How to make a fashionable five-strand braid? Easy instructions for weaving an original five-strand braid. 5-strand braid.

Are you the happy owner of beautiful long hair? This means that you have a great opportunity to experiment with styling and different types of weaving: French braid, “spikelet”. A boring classic three-strand braid can be replaced with an analogue of 5. It looks extraordinary, wider and more magnificent than a regular three-strand braid, and will be an excellent alternative to everyday ponytails and buns. The advantage of such a braid is the simplicity of weaving and at the same time external effectiveness. Anyone who knows how to make a regular braid on their own can quickly learn this method.

Five-strand braid: step-by-step instructions

In order to master the technique and get good results on your head, first practice on a friend or a mannequin. You can even try it on regular wool threads.

Prepare your tools in advance: a comb and an elastic band to secure the braid.

  1. Comb your hair thoroughly. Divide them into five parts, which you label from left to right from 1 to 5.
  2. Part 1 is superimposed on 2 and starts under 3;
  3. Place strand 5 on top of 4 and place it under 1 (it is already in place 3);
  4. For simplicity, re-number the strands that have swapped places and repeat the steps starting from step 2.

Five-strand French braid pattern

Once you understand the braiding technique, you can move on to a five-strand French braid.

  1. At the top of the head, from the base of the braid, begin to weave a regular braid of three strands;
  2. After that, separate the strand on the left and bring it under the outermost one and from above onto the middle one;
  3. Repeat step 2, but on the right side;
  4. You have five strands in your hands;
  5. Now grab the loose hair on the left side and add it to the leftmost strand. Bring it under the nearest curl and on top of the next one;
  6. Repeat step 5, but on the right side;
  7. Continue braiding, repeating steps 5-6.

You can create an amazingly beautiful hairstyle if you braid such a braid around your head or diagonally. To add volume, slightly pull out the outer strands and fix them with hairspray. Woven ribbons will add extra chic to your hairstyle. When you go to a party or holiday, decorate your braid with pearls, rhinestones, and flowers.

How to braid a 5-strand braid – 4 ideas for long hair.
In this lesson you will find step-by-step photo and video lessons on how to braid a braid with 5 strands.

Braids were previously considered almost the main attribute of female beauty! But in the 20th century, fashion for them stopped. At the peak of popularity, there were various voluminous hairstyles or ultra-short haircuts, and braids were braided by excellent girls... But more recently, braids have burst into fashion again! And this is all thanks to famous fashion designers, at whose shows models sported various braids! Now braids are a limitless field of action for hairdressers; so many options for braids have already been invented that entire textbooks on braiding are being created!

Today we will look at one of the most striking examples of weaving - a 5-strand braid. This braid is made using an openwork technique, it looks very airy and romantic!

But even here, stylists went further and came up with several varieties of this braid: a French five-strand braid, a five-strand braid with ribbons, a checkerboard braid and a simple five-strand braid. Today we will look at all these options!!!
Tip: First, practice on someone else’s hair, and then move on to braiding on your own head! It will be quite difficult the first time! And one more thing – the hair should be smooth! Therefore, if necessary, straighten them or spray them with water.
How to braid a 5-strand braid


Weaving pattern:

The weaving pattern for these braids is the same, only the French braid is woven from the top of the head, and the simple braid is woven from below.

1 Separate a strand of hair at the top or bottom and begin to weave a regular braid of three strands (place the right strand ON the middle one, and then the left one, also ON the middle one);

2 On the left, separate another strand and pass it UNDER the nearest one and OVER the next one;

3 Now take a new strand on the right and pass it UNDER the nearest one and OVER the next one. Now you have 5 strands. To make it more convenient to weave, take 3 strands in your left hand, and the next two in your right hand;

4 Next are 2 weaving options:
if the braid is braided from below, and you immediately divided all the hair into 5 parts, then continue to braid according to this pattern until the end;
if you braid from the crown, then you will get a French braid of five strands!

Then we continue:

5 To the leftmost strand, add a strand of hair from the head (hereinafter referred to as the braid), move it UNDER the nearest one and ABOVE the next one;

6 Then add a braid to the rightmost strand and again draw it UNDER the nearest one and ABOVE the next one.

7 Is the diagram clear?! - then continue to weave the braid, adding strands one by one from the right, then from the left. When you run out of braids, continue braiding like a regular five-strand braid!

8 Pull out the outer strands for volume. Just do it carefully! It's better to start from the bottom up.

Shall we watch video lessons?

Five-strand braid:

Five-strand French braid:

Here are the options for this side braid:


Weaving pattern:

1 Separate a strand of hair from the top or bottom of your head and secure it upward with curling irons. Attach 2 ribbons to the bottom using a bobby pin (or wrap one folded in half around a bobby pin). Let your hair down. Now you have 5 strands: hair – hair – ribbon – ribbon – hair.

2 Take the leftmost strand and pass it UNDER the nearest strand, then OVER the ribbon and UNDER the second ribbon;

3 Take the rightmost strand and pass it UNDER the NEAREST strand, then OVER the ribbon and UNDER the second ribbon;

4 If you are braiding a braid from the top of your head, then add braids one by one, first on the left, then on the right until the free strands run out. And if you are braiding a braid from below, then divide the remaining free hair into 4 braids (2 on each side), and add them to the braid one by one, then continue braiding without braids until the end;

5 Pull out the outer strands for volume. Just do it carefully! It's better to start from the bottom up.
By the way, this is exactly the braid I used in my wedding hairstyle!

Here is a video lesson:


The weaving pattern is exactly the same as in the previous weaving.

The main difference: the tapes must always be TENSIONED!!! You can even use small weights. It is better to take ribbons from 1.5 cm wide. Make sure that the tapes do not twist or turn over!

2 video lessons of this braid:
Horizontal checkerboard braid

Side checker braid

For many centuries, a thick and long braid was considered an essential attribute of young girls, and braiding turned into a unique art that all fair girls tried to master perfectly. The secrets of weaving a variety of braids have been passed down from generation to generation. And if you can braid some of them yourself in a couple of minutes, turning your curls into a wide braid with a tricky pattern is difficult without the help of a friend and the work can take a whole hour. Recently, the fashion for massive braids is gradually returning and some versions of such hairstyles are considered universal for any age. For example, a chic 5-strand braid visually increases the volume of even not too thick hair with thin hair and is suitable for any face shape.

Weaving a five-strand braid requires certain skills and the help of a neat friend who knows how to weave at least simple “spikelets.” Before you start weaving a voluminous braid, carefully study the visual instructions with photos, and as you work, keep the step-by-step diagram in front of your eyes to accurately transfer the strands. Not only straight, but also curly or twisted curls are suitable for braiding, but the hair must be long enough to freely rearrange the strands according to the pattern.


Thin comb.
With fine teeth and a thin pointed handle, which is convenient for separating strands from the hair and making a parting;

Massage brush with medium-hard bristles.
Before braiding, it is convenient to untangle tangled clumps of hair with this tool and comb the curls;

You can diversify the appearance of a thick braid with the help of bright ribbons or multi-colored threads that are woven into the strands while working;

Invisible, thin elastic bands.

With the help of these devices it is easy to separate curls and fix the weaving at intermediate stages;

Mousse or varnish.
Before the procedure, you can apply just a little hair styling product to your hair so that the captured strand does not crumble and easily intertwines with the rest.


❶ Comb your hair with a brush and separate three strands of the same width closer to the crown;

❷ We transfer these strands using the French braiding technique, placing the left strand under the middle one, stretching it over the right one;

❸ Using a thin comb handle, separate part of the hair from the left strand (No. 4);

❹ We weave the separated part into the overall pattern, dragging it under the adjacent strand on the right (No. 2) and above No. 3;

❺ Using a thin comb handle, separate part (No. 5) from the right strand;

❻ We weave part No. 5 into the overall pattern, passing under the nearest right strand and laying it on the middle part. At stages 7 and 8, thin strands are added, which are separated from both sides;

❼ Using the inverted braid method, we complete the braiding by passing the outer strands under the adjacent one and over the middle one, and then fix the ends with an elastic band.

- visual weaving diagram (on multi-colored ribbons)


❶ Divide the combed hair into five equal parts;

❷ We pass the outermost strand No. 1 under the adjacent No. 2, stretch it over the third;

❸ On the other side, we pass strand No. 4 under No. 5 and lay strand No. 3 on them;

❹ We have completed the first link of weaving. Again we number the strands from 1 to 5, repeat the same actions as in the previous paragraphs;

❺ We form all subsequent links of the pattern according to the given pattern and collect the free ends of the strands together with an elastic band.


In the photo: step-by-step instructions for weaving a braid of 5 strands


In the photo: hairstyles based on large braids


A neat head with an intricate pattern is a great option for any occasion. A five-strand braid looks very beautiful; it creates the illusion of thick hair. At first glance, the weaving pattern looks incredibly complicated, but for those who know what a spikelet is, the five-strand method will only cause a slight smile.

Preparatory stage

To create a masterpiece of curls you will need the following items:

  • comb (massage and fine);
  • elastic band for fixing the braid;
  • a spray bottle for moisturizing hair;
  • fixation agent.

At the first stage of weaving, you need to comb thoroughly.

If your hair is washed today and has a smooth, silky texture, it will be difficult to cope with water without liquid silk, dry shampoo or usually a spray bottle. A five-strand braid has one simple secret: the pieces should not get tangled or fluffy, so treat your hair using any of the above methods.


We suggest training your fingers on forming a braid from a ponytail, and only after successfully completing this stage, begin to create a five-strand hairstyle based on a French spikelet. Weaving instructions are as follows:

Responsible moment

We flashed a five-strand braid from the ponytail, it’s time to move on to a more complex option. Step-by-step weaving instructions will make your work as easy as possible:

Final stage

Secure the braid with an elastic band. If you wish, you can slightly extend the sides of the braid from the weave to visually make it thicker. Such a masterpiece of five strands looks much more solemn. It is recommended to get creative and decorate your hair with accessories, or beautifully style your braid into a snail, securing it with hairpins.