Master classes on creating DIY Halloween crafts. DIY decorative wreath for Halloween ✔ Faces on toilet paper

Hello, dear readers! Halloween is coming very soon, which means lovers of themed parties should slowly start preparing for it; this article will help you make decent decorations for any room with your own hands. It is impossible not to note the fact that this Western holiday in Russia does not carry any specific subtext, but rather is another reason for holding an unusual costume party!

This article is constantly updated with new ideas!

For the party to be a success, you need to create the appropriate atmosphere; with costumes, everything is generally clear, but what about the decor of the room? It is Halloween decor that will be discussed in this review.

By the way, we have already published reviews on Halloween decorations on our website, you can read them, and also Well, today I will present to your attention some fresh and easy-to-implement ideas regarding thematic decoration of your home for October 31st, the day of Halloween.

How to Make Halloween Decorations

✔ Bats

You need to prepare: black paper, scissors, double-sided tape, thread, printer or pencil.

How would this holiday be complete without flying vampires!? We print bats on black paper (using the templates below) or draw them by hand. We cut it out and attach it to walls, doors and windows using double-sided tape. Mice can be hung by their wings on threads from a chandelier or door handles.

✔ Ghost shadow or dark silhouette

You need to prepare: black paper, pencil, scissors, double-sided tape.

If there are steps in the house, you can create the effect of a frozen ghost. To do this, we take sheets of black paper, and on each of them we draw a part of an ominous shadow, then we cut out the elements of the future ghost and attach them to the end parts of the steps (see photo). I think you won’t have any problems with the body when drawing (just draw a shapeless robe), but the profile of the head may not work out, so below is the silhouette of a female and male head.

✔ Mummies from the crypt

You need to prepare: full-length mannequins, bandages, strong tea.

We soak the bandages in strong tea, then dry them, and wrap the mannequins, not forgetting to leave the ends of the bandages hanging carelessly (as if they had been frayed by time). Mummy mannequins can be laid down or placed near the wall.

✔ Halloween decorations - garden wheelbarrow with bones

You need to prepare: garden wheelbarrow, soil or sand, plastic bones.

If you plan to celebrate Halloween in a country house, then in addition to the house, you can also decorate the garden plot. We go to a prank store, buy a bag of plastic dice, fill a garden wheelbarrow with soil or sand, into which we casually bury the plastic dice.

✔ Zombies buried in the ground

You need to prepare: old trousers, jeans or trousers, socks, thread, sand.

Another interesting element for courtyard decor. We sew up each trouser leg from the bottom with threads, fill them with sand, sew them up at the top, put socks on the resulting legs, and place them upside down on the lawn.

✔ Zombie pumpkins for the plot

Need to find: pumpkins, knife, spoon, street candles.

Using a knife, cut off the lid on top of the pumpkin, scoop out the pulp with a spoon, use a knife to cut out creepy faces on the side of the pumpkin, place street candles inside, cover with a lid, and find a suitable place for them near the house!

✔ Ominous pumpkins for the home

Need to buy: pumpkins, black spray paint or marker, face templates and tape.

Using tape, we attach a template-face to the side of the pumpkin, and paint the template part with black spray paint. The resulting pumpkins can be placed around the house - on the floor, tables, window sills, mantelpieces.

✔ Glamorous pumpkins

Transparent glue moment or glue gun, rhinestones of different sizes, a small plastic spider.

Using glue, we attach rhinestones in the form of a web to the pumpkin, and somewhere on top we attach a plastic or rubber spider.

✔ Mummy pumpkin

You need to prepare in advance: pumpkin, bandages, toy eyes, glue moment.

We wrap the pumpkin in bandages, not forgetting to secure the toy eyes on the penultimate layer using instant glue. You can partially cover the bandages with red gouache, then the pumpkin will turn out a little more scary! Halloween photo decoration

✔ Faces on toilet paper

Need to purchase: toilet paper rolls, black paper, scissors, glue.

We cut out interesting faces from black paper (see photo below), and attach the resulting elements to toilet paper rolls with glue.

✔ Witch hat for cocktails

You need to prepare: black paper, a compass or two round glasses of different diameters, scissors, paper glue, a toothpick.

On black paper we draw with a compass two circles of different diameters, leave the larger one as the base of the hat, cut the smaller one in half and roll it into a cone (coat the side line of the cone with glue), after which we turn the lower part of the cone inward and also coat it with glue, then glue the cap to the base of the hat. Finally, we pierce the base of the cap with a toothpick and decorate cocktails, snacks or just plates with the resulting product.

✔ Skull masks

You must first prepare: white paper, pencil, scissors, tape, long wooden skewer.

Using a pencil, draw the outline of the skull (see photo below), cut it out with scissors, and glue a skewer to the base of the mask with tape. It turns out a mask with a handle. By the way, anyone can paint such masks with colored markers to their liking. You can even hold a competition for the most spectacular mask!

✔ Decorative broom

You need to stock up: scissors, coarse rope, thin branch.

We take a coarse rope, fold it in half, cut it with scissors, apply the resulting bristles to a thin stick, and tie it with the same coarse rope. Such miniature decorations can be placed around the house or to decorate plates for the table.

✔ Footprints around the house

You should prepare: black paper, printer, scissors, double-sided tape.

We print out the footprints on a printer (template below), cut them out and distribute them throughout the house - the floor, walls, furniture.

✔ Witch table or putting shoes on the table legs

You should prepare: shoes with pointed toes, striped knee socks.

We pull striped knee socks onto the table legs, and put old boots on them. That's it, the witch's table is ready!

✔ Templates for home decor

We print or redraw the templates, cut them out and glue them wherever we can stick something with double-sided tape (windows, doors, walls, refrigerator, beds, chairs, tables). Examples of patterns are presented below (black cats, witches hats, spiders and ghosts).

✔ Ghosts

How can we do without ghosts? After all, they add a special flavor. I bring to your attention some simple ideas for making ghosts.

A ghost from a book. We cut out the silhouette of a ghost on a book page (we don’t cut it all the way, we leave the sheet intact at the base), and bend it up.

Napkin ghost. We take a napkin, put something round inside - a large bead or a small nut, wrap a thread around the improvised head, draw eyes and a mouth with a marker, and hang the ghost from the chandelier.

Ghost from whatman paper. We take whatman paper, draw the outline of a ghost, cut it out with scissors, draw eyes, nose and mouth with a marker, attach the product to the wall with tape.

✔ Witch's supplies

Need to prepare: glass jars of different sizes, paper, pen or pencil, scissors, lighter, toy fingers or dried grass, dyes, water, glue.

Here, in general, everything is very simple, colored water is poured into the jars, and a label with the name of the potion is glued to the end of the glass container. It could be a potion of oblivion, a love potion, a potion of good luck. You can also pour crushed dried herbs into jars and label the labels according to its name.

✔ Black spiders

Should be prepared: cones, black spray paint, white beads, moment crystal glue, pom-poms, black chenille wire.

First you need to paint the pine cone black, glue a pom-pom head to it, glue beaded eyes to it, and legs made of chenille wire to the body.

✔ Egyptian mummies

You need to prepare: ready-made doll toys or wire, rag tape or bandage.

In the case of a doll, you just need to wrap the toy with a bandage. You can also make a mummy from wire - creating a frame with legs, arms and a head, and then wrapping it all in several layers of bandage or white textile tape.

✔ Spider webs (web)

You need to prepare: disposable plate, hole punch, woolen threads, scissors.

We cut out the central part of the plate with scissors, use a hole punch to create many holes along the edges, into which we then thread a woolen thread, intertwining the threads with each other.

✔ Wreaths on the door with snakes

You should prepare: willow vine, toy snakes, hot glue gun, black spray paint.

We form a ring from the branches, then glue many small snakes to its end part, and finally paint the product with black paint.

✔ Ominous predictions (exclusively for decoration)

You need to prepare: cups for tea or coffee, brewing tea or ground coffee, PVA glue, skewer, brush.

You can make a prediction from Harry Potter with makeup; to do this, draw an outline of the makeup in a cup of tea with a brush, and immediately sprinkle it with tea leaves and leave it to dry. You can do the same with ground coffee.

10 more cool Halloween themed decor ideas (video):

Many more decoration ideas (photos):

If you suffer from arachnophobia, then this spider making master class is not for you. Although they are not real, you can be scared :) Such spiders can be made not only for Halloween, but for April 1st, in order to prank someone.

We will need:

  • glue gun;
  • wire or paper clips;
  • dye.


The glue gun needs to be warmed up and neat “blots” made. Wait until they cool down. Correct the glue “blots” a little to remove all excess. These will be the bodies of future spiders.

The staples need to be bent. Cut the wire into small pieces. These are future paws. Spiders have eight legs, so for one spider you need either 4 paper clips or 4 pieces of wire.

Next comes the creation of the spider. You need to put the “legs” on the “body” and secure everything with a glue gun. Wait for the glue to cool and straighten the spider's legs.

You can shorten the process a little. Create the body directly on the paws. But I didn’t do it very neatly this way.

The created army of albino spiders awaits further action.

You can also make delicious spiders for kids. For sweet spiders you will not need lollipops, pipe cleaners and eyes. By the way, I bought these brushes in the craft department.

You just need to wrap pipe cleaners around the candy, creating paws.

The theme of the ancient Celtic holiday of Saints' Day - Halloween turned out to be to the liking of the perky Russian people. The celebration of jokes and pranks quickly gained popularity among the population along with other folk celebrations and festivities. Making Halloween decorations with your own hands is very simple, because it requires imagination and a cheerful attitude, and Russians are not short of that.

Making your own Halloween decorations is very easy.

Giving free rein to wild human imagination for the celebration of Halloween, you can make almost all the scary characters with your own hands from scrap materials.

  1. It could be a mummy made of bandages with button eyes or bats made of black paper.
  2. Doors wrapped in cobwebs with spectacular rubber spiders will scare anyone.
  3. With pumpkin - the main attribute of the celebration - many different variations have been invented. For example, in the absence of a real vegetable, you can make a pumpkin out of paper.
  4. Bats hung on a spiral from a chandelier will not only float colorfully around the room, but when the lights are turned off, they create a shadowy illusion of being in a mouse den.

Gallery: Halloween decorations (25 photos)

Room decor for Halloween (video)

How to Decorate a Room for Halloween

To get started, you need to decide on the options for how exactly you want to decorate the room. Very simple and original, and most importantly quick crafts will allow you to turn your house into a real palace of ghosts and monsters in a matter of minutes.

Very simple and original, and most importantly quick crafts will allow you to turn your house into a real palace of ghosts and monsters in a matter of minutes

Original decor ideas

  1. A very creative idea for decorating small jars to look like mummies. Glue black paper eyes on each jar and paint them with shiny varnish. Then wrap the jar with pieces of gauze, leaving only the eyes outside; cut the ends of the gauze at the bottom with scissors so that the bottom is a little frayed. Place a lit candle inside and your mummy is ready.
  2. A bottle of strong drink can be painted bright orange for the holiday. Draw a funny face on it with black paint.
  3. For little floating ghosts, take a Christmas tree garland with round balls. Hang a piece of white fabric on each balloon, making a hole at the top to thread through the bulb. Tighten the hole with thread. On the ghost's head, paint the eyes and mouth, and tighten the bottom with thread. Hang a garland around the hall of the house and light it in the evening in the presence of guests. Vivid impressions are guaranteed.
  4. Hanging ghosts look good. Take some foam balls and a piece of old gauze. Draw scary eyes on the balls with black acrylic paint. Wrap them in gauze and hang the balls near the entrance to the room. Don't forget to give the gauze a messy look with scissors. For the full effect, you can paint the gauze ends a little more.
  5. Decorate indoor flowers in a vase on your home table with small artificial spiders. Take strands of yarn and widen the ends slightly to make it look like legs. Fold several threads up to 2 cm long together and make a knot. Glue white beads to the knot for eyes. Spray the spider with hairspray and let it dry.
  6. An ordinary toilet paper roll will help you make unusual glowing eyes. Cut out a scary image with large pupils in the middle of the sleeve. Place a glow stick inside each sleeve.
  7. Take the orange balloon. Paint a scary face on it using a stencil.
  8. Small oranges can also become elements of holiday decor. Glue a tousled fringe of woolen threads at the base of the fruit with tape, and draw eyes and a mouth using acrylic paint or a stencil.
  9. Fold the parchment paper several times into a square. Cut out the silhouette of the ghost, stretch it. It turns out to be a garland of many little ghosts holding hands.

Halloween Stencils: Interesting Ideas

Here you can give free rein to your imagination and imagination. Draw your favorite face or image on a thick piece of cardboard. Carefully think through the details, do not allow the design to be asymmetrical. Then cut out the template along the drawn contours. For frequent use of the stencil, it will be useful to stick tape on it. This is necessary so that the paint does not remain on the pattern and, accordingly, does not stain other crafts.

How to make a bat for Halloween

You will need:

  • Black colored paper;
  • Pencil or bat stencil;
  • Thread;
  • PVA glue.

This bat is very easy to glue

How to do:

  1. Draw the outlines of a bat on paper. Cut out the figure. It can then be used as a stencil.
  2. We trace the outlines of the paper mouse onto black paper. Cut out figures from colored paper.
  3. To make the material dense, you need to make a double mouse, and then glue the back and front sides together.
  4. For a believable image, after the paper has dried, slightly straighten and bend the wings.

Another version of a slightly embarrassed bat

These mice can be glued to the walls of the room with tape, or hung on a chandelier. Pull the thread between the two parts being glued in advance.

Scary Halloween silhouette

It is better to involve all family members to make the decorations. Give everyone the task of drawing a specific part of the silhouette. If you are using black paper, tape each piece together on the wrong side. After drying, carefully glue the silhouette onto the doorway in the room.

How to make a black cat from a pumpkin

Cute black cats at the doorstep will greet guests with their bright yellow, flickering, predatory gaze.

You will need:

  • Several pumpkins of different sizes;
  • Knife, spoon, scissors, nails without heads;
  • Black acrylic paint;
  • Disposable candles.

The black cat and Halloween are inseparable

How to do:

  1. For a cat, we choose a vegetable of this size: one smaller round pumpkin for the head, a large oblong body for the body, and a small elongated tail.
  2. Selected pumpkin - cut off the head at the base of the tail, scrape it well with a spoon so that the vegetable is empty inside.
  3. Draw eyes, cut out with a knife.
  4. Cut out ears from black paper and insert them into the openings made on the sides of the middle pumpkin.
  5. Color the elements of the cat's details black.
  6. After drying, connect the head to the body using nails.
  7. Place a saucer with a lit candle in the hollow head of the pumpkin.

Place the cat on the step, making sure that the structure does not fall. Your cat is ready for the terrifying “meow.”

How to make a spider garland

To get started, figure out how you plan to hang the spider web garland.

You will need:

  • Wide gray or black thread of wool;
  • Double-sided tape;
  • Black threads for spiders, white beads, PVA glue.

How to do:

  1. When choosing a place for a garland, plan a meaningful symmetrical pattern, because everything should be as close as possible to the natural conditions of the spider world. We glue squares of tape at the points of contact with the wall. If you are planning a large web, you will need a lot of squares.
  2. For applique, it is best to make your own spider from threads; they are lighter in weight. Take three pieces of thread, 2 cm each. Rub the ends of the threads with your fingers, connect the threads with a knot right in the middle. Glue beads onto the knot.
  3. Pull the web thread through all fastening points with tape, pressing down at each fastening with your finger. Attach the spiders to the improvised web using double-sided tape.

Halloween lamp: step by step instructions


  • Lamp with lampshade;
  • A piece of gauze or cotton fabric;
  • Scotch;
  • Scissors;
  • Stencil figurine of bats and spiders.

Lamps can also be made from cans

How to do:

  1. For the product, it is better to take a lamp with a light lampshade. Carefully grabbing the tape at the base of the lampshade, wrap gauze or chintz fabric around the rim to the lower end. Secure the gauze with tape.
  2. Cut out figures of bats and spiders from black paper or cardboard.
  3. Attach each figure with double-sided tape to the lamp shade. Before gluing with tape, bend the legs and wings in the opposite direction from the lampshade, thereby visually creating the effect of flying bats and crawling insects.

Scary ghost


  • A piece of long gauze;
  • Styrofoam ball for ghost head;
  • Plastic bottle;
  • Liquid starch;
  • Scissors, thin wire, hair dryer.

What to do:

  1. Place a foam ball on the neck of a plastic bottle, and use wire to make arms to the sides.
  2. Place gauze on the structure and cut the bottom with scissors so that there is a frayed bottom.
  3. Wet the gauze with liquid starch. The more starch, the more stable the future ghost will be. Use a hair dryer to dry.
  4. Cut out eyes and a mouth from black paper and stick to the base of the head.

When the starch dries, the ghost can be removed from the structure.

How to decorate your house for Halloween (video)

Such an unusual and not everyone’s favorite type of insect, like a spider, is a rather unusual decoration and decorative element. You can make such an accessory using a wide variety of interesting techniques and materials. In our article we will talk about the most popular techniques for creating a decorative spider quickly and step by step with your own hands.

Making a hairy spider with your own hands from cardboard and thread

To create such an unusual decorative arthropod insect you will need very few materials and tools. The furry spider will be made from cardboard and skeins of yarn.

So, prepare the following tools and materials:

  • A ball of yarn of any color. Threads of black or gray colors are most suitable for creating a shaggy spider.
  • Sheets of thick cardboard;
  • Copper wire;
  • Sharp scissors;
  • Glue;
  • Markers of different colors.

After preparing all the tools and materials for the master class, start making a shaggy spider.

First, you should cut a strip of cardboard to the size you need. The larger the width of the cardboard strip. The larger and larger your spider will be. Now start winding the threads from the middle of the cardboard strip. After this, begin to insert pieces of copper wire into the core of the wound circle of thread. Cut off excess cardboard.

It is best to take cardboard in the same tone as the color of the spider yarn. If you cannot find such a color, then you can paint the spider’s legs using felt-tip pens or paints.

Now you should cut out spider eyes from sheets of thick cardboard and glue them to glue. A more economical option for those who do not want to use and spoil good threads: insert bendable tubes into the ball. Convert the tubes themselves into spider legs. Instead of eyes, insert decorative pins or balls of foil.

Such a spider can be made sitting on a web made of threads or other similar material.

We are learning a realistic way to make a hairy spider with your own hands for the holiday

In order to decorate your room for the holiday, you can make a spider from special black furry tubes. To work, you will need seven black chenille sticks. This material is very easy to work and use. It is easily twisted and fastened together.

Twist the ends of two chenille sticks together and wind the resulting long wire around your index finger. Leave a small piece of material. Secure the resulting bundle of six shaggy wires with the prepared tip of the wire. Straighten the spider's legs and form a small loop at the end of each leg. This will make your matchstick spider more stable.

You can make many interesting and unusual crafts from bright balloons. We invite you to try making an unusual spider from balloons for Halloween.

To work you will need the following materials and tools:

  • Two black balloons;
  • Sheets of cardboard in black and white colors;
  • Sharp scissors;
  • PVA glue;
  • Rope.

After preparing all the necessary material, start making an unusual spider from balls. Inflate two balloons of different sizes. One larger ball for the insect's body, the other smaller for the spider's head. Crochet them together with a rope.

From black cardboard, cut eight strips of the same length and thickness for the spider's legs. Fold strips of black cardboard in the shape of spider legs and secure them with PVA glue on the sides of the larger ball.

Then cut out eyes and a nose for the insect from cardboard and glue it to the smaller ball. Your balloon spider is ready. You can use it to decorate your room for Halloween or even a birthday.

You can make a spider using balloons in a wide variety of colors and shades. Look at some ideas for making this type of spider in the photo below.

Here is another option for creating a spider from balloons.

A selection of thematic videos for the article

At the end of the article, we invite you to watch several videos on the topic described above. We hope that after watching the proposed video materials you will not have any questions on this topic. The demonstrated material will help you learn how to create unusual accessories in the shape of a spider. Enjoy watching and exploring!

Halloween is an atypical holiday for our country, which, however, has recently become increasingly popular. And this is not surprising, because sometimes you want to give free rein to your “dark side”. On Halloween, it is customary not only to dress up in carnival costumes, you also need to decorate the interior accordingly.

In this article we will tell you how to make a cute spider that will be an excellent interior accessory for Halloween.

Materials and tools for making a spider:

  • Pine cone
  • pompom in matching color
  • spray paint
  • small beads
  • pipe cleaners

How to make a spider for Halloween

Spray paint the pine cone. In our case, we used black.

When the paint dries, you need to glue the pompom to the cone. Spider eyes can be made from small beads. They are fixed to the pompom with glue.

Advice: While the glue dries, it is better to install the craft vertically, fixing it on a cardboard stand with pins.

Take four pieces of pipe cleaner. Align them with each other and then twist them together. Make a slight bend in the center.

Turn the chic towards you with the place where the spider's abdomen will be. Approximately in the middle between the rows of cone scales, apply glue. Insert a bunch of pipe cleaners into the recess, which will become the spider's legs.

Align the paws and give them the desired shape.

Let the glue dry.

The cute spider is ready.

Original article in English.