How to create a strong and happy family for a woman. How to create a good family

Husband, wife, children - is it always a family? This question is very easy to answer: of course not! Sometimes a family, and sometimes something like a boarding house where people come to eat and sleep. But how a real family differs from the abode of internal strangers is not so easy to answer. How to arrange family life correctly in order to ultimately create a happy family? Millions of people on earth are tormented by this problem.

A simple and, it seems to me, very deep thought was expressed by the writer Natalya Stremitina. She states: A family is strong only when a person is respected at home more than outside. Any person - both adults and children. That's when he really perceives his home as a fortress.

One of our major scientists, an academician physicist, once wrote that marriage belongs to self-destructive systems. The wisest thought! The gradual destruction of a family is not an exceptional phenomenon, but a normal one; it falls apart not through the fault or malice of one of the spouses, but simply because sooner or later everything on earth falls apart.

Do you want to prevent your house from collapsing? Repair it regularly, complete it, rebuild it, adapt it to changes and new situations. If you want to build a family life so that the family does not fall apart. Do not blame each other for all mortal sins, do not panic at the sight of a crack in the wall, but calmly repair it.

Dialogue from the play:

"- And I heard that true love is when one is suffocated by passion. - No. True love is when one is suffocated by tenderness. Life together requires gentleness, tolerance, complaisance. But how often do we orient young people towards this? Where is it! "

A journalist I know, who wrote about the Wedding Palace, once and one day asked ten brides the same question: why are you getting married? Nine girls answered almost identically, something like this: to be happy. The tenth said: to give happiness to her husband"

I'm afraid that out of all ten, she will be the only one happy...

I know a lot of men who have taken place in life and have achieved a lot. And almost all of them are similar in one thing: each has a strong, reliable home. And home for a man is, first of all, a woman. Not a wife, but a mother, or a sister, or a friend. Something that won't change. The one that won't change.

There are many peoples in the world, many customs, but, probably, all people dream of strength and strive for strength.

How to build a family life correctly

The French say: “The coal miner is the master of his own house.” The British express themselves even more clearly: “My home is my fortress.” In different countries, lovers are called “an army of two”: this small army stands back to back against all kinds of worries and misfortunes. Let it be an attic, let it be a basement, let it be a shack, but a fortress!

To arrange family life correctly, remember: even if in the whole world only two people need each other, but an army! Nothing is scary when there is a strong rear behind you, when you are sure that the beaten and wounded will not be abandoned, they will be carried to a shelter, and dragged to the hospital.

Well, what if there is discord, confusion or a fierce struggle for power in the army, if not each for the other, but each for himself? Then, perhaps, there is nothing to count on in life’s battles. Sometimes even experienced, skillful fighters were knocked out of the saddle by petty domestic betrayal.

No, a person cannot live without strength, neither a man nor a woman. But where to look for it? What to grab onto? What to hope for? What is strong in our fairly free family today?

Maybe a wedding celebration, an official ritual, signatures of spouses and witnesses on important documents? Alas, how many of our families are destroyed by the belief in the indelibility of this ink! The lovers are tender and attentive to each other, avoid quarrels - both are afraid of loss.

To arrange your family life correctly, learn to find compromises. Young spouses are another matter - here you can show your character. It seems to both that the hardest part is over, as the athletes say, the game is done - and here it has just begun, and unexpected stunning goals are flying into a poorly covered goal, past the confused goalkeepers...

If you want to build a family life filled with harmony and happiness, remember that all family members are bound by duty. But when the family begins to fall apart, go look for who owes whom and try to collect these debts!

So what can you expect? For love passion? But who can say what margin of safety a passion has? No one knows what kind of force suddenly throws us towards each other, no one knows why a powerful magnet suddenly stops working.

And yet there is something in life that one can safely hope for, that does not change, does not disappear, does not depend on the whims of the body, which, in my opinion, is higher than passion and higher than duty. I'm talking about human relationships.

Millions of people suffer from the fact that passion weakens over time. But nature has given us ample compensation: human relationships grow stronger over time. Where they lie in the foundation of the house, earthquakes are not dangerous.

What is a happy family based on?

The family is a small but complex state. All kinds of relationships are possible here: democracy, anarchy, enlightened absolutism, and even, unfortunately, despotism. However, this state is stable under one condition: if its form is adopted voluntarily. There is nothing sadder and more hopeless than a long, exhausting struggle for power.

Someone will probably win in the end. So what - will he be happy? Alas, here, as in Hemingway’s famous book, the winner gets nothing.

To arrange family life correctly, remember: a family is doomed where everyone resentfully and scandalously demands what was not given to them. After all, love is when I take care of you, and you take care of me. Love is not for egocentrics...

The magazine published my love story. There were many letters from readers, about a thousand. A neighbor, a first-year student, helped disassemble them.

Almost every third letter contained a confession: people talked about their problems, doubts, quarrels, breakups. They often asked for advice. The stories were different, the complaints against loved ones were different, the reasons for the disagreements were different.

My volunteer assistant read the letters with her forehead wrinkled and her young lips protruding in concentration.

I asked what she thought about all this. The girl was silent for about five minutes, and then expressed an idea that was extremely unexpected for me, and for her eighteen years old - downright fantastic. Looking over my head, she said thoughtfully and detachedly:

In my opinion, they all need to immerse themselves in everyday life and love each other.

I was taken aback. That is, how - in everyday life? Why - in everyday life? After all, it is known that love and life are irreconcilable enemies, that it is against the damned, murderous life that love boats are broken one after another...

I was ready to bring down all my bewilderments on my interlocutor’s head, but suddenly I remembered that my friend was not alone in her views on love: she had at least one ally, and a rather serious one at that.

Namely, the greatest Russian writer Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy.

Indeed, into what a deep, unkempt way of life the writer plunged his beloved heroine Natasha Rostova from War and Peace. Surely he didn’t wish her happiness! He wished and insisted in the epilogue of the novel that Natasha was happy, and not outside of everyday life, not in spite of everyday life - precisely in everyday life.

The classics are not gods either; it is not at all necessary to agree with any of their statements. But it's always worth thinking about. Don't we ourselves say that love is tested in trials? Don’t we swear to share all the difficulties with our loved one? Don't we strive to take on most of his burden?

Is there a test more difficult, a difficulty more severe, a burden heavier than everyday life? So, maybe this is the true test of love - not just to walk side by side through everyday life, but also to turn its burdens into joys?

Happy is the one who at least once in his life has heard: “I hate washing floors, but in your room...” Or: “I don’t like cutting wood, but for your stove...” Well, what is it anyway? - Love?

If you want to build a happy family life, remember: the eternal “terra incognita”, the unknown land, where every new inhabitant of the planet, whether he wants it or not, is still a discoverer, involuntarily Columbus? Maybe art, where everything is inspired? Or is it science, which has its own laws and rules, its own system of research and methods of victory? Perhaps both, and another, and a third.

The newcomer, for example, is always Columbus. How does he know what's over the horizon? Mainland or shallow, honor or shackles, worldwide fame or death in poverty? The future is closed for the newcomer. Alas, he rarely, almost by accident, stumbles upon his America.

The old saying goes: “First love is always unhappy.” Modern economists in such cases calmly state that this is the price for incompetence. And the fool is Columbus to the grave. Reckless, blind, funny sailor. His tenth ship goes down, and he begins to build the eleventh. Falls in love and falls in love. Well, aren't you a fool?..

And creative inspiration is a great thing in love. Because human relationships are also subject to the laws of art. With inspiration you can create a lot.

After all, how often unrequited love becomes mutual! Is the person lucky? Well, I do not. With his own hands, tears, patience, dedication, he created what he wanted. This is someone worth respecting! After all, it is sometimes more difficult than building a house.

How to create a happy family

Romantics will probably be offended, but love, alas, can also be perceived as a science. Not only “the science of tender passion, which Nazon sang,” but also something simpler, something purely everyday, at the level of elementary arithmetic.

To build a family life correctly, learn simple techniques and methods, it is quite possible to attract attention, arouse passion, jealousy, you can give, take away and give hope again. Sometimes it is possible to hold a simple-minded victim in your hands for quite a long time, deftly controlling his emotional impulses.

Newtons are not needed here, the count is within ten. How to sit down, how to stand up, how to turn away, how not to answer a letter, how to pull up a skirt, how to hug another or smile at another in time... A person who has thoroughly mastered this cybernetics of parties and discos rarely remains unloved: someone gets hit by shrapnel charge on the receiver of the collected charm.

If you want to create a happy family, remember love. He does not remain unloved, but he lives unloved. It is still unknown what is worse. It's a lousy thing to muzzle your own soul all your life... So what is love? The science? Art? Columbus Trail on the water?

It's not a matter of wording, it's a matter of the paths in life that everyone chooses for themselves. Which way is safer - this can probably be calculated. Well, who will live brighter and richer... They say that first love is always unhappy. Are you willing to throw it out of your memory?

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In this article we will talk to you about 5 rules for successful cooperation that will allow you to be happy in your marriage and create a strong and happy family!

In relationships, it is important to know the axioms, rules, laws; they are not just invented, but serve as guidelines along which we can move. We say that there must be respect for both yourself and your partner - this is an axiom.

If there is no respect, it is useless to build any relationship. If I don’t respect my partner, this will permeate all my actions, all my words, and disrespect for my partner comes from disrespect for myself. By respecting ourselves, we see and appreciate what we love our partner for, this is the platform of our life.

5 golden rules of cooperation in couples!

Often in personal relationships we compete, compete, and decide all the time who is in charge. To prevent this from happening, it is important to follow several important rules of cooperation:

#1 - Never compare yourself to your partner!

On the one hand, comparison gives us objective moments of knowledge, but the “good-bad” scale very often subordinates everything to itself, then it is very difficult to break into productive relationships. If you notice that you are comparing yourself with your partner, move away from this comparison.

#2 - Admire the fact that you are so different!

It’s great, for example, that you are a very fast person, and your partner is very slow, you feel good together, because you learn to take a break, and your partner is charged with energy from you. Most often, we choose a partner for ourselves as compensation; we see something very valuable in him and learn from it.

If we admire what is different about our partner, we enrich ourselves all the time. Find qualities that you don't have, but that you really like. Those qualities that create the opportunity to be close to your partner are what you value him for.

#3 - Help your partner become successful.

Give it your best shot. Support everything your partner comes up with, suggest some ideas if he doesn’t mind, show his strengths, talk about them. It is very important to be interested in your partner’s work, everything that saturates his life, do it consciously and know that you are helping him become successful. Read more about how to save a relationship.

#4 – Recognize that sometimes it’s more important to you to be right than to be together and maintain intimacy in your relationship.

This is a deep phrase. Every time we fight to be right, we sacrifice the feeling and feeling that we are together. What do you emphasize when proving something? If you want to be together, you must always be in search of something that unites you!!

Ask yourself the question more often: “What am I doing now? Do I want to be right or do I want to be together?”

Being together does not mean sacrificing your priorities and interests, it is a search for a state when you will feel good together. Believe that it is important to be together, focus on it!

#5 – Practice telling your partner “you’re right” when you mean it.

You can say “you’re right, of course,” but with such an intonation, such a tone that no one will need your confession. The ability to agree is fifty percent of a good, sincere relationship, when you know how to say “yes” within yourself.

It all starts with the parents. If you and your parents can say: “Yes, Mommy, you’re right,” then you can easily agree in partnerships. Think about how easy it is for you to do this for parents and transfer that ease, if any, into your partnership.

It is extremely important for every person to hear this phrase: “You are right!”

This creates a feeling of comfort and security in a person. If they agree with us, we have a feeling of security inside us, if they argue with us all the time, if they contradict us all the time, they improve us all the time, our level of anxiety increases.

When you practice telling your partner “you're right”, “I agree”, he will easily relax. You can find different reasons for this; it is not the scale that is important, but the action itself, when we agree with at least something.

There is a wonderful phrase: “The less we know what we need to do, the more we know what others need to do.”

If you notice how often you tell others what to do, you will realize that it is at this moment that you yourself are at a loss, not knowing what you need to do. We need to shift the emphasis from telling others how to live to ourselves.

There are no situations when someone is right and someone is wrong; there is always an element of rightness in both. If we remember this, strive for this, respect and see this, then everything will be much easier.

Excerpt from the training “5 Golden Steps to Happy Relationships”

Family relations expert.

Everyone dreams of strong family - such that for life. However, divorce statistics show that not everyone is able to create such a family.

To do this, you need to have a strong character, be reasonable, smart and always remember that you can destroy any union in a few minutes, but creating a new one is very difficult - it may take your whole life.

How to create a strong family and what is necessary for your relationship to be almost ideal and long-lasting?

1. Basic Rule strong family maintain love and respect for each other under any circumstances. Never allow yourself to break this rule. If you have chosen a life partner, it means that you treat him with kindness, understanding, respect and love.

2. Know how to quarrel. Don’t even think that you will be able to avoid conflicts; no family can do without clarification of relationships and quarrels. The main thing is to be able to put up correctly and draw conclusions. Give each other a chance to cool down and talk calmly. Always assess the situation soberly. After all, in a fit of anger, you can say too much, and then it will be difficult to forget the harsh words spoken.

3. Know how to forgive. There are no ideal men or ideal women; everyone makes some mistakes in their lives. Therefore, if you want to save your family and make it even stronger, then learn to understand and forgive.

4. Know how to turn a blind eye to shortcomings. Are you tired of your significant other not clearing the dishes from the table, are you constantly telling them how and where things should be put? Think about what costs you more - shouting and sorting things out, or just cleaning and washing the dishes, putting things back in their place? Learn to ignore some of your partner's shortcomings. Believe me, he also turns a blind eye to many things. Be more lenient.

5. Respect your chosen one's family. Whatever your relationship with your significant other’s relatives, always remember that these people raised and educated your love, they gave him a lot. The main advantage in the life of married couples is the ability to endure.

And if you want yours Friendly family there was also strong, then you need to work both on yourself and on your relationships. Learn to love, respect, understand and forgive your soulmate!

A strong family is a happy family.

What does a happy family look like?

Firstly, this is a positive emotional background. That is, spouses should experience joy from communication and a desire to be together, they should be satisfied with each other and with themselves. And the inner feeling of self-satisfaction is very important here. After all, dissatisfaction with oneself has a detrimental effect on harmonious relationships.

In order for a positive emotional background to reign in the family, you clearly need to distribute responsibilities among yourself and fulfill them, as well as use factors such as recognition, encouragement, and respect for each other’s values.

Secondly, follow the principle: “The husband is the head, and the wife is the neck!” Men have a more straightforward mindset. Therefore, clarity and straightforwardness are important for them. And a woman has a better developed intuition, she notices everything, sees everything, observes everything, and also feels many things. Therefore, a wife who is always aware of events must be the neck to turn her head in the right direction in time.

Third, do not forget that a happy family is not luck, not fate, but the painstaking, deep, constant work of two people. And it should be based on the following rules:

1. Believing in your soulmate

When you got married, did you believe that you had chosen the best man in the world? I think yes. Then try to carry this faith throughout your entire family life. If you begin to doubt this, your happiness will begin to erode.

2. Purity in behavior

This is not only the absence of physical betrayal, but also flirting. Here I would like to continue the previous rule. If a wife admits the thought that she would be happier with another man, then she will subconsciously look for this option in every man.

3. Understanding your calling and role in the family

Remember that a woman's strength lies in her ability to love. And to love means:
- respect;
- take care;
- care;
- read;
- listen;
- remain faithful;
- inspire;
- satisfy;
- feed.
If a woman understands and accepts these components of the concept of “love”, she is doomed to happiness.

4. Reason prevails over emotions

Do you know how to resolve family issues without disputes, conflicts, reproaches, insults, manipulations, disagreements, bickering, but with the help of affection, love and harmony? If yes, peace and tranquility will always reign in your home. Remember that two things make a man happy: when he is listened to and when he is respected. This means that he is loved.

5. Openness to your husband

It is very important to learn to discuss your problems with your husband, and not with your girlfriends. This will strengthen and deepen the relationship. Involve your husband in everything that worries you, worries you, makes you happy: thoughts, ideas, doubts, fears. And do not demand reciprocity from your other half; for a man this is a sign of weakness. He cannot tell everything that is in his heart.

6. Don’t wash dirty linen in public

Do not tell your friends or relatives the details of your family life. Your family is your fortress, protect and take care of it!

These are the simple answers to the question: “ How to create a strong family? " If you have anything to add, write in the comments.

Family relationships are of particular importance today, when under the pressure of society, employers, and life circumstances, it is so difficult for a person to find himself, to love and be loved. All people have a “hard-wired”, “programmed” desire to live in a family from birth. The family is an absolute value, which is why it is so important to be able to build and preserve it correctly.

The importance of long-term relationships

If we accept as a fact that all people living on the planet are like the cells of a large organism influencing each other, it becomes obvious that happy and unhappy families influence the happiness of other people. The same principle works here as the other one on which our body is built: if at least one organ is sick, a person cannot be absolutely happy. To be healthy, he must maintain the health of all organs of his body. Likewise, the health of society and family is impossible if at least one of their members feels unwell.

Long-term relationships are important for everyone involved. On the one hand, they help each partner reveal their best qualities. On the other hand, by revealing his talents and virtues, a person turns into a “philosopher’s stone”, touching which turns everything into gold, that is, when interacting with him, other people begin to feel better and happier.

But long-term relationships are impossible if the people in them:

  • communicate by hurting each other;
  • they criticize a lot and unreasonably;
  • show jealousy;
  • strive to control everything;
  • they condemn, offend and are offended themselves.

When people behave this way, relationships are destroyed, destroying those who are trying to build them, causing pain and offending. Many people do the above things automatically, without noticing it themselves - they are so familiar with it. While the ability to say kind words, praise, and put off a conversation that can hurt requires effort.

Therefore, for relationships to last long, people must develop and learn to be softer, warmer and more understanding of those they love. Family life is the work of two, but over time it requires less and less effort and brings more and more fruit.

What to discuss before the wedding

Modern couples, when deciding to get married, are most often overwhelmed by dreams of what pleasure awaits them ahead and how marriage will make them happy, fulfilling their desires and solving their problems. But for a marriage to be successful, you need to think about other, less romantic things before entering into it. Entering into marriage based only on feelings is very risky and short-sighted.

Each person gains his own experience in the process of life. He looks at his parents' family, at those families that surround him. On this basis, he builds a picture of an ideal family in his head, and then strives to recreate it in reality. It is rare for those getting married to compare their pictures of an ideal family, so it soon turns out that they, as in the fable about the swan, the crayfish and the pike, are pulling the family cart in different directions.

If lovers want to live a conscious life and be together for many years, and not just hang out at a beautiful wedding and receive gifts, they need to ask each other questions. The Vedas recommend clarifying the following before the wedding:

  • coincidence or divergence of ideas about spiritual practice and the need to perform it;
  • desire to have children;
  • who will play the role of breadwinner and whether the second spouse will work;
  • a place where a young family will live and raise children in the future;
  • how close the relationship with relatives is planned, and also what the relatives on both sides are like;
  • views on raising children;
  • coincidence of views on religion, as well as on what religion the intended children will be.

It is on these issues that young spouses most often have differences of opinion. The desire to have children of one of the lovers may be met with the reluctance of the other, relatives may seek to destroy a young family, and conflicts on religious grounds may cross out the future of the couple. It is much better to discuss everything in advance and know exactly what life awaits both spouses in marriage.

Raising a family is a very important step that can change the lives of at least two people, both for the better and for the worse.

Maintaining Harmony in Marriage

For marriage to allow a woman to realize herself through femininity, and a man through masculinity, their relationship must be based on harmony. If spouses feel out of place, they are unlikely to be happy with each other, which will inevitably lead to conflicts and quarrels.

To prevent this from happening, you need to remember the rules that allow you to keep the masculine principle in harmony with the feminine:

  1. You need to inspire your spouse to show their true nature. This means that each person in the family must fulfill their responsibilities according to their gender. In order for a husband to be a leader in the family, bear responsibility and be the personification of masculinity, the wife must praise him for these qualities and inspire him to demonstrate them, asking for help and support. For a wife to be feminine, the husband must be able to create conditions for her to demonstrate this: protect and protect, surround her with love and be attentive.
  2. Responsibilities in the family must be distributed correctly. This means that a man must be the breadwinner, protector, and leader; his task is to provide the family with material goods, make important decisions and bear responsibility for them, and take care of the comfort of each family member. A woman plays the role of the keeper of the hearth, so she is responsible for the comfort and beauty of the house, delicious food, and care for all household members.
  3. In a family, everyone should feel unconditionally loved, which can only be achieved in a family. Neither friends, nor employer, nor society can offer a person such love. Therefore, in marriage, people should give each other the right to make mistakes, remaining patient and providing all the necessary support. In such conditions, the motivation to change for the better is the spiritual gratitude that a person feels towards the people who love him.

Of course, spouses should always keep their hearts open to each other's love and teach their children the same. This helps in knowing and accepting each other. By showing love, being supportive, speaking kind words, and forgiving mistakes, people prolong their feelings and strengthen their marriage.

Who is more important: spouse or children?

Often people get married because they feel the need to have children. But children should not be an incentive to start or maintain a family life. Love for your spouse should be paramount; children are not the cornerstone or foundation on which a marriage stands. We can say with complete confidence that for a husband, his wife should be more important than children, and for a wife, her husband.

The foundation of any relationship is two people, in a family these are spouses. It was thanks to the love that once arose between them that they subsequently gave birth to children. And in order for marriage to continue to bring joy and happiness to everyone after the birth of children, spouses must protect its sacredness.

To do this you need:

  • explain to children that every day parents should have time to communicate only with each other;
  • show attention to the spouse not only as the father of the children, but as a beloved husband, and to the wife - not only as the mother of common children, but also as a beloved wife;
  • maintain the same spiritual intimacy and love that was at the beginning of the relationship;
  • find common interests other than those related to raising children.

At some point, the younger generation will grow up and begin to fly away from their parents' nest. This moment usually turns out to be painful for all families, because then the spouses discover that they have forgotten how to communicate with each other, have lost common interests and no longer have anything in common. To prevent this from happening, the husband and wife must not only take care of their growing children, but also remain sensitive and loving towards each other.

Why do families fall apart?

Despite the feelings that initially hold all marriages together, divorce is becoming an increasingly common ending. Statistical data based on research by Russian sociologists is depressing - up to 80% of families break up. To prevent this from happening, you need to be able to properly build relationships within the “unit of society.”

First of all, a family is always the self-realization of each of its members. No one should put themselves on the altar and sacrifice themselves. When a marriage is subordinated to meeting the needs of only one person, the other quickly gets bored and prefers to get a divorce and find someone who will make him feel loved.

Getting married does not mean giving up your spiritual path or life aspirations. Love should not become a prison in which one of the lovers cannot develop as a person and personality. On the contrary, relationships should help people find themselves, understand their purpose and move towards their desires. To stay together for a long time, partners must learn to hear each other and show care through deeds.

Divorce can also happen when a husband or wife has been silent about their true needs and desires for many years and, as a result, does not receive their fulfillment. To prevent this from happening, you need to learn to communicate with each other. Through communication you can express your feelings and show love. If people stop sharing their secrets and showing concern for each other, very soon the feelings will disappear into everyday life.

A family needs to be built correctly, and then preserved. Only then will it be possible to avoid mistakes and crises that can lead to the destruction of feelings and marriage. To love means not only to live next to a person, but also to wish him the greatest happiness.

Looking at happy married couples, many do not even suspect that such an idyll is achieved through significant work put in by both spouses. The annually increasing number of divorces can confirm the fact that maintaining strong family relationships today is quite a difficult task.

Therefore, before tying yourself to marriage, you should decide on your readiness for many difficulties that will undoubtedly arise after the end of the wedding march. But with the help of some simple tips you can significantly improve family relationships.

Leading psychologists, who are daily faced with solving various family problems with which desperate patients come to them, highlight several secrets of a happy marriage:

  • Partners must trust each other. Trust is the foundation without which it is almost impossible to build strong family relationships. In the modern world it is extremely difficult to trust anyone, but if you decide to marry a certain person and are ready to live with him until the end of your days, all doubts should be driven away. You will need a psychological attitude that cannot be violated at moments when even fleeting doubts arise. If you trust a person, it should always be this way, regardless of the situation.
  • Down with nitpicking! Unfortunately, today many men associate family life with constant reproaches and nagging from their spouse. It is not surprising that the number of registered marriages decreases every year. Nagging has its origins in the common female desire to correct her significant other. This is a huge mistake that can only lead to the development of hatred in the spouse. Marriage involves the union of two people who are ready to be with each other, despite the negative qualities of each (and believe me, everyone has these!).
  • Don't skimp on praising your other half. The negative side of long-term relationships is that over time, everything begins to be taken for granted. At every stage of the relationship, it is extremely important to maintain respect for each other's work, efforts and efforts, which can be shown with ordinary gratitude or praise. It is recommended to praise ordinary things, for example, a deliciously prepared dinner, showing signs of attention. Believe me, a few words a day can change a lot in a relationship.

  • You need to forget forever about the important mission of changing your other half. As psychological practice shows, it is precisely such actions that often become the reasons for divorce. Every person deserves personal happiness while remaining themselves. Don't deprive each other of this pleasant opportunity.
  • The importance of small courtesies. It is noted that it is the regular provision of signs of attention that does not allow the relationship to fade away. In this case, we are not talking about daily gifts, because pleasant emotions can be provided by a simpler manifestation of attention (coffee in bed, arrangement of a small family holiday).
  • You need to initially tune in to constantly work on yourself. A happy marriage is possible only in conditions of equal participation of both parties who are ready to work on themselves, learn from mistakes and make concessions. Therefore, if you want to create a truly happy family, do not stop at minor obstacles.

Many will agree with the opinion that it is from the woman that family happiness begins, therefore much in marriage depends directly on the attitude and role of the wife. Practicing psychologists recommend that all women aiming for a happy marriage:

  • Never lose faith in your husband. From the very beginning to the end, you need to have no doubt that your choice fell on the most wonderful man. The loss of this faith necessarily leads to a loss of respect and interest in the husband. To avoid this, you should drive away thoughts about the possibilities of creating happier family relationships with another person, which may arise against the backdrop of protracted turmoil in the family.
  • Do not deviate from correct behavior. Not only physical betrayal, but also the most common flirting can destroy family relationships. If a woman allows herself such behavior, which at first glance may seem absolutely harmless, it means that on a subconscious level she continues to search for a man in order to create more successful family relationships.
  • You need to understand your role in the family and follow it. You should come to terms with the fact that most of a man’s happiness lies in matters that do not in any way belong to the family category. Men are initially aimed at being the breadwinner in the family. A woman will have to fulfill a slightly different role, which consists in arranging a family home and supporting the family. Only under conditions of natural distribution of roles will all family members be happy.

Love each other and be happy!