Face mask with cinnamon and protein. Recipes for making masks and scrubs for the face with cinnamon. The best recipes for face masks made from cinnamon and honey

The enchanting aroma of cinnamon warms us and gives us a good mood. But a little-known fact is that this spice, known to man for many thousands of years, is an excellent remedy that rejuvenates the skin and gives it a beautiful shade of light tan. In addition, cinnamon has a healing effect due to its powerful anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects.


Cinnamon seasoning is one of the most famous warming spices, which can also reduce heat. Such abilities of the “intellectual heating pad” are in great demand in modern folk medicine. But we want to reveal the secrets of the fragrant additive in a more beneficial capacity for us - cosmetology. A cinnamon face mask is a talented cosmetologist; it can overcome many skin imperfections.

  • It can smooth the skin, remove wrinkles and significantly rejuvenate it. Cinnamon is a strong antioxidant.
  • Regenerate cells, help them resume collagen synthesis, heal inflammatory processes. Thiamine will also work on this.
  • A team of vitamins E, PP, K work on the “external facade” of the face - they renew cells, improve the overall appearance, tone and give the dermis a boost of energy.
  • Riboflavin actively restores complexion, but without the participation of pyridoxine, the epidermis cannot become elastic and strong.

A cinnamon mask will also improve your mood - you are guaranteed magical aromatherapy, because the intoxicating, soul-warming aroma of the spice carries memories of warm pastries, chocolate and hearty dishes.

In Victorian fragrance language, cinnamon meant the expression “My destiny is in your hands.”

We, too, will take the fate of the skin into our own hands and begin to rejuvenate and heal it. But we will make masks strictly according to the recipe, without exaggerating the cinnamon proportions: in excess, the spice can cause irritation and overflow of blood in the vessels of the dermis (hyperemia).

Home beauty laboratory

Cinnamon is a responsive and versatile spice. It will serve well in caring for problematic and greasy skin, dull and pale, fading and sluggish, dry and... When performing the procedure for the first time, just in case, check the skin reaction - after all, cinnamon is an exotic product. A classic cinnamon mask is a combination of cinnamon and honey.

The ability of honey to relieve inflammation, moisturize and nourish the dermis, combined with the active work of cinnamon components, have a balanced, multicomponent effect on the skin.

  • Face mask with cinnamon and honey for acne

Mix cinnamon powder (8 g) with melted honey (32 ml). Mix the mixture thoroughly and apply to your face. The time of one session is a quarter of an hour. In total, to achieve maximum effect, you need a month-long course of cinnamon-honey masks.

If you mix cinnamon and honey in equal quantities and rub this mixture daily onto the spots and marks of cured acne, these areas will soon become smooth and even.

  • Clay mask with cinnamon for acne

We make a healing mixture of white clay (50 g), sea salt (20 g), liquid honey (12 g) and cinnamon powder (4 g). Dilute all this with hot water (60 ml) and add (5 drops). We hold it for a quarter of an hour.

  • Cinnamon-oil mask for dry dermis

Mix ground cinnamon (8 g) and rosehip or almond essential oil (3 drops) into honey (16 ml).

To nourish oily epidermis, use Jojoba or grape seed oil etherol.

We keep the product for about 10 minutes. Don't forget to mix it well. Carry out nutritional sessions every week 2-3 times.

  • Revitalizing honey mask with cinnamon for face

Add cinnamon powder (8 g), oatmeal (15 g) and a little warm milk to liquid honey (32 ml). To tone problematic dermis, replace milk with yogurt, kefir or whey. The mass is applied twice. We will “massage” the first layer into the skin, the second will be thicker. Session time is 10 minutes.

  • Honey and cinnamon to remove comedones

Add cinnamon powder (4 g) and egg white to melted honey (16 ml). Keep this product on oily skin for about 20-25 minutes.

To care for dried out dermis, replace the white with a yolk and stir in rich sour cream (18 ml) into the mixture.

  • Nourishing mask with cinnamon and banana

Add honey (12 g) and ground cinnamon (4 g) to banana puree (32 ml). Keep the mask on for about 10-15 minutes. In addition to good nutrition, this product can remove fine wrinkles and smooth out the face.

Use honey-cinnamon masks in the evening, because after such sessions the skin may turn slightly red. You will feel warm during the procedure - this is normal. But if you feel hot, remove the product immediately. When caring for very sensitive skin, reduce the amount of cinnamon by half.

The content of the article:

A mask with honey and cinnamon for the face is a wellness procedure aimed at nourishing and rejuvenating the skin. The oriental spice is successfully used in cooking, but in addition, the aromatic spice is known for its medicinal properties. Together with honey, you get a cocktail of youth that can improve the condition of the dermis.

Benefits of a face mask with cinnamon and honey

Separately, cinnamon and honey are very beneficial, but in tandem these substances work much more effectively. These components enhance each other's action. That is why they are actively used to treat ailments of the skin of the face, head and internal organs.

Benefits of cinnamon for the face

For the first time, Eastern women began to use this spice as a cosmetic product. This is where the spice grows.

Beneficial properties of cinnamon for the face:

  • Makes skin elastic. This is possible thanks to choline, which enhances the synthesis of elastin, which is responsible for the softness and elasticity of the integument.
  • Saturates with vitamins. Cinnamon contains many microelements. In addition, there are vitamins E, C, PP and K.
  • Improves cellular metabolism. The interaction between cells is enhanced, which helps accelerate metabolic processes. Metabolic products are removed from the epidermis faster, and the skin glows with health.
  • Stimulates blood circulation. Vitamin K has a beneficial effect on the health of capillaries and small blood vessels. Accordingly, the condition of the skin improves and the complexion evens out.
  • Removes acne. Cinnamon contains natural antibiotics that fight pathogenic microorganisms. Thanks to this, the rate of spread of infection is reduced, and acne disappears.

Benefits of honey for the face

Honey is a natural product produced by bees. This is flower nectar, which enters special glands located in the throat of insects. Fermentation of nectar produces honey. It is known for its beneficial properties and is used in folk medicine to treat many skin diseases.

Beneficial properties of honey for the face:

  1. Moisturizes the epidermis. Bee nectar contains 20% moisture, but it does not evaporate from the surface of the skin and is retained by it thanks to polysaccharides. They form stable complex compounds with moisture.
  2. Exfoliates dead skin particles. Honey contains fruit acids that gently exfoliate the epidermis.
  3. Rejuvenates. The microelements present prevent the skin from reacting with free radicals. They bind to active particles and remove them from the body.
  4. Promotes scar resorption. Honey contains boron, which promotes accelerated and proper cell division. This replaces scar tissue with healthy tissue.
  5. Normalizes sebum secretion. Bee nectar contains zinc and selenium. These microelements prevent the formation of excessive sebum. Skin oiliness decreases.

Contraindications to the use of honey and cinnamon for the face

Despite the great benefits of nectar and cinnamon for the face, there are conditions and ailments in which the use of products with these components can be harmful.

Contraindications to the use of masks with bee nectar and cinnamon:

  1. Diabetes. With this disease, the use of honey both internally and externally is prohibited. This substance contains fructose, which can cause a spike in blood glucose.
  2. Heart diseases. If you have heart defects or have artificial valves, you should not use honey and cinnamon in face masks. When nectar is mixed with water, hydrogen peroxide is formed, which affects the functioning of the heart.
  3. Allergy. If you are allergic to bee products or spices, do not make a mask with honey and cinnamon.
  4. Open wounds. Cinnamon is a rather aggressive spice that can cause itching and irritation. That is why it should not be used in the presence of wounds.

Recipes for face masks with honey and cinnamon

There are many recipes for skin products containing honey and cinnamon. Very often these components are combined with fruits, vegetables and dairy products. When preparing masks for oily and problem skin, medications can be used.

Acne mask with honey and cinnamon

Thanks to the bactericidal effect of honey and cinnamon, acne disappears over time. This is due to the presence of natural antibiotics in the components.

Recipes for masks with bee nectar and cinnamon for acne:

  • With sour cream. Mix 20 ml of warm bee nectar in a container, preheating it in a water bath. Enter in honey? teaspoon cinnamon powder. It is advisable to turn the spice stick into powder yourself using a coffee grinder. Pour 20 ml of low-fat sour cream into the container with the ingredients. Average the mass and distribute it on your face. The exposure time of the composition is 20 minutes. Wipe off the remaining mixture with a napkin and rinse with a cool decoction of chamomile flowers.
  • With cucumber. Grind one vegetable using a grater or meat grinder. Use ground cucumbers, not greenhouse ones. Add 20 ml of heated bee nectar into the porridge and cinnamon powder on the tip of a knife. Whisk the mixture into a fluffy mass and apply a thick layer to the skin. Leave to act for 15 minutes. It is better to remove the mixture from the face with a damp piece of cloth.
  • With Aspirin. Acetylsalicylic acid gently opens pores and removes their contents out. Thanks to this, comedones and small pimples disappear. Wrap 3 tablets in a napkin and press down with the back of a spoon. It is necessary to obtain a powder. Add 30 ml of bee nectar into a bowl and add the powder. Add? spoons of cinnamon. Massage your skin for 2-3 minutes, and then leave the mask on for another 5 minutes. Wash your face thoroughly. Before using the mask, you should moisturize your skin with cream. Aspirin dries out your face.
  • With yeast. Cut a quarter of the compressed yeast bar, this is about 25 g. Crumble the yeast into a bowl and pour in 20 ml of warm water. Leave the mixture for 20 minutes. It is necessary that a “cap” appears on the surface of the mixture. Add 20 ml of nectar and a pinch of cinnamon. Whisk the mixture. Soak a paper towel in the liquid and place it on your face. Leave the compress on for 25 minutes. Moisten the napkin and remove it from your face. Rinse off any remaining mixture.

Cinnamon and honey anti-wrinkle mask

Cinnamon stimulates blood circulation, thereby enhancing chemical reactions in the skin. Honey nourishes it and helps smooth out wrinkles. In tandem, honey and cinnamon can significantly improve the condition of aging skin.

Masks with bee nectar and cinnamon for wrinkles:

  1. With nutmeg. This mask warms up the skin, resulting in a lifting effect. To prepare the medicinal composition, add it to a bowl? spoons of ground cinnamon and a pinch of nutmeg powder. Add 30 ml of heated bee nectar. Using a brush, spread the mixture on your face and leave for 20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.
  2. With avocado. Peel the tropical fruit and puree the pulp. Mix the mixture thoroughly. Add 20 ml of warm nectar and 5 g of cinnamon powder into the mixture. Mix the paste and spread evenly on your face. Leave to act for 15 minutes. Remove with cold water and moisturize with cream.
  3. With clay. Mix 20 g of blue clay powder with warm water. You want it to be a thick porridge. Add 30 ml of heated bee nectar into the mixture and? spoons of cinnamon. Whisk the mixture and apply a thick layer to your face. Leave for a third of an hour. You will feel warm, this is quite normal. After the time has passed, rinse your face.
  4. With protein. Beat the whites in a bowl with a tablespoon of granulated sugar. Add 20 ml honey and a pinch of cinnamon. Whisk the mixture again and apply it to the skin in a thick layer. Exposure time is 20-25 minutes.

Brightening face mask with cinnamon and honey

Honey is not often used as a primary skin lightening agent. Usually cucumber, lemon and sour fruits are used for this purpose. They stimulate the production of melanin and provoke its uniform distribution in skin cells. Over time, freckles and age spots disappear.

Recipes for brightening masks with nectar and cinnamon:

  • With lemon. Take half a citrus and use a spoon to scrape out the pulp. In a blender, puree the fruit and add 20 ml of heated nectar to the porridge. Mix thoroughly, add? spoons of cinnamon powder. Whisk the mixture and apply to cleansed face. Leave for a third of an hour, then remove any remaining product with a wet cloth.
  • With cottage cheese. 50 g of fatty cottage cheese must be mixed with 20 g of sour cream. You can mash the mixture with a fork, but it is best to put the mixture in a blender so that there are no grains. Add 30 ml of nectar and a pinch of cinnamon to the fermented milk paste, pour in 20 ml of lemon juice. Cover the skin with a thick layer of the prepared mixture. Leave the white mask for a quarter of an hour. Rinse thoroughly with water.
  • With parsley. Place a small bunch of parsley in a blender and grind it until you get a paste. Add 20 ml of sour cream and bee nectar into the mixture. Turn on the device again and beat the mixture. Add at the end? spoons of cinnamon powder. Apply to cleansed face and leave for a quarter of an hour.
  • With protein. Beat one egg white in a bowl and add a spoonful of oatmeal into it. It can be obtained by grinding “Extra” or “Hercules” flakes in a coffee grinder. Add 20 ml of honey and cinnamon on the tip of a knife. Whisk everything thoroughly and apply to your face. Leave the application for a third of an hour. Rinse off with warm water.
  • With herbs. Prepare a decoction of a mixture of marigold and yarrow flowers. It is necessary to fill a spoonful of raw materials with boiling water (200 ml) and leave for 20 minutes. After this, add 20 ml of honey and a pinch of cinnamon. Dip gauze into the liquid and soak it. Place gauze on your face and lie there for 25 minutes.

Mask based on cinnamon and honey for rosacea

This problem is familiar not only to young girls, but also to women of Balzac’s age. Spider veins and spider veins appear on the nose, cheeks and chin and can significantly ruin your appearance. Cinnamon and honey actively fight such manifestations.

Recipes for masks against rosacea with honey and cinnamon:

  1. With Ascorutin. These tablets are used to strengthen blood vessels and are taken orally. But this drug can be used as part of masks for rosacea. Mix 30 ml of honey and a pinch of cinnamon in a bowl. Enter the powder obtained by grinding the Ascorutin tablet. Place the bowl with the mask in the refrigerator for 20 minutes. Quickly apply the mask to the skin and leave for 10 minutes. Rinse off with cold water.
  2. With lingonberries. Grind a handful of berries in a blender until pureed. Add 20 ml honey and a little cinnamon. Place the mixture in the freezer for 5 minutes. Apply the cooled mixture to your face and leave for 15 minutes. Rinse off with cool water and wipe your face with an ice cube.
  3. With melon. Cut a slice of melon and peel it. Cut into pieces and place in a blender. Turn on the device and grind the melon into a puree. Add 20 ml of honey and cinnamon into the mixture at the tip of a knife. Cool the mixture and apply to cleansed skin. Rinse with cool chamomile infusion.

Moisturizing face mask with honey and cinnamon

Since honey contains minerals that prevent moisture evaporation, masks with this ingredient are used for very dry skin. When combined with cinnamon, bee nectar works wonders and refreshes dry and wrinkled skin.

Moisturizing masks with bee nectar and cinnamon:

  • With orange. Beat the egg in a bowl and add 5 drops of orange oil. Add 20 ml honey and a pinch of cinnamon. Apply the resulting mixture to the skin. Leave to act for 15 minutes. Rinse off with cool water.
  • With cream. Heat 30 ml of bee nectar in a water bath and add 5 g of cinnamon powder. Add 20 ml fat plums and beat the mixture. Transfer the mixture to your face and leave for 25 minutes. Remove with a damp cloth.
  • With banana. Using a fork, puree the banana pulp. Add a spoonful of sour cream and a pinch of cinnamon. Grind the mixture until smooth and apply a thick layer to a damp cloth. Leave the application on your face for 10 minutes. Remove any remaining mixture with cold water.
  • With carrots. Grind the root vegetable using a grater or meat grinder. Add a little honey and a pinch of cinnamon to the puree. Add 20 ml of heavy cream. Apply to prepared skin. Exposure time is 15 minutes. You need to wash off the mask with cold water.
  • With butter. Mix 20 ml of olive oil with the yolk. Enter 30 ml of warm nectar and? spoons of cinnamon powder. Beat the mixture until fluffy. Apply a thick layer to the skin. Application time is 20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

Rules for using a honey and cinnamon mask for facial skin

For these two miracle products to produce results, nectar and cinnamon masks must be prepared and applied correctly.

Rules for using face masks based on cinnamon and honey:

  1. To prepare masks, use homemade honey. It is best if you buy it from a beekeeper you know or at the market. A liquid product, linden or May honey made from herbs, is considered ideal.
  2. All masks for the treatment of rosacea should be cooled in the refrigerator. Cold constricts capillaries and makes blood vessels less noticeable.
  3. Before applying the product, be sure to remove any remaining makeup. It is best to steam the skin and apply a scrub before the procedure. This will open the pores and the nutrients will be fully absorbed into the skin.
  4. To prepare masks, it is recommended to use cinnamon sticks, which should be crushed in a coffee grinder or mortar before mixing the ingredients.
  5. Take the full course. Usually 10 procedures are enough. Please note that such masks are allowed to be made no more than 2 times every 8 days.
How to make a mask of cinnamon and honey - watch the video:

Honey and cinnamon are not only a tasty tandem and addition to tea. This mixture will give your skin beauty and health, and will help get rid of acne and age spots.

03.12.2016 2

Honey is a unique gift from nature that can be used for beauty and health. Recipes for face masks with cinnamon and honey and reviews about them can be found in this article. Such cosmetic procedures cost mere pennies, but the results are simply amazing. Worth a try!

Beneficial features

Honey and cinnamon are natural ingredients that gently care for the face and help maintain youth. They reduce inflammation, treat pimples, and help even out skin tone. Cinnamon-honey masks:

  1. They have a pronounced bactericidal effect - they fight microbes and accelerate the ripening process of pimples.
  2. They nourish, saturate with useful components, tone, tighten and rejuvenate - all thanks to the unique composition.
  3. Relieves inflammation - since cinnamon and honey have a targeted effect on bacteria, inflammation goes away, purulent processes are suspended. Therefore, cinnamon-honey masks become a real lifesaver for girls and women suffering from rashes on the face, décolleté, and back.
  4. They even out the tone of the face, remove acne spots, and smooth out scar formations.

Face masks made from honey and cinnamon will make your skin healthy, elastic and firm, clear away blackheads, and reduce the number of rashes. Cinnamon and honey have long been used by women of different ages for self-care - you can try this recipe for yourself.

Acne mask

This mask is great for acne. But to see good results, you will need to take at least a month's course. Preparing a cinnamon-honey mask to combat rashes:

  • take a tablespoon of honey and half a teaspoon of cinnamon;
  • mix the components so that a homogeneous mass is obtained;
  • Apply for 10-15 minutes, rinse first with warm water (thoroughly), and then rinse with cool water.

Important! This recipe is not suitable if the pimples are very inflamed or break out.

To even out complexion

If you have acne marks on your face (they are also called post-acne) or age spots, and your complexion itself leaves much to be desired, you will like the following mask:

  1. Take a teaspoon each of cinnamon and honey and stir.
  2. Apply the mixture to problem areas.
  3. After half an hour, rinse off the composition with warm water.

It is better not to apply the mask to the entire face, as it acts quite aggressively. Caution should be exercised by those girls and women who have severe manifestations of rosacea - honey additionally dilates blood vessels. Do not over-mix the mixture.

Increased elasticity

This recipe is ideal for those with dry skin:

  • a teaspoon of cinnamon powder is mixed with two teaspoons of honey and the yolk of a chicken egg;
  • the mask is applied to the face evenly and washed off after a quarter of an hour;
  • The face is rinsed with cool water.

For oily skin, take the white rather than the yolk. It would be better to include sour cream or yogurt in the mask for normal skin (that is, it will consist of cinnamon, honey, sour cream or yogurt).

Cleansing mask

To prepare a composition that deeply cleanses and disinfects:

  1. Dissolve honey in hot water (but not boiling water) - take a small spoon of honey per tablespoon of water.
  2. Add to the water-honey mixture a few drops of chamomile oil, half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder, one salt and a few clay (preferably white, but another will also work).
  3. Apply, leave for 10 minutes, rinse.

That's it, you can enjoy the results - clean, healthy, radiant, tightened skin. This mask activates cellular metabolism, effectively fights pallor, normalizes blood circulation, increases tone and elasticity, and preserves youth. It is not necessary to buy expensive professional creams or spend a lot of money on salon treatments. The main thing is the right approach and systematic care.

Honey and milk

A honey-milk mask effectively combats dryness and makes the face well-groomed and fresh. To prepare it:

  • Pour half a glass of milk into a small saucepan, put a cinnamon stick in it and heat for 5 minutes. Do not bring the milk to a boil;
  • strain the solution and add a couple of tablespoons of honey to it;
  • soak a cosmetic brush or cotton swab in it, wipe your face;
  • wait until the composition is absorbed, wash.

Cinnamon, honey and milk are natural ingredients for beauty and health. Try it and see for yourself!

Video: cinnamon and honey mask.

Precautionary measures

When using cinnamon and honey face masks, take precautions. Although the main active ingredients are useful in themselves, they should be used wisely:

  1. If you are allergic to cinnamon or honey, it is better to avoid these products altogether.
  2. Observe the proportions strictly - a large amount of cinnamon can cause burns.
  3. Before making your very first mask, do a tolerance test.
  4. For rosacea, honey and cinnamon powder are highly not recommended.
  5. If you have dry, very sensitive skin, apply the components locally to problem areas, and not all over your face at once.

Do not take pasteurized honey - it contains practically no useful substances. At best, there will simply be no effect from its use. The mask should be applied strictly to cleansed facial skin.


We suggest that you read the reviews before starting to use:

“I use a mask with cinnamon and honey as a scrub. The skin after it is clean, soft, healthy. If you’re not lazy, this is a great alternative to store-bought products!” - Olya.

“I love homemade masks; I’ve been making honey-cinnamon masks for a very long time. I buy honey at the fair, I use the most common cinnamon” - Daria.

“Honey and cinnamon are a real salvation from acne! What I haven’t tried to overcome the hated rashes or at least reduce them. Now they are practically gone, and if pimples do appear, then thanks to the honey-cinnamon mask they quickly go away. I recommend it to everyone who is familiar with the problem of “blooming” first-hand” - Irina.

“I agree that there is simply no better mask for pimples. But if they are purulent, or you have previously “picked” the skin, you cannot apply the composition” - Ilona.

“My mother has been making homemade masks all her life. She looks just great for being 55. She especially often uses the recipe with honey, milk and cinnamon. I wouldn’t have believed that homemade masks could be so effective if I hadn’t seen the results” - Marina.

Many girls are interested in a cinnamon face mask. This component perfectly helps improve skin condition. And it’s not difficult to prepare such a mask at home. No contraindications or negative consequences! The use of such homemade (or store-bought) cosmetics is not recommended only for those who have an individual intolerance to spice. Cinnamon contains many useful substances, which makes masks with the addition of seasoning universal. There is a huge variety of recipes. So how to prepare and use a mask? What options can be offered for home use? There are many of them, but you should pay attention only to the best ones. At least 8 recipes are in great demand. You can find out about them a little later.

For what

But first you need to understand what place cinnamon occupies in cosmetology. with this spice are in great demand. After all, it is a natural component with numerous properties. Typically, cinnamon is recommended:

  • for yellowed or dull skin;
  • from flabbiness;
  • for the treatment of acne and other pimples/blackheads;
  • from fat content;
  • to rejuvenate;
  • to moisturize facial skin.

As you can see, there are quite a lot of options. Beauty salons often offer masks with the addition of cinnamon. But you can prepare them yourself at home. A cinnamon face mask is a cosmetic that is perfect for home use and preparation. What recipes are most common?

Cinnamon and honey

Goes very well. This option is perfect for most women. It is suitable for problem skin, helps with sagging skin, and has a rejuvenating effect.

A mask with honey and cinnamon for the face is prepared as follows: add a teaspoon of cinnamon (without a slide) to a tablespoon of honey. The mixture is mixed and applied to the skin, after leaving for 15 minutes, the maximum is washed off. Therefore, it is recommended to take liquid honey. It is advisable to heat the solid to a fluid state. This is exactly what you need to do if you decide to use this recipe.

Here is a face mask with cinnamon and honey for acne and old age. You can supplement it a little - then you get cosmetics that help moisturize the skin. Add the yolk of 1 egg and about 1.5 tablespoons of vegetable oil (olive, corn, etc.) to the mixture with honey and cinnamon.

Complete rejuvenation

In general, the combination of honey + cinnamon is used in most face mask recipes. Especially when it comes to rejuvenation. Therefore, it is worth learning another recipe. It will help rejuvenate your skin quickly and without any problems. Just ten minutes of cosmetics on your face - and you can wash it off with warm running water! The result will be visible after just a few procedures. The main advantage is that you can apply this mask to your face every day. After all, she has practically no contraindications!

To prepare another mass for rejuvenation, mix honey with cinnamon (a tablespoon and a teaspoon, respectively). Next, add ground It will take the same amount as cinnamon. Some recommend using a 1:1:1 mask. This means 1 teaspoon of each component. Please note - solid honey is not suitable for this recipe. This cinnamon face mask does not dry out the skin, removes excess oil and rejuvenates. Of course, it also helps with acne and even acne.


Some people don't have very smooth and beautiful skin. But you can try to fix this. At a minimum, the following recipe will help improve your appearance. The result is visible instantly. Not too strong, but it has its place. So be patient.

The next face mask is with cinnamon and lemon. To do this, as you might guess, you need to mix the listed components. You will need 1 teaspoon of juice, 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon. Also, mash 1/3 of the banana pulp into this mixture and fill it with a tablespoon of sour cream (any kind). Mix everything well and you will get a mask. It is applied to the face for 10 minutes, then washed off. There is no need to additionally moisturize or treat the skin with any cosmetic creams/oils/scrubs.

This mask has disadvantages compared to honey ones. More precisely, he is alone. A face mask with cinnamon and lemon juice should not be left idle for long. This is all due to the addition of banana and sour cream. Therefore, it is not recommended to prepare the mass with a reserve for the future.


You can prepare a universal mask with cinnamon. The recipe is simple, but it is not used too often. All this is due to the fact that it requires exotic fruits. Of course, due to this phenomenon, the mask should not be stored for a long time. She will spoil.

Take avocado pulp. For the mask you only need 2 level tablespoons. Add half a teaspoon of cinnamon and a whole ground walnuts to the pulp. Stir the mixture and pour in a little olive oil. Only 1 spoon (teaspoon) is needed. Mix all ingredients again. That's all. You can apply a cinnamon mask to your face. Helps not only improve the condition of the skin, but also makes it soft and silky. Just what you need at any age. Girls really like these masks. True, because of avocados, such cosmetics are most often used in beauty salons.


Many people know the properties And if you combine it with cinnamon, you get a wonderful mask. It will have numerous properties. Depending on the type of clay, the previously listed uses of cinnamon will expand.

This recipe requires 2 separate mixtures. At the end they are mixed with each other until smooth. The first will consist of cosmetic clay, a pinch of cinnamon and sea salt. You need to take 2 tablespoons of the first component, 1 teaspoon of the last. Everything is mixed and the second mixture is prepared. It consists of hot water (it is better to take boiled water), honey and essential chamomile oil. In what proportions should I take the components? For a tablespoon of water you need to take 3 drops of oil and 1 teaspoon of honey (it should be liquid). The resulting mass is mixed, then combined with a piece of clay with cinnamon.

For wrinkles

What other recipes are worth mentioning? There are a lot of them, because cinnamon has incredible properties that help improve the condition of the skin in almost any case. Therefore, you have to choose which option to cook at home. The next face mask “honey and cinnamon” receives mostly positive reviews. After all, it helps get rid of wrinkles and does not require any special components. They will always be found in the kitchen of any housewife!

2 tablespoons of honey and milk are heated. Next, add a pinch of cinnamon to the mixture. Now the resulting composition must be mixed until smooth, then applied to the face. Leave the mask on for no more than half an hour. Afterwards it is washed off with warm running water. Typically, such cosmetics are used not only to get rid of wrinkles and prevent their appearance, but also to combat dry skin. The mask has an excellent moisturizing effect. Therefore, it is in great demand.


There is another mask with cinnamon and with its help it happens quite quickly. True, it is also endowed with the property of improving blood circulation. Preparation, as in all previous cases, does not require any special components or actions. It is enough to purchase orange essential oil in advance. Without it, you won’t be able to cook the mass.

Take an egg yolk and beat it. Make sure there is no protein! Now pour in a tablespoon of honey and add half a teaspoon of cinnamon. Mix everything. Next, pour in 4 drops and stir the resulting mass again. This cinnamon face mask is applied to the skin and washed off after half an hour without adding any cosmetics. Nothing difficult or special. Suitable for all skin types. At any age you can use this recipe.

Egg and orange

What else should you pay attention to? There is a face mask with cinnamon for acne and wrinkles. As in the previous case, you will need an egg and orange oil to prepare it. Of course, don't forget about cinnamon.

In a deep bowl, beat an egg (whites only) and add 4 drops of orange oil. Add 1 spoon each of cinnamon and sugar (meaning tea). Beat the resulting mass again, then apply to your face, rinse under running warm water after a third of an hour. The mask tightens and cleanses the skin, giving it a fresh look after the first use.

Oatmeal to the rescue

You can prepare another mass that will help even out skin pigmentation, tighten and rejuvenate it. Oatmeal and cinnamon come in handy for this! To begin, take 3 tablespoons of oatmeal, add 2 teaspoons of spices and 3 teaspoons of milk powder or cream. Now dilute everything with boiled water (about 50-70 milliliters will be required) and pour in vitamin E in the form of oil.

Some people wonder how much fluid is needed. Pour water over the eye, but so that the oatmeal forms a porridge-like mass. This will make it more convenient to apply it to the face. The mask is washed off after about 10 minutes. It is not recommended to cook ahead of time; try to use the recipe immediately before applying the mask.


There is a great cleansing scrub with cinnamon and coffee. It will not only cleanse the skin, but also improve its overall condition. To do this, you first need to obtain coffee grounds. Brew strong coffee without sugar and strain it. Add a pinch of salt and sugar, half a teaspoon of cinnamon and a tablespoon of vegetable oil to the resulting mixture. You can use any - grape, olive, sunflower and so on. Everything is mixed and applied with light massaging movements for 15 minutes on the skin. Next, wash off with warm water. If you have oily skin, it is recommended to add a little extra low-fat sour cream.