Men and women in verbal communication: the problem of gender lect. Male menopause (andropause) and the breakdown of marital relations The situation of Iranian women: other aspects of existence

1. According to statistics, women live longer.

Men get tired faster than women.
-Women tolerate pain better than men.
- Women suffer less from heart, liver, intestinal and kidney diseases.
- Women do not suffer from color blindness.
- Men have a higher risk of developing Parkinson's disease
- Men are more susceptible to the formation of cholesterol plaques.
- Women have fewer heart attacks.
- Liver cirrhosis kills twice as many men as women.
- Women do not suffer from prostatitis, and they are not at risk of impotence.
- At the same level of alcohol in the blood, the average man becomes disorientated three times faster than the average woman.
- Women do not perceive an ordinary sore throat or runny nose as a serious illness, saying “I’m dying.”

2. Women tolerate stress more easily.

New lipstick gives us new life.
- Sometimes chocolate can really solve all our problems.
- Women, unlike men, can solve a problem simply by crying.
- A woman can quickly end any quarrel by crying.
- We know how to enjoy even little things like a new blouse or flowers given to us

3. A woman can use her attractiveness to achieve her goals.

The shape of the butt has positive implications for employment, unless the future employer is gay.
- A woman can become rich and prestigious (for example, the president’s wife) only at the expense of her butt.
- If a woman is promoted, she may not say that she sleeps with her boss
- If a woman is not promoted, she may say that the boss is a misogynist.
- A woman can sue the president for sexual harassment.
- We can flirt with technical support workers who are always happy to help us if we break our computer.

4. A woman has a lot of advantages in sex.

A woman can always have sex.
- A woman’s sexual world is much richer than a man’s.
- While a man can only have one orgasm, a woman can experience plus or minus ten.
- The female orgasm feels more powerful.
- After an orgasm, men cannot have another orgasm immediately. Even if you really want to.
- If we want sex from a man, few can refuse us.
- A woman will never have a complex about the size of her genital organ. A woman knows for sure whether size matters.
- When women like a man, not a single organ of ours betrays our feelings. A woman can be aroused in any decent company, since this will not in any way affect the appearance of her pants.
- Orgasm cannot have such consequences that there is a need to control it.
- Men never know for sure whether their partner swallowed a birth control pill before sex or not. Only women know this.
“Women never have the thought: “What if it doesn’t work out?” (won't get up).
- Before the act, you don’t have to put on an elastic band in the bustle, for fear of losing your erection.
- Condoms do not make any significant difference in having sex.
- Women never need to ask the question: did he have an orgasm? A woman always knows that all her man’s orgasms are real.
- If women don’t succeed, orgasm can be faked.
- After orgasm, men always have to wash, clean or throw something away.
- Men should not scratch during orgasm. Biting is also not recommended. But women can!
- If you have sex with someone and don't call them the next day, you don't become the devil.

5. A woman can become a mother.

Women can give birth to children, something no man can do.
- A woman is always sure that the child is hers.
- A woman can have as many children as she wants.

6. A woman can afford to be weak. Weakness has its advantages.

Women leave the sinking ship first.
“Women don’t have to go to meet their lover so that he doesn’t return home alone late at night.”
- If a woman breaks her computer, the system administrator will not only be happy to fix it, but will also treat her to a chocolate bar.
- A woman can have lunch for free.
- A woman may not pay for a drink, because there will always be someone willing to treat her.

Women can cry - and not pay a fine for speeding.
- Women don’t have to do undignified (like taking out the trash can) or hard work - there are men for that.
- It is unworthy for a woman to tinker with a car - it is better to entrust this to a man.
- A woman does not have to join the army.

7. Women are forgiven many shortcomings

A woman can be eccentric, inconsistent and a little capricious, this only gives her charm.
- If you're stupid, there will always be people who find it cute.
- If a woman has nothing to say, many men will be delighted with it.
- You don’t have to be afraid to look like a complete fool, because... it is still believed that every woman is, by definition, a fool.
- You may not understand at all how the car works, and at the same time the mechanic in the garage will understand that this is how it should be, and will not roll his eyes and go nuts, how come you never checked the oil level like that??
- A woman does not have to arrive on a date on time. Even if she is half an hour late, all you need to do is smile sweetly and apologize.
- A woman can have different moods. We can justify our actions with critical days (5-6 days a month) or PMS (another 10-14 days).

8. Women are more naturally beautiful.

Women have no hair on the face, stomach and chest.
- A woman does not need to shave every day.
- A naked woman is better and more aesthetically pleasing than a naked man.
- Women are not at risk of early baldness. Late, however, too.
- Women's feet don't sweat so much that washing socks is a nightly task.
- No one will leave the room if you take off your shoes.
-Women will never have a goatee.
- When men gain weight, none of the body parts that make them sexier increase in size.
- When we dance, we don't look like a frog in a mixer.

9. Women can do a lot more with their appearance than men.

Women have the ability to dress themselves tastefully.
- In men's clothing (especially a shirt), women look sexy and petite. Men in women's clothing look like idiots.
- Women can choose what to wear, a skirt or trousers.
- A woman can wear a top if she is hot.
- Women can wear various jewelry (rings, chains, bracelets, earrings).
-Women can wear makeup, paint their nails and wear heels.
- A woman can use perfume without making the excuse that it is aftershave lotion.

10. Women are more emotional.

Women have a broader perception of the world, they feel emotions better.
- Love for animals is very touching. We are capable of compassion and pity for everything that needs attention and help.
- Women can be forgiven for screaming when watching horror films.

11. Society places much more demands on men than on women.

A man must keep his word, a woman can always change her mind.
- A man should always remain strong, earn good money, strive for a position in society, take care of the girl, see her off, even if he himself is terribly tired.
- Women can cry, and our tears are not a manifestation of our “weakness.”
- Our friends don't think that as a best friend we should always lend them money.
- If in a company a woman does not want to drink with everyone else, she can not drink, and no one will look at her crookedly.
- A woman can hug her friend and no one will think anything bad.
- If a woman cheats on her husband, people think it is because she is being emotionally neglected.
- Women are given flowers just like that, and men only for funerals.
- It’s great to be a daddy’s daughter, but it’s a shame to be a mama’s boy.

12. Female thinking has its advantages:

Women have an intuitive conclusion about others (in difficult cases - more correct).
- We remember all the dates and phone numbers we need. And we don’t need notebooks and “reminders” on our mobile phones for this.
- If we wish, we can understand the man. He succeeds much less often
- We can do several things at the same time.
- We do not prove our mental superiority by force.
- Women remember people's appearance better than men.
- Women are more attentive, diligent, and responsible.

We drive safer than men. This is due to the fact that women are better than men at switching attention from one object to another, they are more careful when performing many operations and are more diligent.

13. And finally:

A woman has 2 ways of self-realization in life - family and career. For a man, this path is one - self-realization is possible only through a career. He has no moral right to sit on his wife's neck. Therefore, there is a greater chance of not self-actualizing than a woman.
- A woman need not strain herself to achieve marriage, but can only calmly observe and choose. A woman does not need to court, conquer, achieve, only choose.
- A woman can only do what she likes. Fulfilling other people's whims is the lot of men.
- Over the course of many years, entire poems, odes, poems have been written about women by famous writers, poets and philosophers. Women are admired. A woman is a muse, she inspires men to achieve accomplishments.
- A woman is the keeper of the hearth and traditions.
- A woman is a hidden source of satisfying the desire to be loved and to love.
- A woman is closer to nature, space, spirituality.
- Nature, life, beauty, love, kindness, passion, strength, power, dream, tenderness, mother - feminine words.

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One of the key figures in a person’s inner world is the inner man and the inner woman. Each of us has them at the same time, and how they interact with each other (unconsciously!) determines how our relationships with the opposite sex are built, how we realize ourselves in society, in life, etc. On the physical plane this manifests itself in the presence of male and female hormones, on the psychological plane - in certain character traits and a dominant type of behavior.

Female type inherent softness, smoothness, flexibility, pliability, fluidity, diplomacy, peace, sensuality and sensitivity.

Male– desire for leadership, dominance, activity, determination, control, initiative, logic, orderliness.

I repeat, every person has both masculine and feminine, the whole question is in the relationship between these energies. Because a woman came into this world in a female body, then the feminine essence should prevail in her, but you should not deny the masculine in yourself. In a woman, it is considered harmonious to have approximately 80% feminine and 20% masculine; for a man, the opposite is true.

Let's look at cases of distortion and how this is reflected in a woman's life.

The masculine principle is highly developed and the feminine is suppressed/underdeveloped

Such persons are like special forces officers; they love to lead, control, and direct. Tough, uncompromising, unyielding, active, proactive, all things are clearly organized. In clothing, preference is given to trousers. Haircuts are often short.

Next to such a woman there is either no man at all, or he is very weak, childish, depressed, and is easy to lead and control.
There are also ladies who outwardly may look like women, wear skirts and dresses, but inside there is a hard, unbending core that provides them with strength of character, excessive prudence, enterprise, and perseverance.

They often have quarrels with men, because... the woman does not want to give in or gently present the necessary information. Here there is a struggle between two men, one of whom is in a female body.

Such distortions often arise in girls raised by a tough and domineering mother, in a family where the father is an alcoholic, in a family where there is no love and warmth. Thus, her inner man plays a fatherly role, takes care of her, teaches her to earn money and stand up for herself.

Denial and suppression of the masculine in oneself

A special case is these kind of “gray mice” and quiet people who huddle in a corner, trying in every possible way to make themselves “invisible” and unnoticeable to others, hiding from reality and from the world.

With oppression and the absence of the masculine inside, support is lost, protection is often required, even if it is not clear to ourselves from what and from whom. There is no way to stand up for yourself, it’s scary to come forward and prove yourself. Ideas and projects are difficult to implement, things are not completed. It is difficult to say “no”, they are often manipulated.

Also, when a woman exhibits excessive emotionality, imbalance, and tearfulness, male energy is needed to balance this imbalance and return to peace.

Extreme cases of manifestation of the imbalance between male and female are lesbianism, homosexuality, transvestites - the “legs” of these phenomena grow from there.

When the inner man and woman interact harmoniously with each other (in the unconscious space of the individual), there is respect for each other in the family, love, joy, acceptance and mutual understanding reign. The inner man of a revealed woman manifests itself in her husband, who takes care of her, protects her, and takes responsibility for her and the whole family.

Damn, guys, what did you miss in your childhood that you routinely dress in lingerie, shave your legs, chest and arms, although in ordinary life you are exemplary fathers of families and brutal straight men?!

Just a few years ago this was not the case... although, I’m lying, it was 20 years ago, and 100, and 200, but if before these were feminine and mannered young men, now...

Crossdrosers. No, no, not transvestites or transsexuals, beautiful, courageous, pumped up guys dress in women's clothes and they get hard - hard on themselves, and even so much so that they are ready to fuck themselves with their own dick. By the way, some people are good at it, and giving yourself a blowjob is just a blast!

Believe it or not, I searched the Internet and found this... Yes, these guys have a rather complex gradation:

  • transsexual transvestites(or double-role transvestites) - men who occasionally wear women's clothing, but this does not excite them sexually (?) and they do not want to undergo surgery and will not do so.
  • fetish transvestites- guys who wear women's clothes, it excites them, they have sex with both. Fetishistic transvestism is accompanied by autogynephilia. An autogynephile is a person who is sexually aroused by fantasies about himself as a woman and about his feminine body (the female version of narcissism).
But “crossgenders” are men (guys) who can live in a female image for a long time, but then return to their usual role and clothing.
Brothers (or their “sisters”) “crossdressers” (CD, KD) - these simply dress up as women, love wigs, but in sex they still prefer to sleep with women than with guys. In everyday life - brutal straight men with a slight hint of unisex.
There are also “traps” - more often heterosexuals (well, relatively), unisex in appearance, that is, feminine boys and boyish girls, more often do not suffer from perversions with clothing.
And the last category “Sissy” (Sissy Boy, Sissy Maid, Sissy Slut, Sissy Slave, Sissy Doll) - guys or men who love to dress up as women with an absolute desire to obey or be humiliated by a woman. And what the Mistress will force them to do there - here they are happy to try, same-sex sex is not particularly practiced.

Tired? Confused? Me too...
We’re not talking about drag queen artists - this is pure business... Although, who knows.
By the way, “transsexuality” is included in the International Classification of Diseases, in theory - such a “girl” is entitled to time off on “critical” days.

Just yesterday... I’m sitting on the site, not bothering anyone, a straight guy writes (I’m still looking - I’m looking for a modest girl to start a family), saying, I want to try it with a guy. I didn’t break down for a long time, especially since in the photo there is a handsome athlete, eight-pack abs and all that, tall, athletic... I won’t hide it, drool started flowing right across the screen, to clarify I tell him that I’m not athletic, just ordinary. He told me: “Great! Tell me the address and I’ll come.”

He arrives, everything is as in the photo - sweetie... he asked to take a shower, this is welcome, he left. About 15 minutes pass, he appears... Damn, in black fishnet stockings, red panties, a black silk bra. I remember exactly - we didn’t discuss this, he apparently read the whole storm of emotions on my face, explains that he cannot and will not do otherwise. And, it’s true, he has a crazy erection that one can only envy. I will not hide, as they say, I am quite cynical and reasonable to pay attention to such trifles. The sex was fantastic, it was everything and even more, he moaned and squirmed, in the process I managed to take off some of his clothes, but he did not allow me to touch the stockings... Maybe there is some kind of exoticism in this. But it’s not mine, it’s not mine, I don’t mind, let the guys do what they want. But not in my bed...

After sex we talked. Ilya turned out to be married twice (there is plenty to marry, believe me), two daughters from both wives. But occasionally he definitely needs to be under a man, preferably with stubble and harder, so that he can be torn. After he cums, the male partner is disgusted and uninteresting to him (he just didn’t cum with me), lingerie excites him, but it’s not like a fetish. He was neatly and beautifully shaven everywhere, no, his wives were not aware of his preferences... We repeated our games and he disappeared from my life forever - in the morning his page was deleted. Good luck to you, my dear... or darling!

I have no prejudices... therefore, claims of ridicule and insults from transgender people will not be accepted.