Clothes size calculator. Men's trousers How to determine what size pants

Every man's wardrobe includes at least one pair of trousers. Their correctly chosen size emphasizes the style and business appearance of a representative of the stronger sex. Often people encounter this problem: trousers of the same size, but from different manufacturers “fit” the figure differently. Therefore, the most reliable way to select great clothes is to try them on. But what to do if this is not possible? You need to at least know the required trouser size. The trousers table will help with this.

Taking measurements

How to find out your trouser size? There are many men's models on sale; in order to find the right size yourself, you need to measure three main parameters at home:

  • length of the trouser leg along the inner seam;
  • hip girth;
  • waist circumference

The first parameter is measured by applying the tape from the groin down to the desired length. The second value is determined by girth of the buttocks, capturing their most convex part. The third measurement should be taken at the level where the belt is constantly worn. Next, we compare the results with tabular data. The table of men's trouser sizes contains the ranges of measured values ​​and the corresponding size.

At the same time, you need to remember: the length of classic trousers is considered excellent if your socks are not visible when walking, and the leg of the trousers ends between the heel and the back of the shoe.

You need to stand straight while taking measurements. The pose should be natural, the stomach should not be pulled in. If you don’t follow these simple rules, you won’t be able to take real measurements. Accordingly, the trouser size may not be the one you need.

Determining the size

To take measurements, the presence of one more person is necessary. But this is not always convenient. men's trousers in this case? You need to take casual pants that have a good fit and take your measurements. To measure your waist correctly, you need to place a tape measure on the waistband of your trousers from edge to edge. The button must be fastened. Compare the results of the obtained measurements with the table. For example, the resulting waist size is 87 cm, and the hip size is 105. This means that the table size will be 50. Below is a table of men's trouser sizes. Russia uses the same designations as Europe, international is designated by letters.

Russian size

Hip circumference, cm

Waist circumference, cm

International size

table of correspondence

Tables for matching trouser sizes to torso volumes are considered for three types of men’s builds: slim, normal build and overweight. Each type has its own hip and leg length parameters.

The men's trouser size chart may also include a height parameter. The length of the trouser leg depends on the height of the man. Sometimes a situation occurs when the volume parameters vary greatly, and it is not possible to determine the exact size of the trousers the first time. Then you need to measure your height. To do this, you need to stand exactly next to the wall, straighten your shoulders and hold your head straight. A book or ruler is applied to the top of the head parallel to the floor; height is measured with a centimeter tape from the top to the heel.

Size in Russian grid

Men's trousers for slim people - fullness B

Men's trousers for normal body type - fullness C

Men's trousers for plus size - fullness D

Waist circumference, cm

Hip volume, cm

Inner seam, cm

Waist circumference, cm

Hip volume, cm

Inner seam, cm

Waist circumference, cm

Hip volume, cm

Inner seam, cm

Dimensions in inches

Global manufacturers may indicate dimensions in inches. Men's trousers are no exception. When, upon purchase, it turns out that the size is indicated in such a unit, not everyone knows how to correctly convert the number to centimeters. As a rule, one inch in conversion is 2.54 cm. The following parameters are indicated on the product tag: the inner length of the trouser leg seam and the waist circumference. A table of men's trouser sizes in inches and their equivalents in centimeters is presented below.

It is not uncommon for letter International standards to include sizes from XS to XXXL. The differences in alphabetic international designations may be greater than in digital ones. Analogs of international and Russian sizes are in the table below.

We hope that our tips will help you take your measurements correctly and choose the right size for men's trousers.

Almost all people buy things in shopping centers, not paying attention to inflated prices. If you learn how to determine the size of men's pants using a table, you can make purchases through an online store and easily do without trying on.

In order for buying trousers through online stores to bring joy and fit well, the male half needs to accurately determine the parameters of the future model.

How to take measurements for men's trousers

In the retail industry, the range of male models is varied. To choose the right pants, it is recommended to measure your waist, hips and pant length.

It is difficult to measure the length of trousers yourself, since you need to stand in an even position, not bend your knees or bend over. Therefore, ask someone to determine the distance from the groin to the hem of the future pants, that is, calculate the length. Using a flexible measuring tape around the most convex part of the buttocks, determine the size of the hips. The waist circumference is made in the place where the belt is located.

It is also possible to calculate the length of the trousers yourself, without resorting to anyone’s help. Take any pants you wear and measure the length. This way you can take measurements of your waist and hips. After measuring the width of your waist and hips, multiply the resulting value by two. The final figure determines the size of the product. Knowing your parameters, you can then find the appropriate size in the comparison tables.

How to determine your pants size by height

When choosing trousers or jeans, pay attention to such an important parameter as human height. The length of the trousers depends on the height of the man. To calculate accurate height measurements, stand with your bare feet on a hard surface near a wall, straighten up, and straighten your shoulders. Determine the distance from head to heels with a centimeter. Russian size charts indicate height in intervals of 4 cm. For example, the designation 52/170 on the tag indicates the 52nd size of pants with a height of 170 cm.

Men's pants size chart by height:

Many clothing manufacturers do not adhere to a common numbering system and set characteristics according to their own interests. This leads men to confusion when determining the appropriate parameters of the model.

How to find out the size of trousers from foreign manufacturers

Manufacturers of branded men's clothing in foreign countries use their own size charts, which are unknown to Russian consumers.

European models of men's jeans (Montana, Boss, Mustang) and trousers are identical to Russian ones, so there is no need to compare the values ​​​​in the table. For example, Euro size 50 is identical to Russian size 50.

Manufacturers of foreign trouser models (Levis, Lee, Wrangler) use a grid based on two important parameters: the length of the pants with the designation L and the waist circumference with the designation W. Since all parameters are expressed in inches, computer technology should be used. From the Russian size you need to subtract the number 16. The resulting figure will be the required size. For example, the Russian 56th corresponds to the foreign 40th, i.e. from 56 we subtract 16.

International letter markings are used on dense products. To correlate a domestic parameter with an English letter, use the table.

Waist circumference Hip girth Russian size European size (France, Germany) USA Letter designation
62-67 87-90 42 42 26 XXS
68-72 91-94 44 44 28 XXS
73-78 95-98 46 46 30 XS
79-84 99-102 48 48 32 S
85-90 103-106 50 50 34 M
91-96 107-110 52 52 36 L
97-102 109-113 54 54 38 XL
97-102 114-117 56 56 40 XXL
103-108 118-121 58 58 42 XXXL
109-114 122-125 60 60 44 3XL
115-119 126-129 62 62 46 3XL
120-122 130-132 64 64 48 4XL

How to choose the right trouser model

When choosing trousers, the man's height and physique are taken into account. Tall men with a thin build will suit styles with cuffs that will visually shorten their legs. You can purchase models with pleats on the waistband. They will make a man look voluminous.

Those with a lot of weight and a dense body structure are better off wearing wide-cut pants without creases with a low rise.

In classic models, pay attention to the sewing of pockets. They should not protrude or puff up. Pants legs should not be too short or long. The ideal length ends between the back of the shoe and the beginning of the heel. Socks should not be visible when walking.

Sweatpants sizes

When buying sweatpants, it is not at all necessary to use a table of volumes and parameters; it is enough to use the formula: waist circumference/2+6. For example, the waist is 96 centimeters, divide this figure by 2 and add 6. The resulting value is the 54th size.

The major sports brand Adidas has its own brand names, which are based on waist and hip circumference. The Adidas company is engaged in tailoring a men's clothing line with a waist size of 71-145 cm and chest circumference from 82 cm to 145 cm.

Children's sports products use different measurements for children over 8 years of age. For example, size 128 of Adidas pants is intended for children 8 years old with a chest circumference of 64 cm.

Size chart for men's sweatpants:

Russian size (cm) Height in cm Waist circumference in cm Pants leg length in cm
52 177-182 90-94 107-109
54 180-184 95-99 108-110
56 182-186 100-104 109-112
58 184-188 105-109 111-114
60 185-189 110-114 112-115
62 187-189 115-119 114-116
64 189-193 120-124 115-117
66 191-194 125-129 116-118
68 192-196 130-134 117-119

When you decide to make a purchase through an online store, you must first determine your size. Since each brand has its own sizing chart, it is better to stick to its guidelines. If you follow the measurement rules, you can easily purchase the perfect trousers that you will enjoy wearing.

B pants are an indispensable component of every man's wardrobe. Comfortable and correctly selected in size, they can make the image more solid and meaningful and add self-confidence to the owner.

But models that are similar in parameters can “sit” on the figure in completely different ways. That's why the most accurate and reliable way to choose the right men's trousers is fitting. But what if this is not possible?

How to determine the size of men's trousers?

To find out men's trouser size, if we talk about their classic version, you need to take 3 main measurements, applying a new measuring tape as tightly as possible to the body:

  • waist circumference - measured horizontally at the level of wearing the belt;
  • hip circumference - determined by wrapping the tape around the buttocks, capturing their most convex part;
  • length of the leg along the inner seam - obtained by stretching the tape from the groin to the desired length of the product.

When buying pants with the possibility of trying on, knowledge of the first two parameters is quite enough, but when ordering them via the Internet, it is worth determining the length of the inner seam, that is, essentially, the length of the leg. This is necessary so as not to make a mistake with the size of the purchased item, because very often in foreign stores the size of trousers is indicated in the same way as on jeans - with the designation of the waist and leg length (for example, W36 L32). Read more about men's jeans sizes.

While taking measurements, you need to stand straight, in a natural position, without drawing in your stomach. However, it will not be convenient to make all measurements yourself, so you can take your old ones classic pants that “fit” perfectly and determine the waist circumference and inseam length based on them. When measuring your waist, you need to attach a measuring tape to the waistband of your trousers from edge to edge (the button must be fastened) and multiply the resulting value by 2.

To choose the right sweatpants, you need to divide the result obtained when measuring your waist circumference by 2 and add 6. If your waist is 88 cm, then 88/2+6=50. This will be the right size.

Size chart for men's trousers: looking for a match

The results of the measurements described above are correlated with size chart for men's trousers. For example, the waist circumference is 87, and the hips are 105, which means that you need to look for the number “50” on the label of a domestic product.

Your Russian
trouser size
Waist circumference
Hip girth
42 62-67 87-90 42 XXS
44 68-72 91-94 44 XXS
46 73-78 95-98 46 XS
48 79-84 99-102 48 S
50 85-90 103-106 50 M
52 91-96 107-110 52 L
54 97-102 109-113 54 XL
56 103-108 114-117 56 XXL
58 109-114 118-121 58 XXXL
60 115-119 122-125 60 XXXL
62 120-122 126-129 62 XXXL
64 123-125 130-132 64 4XL
66 126-129 133-134 66 4XL
68 130-134 135-137 68 5XL
70 135-138 138-139 70 5XL

An important parameter when purchasing trousers for men is the value of growth. Very often, domestic manufacturers indicate it along with the main Russian men's size - half waist circumference (more about this). It might look like this: 54/176. Those with a height of up to 170 cm and above 190 cm need to select pants especially carefully, otherwise the chosen model may turn out to be too long or, conversely, too short, which will look, at the very least, ridiculous.

We also present to your attention a height correspondence table (in increments of 4 centimeters).

Manufacturers men's clothing (trousers, jeans, suits, T-shirts, etc.), as a rule, do not adhere to a single numbering system and indicate the size in their own way. This is what leads to significant confusion when determining the exact parameters of a product, especially when shopping online.

What size men's trousers should I buy abroad?

Large brands in Europe and America still try not to deviate from the sizing charts accepted in these countries, which many of us know.

If the selected model indicates European trouser size for men, then you won’t have to calculate or look for anything in the table. This value fully corresponds to the Russian one, that is, our 52nd is equal to their 52nd, etc.

Often foreign manufacturers of pants use the grid that is more typical for jeans to number their products. It is based on the same two parameters: waist circumference (W) and leg length (L). But the difficulty lies in the fact that these dimensions are indicated in inches. To find the one that’s right for you, simply subtract 16 units from the domestic size you know and you’ll get the number you should look for on these pants. For example, in Russia you wear size 56, which means 56-16=40 - this will be the desired value (W40).

But if international markings are used on the product label, then vice versa, without trouser size charts for men not enough. With its help, you can easily determine that, for example, “domestic” 48 men’s size is designated by the English letter “S”.

How to choose the right trousers?

For a tall, thin man, models with cuffs are suitable - they will allow you to visually shorten your legs. It is also desirable to have small folds on the belt, which will add a little volume to the silhouette. A heavyset, overweight man should buy straight, fairly wide pants without creases and with a low waist.

The pockets of the product should not bulge; the only thing allowed to be placed in them is a wallet. And one more tip: length classic men's trousers should be such that socks are not visible when walking, the trouser leg ends between the heel and the beginning of the heel, and at the front there are not a large number of folds.

7 little-known facts from the history of clothing

  1. The first people to wear trousers are the Iranian Scythians. And in Ancient China, only soldiers wore this item of clothing.
  2. Leggings were originally part of the ceremonial uniform of Prussian officers and were made from elk or deerskin. Leggings also came from the uniform of European cavalrymen. Both models were distinguished by an exceptionally tight style, which helped increase comfort during long riding.
  3. Such items of historical men's wardrobe as breeches and trousers have a personal origin: the first from the surname of a French general, the second from the nickname of a comedy character in the Italian theater.
  4. Until the end of the 18th century, it was not customary for aristocrats to wear long trousers - maximum to the knee, and ankle-length trousers were considered a uniform for workers (for example, chimney sweeps).
  5. In Russia, the European fashion for the lower part of the suit was introduced by Peter I in 1670. Until this time, Russian men dressed in trousers - two pieces of cloth connected at a walk by a diamond-shaped fly.
  6. From the end of the 19th century until the 1940s, men's trousers were of one universal girth at the waist and adjusted to the figure using suspenders or belts, and therefore looked very baggy.
  7. Fashionists of the 70s insisted that bell-bottoms must have 5 folds at the bottom (as naval legend says - according to the number of oceans). In fact, it depended on the person's height.

The decoding is as follows:

How to determine size

  1. Wrap the ribbon around the widest part of your waist. Then wrap the tape around the most prominent points of your buttocks.

    Compare these 2 numbers and choose the largest one - this will be the parameter W. Why do you need to take 2 measurements to determine 1 parameter? The fact is that these indicators in the general case may not coincide (this is especially noticeable in overweight people), and to be on the safe side, you need to take 2 measurements.

Full correspondence table

Russia Italy England USA Between-
Waist(cm) Hip circumference (cm) Jeans sizes (W)
38 36 4-6 0 XXS 58-60,5 83,5-86 22
40 38 6-8 2 XS 60,5-63 86-88,5 24
42 40 10 4 S 65 91,5 26
44 42 10 6 M 68 93,5 28
46 44 12 8 L 73 98,5 30
48 46 14 10 XL 78 103,5 32
50 48 16 12 XXL 83 108,5 34
52 50 16-18 14 XXXL 86 112 36
54 52 18 16 XXXL 90,5 116 38

L— the decoding will be like this:

  1. Hip circumference - about 98 cm.
  2. W-size - 30.
  3. Russian size - 46.
  4. Japanese - 11.
  5. Italian - 44.
  6. French - 40.

    Size chart for women's trousers and jeans, calculation calculator

  7. British - 12.
  8. American - 8.

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Jeans have been in fashion for over 20 years. Today on sale you can find both cheap, simple jeans for wearing at home, and stylish, beautiful pants for business meetings, picnics, dates, and so on.

But how to find out the size of women's jeans? What does the size chart look like? And what tips should you follow when buying jeans? Below we will look at what a woman should know when choosing such trousers.

Jeans marking

All jeans are marked with a special marking that allows you to clearly identify a specific size.

Most often, the designation is applied to a special short label, which is usually sewn to the inside of the back of the pants.

In most cases, a special American type alphabetic code is used for marking, which has the following structure: W(Digit1) L(Digit2).

The decoding is as follows:

  1. W (from English waist) is the waist circumference. The number next to this symbol indicates your waist circumference in inches.
  2. L (from the English length) - length along the inner seam. The number next to this symbol indicates the inseam length in inches.

Let's look at an example. Let's say you see the label W25 L28 - that means the waist is 25 inches and the inseam is 28 inches.

1 inch is equal to 2.54 cm, so to convert the length to centimeters you need to multiply the corresponding figure by 2.54. In our case, the clothing will have the following parameters: waist circumference is 25 x 2.54 = 63.5 cm, and seam length is 28 x 2.54 = 71.12 cm.

How to determine size

Let's take measurements now. For this we need:

  1. Tape measure. Make sure that it is not stretched, as this can significantly distort the measurement results.
  2. Old trousers for measuring parameter L.
  3. Calculator and basic knowledge of mathematics. Markings are usually indicated in inches, so to convert centimeters to inches you need to divide the totals by 2.54 manually or using a calculator (the calculator is available on the Internet).
  1. To calculate the L parameter, take your old pants and stretch the tape from the crotch to the end of the pant leg. It is recommended to add a few centimeters to this parameter, since shortening pants (rolling them up or cutting them) is quite simple, but lengthening them is extremely difficult.
  2. Divide these two measurements by 2.54 to get the length in inches. Typically, women's jeans are made with the addition of elastane or lycra (simple jeans are also on sale, but they are not so highly valued). These materials make the pants more “stretchy”, so when dividing, the results obtained should be rounded down, not up. This rounding rule also applies to women's high-waist jeans.

There is an easier way to determine Russian size if you know American size. To do this, you need to add 16 to the American parameter W - this is how you get the Russian size. Let's say you see pants marked 26 - then the Russian size will be 26 + 16 = 42.

Full correspondence table

It should be remembered that American standards do not apply in all countries.

If you decide to buy pants with Italian or Japanese markings, then you need to use the following table to determine the sizes of women's jeans:

Russia Italy England USA Between-
Waist(cm) Hip circumference (cm) Jeans sizes (W)
38 36 4-6 0 XXS 58-60,5 83,5-86 22
40 38 6-8 2 XS 60,5-63 86-88,5 24
42 40 10 4 S 65 91,5 26
44 42 10 6 M 68 93,5 28
46 44 12 8 L 73 98,5 30
48 46 14 10 XL 78 103,5 32
50 48 16 12 XXL 83 108,5 34
52 50 16-18 14 XXXL 86 112 36
54 52 18 16 XXXL 90,5 116 38

Let's look at an example. You found pants with a mark L— the decoding will be like this:

  1. Hip circumference - about 98 cm.
  2. W-size - 30.
  3. Russian size - 46.
  4. Japanese - 11.
  5. Italian - 44.
  6. French - 40.
  7. British - 12.
  8. American - 8.

Now you know how to determine the size of women's jeans and how to wear them correctly. Let's summarize.

To determine your jeans size, you need to take measurements.

How to find out the size of women's jeans - size chart

To find out your waist circumference (parameter W), you need to take a measuring tape around the widest area of ​​your waist and the widest area around your buttocks, and the largest number will be your waist circumference. To find out the seam length (parameter L), you need to use a ruler to measure the area from the groin to the end of the leg on your old pants.

To get US size, you need to further divide the W parameter by 2.54.

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Jeans have been in fashion for over 20 years. Today on sale you can find both cheap, simple jeans for wearing at home, and stylish, beautiful pants for business meetings, picnics, dates, and so on.

But how to find out the size of women's jeans? What does the size chart look like? And what tips should you follow when buying jeans? Below we will look at what a woman should know when choosing such trousers.

Jeans marking

All jeans are marked with a special marking that allows you to clearly identify a specific size.

Most often, the designation is applied to a special short label, which is usually sewn to the inside of the back of the pants.

In most cases, a special American type alphabetic code is used for marking, which has the following structure: W(Digit1) L(Digit2).

The decoding is as follows:

  1. W (from English waist) is the waist circumference. The number next to this symbol indicates your waist circumference in inches.
  2. L (from the English length) - length along the inner seam. The number next to this symbol indicates the inseam length in inches.

Let's look at an example. Let's say you see the label W25 L28 - that means the waist is 25 inches and the inseam is 28 inches.

1 inch is equal to 2.54 cm, so to convert the length to centimeters you need to multiply the corresponding figure by 2.54. In our case, the clothing will have the following parameters: waist circumference is 25 x 2.54 = 63.5 cm, and seam length is 28 x 2.54 = 71.12 cm.

How to determine size

Let's take measurements now. For this we need:

  1. Tape measure. Make sure that it is not stretched, as this can significantly distort the measurement results.
  2. Old trousers for measuring parameter L.
  3. Calculator and basic knowledge of mathematics. Markings are usually indicated in inches, so to convert centimeters to inches you need to divide the totals by 2.54 manually or using a calculator (the calculator is available on the Internet).
  1. Wrap the ribbon around the widest part of your waist. Then wrap the tape around the most prominent points of your buttocks. Compare these 2 numbers and choose the largest one - this will be the parameter W. Why do you need to take 2 measurements to determine 1 parameter? The fact is that these indicators in the general case may not coincide (this is especially noticeable in overweight people), and to be on the safe side, you need to take 2 measurements.
  2. To calculate the L parameter, take your old pants and stretch the tape from the crotch to the end of the pant leg. It is recommended to add a few centimeters to this parameter, since shortening pants (rolling them up or cutting them) is quite simple, but lengthening them is extremely difficult.
  3. Divide these two measurements by 2.54 to get the length in inches. Typically, women's jeans are made with the addition of elastane or lycra (simple jeans are also on sale, but they are not so highly valued). These materials make the pants more “stretchy”, so when dividing, the results obtained should be rounded down, not up. This rounding rule also applies to women's high-waist jeans.

There is an easier way to determine Russian size if you know American size. To do this, you need to add 16 to the American parameter W - this is how you get the Russian size.

How to find out your clothing size

Let's say you see pants marked 26 - then the Russian size will be 26 + 16 = 42.

Full correspondence table

It should be remembered that American standards do not apply in all countries.

If you decide to buy pants with Italian or Japanese markings, then you need to use the following table to determine the sizes of women's jeans:

Russia Italy England USA Between-
Waist(cm) Hip circumference (cm) Jeans sizes (W)
38 36 4-6 0 XXS 58-60,5 83,5-86 22
40 38 6-8 2 XS 60,5-63 86-88,5 24
42 40 10 4 S 65 91,5 26
44 42 10 6 M 68 93,5 28
46 44 12 8 L 73 98,5 30
48 46 14 10 XL 78 103,5 32
50 48 16 12 XXL 83 108,5 34
52 50 16-18 14 XXXL 86 112 36
54 52 18 16 XXXL 90,5 116 38

Let's look at an example. You found pants with a mark L— the decoding will be like this:

  1. Hip circumference - about 98 cm.
  2. W-size - 30.
  3. Russian size - 46.
  4. Japanese - 11.
  5. Italian - 44.
  6. French - 40.
  7. British - 12.
  8. American - 8.

Now you know how to determine the size of women's jeans and how to wear them correctly. Let's summarize.

To determine your jeans size, you need to take measurements. To find out your waist circumference (parameter W), you need to take a measuring tape around the widest area of ​​your waist and the widest area around your buttocks, and the largest number will be your waist circumference. To find out the seam length (parameter L), you need to use a ruler to measure the area from the groin to the end of the leg on your old pants.

To get US size, you need to further divide the W parameter by 2.54.

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Sizing chart for women's clothing

Size chart for youth trousers (all measurements are given in centimeters)

Size chart for women's trousers (all measurements are in centimeters)

Often trouser and jeans sizes are indicated in inches. Below you will find tables of measurements in inches and centimeters.

Size chart for women's jeans

Sizes should be understood as follows, for example, 32/34 here 32 is the waist size (in inches), and 34 is the inseam length of the trouser leg (in inches).

How to determine the correct size.

In order to choose the right clothing size, you need to accurately measure your basic parameters.

Women's Clothing Size Charts

Then use the table of clothing sizes. It is best to measure your clothing size while wearing just your underwear, so that the measuring tape fits snugly against your body. If you want women's clothing of a particular model to fit more freely, add 2 cm to the result.

Chest circumference: The measuring tape should run horizontally around the torso through the most protruding points of the chest.

Waist circumference: The measuring tape should run horizontally around the torso at the level of the waist line. Be natural and free while doing so.

Hip circumference: measured at the fullest point of the hips and buttocks.

In all cases, the measuring tape must be parallel to the floor!!!

If your sizes differ greatly from the numbers presented in the size table, then the larger parameter should be decisive when determining the clothing size. A loose item always looks better than a tight-fitting one.

If you have narrow shoulders, then you should buy a smaller clothing size, while women with broad shoulders should choose a larger one.

If you have wide hips, it is better to use them as a guide when determining your size.

Therefore, refer to the clothing size chart to determine your size correctly.

Every man has several pairs of trousers in his wardrobe. To look respectable and confident, it is important to choose the right size for this item. Having studied the data on the label, you can start trying on; only in this way will you determine whether the trousers “fit” your figure well, or whether it is better to look for another copy.

Although online shopping is fast and convenient, it has one drawback: you cannot try on an item and evaluate how accurately it matches the buyer’s parameters. To avoid getting into trouble, use a table that shows several body measurements. This will help you choose pants that are most likely to fit well.

You can find out what size pants you wear by taking a few measurements. This:

  • Waist circumference. The measuring tape is laid at the level of wearing the belt.
  • Hip girth. The tailoring tool should be pulled horizontally to the floor line, capturing the convex areas of the buttocks.
  • Length of the product. The length from the groin to the desired length of the trouser leg along the inner seam is taken into account.

If you buy classic trousers in a store, then it is enough to know the first two parameters; if you prefer online shopping, you cannot do without the length of the trousers. When taking measurements, pay attention to how you stand, because the accuracy of the measurements depends on this. First of all, do not pull in your stomach, otherwise your waist circumference will be smaller than it actually is. It is better to involve an assistant in the process, for example, a spouse who is familiar with a measuring tape and knows how to use it.

The absence of an assistant should not affect your plans. In this case, take the trousers that match your measurements and lay them out on a hard, horizontal surface. Armed with a tailoring tool, measure the distance on the belt from the left side to the right. The button should be fastened and the ribbon should lie freely. Multiply the result by two, this will be your waist circumference.

To find out the size of sweatpants, use the formula - FROM: 2 + 6 cm. For example, the waist is 84 cm, dividing it in half, we get 42. Add 6 to the result, the total is 48. This means that sweatpants need to be looked after on the 48th size.

Size correspondence table

If you need to know what size pants you need to buy from an online store, take a look at the table. With parameters 84-100, choose a wardrobe item where the number 48 is indicated on the tag. Moreover, it will be true both for domestically produced items and for those that were sewn in European countries (Germany, France).

Your Russian
trouser size
Waist circumference
Hip girth
42 62-67 87-90 42 XXS
44 68-72 91-94 44 XXS
46 73-78 95-98 46 XS
48 79-84 99-102 48 S
50 85-90 103-106 50 M
52 91-96 107-110 52 L
54 97-102 109-113 54 XL
56 103-108 114-117 56 XXL
58 109-114 118-121 58 XXXL
60 115-119 122-125 60 XXXL
62 120-122 126-129 62 XXXL
64 123-125 130-132 64 4XL
66 126-129 133-134 66 4XL
68 130-134 135-137 68 5XL
70 135-138 138-139 70 5XL

An equally important parameter when choosing clothes for men is the height of the model. Domestic manufacturers take it into account when labeling their products and indicate it on the label along with the half-waist circumference. For example, 52/176. Men whose height is below 170 or above 190 cm should choose their trousers especially carefully. Despite the standard volumes (OT and OB), it may turn out that the item of clothing will be either too short or prohibitively long.

Height on the label is indicated at intervals of 4 cm. Let’s say that a man with a height of 168 cm will fit a model marked 166-170, and for those tall 184 cm, trousers with a mark of 182-186 are intended.

Manufacturers of men's clothing, located in different countries, prefer to use different size numbering systems. That's why, when buying things online, you can easily make a mistake with your choice.

What trousers should I buy abroad?

Large European and American brands try not to deviate from the sizing charts adopted in their countries. It will be easy for our compatriots to decide on the size of trousers in France or Germany, since it fully corresponds to what we are used to buying in our homeland.

However, difficulties arise when selecting pants numbered according to the grid, which is typical for jeans. That is, two parameters are taken into account: waist circumference (W) and pant leg length (L). Even more confusing is that they are designated in inches. The formula will help you calculate the appropriate size: domestic - 16 units. For example, on domestically produced trousers we see the number 52, subtracting 16 from it, we get 36. This is what you need to look for on the label when shopping abroad.

You cannot do without a table if the manufacturer uses an international letter system for labeling. From it it becomes clear that size 52 corresponds to L.

Choosing the right style of trousers

A man with a thick and overweight build should opt for a straight-cut model with a slightly low waist without creases on the legs. If you have a tall, thin figure, trousers with cuffs will look harmonious; they visually shorten your legs. In both cases, take into account the length of the product; it should be such that your socks do not show when walking. When trying on a piece of clothing in the store, pay attention to the length of the trouser leg: at the back, its edge should reach the beginning of the heel of the shoes, and at the front there should be no transverse folds.

Make sure that your pockets do not bulge when you wear them, and do not clutter them with unnecessary items. All you can afford to put in them is a wallet.

Little-known facts from the history of trousers

  • The Iranian Scythians are the first people on earth where men began to wear the lower part of clothing, similar to modern models of pants.
  • In Ancient China, only brave warriors wore trousers.
  • To create comfort during long horse riding, Prussian soldiers began to have leggings sewn on them - tight-fitting trousers made of deer or elk skin.
  • The trousers and breeches were named after historical characters. The first comes from the nickname of an Italian comedian, the second from the surname of a French army general.
  • Aristocrats of the 18th century did not wear long trousers; such models were intended only for unskilled workers.
  • European fashion, including the lower part of the suit, was introduced into Russia by Peter the Great. Until 1670, men dressed in trousers, which were sewn from two pieces of cloth and united by a rhombic fly.
  • Until the 40s of the 19th century, men's trousers were sewn in one size and adjusted to the parameters of a particular consumer using a belt and suspenders. It was for this reason that the products looked baggy.

On the “flares” that were popular in the 70s of the last century, exactly 7 folds should have appeared (according to the number of oceans). This was precisely the opinion held by fashionistas who walked the streets in wide pants.