When it's Easter. When is Easter this year? How is the date of Easter determined? What not to do on Easter Sunday

Easter is one of the most wonderful holidays. The celebration of this day is quite interesting, as is its history. Otherwise, Easter is called the Resurrection of the Lord. This day is not fixed in the calendar, so as soon as spring approaches, we wonder When is Easter this year?

The exact dates of Easter and Parents' Day in 2019:

Easter this year can be called late, since It will be celebrated on April 28, Sunday.

There is Catholic and Orthodox Easter. But they are celebrated at different times, since there are different opinions on the date of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. But the most interesting thing about this point is that the peasants, in determining the date of the holiday, use one calculation method:

In 2019, Easter can be called late, since it will be celebrated on April 28, Sunday.

It is no secret to everyone that Easter is the very last day of Lent, which lasts 48 days. On this night, you must definitely go to church and defend the service there. Those who belong to the class of believers take with them baskets of Easter cakes and colored eggs in order to illuminate them.

Place a small candle between the Easter cakes and the eggs and light it. It should burn throughout the entire service. Returning home, people set beautiful, lush tables that are simply overflowing with a variety of dishes. The most important thing is that first of all you need to eat an egg and a piece of Easter cake. Only after this will you be allowed to start other dishes.

Easter is more of a family holiday. There are interesting customs and traditions that are observed every year on this particular year. People exchange illuminated sweet cakes. They give each other beautiful colored eggs, which symbolize the Resurrection of Christ.

“The traditional color is red, as a symbol of life and victory. Therefore, among the painted Easter eggs there are always red ones.”

Kulich- This is one of the obligatory symbols of the holiday. Its presence is mandatory. According to the old tradition, Easter cakes were baked strictly in a Russian oven in a special cylindrical form, approximately the size of a bucket.

Nowadays these sizes are quite difficult to bake, so we use molds that are much smaller in size but the same in shape.

Dyed millet was used to decorate this type of Easter cake, which has now been replaced with a huge selection of loose decorations.

Easter is a great dessert made from dairy products or flour. There are millions of Easter options and cooking methods. Previously, it was made with warm milk, cream or only flour. They also used cottage cheese - cottage cheese Easter. But the cottage cheese was not the one we are used to seeing on our table now.

Previously, it was believed that cottage cheese was sour milk, which women collected during Lent in one container. The Kislyak insisted and became denser. Therefore, Easter eggs used to be very tender, light with a special aroma.

When is Parents' Day?

In addition to all the holidays that concern the church, Christians have a day that is usually called parental day. There are eight such days in the church calendar. But the most important one always falls on the ninth day after Easter and always on Tuesday. On such a Tuesday, it is customary to remember all deceased relatives and friends and send a memorial for them. It is also considered obligatory to visit the cemetery and leave sweets for the deceased.

This day is called Radonitsa. Although Parents' Day is dedicated to sad events for every person - deceased parents and close relatives are remembered, but according to the Christian faith, death is not the end, but a transition to a new, better life. And we should be happy for our family and friends. It is customary on this day to go to the cemetery with treats for the deceased.

This day is also called “Radonitsa”. This word arose from the word “rejoice”, since we not only remember all our relatives, but also be sure to congratulate them on Easter, we believe that the Kingdom of Heaven will come and all the dead will be resurrected.

When is Catholic Easter?

Depending on calculations, Catholic and Orthodox Easter can be celebrated on different dates. This day is determined according to the solar-lunar calendar. And since everyone uses their own calendar, the dates of the holiday will coincide very rarely.

On this Great Holiday, Orthodox and Catholics celebrate the victory of life over death and pay their respects to the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

There are certain symbols of Catholic Easter that significantly distinguish it from Orthodox Easter.

Egg- This is the most important symbol of the holiday. The egg has been served as a main dish since ancient times. But it should not have a normal appearance. It must be decorated with bright, beautiful colors and intricate patterns.

The eggs must be served in a special way: they must be either in a basket decorated with flowers and ribbons. Or on beautiful, lush, green grass. For the role of grass, you always germinate wheat and oat seeds yourself at home, while you need to monitor the density, richness, height and juiciness of the greenery.

There is also a very interesting traditional entertainment for children on Easter Day. In addition to eggs, the symbol is the rabbit, which likes to hide eggs.

Based on this, adults hide painted eggs and sweet bunnies in the garden near the house. The children's task is to find all the hidden eggs and rabbits.

For all finds, each child receives a sweet gift (“Easter egg”). The role of “Easter eggs” can be not only Easter cakes, but also other sweets, fruits and various delicacies.

Easter Bunny - a required symbol that is responsible for Easter eggs. If you believe children's fairy tales, then it is this fluffy, kind creature who paints colorful eggs at night and hides them in the garden so that on the morning of Easter Sunday the children will find their surprises.

Hen- This is the only attribute in Catholic Easter. Her images and figures must be present. These can be sweets, applications, souvenirs and so on.

Easter wreath- this symbol can perform two roles: decoration and a base for eggs. In the first case, it is made from woven willow branches, grass and twigs. They are tied with beautiful ribbons and used as a symbol and interior decoration. In the second version, colored eggs are placed in it and thereby served on the table.

Flowers are the main symbol of the festive Easter table. Tulips, crocuses, violas and petunias are grown especially for this day. Around the bouquets you can decorate with greenery, using sprouted oats, wheat, etc. Such an original bouquet can be found in almost every home and family.

Why are eggs painted for Easter (a short history)?

Since ancient times, the egg has symbolized new life, rebirth. Therefore, when leaving fast (40 days), the first thing you are allowed to do is eat a festive egg.

Why is it necessary to dye eggs? The answer is very simple. When Mary Magdalene learned that Jesus Christ had risen, the first thing Mary Magdalene did was to run to Emperor Tiberius and immediately gave him a painted egg with the words “Christ is Risen.”

The emperor was, of course, confused by the fact that the egg was red, but when he held it in his hands, it turned pink. After this, painting eggs became the main tradition of the holiday.

The red egg is considered a symbol of resurrection and rebirth. Just as Jesus Christ was resurrected, so life began from the egg. And the red color is proof of this.

You can color eggs either with natural dyes - onion skins, etc., or with artificial ones.

Before you start coloring eggs and giving them as gifts in the future, you need to know the meanings of some colors.

White- can be freely called heavenly, as it symbolizes purity and spirituality.

Red- refers to royal flowers, as it symbolizes power and control.

Yellow, orange and gold are symbols of security, wealth and prosperity.

Blue- carries love, purity and mutual understanding towards others.

Green- refers to those colors that express prosperity and rebirth.

Black- the color of sorrow and crying. It is strictly prohibited to paint eggs this color.

This is such an unusual Easter. There are so many interesting things it contains. And it’s simply impossible to list everything. But the most important thing is already known and many still adhere to the necessary rules and requirements.

I wish you a Happy Easter!

The moving holiday is celebrated on different dates every year. To be sure on what day to celebrate Easter in 2016, check the Orthodox calendar.

Why is Easter different every year?

Easter, Bright Sunday of Christ, is the main moving holiday in the Orthodox calendar. Its dating is directly related to the lunar cycle, since Easter celebrations occur on the Sunday after the first full moon. The lunar cycle has a clearly established number of days, which does not coincide with the calendar year we are used to, and therefore Easter is shifted annually by a certain number of days. It is established that the holiday cannot begin earlier than April 4 or later than May 8. The dates of Easter celebrations are calculated by the church for many years in advance.

The “Feast of Holidays,” as the Orthodox Church traditionally calls Easter, marks the end of the longest (more than 40 days) Lent. In 2016, Lent begins on March 14 and continues until April 30. The most important time of Lent is Holy Week - a week symbolizing the last days of the life of Christ, starting from Palm Sunday (Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem) and ending with the holiday of Easter.

When is Easter celebrated in 2016

In 2016, Easter Sunday falls on May 1. For the church this is considered a fairly late Easter. The day before (on Saturday), it is customary to illuminate ready-made Easter cakes, Easter cakes and eggs painted in various ways in the temple. After which the day should be spent without straining too much physically, since the night service is ahead - the peak of the celebration, from which the Easter miracle begins.

Most Orthodox Christians strive to receive communion on Easter night, which is not easy due to the massive crowds of people in the church. Therefore, a small recommendation for those wishing to partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ: do it on Thursday (the day when the church commemorates the events of the Last Supper, that is, the very first sacrament of communion).

The celebration of Easter continues for another 40 days, starting from Bright Week - the most solemn week in the Orthodox Christian calendar. The church charter for this time provides for the shortest services (on average they last about 30 minutes) with the Royal Doors open (a symbol of the fact that the Lord opened the gates to Paradise for people with his sacrifice on the cross.) At the same time, long tearful prayers are prohibited for all 40 days of the Easter celebration, kneeling and prostration. This is a time of joy, rejoicing, which must be spent in the proper emotional state.

The sacred meaning of this event for believers is the voluntary ascension of Christ to Golgotha ​​in order to atone for the sins of people through the sacrifice of the cross and open the way for them to eternal life.

Why Orthodox Easter does not coincide with Catholic Easter

The Catholic Church, unlike the Orthodox Church, lives according to the Gregorian calendar, which is now widespread throughout the world. The Orthodox Church did not recognize the Gregorian calendar, deciding to continue conducting services according to its usual Julian calendar. This is why there is such a difference in the dates of Easter celebrations between the Catholic and Orthodox churches. For example, in 2016, Catholic Easter is celebrated on March 27, and the Orthodox Church will celebrate Easter Sunday only on May 1.

Traditionally, Easter is a family holiday that should be spent with your loved ones in joy and harmony. Preparation for Easter celebrations is also one of the means of family unity, since coloring eggs and baking fragrant Easter cakes is interesting for both children and adults. The joy of the Bright Holiday is multiplied by the joy of close spiritual communication with loved ones. Spend more time with your loved ones and don't forget to press the buttons and

18.11.2015 00:40

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When Orthodox Easter is celebrated in 2019, what date it will be - many of us are already interested in advance.

Orthodox Christians will celebrate Easter this year April 28, 2019. And exactly a week before it, on April 21, all Orthodox Christians will traditionally celebrate. On the same day, April 21 in 2019, there will be.

The tradition of celebrating Easter does not begin with the Resurrection of Christ - it existed before that. The Jewish holiday of Passover was and is celebrated to commemorate the exit of the Israeli people from Egyptian captivity under the leadership of Moshe (Moses).

It just happened that the Savior rose from the dead on this very day. As you know, such coincidences may seem random only at first glance. The liberation of the Jewish people from captivity in Egypt is a story that is generally regarded as the liberation of all mankind from the power of sin and death.

The miraculous resurrection of Christ signifies the greatest victory of good over evil, a visible symbol of the fact that love and faith are much stronger than hatred and fear.

And just as the Jewish people sacrificed the Passover lamb, so the Lord himself sacrificed his son to the slaughter. And in this event the boundless love of God for man was manifested.

And even if a person has a neutral attitude towards the Easter holiday, this does not deprive him of the right to join the jubilant humanity, which will certainly utter the cherished words:

"Christ is risen!"

“Truly risen!”


Interestingly, translated from Hebrew, the word “Pesach” means “passed by” or “passed by.” This means that one day God passed by the Jewish houses and destroyed only the homes of their oppressors - the Egyptians.

In our time, the symbolism of history is also obvious: good certainly triumphs over evil. The Lord removes oppression and frees man from sin. By accepting the sacrifice of Christ, absolutely any of us can count on forgiveness and understanding.

Why does the date of Easter keep changing?

The question of what date Easter will be in 2019 is often associated with another one. Why does the date of this holiday change all the time, unlike, for example, Christmas (January 7) or Epiphany (January 19)? Indeed, Easter belongs to the so-called moving holidays - celebrations that do not have a clearly established day.

The fact is that in Orthodoxy the celebration of Easter falls on the first Sunday after the first spring full moon. How to determine exactly the first full moon?

It is believed that spring comes after March 21 - i.e. day of the spring equinox. Then the day for the first time becomes equal to the night in duration (in hours). It turns out that as soon as March 21 has passed, you need to wait for the full moon, and the next Sunday will be Easter.

When is Orthodox Easter celebrated?

Therefore, the main Christian holiday among the Orthodox is always celebrated from April 7 to 8 May:

  • Orthodox Easter 2019 – April 28.
  • Orthodox Easter 2020 – April 19.
  • Orthodox Easter 2021 – May 2.
  • Orthodox Easter 2022 – April 24.
  • Orthodox Easter 2023 – April 16.

Here is the clergyman’s commentary on this matter:

All about the symbols of the holiday - colored eggs and Easter cake

Of course, the immutable symbols of the holiday are colored eggs and Easter cake. And it seems that everything is known about these two traditions. But this simplicity lies only on the surface, and in general we should not forget that the amazing is nearby.

Why are eggs painted for Easter?

Indeed, why will we be dyeing eggs again for Easter 2019?

The most common legend says that when Mary Magdalene learned that Christ had risen from the dead, she hastened to tell the whole area about it. And of course, she went to the Roman Emperor Tiberius, who in those years ruled the occupied territories of Israel.

Of course, her preaching about the resurrection was not taken seriously. Therefore, when Mary said to Tiberius: “Christ is risen!”, he took an ordinary chicken egg and answered: “The dead do not rise, just as eggs do not turn red.” And at the same moment, the egg in his hand turned bright red, which probably left the ruler speechless for some time. However, he did not deny the obvious and said: “Truly he is risen!”

Interestingly, this story also has its own symbolism. Essentially, it shows society's attitude towards miracles. Some are ready to wholeheartedly believe that they happen. And even without evidence. Other people, who are often called rational, pragmatic (and more recently they were more often called materialists), require an objective basis for any statement.

It is noteworthy that neither Mary Magdalene nor Tiberius enter into the discussion. And the higher power itself shows the incredulous emperor that miracles do happen.

And even if we know everything about life and a little more, this does not mean that we can do without faith. After all, it is precisely this that is a kind of prototype of a positive future, aspiration forward, a certain project of our destiny. By the way, the word project itself is translated as “forward-looking.”


Since the egg is painted in bright red shades, it is necessary that this color be one of the predominant colors on the Easter table. Of course, the harmony of the palette and taste preferences of the owners are respected, but red eggs must certainly be present as a symbol of the holiday.

Why Easter must have colored eggs

Along with the story of Marina Magdalene and Emperor Tiberius, there are several more assumptions why colored eggs should certainly be present at Easter:

  1. First of all, the egg is considered a symbol of the Universe, a symbol of life itself. This is one of the cultural archetypes along with the image of water, fire and other iconic symbols. The egg seems to stand above all religions, nationalities and cultures. And this privileged position is recognized by almost everyone. If you think about it, an egg is not what gives life. This is life itself. This small prototype of an organism contains everything necessary for the emergence of a new living being. In appearance, it is no different from a pebble or other inanimate object. But under the shell, various processes intensively occur, thanks to which procreation occurs. Using the achievements of modern science, we can see everything with our own eyes, as if the shell did not exist. But ancient people had to comprehend the world mostly through their faith. What did not stop them from living, rejoicing and loving.
  2. The image of the egg was considered sacred by the Egyptians, Persians and Romans. Interestingly, the Romans ate a baked egg before any festive meal. It was believed that this was a good symbol of a successful undertaking of any business. By the way, these peoples always celebrated the coming of spring. And boiled eggs were always present on the table as an image of the revival of nature and good changes.
  3. Interestingly, on the birthday of another Roman emperor, Marcus Aurelius, which happened 2 centuries after the resurrection of Christ, a chicken laid an egg with red specks, and this was considered a lucky sign. Since then, it was customary for the Romans to send colored eggs to each other on the occasion of any holiday.
  4. And another version is particularly original. It is believed that the stone that blocked the entrance to the Holy Sepulcher resembled the shape of an egg.

It can be noted that none of the versions contradicts the other. Therefore, they all equally have the right to exist. Moreover, different assumptions only complement each other.

It is natural to imagine that people of ancient times also exchanged their cultural experiences, just like modern society. And although for obvious reasons the traditions spread more slowly then, they were still preserved and even survived to this day.

Thus, the custom of dyeing eggs lives on as long as Christianity exists. Eras passed, entire states and peoples disappeared, but the memory of the bright resurrection lived and lives among a huge number of people.

It turns out that everyone who paints eggs comes into contact with ancient history, which dates back at least 20 centuries. If you think about it for just a second, you can immediately feel the atmosphere of a real holiday. And these bright thoughts will certainly put anyone who wants to get into the Easter spirit into a positive mood.

What does the Orthodox Easter cake symbolize?

When we wonder what date Easter will be in 2019, we certainly remember not only the date of the bright holiday itself, but also about Easter cake. Delicious, aromatic pastries, a symbol of the holiday, which, if the correct recipe is followed, can last in the house for at least the entire Bright Week (the week after Easter Sunday).

There are several dozen varieties of this holiday dish. Traditionally it is baked from a dough based on milk, butter and chicken eggs.

It is customary to decorate Easter cake with sprinkles, pieces of fruit or berries, glaze - in a word, in this creative matter, every cook can give complete freedom to his imagination.

Why did the tradition of baking Easter cakes begin? Unlike eggs, there is no exact answer to this question.

However, what is certain is that this tradition is ancient. She has been living since time immemorial. As you know, Christ himself broke bread and poured wine during the Last Supper exactly three days before his resurrection.

Any type of bread has sacred significance for all peoples of the earth. Even today, when hunger in many countries has been completely defeated, it is considered bad manners to play with pieces of bread, throw them away, or speak unflatteringly about this truly national product without exaggeration.

In this sense, Easter cake can be considered as a symbol of fertility, satiety, and prosperity in the home. And given the tradition of breaking bread, which was established during the Last Supper, we can say that bread is a symbol of the body of Christ.

Therefore, baking and eating Easter cake is another opportunity to get in touch with the holiday and feel the magical atmosphere that reigns annually throughout the planet for 2 thousand years.

But here is the information, as they say, first hand. Hieromonk Job Gumerov answers the question of why the tradition of preparing Easter cake appeared.

What to do for Easter: traditions and modernity

So, for the holiday, or rather, on the eve of Easter Sunday, almost everyone paints eggs and buys Easter cakes. Of course, you can bake the baked goods yourself - after all, preparing for the holiday is also the holiday itself.

What else do they do for Easter? Whatever the date of this resurrection, in 2019 people will surely come into contact with many ancient traditions. Here are the most famous of them.

Lighting eggs and Easter cake

Of course, on such a day, believers strive to get to church and attend the all-night service, which takes place on the night from Saturday to Sunday. And even if this was not possible, they come to the temple in order to...

The tradition of consecration allows a person to tune in to the bright waves of the holiday. It is no secret that a special atmosphere develops in a gathering of believers, which can hardly be felt at home or even while watching a service broadcast on TV.

That is why you should definitely visit the temple on such a day. And it wouldn’t be superfluous to do a favor by treating those in need with eggs and Easter cakes.


Well, at home the holiday continues - moreover, here it is in full swing. In the morning you need to try to get up early, because the Savior rose in the morning. And the rising sun itself symbolizes the beginning of the celebration.

According to tradition, all those celebrating take Easter eggs and bow to Christ - i.e. They push eggs against each other and break the shell from either end - sharp or blunt. After this, you need to kiss the cheeks three times and say the well-known words:

"Christ is risen!"

“Truly risen!”

If you follow the church canon, the phrase will sound slightly different, which does not change its meaning at all:

Traditionally, people go to visit, treat Easter dishes to relatives, friends, neighbors and just everyone who is dear to their hearts. In this sense, it is very good that Easter is always celebrated on Sunday. We have the opportunity to remember and visit everyone who may have been waiting for our attention for a long time.

Other folk customs for Easter

Easter cake and eggs are the main symbols of the holiday, therefore Easter traditions are mainly associated with them:

  1. After visiting the church, you can buy several candles and decorate the Easter cake with them. Traditionally, one candle is placed in one pasochka, after which the fire is lit so that it brings joy to everyone in the house.
  2. You can arrange a pleasant holiday for everyone at home - and of course, don’t forget about the kids. For example, let them look for colored eggs that will be previously hidden in different places in the house. Have a fun search together.
  3. You can also organize “rolling games” - whose egg will roll the farthest.
  4. Traditionally, the house is decorated with greenery and emerging tree branches. In general, it is permissible to use all symbols that represent rebirth and good changes.

Festive table for Easter

Along with the question of when Easter will be in 2019, people are often interested in what dishes will be right to put on the table. After all, the festive menu serves as a kind of culinary portrait of the celebration and allows you to enjoy the moment to the fullest.

In addition, with the onset of the holiday, Lent ends, which imposes the most stringent requirements for restrictions on food and drinks. And after such a long ordeal, the joy of the holiday only intensifies.

Traditionally, along with Easter cake, there are other baked goods on the table, as well as meat dishes:

  • boiled pork;
  • baked veal;
  • wild duck stewed in sour cream;
  • all kinds of pies, kulebyaki, sweet baked goods.

As for the holiday drink, red wine is rightfully considered to be it. It is preferable to prepare in advance and purchase a church horse. It’s even more interesting if you make red wine yourself. It can be prepared almost a year in advance, but the wait only enhances the pleasure.

What not to do on Easter Sunday

  • You shouldn’t sort things out or start important business conversations on such a day.
  • It is better to refrain from unpleasant memories and everything that literally darkens the Resurrection of Christ. It is important to understand that Easter is a day of joy, not sorrow. Believers remember not the deceased, but the risen Savior.
  • You should not indulge in gluttony and drink. Of course, no one denies themselves food, and a couple of glasses of nice red wine won’t hurt. We must remember what the main food is on such a day - spiritual, not earthly.
  • It is not advisable to clean up, do repairs, visit beauty salons, wash windows, etc. That is, all actions that distract from a pleasant celebration are undesirable. At the same time, there are no direct prohibitions on this. Everyone can act according to their own conscience. In addition, sometimes a person may find himself at work even on Christ’s Resurrection. And of course, he must fulfill his official duty.
  • You should not visit on such a day, and you should choose another time to honor the dead. Easter is the triumph of life over death, truth over sin. It’s better not to forget about this when we celebrate Easter in 2019.

Representatives of the Orthodox Church also express a similar opinion.

On the beautiful spring day of the Holy Resurrection of Christ, everyone can feel like they are part of something wonderful and eternal. After all, celebrating Easter is a great honor. This means coming into contact with sacred history - perhaps the main event in the history of mankind.

The most important church Orthodox holiday is Easter, the day when Jesus Christ was resurrected. Churches host very touching services, the sacrament of consecrating Easter baskets with lit church candles. Easter is celebrated with family and friends, and people prepare for it in advance.

The date of Easter this year for Orthodox Christians in Russia

The date of Easter changes every year, but it always falls in some spring month. So, in 2019, the holiday will come at the end of April, on the 28th, but this is for the Orthodox, while Catholics will celebrate it a week earlier - on April 21st. The name of the holiday comes from the word “Passover”, the translation of which from Hebrew is “to pass by”.

Easter symbolizes something bright, eternal, victory over sins. On such a touching and important day for Orthodox Christians, they remember the Resurrection of the Savior 3 days after he was crucified. The death of Jesus Christ is the atonement for the sins of all people on the planet.

The preparation for Easter is the observance of Lent. In 2019, it began on March 11, and will end on the eve of the holiday - April 27. Fasting days are needed in order to prepare not only your body, but also your soul, to cleanse it of sins, clear your head of bad thoughts, confess, and receive communion. The duration of the fast is 48 days.

On Easter Day, Orthodox Christians greet each other in a special way: when meeting, one person says “Christ is Risen!”, and the other replies “Truly He is Risen!”, then kiss three times.

The Holy Fire is a symbol of God's Light, which spilled onto the earth when Jesus Christ was Risen. A special service is held at the Holy Sepulcher, at the end of which the Holy Fire descends to earth.

Painting eggs and baking Easter cakes are the main Easter traditions. The eggs symbolize the Holy Sepulcher: supposedly it is externally dead, but inside it there is life that comes out of the egg, just as the Savior came out of the tomb in his time. Easter cake is a special pastry, bread with raisins, candied fruits, and nuts, which should be on all tables on Easter Day. At the end of the service at home, Orthodox families gather at the Easter table, break their fast, eat Easter cakes and krashenki, blessed in the church.

To keep money in the house, on Easter morning they wash their faces with water containing a silver coin or other silver object. Unmarried girls perform Easter rituals on Maundy Thursday: they give the towel with which they dried themselves after bathing, along with Easter cakes and eggs, to those who ask for alms.

What to put in your Easter basket:

    1. Easter cake;
    2. colored eggs;
    3. a head of garlic with horseradish;
    4. ham, boiled pork, lard, homemade sausage (not blood sausage!);
    5. salt;
    6. church candles;
    7. cheese with butter.

Easter in 2019, what date? For the Orthodox, the Holy Resurrection of Christ is one of the Great Holidays, according to the Orthodox calendar 2019, April 28 is the date of Easter. In 2019, on April 28, Easter for the Orthodox, on Sunday, all Christians of the Orthodox faith celebrate the most important church holiday - Easter. The date of the church holiday changes every year; the date of celebration of the Holy Resurrection of Christ in 2019 among the Orthodox falls on April 8, but the date of Orthodox Easter is transitory and not permanent.

The holiday was established by the church in honor of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. As follows from the Easter hymn, this is a holiday and a celebration of celebrations that require special preparation from Christian believers. Before Easter, Christians go through Great Lent.

Easter is the most important celebration for believers; the celebration of the Resurrection of Christ continues for forty days, exactly as long as the Risen Jesus Christ remained on earth. The length of celebration of this great holiday makes Easter different from the rest and surpasses other church celebrations in importance.

Razgadamus considers it educational. The end of Easter week does not end the celebration of the Resurrection of Christ. With the words of greeting “Christ is Risen!” and “Truly He is Risen!” one should greet each other for forty days before the Ascension of Christ.

The Resurrection of Christ is associated with the salvation of people; the Christian holiday symbolizes the triumph of the spirit over the flesh, the victory of life over death. Easter is a church holiday, but this day is celebrated with Easter cakes and colored eggs by believers and atheists alone, celebrated in church, non-believers at home eat traditional dishes prepared for the Easter meal.

When is Easter 2019 celebrated?

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1 hour ago

Christian Easter is celebrated in the spring, when nature awakens, and the celebration always falls on a Sunday. On Sunday, according to the date set in , Christians begin to celebrate the holiday, but every year the date of Easter changes.

The date of the holiday varies, but Sunday is considered a constant day; on Sunday Christ is Risen, having suffered martyrdom by being crucified on the cross. The dates for celebrating the Resurrection of Christ in Orthodoxy and Catholicism differ; Orthodox and Catholics celebrate the important event at different times, but every few years the date on the calendar coincides.

Orthodox Easter 2019: date and traditions

Why is Easter celebrated on different dates? What date is Easter in 2019? Why does the number change and how to determine the date of Easter? The exact date is difficult to determine on your own; the date of the holiday is calculated according to the lunar calendar; Easter does not occur before the spring equinox.

In 2019, Orthodox Easter is April 28. The Orthodox Church holiday has centuries-old traditions, rituals and signs, which are significant for many Christian families.

The great holiday with established traditions is preceded by Great Lent, during which it is recommended to fast, help others, and lead a righteous life. The last week is especially strict, during strict Lent, many foods are prohibited during Holy Week, and Saturday is considered the last day of Lent.

On Sunday comes Easter, Orthodox Christians celebrate Christ, kiss each other, congratulating each other with joyful greetings “Christ is Risen!” and in response to congratulations they say “Truly He is Risen!”

Easter is a celebration of life and renewal, symbols of the solemn day, which are obligatory Easter foods, are Easter cakes and colored eggs. The egg represents the Holy Sepulcher, the red color in which the eggs are painted symbolizes the shed blood of Jesus Christ crucified for human sins.

Christian believers, observing church traditions, paint eggs and bake Easter cakes on Maundy Thursday, the last week before the Great Celebration. On the eve of Easter, on Saturday Easter cakes, Easter cottage cheese, and colored eggs are blessed in the church.

On Sunday morning, after the night Easter service in the church, candles are lit in the church, and it is customary for Christian believers to break their fast at home. According to tradition, families set the table with holiday dishes that were prohibited during Lent; the meal begins with a colored egg, after which they taste Easter cake and move on to other holiday treats.

What not to do on Easter

What can and cannot be done for Easter? The Easter holiday is a bright, pure and great event; the meaning of the celebration is the cleansing of the human soul and body. On this day you cannot do household chores: wash, do laundry, clean your home.

You can clean the house on the eve of the celebration; usually housewives clean up houses and apartments - they wash windows, wash clothes, and distribute excess things to the poor.

On Easter, many people remember the dead and go to the cemetery, but according to church canons this cannot be done. You can and should rejoice; on this day you should visit living relatives and loved ones, gather together at the family table, and make plans for the future.

Before the celebration and during the celebration, the church does not hold funeral services; on Easter days you cannot get married in the church or be baptized. In the pre-holiday week, every housewife traditionally bakes Easter eggs, paints eggs, and prepares traditional Easter eggs from cottage cheese.

Cottage cheese Easter: classic recipe without baking

According to the classic recipe, Easter curd is prepared without baking; the dish is prepared by infusing the curd mass in molds. Easter is made custard, raw or boiled, Tsarskie. A classic Easter dish is considered to be no-bake Easter cottage cheese; we offer a classic way to prepare the obligatory Easter dish.

Ingredients for making raw cottage cheese Easter

  • cottage cheese – 1.5 kg;
  • chicken eggs – 8 pcs.;
  • sour cream or cream 30% – 500 g;
  • butter – 300 g;
  • sugar – 600 g; seedless raisins – 300 g;
  • nuts (any) – 200 g;
  • vanillin - sachet.

How to make cottage cheese Easter at home without baking in the oven

  1. Grind eggs with sugar, vanilla and three tablespoons of sour cream. Heat the cream without bringing to a boil, cool.
  2. Pass dry cottage cheese through a meat grinder, add cooled cream, mix.
  3. Add washed and dried raisins, fried nut kernels, softened butter, remaining sour cream or cream to the cottage cheese. Stir until smooth.
  4. To form the Easter, you will need a collapsible mold made of wood or plastic. Instead of a mold, you can buy a flower pot with a hole in the bottom.
  5. Lay damp gauze inside the mold so that the ends hang out, put the curd mass into it, compact it and close the top with the ends of the gauze. Place a plate under the pan to catch the whey.
  6. Press down the Easter on top with a weight and place it in the refrigerator overnight.
  7. After this, take out the dessert, turn it over and decorate it with sprinkles, and you can put it in the Easter basket and go to church to bless it.

How to dye eggs for Easter with onion skins

An Easter egg is painted in various colors, but Easter eggs painted in onion skins and red in color were and remain traditional, as a reminder to people of the shed blood of the Almighty.

Eggs are dyed with natural dyes; housewives buy entire sets for coloring eggs, but the most durable, indelible red color is obtained by dyeing them in onion skins. The rules for coloring with husks are simple, but not all housewives know how to paint eggs for Easter so that one of the main symbols of the holiday turns out beautiful.

  1. Before coloring, eggs must be removed from the refrigerator and checked for cracks in the eggshell.
  2. Cracked ones should be set aside, they can be used later in cooking, whole ones with strong shells should be washed so that the paint from the onion peels on the eggs is more uniform.
  3. Wash the onion peels, pour hot water - the amount of water and peel is taken arbitrarily, but in such a way that the eggs are completely in the water during coloring and are not visible from under the peel.
  4. Boil the peel in a saucepan over low heat for 5 minutes, cool the broth. Place the eggs in the pan in a single row, placing them under the leaves.
  5. You need to paint eggs in onion skins for 10 minutes from the moment of boiling, with water in a saucepan at a low simmer.
  6. After this, the red eggs are taken out one by one, placed in cold water for a few minutes, and cooled. The cooled painted eggs are wiped dry and greased with vegetable oil so that the red paint on the eggs shines.

On April 28, 2019, all Orthodox Christians will celebrate the Holy Resurrection of Christ. The Razgadamus website team congratulates all its readers on the holiday and wishes peace and prosperity. Christ is Risen!