How to become better in appearance. How to be the perfect girl. Education and literacy

Girls all over the world strive to achieve perfection. Some people want to behave and behave impeccably, while others want an ideal appearance. Although it is impossible to achieve absolute perfection, try to take at least a few steps towards the ideal version of yourself. At the same time, do not forget that all people are special and everyone deserves to be loved as an individual.


How to dress

    Create a stylish wardrobe. If you always want to look feminine and elegant, collect sets from classic items. Below is a list of important items to add to your wardrobe:

    • Buy several different jeans to wear throughout the week. Be sure to choose straight and flared jeans that fit well to add variety to your outfits.
    • Buy basic tanks, comfy sweaters, simple cardigans, and a few blouses to wear on special occasions. These simple things can be combined with each other and create new images.
    • Be careful with new fashions. You might want to avoid buying something that's currently in fashion because you won't want to wear it next year.
  1. Wear simple jewelry. Try to remove one piece of jewelry before leaving the house. Thanks to this, you will not look vulgar, and the jewelry will not attract all the attention. Wear diamond stud earrings, simple silver or gold chains with pendants, and thin bracelets.

    • Large jewelry can add interest to a basic outfit. But don't wear large necklaces, earrings and bracelets at the same time.
  2. Buy the perfect black dress. All girls know that a little black dress is the standard of elegance. However, not just any black dress will do - you will need to choose a special one. When looking for a dress, keep the following in mind:

    Stock up on tights. Although it is impossible to achieve complete flawlessness, tights can make your legs almost perfect. Pantyhose make your legs look slimmer, and they also hide protruding veins and skin imperfections on your legs. In winter, choose thick knitted tights to prevent your feet from freezing.

    Buy good shoes. A girl who strives for perfection should have classic shoes for all seasons. When choosing shoes, look for simple styles and colors that will go with most outfits. You may need the following shoes:

    • Buy several pairs of comfortable ballet shoes. You should have black and nude ballet flats, as well as a few colored ones.
    • For fall and winter, choose brown and black boots.

    How to look after your appearance

    1. Take time for personal hygiene. This will make you always feel clean and look great. Hygiene is the first thing people pay attention to, so it is important to keep your body clean. Try to do the following every day:

      Take care of your skin. Clear and glowing skin will make you irresistible. The skin is very sensitive, so it needs to be cared for properly to keep it healthy. Follow our recommendations to ensure your skin always looks great:

      Keep your hair healthy. Your hair should show that it is healthy and that you take care of it. After a shower or bath, do not comb your hair while it is wet, as this may damage it. It is better to separate them with a wide-tooth comb and let them dry naturally or dry them with a hairdryer on a cold setting.

      Take care of your nails. It is extremely important to take care of your fingernails and toenails as they can tell a lot about your hygiene. Trim or file your nails carefully. If you paint your nails, do it carefully. When the varnish begins to chip, touch up the areas or wash off the varnish.

      Eat a balanced diet. Healthy foods will help you look and feel great. Try to eat more fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean protein. Such a diet will be beneficial for the whole body, both inside and outside. Eating nourishing foods will also keep your skin looking good.

      Do not smoke. Smoking cigarettes causes many negative consequences for the body, including various diseases. Cigarette smoke dries out the skin, causing wrinkles and premature aging. If you strive for an ideal lifestyle, stop smoking.

    How to behave impeccably

      Respect all the people in your life. Be polite to relatives, teachers, friends and all other people. Even if you disagree with a person's views or disapprove of their behavior, show respect and refrain from judging or harsh reactions. If you are able to accept different points of view, it means you are a mature person. Conduct yourself with dignity so that you can accept respect from people you respect yourself. Below are some tips:

      • Always say "thank you" and "please".
      • Never talk bad about people.
      • Treat others the way you would like to be treated.
    1. Work on your self-esteem. It is important to remember that no people are perfect. You will make mistakes, regret things and realize that something failed. However, mistakes are part of human life. Don't be too hard on yourself or criticize yourself in front of other people. Instead, reflect on your mistakes, learn from them, and move forward. You shouldn't beat yourself up every day. If you talk badly about yourself, other people will follow your example and talk about you in the same way.

    2. Develop strong principles. Principles give direction in life and prevent you from making bad decisions. They also become part of your reputation, and based on the principles, people draw conclusions about your character. Principles do not develop overnight, but they can easily be destroyed by one wrong decision.

      • Listen to your parents, grandparents, and other wise adults who you can learn from. They will help you understand how to avoid unwanted situations and make the right decisions.
      • If you encounter conflict situations with peers or find yourself faced with a difficult choice, remember your principles and values. Don't allow yourself to make bad decisions that you may regret later.
    3. Be a mature person. If you want to get as close to the ideal as possible, you should learn to behave responsibly and be able to cope with any situations that come your way. This doesn't mean you won't be able to relax and have fun, but you will have to be able to control yourself. The following recommendations will help you with this:

      • Don't complain or whine if things don't go the way you want. Remember that there are unfair situations in life, and you must learn to cope with the blows of fate.
      • Know what your responsibilities are at school, at home, to your parents and friends. Adults are aware of their responsibilities and do their best to fulfill them. This includes helping around the house, treating friends politely, and being diligent in your studies.
      • You will be very close to perfect if you can carry yourself with confidence. People around you will see your high self-esteem and will think that you know how to get your way. The following tips will help you:
    4. Be humble. Even if you are already close to ideal, boasting will push people away from you. There's nothing wrong with being proud of your accomplishments, but you shouldn't brandish them in front of every person you know. It may seem rude, vulgar and disrespectful to others. Feel free to accept praise or belittle accomplishments you worked hard for, but do so with dignity and gratitude.

      • For example, if you score the most goals in a sports game, be happy about it and accept the praise of others. However, you shouldn’t tell everyone you meet that your team won solely because of you.
      • Compliment others rather than compete with other people. If you notice someone's success or serious effort, sincerely praise the person. This will allow you to demonstrate kindness and let others know that you are not intimidated by other people's success.

A neat and serious excellent student, an attractive laugher or an unapproachable leader looking down on everyone? Being perfect isn't easy.

You can't be ideal for everyone. It is possible to become ideal for one person or for the majority of society. But this will require some work on yourself.

Why be a standard?

Success is a combination of many factors. You cannot become a standard without constantly working on yourself. Being ideal is hard work. If you constantly work on yourself, your image, it can become a habit.

Self-sufficiency and development

Being self-sufficient is very important at any age. Even at 13 years old, when your world is constantly changing and complexes begin to overcome you, it is not easy, but possible. Even if you are a teenage girl, you can act like an adult.

Video: Men's Point of View

You can never stop. We must constantly develop and work on ourselves. Find, discover a new facet in yourself.

You can learn something new. Sign up for some courses, clubs, choose those activities that will make you better. Sport is the key to health and beauty. It not only strengthens the body, but also makes you more strong-willed, purposeful and fit.

Don’t sit still, strive to conquer new heights, inspire others with your example. If you study at school or university, you have all the prerequisites for this.

Just don't be smart. When a girl speaks in quotes from books, this is not an indicator of her intelligence or erudition. An intelligent person speaks in a simple language that is understandable to others.


Becoming an ideal girl is difficult in appearance. The difficulty lies in everyday work. Every day you need to take care of yourself: do makeup, watch your figure.

Education and literacy

The ability to win over others with good manners and good speech are the components that can make you respected as a person.

  • Don't cry in front of others. Tears do not affect the stronger sex, but rather irritate them. Even at 13 years old you need to be able to control yourself.
  • Don't humiliate people.
  • Don't be arrogant. Cold, arrogant people are repulsive.
  • Punctuality is an important quality for a good girl.


Being a good housewife is important. Comfort in the home means harmony in the family. We must learn to cook. Keep order in the house. Do not be lazy.


There is always something that is appreciated regardless of time and era. If you want your friends to be faithful to you, set the right example. This rule also applies to relationships with young people.

Loyalty is an indicator of a harmonious personality. To be faithful means to respect yourself and your loved one.

Caring and understanding

A little sensitivity and understanding will allow others to see you as a strong person, allowing them to open up and trust. Selfishness is the lot of only weak people. Only a strong person is capable of caring for others.
Take an interest in the affairs of the people around you, just do it sincerely.


People are drawn to those with whom they feel good. This is easy to notice, even at school, those who have a sense of humor make friends more easily and are drawn to them.

There is no need to tell others about your problems. Evaluate failures adequately. Remember that your family may also have worries, so don’t burden them even more.


Show concern for your loved ones. Take an interest in the affairs of your relatives. Attention is very important to others. Some people are embarrassed to ask for help. The ideal girl will always notice this and help herself.

Give gifts. Let them be small or homemade. This kind of attention is nice.
Praise those around you. Give compliments. It's nice. The main condition is sincerity.


Don't be a hypocrite, don't pretend to be someone else. Falseness is always felt at the subconscious level.

A good girl for everyone is one who doesn't lie.

How to be perfect for a guy

Don't demand the impossible

If a guy works two jobs or has problems with his boss, then it is logical that when he comes home, he may forget to kiss you or buy flowers.

You shouldn’t nag him at this moment and demand more attention to yourself. We need to let him lie quietly on the sofa and rest. And who said that becoming the ideal girl would be easy for him.

Often a girl thinks that she can change the man she is dating. It is a myth. The established character traits of a young man will remain unchanged.

You shouldn't expect a calm and phlegmatic guy to do crazy and explosive things every day. When you start dating a man, immediately pay attention to how he behaves. Being perfect is easier for one man than for another.

Don't wash dirty linen in public

Don't discuss your personal life with your friends or mom in front of your boyfriend. Listening to you talk to others about your conflicts or his misbehavior will only irritate your guy.

You cannot discuss conflicts with a guy even in his absence. Your words will still reach him. And then explaining that they were said in the heat of the moment is difficult. Relationships may deteriorate.

Love his pet

Many men become very attached to their animals. You cannot criticize your beloved pet. Befriend him, admire him and praise him. In this way, you will be able to win the favor of not only the cat or dog, but also your chosen one.

Don't get your mom involved

There is truth in every mother-in-law joke. Statements: “My mother believes” or “My mother said” will only cause irritation and dissatisfaction in a guy. He is the head of your relationship and your mother's opinion is inappropriate here.

If you still want to convey to your loved one some of your mother’s positions, then say this: “I believe that...”

Don't control the material aspect

The man is the breadwinner. He earns money, provides for his family, and gives gifts. There is no need to control all his financial expenses and get into his wallet. This could humiliate him.

Every guy has a stash. If by chance you find it during general cleaning of the apartment, do not touch it. This is important to him. Maybe he's saving up for an unexpected gift for you.

Show respect and affection

Becoming an ideal girl is not easy for him. Praise your boyfriend more, give him compliments. Never tell your man that he is a loser. Believe in him and support him in all his endeavors.

If your interests diverge in some way, try to find out more about his hobbies. Don't talk bad about your boyfriend's best friends. Admire and praise your man while being in the same company with his comrades.

Do not rummage through your notebook (correspondence, wallet). Trust is the main aspect in a relationship. There is no need to check his phone, computer, contacts every day for incriminating evidence. This is how you test your boyfriend’s nerves, and he may not be able to stand it and take a mistress to spite you.

The ideal girl should look great. "Men love with their eyes." Don't forget to take care of your appearance. Control your weight, go to beauty salons and gyms. Find out how your man would like to see you, follow his preferences.

And be beautiful and well-groomed not only on holidays, but every day.

  • Be feminine for your lover. Men do not like rude, ill-mannered young ladies with bad habits.
  • Do not be fancy- don't be a teenage girl.
  • Don't "drink" and don't force your boyfriend. Don't bring up the young man's past relationships. You don't need to tell your loved one anything. Leave the past in the past. Make your relationship better.
  • Change, be different for your boyfriend. Surprise your chosen one with surprises, new ideas, dishes.
  • Get ready to become a good mother and housewife.

How to become a model in bed

  • Remember hygiene;
  • Remove excess vegetation;
  • Find your perfume. The smell of the woman he loves drives a man crazy. Perfume should excite, not repel;
  • Be beautiful for your boyfriend. Beauty saves not only the world in all its diversity, but also “the world in the bedroom”;
  • The ideal girl should wear beautiful underwear. Be sincere, relaxed and loving in bed. You can't simulate. Simulation can alienate a man forever.

Listen to your man and his desires. Be sure to tell him about your fantasies. Over time, feelings fade away. In order for love to flare up again, it is necessary to experiment and bring new sexual fantasies to life.

For your loved one you have to be different. Love and follow your man's wishes.

Video: What should an ideal woman be like?

The predominance of material values ​​over spiritual ones has played a cruel joke on people. Pomposity, the desire to look like a magazine cover, the desire to conquer at first sight have come into fashion. Many articles are replete with recommendations, how to become the perfect girl, but the authors focus only on the external side, talking about the rules of self-care.

Of course, the external side of the issue plays a huge role in any relationship. When you are beautiful and well-groomed, a man inevitably pays attention to you. However, homegrown experts give incredible recommendations: brush your teeth twice a day, do hair masks, visit a solarium, go to a cosmetologist and a manicurist... Of course, you need to take care of yourself. And the easiest way to do this is with the help of specialists. But it is much more important not to overdo it with procedures. Thousands of girls with unnatural tans, pumped-up lips and half-paralyzed facial expressions roam the streets. The whole fun is that to them this image seems the most beautiful and unsurpassed.

What should an ideal girl really look like?

Ideal girl for a guy must look natural! Just for fun, read the forums and be horrified at how guys make fun of artificial beauty, saying that their crush lost all her attractiveness on the pillows overnight. Believe me, falling off eyelashes and tufts of hair on the pillow only cause disgust and bewilderment.

Remember that everything should be in moderation: cosmetics, eyelashes, hair. If nature has not endowed you with a bright enough appearance, try to make sure that your appearance evokes an adequate reaction from others, and not laughter behind your back. False hair, glued eyelashes and silicone lips will not give you either femininity or beauty. On the contrary, you will seem like a spoiled mukla with no brains!

It is important to talk separately about weight. Of course, a slim and well-groomed girl is always beautiful. But you shouldn’t go overboard with losing weight. In an effort to lose weight, girls resort to diets and bring their bodies to the point of exhaustion. Meanwhile, the saying that it is better to splash on the waves than to hit the rocks has not yet been canceled. There must be a measure for everything! Be that as it may, a slightly plump girl with ample breasts and a rounded butt will evoke much more positive emotions in men than a skinny girl, on whose example one can study the structure of the skeleton.

Men love smart people

You wonder how to become an ideal woman? So become her, but don’t forget that external beauty is only a quarter of your success. Erudition, erudition, education and awareness in many issues will add points to you in the eyes of men. There is a myth circulating among girls that men adore stupid people. But no one is stopping you from pursuing your own education, and in front of a man, behaving the way he wants. However, a myth is only a myth to be untrue. Men sincerely admire smart women. There is also a certain evolutionary moment in this: according to scientists, the level of intelligence is transmitted from mother to children, and the husband plays a very mediocre role in the process of providing children with mental data! So, unrealistically beautiful (as it seems to them) women with weak intelligence have less chance of starting a family than gray flies with an IQ of 140.

Character and behavior

You do not know, how to become the perfect girl for your man? You're probably just not listening to him! Men by nature are open and sincere, as a rule. Many people strive to see their own mother in their girlfriend. Girls, meanwhile, adopt the pattern of their parents’ behavior in the family. If mom “nagged” dad, then you will have similar inclinations, which will have to be suppressed if you aim to become ideal for your boyfriend.

A woman must be wise! Learn to restrain your emotions, don’t stoop to insults, don’t yell with or without reason. Try to make your man want to return home every day without delay. If any controversial issues arise in your relationship, be the first to try to reach a consensus and propose a solution that will suit both parties.

A few words about financial independence

Don't demand anything from your boyfriend. Guys quickly get bored with demanding and persistent girls. Try to provide for yourself so that there is no reason for reproaches and reproaches. The problem is that during quarrels, men tend to reproach girls for excessive spending and start pointing at gifts... It’s one thing when this happens in marriage, and quite another when you’re just building your relationship.

All you have to do is listen to our advice and become the one that all men will be crazy about!

    This article is intended to help girls be the best they can be. On this page you will find tips and tricks on how to be a real good girl.

    1. Listen to good music. Music genres such as country and bubblegum pop are your best choice. The image of a “good girl” is reflected by such performers as Carrie Underwood, Taylor Swift, Kelly Pickler, Miranda Lambert, Selena Gomez. They embody it in the titles of their songs, in their lyrics and music videos. Listening to such music, you will feel happy, cheerful and friendly.

    2. Watch good TV shows. Among the channels that suit you best, Nickelodeon and Disney Channel. Good girls prefer to watch shows like Hannah Montana and Take It Off Now. These programs have worthy characters and a great plot, they are highly moral and highly artistic. They teach today's little girls respect, love, loyalty, optimism, loyalty and friendship. Watching these programs will have a noticeable effect on your feelings: they will make you happy, energetic and cheerful.

    3. Watch good movies. The best choice for you will be films that are not recommended for viewing by children and recommended for viewing by people of any age. All children with great pleasure watch such films as “Real Girls”, “Superstar”, “High School Musical”, “Wizards of Waverly Place”, “Another Cinderella Story”, “Princess Protection Program”. They teach love, hope, respect, mercy and friendship. These films tell exciting stories featuring wonderful characters. Watching these films will lift your spirits and will surely bring you pleasure, so you will have a wonderful day.

    4. Speak in good language. Instead of swear words, use words such as “wow!”, “Gee!”, “Wow!” And instead of rude expressions, which are often found in movies or television shows, - “Oh God!” Or “Good God!” "

    5. Don't get carried away with new products. Use proven technology. If you are 10-12 years old, then the best choice for you would be a flip phone. Most parents do not allow their children under 12 to use a cell phone. If you are 13 or older, then a phone with a keyboard is perfect for you. But keep in mind: if you have such a phone, don’t get too carried away with texting! Your homework should come first, so don't let your phone become the main thing in your life. In addition, do not forget that good girls only go to good websites where you can find a lot of interesting and useful things. Good girls watch and listen only to good video clips on YouTube and never look at bad sites.

    6. Dress smartly. Wear nice clothes. Look good. Nice girls these days prefer "casual" or "casual" and "smart and tasteful" styles. For every day, jeans (but no holes or cuts!) and a T-shirt with or without a pattern are best. For special or formal occasions, wear a neat skirt with a beautiful blouse or dress. Youth clothing stores offer a good selection of clothing. Give preference to high quality brands.

    7. Get used to order in skin care and beauty. Good girls believe that beauty should be natural, authentic and real. Dove, Clean & Clear, and Neutrogena support this. Good girls know they only need a few basic products to look their best. They believe that the most attractive look is “natural beauty.” And no makeup. At all! For daytime, it is enough to wash your face and, if necessary, use a tinted acne product. Additionally, apply a lipstick of your choice - for example, ChapStick or LipSmackers. In the evening, use acne gel and reapply lipstick. For special occasions, you can use tinted lipstick or lip gloss. The new ShineBlast from CoverGirl is what you need! Choose a light pink or peach color. Every girl is a beauty! Know that! Stick with it! Believe it!

    8. Believe in the Lord God with all your soul. Go to church every Saturday or Sunday. Pray out loud or silently every night. Talk to the Lord when you need it. He will help you in difficult times and listen to you when you have to make an important decision. Good girls believe in God, are devoted to God, and trust in God.

    9. Hang out only with good people. Spend more time with your family and friends. Meet your friends as often as possible. Tell each other about everything that happened during the day, exchange opinions about it. This will help you become much happier and smarter. And then, it’s such a pleasure! Good girls love their family and friends.

    10. Maintain good relations with everyone. Be happy, optimistic, strong and friendly. Think only about the good. Drive away bad thoughts. You are worthy of praise that will strengthen your mind, your body and your soul. Always be a good girl in everything. Get good grades and behave well in school. Be friends with your brothers and sisters. Be happy and open with each other. Be proud of your family. Doing good deeds and behaving well is the main virtue of a good girl.

Hello, dear friends, you are on the website. Enjoy reading! It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of how a girl can become better. In her youth, every girl dreams of being perfect.

Sometimes, young girls try to achieve success by imitating a friend who is more popular. But this is the wrong way to improve.

There are several rules that will help any girl become a better person.

First, and the most important rule is individuality. Be yourself! Sincerity is the key to success. Never pretend to be someone you're not.

Second, An important rule is don’t be shy. Expand your social circle. Make new acquaintances, but at the same time, do not forget about old friends. By meeting bright people, you can learn a lot of new things. Sociability, the path to leadership.

Third, The essential rule is the ability to have fun. Youth is conducive to dancing, singing, and laughing. You don't have to be noisy, screaming and always jumping. The main thing is not to be closed. If you learn to rejoice, success will be guaranteed. Any company will be happy to accept you into its ranks.

Fourth, The most important rule is the sense of taste. The right clothes and light makeup will give you confidence. It's unlikely that your friends will take you seriously if your skirt is too short and your makeup is flashy.

Spontaneity, the fifth rule. Pleasant light flirting and unexpected actions will ensure a good mood. Be a mystery to others.

The ability to enjoy life, smile more often, and give positivity to others is a sure way to become a better person.

Looking for an answer to a question, How to become a better girl, pay attention to her hobbies. In order to be the best, you need to be versatile. If you like to listen to different music, read books, play sports, dance, then you can find a topic for conversation with anyone.

Charity and helping others will give you strength and give you confidence that, if necessary, they will help you.

But most importantly, to become a better girl, you need to love yourself. Every morning, getting out of bed, you need to look in the mirror, wish yourself good morning, say a few compliments, not forgetting to smile. Try to control your behavior, communication manners and habits; self-control will help strengthen your character.

By adhering to the rules mentioned above, any young girl can become perfect. And the question of how a girl can become better will never arise in her head.