When is World Youth Day? World Youth Day. How to celebrate Youth Day in Russia

World Youth Day, traditionally celebrated on November 10, commemorates the founding of the World Federation of Democratic Youth. A historical event happened in 1945 in London at an international conference. It was the first global event that brought together more than 30 million young people from dozens of countries with different skin colors, their own views on politics and religion. All of them had one thing in common - the desire to unite in the struggle for independence, democracy and peace on earth.

With the collapse of the USSR and the end of the cult of communism in Russia, this holiday was not widely celebrated. However, the country still remembers the events organized by the World Federation of Democratic Youth - two festivals of youth and students held in 1957 and 1985 in the capital.

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Youth is the hope of older generations for a bright, reliable future, strengthening all the strengths of our world, faith in the friendship of peoples and shared happiness. Today, on World Youth Day, we sincerely congratulate girls and boys on their significant event, which they will definitely celebrate, as befits highly developed and intellectual people.


If children are flowers, then youth are already fruits or fresh shoots. It is thanks to young people that scientific and social progress moves forward. The world is changing and the credit for this is due to the new generation. We congratulate you on World Youth Day and wish that the flame of enthusiasm and determination does not go out, moving humanity into the future.


Laughter all around, hubbub all around, young people having fun!
World Day is celebrated - if you don’t miss it, you won’t pass it by!
There is no need for a boring banquet, a holiday sitting down is a difficult holiday!
It’s not for nothing that we sing loud songs together today,
World Youth Day - it’s like New Year’s,
So dance, have fun, and have a blast!


Youth is a wonderful time,
Life is full of fun.
My wish is not in vain
Live through the years, days of the week.

On World Youth Day
Let all the people walk
There is no youth dearer
Life is always rushing forward.

Youth is a wonderful time,
After all, spring is blooming in my soul.
My wish is not in vain
With pleasure, wonderful
Everyone drink it to the dregs.


We celebrate World Youth Day,
And for the young, all paths are open to us,
We have a very wide range of work ahead of us,
But entertainment is not forgotten!

We study diligently, we gain knowledge,
We work, communicate, travel,
We know that all our efforts are not in vain,
In life we ​​will get everything we want.

On this beautiful day, remember your youth,
If you have seen a lot over the years,
So that the soul is awakened by the ringing song,
And the light of the sun would become stronger and brighter.


Today is the holiday of the holidays,
Youth of the whole planet!
Well, what about us?
Let's lace up our sneakers tighter!
Tents, fire, guitar.
Songs again until the morning.
Let it be the same in life,
Lots of happiness and warmth!


Funny, sometimes desperately brave...
Dragonflies, butterflies... Above the lush growth
You flutter, making it brighter and more colorful
Life with a shower of worries and worries in a light drizzle.

You beat off “I love” a thousand a day
Morse code in hearts scorched by fire
Undying passion. And you dream boldly
Line in the style of fantasy life scenarios.

Let fate cherish and nurture you!
Trouble cannot remove the dagger from its sheath!
Beautiful, young, I salute you
And I wish you happiness. Happy Youth Day!


Is being young for a long time?
Full of strength, beginnings, ideas!
Fresh and clean, full of duty -
We are now the abode of all violent passions!

We are bright, new,
They don't look like anyone else...
Everything will be fun!
Happy Youth Day everyone!


Happy Youth Day to all young people
And everyone who is young at heart,
Only together we will win
There is difficulty and hunger in the world.

Let your soul soar in the clouds.
Youth is the dawn of life.
We are young, and in our hands
The future of the planet.


Capture this moment
If you want, take a photo.
After all, youth is so fleeting,
Only in memory she is forever.

But it's up to you now
Who will exalt and who will humiliate.
Don't be afraid - this is life,
Just hold on tight to your friends.


Everyone was young once.
Life seemed wonderful
There was a lot of mental strength,
The eyes shone with happiness.

Youth is capable of love,
And to exploits and to friendship,
He hurries wherever you call,
Help if needed.

She doesn't know one thing:
How hard it is to lose
Friends and loved ones, without whom
You won't be able to breathe.

And on this holiday young
Let everyone become young
The big world will hear the motive,
Our soul strings.


Let's celebrate World Youth Day
And we’ll have more fun meeting him with friends,
And we will give each other smiles,
And we will forgive, of course, mistakes!
Youth - we are proud of you,
You are beautiful and you are all heroes!
May success and luck accompany you,
And you share everything with each other in half!


In early November
The Earth celebrates Youth Day.
Even though you and I are no longer twenty,
But youth lives forever in the soul.

Fun and carelessness will not harm us,
Let our grandchildren want to be like us.
I congratulate you on Youth Day,
And remember, it’s not good for us to grow old with you!


May all the youth in the world on this day
He will hold hands and tell the world: “Yes!”
So that in the future on a small planet,
There have never been wars!

So that people do not die from shells,
Children were not orphaned by the war,
In order not to give awards posthumously,
Don't feel guilty in your soul.

Guilt for tears, sorrows and pains,
For the wounded, killed sons,
Let's give the youth a lot of will,
So that the wars are extinguished as soon as possible.


Happy Youth Day
All those who are young in body and soul.
Who is full of strength, vigor, fun,
We send a big hello to that!

Let the years fly by
We wish you to always be young,
And don’t lose interest in life,
Be brave and never lose heart!

In every country in the world where a course is set for the development of society, great hopes are placed on young people, who are assigned the role of creators of the country's future. Holidays and events dedicated to them serve to unite young people and stimulate their educational and spiritual development. International Youth Day is celebrated by many countries on 12 August and World Youth Day is celebrated 10th of November. This day was established to commemorate the founding of the World Federation of Democratic Youth at the 1945 World Youth Conference in London. In Russia, since 1993, a presidential decree set the date for the celebration of Youth Day - 27th of June. In many regions and localities, Youth Day 2019 will be celebrated on a day off June 29.

History of the holiday in Russia

Youth Day, like any significant event, has its own history. Until 1958, this holiday was not celebrated in the Soviet Union. The prerequisite for the founding of the Youth Day celebration was the VI World Festival of Youth and Students held in Moscow in July 1957. It became a significant event not only for young people, but also for the entire country. The international festival clearly showed how important the unity of youth is for the implementation of important socio-political tasks.

In February 1958, the Government of the Soviet Union decided to establish its own holiday Youth Day, the date of celebration of which at the state level was set for the last Sunday in June. The holiday at that time had a pronounced political character. Holding it in nature has become a tradition. The procession of young people through the streets of populated areas was accompanied by flags, banners, and brass bands. The final collection area was mainly parks or forest clearings. Youth concerts, various competitions and sports competitions were held there.

Youth Day in modern Russia

Nowadays, the Russian government is relying on youth in the development of science, technology, art, sports and information technology. It tries to attract young people to participate in various federal programs related to improving the work, education, social and cultural life of young people. For this purpose, various competitions and grants are held, following which the Government and the President award the winners and best representatives of youth. The country's leadership understands youth problems through meetings with students and young specialists from various sectors of the national economy.

At meetings of the country's leadership with youth activists, issues of young people receiving quality education: secondary, vocational and higher are resolved. It's no secret that having a good education is a great start in life.

Issues of employment of young people after receiving secondary technical and higher education are also acute in the current crisis. During the celebration of Youth Day 2019, as in previous years, regional leaders will try to hold meetings between young people and potential employers and organize unique profession fairs.

Problems of helping young families are also in the field of view of federal and regional leadership. On Youth Day, many regions provide financial assistance to young parents with many children, and provide youth mortgages under the “Young Family” social program.

A separate topic that is in the attention of the Government is the education of a healthy lifestyle among young people. Bad habits: alcohol, drugs and smoking, unfortunately, have become a vital need for a large number of young people. They pose a mortal threat to life and contribute to the moral and mental degradation of a young person. Communicating information about these problems is one of the most important tasks of city and rural administrations. For this purpose, doctors and psychologists are invited to conduct events, as well as young people who have proven the benefits of a healthy lifestyle with their successes. Rehabilitation centers to get rid of bad habits, youth work and sports camps are being created.

How to celebrate Youth Day in Russia

Youth Day 2019, the date of widespread celebration of which is usually moved to the weekend - the last Saturday or Sunday of June, is cheerfully celebrated in all regions of Russia. The government has approved a mandatory program of celebrations, which includes showing films and programs on youth topics on television, holding mass cultural and entertainment events, concert programs, flash mobs focusing on various problems of modern youth, competitions, sports competitions and demonstration performances by athletes, fun starts " You + I are a friendly family”, beauty contests.

The winners of various competitions and competitions are rewarded with prizes and valuable gifts. Master classes in various areas of technical creativity, applied arts and mastering various sports are very popular. They awaken young people's interest in mastering new skills, abilities and knowledge, distracting them from meaningless pastime and bad companies. Numerous events are held in open areas and attract not only young people, but also the older generation.

The positive attitude of the state towards young people gives young people confidence in the future, stimulates them to acquire new knowledge, creativity and active participation in the public life of the country and the whole world.

International Youth Day in 2019 is celebrated on August 12.
World Youth Day is celebrated on November 10th.
In Russia, festive events on the occasion of Youth Day are held annually on the last Saturday of June, in 2019 - on June 29.

World Youth Day, traditionally celebrated on November 10, commemorates the founding of the World Federation of Democratic Youth. A historical event happened in 1945 in London at an international conference. It was the first global event that brought together more than 30 million young people from dozens of countries with different skin colors, their own views on politics and religion. All of them had one thing in common - the desire to unite in the struggle for independence, democracy and peace on earth.

With the collapse of the USSR and the end of the cult of communism in Russia, this holiday was not widely celebrated. However, the country still remembers the events organized by the World Federation of Democratic Youth - two festivals of youth and students held in 1957 and 1985 in the capital.

World Youth Day
Everyone celebrates these days.
No matter how much life happens,
Youth is always in the soul.

Let this mood
Helps you live easily.
Keep your ardor and vigor,
They are bright and light.

Congratulations on Youth Day
We are all girls and boys,
To all young people - there is a road everywhere,
Let them walk along it
Let everyone conquer the peaks,
They live in harmony with themselves,
And no matter what happens in life,
Walk with your head up!

Congratulations on World Youth Day and I want to wish you not to waste a single day, to move with big steps towards success, fame and happiness, to express yourself with loud words and worthy deeds, to fill the pages of your life with joyful moments and romantic adventures.

Youth is a wonderful time,
Life is full of fun.
My wish is not in vain
Live through the years, days of the week.

On World Youth Day
Let all the people walk
There is no youth dearer
Life is always rushing forward.

Youth is a wonderful time,
After all, spring is blooming in my soul.
My wish is not in vain
With pleasure, wonderful
Everyone drink it to the dregs.

We will count among the youth
Everyone who can do anything in the world,
Someone who is energetic, active,
Cheerful, bright, positive.
And it doesn't matter how old you are.
Youth is spiritual light!
We congratulate you on this day
And we wish spring in our souls,
Optimism, sparkle!
Let life be sweet!

Youth Day - what kind of holiday is it?
Everyone needs to be congratulated, no matter how you look at it.
After all, each of us is young at heart

We wish you fighting fervor,
Sparkles in the eyes and the right path,
Not a day without humor, not an hour without a smile
From three to ninety-nine years old.

Happy World Youth Day,
I wish your soul to bloom,
So that joy, kindness, fun,
They surrounded you everywhere and always!

So that happiness settles in the house,
So that all the years are bright,
So that all the bad things are forgotten,
I wish you never to be sad!

I wish you more extreme sports,
You always get everything from life,
Be unique in everything
Always come to the rescue!

We celebrate World Youth Day,
And for the young, all paths are open to us,
We have a very wide range of work ahead of us,
But entertainment is not forgotten!

We study diligently, we gain knowledge,
We work, communicate, travel,
We know that all our efforts are not in vain,
In life we ​​will get everything we want.

On this beautiful day, remember your youth,
If you have seen a lot over the years,
So that the soul is awakened by the ringing song,
And the light of the sun would become stronger and brighter.

Is being young for a long time?
Full of strength, beginnings, ideas!
Fresh and clean, full of duty -
We are now the abode of all violent passions!

We are bright, new,
They don't look like anyone else...
Everything will be fun!
Happy Youth Day everyone!

Happy Youth Day to all young people
And everyone who is young at heart,
Only together we will win
There is difficulty and hunger in the world.

Let your soul soar in the clouds.
Youth is the dawn of life.
We are young, and in our hands
The future of the planet.

Everyone was young once.
Life seemed wonderful
There was a lot of mental strength,
The eyes shone with happiness.

Youth is capable of love,
And to exploits and to friendship,
He hurries wherever you call,
Help if needed.

She doesn't know one thing:
How hard it is to lose
Friends and loved ones, without whom
You won't be able to breathe.

And on this holiday young
Let everyone become young
The big world will hear the motive,
Our soul strings.

Congratulations: 43 in verse, 6 in prose.

“Soviet Youth Day” began to be celebrated in 1958. It was celebrated annually on the last Sunday of June. In 1993, the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin moved the holiday to June 27. But despite the official order, in many cities of the country the date of Youth Day remained “floating” - last Sunday in June. The reason is simple: June 27 is not considered a non-working day, so they try to coincide with all holiday events.

“Young people are treasured everywhere, old people are respected everywhere,” says a famous song. And this is absolutely correct, because only careful continuity and mutual respect between generations can give rise to a happy future. Oh, if only it were not only in the song! But the first steps have been taken: there is both the Day of the Elderly and the Day of Youth on the calendar - who knows, maybe someday we will become more attentive to each other, not only on designated holidays and memorable dates?

How is this day celebrated? Of course, noisy, fun, sparkling - as befits youth. As a rule, concerts, all kinds of entertainment events, etc. are planned for Youth Day.

But the purpose of such “personalized” holidays is not only entertainment, but also to attract the attention of society and the state to a certain group of the population. Therefore, on Youth Day, various kinds of events are held - conferences, seminars, competitions - allowing talented young people to express themselves in many ways and present their creative ideas to the general public. Often this day allows a young man to find a job he likes or choose a profession.

Of course, society turns its attention to young people not only on this day, here is one of the latest news in this area: Russia plans to host the 19th festival of youth and students in 2017.

Similar festivals have been held since 1947. In Russia, the last time there was a festival of youth and students was before the collapse of the USSR. Therefore, if these plans come true, it will be very interesting and certainly fruitful.

By the way, there is another holiday dedicated to young citizens. It's International Youth Day. It is celebrated every year on August 12th all over the world. It was established by the UN General Assembly within the framework of the World Conference of Ministers of Youth Affairs.

In 2000, the first official celebration of International Youth Day took place. Here is another reason to remember the concerns and problems of young people and support them in the difficult task of growing up.

Here’s another interesting memorable date – World Youth Day, but it should not be confused with the holidays described above! World Youth Day is a religious holiday established by the Catholic Church. True, not only Catholics are invited to the world congress of young people, but everyone, regardless of their religion. Such a congress is held once every two to three years.

I wonder who is considered youth, what age group? Official statistics are strict: young people are considered to be people from 14 to 30-35 years old. But in fact, Youth Day exists for those who are young at heart and young at heart. So this is a holiday for all of us?

on all continents of the globe, millions of young people celebrate World Youth Day - a holiday that originated on the initiative of young men and women who survived the most terrible event of the 21st century - the Second World War.

The holiday date was established in honor of the creation of the World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFYD), a global event that took place in London on November 10, 1945 at the World Youth Conference.

The Youth Conference was organized by the World Youth Council, which at that time united more than 30 million representatives of the multinational young generation of the Planet, who were adherents of various religious views, political views, but seeking to overcome fascism through common efforts.

The WFDY was also called upon to prevent a repetition of the most brutal war, calling on the youth of the whole world to unite, with a powerful united front to resist the instigators of military conflicts, to fight for justice, equality, and the independence of peoples.

The UN recognizes WFDY as an international left-wing youth non-governmental organization.
The Federation is active in political activities, promoting peace. In 1959, she supported the USSR proposal for general complete disarmament. Initiated the Day of Struggle against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs.

The priority area of ​​activity of the WFDY is the protection of the rights of young people. She initiated and actively contributed to the creation of numerous international organizations to provide material support to youth in Latin America and Africa. Thousands of students study at universities on WFDY scholarships.

The Federation promotes the development of youth contacts in the field of tourism, labor, and helps implement all kinds of solidarity projects.

The most important event known to many is the World Festival of Youth and Students. The first one was held in Prague in 1949, and subsequently the mass celebration of friendship and peace between the youth of the Planet became a regular event, held every two years.

The political and cultural program of the festivals includes discussions, seminars, concerts, and is aimed at creating mutual understanding between peoples of different nationalities and cultures.

The internationally useful activities of the WFDY, the first organization in the history of the youth movement that unites youth from all over the world, inspire respect.

On World Youth Day, we wish every girl, every boy to remain young and energetic until their most venerable years, but from a very young age to understand that only peace, justice, equality will make all of humanity and each person individually happy.

Happiness is within the control of anyone; it’s so easy to make friends with the guys from the neighboring yard, to help someone who is defenseless or deprived of fate. Happiness and peace to everyone!

Let us remember that there is also International Youth Day which is celebrated annually on August 12 and Russian Youth Day, celebrated on June 27.