied by the entire number of facts of participation.

    Professional activity evaluation sheet

    class teacher

    Fact of participation








    Conducting a thematic parent meeting

    Methodological preparation and participation in the methodological seminar

    Work on the competition committee, jury

    Participation in the review of class groups (“Smoking-free class”, “Best class”, etc.)

    Participation in competitions, shows, sporting events

    Organization of civil actions, projects with children

    Training in advanced training courses

    Preparing students for conferences

    Holding open events, educational affairs, public holidays

    Organization and conduct of thematic weeks and periods

    Conducting master classes

    Consultations with a supervisor

    Speech at teachers' council, pedagogical readings, methodological association

    Development of an education program

    Work in the expert group for certification

    Total facts of participation

    Total points scored

    Here is a sample of filling out the assessment sheet.

    Activities to improve the skills of class teachers and areas of professional activity





    Participation in a scientific-practical (methodological) conference







    Participation in methodological and other exhibitions




    Preparing children to participate in exhibitions







    Speech at a round table for teachers




    Work organization round table for children





    Total facts of participation


    Total points scored


    Processing the results. The total amount of collected data must be divided by the number of facts of participation (in our case 20:8 = 2.5). The obtained result is correlated with the interval scale:

    E. Methodology for studying the degree of development of the main components of pedagogical interaction

    (prepared by Professor L.V. Bayborodova)

    Target: determine the style of pedagogical leadership and cooperation with students, as well as the student’s ideas about his interaction with the class teacher, identify existing problems in the interpersonal interaction of the teacher with children.

    Progress. Schoolchildren are offered a number of judgments about their relationship with their class teacher. The student records his agreement with this judgment with the “+” sign, and his disagreement with the “-” sign.

    1. The class teacher knows how to accurately retell the results of my work

    2. I find it difficult to get along with my class teacher

    3. The class teacher is a fair person

    4. My class teacher helps me overcome difficulties

    5. The class teacher clearly lacks sensitivity

    6. The opinion of the class teacher is important to me

    7. The class teacher is not demanding enough of me

    8. The class teacher can always give reasonable advice

    9. I completely trust the teacher

    10. The class teacher's assessment is very important to me

    11. Working with the class teacher is a pleasure

    12. The class teacher pays little attention to me

    13. The teacher does not take into account my individual characteristics

    14. The class teacher does not feel my mood well

    15. The class teacher always listens to my opinion

    16. I will not share my thoughts with the class teacher

    17. The class teacher constantly points out my mistakes

    18. The class teacher knows my strengths and weaknesses well.

    19. I would like to become like the class teacher

    20. My class teacher and I have a business relationship.
    Processing the results. The key contains signs for the ideal state of interaction between teacher and student.

    1. The class teacher knows how to accurately retell the results of my work +

    2. I find it difficult to get along with my class teacher -

    3. The class teacher is a fair person +

    4. My class teacher helps me overcome difficulties +

    5. The class teacher clearly lacks sensitivity -

    6. The opinion of the class teacher is important to me +

    7. The class teacher is not demanding enough of me -

    8. The class teacher can always give reasonable advice +

    9. I completely trust the teacher +

    10. The class teacher's assessment is very important to me +

    11. Working with the class teacher is a pleasure +

    12. The class teacher pays little attention to me -

    13. The teacher does not take into account my individual characteristics -

    14. The class teacher does not feel my mood well -

    15. The class teacher always listens to my opinion +

    16. I will not share my thoughts with the class teacher -

    17. The class teacher constantly points out my mistakes to me -

    18. The class teacher knows my strengths and weaknesses well +

    19. I would like to become like the class teacher +

    20. My class teacher and I have established a business relationship +
    Coincidence of the real, i.e. set by students and the ideal signs are recorded with one point, discrepancy - 0 points. The total number of matches for the entire group of students is then calculated. The arithmetic mean is found, i.e. the number of matches between ideal and real signs for the entire group of students is divided by the product of two numbers - the total number of phrases (20) and the number of students. For example, the total number of matches for 25 students was 366. The arithmetic mean is calculated as follows: 366: (20 × 25) = 0.732. The obtained result is correlated with the interval scale:

    The closer the obtained result approaches the value of “1,” the higher the level of development of pedagogical interaction.

    The data obtained for all methods is entered into a summary table. In our case it will look like this:

    Name of OS_______________________________________________

    Full name of the class teacher__________________________________________


    Number of children who took part in the diagnostics________________





    Parents' satisfaction with the help of the class teacher in developing their children's ability to solve basic life problems




    Formation of the class team (taken into account only if the class teacher has been working with this class for more than one year)




    Development of self-government in the student body




    Students’ attitude to the life of the class team




    Professional activity of the class teacher




    Style of pedagogical leadership and cooperation with students



    Now, based on the data in the table, one can judge the “strong” and “weak” places in the activities of a particular class teacher, and it becomes clear what needs to be worked on first. If you re-diagnose a year later and compare the results with each other, you can see the teacher’s movement, his growth or lack thereof.

    Methodology “Socialization of the student’s personality”

    M.I. Rozhkova

    Target: identify the level of social adaptation, activity, autonomy and moral education of the student.

    Progress. The student is asked to read (listen to) 20 judgments and evaluate the degree of his agreement with their content on the following scale:

    Student assignment.

    Dear friend!

    Read each statement carefully and rate the degree of your agreement with their content on the following scale:

    4 - always; 3 - almost always; 2 - sometimes; 1 - very rare; 0 - never.

    1. I try to obey my teachers and parents in everything.

    2. I think that you should always be different from others in some way.

    3. Whatever I undertake, I achieve success.

    4. I know how to forgive people.

    5. I strive to do the same as all my comrades.

    6. I want to be ahead of others in any matter.

    7. I become stubborn when I am sure that I am right.

    8. I believe that doing good to people is the most important thing in life.

    9. I try to act in such a way that others will praise me.

    10. When communicating with friends, I defend my opinion.

    11. If I have something in mind, I will definitely do it.

    12. I like to help others.

    13. I want everyone to be friends with me.

    14. If I don't like people, I won't communicate with them.

    15. I always strive to win and win.

    16. I experience the troubles of others as if they were my own.

    17. I try not to quarrel with friends.

    18. I try to prove that I am right, even if others do not agree with my opinion.

    19. If I take on a task, I will definitely see it through to the end.

    20. I try to protect those who are offended.

    Data processing. To process the results faster and easier, it is necessary to prepare a form for each student in which a grade is given against the judgment number.





















    The average assessment of students' social adaptation is obtained by adding up all the scores in the first line and dividing this sum by five. The autonomy rating is calculated based on similar operations with the second line. Assessment of social activity - with the third line. Assessment of children's commitment to humanistic norms of life (morality) - with the fourth line. If the resulting coefficient is more than three, then we can state a high degree of socialization of the child; if it is more than two, but less than three, then this indicates an average degree of development of social qualities. If the coefficient turns out to be less than two points, then it can be assumed that an individual student (or group of students) has a low level of social adaptation.

    Methodology Questionnaire “Readiness to choose a profession” V.B. Uspensky

    Target: determining students' readiness to choose a profession.

    Progress. Students are asked to read the statements listed below and indicate their agreement or disagreement with yes or no answers.

    Assignment for students.

    Dear friend!

    Read the statements listed below and indicate whether you agree or disagree with them by answering “yes” or “no.”

    Questionnaire text

    1. You have already firmly chosen your future profession.

    2. The main motive for choice is material interests.

    3. In your chosen profession, you are attracted, first of all, by the labor process itself.

    4. You choose a vocational school because your friends went there to study.

    5. You choose a place of work (study) because it is close to home.

    6. If you fail to get your chosen profession, then you have backup options...

    7. You read periodicals related to your future profession.

    8. You know the contraindications that exist for your chosen profession.

    9. It doesn’t matter who you work with, it’s important how you work.

    10. You think that there is no need to rush to choose a profession; you should first get a certificate.

    11. You know what qualities are important for future professional activity. You don't have enough.

    12. You are developing professionally significant qualities.

    13. Do you agree that health does not influence the choice of profession?

    14. Teachers approve of your choice of future profession.

    15. You know about the unpleasant sides of your future profession.

    16. You managed to test your strength in an activity close to your future profession.

    17. You consulted a doctor about choosing a profession.

    18. The main thing in choosing a profession is the opportunity to enter a vocational educational institution.

    19. You know about the conditions for admission to the chosen educational institution.

    20. You are aware of employment opportunities in your chosen profession.

    21. You are sure that your relatives will help you get a job (study).

    22. You know about possible earnings from representatives of your chosen profession.

    23. If you fail to enter your chosen educational institution, then you will try again.

    24. For the right choice of profession, your word “I want” is enough.

    Data processing. Write down the answers you received on two lines as follows:

    I: 1. 3. 6. 7. 8. 11. 12. 16. 17. 19. 20. 22. 23.

    II: 2. 4. 5. 9. 10. 13. 15. 18. 21. 24

    Calculate the sum of “yes” answers in the first line, and the sum of “no” answers in the second line. Add the resulting sums and determine the level of readiness of adolescents to choose a profession on the following scale:

    0–6 points – unpreparedness;

    7–12 points – low readiness;

    13–18 points – average readiness;

    19–24 points – high readiness.

    Municipal state educational institution "Volchikha Secondary School No. 1"


    "Choice of profession. Is it difficult?

    Completed by a 10th grade student

    Vyatkina Anna

    Head: geography teacher

    Guba Oksana Nikolaevna




      Main part


      Motives for choosing a profession.

      Analysis of information from the employment center of the Volchikhinsky district.

      Results of a survey of high school students.




    « If a person does not know which pier he is heading to, there is no one for him the wind will not be favorable" - said Seneca ( Roman philosopher)

    There comes a time in life when you need to decide who to be. Choosing a profession is a rather serious issue that should be approached carefully. The right choice of profession is the key to further success in your career. The concept of “right choice” implies, first of all, the possibility of a person’s effective use of personal potential in professional activities. Nowadays, not only material well-being, but also a person’s psychological and mental state depends on the choice of profession. People who consciously choose a profession have a greater chance of being successful in life. Most often, a person decides on the choice of his profession at the age of 14-17. This is why high school students pay special attention to the choice of profession.

    The purpose of my work:establishing compliance between the choice of profession for high school students at our school and in demand this profession in the labor market.


      Collect information on the topic being studied.

      Identify professional preferences of students in grades 10-11

      Aim students to determine the choice of profession, taking into account its demand.

      Develop reminders for high school students “The choice is yours!”

    The objects of my research were: professional priorities of students in grades 10-11.

    I used research methods:

    sociological survey;





    I put forward a hypothesis: that students in grades 10-11 make their professional choice taking into account the demand for this profession in the labor market.

    Novelty: research is being conducted for the first time

    Field of study: sociology

    Practical significance: This research work can be used for classroom hours, discussions “I am in the world of the profession”, parent meetings, business games, etc.


    This choice in early youth is one of the most important.

    “What do you want to be when you grow up?” - perhaps this question is one of the five most popular questions that adults like to ask very young children. “All professions are important, all professions are needed!” Doctor, teacher, lawyer, actor, scientist... “And who will I become?”

    There are more than 50 thousand professions in the world. The Russian “Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory” includes 7,000 professions and specialties.

    There are professions in the world that are extremely rare.

    This includes the professionsign language interpreter . To work in this specialty, you need to know professional sign language, which is used to communicate with deaf people.

    In the field of perfumery, a rare specialty issniffer . For this profession, it is necessary to have an excellent memory for aromas, since the smeller is responsible for assessing new odors and creating perfume compositions.

    Quite a rare profession -titester . This is what a professional tea taster is called. He is able to determine the location, quality and variety of tea. These specialists are engaged in making tea blends.

    And the rarest profession in the world is caretaker of paradise island. One of the travel companies was looking for a person who would live on the island in a villa for six months, swim in the pool, scuba dive, take photographs, play golf and write a blog promoting holidays on the island.

    How can you find the one you like, who brings you pleasure and gives you the opportunity to live safely in material terms?

    Seneca ( Roman philosopher) said "If a person does not know which pier he is heading towards, no wind will be favorable for him.”

    Do the senior students at our school know which pier they are heading to? To find out this, I conducted a survey of students in grades 10-11. Asking them the question: “Have they decided on their choice of future profession??»

    This is the result I got

    Grade 10:

    Of the 20 students in 10 classes, 17 (85%) have decided on their choice of profession

    Grade 11:

    In 11th grade, out of 26 - 25 have already chosen a profession (96%)

    1 have not yet decided on their choice (4%)

    Choosing a profession was and remains a difficult matter, which is quite understandable: when choosing a future activity, a young man chooses both his place in society and his destiny.

    To the question “Was it easy for you to choose?”

    Grade 10:

    41% "Yes"

    59% "No"

    Grade 11:

    32% "Yes"

    68% "No"

    Comparing the results obtained, we can conclude: for 11th grade students, choosing a future profession turned out to be more difficult than for 10th grade students. The closer you get to the goal, the more doubts arise?

    I was interested in “Why is it so difficult to decide on a profession?”

    In interviews, eleventh-graders formulated the reasons for the difficulty of choosing a profession:

    The professional orientation of one’s own personality has not been formed. (one’s own inclinations and interests are poorly studied)

    Lack of confidence in one’s own knowledge, resulting in the fear of not living up to one’s own and parents’ hopes

    Inconsistency between desires and capabilities (not only material, but physical)

    Lack of awareness about the advantages and disadvantages of the profession.

    How can we make the professional choice of school graduates easier? Here is how they themselves answer this question:

    Introduction of a career guidance course at school from grades 6-7

    Passing career guidance tests, followed by analysis of the results by a psychologist (after all, the psychologist can correctly explain the results obtained)

    Psychologist consultations

    Conducting business games “One day in the profession”

    Excursions to enterprises and institutions

    Conversations with specialists

    As usually happens, the problem of choosing a profession worries not only ourselves, but also relatives, friends, and more often, of course, parents.

    Who influenced your choice of profession?

    Grade 10:

    I made this choice myself – 83%

    Parents – 17%

    Grade 11:

    I made this choice myself – 67%

    Parents – 26%

    Friends – 7%

    As we see, parents have a significant influence on the professional choice of children.It was parents who in 23% of cases had the greatest influence on the choice of a specific profession for their children. Of course, the concern of elders about their child’s future profession is understandable; they are responsible for how his life turns out. But sometimes the correct choice of profession is hampered by the attitudes of parents, who strive for their children to compensate for their shortcomings in the future, in activities in which they were not able to fully express themselves.

    It is important to make YOUR choice and not confuse it with someone else’s, but p Parents should help children better understand their inclinations and capabilities.

    At the present stage, the labor market will be determined by a number of requirements for professional competencies, one of which is the presence of higher education.

    Does your profession require higher education?

    Grade 10:

    Yes – 100%

    Grade 11:

    Yes – 84%

    No – 16%

    We see that 100% of tenth graders decided to get a higher education, but 11th grade students approached the choice of their level of education more realistically.

    More than 70% of 11th grade students plan to receive higher education on a paid basis, provided they do not receive budget places.

    To the question “Which university in the region would you like to study at?” The majority of students in grades 10-11 at our school responded that they would study in the Altai Territory.

    8 students are planning to study at universities in other regions: 2 people chose universities in the Kemerovo region, 4 in the Novosibirsk region, 1 in the Moscow region, 1 in the Oryol region.

    Higher education in the Altai Territory is provided by 12 state universities, as well as several branches and representative offices of universities from other regions.

    The largest universities and institutes are located in.

    Motives for choosing a profession.

    There are many reasons that motivate you to choose a particular profession; they can be divided into external and internal. External reasons are associated with environmental influences: the opinions of parents, friends, peers, the desire to achieve external success or the fear of condemnation. You yourself are responsible for internal reasons - they are determined by your abilities, inclinations, habits and character, and only by them.

      Leader of the list of motives - prestige of the profession. The motive is not bad, but you can hardly rely only on it when choosing a profession. You can get a profession that will not bring you satisfaction.

      An honorable second place when choosing a profession takes high earnings:

      Interest in the content of the profession itself, that is, the internal reason for her choice, is only in third place, which is a pity. Anyone for whom work is a joy will simply become a favorite thing to do, and will work more productively and constantly improve themselves. As Confucius said: “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.”

      Working conditions also play a role in choosing a particular profession. However, by changing your place of work, sometimes you can significantly change your working conditions - some professions allow this.

      Another reason - accessibility of training. It’s one thing to get a higher education in a city that’s close to where you live, and another thing to travel far away. But by prioritizing the availability of training, you significantly limit the list of professions.

    In order to obtain information about the motives for professional choice, I conducted a survey of students in grades 10-11. What guided today's graduates and next year's graduates when choosing a profession?

    Grade 10:

    Based on the data obtained, it follows that of the 18 tenth-graders surveyed, 50% said that they chose the profession they dreamed of. 8 people chose a profession in demand. And 1 person chose a highly paid profession.

    Grade 11:

    Of the 26 eleventh-graders surveyed, 17 people chose a sought-after profession, 10 people chose their dream profession, and 5 people chose highly paid professions.

    Analyzing the motives for choosing a profession among high school students, we can conclude that 6 people chose a highly paid profession, 19 chose the profession of their dreams, and 25 students chose a profession in demand on the labor market.

    Using Internet resources, I compiled a rating of the most popular professions in Russia, the region and the district.

      IT specialist

      Design engineer





      Personnel specialist

      Professional worker

      Beauty industry specialist


    1) Doctor

    2) X-ray technician

    3) Physical therapy instructor

    4) Instrumentation and automation engineer

    5) Chief power engineer

    6) Nurse

    7) Quality engineer

    8) Process technician


    10) Paramedic


      Car driver


      Machine milking operator

      Musical director

    Analyzing these data, I saw that only medical specialties are among the top ten most in-demand professions in Russia and the region. Since we live in a rural area, the most in-demand specialties, according to the data of the Volchikhinsky District State Public Institution of Public Health, as of March 16, 2015, in our area were machine operators, animal care workers, machine milking operators, as well as doctors and teachers.

    What specialties did students in grades 10-11 of our school choose?


    An analysis of the responses of high school students showed that priority was given to medical, economic, and humanitarian specialties. The most popular professions: doctors, teachers, lawyer, manager, engineer. According to the employment service, economists and legal advisers cannot find work. Thus, demand does not match supply. 29% of high school students chose a profession without taking into account the demand for this profession in the labor market.

    What salary do they expect from their chosen profession?

    Here are the wages employers in our area offer:

    Name of professions



    Machine operator (docker-mechanic operator) of an integrated burial team. – unload slave.

    10 000

    Animal Care Worker

    9 000


    32 500

    Car driver

    8 750

    Community improvement worker

    8 000


    14 000

    Machine milking operator

    9 000

    Electrician for repair and maintenance of electrical equipment

    5 965

    Musical director

    7 456

    Office and industrial premises cleaner

    5 965

    We see a mismatch between supply and demand for wages.

    In Russia, the most profitable professions are related to business. Bankers and financiers come first. Lawyers, chief accountants, executives and senior managers also earn a lot.

    In conclusion, we can draw conclusions about the professional choice of our high school students

      There are a huge number of professions in the world, they cover various spheres of human activity, and are constantly changing with the development of society, science and technology. Therefore, choosing a profession is a difficult choice.

      90% of our school’s high school students have decided on their future profession

      75% of students in grades 10–11 experienced difficulties in identifying professionally; 25% chose their profession without much difficulty

    4. 75% made their choice independently.

    5. For 93% of high school students, their future profession requires higher education.

    6.80% plan to study at universities in our region

    When choosing a profession, 7.17 (43%) eleventh graders took into account its demand in the labor market, 10 (38%) chose the profession of their dreams, and 5 (19%) highly paid professions.

    The hypothesis I put forward at the beginning of my work, “Students in grades 10-11 make their professional choice taking into account the demand for this profession in the labor market,” was partially confirmed.

    During my research, I came to the conclusion that choosing a future profession is a serious and quite difficult matter.

    So what should you consider when choosing a profession?

    First of all, think carefully about what you want from your profession.

    What field of activity were you interested in working in, what kind of lifestyle do you plan to lead, how important is a high salary to you?

    And of course, be sure to take into account your abilities. You shouldn't dream of a career as a programmer if you have a C in algebra.

    Another important thing is career guidance tests. These tests have questions on a variety of subjects. They will help you evaluate your interests and character traits, and sometimes your level of intelligence. Career guidance tests are available in almost any collection, so you can easily take them at home, but it’s still better to do this during a consultation with a psychologist. It will help you draw the most correct conclusions based on the test results and, ultimately, decide on your choice of profession.

    It would be a good idea to analyze which professions are now in particular demand among employers, and for which the demand will increase in five years, when you finish your studies. In the first, the best assistant is newspapers and websites, and in the second, the forecasts of sociologists, which can be found on the Internet, and your own common sense.

    Briefly, the formula for choosing the right profession is expressed in three words:

    "Want"- desires, interests, inclinations of the individual,

    « Can"- human capabilities (physiological and psychological, educational resources of the individual), the possibility of admission.

    « Necessary"- labor market needs, demand for the profession in society.

    If the chosen profession satisfies all these requirements, then it will be for you the best option. But if at least one component is missing, then the profession will not bring satisfaction.

    It is very important not to forget simple truths:

      Fate is not an accident, but a matter of our own choice;

      The most unfortunate of people is the one for whom there is no work in the world;

      The true treasure for people is to find themselves in work.

      A happy, successful person today is... a professional.

      Know how to listen to opinions knowledgeable people(parents, teachers, etc.), and make the decision about choosing your profession yourself.

    This research work was presented to 10th grade students, aroused interest and found positive reviews. I plan to present the results of my research at a parent meeting to attract the attention of the parent profession to the problem of the professional choice of their children.

    Applications 1

    Classmates' opinions about my work

    “I find this research work informative; after reading it, I made useful conclusions for myself.”

    “This job made my choice of profession easier, I understood where to start”

    “The work is interesting. Helps make these important life choices easier.”

    “The title of the work corresponds to its content”

    “I liked the work. I was very surprised by the choice of salaries for our high school students.”

    Information sources:

    (to help those choosing a profession)

    The importance of choosing the right profession

    Choosing a profession, a job that provides professional growth, material wealth, and public recognition is one of the most important concerns and problems of every person. But it is often solved at the level of intuition, or even under the influence of mood, superficial impressions, parental whim, through trial and error.

    The negative consequences of mistakes in choosing a profession are often not taken into account and not calculated. Let us cite the opinion of a famous publicist: “Having taken a job that is not according to your abilities, taking a place that is not yours, it is difficult, and maybe even impossible, to be an honest person in general.” That's right. A mediocre worker, as a rule, is self-confident, prone to lies, laziness, envy, flattery, and sometimes even extortion. Thus, he tries to fill the emptiness of the soul and become at least somewhat significant and significant.

    The French thinker Saint-Simon wrote that the cause of almost all troubles in society is “failed vocations, violence against inclinations, imposed professions and the resulting displeasures and evil passions.” The above is true not only in relation to “high” intellectual professions, but also to ordinary professions. A mediocre politician, military leader, manager, lawyer, doctor is a real disaster. But there is a lot of trouble and damage from an incompetent plumber, teleworker, turner and baker, whose hands and head are clearly not suitable for the work being performed. Hackwork and marriage not only economically, but also morally impoverish society.

    Meanwhile, according to generalized data, 20–30% of workers in various fields of activity are “out of place,” as evidenced by failure to comply with production standards, job descriptions, and excessive fatigue, which is fraught with serious illnesses. And 70–80% of workers and specialists are not satisfied with their chosen profession for these and other reasons. The more complex and responsible the work, the more such cases there are.

    The problem of choosing a profession has objective origins and grounds. What are they? There are persistent differences between people, as well as between professions. The speed of reaction, awareness of information and decision-making in a large group of people varies significantly; About 1120 variations of temperament and character were also identified. A certain combination of certain human characteristics explicitly or implicitly gravitates towards specific groups professions.

    Each profession (and there are tens of thousands of them) has its own requirements for a person, its own character, its own calculations. As they say, we choose and we are chosen.

    By connecting the right person with a profession or position that matches his individual characteristics, you can get a big win in increasing productivity and quality of work, reducing injuries, occupational diseases, increasing well-being, income, satisfaction with work and life. These are the effects and potential of choosing the right profession.


    Choosing a profession is a difficult and responsible step in your life.

    Don't leave the choice of your future profession to chance.

    Use information from professionals.

    You must choose a profession thoughtfully, taking into account your abilities, inner beliefs, real opportunities, weighing all the pros and cons.

    To this end:

    • study yourself more deeply: understand your interests (what is interesting only as a hobby, and what can become a profession), inclinations, character traits and physical capabilities;
    • think about what your strengths and weaknesses, main and secondary qualities are;
    • Explore careers that match your interests and abilities;
    • read specialized books and magazines;
    • outline a pre-selected profession or group of related professions;
    • talk with representatives of your chosen professions, try to visit the workplace of these specialists, familiarize yourself with the nature and working conditions;
    • think about how, where and when you can try your hand at your chosen profession;
    • get acquainted with educational institutions where you can get your chosen profession;
    • compare personal qualities and capabilities with the nature of the profession you have chosen;
    • Having made a decision, do not give up in the face of difficulties: be persistent in achieving your goals.

    Principles that should guide a person choosing a profession

    Principle of Consciousness

    A person who clearly understands:

    • what he wants (aware of his goals, life plans, ideals, aspirations, value orientations);
    • that he is (knowing his personal and physical characteristics);
    • what he can (knowing his inclinations, abilities, talents);
    • what the job and the workforce will require of him.

    Principle of correspondence

    The chosen profession must meet (correspond to) the interests, inclinations, abilities, state of health of the person and at the same time the needs of society for personnel.

    Activity principle/b>

    You have to actively look for a profession yourself. The following are expected to play a major role in this:

    • practical test of strength in clubs, sections, and electives;
    • reading literature, visiting excursions and educational institutions during Open Days;
    • meetings with specialists;
    • independent contact with a psychologist or vocational consultant.

    Development principle

    This principle reflects the idea of ​​the need to develop in oneself the qualities that are needed for any profession. These are mental processes (thinking, memory, attention), and the following character traits: hard work, conscientiousness, diligence, organization, diligence, independence, initiative, the ability to endure failures, endurance, perseverance.

    Mistakes and difficulties when choosing a profession

    1. Ignorance of the rules for choosing a profession:

    • choosing a profession for the company;
    • transfer of attitude towards a person to the profession itself;
    • identification of an educational subject with a profession;
    • orientation towards highly qualified professions;
    • inability to determine the path to obtaining a profession.

    2. Ignorance of oneself:

    • ignorance or underestimation of one’s physical characteristics;
    • ignorance or underestimation of one’s psychological characteristics;
    • inability to correlate one's abilities with the requirements of the profession.

    3. Ignorance of the world of professions:

    • passion only for the external side of the profession;
    • prejudice regarding the prestige of the profession;
    • ignorance of the requirements of the profession for a person;
    • outdated ideas about the nature and working conditions of a particular profession.

    Questions that are useful to know the answer to when planning your professional career

    • What skills and abilities do you get the most satisfaction from?
    • What are your main interests and favorite pastimes?
    • What are your favorite academic subjects?
    • What would you like to do every day for 8 hours, year after year?
    • What is your dream job?
    • Where do you imagine your occupation will be in 10 years?
    • What would be your ideal job? Describe it in as much detail as possible. Imagine yourself in this job. Who do you work with and how do you spend your time?
    • What are your criteria for choosing a profession (required and desirable)?
    • What strengths and skills do you have that make you feel qualified for the job that seems ideal to you?
    • What gaps in your knowledge and skills do you need to close to land your ideal job?
    • If your ideal job is not currently achievable, what kind of work could you do to move you in your chosen direction?
    • Who can you consult with to get information useful for career planning?
    • What are your immediate and long-term career goals? Write them down and strive to complete all points.


    Want – aspirations of the individual (desires, interests, inclinations, ideals).

    Can – personal capabilities (state of health, abilities, level of knowledge, character, temperament).

    Necessary – society’s needs for personnel, and awareness of the need to expend certain efforts to achieve vital goals

    Student's personal professional plan

    Characteristics of the professional plan

    • Certainty, clarity of plan (if a person indicates a single profession and the corresponding type of educational institution).
    • Completeness of the plan (when all the necessary factors for choosing a profession are taken into account: the orientation of interests, inclinations, abilities, state of health, level of education, etc.).
    • Stability of the plan over time (confidence in the correctness of the choice and the desire to implement it).
    • Realism of the plan (reliance on real social and psychological possibilities for implementing choice).
    • Logical validity and internal consistency (correlating a person’s aptitudes and abilities with the requirements of the profession).
    • Moral justification plan (if the motives of the profession relate to the content of the activity).
    • Consistency plan with the needs of the labor market.

    Stages of forming a professional plan

    When drawing up a personal professional plan, you must:

    • determine what type of activity you are interested in; analyze the extent to which inclinations to work in the spheres of “man-nature”, “man-technology”, “man-person”, “man-sign system”, “man-artistic image” are expressed; draw up a formula for the profession of interest;
    • find out which professions are needed in the labor market of the city or region in which you live;
    • compare the data received and draw a conclusion in which area of ​​professional activity you could work;
    • get acquainted with the professions of interest, talking with their representatives, using profession charts, special literature; consult with parents; consult a doctor;
    • correlate your individual characteristics with the requirements of your chosen profession;
    • find out the content of the profession of interest, working conditions, prospects for professional growth;
    • get acquainted with possible ways to master the profession; visit educational institutions at “Open Days”;
    • analyze the advantages and disadvantages of various ways of obtaining general educational and professional training.

    Professional suitability

    The following degrees of professional suitability are distinguished.

    1. Unsuitability. It can be temporary or practically insurmountable. It is talked about in cases where there are deviations in health that are incompatible with work. However, this does not mean that a person cannot work - work in this profession can worsen a person’s condition. Contraindications are not only medical, but also psychological: certain strong personal qualities will be an obstacle to mastering a certain profession.

    2. Suitability. It is characterized by the fact that there are no contraindications, but there are no obvious indications. In other words, neither for nor against. “You can choose this profession. It’s possible that you will become a good worker.” Approximately these words can characterize this degree of professional suitability.

    3. compliance. There are no contraindications and there are some personal qualities that meet the requirements of the profession. For example, there is a expressed interest in certain objects of labor (technology, nature, people, art) or successful experience in this area. At the same time, compliance with other professions is not excluded. “You can choose this profession. And it’s very likely that you will be a good worker.”

    4. Vocation. This is the highest level of professional fitness. It is characterized by the fact that in all elements of its structure there are clear signs of a person’s compliance with the requirements of the chosen type of work. We are talking about the characteristics by which a person stands out among his peers who are in equal conditions of learning and development. “It is in this area of ​​work that people will need you most.”

    To discover your calling, it is important to boldly “try on” yourself for a variety of professions; you need to practically try your hand at different types labor.

    What you need to know when choosing an educational institution

    Perhaps your chosen profession can be obtained at several educational institutions. In this case, the problem of choosing an educational institution arises. The right choice can be made by learning everything about these educational institutions.

    When collecting information about an educational institution, you should get answers to the following questions.

    • What level of education does the educational institution provide (vocational, secondary specialized, higher)?
    • In what specialties and specializations is vocational training provided?
    • What qualification is awarded upon graduation?
    • What forms of training are provided (day, evening, correspondence)? Paid or free training? What is the payment amount?
    • What are the requirements for applicants (age, health, gender, level of education)?
    • What is the procedure for admission to the educational institution (deadlines for submitting documents, deadlines for passing exams, benefits for applicants)?
    • How long is the training?
    • Does the educational institution provide assistance in finding employment for graduates?
    • Are there any preparatory courses? When do they start working and what is their cost?
    • When are “Open Days” held at the educational institution?
    • Where is the educational institution located and what is its full name?