Business communication on the phone. Basic rules of etiquette when talking on the phone. Telephone etiquette. When They Call You Business Ethics on the Phone

A modern person spends a huge amount of time talking on the phone. And this can happen not only at work, but also during various trips or at home. However, practice shows that not everyone knows how to talk on the phone. Without seeing your interlocutor and hearing him for the first time, you can say a lot of unnecessary, offensive or incomprehensible words. But if you are pursuing the goal of being correctly understood and gaining trust from the interlocutor, the speech etiquette of telephone conversations will help you.

Telephone etiquette rules

Quite often, people whose activities are inevitably connected with talking on the phone are faced with all sorts of misconceptions. For example, such that since the interlocutor does not see them, then you can conduct a conversation in a free and unconstrained form. However, if you represent any company or your services as an individual, it is worth remembering that the image of the company directly depends on the manner in which you will speak with a potential client. If in real life they meet “by clothes”, then in communication on the phone that very “clothes” will just be your manner of speaking. It is your speech that will make a positive impression on the interlocutor or, conversely, make him refuse to cooperate with you. So what are the rules of a business conversation on the phone?

Telephone etiquette is a skill that is acquired through constant practice. There are very few people in the world who by nature have the ability to convince an interlocutor, being on different sides of the same city, region, country, and even abroad. And before you pick up the phone for another conversation, learn to speak in the manner required by telephone etiquette:

These are just some of the recommendations that are important to know for everyone who is somehow connected by the bonds of telephone communication. You don't have to learn them by heart. It is enough to treat your interlocutors in the same way as you treat yourself.


Modern business life is unimaginable without a telephone. Thanks to him, the efficiency of solving many issues and problems is greatly increased, there is no need to send letters, telegrams or travel to another institution, city to clarify the circumstances of any case. A lot can be done over the phone: negotiate, give orders, make a request, etc. Very often, the first step towards concluding a business contract is a telephone conversation.

Humanity has been using the telephone for over a century. However, not everyone masters the art of communication with the help of this apparatus. It’s good if there are sensible mentors or successful role models from whom you can learn how to talk on the phone correctly. Relevant courses, various methodological manuals on this topic are widely distributed in different countries of the world.

A telephone conversation has one important advantage over a letter: it provides a continuous two-way exchange of information, regardless of distance, and one must also carefully prepare for a business telephone conversation. Poor preparation, inability to single out the main thing in it, concisely, concisely and competently express one's thoughts leads to significant losses of working time (up to 20–30%), as American manager A. Mackenzie claims. Among the 15 main reasons for the loss of time by a businessman, he put telephone conversations in first place. Psychologists note that the duration of telephone conversations depends on their emotional coloring. Excessive emotionality creates the prerequisites for speech fuzziness, inefficiency of phrases, which increases the time of a telephone conversation.

It is also known that during a telephone conversation there is such a phenomenon as satiety with communication. It can be a source of tension between the parties. Therefore, during a conversation, it is necessary to observe the measure, otherwise the meaning of communication may be lost and a conflict may arise. Signs of satiety with communication: the emergence and intensification of unreasonable dissatisfaction with a partner, irritability, resentment, etc. You should get out of contact with a partner in time to maintain business relations. In addition, long phone calls can give you a reputation for being boring or idle. which will undermine interest in you and your business proposals. To restore the good name of the company and its reputation, you will have to spend much more effort than when establishing the first business contact.

The art of telephone conversations is to succinctly state everything that follows and get an answer. A Japanese firm will not keep an employee for a long time who does not resolve a business issue over the phone in three minutes.

The basis for a successful business telephone conversation is competence, tact, goodwill, possession of conversation techniques, the desire to quickly and effectively solve a problem or provide assistance in solving it. It is important that a business, business telephone conversation be conducted in a calm, polite tone and evoke positive emotions. F. Bacon also noted that it is more important to conduct a conversation in a friendly tone than to use good words and arrange them in the correct order. During a business telephone conversation, it is necessary to create an atmosphere of mutual trust.

According to psychologists, positive emotions tone up the activity of the brain, contribute to clear rational thinking. Negative emotions lead to a violation of the logical connections in words, argumentation, create conditions for an incorrect assessment of the partner, his proposals. Therefore, we can conclude that the effectiveness of business telephone communication depends on the emotional state of a person, on his mood. Skillful manifestation of expression is also essential. She testifies

about the conviction of a person in what he says, in his interest in solving the problems under consideration. During a conversation, you need to be able to interest the interlocutor in your business. Here you will be helped by the correct use of methods of suggestion and persuasion. How to do it, by what means? Voice, tone, timbre, intonations say a lot to an attentive listener. According to psychologists, tone, intonation can carry up to 40% of information. It is only necessary to pay attention to such trifles during a telephone conversation. Try to speak evenly, restrain your emotions, do not try to interrupt the interlocutor.

If your interlocutor shows a tendency to argue, expresses unfair reproaches in a sharp form, self-conceit sounds in his tone, then be patient and do not answer him in the same way. If possible, turn the conversation into a calm tone, partially admit that he is right, try to accept the motives of his behavior. Try to briefly and clearly state your arguments to him. Your arguments must be correct in substance and correctly stated in form. In a conversation, try to avoid expressions such as “go”, “frets”, “bye”, etc. In a telephone conversation, it is also better not to use specific, professional expressions that may be incomprehensible to the interlocutor.

Although a person has been talking on the phone for more than a hundred years, not everyone still knows how to use this communication tool correctly. Therefore, we offer basic practical recommendations, mainly of an ethical nature.

1. The employee must pick up the phone after the first or second phone ring, since a larger number of calls gives the caller the impression that the organization is not very interested in customers (customers) or that its employees are not distinguished by official zeal, and therefore, it is not worth dealing with by this organization.

2. The employee who answered the phone must greet the caller in any acceptable form: "Good afternoon (morning, evening)", "Hello." Then the employee calls the company and his last name. In the event that the organization is large enough, it is customary to call not the company, but the department, for example, “accounting”, “advertising department”, etc. The top management of the company, if the call bypasses the secretary, usually only gives his last name.

3. It is impossible to say categorically “no” when answering any question. For example, to the question “Do you have such a form of trading as selling on credit?” you can not answer "no", although this is completely true. It should be said: “Although we do not sell on credit, I can offer you other forms of selling our goods that are convenient for the buyer, for example…”

4. If the caller asks for an employee who is not currently available, you cannot answer: "He is not" - and hang up. Must answer:

“This employee is not now, but he will be later (for example, after 15:00 or from August 10, when he comes out of vacation”, etc.).

“This employee is not currently available, but is there anything I can do for you?”

“This employee is not currently available, but if you are willing to wait a minute, I will clarify when he will be.”

That is, information that this employee is absent is insufficient, it is necessary to give a more complete answer.

5. If the bell rang at lunchtime, you should say: "We're having lunch (better - "lunch break"), so I ask you to call back after ... hours. Some firms (for example, Sberbank of the Russian Federation) recommend that their employees have a full, exhaustive answer by phone even during a break if an elderly person calls, since such behavior is in line with the principles of ethics and humanity.

6. You can not speak in response to a call: "Please call back" without explaining the reasons for such a request.

7. Do not use expressions such as "Talk", "Hi", "Bye", "Coming", "Okay" and so on.

8. In the event that an employee is talking on the phone and there is a need to pick up another ringing phone, the employee must apologize to the one with whom he is talking at the moment, pick up the second phone, apologizing, ask if the caller can wait until the employee ends the conversation on the first phone; having agreed to wait, you must return to the first phone, end the conversation and then go back to the second phone and give the necessary information.

If the second person does not agree to wait, and it is not possible to delegate the conversation to another employee, you must ask him to call later, and be sure to indicate a convenient time.

9. It is useful to use the following phrases in a conversation: “How can I help you (be useful)?” If the conversation drags on, it makes sense to ask (and maybe more than once): "Do you have time to continue the conversation?"

10. If an employee does not have time to continue a conversation that is too long, and a hint of this (see paragraph 9) did not work, you should say: “Excuse me, unfortunately I don’t have the opportunity to continue the conversation, since it turned out to be too long, could we agree on when we can return to this issue again?”

The subjunctive mood of the verb (in the negative form) should be used more often, as this softens the general tone of the conversation:

"Can I be of any help to you?"

“Could we stop at this solution?”

"Could you call back tomorrow, better in the morning?" And so on.

It is especially important to master the technique of telephone conversation for those employees who only deal with telephone conversations with potential customers (usually a multi-line phone). Some firms set a task for their employees: from the very first phrases, establish a trusting telephone contact with the caller (in which you should see a potential client) and ensure that he turns into a real client of the company. In this regard, firms are especially careful in selecting employees to work on multichannel communications, since the image of the company, personified by an invisible but audible employee of the company, almost directly depends on how attractive the image of the company is, whether this potential client will become real. That is, the profit of the company depends on how pleasant the timbre of the voice of the employee “on the phone”, whether he knows how to conduct a conversation, like him during this conversation, etc. Usually the motto of such companies is: “Ideally, the number of conversations equals the number of sales!”

12. During a telephone conversation, it is not possible to see the face of the interlocutor, you can catch the nuances only by the tone of the conversation, the timbre of the voice, the pace of speech, intonation. Therefore, various telephone contact guides recommend listening to your own voice recorded on tape in order to achieve the desired sound characteristics. The telephone amplifies speech deficiencies, so do not speak too fast or too slowly; it is necessary to moderate the volume of the voice; you have to speak directly into the phone; pronounce words more clearly than with visual contact; try not to abuse too high or low sound frequencies, since both of them irritate the interlocutor; numerals, surnames, names of cities, etc. should be pronounced slowly, clearly, maybe even in syllables.

13. In case of poor hearing, you can use the phrases:

"Can you hear me well?"

"Sorry, but I can't hear you well."

"Would you please repeat that? It's hard to hear." And so on.

14. If several issues are discussed during the conversation, it is advisable to draw conclusions, complete the discussion of each of them with the words “So, we can assume that we have made a decision on this issue?” Moreover, the phrase (of an interrogative nature) should be formulated in such a way that it could be answered "Yes" or "No" (questions of this type are called closed questions).

15. For a phone call to be effective, you need to prepare for the conversation:

It is important to choose the right time to call. It is difficult to give specific advice in this case, but you should consider whether to make this important call in the first half of the working day or in the second, which of the working days of the week to choose, etc.;

- when planning a telephone conversation, one should clearly understand its purpose, possible ways of developing the conversation and its results;

- it is necessary to prepare information that may be needed during the conversation: numbers, addresses, phone numbers, calendar, etc.;

- it is advisable to prepare a list of issues that need to be discussed; it is important to correctly determine the sequence of the issues under discussion, that is, the logic of the development of the conversation;

- it is very important to choose the first phrase, which should immediately interest the interlocutor, position him for further discussion, and even to some extent set him up for a certain decision;

- you should find in advance arguments in favor of the proposed solution, try to anticipate the arguments and arguments of the interlocutor and prepare counterarguments.

16. You can call a business partner on a home phone only if you have a good reason for doing so. You need to think about what time of day to make this call; even television programs that the person you are about to call may be busy watching.

17. During a telephone conversation, unlike personal visual contact, the interlocutors do not see each other, therefore they cannot know when the interlocutor intends to stop, pause. Therefore, each interlocutor should limit the duration of his remarks and periodically pause to give the other an opportunity to speak.

18. Each conversation partner should keep the pace of speech that is convenient or acceptable for the other. To do this, it is convenient to inquire in a tactful manner whether the second partner understands correctly and has time to perceive the speech.

19. You must be able to correctly end a telephone conversation, and this is somewhat more difficult than with visual communication.

You can use the phrases: “We seem to have discussed all the issues with you?”, Or “I guess we had a successful (interesting, productive, etc.) conversation, right?”, Or “So, I think we can summarize?"

It is now necessary to point out some psychological features of telephone communication, taking into account which makes a telephone conversation more effective.

A) As mentioned earlier, during telephone communication, the interlocutor's face, facial expressions, posture, etc. are not visible. The entire burden of transmitting emotional effects falls on the voice - its volume, timbre, speech speed, tone. You should try to speak smoothly, kindly. To convey this benevolence, some foreign manuals recommend "smiling with your eyes." It is then that the voice acquires a positive, benevolent emotional coloring.

B) In no case should one be tempted to respond in kind to unfair reproaches or rude words made by the interlocutor. You should try to understand the reason for the irritation of the interlocutor, answer him in a calm manner, partially admit that he is right, even if his reproaches are unfair, because there are flaws in any work.

B) It is known that the participant gets tired more from a long telephone conversation than from a conversation of the same duration during personal visual communication. The point is the psychological tension experienced by each participant in telephone communication, trying to make up for the informative insufficiency of telephone contact.

Therefore, one should not allow satiation with telephone communication, its redundancy, which may result in psychological fatigue and tension on both sides, which in turn can lead to irritability, resentment, dissatisfaction, and this, of course, will damage business contacts.

D) You should not be the initiator of a telephone conversation, being in the grip of irritation, grief and similar negative emotions (for example, after an unsuccessful conversation with management, reprimand, etc.). A bad mood will inevitably affect the tone of the conversation, the choice of lexical means of expressing thoughts, and an unsuspecting interlocutor will believe that it was his words, deeds or behavior that caused a negative attitude. And this, in turn, will lead to mutual misunderstanding, hostility and, perhaps, to conflicts in the business sphere.

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2.1. Basic rules and requirements of a telephone conversation

A phone call is one of the tools of business communication. In addition, the peculiarities of telephone communication cause a number of common mistakes that reduce the effectiveness of business contact and impose additional requirements on its participants.

The main requirements of the culture of communication by telephone are brevity (conciseness), clarity and clarity not only in thoughts, but also in their presentation. The conversation should be conducted without long pauses, unnecessary words, turns and emotions.

Your interlocutor talking to you on the phone cannot appreciate what you are wearing, neither the expression of your face, nor the interior of the room where you are, nor other non-verbal aspects that help to judge the nature of communication. However, there are non-verbal stimuli that can be manipulated in telephone communication, these include: the moment chosen for the pause and its duration of silence, intonation expressing enthusiasm and agreement. John Yuger identified the most important principles of telephone communication ethics as follows 4:

    if they do not know you where you are calling, it is appropriate for the secretary to ask you to introduce yourself and find out for what reason (question) you are calling. You need to identify yourself and briefly state the reason for the call.

    if you call the person who asked you to call back, but he was not at the place or he cannot come, ask him to convey that you called. Then you need to call again or say when and where you can be found.

    when the conversation is going to be long, schedule it for a time when you can be sure that your interlocutor has enough time for a conversation.

    one should never speak with a full mouth on the phone with a business person or in general.

    if the phone rings, and at that time you are talking on another device, then you need to try to finish the first conversation, and only then talk in detail with the second interlocutor. Usually you need to ask the second interlocutor on what issue he is calling and who to call.

There are other rules for talking on the phone:

    When answering a phone call, be sure to state your last name, position, and the organization you represent;

    You need to speak briefly and clearly so that you can be heard and understood;

    Listen carefully and try not to interrupt what was said, do not interrupt the interlocutor in the middle of a phrase, do not show impatience in a conversation with him;

    Have everything you need close at hand to record important information.

The following are the most common telephone conversation mistakes:

    A vague chain of conversation;

    Digression from the main topic and touching on the negotiations;

    The most favorable time for the call is not set;

    Aggressive call without apology, not prepared in advance;

    There is no correct intonation of speech;

    Too fast pace of conversation (the interlocutor can be sure that you are in a hurry);

    monologue instead of dialogue, lack of feedback;

    lack of final conclusions.

The effectiveness of business telephone communication depends on the emotional state of a person, on his mood.

You just need to pay attention to such "little things" during a telephone conversation. Try to speak evenly, restrain your emotions, do not try to interrupt the interlocutor's speech.

If your interlocutor shows a tendency to argue, expresses unfair reproaches in a sharp form, self-conceit sounds in his tone, then be patient and do not answer him in the same way. If possible, turn the conversation to a calm tone, partially admit that he is right, try to understand the motives of his behavior. Try to be brief and clear in your arguments. Your arguments must be correct in substance and correctly stated in form. In a conversation, try not to allow expressions like: "go", "good", "frets", "bye", etc. In a telephone conversation, it is also better not to use specific, professional expressions that may be incomprehensible to the interlocutor. 6

It must be remembered that the telephone exacerbates speech defects; fast or slow pronunciation of words makes it difficult to understand. Pay special attention to the pronunciation of numbers, proper names, consonants. If in a conversation there are names of cities, towns, proper names, surnames, etc., which are poorly perceived by ear, they must be pronounced in syllables or even spelled out.

Before you call someone, remember: prolonged exposure to phone calls has a negative effect on the nervous system (therefore, try to pick up the phone as soon as you hear a call), unnecessary telephone conversations disrupt the working rhythm, interfere with the solution of complex issues that require in-depth analysis, discussion in calm conditions, i.e. interfere with the work of those who are nearby.

A home phone call to a business partner, a colleague for a business conversation can only be justified by a serious reason, no matter who you call - a boss or a subordinate. A well-mannered person will not call after 22:00 unless there is an urgent need for this or prior consent to this call has been obtained. 7

As the analysis shows, in a telephone conversation 30-40% is occupied by repetitions of words, phrases, unnecessary pauses and extra words. Therefore, you need to carefully prepare for a telephone conversation: pick up all the materials, documents in advance, have at hand the necessary phone numbers, addresses of organizations or the right people, a calendar, a pen, paper, etc.

Before you decide to dial a number, you should clearly define the purpose of the conversation and your tactics for conducting it. Make a plan of the conversation, write down the questions you want to solve or the information (data) you want to receive, consider the order in which the questions are asked. Clearly formulate them so that your interlocutor cannot ambiguously interpret them. Try to interest the interlocutor with the first phrase. Keep in mind the dates and numbers of documents, official materials related to the conversation, try to predict the counterarguments of the interlocutor and your answers to him. If you are discussing several issues, then sequentially finish the discussion of one issue and move on to the next. Using standard phrases, try to separate one question from another.

Conversation on each topic should end with a question that requires a clear answer.

When preparing for a business conversation on the phone, try to answer yourself the following questions:

1) what is the main goal you set for yourself in the upcoming telephone conversation;

2) can you do without this conversation at all;

3) whether the interlocutor is ready to discuss the proposed topic;

4) are you confident in the successful outcome of the conversation;

5) what questions you should ask;

6) what questions the interlocutor can ask you;

7) what outcome of the negotiations will suit (or not suit) you, him;

8) what methods of influence on the interlocutor you can use during the conversation;

9) how will you behave if your interlocutor:

    resolutely object, move to a raised tone;

    will not respond to your arguments;

    will show distrust of your words, information.

To prepare for a business telephone conversation, especially long-distance and international, it is better to prepare a special form in which a future conversation is recorded taking into account the predicted answers.

At the end of a business phone call, spend 3-5 minutes reviewing the content and style of the conversation. Analyze your impressions. Find vulnerabilities in the conversation. Try to understand the reason for your mistakes.

2.2. Ethical standards of business telephone conversation

If a person is businesslike and purposeful, prudent, if he worries about his own authority, as well as the prestige of his company and is used to taking into account everything to the smallest detail, then the development of certain principles of behavior in telephone communication is simply necessary and irreplaceable. 8

Specialists in the problems of oral business communication suggest adhering to such rules for conducting a telephone conversation.

    If you call:

    first say hello, name the organization you represent, as well as your last name, first name and patronymic Usually the first words of a telephone conversation are perceived indistinctly, so say your name last - at least it will be heard;

    when calling an institution or a stranger, you should ask for the last name, first name and patronymic of your interlocutor. You can also indicate who exactly you would like to talk to;

    when calling on an important matter, ask first if your interlocutor has enough time for a conversation;

    pre-write a list of questions that need to be clarified, and keep this list in front of your eyes throughout the conversation;

    the caller always ends the call. When ending the conversation, be sure to say goodbye, remembering that it is tactless to hang up without waiting for the last words of your interlocutor;

    in case of reaching important agreements - send confirmation by letter or fax message.

    If they call you:

    try to pick up the phone as soon as possible and name the organization you represent;

    if necessary, write down the name, surname and contact phone number of the interlocutor;

    speak tactfully, politely demonstrate understanding of the nature of the caller's problems;

    do not suddenly hang up, even if the conversation is uninteresting, boring and too long for you;

    if you make a promise, try to keep your word and fulfill it as soon as possible If difficult questions arise, offer the interlocutor a meeting for a detailed discussion of the essence of the problem;

    always briefly Summarize the conversation, list again the agreements you have reached

    Regardless of who is calling:

    be friendly, in no case show your dissatisfaction with something;

    ask questions and listen carefully to the answers to them;

    try to remain tactful and restrained, even if the conversation becomes very unpleasant for you;

    sympathy for you will increase if you call the interlocutor by name and patronymic several times during the conversation;

    special emphasis - if during a conversation you name some numbers, they should be repeated several times to avoid annoying misunderstandings;

    try to use the lexical possibilities of the literary language as widely as possible (previously rich synonymy), but at the same time always speak briefly and accurately, in correctly constructed sentences;

A business conversation consists of the following steps:

1) the moment of establishing contact;

2) a statement of the essence of the matter (message of the purpose of the call, approach to the issue, discussion of the reported information);

3) end of conversation

It is tactless to give the subscriber incorrect information, to speak rudely if he has the wrong phone number. It is necessary to always try to be polite, because tact is, first of all, self-respect. Politeness should become the spiritual need of every person.

After establishing a connection, the information is presented clearly, concisely and to the point. It is such a conversation that characterizes a person as an experienced, businesslike person, does not abuse other people's time and attention, as a person who is fluent in telephone conversation etiquette.

Another extremely important condition for conducting a conversation is the consistency and consistency of expressing opinions. It is unacceptable for a conversation to be chaotic, because in this way the purpose of the call may remain incomprehensible to the interlocutor.

The initiative to end the conversation usually belongs to the one who called, sometimes called to the phone can politely say that for one reason or another he is in a hurry, wants to end the conversation. At the end of the conversation, be sure to say goodbye.

2.3. Ethical standards of telephone conversation on a mobile phone

There are some norms of talking on a mobile phone, which should not be forgotten. These are the rules of decency and etiquette that are directly related to the mobile phone. 9

    At the table. If a person is at a table at a meal with his friends or strangers and expects an important call, he needs to put his mobile phone on silent mode using the "vibro" function. The mobile phone should not be on the table next to the plate. When calling, do not take off and rush to the conference. It is necessary to chew food, apologize to the neighbors and calmly leave the table to talk on the sidelines. If it is not possible to talk to the caller, apologize to the interlocutor with whom you have lunch, pick up the phone and answer that you will call back soon. So you will not offend either your neighbor or the person who calls you. By showing such a gesture of respect for both of your interlocutors.

    To the cinema. If you did not have time to pay attention to the sign at the entrance to the cinema, which states that the use of a mobile phone during the screening is prohibited, then be polite, turn off your mobile phone in the room itself. When you go to the cinema, you come to watch a movie, just like your neighbors. Let yourself and your neighbors enjoy the story for a few hours and take a break from your electronic toy. Take a "phone break". Show your education. This process of carefully watching a movie will allow you to concentrate and discuss your favorite moments with your friends. Otherwise, you will feel the dissatisfaction of others.

    Weak battery. This happens quite often if the conversation turns out to be very interesting, or you have something to tell your interlocutor, even if you are listening without answering the monotonous conversation of the person on the other end of the line, who decided to get rid of boredom in this way. In any case, you must warn the interlocutor in advance that it is possible that during your excellent conversation, your mobile phone may turn off due to a dead battery. You must always remain polite. An unfinished conversation always leaves an unpleasant aftertaste. And in case you do disconnect, call the person if possible and apologize.

    "Hi, where are you?" A familiar famous phrase used by most people, especially among teenagers. Instead of saying hello, introducing yourself, asking “do you have the opportunity to talk? Am I distracting you? ”, We burst, thus, into life, at the other end of the wire. Another example of the phrase: “I will come for you, where are you?”. This is a sign of bad taste. We do not take into account the interests of the person with whom we communicate. We impose ourselves leaving no choice to our interlocutor.

    “Subscriber is unreachable or out of range……” Every time we try to reach a person repeatedly, we get nervous. This is followed by a not always forest message in the direction of our subscriber: “how much can you freeze?”, “what can you do?”, “that you can’t turn on the phone?” etc. Each of us has the right to our own space. And when we cannot get through to this or that person, we need to think about it. And it will be enough for you to send an SMS message of the following nature: “Good afternoon. It's me. Please call when you can." After all, a person always has his own reasons in such situations. Several calls in a row. If you dial a person, but he does not pick up the phone and does not answer your calls, have patience. He can be busy with his own affairs, he can conduct parallel communication, he can forget his mobile phone at home. And in this case, as in the previous one, there are reasons. Don't be pushy. Show respect. Wait for a call back from the correspondent.

    Ringtones. How often, especially among the rising younger generation, we hear the tearing ringtone of his favorite tune. This annoys us. These situations also apply to adults. For example, if you work in an office where there are at least 15-20 people, and your mobile phone constantly plays this or that song in full volume, you show your disrespect for your colleagues. 10 Musical tastes are different for everyone. What you like may annoy your neighbors. When choosing a ringtone for your mobile phone, choose a neutral option and set the playback volume to medium. Be attentive to the calmness of your neighbors, they will appreciate your attitude.

How to talk on the phone during business communication.

  • Business communication is impossible to imagine without telephone conversations. Partners, officials, customers find out most of the questions using the phone. The same is true for business contacts.
  • How to use the possibilities of telephone communication effectively and competently, so that precious time is not wasted and business contacts are increased? Knowledge of telephone etiquette will help to create the image of a person who knows the specifics of his work in a business environment.

Telephone etiquette or basic rules of behavior during a telephone conversation: a list

If you, by occupation, call on behalf of a company or organization that receives incoming calls or forwards customer calls to other persons, then you definitely need to familiarize yourself with the basic rules of telephone etiquette. This will help you establish yourself in a professional environment as a competent specialist, as well as among clients.

The norms of telephone etiquette dictate their terms to modern companies that systematically care about their reputation. Knowledge of telephone etiquette is one of them.

Which of the company's employees should know by heart and put into practice the rules of telephone etiquette:

  • the person who receives incoming calls
  • person who calls on behalf of the organization
  • who receives customer calls forwarded to him

What does it mean to follow the rules of telephone etiquette:

  • When talking on the phone, it is important to maintain an even intonation of your own voice and not give vent to emotions. Since during a telephone conversation one of the three channels that allow people to communicate is activated (they include “sign language”, intonation and words), the interlocutor, losing one of the channels, begins to perceive the meaning of the message in a somewhat abbreviated form.
  • The meaning of what was said over the phone is conveyed as follows: the absence of "sign language" leads to the fact that the remaining two channels (intonation and words) account for 100% of the meaning of what was said, more precisely, 86% is allocated to intonation, and only 14% to words.
  • The voice of the interlocutor conveys the emotional coloring of the message. The interlocutor develops his own impression of who called him. Therefore, by communicating any information to the interlocutor by phone, you can not only influence its initial perception, but also be able to create a mood for the interlocutor.

Try to convey your energy and enthusiasm with intonation
  • Smiling during telephone conversations is also necessary. You should not think that, deprived of the opportunity to see you, the interlocutor will be able to catch the confidential notes you need and a positive attitude in the absence of a smile. Try to convey your enthusiasm with intonation.
  • When talking on the phone, do not fall apart in a chair, do not stretch your legs on the table. In a semi-recumbent or semi-sitting position, the angle of the diaphragm shifts, which changes the timbre of the voice. At the other end of the wire, they will definitely guess that at that moment you are lying. The only thing that you can convey to a client or an employee of another organization with the help of a phone call in this way is your disinterest and complete indifference.
  • When answering a phone call, remember to greet the caller. However, for different times of the day, use the appropriate greeting: “Good morning! Good afternoon Good evening!".
  • When you greet the person who dialed your organization's phone number, you show how important this call is to you and that you enjoy the conversation, no matter what information you hear. But even if your personal attitude towards the person from whom you need to find out some information over the phone has a negative connotation, then on the other end of the wire they should not guess about it.

Don't let your emotions run wild on the phone

There is a category of people who, picking up the phone, say invariably and without any intonation "Hello!", "Yes!", "I'm listening!", "Company (name)!", "At the machine!". You should not be likened to such "telephone dinosaurs", because the caller after such a "greeting" is unlikely to express a desire to continue the conversation. Most likely, he will also dryly report the necessary information and end the conversation.

A telephone conversation after the greeting includes the name of the organization. When receiving outside calls, remember to give the full name of the firm or institution you work for.

There are two options for an official greeting, which are carried out over the phone:

Option 1: with a minimal approach.

The caller greets the caller and names the organization. An example of such a greeting: “Good evening! The editors of the magazine "Rocket".

Option 2: with the maximum approach.

This option implies a greeting, the name of the organization, the name of the person who answers the call. An example of such a greeting: “Good morning! The editors of the magazine "Rocket", Nadezhda Viktorovna is listening!

Whichever option you like best, use that one. Both options help create the impression of a professional person answering the phone. The caller will have the same opinion about the organization.

Answer an incoming call after the 2nd or 3rd ring
  • One of the main laws of business telephone communication is that you need to answer an incoming call after the 2nd or 3rd ring. The “telephone” personnel who are responsible for answering telephone calls (telephone operators, company secretaries, hotline workers) learn this rule as the most important thing.
  • Why is it not recommended to pick up the phone after the first ring? Everything is explained very simply: the caller may think that the employee of the organization was bored before, not knowing what to do, waiting for the next call. In the few seconds that you have before the second or third call, you will be distracted from the business that you were busy with before and fully focus on the incoming call.
  • Answering incoming calls after the 4th or even 5th ring is not recommended for the simple reason that the caller may become impatient while waiting for an answer on the phone. During this short period of time, the caller will have time to form a "certain" opinion regarding the company's interest in customers and the ability to quickly respond to their needs and problems.

Answering incoming calls after the 4th or even 5th ring is not recommended

Who should introduce themselves on the phone first?

  • Having dialed the phone number you need, do not repeat the mistakes of those who start the conversation with the phrase: "You are worried about (name of organization)" or "You are worried about the issue." This is how insecure people or those who want to appear polite begin a telephone conversation. Why are these phrases unsuccessful? If you “disturb (disturb)” the person on the other end of the wire, then from the very first minutes of the conversation he has a negative attitude towards the caller and the call itself.
  • This will automatically cause a feeling of anxiety, and thereby, as if you yourself give a reason to treat your call as unwanted, which only distracts you from important matters.
  • Do not create uncomfortable moments for yourself and the interlocutor with phrases that sound like "I have to disturb you and violate your comfort, because I need to clarify some questions."

With what phrase to start a conversation? Say hello and introduce yourself. For example, it might sound like this: “Good afternoon! Gennady Pavlovich is calling you from the printing house.”

Who should introduce themselves on the phone first

Video: Business phone etiquette

How to properly introduce yourself on the phone when making an outgoing call in a company, office, home call?

  • When making an outgoing call, be sure to ask if your interlocutor can talk to you. After all, he can have his own to-do list or plan meetings, meetings. Most likely, before picking up the phone, he was busy with something and you tore him away from this activity. Keep this in mind when making a call to a mobile phone.
  • After you've introduced yourself, don't rush to jump right into the question that prompted you to call him. Find out if the interlocutor has time to listen to you, and only if the answer is yes, get down to business. So you show that you value his time and position yourself in the eyes of the interlocutor as a professional. This cannot but inspire respect for you and the organization you represent.

Option 1: Introduce yourself first. After that, ask the interlocutor if he has time to listen to you, while voicing the purpose of the call.

Option 2: Introduce yourself, name the purpose of the call, and only after that ask if the interlocutor will be able to devote time to you.

How to greet a client on the phone during a business conversation?

If you are not the initiator of the conversation:

  • "Art Center Leonardo, good evening, administrator Olga, I'm listening to you."
  • If you consider such a phrase too long, then you can limit yourself to an abbreviated greeting: “Leonardo Art Center, good evening!”.
  • Very often you can hear such a greeting: "Hello!". However, it is permissible to say hello in a personal meeting, and in business communication such free phrases are unacceptable.

If you are the caller:

Introduce yourself, state your organization or company name, and ask if your interlocutor has time to

Video: Correctly introduce ourselves to the client on the phone

How to use the phone correctly: telephone etiquette phrases

The following phrases will be the key to proper business communication over the phone:

  • If it's not hard for you
  • Thank you for your time
  • Do you have time to wait for a response? Will I need to contact the supply department?
  • I will verify this information and call you back.
  • Thank you for taking the time out of your schedule for this conversation.
  • Thank you for taking the time to talk despite your busy schedule.

The following questions will help you clarify your information:

  • Can you hear me well?
  • Sorry, I didn't hear. Please repeat.

Phrases of phone etiquette

How to end a business call?

End the conversation with a standard question that requires a clear answer:

  • So, are we in agreement on this issue?
  • May I take it that we have reached an agreement on this matter?
  • As I understand you (in this matter), can we count on your support?

How to answer phone calls in the office and at home?

Video: How to answer a phone call?

  • business information
  • Promotion of goods and services
  • Personnel Management
  • How right...?
  • Business Etiquette
    • Business Etiquette
    • Positions of interlocutors at the negotiating table
  • Business communications
  • municipalities
  • Telephone etiquette: rules and regulations

    Consider the norms of telephone etiquette, which are followed today by progressive companies that care about their image. If you strive to look like a professional in the eyes of partners and clients, then the implementation of the laws outlined below is simply mandatory for you.

    The norm is the observance of telephone etiquette by each employee of the organization who:

      answers incoming calls;

      makes phone calls on behalf of the company;

      to which the client's call can be forwarded.

    1. Pay attention to the tone of your voice

    When communicating, people transmit information to each other using three channels: “gesture language” (55%), intonation (38%) and words (7%). On the phone, we also convey the meaning of our message to the interlocutor using several channels, only in this case, the law of information transmission looks different. Firstly, the “gesture language” seems to disappear, since the interlocutor does not see us, and the remaining two channels (intonation and words) for transmitting information share 100% of the meaning of our message as follows:
    • Intonation - 86%;
    • Words - 14%.

    The voice conveys to your interlocutor information about what kind of person you are. With your voice, you not only influence the perception, but often create the mood of the interlocutor. When talking on the phone, smile, be full of energy and enthusiasm. A smile and a positive attitude are heard in intonation.

    Don't slouch in a chair or put your feet on a table when talking on the phone. When a person lies or half-sitting, the angle of the diaphragm changes and the timbre of his voice changes. Therefore, the interlocutor, even without seeing you, will “hear” that you are lying. And this is unacceptable, because the voice of a person in this position seems uninterested and full of indifference.

    2. Greet the caller

    If you pick up the handset while answering an outside call, pick up the handset and immediately greet the caller. The greeting, of course, changes depending on the time of day, it can be "Good morning (good afternoon or good evening)".

    Greeting the caller, you show that his call is important to you and you are happy for him (if this is not the case, then he should not know about it).

    Don't be like the "telephone dinosaurs" who pick up the phone and say:

    3. Introduce yourself on the phone

    After greeting the caller, introduce yourself to him, name your organization. When receiving external calls, two approaches are used, the so-called "minimum" and "maximum":

      Minimum approach: Salutation + organization name. Here's how it sounds: "Good afternoon, Publishing House "Fortochka!"

      Approach "maximum": "minimum" + the name of the person who picked up the phone. Here's how it sounds: "Good afternoon, Publishing House "Fortochka", Marina is listening!"

    Which approach to choose and use, decide for yourself. Following any of these will show callers that you and your organization are professionals.

    I remember once I called one firm, and they answered: "Hello." I ask: “Tell me, is this ABC?”, And the answer is: “Who are you?”. I say: “Maybe I am your potential client”, to which I was assured: “Our clients know us!” ... and hung up.

    4. Answer incoming calls after the 2nd, maximum after the 3rd ring

    This is one of the laws that telephone operators, company secretaries, hotline workers and other “telephone” personnel are literally “trained” to comply with. And that's why.

    If you pick up the phone after the 1st ring, then the caller gets the impression that we have nothing to do, and we were bored waiting for someone to call us at last.

    Do not pick up the phone after the first call, the few seconds you have left will allow you to distract yourself from what you were doing and focus on the phone call.

    If you give the phone the opportunity to ring 4, 5 or more times, then, firstly, the caller will become nervous (it has been proven that people lose patience very quickly while waiting for an answer on the phone), and secondly, he will form a completely “certain” opinion about our interest in him and in customers in general. Subsequently, he will no longer believe in our ability to quickly respond to his needs and problems.

    5. When calling, do not say "You are worried about ..." or "You are worried about ..."

    This is a kind of national disease. I suspect that this comes from an excessive desire to look polite and from self-doubt. Telling a person that you disturb (disturb) him, you form in him a certain - undesirable - attitude towards yourself and your call.

    You force him to be wary, and you yourself ask him to treat your call as an unwanted distraction from business. Why create trouble for yourself and tell your interlocutor, they say, “I disturbed you, violated your comfort and now I will pester you with my questions”?

    Say simply: “Good morning (Hello), Marina (Marina Shestakova) from the Fortochka publishing house is calling you.

    6. When calling, ask if the client can speak to you

    Each person has their own to-do list, appointments, meetings, etc. In other words, when we called them, the likelihood that we interrupted them is very high. This is especially true for calls to a mobile phone; our interlocutor can be anywhere and be busy with anything.

    Having introduced yourself, do not go straight to the point, first ask if the interlocutor can talk to you. By asking this question, we show the interlocutor that we are brought up and that we value his time. Thus, we position ourselves in his eyes as a professional and inspire respect for ourselves.

      Introduce yourself + ask about the opportunity to devote time + state the purpose of the call.

      Introduce yourself + name the purpose of the call + ask about the opportunity to devote time.

    7. Get to the heart of your call as quickly as possible

    After introducing yourself and asking for time to chat, don't waste time with pointless lyrics and pointless questions like:

      Well, how do you like this heat in the city?

      What do you think of today's statement by our prime minister?

      Did you see yesterday on the news...?

      Have you heard the latest news about Iraq?

    When talking on the phone, business people tend to be concise and stay on topic. Don't annoy them by talking about this and that, state the purpose of your call and start a business conversation.

    It is worth adding that an exception to this rule is telephone communication with clients with whom, over the years of working together, you have developed warm friendly or even friendly relations.

    8. Using the "hold" function

    Almost every phone has a “hold” function, only it is designated differently, depending on the manufacturer of the device.

    This function allows, if necessary, to “hang up” the interlocutor on the line without disconnecting the connection. It is used every time during a conversation you need to put down the handset and isolate the interlocutor from what is happening in your room (from conversations, discussions, jokes, anecdotes of your colleagues). For example, in order to:

      go to the next office for the information necessary for the interlocutor;

      print the required document;

      call the right person to the phone;

      clarify something with a colleague.

    By pressing the corresponding button on your phone and activating "hold", you do not give the interlocutor the opportunity to hear what is happening in your room. If the telephone set is connected to the telephone exchange, then during the "hold" it plays the programmed melody to your interlocutor.

    There are several rules associated with setting and removing the interlocutor from the "hold":

      When staging, ask if the other person can wait, and explain the reason for the need to wait.

      For example: “Can you wait as I need to contact the accounting department to answer your question?”

      When removing - thank the interlocutor for waiting. This step allows you to dissipate the tension and nervousness that arises in anyone who is waiting. We also show the person that he is important to us and we are grateful to him for not hanging up.

    If you know that you will have to wait more than one minute, then do not leave it on "hold". Say that you will call him back after clarifying the information of interest to him. When waiting on the phone, even one minute seems like a few, do not give the interlocutor another reason to be nervous and angry.

    9. If they ask a person who is absent

    Do not "cut off" the caller, simply stating the fact that the person he needs is at the exhibition (on vacation, will return at the end of the week) and do not immediately hang up.

    After reporting the absence of the right person, make two attempts to keep the caller. Offer your help. For example: “Can I help you with something?” or "Can someone else help you?"

    If the caller does not agree to the proposed assistance, then ask to leave a message.

    It sounds like this:

      What should I tell (to an absent colleague)? Who called?

      Let me leave a message (for an absent colleague) that you called. Introduce youreself.

    10. Finishing the conversation, say goodbye to the interlocutor

    Notice how many people end a conversation by simply hanging up without even saying goodbye.

    How many times has this happened to me: you call the organization and ask the person who answered the phone a question, for example: “Tell me, do you work on Saturday?”. The answer is "Yes" or "No", and the conversation ends. Once I did call back again and asked: “Why are you hanging up, do I still have a question for you?” The answer was simply brilliant: “We must speak faster!”.

    In a situation similar to the one described above, before saying goodbye to the caller, ask: “Can I answer one more question?”, And only after receiving a negative answer, end the conversation. Before hanging up, say goodbye to the person, tell him everything just a simple "goodbye".

    11. Adjust to the speed of the interlocutor's speech

    If a person speaks slowly, this indicates that his thinking process proceeds at the same speed. This means that he carefully evaluates every word he hears and utters and carefully weighs the information received before making a final decision. When talking to such people, slow down the pace of your speech a little. Don't be fooled into thinking that the faster you speak, the faster your interlocutors will think. On the contrary, not keeping up with the pace of your speech, they will lose your train of thought and become completely confused.

    A person who speaks quickly or very quickly grasps thoughts on the fly and makes decisions without much thought, perhaps even hastily. He is annoyed by slowness and slowness, he is impatient and craves action. Speed ​​up the pace of your speech when talking to such people.

    Change the pace of your speech, just do not cross the line beyond which the parody begins.

    12. Don't chew, drink or smoke while talking on the phone

    If you think that by doing the above actions, you will hide them from the telephone interlocutor, then you are mistaken. Many times I have spoken to people who thought they were masking food chewing or smoking without even realizing how unpleasant it sounds over the phone.

    Once I called a client, from whose answer it became clear to me that he was chewing. I tell him: “Bon appetit”, and he answered me: “Do you hear?”.

    Put aside your chewing gum (patty, cigarette).

    13. Do not apologize to the interlocutor for taking up his time

    This recommendation also applies to holding meetings. If you think that you have interrupted the interlocutor from important matters or that you have taken away his valuable time, then do not tell him out loud about it. time, ”you yourself will lead him to the idea that:

      he lost his time communicating with you;

      your time is worth nothing;

      you are not sure of yourself;

      you feel guilty.

    Instead of an apology, you can thank the interlocutor:

      Thank you for taking the opportunity to meet (talk) with me.

      I understand your busy schedule, thank you for the time allotted for our meeting.

    You show that you value him and his time, but do not make yourself out to be a "guilty petitioner."

    14. Using the speakerphone (speakerphone)

    Do not use the speakerphone unless absolutely necessary and without the warning and consent of the interlocutor. With today's level of technology, a customer will hear the difference between talking to you over the handset and using a "speakerphone". Hearing that you are talking to him using the speakerphone, the client will almost immediately feel discomfort and alert. In addition, he draws two conclusions:

      Someone is listening to us.

    15. Communication with secretaries

    If your job involves making calls to organizations, then this means that you periodically communicate with the secretaries of these organizations. Today, secretarial positions are occupied by educated and qualified people who are the “face of the company” and optimize the work of their superiors. Their opinion is listened to, they are highly valued as "frontline workers".

      Do not insult, humiliate or underestimate them. These people often have a lot of power. They can become either your supporters or enemies, it all depends on you. Show them respect and reverence, and they will repay you in kind.

      Treat them the same way you treat your customers. Secretaries are also your customers, they influence the opinion of their management about you, about your company and your product. If they wish, they can present your call (fax, letter) as "another trick of an annoying idiot from a stupid company." They can make it so that your letters, faxes and e-mail "will not reach" the recipient. Considering this...

      Build relationships with them. It doesn't matter if you do it with bouquets, chocolates, or through your respectful attitude. Remember one thing: by winning the favor of the secretary, you get your supporter in the client's organization. In addition, no one knows what direction and in what company this person will become tomorrow.