How to make a white shirt snow-white. How to bleach a yellowed white shirt? Video: how to bleach baby clothes

Svetlana Rumyantseva

White things are the very personification of purity and freshness. However, often we see a picture of a woman in a store wincing, shaking her head and putting her white shirt aside. Our wariness when buying white things is understandable - over time they become gray or yellow, and it is not easy to remove every stain without leaving a trace. So how to bleach a white shirt at home and restore its former attractiveness? Let's figure it out.

How to bleach a white shirt at home?

You, like any housewife, have probably asked yourself more than once the question “How to wash white shirts?” You can bleach a shirt, just like you can wash a white blouse, at home, without resorting to dry cleaning. If the appearance of a catastrophic stain takes you by surprise or you find that your shirt has turned yellow, don't rush to run for bleach. Take a look around. More likely, What you need to wash your whites is right at hand.

How to wash a white shirt or blouse if it is dyed?

To begin with, we will give a couple of tips that will help you avoid the question of how to wash and bleach a shirt if it is stained.

New colored clothes, especially cotton ones, fade a lot, that is, they give off color a lot: try to wash such things separately not only from white ones, but also from things of other colors.
Always wash white items separately from colored items.. Believe me, this will protect them from painting 100%.
Even a small splash of color on a white shirt, blouse or T-shirt can add color to the white fabric. Therefore, such a thing should be washed by hand a couple of times and see if the color intensively leaves this part. If not, you can wash it with other white clothes; if too much, repeat the hand wash procedure several times.
The higher the water temperature, the more likely white items will be stained. For new things, choose a temperature no higher than 30 degrees.

So, the important rules for washing white clothes have been learned. Now let’s answer the question itself: how to wash an already dyed white shirt or blouse? We'll tell you about 6 main washing methods using:

potassium permanganate;
citric acid;

We will consider each washing method in more detail below.

How and with what to wash the armpits and collar of a white shirt from yellow stains?

The collar, armpits and cuffs are the most vulnerable parts of a white shirt. You can bleach a white shirt collar like this:

Stain removers and modern bleaches They will do a great job with the problem of stains on the collar of a white shirt. Follow the instructions for use and safety precautions!
Dirt on the collar is cleaned laundry soap. Generously rub it onto a white shirt and leave for 2-3 hours. After this, wash your clothes as usual. There will be no trace of dirt left.
For minor stains on the collar of a white shirt, it will help talc. Sprinkle this powder onto a damp shirt and leave it overnight. In the morning the fabric will be dazzlingly snow-white.
Grease is removed from the collar mixture of 1 tbsp. l. salt and 3 tbsp. l. ammonia mixed with 1/3 cup of water.
Vinegar also capable of cleaning a shirt collar. Dampen the collar of your clothing with vinegar and leave for 30 minutes. After that, wash as usual.

Whitening with ammonia

Bleaching shirts with ammonia is a method that has been known for decades. When combined with hydrogen peroxide, the effect is especially impressive:

For 5 liters of hot water add 1 tbsp. l. ammonia and 3 tbsp. l. peroxide. White fabric is pre-washed as usual. The item is placed in the solution for 1.5-2 hours.

Take care to ventilate the room where the mixture is applied, since ammonia has a specific unpleasant odor.

Clothes are rinsed with warm and then cold water.

An almost similar method, but consisting of only 1 component - ammonia. Dilute 4-5 tbsp in 5 liters of water. l. ammonia. Soak a white cloth in the solution for 2-3 hours. After soaking, wash clothes and rinse 2-3 times in cool water.

If you can't stand the smell of ammonia, try using hydrogen peroxide in combination with baking soda. You will need 2 liters of warm water (40-60°C) and 1 tsp. hydrogen peroxide. The mixture is stirred. You can bleach your shirt from yellowing using this solution with the addition of 1 tsp. soda To ensure that the color of the item remains uniform, stir the item while soaking. 15-20 minutes is enough. In this bleaching method, hydrogen peroxide can be replaced with hydroperite tablets (an analogue of peroxide). For 10 liters of water you will need 9 tablets.

Bleaching with potassium permanganate

A small strategic supply of potassium permanganate will ideally whiten white shirts. To prepare the solution you will need:

How to bleach a silk shirt

Before bleaching, silk items need to be washed carefully. Bleaching a silk blouse should be done carefully so as not to damage the delicate threads.. Whitening methods:

Yellow stains from sweat on a blouse can be bleached with alcohol. Rub the problem areas of the item 2-3 times.
The dazzling whiteness of silk fabric is given with a solution containing 6 liters of warm water (30-40°C), 1 tbsp. l. washing powder, hydrogen peroxide and ammonia, as well as 4 tbsp. l. salt. Soak silk clothes for 1-2 hours and then rinse in cool water.
A bleaching mixture of the juice of 2-3 lemons per 1 liter of water will help restore the former brightness of a white silk shirt. Things are soaked in this solution for 12 hours.

How to bleach a synthetic shirt

Chlorine bleaches have an unpredictable effect on synthetics: the item may turn yellow or lose its aesthetic appearance. You can bleach a white synthetic shirt in other ways:

Mix 300 g of salt with 5 liters of warm water. Place the items of clothing that need to be bleached in a container and soak for 2-3 hours. After this, wash the items with powder and rinse.
Laundry soap (72%) helps prevent yellow stains on synthetics. The clothes are soaked in cool water for 2-3 hours, after which they are rubbed with soap until foam is obtained. The white cloth is left in hot water for another hour, without the soap being washed off. An hour later, the item is washed and the procedure is repeated again.
Stains can also be removed with aspirin. You will need 2 tablets, softened in water. The paste is applied to stains 2-3 hours before washing.

Bleaching agents for shirts

Use bleaches according to the instructions on the package! To bleach a white shirt with bleach, you need to choose the right product. What types of bleaches are there and what are the features of their use?

Chlorine bleaches- an aggressive but effective remedy. They are used for dense fabrics and have a negative effect on delicate silk or chiffon.
Oxygen bleaches– a hypoallergenic product used to bleach children's shirts. Bleach does not spoil the structure of the item, does not destroy or deform the fabric. It is recommended to use oxygen bleaches in cool water.
Optical brighteners- a product that does not affect the fabric itself. Bleaching occurs due to the formation of a thin optical film on the shirt, which gives the desired whiteness.

Features of white shirt bleaching

The shirt will remain snow-white longer if the washing temperature is maintained.

Follow the rules for washing white clothes so that they retain their dazzling color for a long time:

Light-colored fabrics are washed separately from other items.
Linen and cotton clothes are washed separately from synthetic fabrics.
When stored for a long time, white shirts turn yellow. Don't keep them like this. Stubborn stains are more difficult to remove.
When washing white items of clothing with colored inserts and embroidery, it is recommended to add table salt to the powder so that the color does not wash out and spoil the fabric.
Bleaching thins the fabric structure. White items of clothing should be bleached every 3-4 washes.

If your white shirt has turned gray, acquired a yellowish tint, or you have damaged the item with wine, sauce or other difficult-to-remove stains, use one of the suggested bleaching methods. When using aggressive products, think about protective equipment. Protect your hands with gloves and limit children's access to substances.

27 January 2014, 15:15

A white shirt is a must-have item in the wardrobe of both men and women. Due to the white color

such a thing looks representative and at the same time is universal. A shirt of this color is suitable for both business events and special occasions. White color is refreshing and makes its owner noticeable in any crowd.

But having so many advantages, this item of clothing also has an obvious disadvantage. Even slight dirt is noticeable on white fabric. And if a stain appears on it, the thing must be immediately put in order. How to bleach white shirts at home in this case?

How to bleach shirts made from natural fabrics

  • If your wardrobe item is made of luxurious silk, first of all it will require careful washing with a specially designed powder or gel. Then you can start whitening. If sweat has ingrained itself in the armpit areas of the fabric, you can get rid of the marks using alcohol. Rub the swab over the yellow stains several times until they disappear.

Lemon juice will help refresh the overall color of your shirt. You need to squeeze the juice of two large lemons, mix it with one liter of water and leave the item in this mixture overnight, then rinse.

If the result does not satisfy you, you can wrap the item in a plastic bag, after washing it with laundry soap. Take it out after a day and rinse.

You can make a bleaching composition from a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia. Add these ingredients to a bowl of water and soak white cotton items in it for half an hour. This will help remove gray residue from shirts.

  • If you prefer things made from linen, use them to bleach soda. The shirt is simply immersed in a soda solution for an hour, after which it needs to be rinsed.

To prevent linen items from turning gray over time, add a couple of tablespoons of regular table salt to the powder compartment when washing.

Can be used to bleach flax turpentine, soaking things in its solution for 10-12 hours. Use five tablespoons of the product per 10 liters of water.

How to bleach a shirt vinegar? You need to make a 7% vinegar solution and place the product in it for three hours, then wash it in a washing powder solution.

How to bleach a synthetic shirt

How to bleach a white synthetic shirt?

In this case, you need to be careful when using aggressive substances.

Removing stains from a white shirt

How to bleach collar and cuffs

Most often, the collar and cuffs of a shirt become dirty.

  • The bleaching process can be done using tableware. vinegar. Moisten the collar and cuffs of a washed shirt with it and rinse the product after half an hour.
  • You can sprinkle on greasy areas talc for the night. By morning the item will be clean.
  • They can come to help bleaches and stain removers. First read the instructions for which fabrics your product is suitable for.

Use of "Whiteness"

White is a strong chlorine-based bleach, so it is suitable only for durable cotton fabrics. How to whiten a shirt with this product?

To bleach a product using “Whiteness,” pour water at room temperature into a basin, add two tablespoons of the product and hold for 20 minutes, then rinse.

If you use hot water, the processing time will be reduced to two minutes. Then the product must be rinsed and immersed in the solution for another minute. Wash.

You can also boil the product - this treatment with “Whiteness” for cotton items will be the most effective. Just do not resort to this procedure too often, otherwise the fibers of the fabric will become thinner.

If you properly care for your white shirt and remove stains in a timely manner, it will last a long time and will delight you with its impeccable color. In such a thing you will look perfect at any official event or social reception.

The disadvantage of white shirts is that they acquire a grayish or yellowish tint. They look untidy, seem worn and washed out. Of course, this is not a reason to refuse white things.

How to bleach a white shirt at home and restore its former attractiveness?

Removing yellowness

From sweat they appear on the collar and armpits. These parts of blouses are the most vulnerable, and it will not be possible to bleach them with ordinary powder.

How to bleach a white shirt if the armpits are yellowed:

  1. Medical alcohol will remove yellowness. The collar of a white shirt is lightly wiped with this product, then washed with powder or laundry soap. The procedure can be repeated if necessary. Rubbing alcohol will not damage the fabric.
  2. Unusual. To make the blouse snow-white, take 5-6 tablets of the drug. Place them in a small container and add a little water to make a paste. The resulting product is distributed over the yellowed shirt. If you use Aspirin on the entire product, it will be a very expensive wash, so it is applied only to the contaminated areas. The treated areas are covered with plastic wrap and left for 2 hours. Then the fabric is washed in the usual way.
  3. Body talc for children. It is sprinkled on contaminated areas and simply shaken off the fabric in the morning. This method is great if the item is needed urgently, but does not have time to dry overnight.

These methods are inexpensive and accessible to everyone; they can be used to bleach a white shirt at home quickly and easily.

If the clothes are dyed

White clothes should be washed separately from black and colored clothes. Even a small colored insert on a shirt can stain the fabric, so first wash the product by hand to see if the color leaves this part intensively.

If the item is stained, shirts are bleached using traditional methods or purchased products.

Drastic measures

Store-bought bleach will save the product from stains and grayness.

They are divided into three categories:

  • oxygen (Vanish, Persol);
  • optical;
  • chlorine-containing (Whiteness).

For white blouses, the first and last bleach is often used. If you prefer to use modern developments, it is better to use them.


Has a more aggressive effect on the material. When using White, Domestos or Chlorine, be careful, these products can damage the fabric.

How to bleach a collar:

  1. The contaminated product is soaked in 2 tbsp. l. Whiteness and water so that the liquid completely covers the clothes.
  2. The item is left for 20 minutes.
  3. It is necessary to stir periodically.
  4. When the time allotted for the procedure comes to an end, rinse the blouse well under running water.

You should wear gloves when washing clothes.

Shirts become white after Whitening. But it should not be used frequently so as not to damage the fabric.

Persol or Vanish

Oxygen bleaches are gentler and can be used frequently. Such products are sold in liquid or powder form.

How to bleach a yellowed white shirt? Persol or Vanish is used similarly to Whiteness. The procedure is the same, but you can soak the shirt a little and reuse it if necessary.

Among store-bought whitening products, Persol and Vanish are considered the best.

Best Home Methods

You can also bleach the collar of a white shirt using folk methods. Without an arsenal of household chemicals, experienced housewives use well-known cheap products.

How and with what to bleach white shirts at home? There are 8 proven methods that will come to the rescue when stains appear on your blouse.

Manganese, laundry soap, boric acid, soda, hydrogen peroxide, milk powder and turpentine will help restore the whiteness of your blouse.


Potassium permanganate is now difficult to find in pharmacies. It can only be purchased with a prescription. But if this product remains, know that manganese is an excellent bleach.

How to return whiteness to a shirt:

  1. 2-3 crystals of potassium permanganate are diluted in hot water, the solution should turn out slightly pink.
  2. Add a little washing powder or bleach to the resulting liquid to enhance the effect.
  3. The product is soaked in the solution under a closed lid until the water reaches room temperature.
  1. At the end of the procedure, the blouse should be rinsed well under running water.

This product is not suitable for silk products.and other delicate fabrics.

Laundry soap

Modern household chemicals are much worse than laundry soap. This product was used long before the advent of Whiteness and Vanish.

Rub the entire shirt with laundry soap to create a lasting foam.

The item is left for half an hour, then washed in a machine. You should not keep your clothes in soap for more than an hour. They will begin to dry out, which will worsen the whitening effect. To prevent this from happening, wrap the soaped item in plastic wrap.

Boric acid

Boric acid powder is another bleaching agent used at home.

For soaking you will need to dissolve 2 tbsp. l. boric acid in 4 liters of water. Things are kept in this solution for 2 hours, then washed in a machine or by hand.

Soda returns the white color to shirts and removes it perfectly. You can add it directly to the washing machine or soak the product.

Half a glass of soda and the required amount of powder are poured into a special compartment. Wash the shirt at the temperature indicated on the label.


Hydrogen peroxide is a universal remedy. It is used in cosmetology, medicine and in everyday life.

This is an effective and efficient way to keep your shirts sparkling clean. Peroxide can be mixed with salt.

Soak the clothes for 20 minutes, turning them over periodically so that the item is bleached evenly.

Powdered milk

An unusual way to wash white items is to use milk powder. Before soaking the shirt in dry milk, it must be washed with bleach.

250 g of product is poured into a basin and water is poured. Soak the shirt in the prepared solution for 1 hour.

Then rinse under running water and machine wash again.


Making a turpentine solution is very simple: add 5 tsp to 5 liters of water. turpentine.

The shirt is left in the liquid overnight. In the morning, rinse twice and machine wash.

White items should be washed immediately after wearing. You must not delay bleaching, otherwise the stain or yellowness on the collar may remain even after using purchased products.

White items should not be washed with homemade or store-bought bleaches every time you wash them - the fabric will deteriorate and become thinner.

It should also be remembered that machine washing requires compliance with the temperature regime, the same applies to the manual procedure. The temperature is indicated.

If washing or soaking is carried out in a basin, check it for rust. If rust gets on white fabric, the item will be damaged.

It is not difficult to give white products their former whiteness, the main thing is to correctly use the possible bleaching options.

03/26/2018 1 1,951 views

White clothing represents freshness and purity. People are often afraid to buy it because they don’t know how to properly care for it. Let's consider how to bleach a white shirt at home from yellowness? It’s easier to turn to professional dry cleaning for help. But not everyone has extra money for this procedure.

You can go to the store and buy household chemicals. Now there is a lot of choice and every housewife will find a suitable product. Previously, our grandmothers made do with ingredients that are available in any home. This is how proven recipes appeared, thanks to which the thing takes on its former appearance. The main thing is to act carefully so as not to spoil the color.

In order to quickly, efficiently and efficiently put things in order if they have turned yellow, you should follow a number of rules:

  1. You should not bleach too often. Even if you use traditional methods rather than household chemicals, the material becomes thinner over time. Therefore, the procedure should be carried out no more than after 3-4 washes.
  2. The instructions must be carefully studied. You must act strictly according to it to minimize the risk of damage. To maintain the dosage, you can use a measuring cup.
  3. You need to remember to sort your clothes. You cannot put colored and white items into the machine together. Synthetic and natural fabrics are also washed separately.
  4. You should add salt for shirts that have embroidery and decorative bright inserts. This product helps maintain their shade.

What should you not do?

  • Do not neglect testing the product in an inconspicuous area. Often, a piece of material is sewn to the inside of a garment or applied to a label for testing.
  • Do not dry things near or on heating appliances. There is no need to hang them on the balcony under direct ultraviolet rays. This will cause the product to take on an off-color tint, and it will be very difficult to bleach a yellowed white shirt.

How to bleach shirts so they are snow-white?

Usually in such cases boiling is used. But there are other products that you can purchase in the store or make yourself.

Folk remedies

Basic methods:

  1. Hydrogen peroxide. Pour warm water (2 l) into a deep container, add a 3% peroxide solution (1 tsp), mix thoroughly. Then add soda ash (1 tsp) and mix again. Leave the item for 10-20 minutes, rinse and dry.
  2. Hydroperite. You will need 9 tablets per 10 liters of water. Mix thoroughly, put on the shirt, wait a quarter of an hour, then rinse in clean water.
  3. 72% laundry soap. Apply it to problem areas, wait 30 minutes, rinse. If you need to not only get rid of dirt, but also restore the shade, the result should be fixed by boiling.
  4. Table vinegar. Dampen the cloth with the product and wait approximately 15 minutes. Then wash by hand with your usual powder or soap.
  5. 70% alcohol. It will get rid of ink stains on things. Moisten well, but do not rub. You need to apply the product with cotton wool, changing it often. The washing process must begin when there are no dark marks on the disc.
  6. Salt. If the shirt is made of synthetics, it should not be heated. Therefore, processing should take place at cold or room temperature. In cases where the contaminants are complex, it is almost impossible to remove them from such water. To make the task easier, you should add this product (50 g per 1 l). The product should be left in this solution for a few minutes and then bleaching should begin. Sometimes a simple wash using the usual powder is enough.
  7. Potassium permanganate. Dilute the crystals in hot water until a faint pinkish tint forms. Pour in a small amount of powder. Place the item and cover the container with a lid. Wait until the solution reaches room temperature, then rinse thoroughly.
  8. Boric acid. Pour the product in the amount of 2 tbsp. l. in 4 liters of boiling water. Rinse, then put in the machine.
  9. Powdered milk. Dilute a glass of powder in water at room temperature. Lay the shirt down, hold it for a while, then wash it.
  10. Treatment with soda and ammonia. To prepare the solution, you need warm water (5 l), baking soda (5 tbsp), ammonia (2 tbsp). Place the item, wait 3-4 hours, process in the standard way in a machine.
  11. Boiling. This is the most common and oldest method among folk remedies. It is often used when dyeing, for example, when it is necessary to bleach a white shirt if a pink item has faded. You need to pour water into a large container, pour in a little washing powder by hand, and boil for 30 minutes. The method is effective, but with frequent use the material wears out quickly. It is best suited for a cotton shirt; it can ruin synthetics or viscose items.
  12. Lemon acid. Add a small amount of product to the water, leave the item for about 2 hours, and rinse.

Professional products

For lovers of modern developments, bleaches are suitable, which are divided into three main groups:

  • Oxygen. They do not lead to allergies and irritations on the skin, which is why the cost cannot be called low. The most common remedies: “Vanish”, “Persol”, “Swan”.
  • Chlorine-containing. They have an aggressive effect on the material, but the result is most pronounced, especially if the fabric is faded. They must be used very carefully, otherwise the material may be damaged. This group includes “Chlorin”, “Domestos”, “Belizna”. The dosage must be strictly observed. For example, when processing in “Whiteness” you need to dissolve it in 2 tbsp. l. in warm water. Then put in a white school shirt and leave for 20 minutes, stirring constantly. Rinse well afterwards. The product is so strong that even if it accidentally gets on the material, it can ruin it. Therefore, you should not leave foreign objects nearby during the procedure using “Whiteness”.
  • Optical. They get their name because they don't really bleach. The fabric is sprinkled with particles that visually lighten it. This includes belofors.

How to bleach the collar of a white shirt at home?

Sometimes you just need to bleach the armpits or collars of white shirts rather than heavily treat them completely. Traditional methods for these purposes:

  1. Dishwashing gel. Moisten the product, apply the product generously to the contaminated areas, wait half an hour, and wash.
  2. Vinegar. Wet a cotton pad, apply to the collar, and rinse.
  3. Salt, water and ammonia. Mix the ingredients in a ratio of 1:4:4. Apply to yellow marks, wait half an hour, wash.
  4. Peroxide. Pass the laundry soap through a grater and mix with boiling water until completely dissolved. Take 50 ml of peroxide, add 4 tbsp. l. the resulting product. Apply to stains, wait 20 minutes, wash as usual.
  5. Lemon juice. Leave on dirt for half an hour and rinse.
  6. Talc. Pour onto problem areas, wet the item, wait 8-10 hours, wash.
  7. Aspirin. Dissolve a few tablets in water and apply to the collar.
  8. Potato. Cut into two parts, rub until the material is wet. After drying, remove starch with a brush and wash as usual.

Video: how to bleach yellowness from a white shirt at home?

Rules of care

  • Washing should be done frequently, almost after every wear. This prevents old marks from forming on problem areas (armpits, cuffs, collar).
  • Before choosing a machine mode, you need to carefully study the label.
  • When squeezing, do not twist it; it is better to shake it several times or squeeze it with a towel.
  • To avoid deformation, drying should take place on hangers or laid out on a clean surface. It is important in this case to smooth out the folds.

By following these simple rules, you can keep your shirt in its original form for a long time. Then the white thing will not soon become gray or yellowish.

To bleach linen shirts, use vinegar, ammonia and turpentine. Treat silk shirts with hydrogen peroxide, lemon juice or vodka with glycerin. Synthetic products can be easily bleached with washing soap, potassium permanganate or milk powder. Chlorhexidine is suitable for removing special stains, and professional bleaches Vanish, Bos Plus, and Ace can cope with persistent yellowing.

There are many professional bleaches that remove stains of varying complexity. Their disadvantage is increased activity, which is detrimental to some materials. Therefore, smart housewives use gentle methods - folk recipes. Let's look at how to bleach a (white) shirt at home from yellowness, grayness and pronounced stains safely with vinegar, peroxide, chlorhexidine and other improvised means.

We bleach based on the type of fabric using traditional methods

Before choosing a whitening method, take a look at. It contains information about the water temperature, and whether it is even possible to wash the shirt at home (some materials can only be dry-cleaned). Failure to comply with these recommendations will lead to thinning of the tissue or other modifications.

Getting your linen clothes in order

Note ! If the clothing manufacturer allows boiling, then soak in boiling water. Hot water speeds up stain removal and improves whitening.


Despite its pungent odor, ammonia (pharmaceutical ammonia) has been used as a household chemical for many decades. It softens water, removes old stains and, when used correctly, whitens:

  1. Dilute ½ ammonia in water.
  2. Place the clothes there for 1.5–3 hours, depending on the degree of contamination.
  3. Wash as usual.

Ammonia shows maximum effectiveness in combination with other folk remedies.


Turpentine is an aggressive agent, so use it if your loved one or has difficult-to-remove ones.

After the specified period, wash the laundry in a machine with double the amount of conditioner to remove the unpleasant smell of turpentine.

Note ! Use only purified turpentine as it does not leave streaks. If the product has a pattern or colored inserts, it is better to refuse processing, because the material may fade, become stained or discolored.

Soda and salt

A combination of salt and baking soda can be used regularly at home, effectively removing stains and keeping linen fabric snow-white.

Finally, wash your clothes as usual. If it appeared on the T-shirt, but it was not possible to remove it and wash it right away, then rub dry salt or soda (fine-grained) into the stain. The ingredients will absorb grease and make subsequent washing easier.

Bleaching a silk shirt

Silk products are delicate, so their bleaching is carried out with extreme caution. Use the following techniques.

Vodka with glycerin

These ingredients are highly effective against severe stains and overall whitening of a silk blouse. To remove a greasy stain, combine the components in equal proportions and apply to the stains (for 30 minutes). Repeat treatment if necessary.

For whitening, proceed according to the algorithm:

  1. Dissolve 1 liter of vodka and 300 g of glycerin in a liter of water.
  2. Place the blouse in the solution for several hours.
  3. Wash with powder.
  4. Rinse it out.

The resulting product will carefully remove fresh and old or tea. Never soak the fabric in the product for more than the prescribed time to preserve the quality of thin silk threads.

The combination of these components is suitable for any fabric and gives a dazzling whiteness, thanks to the bleaching properties of peroxide.

  1. Dissolve a little powder in water, 5 tbsp. l. salt and a quarter bottle of oxidized hydrogen.
  2. Place the blouse in there for 40 minutes.
  3. Wash it and rinse it in clean water.

Note ! Do not use this recipe on items with bright accents to preserve their color..

Citric acid or lemon juice

This ingredient is gentle on fabric, but it bleaches white cotton, silk, and synthetic shirts well and removes stains. The fruit juice is easy to use: pour the fresh juice onto the contaminated area, leave to soak for half an hour and wash.

Recipe for using acid:

  1. Dissolve 100 g of lemon in warm water.
  2. We immerse the item in the solution for a couple of hours, depending on its condition.
  3. We wash as usual.
  • "Vanish";
  • "Bos Plus";
  • "Ace."

These products are safe for fabric to remove stains and restore snow-whiteness.

It is easy to bleach a white blouse or T-shirt using folk or special means, but be sure to take into account the information provided by the manufacturer (of clothing and bleach), otherwise the fabric will become thinner or lose its shape, which will render it unusable.

Larisa, October 15, 2018.