How to ask how life is, how are you doing. How to show your ex that you are moving on. The best interesting options

The long-awaited decision to talk to the lady of your heart... I want everything to go perfectly, so the dialogue needs to be thought through from start to finish. The chance of meeting in real life will directly depend on how interesting the guy seems to be an interlocutor for the girl.

A woman is an alien creature, sometimes illogical, she needs to be surprised, conquered and conquered.

To interest a girl at the correspondence stage, you need to carefully prepare.

Top 100 questions in correspondence to ask a girl and interest her!


  1. Which superhero do you identify with?
  2. Would you like to become twice as rich or twice as smart?
  3. What action will you never repeat?
  4. What makes you nervous?
  5. What habit do you want to give up?
  6. Who knows more about you than yourself?
  7. Where would you like to go on a trip with friends?
  8. Returning to the past, what would you warn yourself and others about?
  9. What movie stuck with you?
  10. What is the most frustrating thing in the world?
  11. Are ideal people a myth or reality?
  12. What song inspires good deeds?
  13. If rest, is it active or passive?
  14. At what age did you feel most comfortable?
  15. Are you able to take the first step towards reconciliation if you were wrong?
  16. Can you forgive mistakes?
  17. What charity would you head?
  18. Which celebrity do you dream of trading places with?
  19. Which literary character reminds you of yourself?
  20. What character traits in men are repulsive?
  21. How can you gain the trust of others?
  22. What signs do you believe in?
  23. What's the worst incident in your life?
  24. What gift of fate do you dream of?
  25. What song is impossible to listen to?
  26. If you became a man for 1 day, where would you go first?
  27. Do you feel dependent on the opinions of the crowd?
  28. What do you prefer: a private house or an apartment?
  29. If you wrote music, would it be happy or sad?
  30. Is it easy for you to ruin your mood?
  31. What kind of man should be next to you?
  32. What programs do you watch with interest?
  33. What should all people think about first?
  34. Do you feel like heaven with your sweetheart in a hut?
  35. What do your parents always praise you for?
  36. Is there a story that your friends always remind you of?
  37. What little things catch your eye?
  38. What motto do you go through life with?
  39. If someone decides to write a book about you, what will they call it?
  40. Who do you go to with your problems?
  41. Are you a leader or a follower?
  42. In whose surroundings do you see yourself in old age?
  43. What time of year attracts you the most?
  44. The most incredible disappointment in your life?
  45. Do you prefer to walk or drive one stop?
  46. How does rain make you feel?
  47. The main thing is the gift or attention?
  48. Has a miracle ever happened to you?
  49. Which politician is your idol?
  50. What action are you most proud of?
  51. Do you listen to outside advice?
  52. What have you learned from your experience?
  53. What animal is similar to you in character?
  54. Have you ever had to sacrifice something for another person?
  55. What is the main quality you look for in people?
  56. What helps you take your mind off problems and routine?
  57. What holiday do you always look forward to more than others?
  58. Can others call you generous, sincere, kind?
  59. How often do you want to say “no” but say “yes”?
  60. What makes life so much easier?
  61. Where do you see yourself in 15 years?
  62. How often do you make excuses?
  63. Is it easy to part with the past, with what you should have abandoned long ago?
  64. What is he like, a true friend?
  65. What does it mean to live to the fullest?
  66. Do you feel happy?
  67. What might cause you to quit what you started?
  68. Is it okay to steal to feed a homeless child?
  69. Which movie might your life be similar to?
  70. If your worst fear came true now, would it matter a year from now?
  71. How often are you late?
  72. Is it possible to judge a person by their first impression?
  73. What is stopping you from achieving your goal?
  74. How old do you want to get married?
  75. Would you be able to become a good psychologist?
  76. Do you have a signature dish?
  77. Have you ever experienced betrayal?
  78. Do you live one day at a time or do you carefully plan your future?
  79. What book do you never get tired of?
  80. What have you not realized yourself in yet?
  81. Have you ever witnessed injustice and remained silent?
  82. What do you like more: a bath or a shower?
  83. Has a mystical story ever happened to you?
  84. What would you like to be bolder about?
  85. What dreams have you achieved?
  86. What must happen for you to break the Law?
  87. Who is allowed to criticize you?
  88. What were you thinking about when you decided to choose your profession?
  89. What is an ideal family like?
  90. In what ways can I emulate you?
  91. What is better: earning a lot or devoting your life to what you love?
  92. Do you have phobias?
  93. Is it possible to enter the same river twice?
  94. Who is your absolute authority?
  95. How long can a long distance relationship last?
  96. What are you grateful to God for?
  97. What qualities should an ideal wife have?
  98. How often do you violate your principles?
  99. Are you a lucky person or do you achieve everything through hard work?
  100. Who are you according to your zodiac sign?

Questions to ask when dating online to get to know her better...

Ask a girl on VKontakte

  1. Your photos are always full of children. Do you work in a kindergarten?
  2. Would you like to change something about your appearance?
  3. How do you react when someone asks you to meet someone on the street?
  4. Judging by the photo, do you like to relax in nightclubs?
  5. What was the last movie you saw in the cinema?
  6. Aren't you afraid to meet people on VKontakte?
  7. What is your favorite vacation spot in your hometown?
  8. Do you often experiment with your appearance?
  9. Would you marry a man who is much older or younger?
  10. What does your work mean to you?
  11. Would you like to return to your student years?
  12. Do you agree with the statement that a pet looks like its owner?
  13. What attracts you to Akhmatova’s work?
  14. Who inspires you?
  15. There is so much different music on your playlist! Do you have a favorite artist?
  16. Do you build bridges or walls in communication?
  17. Do you know how to drive or are you just learning?
  18. Is your VKontakte status a motto or just a favorite phrase?
  19. Is your hobby just a hobby or is this how you make money?
  20. What do you remember about the past year?

What to ask a girl on ICQ?

  1. What film do you consider to be the pinnacle of cinematic art?
  2. Are you as emotional in real life as you are in correspondence?
  3. Are bad habits a personal matter for everyone?
  4. What would you like to learn from people from other countries?
  5. Who is your role model?
  6. How to resolve a dispute if both believe they are right?
  7. What takes up most of your time?
  8. Does the Internet help or hinder your life?
  9. Which sport is closer in spirit?
  10. What can make you hysterical?
  11. Why give people gifts?
  12. Do you like surprises or planned events?
  13. How to make friends with the enemy?
  14. Are you superstitious or do you think these are old wives' tales?
  15. Have you ever had to start your life from scratch?
  16. How to overcome your own laziness?
  17. If you caught a goldfish, what would you ask it for?
  18. Where to spend a vacation that will be remembered for a lifetime?
  19. Do you often do rash things?
  20. What gift would shock you?

Ask a girl on a dating site

  1. Who instilled in you an impeccable sense of style?
  2. Is it possible to arrange your personal life using a dating site?
  3. What are your sources of inspiration?
  4. How many men have you driven crazy with just one look?
  5. Do you believe in love at a distance?
  6. Are you getting the most out of life?
  7. Who is better to celebrate a birthday with: friends, parents, significant other?
  8. What can make your day?
  9. How to intrigue a girl with one phrase?
  10. What should a person be proud of?
  11. What quality can you boast of?
  12. What sets you apart from other girls?
  13. What music reflects your usual state?
  14. What does the most beautiful girl on the site dream about?
  15. How to make a person happy?
  16. How much time do you devote to your parents?
  17. Would you like to go on a trip around the world?
  18. Do I need to get a second education?
  19. Why do girls always hide their age, even if they look younger?
  20. What superpower would you never give up?

What to ask in the morning by phone or SMS?

  1. Will we see each other today?
  2. When I woke up, I immediately thought about you... What were your thoughts about?
  3. What will you be doing today?
  4. How are you planning to spend the evening? Maybe we can have dinner?
  5. Let's wake up together tomorrow? The thought of not being with you is unbearable.
  6. What can I please you with today?
  7. Can I come visit? I'll be with a cake and flowers!
  8. When will you indulge me with your presence?
  9. What did the most wonderful girl on the planet dream about?
  10. What time can we pick you up next time?
  11. How are you?

What should you ask about her (personal) when you first meet?

  1. What would you like to name your son?
  2. Would you be able to tell a stranger about your problems?
  3. What fashion do you not understand?
  4. Will you believe a chronic liar if he admits to lying and promises to tell only the truth from now on?
  5. Do you have any talent?
  6. Which people annoy you the most?
  7. What will you be nostalgic about in old age?
  8. What makes you smile?
  9. Why can you fall in love with a person at first sight?
  10. What would you like to learn?
  11. Top 3 things that you always have with you?
  12. What style of clothing do you prefer?
  13. What would be your reaction if I showed up on a date dressed as Shrek?
  14. Do you like to cook?
  15. What can you never part with?

If you have nothing to ask on a date: what should you talk about to keep the conversation going?

When the conversation has reached a dead end, you need to break up the awkward pause with a joke: “Who would you like to bribe so that the topics of conversation never end?” The phrase will defuse the situation and make the interlocutor smile. If the girl turns out to be a big prude and she doesn’t have an answer to the question, you need to ask about her plans for the future.

Universal topics to keep the conversation going– travel (where I would like to spend my vacation), favorite vacation spots, books, films, happy memories from my school/student years, why I chose my profession.

The main thing is not to make the girl blush by asking about past relationships that didn’t work out, or about something secret and intimate (chronic illnesses, skeletons in the closet).

If the interlocutor is open enough, perhaps she will talk about her cherished dream.

On a date you can fantasize:“What century would you like to live in and why? Where would you spend a million?” You can’t let a girl get bored, otherwise the second date may not happen.

How to ask anonymously or vulgarly?

Frank questions is a powerful tool for seduction, but you still need to learn how to use it. They must be asked on time in order to count on the continuation of the relationship.

There are at least 3 rules that should be followed:

  • The first is the achievement of trusting relationships. You can’t ask about secrets “head-on”. Immediately the questions should be unobtrusive, with elements of flirting, trickery, and only then intimate.
  • The second rule is the identification of taboo topics. Leading questions will help identify them. If everything works out with the lady, rule number 2 will make your sex life together bright and rich.
  • The third rule is that everyone has their own degree of emancipation, which means you need to be able to choose the right question for a girl based on her demeanor and communication style. The only help here is personal experience. We need to prepare the ground and relax the interlocutor. You always need to develop the topic, and not “load” with questions from the list.

Girls love confident, moderately arrogant guys, but a feeling of confidence is always an acquired feeling, and it comes with experience. Once you learn how to ask vulgar questions correctly, you can easily get out of the friend zone.

How to ask a girl in an original way: “How are you?”

When your imagination is at zero, but you still want to surprise a girl, you need to use your entire arsenal

In the modern Russian language there is an emerging trend according to which the phrase “how are you?” refers to a speech etiquette formula. It's easy to explain. When addressing a person with the words “how are you?”, we do not want to receive a detailed answer about how his life is currently going in different areas; most likely, we are simply expressing our sympathetic attitude. Therefore, the answers are usually short - good, not bad, everything is fine. In some countries, people who ask the question “how are you?” don’t even bother to wait for an answer. However, if you are really concerned about a person’s state of affairs, but are tired, like a parrot, of repeating the same thing day after day, we offer you alternative options for how to ask “how are you?” in an original way.

the great and mighty Russian language

In the Russian language there are a lot of options with which you can diversify the same question. Here are some of them:

  • How are you doing?
  • What's up?
  • How are you?
  • well, how are you?
  • Everything is fine?
  • what's new?
  • how is it going?
  • how is it?

The phrase "how are you?" in different languages ​​of the world

If you want, you can show off your knowledge and ask a question that interests you in a foreign language. It will be very original. You can even use a new language every day.

In English

  • How are you? [how a yu] - literally: how are you?


  • Comment vas tu? [komon wa chu] - literally: how are you doing?
  • comment allez vous? [komon talevu] - literally: how is it going with you?

Remember that the stress in French is on the last syllable. Well, and the most informal phrase: ça va? [sa wa]

In German

  • Wie geht"s? [wie gates]

In Spanish

  • What do you think? [como estas]

In Italian

  • Come stay? [kome stay]

In Polish

  • Jak sie masz? [yak shi mash]

In Vietnamese

  • bạn thế nào? [ban tae nao]

other methods

In the end, you can always ask a person how he feels, whether he needs your help, how the previous day went, how his mood is. This will serve as a replacement for the boring phrase. In addition, you can always ask what happened if you see that a person has changed his face.

If, on the contrary, you have not seen a person for a long time and want to be original when meeting, you can say this: “You have changed. Perhaps your life has too?” Or vice versa: “You haven’t changed. What about your life?”

Remember, even if you don’t find the inspiration to come up with original phrases, even a banal “how are you?” better than silence.

Question: How are you? - they are often asked not in order to really find out about your affairs, but simply as a formal continuation of the greeting. For example, such dialogue during a meeting is considered the norm:

  • Hi, how are you?
  • Fine and you?
  • Yes, nothing either.

And if you do not have a close relationship with this person, then your explanations and listings of all the events from your life will seem inappropriate to him. He just wanted to say hello and nothing more. And I didn’t expect to spend half an hour instead of three seconds.

How to answer the question how are you in an original and humorous way?

But if you answer him in a special way, then perhaps he will want to listen. And first of all it is humor. For example, to the question - How are you? - you answer:

  • Oh, this is not business, but a whole vaudeville!
  • Better not ask - you still won’t believe it!
  • Oh, there were things to do, but now there is net capital!
  • Yes, business gives good profits.
  • Oh, this is not a case, but a whole novel!
  • You can live with things like this!
  • You won't get bored with things like this!
  • Just like in a fairy tale, only there is no magic!
  • I don’t look for things, they find me themselves!
  • I guess I'll ignore your question!
  • The answer is simple - you won’t envy it!
  • I don't have enough words to describe what is happening!
  • I haven't died yet, I'm alive!
  • With your prayers, I prosper!
  • It's ok, but I wish it was better!
  • The children don’t seem to be starving, they’re all in bunches!
  • Not business, but business! The cases are with the prosecutor!

And so on. And the point is not to start telling some story, but to intrigue him. That is, nothing concrete, but there is something. The person will remember your answer, he will reproduce it in his memory again and again, rack his brain, what is this going on with you? In general, you can become an interesting person in the eyes of others. Everyone is used to the dullness, and then suddenly something happens. The main thing is not to repeat yourself.

Why do you need original answers?

In order to stand out, to look in the eyes of others as some special, creative person who has interesting events happening in his life.

The thing is that many people are used to complaining about life:

  • They raised the salary - not enough.
  • They raised prices - bad.
  • We were treated in the hospital, but it was expensive.
  • I graduated from university and still don’t have a job.

And everything is fine and positive with you. Every schoolchild already knows that thoughts are material. And your verbal forms will return to you. Never in a conversation complain about life, health, salary, wife, mother-in-law, and so on. People try to avoid whiners and complainers. But humor and positivity are drawn to you like a magnet. Everyone wants to drink from a fountain of positive energy.

And if a person is not original, then what to do?

It seems so to you - nature does not have bad weather, and every person is original from birth. You just don’t have to suppress what makes you different from others. There is no need to force your conversation - just try to speak frankly and from the heart. Mentally imagine your interlocutor in a good mood, healthy and cheerful - and the person will feel it. At the level of subtle energy. He himself will not understand why it was easy for him to talk to you, but his soul will remember this feeling. The whole world is energy and we can share it with each other. And if scientists have not yet proven this, it is only because knowledge is endless and discoveries can be made for millions, billions of years.

The most common question we hear every day is how are you? Most often the answer sounds banal and primitive, the main thing is to give it. But you can always answer this question creatively and funny, pleasing your interlocutor. Even with the help of standard answers, you can talk about your business politely and succinctly. The phrase “Normal” is the most common and standard.

How to answer the question how are you?

When everything is good with you, you can answer the question with a couple of phrases: “Okay, how are you?”, this way you can prolong the dialogue with your interlocutor and show your interest.

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How to answer the question how are you with humor?

Anyone can answer the question of how are you in an original way. You can tell your friends or family about your affairs with humor, but certain limits must be observed. You can answer with humor with phrases such as “Yes, I haven’t given birth yet,” or “The prosecutor’s business.”

It is necessary to feel the line between sarcasm and humor so as not to offend a person. Only a very close person should respond with a joke, who will take it correctly.

How can you answer a guy in an original way?

How to answer the question of how a guy is doing in an original and interesting way is the main question of all women. You want to answer a man in an unusual and cool way to attract his attention.

For example, you can start with a simple answer and add a little of your feelings at the end, how you miss or are glad to communicate with him. You can also answer a guy funny and win him over with your sense of humor.

How to answer a girl’s question how are you in an interesting and witty way?

To answer a girl’s question, how are you, you need to think and give a non-standard answer.

If a girl is interested in your life, then you play an important role in it, so she expects an original answer from you, for example, you can tell her what happened to you that day or tell her your plans. It is best to speak sincerely and in a friendly manner so as not to offend her.

How to answer the question how are you in English and creatively

You can answer a question in English about how you are doing very creatively. The phrase “Fine, thanks” will let your interlocutor know that you are in a good mood. The phrase “Could be better” will be optimal if things are not going smoothly in your life right now. In English you can answer about life in general without going into details.

What's a cool way to respond to your ex?

How can you answer the question of how your ex is doing? Every girl wants to know, because everyone wants to leave some kind of trace and attract attention. You can answer boldly, but competently, without getting personal, talk about your success on the personal front, or inquire about his life without you.

You can also answer not rudely, but in a criminal way, in order to hurt feelings. The easiest way is to tell the ex-boyfriend that everything is fine and end the dialogue.

Beautiful and unusual answer to the man you like

You can beautifully and wittily answer a question to a young man for whom you feel sympathy in a mysterious form. There may be flirting in the answer, but be sure to leave a secret after the answer that will attract the young man.

For example: “It would be better if you were there and helped me..”, such an answer will intrigue the guy, and he will want to know what his help is needed with.

What to answer to a stranger?

You need to answer a stranger’s question about how you are doing with restraint and succinctly. In this case, jokes and sarcasm are inappropriate; it is enough to simply state the fact without going into the details of your life.

If you are interested in the interlocutor, then you can inquire about his life and continue the dialogue, but if you do not want to continue communication, then you need to politely negate the continuation of the conversation. The answer “Thank you, everything is fine” will be the most appropriate in a dialogue with a stranger.

Do you often ask your friends how they are doing? I think yes. However, you get the same question in return, perhaps even more often. Sometimes such a question is not at all appropriate, and sometimes the person who is interested in your affairs is not part of your circle of trust, and accordingly, you will not tell them about events in your life.

The most common question is “How are you?” occurs during a pause or while maintaining a conversation and is nothing more than a note of politeness. In any case, politeness is important, so let's learn to answer the question in an original way!

Originally Answered: How are you?

To such a simple and almost daily question, we are used to saying: “Okay,” and closing the question with that. But you need to understand the current situation, the environment and your attitude towards your interlocutor.

Thus, this question can be answered with a witty joke, but on the condition that you communicate with friends. It is strictly not recommended to respond with cutting phrases to parents, superiors and unfamiliar people.

Friends - answers to the question “How are you?”

Let's look at some answers to a question asked by a friend:

If you like to get smart, you can answer in an original and philosophical way:

  • Just utopian subjectivism.
  • Incredibly banal erudition.
  • The paradox of life.

To the question: “How are you?” Can respond using humor. But don't forget that you can only joke with friends. In this case, you can find a lot of appropriate options:

“How are you in your personal life?” - how to answer such a question?

Most people simply cannot do anything about their curiosity, and some ask just like that, so this question can be heard just as often.

I always don’t want to answer this question more often, because not at all necessary to let others know about the details of your relationship with your significant other, and even more so to talk about this or that specific situation or about the weekend spent together.

For this reason, you can simply prepare original answer, which will not oblige you:

  • Everything is perfect
  • Thank you excellent. What about your life?
  • There's nothing to complain about.

How to answer the question “How are you?” guy?

In order to answer this question to a guy, you need to analyze your intimacy. You can answer as expressing your sympathy, and in a rough form. In other words, you can give a closed and open answer.

If you answer openly, you will encourage the other person to continue the conversation. A closed answer is a signal that you are not in the mood to talk right now.

Are you attracted to a guy? In this case, it is worth taking advantage of some reticence, for example:

  • Very good. After all, you started a conversation with me. How are you doing?
  • Great, I'm improving! Will you join me?
  • I smile and communicate with you. Guess.

In cases where the relationship with a guy not the best, you can answer something like this:

  • Mood swings, tummy tugs and much more due to PMS. And how are you doing?
  • What kind of business do you think I might have?
  • I was drawing, now I had to take a break from this enjoyable activity.
  • Do you have good reason to ask me this?

You can also answer more neutral, but closed:

  • Everything is fine.
  • I'm digging in my head.
  • I meditate.

Options for answering the question “How are you doing?” incredible amount! The main thing is to correctly assess the interlocutor. After all, we all should show respect even to strangers. We should not forget that we must behave the way we would like people to behave towards us.

Unfortunately, many people don’t want to understand this, but you shouldn’t follow them. If you answer the question correctly, people can place in one's favor, and if necessary, let them know that you are not ready to talk.

You can even answer in English. If everything is good, we say: “Fine, thanks.” If you are not in the best mood, you can answer: “Could be better.”

Answering in English, in your pocket several advantages, for example, this is creative, in addition, such an answer will be more superficial, and it is unlikely that the interlocutor will want to know even more about your life.

If you are still interested in the life of your interlocutor, it is better to reciprocate. You can ask yourself whether he is doing well, and after analyzing the answer, you can offer to celebrate (if everything is good) with delicious ice cream or to cheer him up (when things are not so good) with delicious coffee.

Common phrases

Well, for those who don’t want to think about the answer, you can simply select stock phrase, For example:

Use our tips and you will never find yourself in an awkward situation!