How fun it is to celebrate March 8th in company. Holiday for a large company

What is the most important thing on any holiday? Naturally, an atmosphere of love and comfort, as well as a feeling of warmth. Therefore, where else, if not at home, is it possible to feel all this to the fullest?

If you are not planning on going to a restaurant, cinema, or visiting family or friends on March 8, but want to put your whole soul into the holiday and give all your attention to the woman you love, then there is no better option than to celebrate it at home.

Of course, your beloved will certainly be very pleased to receive maximum attention and love on such a day. Men, try to start by shifting all the worries of this day onto your shoulders. First, prepare your loved one (the whole family) breakfast, perhaps serve it right in bed in order to create a romantic mood. Agree that it’s not difficult to surprise your beloved woman once a year!

Secondly, if your significant other works on this holiday, then take on all the responsibilities for preparing the holiday dinner. Of course, it must be unusual. Throughout the whole day you can manage the house, but do not forget to sometimes call your beloved or send her romantic messages.

Take on all the responsibilities for preparing the festive dinner

Well, in the evening, in any case, surprise her with a romantic dinner! And don’t think that no one needs all this for a long time! After all, the secret is that our women expect something special and romantic on this day, even in our harsh age! So give her the most important gift - an atmosphere of love, a feeling of magic and tenderness that every representative of the fair sex so desires.

What is good about a home holiday on March 8th? Believe that the home environment will be conducive to sincerity and frankness, as well as calmness. Naturally, don't forget about gifts! You can give them with feeling, even by acting out the presentation process. For example, hide a gift somewhere, and your other half will have to find it with the help of various notes or the game “hot-cold”. This method of presenting a gift will be doubly pleasant, and will also give a special charm to the process itself.

Gifts for March 8

What should you give a woman on March 8? Staying at home and surprising your other half with a romantic dinner on this day, end it with an original gift, that is, a heartfelt one, as well as from the bottom of your heart. Agree that women are not so difficult to please if you take into account their sincere desires. must be original, desirable and mysterious. Perhaps it will be a decoration, not necessarily very expensive, or made with your own hands. An impressive keychain with a mirror or a mini photo frame inside, a musical soft toy that sings about love.

The gift must be original, desirable and mysterious

The issue of a gift for your beloved has been resolved, but what about other relatives? Naturally, your mother, grandmother, sister are also waiting for congratulations and gifts. Firstly, don’t forget about the classics of the genre – beautiful spring flowers. However, do not forget that on March 8, flowers cannot be the only gift. Secondly, you can give an elegant box or a purse of a prestigious brand, a variety of original cutlery sets and more.

Let your beloved women have not only pleasant memories on this holiday, but also memorable gifts, even if it is a small souvenir presented with all your heart and love.

Try to make March 8 an exceptionally spiritual holiday and congratulate all those who fill our lives with happiness - your loved ones and beloved women!

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For most of us, spring does not begin according to the calendar, and it is March 8, the day when every woman blossoms and comes to life after winter “hibernation”, and a man, having forgotten about his affairs and principles, stands at the stove to please his beloved with fresh morning coffee , and perhaps a delicious dinner.

It is on March 8th that all representatives of the fair sex, young and old, should drown in tenderness, congratulations, gifts and, of course, the first spring flowers. It is on this day that every woman waits for a miracle, albeit small.

Despite the fact that the original meaning of the holiday has long been lost, in the modern world it is an official day off, thanks to which every woman can, without a twinge of conscience, relax and allow herself a little more than usual.

International Women's Day appeared thanks to the famous communist Clara Zetkin in 1910. It was she who suggested that the world have a special day on the calendar on which all women could go out to demonstrations, hold marches and, thereby, attract the public to their problems, and at that time there were enough of them, believe me.

Over the years, the holiday has greatly changed its direction, and we are accustomed to seeing it as a day when we can once again give our beloved ladies our warmth and love.

How to celebrate this only holiday of the year when a woman, without any “buts,” can surround herself with a real fairy tale? Of course, you can blame the solution to this problem on your men, but, whatever one may say, the holiday is for women, and, therefore, the decision is only for us to make.

Always associated with the first spring sun, the first greenery, daffodils and mimosas, goodies and, of course, fun. Some people are used to celebrating it with their loved ones, some consider it a family day, and others, due to some life situations, are preparing to celebrate it in a purely female group.

It also happens that the men you love are far away, but this does not mean at all that you are doomed to be left behind this year. How to celebrate March 8th in a fun and interesting way? We will present to your attention several possible scenarios, something that will definitely suit your taste!

Have a bachelorette party!

Well, what's a holiday without your best friend by your side? With whom, if not your best friends, do you feel most comfortable? Surely, you will have a lot in common; after discussing, you will quickly come to the idea of ​​how and where it is better to spend this holiday together.

The simplest, but no less interesting option is to arrange a pleasant and educational walk with a friend through the most beautiful and unusual places in your city. In the turmoil of life, not every woman can afford to walk along her favorite streets, go to museums and exhibitions, but why not do this on March 8?

Walk around iconic places, take photos, feel and get to know your city in a new way, be sure to check out your favorite stores and be sure to give yourself a small gift! Let it be a trifle, but what a pleasant one!

Go to a good cafe, enjoy your favorite cakes with a friend with unusual tea, or maybe have a glass or two of champagne, and no diet, today is a holiday, which means you can do a lot!

Finally, you have a unique opportunity to discuss all the pressing topics, keep secrets and even gossip! Such days of unloading help you look at the world in a new way, feel like a part of it and thoroughly improve your mood!

Beauty Day

Do you go to SPA and beauty salons every day? Celebrate March 8th in one of them? Why not? Great idea! In this simple way, you will arrange not only a holiday for the soul, but also for the whole body, so to speak, with great benefit.

Perhaps you will like nourishing and rejuvenating face masks, relaxing full body massages with fragrant oils and incense, or maybe today you will decide on a radical haircut or styling? Do something for yourself, after you leave the salon rejuvenated and refreshed, the desire to continue celebrating this holiday will be firmly entrenched in your mind!

If beauty salons are not for you, then go with your friends to the sauna or bathhouse - there are considerable benefits for the whole organism and the body in particular. After a good bath, the women’s team can drink some tonic herbal tea, grab a piece of sweets for themselves and, of course, discuss everything in the world!

In move

Do you feel empowered for an active night's rest? Do you like large crowds and loud music? Then go to a disco or club!

Parties in such establishments will definitely be timed to coincide with the event, perhaps you will get to see a special show program, you will be able to take part in interesting competitions and, perhaps, even make new acquaintances who will bring something new into your life, why not?

If discos are also not your option, then you can also hold them at a work corporate party; this is a good opportunity to unite with the team, and not only with its female part, and make new friends and useful acquaintances.

In 2015, mass exhibitions, concerts and beauty contests will definitely be held on this day. Or maybe you should try your luck and take part in such an event? Who knows, maybe on March 8th you will be lucky and win the main prize.

If your funds allow, then you can go on a short trip for the weekend; any travel agency will be very enthusiastic to help you with this matter. The only thing that should be noted is that you should prepare for your trip in advance so that the travel agency has time to prepare a visa and other documents for your flight.

Perhaps you will become interested in the recently popular shopping tours, in which you will not be taken for hours to local attractions, but will be brought directly to places of mass trade: boutiques, hypermarkets, showrooms of famous designers. Or maybe you’ll like the world’s fashion capitals, Milan or, or straight to Copehagen, where Clara Zetkin made her loud statement?

In any case, everything is only in your hands. Some ideas can be combined, something of your own can be added, depending on personal preferences and desires. Remember, the most important thing you should do on March 8th is to relax and have fun, because it’s your day and only you can decide how to spend it.

The eighth of March is one of the most desired holidays for all women. After all, everyone knows that on this day she can relax, feel like a queen and even a capricious princess. Men always prepare for this day in advance - they choose an original present for their beloved, stock up on sweets for colleagues and gifts for relatives. On the eve of March 8, everyone thinks about how to celebrate the holiday. There are many options for holding it and the choice will depend on where and with whom you plan to spend International Women’s Day.

Celebrating at home

If you spend the holiday at home, the man will take on all the “female” responsibilities. Especially if you are also expecting guests to arrive. The man will need to clean the house, prepare snacks and decorate the rooms. On this day, a woman can take care of herself - go to the salon, go shopping or lie on the couch eating candy. And for the evening it’s worth coming up with a holiday scenario. Of course, this can be an ordinary feast with wishes in honor of women. But this is boring and everyone has been tired of it for a long time. What can you come up with on March 8?

  • The easiest option is to organize a karaoke competition to sing the best romance or hits that your women love. The men sing, and the winner is chosen by the women's council.
  • The most fun option is to organize a “Miss Eighth March” competition in which, of course, men participate. The competition can be held according to all the rules - men will need to organize a fashion show, a talent competition, or you can come up with something original - a competition on sewing an evening outfit from improvised materials, on preparing borscht and an evening hairstyle.

Of course, when March 8 is celebrated together, the best option is to spend a romantic evening. In this case, a man needs to take care of wine, sweets and fruits. You can also come up with a small quest for your loved one, for example, she can look for one gift or receive several small gifts with each note. Notes with hints about where to look for others are best written with humor.

Holiday for a large company

Since March 8 is a holiday that is celebrated in all institutions and companies, there may be several scenarios for its implementation. Do you need to come up with a scenario for International Women's Day, which will be celebrated at a university or in a large international company? We offer you a simple scenario for carrying it out. You can adapt this scenario for a holiday that will be held in a restaurant or cafe. You can also take it as a basis for high school students. To conduct it, you need to choose two presenters, it is better if they are men. Participants in the holiday will be women - direct participants can be selected in advance - these can be university students or teachers, and also during the holiday, so to speak, those who wish to be selected can be selected. You will also need to select a jury - these can be either randomly selected spectators or pre-prepared participants.

  1. The holiday begins with an opening speech from the presenters - compliments and congratulatory words are heard.
  2. Next, you can ask those present if they know why March 8 is called Women’s Day and take a short excursion into history.
  3. Next is a summary of the first competition. The presenters can argue with each other about what women should and shouldn't do. For example, they can raise children, cook family dinners, and even build roads. The summary ends with the words of the presenter: “Today our holiday will be held in the form of a competition, where beautiful girls will show only their feminine qualities.” Participants are invited.
  4. The first competition - girls act as diplomats. The task is to imagine that a woman has a small child and needs to go to a bachelorette party. The task is to figure out what to say to your husband so that he unconditionally agrees to spend time with the child.
  5. While the participants are thinking, they can be given a few minutes, the presenters can tell the audience about men’s responsibilities - giving women flowers, raising children, helping around the house. The participants share their “excuses and persuasion,” and the jury assigns points.
  6. Second competition - praise yourself. The task for the participants is to look in the mirror and praise yourself as the best. The presenters hand out mirrors. The jury evaluates who did the best job.
  7. Now you can include men in the fun too. The presenters turn to the audience and ask six daredevils to come out. A competition is held for them - men are divided into threes. One trio sits on chairs, and the second is blindfolded and given plates of porridge. The task of the blindfolded participants is to feed those sitting. The one who fed first wins.
  8. The presenters thank the men and return the participants.
  9. The third competition is an intellectual. The girls' task is to come up with a poem from the proposed rhymes. You can come up with any rhymes, preferably complex ones. For example, Eskimo hairstyle, climber eye, love eyebrow. The jury chooses the most original verse.
  10. The fourth competition is who is faster. The presenters talk about how dexterous, smart and savvy our women are and offer them to cope with several tasks. The first task is to swaddle the baby, the second is to do makeup, the third is to set the table. Whoever does it faster and better wins.
  11. Results of competitions. Based on the results of all competitions, the winner is determined, all participants receive gifts and flowers. The hosts can end the holiday with two poems about women.

Also, in the process of holding such a celebration on March 8, you can “connect” the audience to the process and, for example, when the fourth competition is underway, play riddles. Naturally, the questions should be about the woman, her responsibilities or the holiday itself. For example, a riddle - what do you throw into the pan first when you cook soup? The answer is gaze.

Corporate Eighth of March

This holiday scenario will be interesting if you celebrate International Women’s Day in a large company. Women on this day will be spectators, and men will be participants. As a rule, a corporate event implies a banquet - the main thing here is that men also take care of the table. The banquet begins with the presentation of flowers and congratulatory words. It is advisable to say a few beautiful words to each employee. To hold the event you will need a presenter, props for competitions and musical accompaniment.

1. Several men are selected as participants - they will play women at this celebration. Although this plot is considered hackneyed, it is incredibly popular. It is not at all necessary to completely dress up as women; just one touch is enough - a hat, an apron.

2. The first task is for “women” - the presenter suggests one traditionally female topic, for example, “cosmetic companies” or “jewelry”. Participants must take turns naming words that relate to this topic. The one who said the word last wins.

3. The second task is to find a non-standard way out of the situation. The presenter offers each participant a situation from which they need to find a way out. Situations could be like this:

4. Third task - the presenter invites the participants to “create the woman of their dreams” using balloons and tape. It is better to prepare balls of different colors and shapes.

5. When men cope with this task, it can be offered to women.

6. The winner of the evening, who best “showed” himself as a woman, can be chosen by applause.

7. You can end the evening with a congratulatory song from the entire male team.

After such a fun celebration, the Eighth of March can continue with feasting and dancing. Also, the presentation of gifts can be left at the end of the scenario and turned into a lottery. For example, men present flowers, and each bouquet will have a number attached to it. Gifts should be useful for a woman, but very ridiculous. For example, lids for jars, spices, potholders, a set of laundry soap. Such a corporate women's day will be fun and memorable for every employee.

Below in the video you can watch a couple more interesting tips on how to celebrate March 8th.

If old friends who have not seen each other for a long time gather, everyone will probably want to exchange news. In this case, you can give all your friends a task: prepare a story and illustrations. When everyone just starts showing photographs of their husband and children, they often make the following mistake: there are too many pictures and they are all the same type. Our advice: select 20 photos in advance that you like best and build your story around them (no more than 10 minutes). This way, everyone will be able to talk about themselves and there will be time to chat about abstract topics.

Creative competition

If your friends are creative and don’t hesitate to show off their talents, invite each of the invitees to prepare a short performance. You can read a story or poem of your own composition, sing, play the piano. In everyday life, we rarely get to demonstrate our abilities. Give your friends this opportunity!

Master Class

Do you want to not only have a heart-to-heart talk, but also spend quality time? Invite a teacher who will teach you how to paint glasses, decorate frames and boxes using the decoupage technique, make handmade jewelry and cards, or cook sushi.


When your closest friends have gathered for a bachelorette party, you don’t have to worry about perfect pitch or a strong voice. By connecting a microphone to a regular DVD and recording a karaoke disc, you can sing your most favorite songs from the heart.

Themed bachelorette party

Choose a theme for the holiday and stick to it in everything from invitations to table decorations and outfits. Possible options: “Famous personalities and their hobbies”, “White party”, “Evening of poetry”, “Secrets of an ideal wife”, “Games that people play”.

Board games

If you think that board games are only suitable for children's parties, you are mistaken. There are a lot of adult and family ones for sale now. Moreover, they are designed for both 4-6 players and large companies, and you can choose an interesting game for almost every taste. If you enjoy reading detective stories and love complicated stories, try detective games such as Mafia, Scotland Yard or Cluedo. For those who once enjoyed playing “Association”, “Taboo” and “Activity” are suitable, and for card lovers “Uno” is ideal, which is simple and very fun to play.

Fortune telling, dancing, cinema

A little mysticism

Are you attracted to everything mysterious and mystical? Then you will spend a wonderful evening with fortune-telling and predictions. There are many options - tarot cards, coffee grounds, fortune telling with water and wax, even online fortune telling...

music and dancing

Select suitable songs in advance and burn them to disk so that you don’t have to be distracted during the holiday. Light jazz, blues, and lyrical instrumental compositions are suitable for a pleasant background. And popular retro tunes are ideal for dancing (for example, 80s disco or music from old Soviet films).

Photo for memory

Don’t forget to take photos and film the brightest moments of the holiday. If possible, invite a professional photographer or cameraman who can make a short film about your holiday. You'll have great material for your next bachelorette party.

Movie Party

Remember the movie you were all in love with in 11th grade. Organize a retro viewing, cook the dishes that the heroes eat, dress in the style of that era and enjoy the viewing to the fullest!

The beautiful half of humanity always looks forward to the onset of their holiday - International Women's Day.

Firstly, this is a legal day off, which is good news, and secondly, not a single woman will refuse the attention, care and affection of men, which is never enough on this holiday.

Thirdly, on this day all wishes come true, and it is women who determine how to celebrate March 8th.

To make the holiday memorable for a long time, take the time to organize it - draw up an event plan, a list of guests, find someone in charge. Men can also be entrusted with organizing the celebration, but only women can say exactly what they would like to see on this holiday - a male striptease or friendly gatherings in a women's group. That is why one or another option for holding a holiday depends on which company is going to celebrate it.

Young people prefer to celebrate holidays noisily and cheerfully - no exception should be made on March 8th. Find a suitable room in advance - it could be a restaurant or bar, a country house or a large apartment. In fact, where exactly you will spend this evening is far from a determining factor.

The program for the evening is much more important - it is better if it is thought out in advance. This will allow you to completely relax during the holiday and not think about organizational issues. The scenario for March 8 may include various competitions, lotteries, you can organize a party in a certain style, for example, dressing up as a dude or turning to the fun 90s for ideas.

If you decide to spend March 8 surrounded by the heroes of the occasion, then you can also create an interesting program with competitions and entertainment, or just sit with friends or colleagues and discuss the latest news over a bottle of martini. You can attend an exciting party, go to the cinema or enjoy something delicious in your favorite cafe.

If you are one of the lucky owners of a significant other, you will probably want to spend this evening together. In this case, the initiative lies entirely with your chosen one - hint that you don’t mind him preparing a romantic dinner for you with candles and pleasant surprises.

Loneliness is not a reason to despair

If you don’t yet have a loved one with whom you could spend this festive evening, don’t despair. You can attend a noisy party with your friends, sit in a cafe - perhaps on this day you will meet your love.

Many women daily face a lack of time: problems at work, household responsibilities, husbands and children constantly requiring care - in such conditions it can be so difficult to find time for yourself.

Dedicate March 8 to self-care - you can visit a beauty salon, where experienced specialists will take care of your beauty. Get a new haircut, change your image, and if drastic changes are not for you, then you can simply enjoy spa treatments, get a manicure and pedicure, take care of strengthening your hair, and sign up for a toning massage.

After rest and relaxation in the hands of real masters of their craft, you will look refreshed and rested - perhaps this is much better than just spending the evening at the festive table with an abundance of food that is not very healthy for the body.

As you can see, March 8 can be celebrated in different ways. If you haven’t decided yet, I offer a few more ideas on how to celebrate March 8:

1. Throw a couples' party. Let the men set the table, and the women feel a real holiday and relax. Prepare interesting competitions and entertainment together. If there are no children, after dinner go to the club to dance.

2. Organize a noisy bachelorette party. Set the table together or order ready-made food delivered to your home from a restaurant.

3. Go shopping with your friends. In stores, along with your purchases, you have a chance to receive holiday gifts. And then celebrate your purchases in a cafe.

4. Have a “Beauty Day”. Spa salon, massage or sauna, hairdresser - and you will feel like a spring beauty. And during this time the husband will have time to prepare dinner.

5. A romantic dinner for two can renew a relationship like spring or take it to a new level. Don't forget to turn off your phones! Prepare some good music.

6. Go to the casino with your girlfriends if you have money. Just take the amount that will not affect your budget.

7. Don't spend March 8 alone. If you are alone, treat yourself to a cup of cappuccino in a cafe - maybe an interesting acquaintance awaits you. By the way, many cafes and other establishments offer promotions, discounts, and gifts for women on March 8th.