How to make shuriken out of paper. Detailed instructions with photos and videos. How to make shuriken from paper: step-by-step diagram with illustrations How to make shuriken from paper diagram

Japan gave this world many different inventions and beautiful things, and to this day it never ceases to amaze us. They are especially good at coming up with different paper crafts. Thousands of different figures have already been created, and many more are yet to come. Today, we will tell you how to make shuriken with your own hands - a weapon that was used by ninja warriors and samurai in past centuries. Making shuriken from metal is not very easy, but anyone can make it from paper! Let's learn how to easily make shuriken at home.

How to make shuriken from paper?

This paper craft is very easy to make, so no special knowledge or effort is required. All you need is our instructions and a sheet of paper. Let's not delay time - let's get started!

1. Prepare a sheet of paper. We can use any color, the main thing is to make the right shape. We should prepare a square shaped sheet! Then we bend it in half and cut it into two parts along the fold line.

2. Fold each part in half. If we want to get multi-colored shuriken, we can prepare paper of different colors and the required size in advance.

3. Now we perform the operation shown in the figure - the corners of the triangle should be bent, one to the top part, the second to the bottom.

This is what we got as a result:

Please note that the parts must be the same shape, but symmetrical to each other.

5. We have reached the assembly stage. We need to connect the two finished parts; to do this, we put one part on the second and turn the corners, as shown in the photo.

We bend the left and right corners of the lower part in half and wrap them in the pocket of the upper part. This is what we get:

Use your fingers to carefully go through all the folds so that they do not unfold in the future.

We continue to publish diagrams of original origami homemade products and today we want to tell you how to make origami shuriken.

Shuriken is a dangerous and deadly weapon of the Japanese warriors of the night - ninja. However, by making it out of paper, you can play the most favorite game of all the boys - dodging flying “bullets”, that is, shuriken.

In addition, if no one wants to throw shuriken at each other, you can organize competitions in throwing paper shuriken for accuracy at toy figures or soldiers.

Making origami shuriken from paper

To make paper throwing shuriken (see also ) you will need two square sheets of paper. You can use paper of different colors, this will make your shuriken original and beautiful.

If you do not have square sheets of paper, and for example you only have A-4 size sheets, do the following manipulations as shown in the photo below.

Fold two rectangular sheets diagonally

Cut off the excess edge of the paper

Two square sheets were made from rectangular sheets

Fold the square sheets in half

Fold the sheet halves in half again

  • If the photo above is not clear, see Figure 1.

    Fig.1 Bend the edges of the sheet

  • Bend the workpiece again, as in Figure 2.

    Fig.2 Making another bend

    Bend the edges of the blanks diagonally as shown by the arrows

  • The same option for bending the corners of a paper strip, in Figure 3.

    Fig.3 Bend the edges of the workpiece

    Fold the corners in the following directions

  • And we also continue to bend the strip of paper, as in Figure 4.

    Fig.4 Once again bend the edges of the workpiece

  • We perform the same actions with another sheet of paper, however, the corners need to be folded in the other direction, Figure 5.

    Fig.5 We bend the corners of the second workpiece in the other direction

  • When the blanks are ready, arrange them as in Figure 6.

    Fig.6 Place the workpieces vertically and horizontally

  • We begin to connect the strips; to do this, insert the right and left corners of the horizontal workpiece into the pockets of the vertical one (Figure 7).

    Fig.7 Connecting the blanks

  • Turn the workpiece over.

  • All that remains is to insert the remaining corners into the free pockets.

Shuriken is a Japanese throwing weapon. It is usually worn hidden and unnoticed. Shuriken are small blades made from everyday objects: stars, coins, nails, needles, knives, etc. But a throwing "Shuriken" can completely become harmless if it is made from paper.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a four-pointed Shuriken.

1 step. Let's take the paper.
“Shuriken” can be made from white paper, but for greater clarity and color it is better to use colored paper.

Step 2. We make squares from the sheets.
To create a four-pointed "Shuriken" you will need two identical squares.

Step 3. Take one square and connect the edges in the center.

Step 4 Bend the resulting rectangle in half.

Step 5 We bend the corners on each side in a mirror manner, as shown in the photo.

Step 6 Once again, on each side, we mirror the corners symmetrically to the triangles made earlier.

Step 7 We do the same (from steps 3 to 8) with the second square. The second half of "Shuriken" should be a mirror image of the first.

Step 8 We turn over one received part and place it on the first one as follows.

Step 9 We bend the corners of the lower part into the formed pockets in the upper part.

Step 10 We turn the resulting figure over.

Step 11 We do the same again with the bottom half.

Step 12 The four-pointed Shuriken is ready.

The final appearance of the four-pointed shuriken craft.

Step-by-step instructions for creating an octagonal "Shuriken".

1 step. We will need 8 identical squares.

Step 2. Preparing the square.

We bend the square first diagonally, then in half.

Step 3. We connect two corners at the center line.

Step 4 A rectangle is formed on the opposite side, which we bend to the inside and fold the part.

Step 5 We perform similar actions with the remaining 7 squares.

Step 6 Collecting "Shuriken".
We put all the parts in the same position. We insert part of one part with curved corners into an inwardly concave triangle. We bend the resulting ends into the part for fixation. So we connect all 8 parts.

Step 7 Draw out the triangles that are free inside.

Step 8 The octagonal "Shuriken" is ready.

The final appearance of the octagonal shuriken craft.

Two final crafts.

We hope that making this craft brought you only positive emotions and good mood. Regarding the series of paper crafts, next time we can offer you paper claws, which are very easy to recreate!

DIY shuriken from paper

Since ancient times, people have strived for creativity and creation. Any person likes to create something new and constantly develop their creative abilities. There are a large number of directions in creativity: music, painting, theater, etc. Many of these trends are common throughout the world, but there are activities that have a clear national definition, for example, when talking about skillful playing of the balalaika, one immediately thinks of Russia. The same can be said about origami: it is a traditional Japanese art that has gained fame throughout the world.

Paper crafts fold as if magically - without scissors or glue. You can make anything: animals, birds, flowers or any other figures. But today people often wonder how to make origami shuriken from paper.

What is shuriken?

Japanese culture can be divided into many main categories. One of the most important is the culture of ninjas and samurai. These Japanese wars are famous not only for their skills, dexterity, speed and fighting techniques, which border on the fantastic. Their arsenal of weapons is also widely known. Just one of the types of weapons is shuriken. The concept of "shuriken" includes two types of weapons: throwing arrows and stars.

If you literally translate the name “shuriken” from Japanese, you get “a blade hidden in the hand.” Indeed, this weapon is small and easy to conceal, but it is one of the most dangerous. This is why the Japanese wars fell in love with him; probably everyone knew how to make shuriken. Thin strips with sharply sharpened corners were cut out of metal (there could be 4.5 or 8 of them). To make the shuriken fly better, a hole was made in the center of the plate. Shurikens were used very often, and subsequently they became part of the mandatory equipment of samurai.

Real shuriken made from metal

The warlike times of the ninja have already passed; today people are more peaceful and, being carried away by Japanese culture, are more inclined to engage in origami than bloody battles. Among the variety of “paper ideas”, it is worth highlighting the beautiful shuriken stars, which look aesthetically pleasing and will be an excellent toy for any boy. Below we will discuss how to make shuriken out of paper.

In order to make an original shuriken and feel like a real ninja, you only need sheets of A4 paper. It would be nice if the paper was multi-colored - this will be useful for making more complex models. This simple set, complemented by a desire for creativity and perseverance, will later become a real shuriken.

How to make shurikens: step-by-step instructions

The first crafts should be simple to try your hand at and develop creative skills in origami. Therefore, you should start with a four-pointed shuriken. Afterwards, you can begin creating 16-pointed or even more complex transforming shurikens. Do not think that it is almost impossible to make a good craft: the algorithm of actions clearly describes all the necessary stages of production. Comparing your result with the finished paper shuriken on the diagram shown below the algorithm is a good check of the correctness of your actions.

Scheme of shuriken with byumagi
  1. Each sheet is folded in half lengthwise (to make 2 long rectangles). The corners of each of them need to be turned inward. Isosceles triangles are formed from bent corners. IMPORTANT! The corners should be folded strictly towards each other.
  2. The sheets are folded again. You need to fold it clearly along lines symmetrical to the resulting triangles.
  3. The resulting figures should be mirror images of one another. To do this, turn the left module over and combine it with the right one, placing it on top. It's simple!
  4. The left and right triangles of the lower part are placed in the gaps in the corners of the upper part of the craft. Thus, the shuriken becomes like a disconnected star.
  5. The workpiece must be turned over and the corners placed in the gaps again. Shuriken is ready!

Colored shurikens for children

If you follow the instructions and put in the effort, then understanding how to make shuriken out of paper is not that difficult. The maximum time for making a craft is 10 minutes. Making a star shuriken with 8 corners will take a little more time. Below are detailed instructions for those who want to improve their ability to create throwing stars.

What will be useful at work

First you need to make “blanks”: 8 square sheets of paper. Each one needs to be bent and unbent in directions: along the center and across and along the diagonals. For convenience, you can draw these lines on squares. Next, the actual production of the star begins:

  1. The top two corners of each of the 8 squares are folded towards the line in the middle.
  2. The lower part of each square must be bent inward (that is, the central part must be bent in one direction, and the diagonals in the other).
  3. Eight ready-made elements need to be connected. To do this, the bent corners of one element are inserted into the concave part of the other. Free corners must be bent inward to secure the structure. According to this scheme, all elements are connected.
  4. Move eight segments of the circle to the center. The sharp corners of the star will come out on their own. The octagonal shuriken is ready!

Types of shuriken

If the proposed algorithm failed to make an octagonal shuriken out of paper, the video posted at the end of the article will be an excellent visual aid for assembling the original star. Having made this simple masterpiece, it is impossible not to admire the art of origami: after all, from a few simple sheets of paper you can assemble beautiful things, many of which will become favorite toys for children. This applies specifically to shurikens - school-age children love to play with them. To activate the “weapon” there are 2 ways:

  • throw forward parallel to the floor or slightly upward, holding one of the corners of the star with your hand;
  • clench one hand into a fist, place the shuriken on it, and with the other hand click on it so that it flies as far as possible.

The article described in detail how to make shuriken with 4 and 8 corners from paper. However, there are also more complex models, the assembly of which is shown in the video. Creativity has no limits!


Japan gave this world many different inventions and beautiful things, and to this day it never ceases to amaze us. They are especially good at coming up with different paper crafts. Thousands of different figures have already been created, and many more are yet to come. Today, we will tell you how to make shuriken with your own hands - a weapon that was used by ninja warriors and samurai in past centuries. Making shuriken from metal is not very easy, but anyone can make it from paper! Let's learn how to easily make shuriken at home.

How to make shuriken from paper?

This paper craft is very easy to make, so no special knowledge or effort is required. All you need is our instructions and a sheet of paper. Let's not delay time - let's get started!

1. Prepare a sheet of paper. We can use any color, the main thing is to make the right shape. We should prepare a square shaped sheet! Then we bend it in half and cut it into two parts along the fold line.

2. Fold each part in half. If we want to get multi-colored shuriken, we can prepare paper of different colors and the required size in advance.

3. Now we perform the operation shown in the figure - the corners of the triangle should be bent, one to the top part, the second to the bottom.

This is what we got as a result:

Please note that the parts must be the same shape, but symmetrical to each other.

5. We have reached the assembly stage. We need to connect the two finished parts; to do this, we put one part on the second and turn the corners, as shown in the photo.

We bend the left and right corners of the lower part in half and wrap them in the pocket of the upper part. This is what we get:

Use your fingers to carefully go through all the folds so that they do not unfold in the future.