Hair masks with coconut oil. Recipes. My review. Coconut oil face mask: homemade recipes or ready-made products? Nourishing hair mask with coconut oil

When it comes to plants known for their healing properties, most people immediately think of chamomile and string, linden and raspberry, coltsfoot and plantain. Less often remembered, for example, calamus, or, say, a walnut, or eucalyptus. But probably only a few will remember the coconut as a healing plant.

Yes, this is not surprising: coconut does not grow in our latitudes, it appeared on the shelves relatively recently, and even then not everywhere, and many people’s knowledge about coconut is limited to the words from the cartoon song “chew coconuts, eat bananas” or the heavenly pleasure of a Bounty bar " However, times change, and with them some of our ideas change.


The name “coconut” is not accidental, but this shaggy miracle of nature received its name because of the spots decorating the surface of the fruit, which resemble a monkey’s face: the Portuguese named this fruit soso, which is what "monkey" means. The coconut palm is believed to have originated in Southeast Asia, although coconuts are now exported to Brazil, India, Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines and other Pacific countries.

Interestingly, the coconut is not a nut at all, but a drupe fruit. But it’s a habit! So the fruit of the coconut tree remains a nut. The coconut is edible - the pulp and coconut milk. Coconut pulp is used fresh or dried for confectionery, salads, soups and main dishes. And coconut oil, which is also obtained from the pulp, is also used for cosmetics. It must be said that there is quite a lot of fat in coconut - 36.5%, so there is clearly plenty to make coconut oil from.

And coconut oil (like) has long proven itself to have beneficial properties. In many respects, both pulp and coconut oil should thank for their usefulness lauric acid, which is included in their composition (it is no secret that lauric acid is the main fatty acid in breast milk, which successfully protects infants from many diseases).

It is known that coconut is capable of remarkable restoration of strength, helps the body better resist a variety of infections, while reducing the ability of viruses to adapt to antibiotics (antibiotic resistance is now a huge problem for medicine all over the world).

In addition, this wonderful “monkey” fruit has a very positive effect on vision, can normalize impaired thyroid function, helps with flu and colds, and also improves the functioning of the digestive system and liver; indispensable for gallbladder diseases. As a result of serious research, it has been found that coconut returns cholesterol levels in the blood to normal and is able to stabilize the condition of patients with AIDS, cancer and patients with degenerative processes.

Coconut helps reduce the risk of atherosclerosis and diseases of the cardiovascular system, has antimicrobial, antiviral, wound healing and anthelmintic effects, and also helps with joint problems. Women are especially pleased with the exotic fruit, because coconut oil can improve the condition of the hair and its appearance, since it perfectly nourishes and strengthens any hair.

Moreover, coconut oil can not only soften and moisturize the skin of the face and hands, but also smooth out wrinkles and even stretch marks. It has been proven that coconut has a very effective effect on the functioning of the reproductive system and remarkably normalizes it.

Attention! Contraindications for the use of coconut and products made from it are individual reactions.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil is obtained from the kernels and pulp of fully ripened coconuts. Of course, coconut oil is also used in the food industry, but cosmetology has long been closely interested in it.

Coconut oil is known for its antimicrobial and antifungal effect; its antioxidant properties are in demand (coconut oil can protect cells from any aggressive influence). This product is also valued for its regenerating effect - coconut oil can soothe irritated and inflamed skin.

Its softening and moisturizing properties are known (this is due to lauric, capric and caprylic acids). In addition, coconut oil contains vitamins A and E and various macro- and microelements.

Lauric acid, which makes up 55% of coconut oil, is known for its bactericidal and antimicrobial properties, as well as its ability to protect against a wide range of adverse conditions.

The composition of coconut oil includes almost equally (about 10%) oleic, capric and caprylic acids, the importance of which is difficult to overestimate, because, for example, oleic acid is known as a powerful natural moisturizer, and caprylic acid perfectly regulates pH. In addition, coconut oil contains myristic, palmitic and stearic acids, but in much smaller quantities.

Coconut oil looks like an opaque mass, is known for its heat resistance (at room temperature it retains its hardness) and does not lose its beneficial properties when heated (above +27°C); it oxidizes slowly and can be stored for a long time. It is best to melt coconut oil in a water bath, because otherwise it happens unevenly, although such uneven melting does not affect the quality of the product.

Coconut oil can be unrefined or refined. But during refining (that is, purification), some vitamins, and with them some beneficial properties, are lost.

How to remove coconut oil from hair?

Coconut hair masks

A coconut mask, that is, coconut oil applied to the hair, can quickly restore damaged hair structure, perfectly protects hair from the harmful effects of aggressive solar radiation, from salty sea water, which can also be considered a rather aggressive environment, and from drying by the wind, and from sharp temperature changes, which also does not make hair healthier.

This is why women in countries where coconut palms grow can most often be proud of their luxurious hair: coconut oil perfectly protects it from the sun, wind and sea water, which are completely uncommon in, say, Indonesia. In addition, coconut oil is a very good antiseptic, and it helps fight, for example, dandruff, because it perfectly and effectively resists bacteria and prevents them from multiplying on the scalp.

Among other things, coconut oil provides the hair with the necessary nutrition and hydration, without which no hair will look attractive. In this case, the value of coconut oil is that it will be useful for all types of hair, although it is especially useful for hair that is dry, colored, and therefore brittle and damaged. For colored hair, there is another bonus - when using coconut oil, the color not only lasts longer, but looks completely natural.

Split ends can be tidied up and “revitalized” with coconut oil.

Which oil to choose, since it can be refined or unrefined? Experts advise opting for refined oil if we are talking about applying it over the entire length or using it as an ingredient in any masks.

And if you need to restore or protect your hair or deal with split ends, it is better to give preference to unrefined oil. But whatever oil is used for hair care, it must be fresh. And although it is no secret that coconut oil can be stored for a long time and is an excellent preservative in itself, it is still necessary to monitor the production date and expiration date.

Before making a coconut hair mask, you need to determine what kind of mask it will be - only for the roots or along the entire length. The fact is that it is better to use unrefined coconut oil for applying to the entire length of the hair, but it covers the scalp with a film that can cause comedones and even pustules. And therefore, applying unrefined coconut oil to the scalp is highly undesirable.

Unrefined coconut oil is great for dry to normal hair and works very well when used on wavy hair. If your hair is oily or your scalp is unhealthy (there are rashes or itching), a coconut oil mask may be completely inappropriate.

The easiest hair mask made from coconut oil

Even if coconut oil is not additionally enriched with any essential oils, it is already an excellent hair mask. The simplest coconut hair mask is to warm a small amount of oil in your palms and gently apply along the entire length of your hair.

You can use this mask as often as you want.

Coconut oil mask for hair restoration

This mask is very suitable for dry and damaged hair. Every time before washing your hair, you should apply coconut oil, heated with your palms, along the entire length of your hair. Then you should wrap your hair with film. Keep the mask under the film for about an hour, then wash off.

You should first wash off the coconut mask with just running water, and only then use a little shampoo. If too much coconut oil was used for the mask, it will not be easy to wash it off, and an abundance of hot water and shampoo, and this is no secret, is completely unhelpful for the scalp and hair.

Using conditioner after a coconut oil mask is not necessary, but if your hair is oily, you can rinse your hair with water and a little lemon juice (the water should be only slightly sour) or an herbal infusion such as chamomile.

Coconut oil mask to protect hair

This mask will perfectly protect your hair from sun rays or sea salt.

Coconut oil should be heated in a water bath and applied to the hair using a spray bottle, especially carefully to the ends of the hair. After this, you need to comb your hair with a natural bristle brush.

In this case, you will need very little coconut oil, and it is important not to overdo it so that your hair doesn't stick together or look glued together. “Oil combing” gives your hair shine, it looks great - revitalized and silky. And although this mask is designed to protect your hair from the sun, it is still necessary to cover your head with a hat, because no mask can protect you from the hot sun and overheating.

Coconut base for hair masks

Among the components of coconut oil is myristic acid, thanks to which all components of any mask penetrate the skin more easily, so a coconut oil base is an excellent solution when preparing any hair mask, for example, mustard, as well as any other.

Coconut mask for hair growth

This mask not only improves hair growth, but also protects hair from loss.

You will need:

  • Glycerin - 1 teaspoon;
  • Egg white - 1 pc.;
  • Apple cider vinegar - ½ tablespoon.

Mix all the ingredients of the mask thoroughly and apply the mask to your hair. Keep on your head for an hour. Rinse off with warm water without using shampoo.

Mask for weakened hair (first option: from coconut and burdock oils)

You will need:

  • Coconut oil - 2 teaspoons;
  • Burdock oil - 2 teaspoons.

Warm the coconut oil slightly because it hardens at room temperature. Mix coconut and burdock oil and heat in a water bath. Apply the warm mixture to your hair, first applying to the roots. Leave the mask on for at least an hour. Then wash your hair thoroughly with shampoo.

Mask for weakened hair (second option: made from coconut and almond oils and tea tree essential oil)

You will need:

  • Coconut oil - 2 teaspoons;
  • Almond oil - 2 teaspoons;
  • Tea tree essential oil - 2 drops.

Warm the coconut oil slightly above room temperature. Mix coconut and almond oil and heat in a water bath. Add tea tree essential oil and mix thoroughly. Apply the warm mixture to the roots and then completely to the hair. Leave the mask on for at least an hour. Then wash your hair thoroughly with shampoo.

Coconut oil and sour cream mask

You will need:

  • Coconut oil - 2 teaspoons;
  • Sour cream - 2 tablespoons.

Heat coconut oil in a water bath. Heat the sour cream until it is warm. Mix coconut oil and sour cream thoroughly and apply the warm mixture to your hair (first apply to the hair roots). Keep the mask on your head for at least an hour. Then wash your hair thoroughly with shampoo.

Conclusions, reviews and opinions on the use of coconut hair masks

It seems there is nothing complicated. However, such hair masks are a very effective way to keep hair healthy, silky, shiny, because coconut oil does not allow hair to lose protein, which is so necessary for its health and beauty.

After coconut masks, the ends of your hair do not split, and the sad consequences of constantly using a hair dryer or curling iron, hair dyes or perms are a thing of the past. Of course, there are a great variety of coconut hair masks: with banana, with yogurt, with egg yolk, with jojoba oil, with essential oils of chamomile, myrrh, sandalwood and other essential oils - the main thing is to find the right one.

And then the exotic fruit will become a reliable friend and assistant in the fight for beauty and health.

Coconut oil is one of the well-deserved leaders among cosmetic products for caring not only for the body, but also for hair. Of course, such popularity is justified.

Coconut oil has a very valuable chemical composition and helps fight not only dry hair and scalp, but also strengthens the structure itself, retaining moisture and collagen.

It acts deeply enough to eliminate even severe damage and at the same time has a pleasant light texture that does not leave a greasy feeling on the head.

Delicate aroma and colorless texture are other advantageous characteristics that play a role in the choice. It is also perfectly absorbed by skin cells and is absorbed almost instantly, saturating the dermis with all the necessary vitamins, which means you can forget about such a phenomenon as dandruff.

There are many things you can do with coconut oil: you can use it pure, add it to your shampoos and conditioners, you can mix it with other essential oils and combine it, or you can use it in mask formulations. If you decide that your hair needs emergency restoration, then coconut in the base of the product is the key to victory.

For those with dry and damaged hair, coconut products can be used in their pure form. Simply apply refined coconut oil to already dry, clean hair and let it absorb. You can help yourself with your hands, doing a light massage, or use a comb to distribute the product over the entire length. The main thing is not to use too much product. It’s better to make masks more often, but with less product.

Those with curly hair are advised to apply the product before washing their hair. Make a mask an hour before you are going to shower. It won’t be difficult to wash it off, and the effect will be noticeable, just like after a salon and professional care - soft hair and beautiful, smooth curls.


  • A very good effect can be achieved by combining coconut and burdock (sometimes peach and olive oil are added). You can make this elixir yourself; all the oils are simply mixed in equal proportions. It is enough to take one teaspoon of each product. Apply the resulting mixture to your hair and leave for 60 minutes. After time, rinse with shampoo and apply a small amount of balm. This mask simultaneously has a restorative and moisturizing effect, and also unravels knots and adds shine.

  • A mask that can be left on overnight is a mixture based on coconut and lemon juice. This product will help normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and combat excess fat. Since citric acid neutralizes fats, you won’t have to wash off the mask in the morning.

  • Coconut and kefir are very good for oily hair. Take a little kefir (a couple of tablespoons is enough) and mix it with one tablespoon of coconut. Mix the mixture thoroughly and heat in a water bath. When the mask is ready, apply it to your hair and leave for about an hour, covering your head tightly with a towel. After completing the procedure, rinse the application area with water.

  • There is another moisturizing and regenerating combination - coconut, honey and egg. These three ingredients can really work wonders, the main thing is to make such masks at regular intervals, at least once a week, and preferably 2-3. The application is as simple as possible - one yolk, a spoonful of honey and a spoonful of oil. Mix everything thoroughly, apply to hair and leave for 30 minutes. Rinse off with water after the allotted time.

  • A mixture that is great for hair growth and strengthening - coconut and burdock oil in one bottle. The proportions should be one to two, and you need to keep this oil on your head for no more than twenty minutes.

  • A mixture of coconut, eggs and castor oil will be an excellent help against hair loss and strengthening hair follicles. It takes a little time, but the effect is worth it. To start, you will need to heat two spoons of castor oil over low heat and carefully add one spoon of coconut to it. Then let the mixture cool slightly and pour in the raw egg without separating the yolk from the white. This mass should be thoroughly beaten and applied to the roots of the hair, leaving for an hour.

This mask can be used daily; it will not cause harm, will not make your hair greasy and will not weigh your hair down.

  • Another good recipe aimed at recovery is to use two spoons of an already familiar product and one ripe banana or avocado. These fruits are very rich in fat and perfectly nourish both the hair and skin. They release all their strength and beneficial properties in just 40 minutes, after which you can wash your hair.

  • It’s best to make the next mask on the weekend, when you don’t have to run to meetings or do urgent things, because in addition to the amazing healing effect, it has a rich aroma that may not be so easy to get rid of in a couple of hours. We are talking about a mixture of the oil of our miraculous nut (fifty grams will be enough) and a crushed clove of garlic mixed with a teaspoon of fine black pepper. This entire “bouquet” needs to be rubbed into the skin with slow and gentle movements, focusing on those places where hair growth is less active. If the problem is too dramatic, then it is recommended to use the mask up to two or three times a week, and for prevention, one application every seven days is enough.

  • If you want to give your hair an amazing shine in addition to nourishment, try using 50 ml. coconut oil, two drops of tea tree ether added to the heated base and two drops of rosemary ether. You need to use it on dry hair and wait a couple of hours. It is advisable to cover your head with a towel.

  • It is not recommended to make the next mask on an empty stomach, because the composition will include chocolate. Of course, chocolate with additives or milk is not suitable for use. It is best to use dark bitters containing at least 70% natural cocoa. A whole bar will be plenty for you, only 20 grams is enough, the rest can be enjoyed while the product strengthens your hair. Naturally, the chocolate will need to be melted and mixed and only then applied to the roots. Do not be afraid if the mixture gets on your neck or forehead, it will not cause harm, only benefit.

  • The last recipe that you will learn about today will require a little more diligence in preparation. The composition includes the main character, rosemary leaves and chamomile flowers. The proportions are 100 ml, 10 grams and 10 grams, respectively. How to cook: chop the rosemary leaves very finely (you can use a knife, or you can use scissors). Next, grind the chamomile petals (you can buy them already crushed in tea bags). Mix the flowers and add oil. The next step is to heat the resulting mass in a water bath for thirty minutes. Pour the finished product into a container made of dark, almost opaque glass and leave to infuse for a week. It is important that the container is hidden from direct sunlight.

After seven days have passed, the mixture must be heated again in water and filtered using a sieve or loose cloth. The resulting extract can be applied in a small amount to the roots, smoothly rubbing into the skin and leaving for 30 minutes for the infusion to take effect. After use, rinse with shampoo and store any remaining residue in a cool, dark place.

While there are a number of mask recipes that you can make yourself, for those who don’t want to mess around and reinvent the wheel, you can look at options already available on the market.

Which one to choose?

Very often preference is given to Thai products. This country exports a huge amount of coconut materials and, as a rule, the quality is very acceptable.

The Jena company is one of the most famous in its environment. In general, the company is famous for the fact that its products contain extracts of various plants. This is a Thai brand, and you probably know that coconut in Thailand is a product that is under the close attention of the emperor himself, so the quality of any products that contain this fruit is monitored very carefully. For buyers, this primarily means high standards, which is very important when it comes to cosmetics.

The line of restorative masks includes not only coconut-based care products, you can also try a product made from bergamot, Goji berries and even the famous Thai frangipani flower, but it is worth noting that despite the abundance of options, the first product on the list holds the lead.

There are other brands that you can also try, such as Tropicana or Parachute. Such oils and masks can be found not only in pharmacies, but also in stores that advocate a healthy lifestyle, for example, in vegetarian shops.

Read the reviews before choosing this or that brand, do not chase the low price and beautiful packaging. Of course, in the end you will still have to act by trial and error, but even at the selection stage you can protect yourself from the wrong move, which could harm the beauty of your hair.

If you still want to try making a mask yourself, you will need to be very careful about the quality of the product. How to understand what is good and what is bad?

Good coconut oil differs from bad one in that it has a natural coconut aroma without impurities, its color should be from pale pale yellow to transparent, if the shades are darker, it means the oil has not been properly purified. Also pay attention to the consistency. The temperature at which oil changes from a solid state to a liquid state is 25 °C. If the transition does not occur, there is something wrong with the oil.

How to use it correctly?

Carefully read the product description on the labels; the composition should contain 100% coconut oil and nothing extra, no preservatives. And without them, the oil can be stored for at least 12 months after opening the package.

There are countless ways to maintain the beauty of your hair. You can follow in the footsteps of your ancestors and use recipes that you yourself had a hand in making, or you can try to trust modern corporations and their standards. Both options are not bad, the main thing is that your actions should be regular. Self-care is like a diet. If you stay on it for only a week and do not consolidate the result, the extra centimeters will return to your waist. The situation is similar with hair. If you don't take care of them constantly, the problems will return and perhaps bring a friend or two with them.

Coconut is an exotic product for our latitudes. However, due to its beneficial properties, it has a fairly wide range of applications.

Thus, coconut flakes are obtained from the pulp of the nut, which is used in cooking and coconut oil is an excellent cosmetic product for caring for the skin of the face and body, as well as hair. Let's talk about the benefits of the latter for hair in more detail.

Properties of coconut oil for hair

The magical properties of coconut oil for hair have been known since the times of Ancient Egypt and Queen Cleopatra. To this day, everyone is amazed by the luxurious hair of women from tropical latitudes. Now these secrets have become available to our beauties. After all, coconut oil is a real storehouse of saturated fatty acids and triglycerides, due to which it is quickly absorbed into the scalp, penetrating deeply into the hair roots and delivering nutrients to them, while perfectly moisturizing the curls.

2. Hydration . Coconut oil returns hair that is dry and depleted by frequent perms and coloring to fullness, smoothness, elasticity and vibrant natural shine, strengthens curls along the entire length, prevents hair loss and even stimulates growth.

3. Protection. In addition, this valuable cosmetic product is used as a protective and restorative agent for hair under the adverse effects of the sun, sea wind and salt water, which is especially important during summer holidays on the coast.

4. Antiseptic . Having excellent antibacterial properties, coconut oil successfully copes with scalp problems such as dryness, dandruff, itching and seborrhea.

How to use coconut oil for hair

Coconut oil is available in both liquid and solid form as an ointment. Solid butter should be melted in a water bath before use. It’s convenient to do this: put 1-2 tablespoons of oil in a tall glass, and then hold it under running hot water.

1. Add to shampoo . Coconut oil can be used both in pure form and as part of various masks and shampoos. When washing your hair, it creates a protective film on its surface, which prevents protein from being washed out and protects the hair from damage when toweling and combing.

2. Prepare the mask . When used as an independent hair care product, coconut oil is rubbed into the roots and distributed along the entire length of the strands, after which, to enhance the effect, you should put a plastic bag on your head and wrap it with a warm towel on top. The mask can be left overnight and washed off the next morning, which is especially important when treating dull and damaged hair. To reduce dryness, it is very useful to comb your hair after showering with a comb with a few drops of coconut oil on it. Regular treatment with coconut oil after each hair wash helps get rid of split ends.

Where to buy coconut oil

Coconut oil can be purchased on the market in specialized shops, and quite inexpensively. When purchasing, you should choose refined oil purified from impurities and remember that only when caring for hair is it used in its pure, undiluted form. When caring for the skin of the face, body and hands, coconut oil must be diluted with water. However, the best results are obtained by using homemade coconut oil.

Homemade Coconut Oil Recipe

Place a medium-sized coconut in a small container. Carefully open it, pour in the milk and take out the pulp, which you grind on a grater or using a blender. Add 2-2.5 cups of hot, but not boiling water to the crushed mass and mix well. Allow to cool, then cover the container with a lid and place in the refrigerator. After a day, a frozen layer of coconut oil forms above the pulp. It should be collected in a separate form, melted in a water bath, strained if necessary and stored in the refrigerator. Subject to storage conditions, the finished coconut oil retains its properties for 2 weeks.

The only contraindications to the use of coconut oil for hair are individual intolerance, expressed in an allergic reaction to the product.

Recipes for hair masks with coconut oil

There are many hair masks made from coconut oil. The use of various components allows you to increase the efficiency of use and enhance the effect of this wonderful cosmetic product.

Recipes for the most popular homemade hair masks with coconut oil are given below:

1. Coconut oil mask

Melt a small amount of coconut oil in a water bath and rub it thoroughly into the hair roots and scalp. Put film on top and wrap with a towel. After 1.5-2 hours, wash off. The mask perfectly nourishes and strengthens hair, eliminates dandruff.

2. Coconut mask with essential oils for hair shine

Add 1-2 drops of rose and rosemary essential oils to the coconut oil heated in a water bath. Apply the mask to dry hair, cover with polyethylene and a towel. After 1.5 hours, rinse with warm water and shampoo.

  • Essential oils for hair: beneficial properties, how to use

3. Hair growth mask made from coconut oil, banana and sour cream

Mash half a ripe banana into a paste in a small container. Add 2 tbsp to it. coconut oil and 1 tbsp. sour cream with a high percentage of fat content. Mix everything thoroughly and heat in a water bath. Apply the resulting mass onto the hair with gentle massage movements, distributing it along its entire length and insulate the top with film and a towel. After 30-40 minutes, rinse with warm water and shampoo.

4. Coconut mask for damaged hair with honey

To 2 tbsp. coconut oil add 1 tsp. honey and, if desired, 2-3 drops of lavender or rosemary essential oils. Mix well and heat in a water bath. Apply the mask to your hair and distribute it over its entire length, covering it on top. After half an hour, rinse with water and shampoo.

5. Mask with coconut oil and kefir for oily hair

Add 1 tbsp to a small amount of kefir. coconut oil. Stir, heat in a water bath, apply to hair and insulate it with film and a towel. After 40-60 minutes, rinse well with water and shampoo.

6. Coconut mask with sea salt for oily hair

In a small container, mix 2 tbsp. coconut oil and sea salt. The amount of ingredients can be increased in proportion to the length of your hair. Heat the mixture in a water bath and stir thoroughly until the salt is completely dissolved. Apply to hair along the entire length and warm. Keep on your head for no more than an hour, then rinse with water and shampoo.

7. Restoring mask for weakened hair made from coconut oil, milk and oatmeal

Mix 2 tbsp. coconut oil, milk and ground oatmeal. Apply the finished mask to your hair and insulate it on top. After half an hour, rinse with water and shampoo.

8. Nourishing coconut oil mask with herbs

Add 10 g of crushed chamomile and rosemary flowers to 100 ml of coconut oil. Mix everything well and heat in a water bath for half an hour. Pour the resulting mixture into a darkened glass container and let it brew in a warm, dark place. After 2-3 days, before use, warm up the liquid and filter it. Apply the mask to the hair and scalp, insulate with film and a towel. Leave for 2 hours, then rinse with water and shampoo.

9. Coconut mask with egg for shine and nourishment of hair. Mix 3 tablespoons of oil with one yolk. Apply to hair for 1-2 hours.

  • Masks with egg for nutrition, restoration and shine of curls

10. Coconut mask for hair growth. To enhance hair growth, add bay essential oil to coconut oil. For three tablespoons of oil, 3 drops of ether will be enough. Apply to hair for 2 hours.

11. Oil cocktail for hair restoration. A mixture of coconut oil with other oils enhances the beneficial effect on hair, as it contains a more complex set of microelements for comprehensive hair restoration. Mix coconut oil and olive oil in equal parts. Distribute evenly over curls and warm your head for 1-2 hours. Wheat germ, almond, castor, and burdock oils are also ideal for the oil mixture.

Hair lamination with coconut oil and gelatin

Lamination with coconut oil will help make curls more voluminous, shiny, manageable, restore damaged structure, and eliminate brittleness and dryness.

Coconut oil can be called a universal product, since it is used in many areas - cosmetology, cooking, medicine and even in the household: it is used for polishing wooden furniture. The product is extracted from coconuts, or more precisely from their pulp, which is called copra. Like most oils, coconut oil is made in two ways - hot or cold pressing.

Regular dyeing, blow-drying, using electric curling irons, straightening irons and other styling devices - all this contributes to the deterioration of the hair, depriving it of vitality and shine. To eliminate the consequences of such experiences, many representatives of the fair sex begin to diligently buy all kinds of shampoos, conditioners, masks and serums, without even suspecting that there is a product that can replace an entire arsenal of hair care cosmetics. And this remedy is coconut oil.

How to use coconut oil for hair

Coconut oil is one of the most effective hair care products, allowing you to solve many cosmetic problems and prevent their occurrence in the future. This product can be used both in pure form and in combination with other products (as part of masks). But in order to achieve truly amazing results when using the batter, you need to know some nuances:

  • When choosing oil, be sure to pay attention to its expiration date. A natural product cannot be stored longer than 6 months. It should also be borne in mind that any coconut fat can be used for cosmetic purposes, but the best option is considered to be the one that was obtained by cold pressing and has not been refined.
  • Before using coconut oil (or mixtures based on it) for the first time, it is necessary to conduct a sensitivity test by applying a small amount of the product to the crook of your elbow and assessing the result after 30–40 minutes. If there is no redness or irritation on the treated area of ​​skin, the selected composition can be safely used for its intended purpose.
  • Before use, coconut oil should be melted in a water bath or simply in your palms (if you are going to immediately apply the product to your hair in its pure form). Warm up only enough product for one use. Do not heat the butter in the microwave, as you risk overheating it, and then it will lose its beneficial properties.
  • Pure coconut oil should be applied to dry, unwashed hair. To do this, just hold a small piece of butter in your palms, and then massage your curls with it, trying to process each strand. If you plan to make an oil mask based on coconut fat, then it is advisable to wash your hair and dry it with a towel before the procedure.
  • For those with oily hair, it is recommended to mix coconut oil with fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt or curdled milk). When applying such a mixture, special attention must be paid to the ends to prevent them from delaminating. But you should not treat the roots with butter (this is especially true for unrefined oil, since it can clog the ducts of the sebaceous glands, thereby causing inflammation of the hair follicles).
  • Do not apply too much coconut oil to your hair, otherwise it will be difficult to rinse your hair well. And if you do not completely remove the remaining oil, you can get the effect of dirty hair.
  • After distributing the oil on the hair, it is recommended to massage the head. This will help improve blood circulation, accelerate the flow of oxygen and nutrients into the follicles and activate the growth of curls.
  • After treating your hair with coconut oil or a mixture based on it, insulate your head with polyethylene and tie a scarf over it. The battery lasts from 40 minutes to several hours. If your hair is very dry and damaged, the masks can be left on all night.
  • To wash off the oil, first apply a little shampoo (preferably neutral) to your head and work it into a foam with wet hands. Then rinse your hair with running water and re-treat with detergent. When rinsing your curls for the last time, it is better to use not ordinary water, but a nettle or mint infusion. After the water procedure, thoroughly comb the strands with a brush and leave them to dry naturally.
  • Coconut oil should not be used as a stand-alone product or as part of masks more than twice a week (except when the butter is used in its pure form to combat split ends). You can carry out useful procedures for preventive purposes almost all year round, and for health purposes - in courses of 10-12 sessions with a break of several weeks.

If you don't have the opportunity to regularly make masks, you can simply add coconut oil to commercial hair care cosmetics and apply it as needed. Just a few drops of butter per serving of shampoo, conditioner or balm, and the “miracle elixir” for weakened curls is ready. Just do not need to pour vegetable fat into a full bottle of detergent, since this product loses its properties during long-term storage.

Coconut oil appeared on the market not so long ago, but has already proven itself as a cosmetic product for the care of hair and problem skin. Although in East Asia, where it is most often produced from the pulp of real coconut, it is also used for food, replacing sunflower and even olive oil.

Meanwhile, many young ladies are not yet advanced enough to season salads with coconut oil, but they make hair masks with great pleasure. This is why you buy coconut oil at a pharmacy, supermarket, or order it online.

How to make your own coconut oil

Finding quality coconut oil is not easy. Even if the label says “100% natural product,” there is no guarantee that the manufacturer has not added any additional components to the oil. It is almost impossible to determine the authenticity of vegetable fat by visual signs (for example, color and smell). To avoid misunderstandings, you can make your own coconut butter. For this you will need:

  • 1 ripe (without signs of damage or rot) coconut;
  • 300–400 ml of hot filtered water;
  • glass or ceramic container.

Cooking method:

  • Make a hole in the coconut to drain the milk (you can drink it, use it for cooking, or freeze it and use it on your face).
  • Wrap the nut in a towel and crack the shell with a hammer or hatchet.
  • Using a spoon, scoop out the white pulp from the shell and grind it in a blender or food processor. You should end up with a fragrant, viscous paste.
  • Fill the pulp with water and carefully knead it with your hands or grind it with a wooden masher. This is necessary so that fat is released from the raw material.
  • Pour the resulting mixture into a clean jar and place it in the refrigerator for 8–12 hours. During this time, the coconut shavings will sink to the bottom, and the oil will float to the surface and harden.
  • Break up the hardened fat and remove it from the jar.
  • To make it more convenient to store the finished batter, melt it in a water bath, strain and pour into a container of suitable size. The oil should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than two weeks.

Recipes for masks with coconut oil

With the addition of sour cream (for brittle hair)

This mask helps restore damaged hair, protects it from drying out and prevents split ends.

  • 50 ml melted coconut oil;
  • 30 g fat sour cream;
  • 3 drops of tangerine essential oil.
  • Mix coconut fat with sour cream.
  • Add ether and whisk the mixture.
  • Apply the mask to your curls and wait at least an hour.

With the addition of honey (for weakened hair)

This product has excellent nutritional and strengthening properties, improves the structure of curls, making them stronger, more durable and elastic.

  • 30 g coconut oil;
  • 30 g honey;
  • 3 drops of patchouli essential oil.

Method of preparation and use:

  • Melt the vegetable fat along with honey in a water bath.
  • Add essential oil, mix and apply the finished product to your hair.
  • Wait about 60 minutes, and then wash off the oil composition with shampoo.

With added avocado puree (for dull hair)

This mixture tones the scalp, has a positive effect on the functioning of hair follicles, and fills the hair with radiance and vitality.

  • 50 g of fresh avocado pulp puree;
  • 2-3 drops of rose oil.

Method of preparation and use:

  • Mix avocado puree with coconut oil and rose essential oil.
  • Distribute the prepared mixture onto your hair and wait approximately 60 minutes.
  • Rinse your curls with water and shampoo.

With added banana puree (for dry hair)

This composition moisturizes and nourishes curls, improves their structure, and returns natural shine to hair.

  • 1 ripe banana;
  • 30 g coconut oil;
  • 30 ml cream;
  • 3 drops rosemary essential oil.

Method of preparation and use:

  • Grind the peeled banana in a blender.
  • Mix banana puree with coconut oil and cream.
  • Heat the mixture in a steam bath, add ether and stir.
  • Distribute the mask on your hair and leave for 40 minutes.
  • Rinse your hair with water and shampoo.

With added egg yolk (for normal hair)

Thanks to this product, you can fill your curls with life-giving moisture and vitamins, give them silkiness and magnificent shine.

  • 30 ml melted coconut fat;
  • 1 raw egg yolk;
  • 2 drops each of sandalwood, myrrh and lavender essential oils;
  • 30 g mayonnaise.

Method of preparation and use:

  • Mix coconut oil with beaten yolk and mayonnaise.
  • Add essential oils, mix and apply the resulting mixture to your hair.
  • Wait 40–50 minutes, and then wash your hair with water and shampoo.

With added sea salt (for oily hair)

This mask copes well with oily shine, refreshes hair and protects its sections.

  • 50 g coconut oil;
  • 30 g sea salt;
  • 3-4 drops of peppermint essential oil.

Method of preparation and use:

  • Mix coconut oil with salt and melt the mixture in a water bath.
  • Add mint ether and apply the prepared composition to your hair (avoiding the root zone).
  • Leave the mask on your hair for about 40 minutes, and then rinse it thoroughly with water and shampoo.

With the addition of pepper and garlic (for hair growth)

If you carry out a course of such masks (10–15 procedures), you can improve blood circulation, significantly accelerate hair growth and reduce hair loss.

  • 50 g coconut oil;
  • 1–2 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 pinch of ground red pepper (hot).

Method of preparation and use:

  • Melt the coconut oil.
  • Pass the garlic through a press and mix the resulting pulp with liquid oil and pepper.
  • Apply the mask to the root zone of your hair, massage your head for 5-7 minutes and leave the mixture for another quarter of an hour under insulation.
  • Rinse your hair with water and shampoo and rinse with nettle infusion.

Coconut oil can safely be called one of the best natural hair care products. With proper and systematic use, this wonderful product can transform even the most problematic curls into a chic head of hair that will become a source of special pride for its owner. The main thing is to be patient, because coconut butter, like most natural vegetable oils, has a cumulative effect, that is, its effect does not appear immediately, but only over time.

Useful properties of coconut oil

  • Coconut oil contains polyunsaturated acids: oleic, linolenic, arachidonic, capric, stearic, myristic, palmitoic, which the body needs for its normal functioning.
  • This oil is rich in calcium, phosphorus, vitamins E, A, C.
  • The oil normalizes cholesterol levels in the blood.
  • It has antifungal, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • It is used to treat dermatitis and eczema.
  • Coconut masks make hair soft and manageable.
  • Coconut oil improves dry skin. It increases its firmness and elasticity.
  • Consuming coconut oil helps in weight loss.
  • There are no special contraindications for its use, but if you are individually intolerant, you should avoid it.

Benefits of coconut oil for hair

Coconut oil (butter) is a plant product obtained from copra (dried nutritious tissue of the fruit of the coconut palm). Externally, it is a white thick mass with a cream tint, hardening at temperatures below +25 degrees. Coconut oil can be refined (purified of impurities by filtration and neutralized) and unrefined (not subjected to physical or chemical influence). Most often, such products are manufactured by hot pressing of raw materials. But there is also a cold technology for pressing copra, when used, the final product retains maximum beneficial properties. The second option is more expensive, so oil obtained by cold pressing is quite expensive.

Coconut oil has found wide application in various industries. It is used in folk medicine to treat dermatological diseases, wounds and burns. In cooking - as an alternative to butter and sunflower oils. This universal product is also used in the furniture industry and soap making. But coconut fat has gained the greatest popularity in cosmetology. With its help, you can easily remove makeup, rejuvenate your facial skin, giving it incredible smoothness and velvety. And if we talk about hair care, then he has practically no equal. And this is not surprising, because it has a truly unique composition, which includes a whole complex of saturated fatty acids (oleic, caprylic, stearic, palmitic and others), vitamins (A, C, B1, B6 and PP), as well as minerals and trace elements . Thanks to this set of components, coconut oil has a very positive effect on both the scalp and the curls themselves, namely:

  • strengthens roots, prevents hair loss;
  • makes curls softer, smoother and silkier;
  • moisturizes hair, protecting it from drying out;
  • prevents the destruction of protein (keratin) that occurs as a result of frequent hair washing, thermal and chemical influences;
  • protects hair from ultraviolet radiation and adverse weather conditions;
  • returns strength and natural shine to curls;
  • restores damaged hair structure, prevents split ends;
  • normalizes the functioning of the exocrine glands and the pH level of the skin;
  • eliminates greasy shine, refreshes curls;
  • helps get rid of dandruff and other dermatological problems;
  • promotes longer color retention after dyeing curls;
  • has a soothing and cooling effect on the scalp, prevents flaking;
  • helps fight excessive sweating of the scalp (hyperhidrosis);
  • improves blood circulation, accelerates metabolic processes in skin cells and hair follicles;
  • promotes active hair growth.

It is also worth noting that this product, unlike other vegetable fats, has a fairly light and porous texture, and therefore can be used for absolutely all hair types. The oil is quickly absorbed into the skin and curls, leaving no greasy marks or weighing down the strands.

Video: hair masks with coconut oil

The oil penetrates deeply into the hair structure (thanks to lauric acid), restores and moisturizes it from the inside.

Simple and effective masks for dry and normal hair at home. We reveal the 5 best coconut oil recipes.

Coconut oil for hair: benefits and reviews

Hair masks with coconut oil are popular for a reason. The oil penetrates deeply into the hair structure (thanks to lauric acid), restores and moisturizes it from the inside. Coconut shampoo makes hair shine and washes away salt and chlorine particles. Coconut oil also contains natural antioxidants and vitamins, which is beneficial for dry and dull hair.

Many people note that scalp massage with coconut oil helps to activate hair growth. It improves blood circulation and hair begins to grow faster. Rub coconut oil at home 2-3 times a week for better results.


Coconut oil and milk for hair: how to use at home

How to use homemade coconut oil in its pure form? Correct use: Apply coconut hair oil to dry hair at night. Warm it up a little before the procedure for maximum results.

Avoid the scalp area if your hair gets oily quickly. How to use homemade coconut oil correctly? Apply it evenly over the entire length of your hair, and then gently comb the strands. Next, hide your hair in a shower cap to avoid staining your pillow.

Hair masks with coconut oil: 5 best

Apply the mask to damp hair and keep it on for about 20-25 minutes.

Coconut oil, banana and coconut milk mask

To make this hair mask, simply blend coconut oil and banana until smooth. Then add coconut milk and stir the mixture again. Apply the mask to damp hair and keep it on for about 20-25 minutes. At the end of the procedure, simply rinse off the residue with cool water and shampoo.

Coconut Oil, Rosemary and Avocado for Dry Hair

This mask is an ideal example of how to make an effective mask as good as a professional one. Simply take an overripe banana and mix it with a ripe fresh avocado and a tablespoon of coconut oil. And don't forget to add a pinch of rosemary. Let the mask sit for 10-15 minutes, then apply the mixture over the entire length of your hair, avoiding the scalp. After 25 minutes, wash off the coconut oil mask with cool water and shampoo.

Coconut hair mask at home with added vitamin E

Combine two effective ingredients into one mask - homemade coconut oil and vitamin E from the pharmacy. First, slightly heat the oil and mix it with one ampoule of the vitamin. Apply the mask to your hair for 40 minutes and then rinse with water and shampoo. After the procedure, additionally moisturize your curls with a special hair serum.

Two oil mask

The most common recipe for a hair mask is a mix of coconut and argan oil for damaged hair. Mix both oils and apply with your fingers over the entire length, paying special attention to the scalp. Leave for 15-20 minutes and then rinse your hair thoroughly with warm water and shampoo.

Vitamin mask made from coconut oil, strawberry and honey

Strawberries are rich in vitamin C, which tones hair and skin. To avoid overdoing the amount of aggressive vitamin, mix strawberries with coconut oil. The combination of strawberry, coconut and honey helps regulate the natural pH of the scalp. Mix all the ingredients for the mask and apply the mixture to your hair and scalp. After 5-10 minutes you can wash it off. If you have sensitive skin, it is better to try gentler coconut oil masks.