How to fold fitted sheets correctly. How to fold a sheet with an elastic band correctly and quickly How to iron a sheet with an elastic band

Sheets with elastic are very comfortable to use. They do not get confused, do not slip and always look neat. The only disadvantage of fitted sheets is that they are difficult to fold into an even rectangle - the elastic bands get in the way.

I’ll show you how to fold fitted sheets so that your linen closet is always in order, and the fitted sheets are folded into perfect piles.

1. Take the sheet and hold it lengthwise. The front side should be facing you, and hold one corner in each hand.

2. Slide the corner from your right hand under the corner from your left hand.

3. Straighten the corner from your left hand.Now you hold both corners in your left hand.

4. Lower your arm towards the next corner.

5. Lift up the next square of sheet and tuck the corner under the first two corners as shown.

6. Now only one corner remains unfolded.

7. Release your right hand, lift the last corner and place it inside.

8. Straighten the sheet.The only part that is not folded is located at the corners.

9. Place the sheet on a table or other flat surface.

10. Fold it in half or third, keeping the corners tucked together.

11. Fold it in half or third again.

12. Fold the outer edges over one another to keep the sheet folded.

13.You now have a freshly folded sheet ready to be stored neatly in your closet or dresser.

Video tip - how to fold a sheet with an elastic band:

I think they were talking about this video. In English - but everything is clear!

Note to the owner.

Not so long ago, ordinary sheets were replaced by products with elastic; they are easy to use, so the vast majority of young mothers boldly gave them their preference. True, the shape of such a sheet does not allow you to beautifully fold the bedding into a neat pile, which makes it much more difficult to put things in order on the shelves with your child’s linen. And ironing such a product is not at all easy.

Benefits of fitted sheets

For many years, young parents used standard rectangular pieces of material for sheets - calico, satin, flannel, chintz or silk. And everything would be fine, only such sheets have several significant disadvantages:

  • wrinkles very quickly;
  • constantly “move out” from a soft mattress;
  • edges and corners often turn up, forming unsightly folds.

That is why, when a new product appeared on sale - fitted sheets with an elastic band, they immediately became popular. There is a simple explanation for this - when using such a model, matter does not slide, no matter how actively a sleeping person moves in a dream. Such a sheet is stretched over the mattress and thus completely eliminates all problems with curling corners, the sheet shrinking from the mattress and excessive wrinkling.

At the same time, such comfortable linen has its drawbacks - ironing and ergonomic storage of bedding sets are difficult.

How to fold

Well-folded bed linen usually does not take up much space in the linen closet, it does not wrinkle during long-term storage and retains its impeccable appearance on the shelves. Some housewives prefer to store laundry in piles, and some place it in a pillowcase. It is not at all easy to pack a product with an elastic band beautifully and compactly. This happens because the edges of the material, gathered into a tight elastic band, when trying to fold them, begin to bristle and fall out of the neatly folded rectangle.

Most often, such models are either folded in half or rolled into a roll. However, many do not pay special attention at all and simply place such a sheet in a spacious drawer for clean bedding sets. But if order on the shelf is important to you, then we suggest using the option of folding the canvas with an elastic band. If everything is done correctly, the result will be smooth and rectangular. All that remains is to carefully straighten it and place it in a small ergonomic package, for example, in a regular pillowcase, and in this form it can freely become part of a neat stack of bedding.

The scheme is simple.

  1. You should take the product and turn it horizontally so that the short edges are on your sides.
  2. Then you need to insert your palms into the corners of the product, like into pockets. Keep in mind that the back of the sheet should be facing you.
  3. The result is the following picture: you hold the sheet with your hands, stretching it in the longitudinal direction (the longer side is placed exactly between your palms), and your hands are in the corners on the reverse side (from the wrong side).
  4. Now you need to bring your hands together and thread one corner into the other.
  5. As a result of these manipulations, both upper corners will be folded together.
  6. After this, you need to turn the sheet over and thread your hands again, but this time into the free lower corners.
  7. Repeat the steps and pull one corner over the other.
  8. As a result, the sheet will be bent in half in relation to its narrower axis, and the corners will be folded over each other and put on the hands.
  9. Finally, you need to bring your palms together and pass one corner over the other.

As a result, you will get an even rectangle that can be placed on a hard, flat surface, straightened and sent to the locker.

Experienced housewives store bedding in special bags made of cotton fabric or simply in a pillowcase - this is very convenient and allows you to compactly store the entire set of linen in one place. Keep in mind that it is not recommended to use plastic containers and polyethylene bags for these purposes, since they do not allow fresh air to circulate, which creates an environment suitable for the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms and fungi.

In addition, every year you should inspect your bedding as carefully as possible to separate out any rags.

How to iron step by step

Ironing the sheets is no less difficult. Some housewives “omit” this stage, but this is wrong - ironing clothes helps to destroy any unhealthy microflora on the material, which significantly extends the life of the product. And it’s much more pleasant to sleep on ironed clothes than on wrinkled ones.

To quickly iron your sheets, try adding a little fabric softener to the washing powder - this will soften the material. Under no circumstances should you leave a washed sheet in the drum of a washing machine after spinning - if you do not straighten it immediately, then it will be almost impossible to smooth out such a sheet in the future.

Before hanging bedding on the line, carefully straighten the sheet and shake it out. Remove the fitted sheet immediately after the fabric has dried. And after removing it, carefully inspect and sew up any holes if any appear - otherwise they may increase under a hot iron.

Keep in mind that different types of fabric have different ironing temperatures. So, silk is ironed at 80 degrees, viscose at 120, for chintz the iron is set at a heating level of 170 degrees, for cotton a temperature of 180 degrees is suitable, and for linen a maximum heating of 200 degrees is needed.

After the fabric and iron are ready, you need to start ironing.

Usually the elastic is sewn to the sheet around the entire perimeter or only in the corners - in the second case, there are no special problems with ironing, but in the first case the process will be much more troublesome. Experienced housewives were able to identify 4 basic methods for caring for fitted sheets.

Method 1

In this case, the sheet should be folded exactly in half lengthwise, and then repeat the manipulations, but across. After this, you should process its outer sides, then unfold it back and fold it again so that the “former” inner side is on top - and iron it again.

This is a simple method that gives high quality heat treatment, however, you will not get ideal smoothness this way.

Method 2

The sheet should be placed on the mattress and ironed in this form. Such ironing will not only completely neutralize bacteria and achieve sterility, but will also create a perfectly smooth surface that will be comfortable for sleeping. In addition, this processing goes quite quickly, since many small folds straighten themselves when pulled. However, this is only possible if the length of the iron cord allows ironing to be carried out in exactly this way.

Method 3

This is the highest quality option, but at the same time the most labor-intensive. To achieve the best ironing, you need to unfold the product and run the iron along its central part, after which the edges of the sheet need to be pulled over the corner of the ironing board and slowly ironed, smoothly moving the material around the circumference.

Method 4

This option involves ironing without an iron at all. In order to smooth out linen with an elastic band, you just need to carefully fold the sheet into a pile and place it under a heavy press, for example, under tablecloths, bath towels and other washed and folded items.

It is important that the laundry is completely dry.

Cleaning includes not only washing floors and ceilings, collecting dust, but also taking care of the cleanliness of furniture and bedding. It is necessary to change bed linen regularly so that sleeping in clean conditions is comfortable, enjoyable and does not cause harm to health.

In this article we will talk about methods for folding a sheet with an elastic band, which has become so popular lately. The convenience of its use is undeniable, but for storage it is necessary to fold it so that it does not wrinkle and takes up as little space as possible. This is not difficult to do, the main thing is not to rush, do everything consistently and carefully.

Natural materials for good sleep

Simple technology

Housewives with sheets with elastic bands do not stand on ceremony; they quickly roll them up and put them in the closet. For some men, the concept of neatness is generally blurred, so they simply crumple up such a sheet and hide it.

It is clear that with this method of storage, the sheet takes up a large amount of precious space, and it also wrinkles a lot, which you will certainly pay attention to the next time you lay it out. However, there is a very simple and effective way that will make folding your fitted sheet convenient and easy.

Not only women, but also men master the technique of working with pastel linen

The procedure is as follows:

  • To begin, stretch the sheet lengthwise by inserting your hands into it and finding the corners with your fingers, one upper and one lower, respectively. In this case, the sheet should be completely inside out and turned with the inside facing away from you.
  • Now place one corner of the sheet with an elastic band in the other, after which you will have two corners in one hand. In this case, the sheet will turn outward.
  • Put your free hand back into the sheet and find another corner, the one that will be at the bottom at the free end.
  • You need to insert this edge into a small loop, it has formed in your hand, which holds the two previous corners. In this way we will add a third corner of the sheet to the previous two.
  • Then insert the last edge of the sheet into this loop, similar to the previous step. Now we have all four edges inserted into each other.
  • Shake the sheet properly. As you can see, you have a rectangle that can be conveniently placed on a flat surface, and can be easily leveled there.
  • Please note that if you did everything correctly, the elastic band of the sheet runs along two adjacent sides.
  • Now we fold the sheet a couple of times, reducing the size of the rectangle, and as a result we get a small pillow with even dimensions. In this case, all the edges of the sheet are tucked into each other, and the fabric is folded neatly and evenly.

The folding technique is quite simple, although in words it sounds confusing, but just watch the master class a couple of times and everything becomes extremely clear.

It may be difficult for you to fold a sheet with an elastic band correctly for the first time, you will have to be patient, you will have to carefully align the edges and fold the corners. But in the future, when the process is worked out, it will go very quickly and easily. At the same time, it is very easy to determine that you were able to fold your sheet correctly; the next time you use it, note that it is practically not wrinkled.

Some housewives are not always able to master this technique, then they have no choice but to roll the stretch sheet into a regular roll. Note that this must be done as tightly as possible in order to save space in the closet. To maintain the strength of the structure, it is enough to rewind the roll with ribbon or ribbon. In this form, it can be placed in a linen drawer, or placed vertically in a closet.

Baby sheets do not take up much space even when folded

When considering the topic of storing linen in the closet, you can give housewives some more practical advice. For example, if you have several sheets with elastic bands, it is permissible to wrap them in one pillowcase when storing them. It is also necessary to place the rest of the linen set there, so as not to search for it later in the closet.

A very interesting piece of advice was given to us by one housewife who longed for perfect order in her home. She has at her disposal several sets of identical bed linen, which she sorts during use according to quality, color and other characteristics. At the same time, replacing objects does not in any way affect the appearance of the refilled pastel.

Good afternoon, dear reader! Today I want to write a short but very useful note about how to beautifully and neatly fold a sheet with an elastic band. It doesn’t matter what material it is made of (knitwear, terry, calico, poplin, percale, etc.), they are all built according to the same principle. I asked this question not by chance. I get asked very often:“How to fold a sheet with an elastic band correctly so that it lies more or less neatly in the closet?”, “How to fold a sheet with an elastic band,so that it takes up minimal space?” and so on. All these questions prompted me to write this instruction, the main steps of which are presented below. It is worth noting that the article presents two instructions (photos and videos) for better understanding.

Photo instructions.

1. First of all, you need to take two corners of the sheet and put them on your hands, straighten the sheet.

Step 2. Place one corner over the other and straighten the sheet in the same way.

Step 3. Repeat this procedure with the remaining corners. You need to make sure that all the corners are on top of each other.

Step 4. Then place the sheet on a flat surface. As a result, the fitted sheet should look like the one shown in Figure 4.

Step 5. Fold the sheet so that you get a rectangle with two long and two short sides.

Step 6. Now fold the sheet crosswise to make an even and neat square. Choose the sides of the square so that it fits in your closet.

Step 7. That's all, the sheet with an elastic band is neatly and carefully folded. Now we put it in the drawer and enjoy the appearance.

Video instruction.

I also want to attach a training video from Natalya Gorbatova, which shows in detail how simple and easy it is to fold a sheet with an elastic band, spending a minimum of time on it.

This is where I end my note, I hope it was useful and interesting. If you have your own secrets and useful tips on this topic, then write about them in the comments or by email. The most interesting tips will be added to the article.

The fitted sheet appeared in our everyday life relatively recently, but immediately took pride of place in the list of the most comfortable things. It is easy to use, easy to put on the mattress and, moreover, does not slip or twist during sleep. However, some housewives have difficulty storing it. We decided to figure out how to fold a fitted sheet correctly so that it looks neat and doesn't take up much space in the closet.

Method No. 1

This method is considered the most effective. It will help you save space in your closet and reduce the time it takes to iron your bed linen.

So, fold the sheet with an elastic band (step by step):

  1. Run your fingers into the corners of the sheet along the long side and stretch it.
  2. Place one corner inside the other. Smooth out the resulting loop and hold it tightly.
  3. With your free hand, pick up the remaining two corners from below and thread one into the other in the same way.
  4. Straighten your arms and pull the sheet up (you should have a loop of two corners in each hand).
  5. Pass one loop through the other again and shake the resulting rectangle.
  6. Lay the sheet out on a flat surface and smooth out any wrinkles.
  7. Fold the fitted sheet lengthwise and then crosswise (folding towards the middle).

As a result of manipulating the sheet, you should end up with a small compact package. If you want the edges to lie flat, they need to be ironed additionally

At first glance, it may seem that folding a sheet so as not to wrinkle it is very difficult. However, there is nothing complicated about this process. It is important to be consistent, go slowly and carefully straighten the corners.

Let's look at how to fold a sheet with an elastic band, step by step in the photo below:

How to fold a sheet with an elastic band - video demonstrating the first method:

Method No. 2

If you need to quickly fold a small baby sheet with an elastic band, you can use another method, which is as follows:

  1. Fold the sheet in half along the wide side.
  2. Shake it and straighten it so that the 2 corners on each side match.
  3. Lay the sheet out on a horizontal surface. You will end up with a long rectangle.
  4. Grab the sheet from the narrow side and fold one edge inward first, and then apply the other. You will end up with a small rectangle with an elastic band along one edge.
  5. Lightly fold the edge with the elastic inward.
  6. Now fold the second edge and tuck it into the elastic. Voila! You now have a neat little envelope.

If you find it easier to perceive information visually, watch the video below.

Method No. 3

If none of the above methods work for you, simply roll the sheet into a tight roll. To make the roll neat, straighten and connect the corners as follows:

  1. Lay out the sheet on the bed.
  2. Grab the corners located on one of the end sides of the sheet and connect them, inserting one into the other.
  3. Repeat the same manipulation with the corners on the opposite end side.
  4. Carefully straighten the edges gathered with an elastic band and lay them down, slightly bending them inward.
  5. Grasp the narrow edge of the sheet and roll it into a tight roll.

To maintain the strength of the resulting roll, tie it with braid or ribbon. Compact rolls can be stored vertically or stacked in a laundry drawer.

Advantages of fitted sheets

Despite the difficulties that arise with folding and ironing a fitted sheet, its advantages significantly outweigh the disadvantages.

Let's consider the advantages of such bedding:

  • alternative to mattress pad. A fitted sheet can easily be used instead of a mattress cover. This is very convenient for owners of orthopedic mattresses that cannot be dry cleaned;
  • reliable fixation. No matter how intensely you move on the bed during sleep (which is especially important for children), the sheet will retain its shape;
  • easy wash and dry. The sewing material may vary, but wear-resistant fabrics (cotton and linen) are often used for fitted sheets;
  • aesthetics. The fitted sheet fits snugly to the mattress and looks nice and neat.
The fitted sheet was invented in Europe in 1959. However, it received its modern appearance and mass distribution only in the 90s of the 20th century.

We figured out how to fold a sheet, now let’s take a look at useful recommendations regarding its use:

  • When buying sheets, pay attention to the material. The combined composition prevents the appearance of creases on the fabric;
  • to iron a sheet with an elastic band, fold it in four, iron the middle (bypassing the folds), and then straighten it and use a steamer to steam the creases and edges; or pull the edges of the sheet onto the ironing board and run an iron over them;
  • to perfectly iron a sheet with an elastic band, you should put it on the mattress and run the iron over the fabric;
  • You should not iron terry sheets - under the influence of temperature, such fabric becomes prickly.

As you can see, folding a fitted sheet is not that difficult. We hope that our advice will be useful to you.


We offer you to watch a video on the topic of the article:

She graduated from the author's physics and mathematics lyceum and art school. Received a higher education in economics with a major in innovative management. Freelancer. Married, actively travels. He is interested in Buddhist philosophy, enjoys transurfing and loves Mediterranean cuisine.

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