Newborn babies by month. Child development by months to one year. Important stages in the mental and physical development of a child up to one year of age. of the month: playing with rattles

The development of the baby is under the constant supervision of doctors, especially the first year after birth. The mother must visit the local pediatrician every month to check the baby’s height, weight, chest and head circumference. All these measures are carried out in order to promptly identify possible deviations in its development.

Doctors in pediatric practice are guided by a table of child development up to 1 year by month. The neurologist has his own, which allows him to monitor the mental development of the baby. Of course, we all understand that there cannot be clear age norms - all children grow according to an individual schedule, but it is still worth listening to the average indicators of the table of parameters for the development of a child up to one year old.

Child development chart up to one year (height and weight)

Some babies are born real heroes - more than 4 kg and with a height of 58 cm, while others have a slight build, and therefore may not reach the required kilograms and centimeters.

All these parameters in the table vary from minimum to maximum, but deviations from the norm already cause some concern among doctors. In the first months of life, children gain up to one kilogram, but subsequently they lower this level and no longer grow as intensively, adding only about 300-600 grams per month.

Pediatricians do not pay such close attention to height, since it does not reflect whether the baby is eating properly, but only indicates its genetic component. But height and weight are used in the formula for calculating the minimum and maximum body mass index, and therefore must still be measured. The parameter is calculated using the following formula:

BMI=child's weight/height squared.

The same information content as weight and height are measured by the volume of the chest and head. An overly actively growing head may indicate hydrocephalus or rickets. You can view the physical development chart for children under one year of age directly at your pediatrician’s appointment.

Table of neuropsychic development of children under one year old

At one month, three months, six months and one year, the pediatrician refers the baby to an appointment with a pediatric neurologist. The doctor must make sure that the baby’s psychomotor development corresponds to the norm, which is indicated in a specially designed table. At a certain time, the child should begin to react to others, walk, roll over from back to stomach and back, crawl, sit, walk.

If for some reason the baby lags behind his peers in development, the doctor prescribes a comprehensive examination and treatment, which includes both medication and physical therapy.

The birth of a child in a family is always a joyful and exciting event. All parents worry about the health of their baby. The question of the physical and psychological development of the baby is especially relevant in the first year of life. To better understand what a child’s development should be like by month to one year, we suggest you read the information in this article. It will help you understand what skills and abilities a newborn should have from the first days of life to 12 months.

First month

After birth, the baby does not have any skills. A newborn spends most of his time sleeping. In the first 30 days of life, a child gains an average of about 600 g of weight. After a month, the increase usually increases. A small increase in the first days of life is explained by the fact that the baby loses fluid, the mother still does not have as much milk as in the subsequent months of lactation, and the baby’s stool has a rather watery base. Parents should not worry about slight weight gain as this is considered normal.

Physical and neuropsychic development (PND)

The baby spends the first 4 weeks after birth mostly sleeping. The baby may doze even during feeding. In general, a child can sleep up to 20 hours a day. In this case, deep and shallow phases of sleep are noted. During deep sleep, the baby is completely relaxed, breathing is even. Shallow sleep is often accompanied by shuddering, stirring, and uneven breathing. This is a completely normal physiological process.

In addition, the baby has the following reflexes:

  • reaction to cold, heat, hunger, thirst, pain, loud sounds or other irritants in the form of crying;
  • among the reflexes there should be such as sucking (takes the breast), grasping (if you put your hand in the palm, the baby squeezes his fingers), pushing away with the legs (if you press the legs, the baby pushes with them), search reflex (if you touch the cheek, the baby turns his head, looking for breasts). These skills must be checked by a doctor;
  • if the baby is placed on his tummy, he will try to raise his head, but due to muscle weakness he will not be able to do this;
  • When there is a loud sound, the month-old baby flinches. The baby can hold his gaze for some time on stationary bright objects;
  • urination and defecation are quite frequent. Some children experience this after every feeding.

Breastfeeding is considered the best nutrition option during this period. If for some reason there is no milk, you should select a mixture. It is better if the pediatrician does this. The weight of children in the first month of life usually ranges from three to 4 kilograms. This applies to children who were born on time. Sometimes a newborn's weight and height may be out of range. There are cases of children being born above 5 kilograms and more than 60 cm in height. This happens for various reasons that influenced the development of the baby even before birth.

Second month

What should a child be able to do in the second month of life? In the second month of life, boys and girls become more active. Some doctors call this period the recovery period. The baby now sleeps less and walks more. At the same time, the period of wakefulness for some children can be about an hour. The baby begins to be interested in the world around him. Lying in the crib, he can look at nearby toys and concentrate on his parents.

Physical development

By the age of two months, babies should be able to:

  • raise your head and try to hold it for several seconds;
  • focus on toys or parents;
  • listen to sounds;
  • some newborns are already trying to roll over;
  • The baby puts his hands into his mouth and examines them.

Sometimes babies smile, when they see their mother they get worried and look for her with their eyes.

Mental development

Reflexes in the second month are still preserved, but are already beginning to gradually fade away. Normal mental development is evidenced by the presence of a revitalization complex, which was previously discussed in the article.

The following baby skills indicate normal development:

  • recognizing your parents;
  • the baby smiles at the sight of loved ones;
  • at the sight of mom or dad, the child begins to fuss, quickly move his arms and legs;
  • During this period, the newborn begins to “walk.” He makes sounds such as “aha”, “abu”, “agu”;
  • Children listen with pleasure to the speech of adults, love their mother’s songs, and often fall asleep to them.

If your baby doesn't smile at two months, don't worry. It is impossible to define clear boundaries for some stages of development. This means this joyful event will happen a little later.

Third month

The third month is characterized by a leap in physical and neuropsychological development.

Physical development

This stage is characterized by the following skills and abilities:

  • the ability to lie on your tummy and hold your head for a short time;
  • If you hold the baby by the armpits, he leans on his legs and tries to stand. At the same time, parents should remember that prolonged stay in this position can cause harm to the immature musculoskeletal system;
  • the baby begins to play with toys. His movements are chaotic, he can throw objects, knock them, pull them into his mouth;
  • The child likes bright things, ringing or rustling, spinning and musical objects. This period is very important in development, since the baby is forming a relationship between vision and hearing;
  • Most children in the third month of development roll over and try to hold their head up.

Pediatricians do not recommend seating a newborn during this period. This can lead to spinal deformation. By the end of the third month, children usually have decreased muscle tone. The baby begins to better control his movements, takes objects in his hands, and squeezes and unclenches his fingers more easily. When a child is held in his arms, he turns his head and examines the world around him.

Neuropsychic development

At this age, the child spends all his time free from sleep studying the world around him. He examines new toys, objects around him, reacts to the appearance of new interior items and people. Strangers may cause reactions such as anxiety and crying. The period of wakefulness becomes longer, some children walk for 2-3 hours.

At this stage, the baby actively develops communication skills with mom, dad, brothers, sisters and other family members. If before this the newborn revealed any of his desires in the form of crying, now the baby uses facial expressions and some sounds. If a mother enters the room, the baby gets worried, follows her with his eyes, smiles, and makes various sounds.

At three months, it is very important to try to establish verbal contact with the baby. Parents should talk to their child as much as possible, name objects that are in the child’s field of vision. This will help speed up the baby's development.

Fourth month

In the fourth month of life, the child becomes more proportional. The head no longer exceeds the volume of the chest. The legs become more even, movements acquire a clear character.

Physical development

At four months, a child should have the following physical skills:

  • the child holds his head well, turns it when he hears sounds or sees bright objects;
  • lying on his tummy, the baby holds his head for quite a long time and confidently turns it;
  • some babies roll over from their tummy to their back;
  • the newborn continues to explore the world around him and his body. He can pull hands and even toes into his mouth, examines them carefully, and plays with toys.

At this age, the baby may have a favorite toy, to which he pays maximum attention. If the interior has changed, new furniture or objects have appeared, the newborn pays enough attention to this event.

Rapid development is also observed from the neuropsychological side. The child reacts positively to mom and dad, may cry at the sight of strangers or, conversely, smile with interest and walk. In the fourth month of life, the baby begins to make more and more new sounds and trains the nasolabial muscles. When a baby hears his name, he begins to listen and smile. At this age, the little man can already distinguish the voices of loved ones from strangers. As a rule, the child reacts very actively to all events in the fourth month. If something hurts or he is hungry, parents are faced with crying and poor sleep. When a baby is full and feels good, he smiles, plays with toys with pleasure, and communicates with adults.

It is worth noting that the 4th month is characterized by an expansion of the emotional sphere. If earlier he was dominated by fear or hunger, now the newborn experiences interest, surprise, disappointment and other feelings.

Fifth month

The fifth month is characterized by the emergence of new skills and abilities. If recently the baby could only lie down, eat and sleep, then at this stage the baby confidently communicates with adults and learns more and more about the world around him.

Physical development

In terms of physical development, at five months the child has the following skills:

  • attempts to stand while being held under the armpits. With the help of parents, the baby can stand for several minutes;
  • lying on his stomach, the baby plays, turns his head, confidently holds his head and shoulders;
  • Children at 5 months independently roll over from their back to their tummy and vice versa. Some babies try to crawl if you put your hand under their legs;
  • A baby can perform several crawling movements if colorful objects are placed in front of him. Trying to get them, the baby will try to crawl towards them;
  • the child speaks to his parents using monosyllabic words;
  • the little man continues to actively explore his body, touch his face, put his fingers in his mouth, feel his stomach, chest and other parts of the body.

The baby still sleeps a lot. Daytime sleep should be about two hours twice. Night – at least 10 hours. The baby spends all his free time playing, communicating with mom and dad, and eating.

Neuropsychological development

In terms of psychological development, the baby shows more and more emotions. If he is hungry or wants to sleep, the baby may cry and worry. If a toy is taken away, this will most likely be followed by squealing or crying. In addition, he clearly divides the people around him into friends and strangers. If a stranger picks him up, the reaction may be different. Some children burst into tears, while others, on the contrary, look at the new face with interest. The baby distinguishes the tone of those around him. If you treat him kindly and smile, he will easily go into your arms. If the baby hears a rude conversation or scream, most likely he will cry.

During this period, as well as in subsequent ones, it is very important to provide adequate protection for the new family member. The crib should have soft sides; you should not throw a newborn on the edge of the sofa, as he may well fall.

Sixth month

At six months, the child continues to actively develop. The newborn already clearly knows his parents and other family members, enjoys them, and communicates using facial expressions and sounds. Moreover, he already possesses many physical skills.

Physical development

Speaking about the physical skills of a baby at six months, the following should be noted:

  • the ability to sit for a short time. Even if the child sits well, you should not leave him in this position for a long time. The spine should not be subject to heavy loads during this period;
  • The toddler confidently holds toys and various objects in his hands, throws them, knocks;
  • Most children develop their first teeth at this age. If this does not happen, there is no reason to sound the alarm. Most likely, the teeth will appear a little later;
  • if he reaches for an object, but cannot reach it, the baby will perform squeezing and unclenching movements with his fingers;
  • At this age, the child realizes that he has two hands, he transfers objects from one handle to another, and often takes one object in both hands.

At six months, many babies begin to move around the crib. Some move backward, pushing off with their hands, others crawl forward. Some try to pull themselves up along the bars of the crib and stand up.

Neuropsychological development

At six months, the baby actively interacts with adults, walks and smiles. Sitting in his mother's arms, he touches her face, hair, buttons and fasteners on her clothes. The toddler's vocabulary is replenished with new sounds (“de”, “gu”, “ba”, “na”, “ma”). The baby plays with pleasure, smiles when he is happy and shows dissatisfied grimaces if something does not suit him. The baby learns to recognize various sounds, reacts to knocking, rustling, rustling, freezes, and turns its head.

During this period there is a sharp leap in development. The toddler begins to feel the relationship between actions and events. For example, if you cry, you can attract the attention of adults; if you press a button on a toy, music will play, and so on.

It is necessary to pay as much attention as possible to a six-month-old child. You need to talk to him, read fairy tales, even if it seems that he doesn’t understand them, sing songs and nursery rhymes.

Seventh month

A seven-month-old toddler is already a fully formed personality with his own character. Moms and dads never cease to rejoice at the increasing skills of their child at seven months.

Physical development

At 7 months, the baby should have the following abilities:

  • crawl forward and to the side;
  • try to crawl on all fours. If a toddler does not crawl, but tries to walk straight away, this is not considered a pathology. Many children miss a stage of development such as crawling and this feature is considered quite normal;
  • sit leaning on a pillow. Often, without support, children fall, which parents must remember.

At this stage of development, it is very important to pay enough attention to massage and games with the baby. You can give him your hands so that he can pull himself up by them and try to stand up. Many children like to stand with support and jump. Some toddlers try to stand up and move along the sides of the crib on their own. In this case, the sides should be quite high so that the baby does not fall out.

Neuropsychological development

The psychophysical abilities of a seven-month-old child must meet the following criteria:

  • the ability to transfer an object from one handle to another;
  • hold the toy with two hands, give it to an adult upon request;
  • finding an item under a hidden pillow or blanket;
  • knock with rattles, throw them;
  • clap your hands, press buttons on musical toys;
  • point with hands at objects that he wants to touch.

At this age, fine motor skills continue to actively develop. The baby learns to take small objects, examines them, and puts small toys in a bucket.

At this age, the child develops an interest in dishes and can try to eat on his own with a spoon. Even if your child doesn’t succeed, you shouldn’t take his cutlery away.

Eighth month

At the 8th month of development, the growth rate of the toddler slows down somewhat. This is due to an increase in his physical activity. During this period, teeth continue to actively erupt. Many parents can boast that their children already have four incisors.

Physical development

At this stage of life, the baby gains about 500 grams in weight and becomes 1-1.5 centimeters taller. An eight-month-old child can do the following:

  • sit, quickly roll over from tummy to back and back, crawl, stand up and move around, leaning on support;
  • At this age, the baby devotes a lot of time to toys and other objects. He loves musical toys, magazines, balls. The little one moves them from place to place, throws them, knocks. If a toy falls from his hands, he tries to find it;
  • the child plays with interest with other children, babbles with them, smiles. The baby gets very upset if mom goes somewhere;
  • many children can already point to the object they are being asked about. For example, where is the car? The baby will point to this toy;
  • The child already uses a spoon independently and learns to drink from a cup. Many babies are already eating cookies or other solid foods.

Despite the fact that a child’s body is individual, parents should be alerted if he does not sit down, cannot stand for several seconds while holding onto a support, does not pick up toys with his hands, or does not listen to various sounds. In such a situation, parents are obliged to show their child to the pediatrician.

Neuropsychological development

At this age, the child often looks at his reflection in the mirror, touches it with his hands, gurgles, and smiles. Facial expressions acquire new features and become more diverse. Using it, parents can easily find out what mood their child is in. The first words appear in the lexicon that resemble “mama,” “baba,” “give,” “na,” and so on.

During this period, visual memory develops. The baby can recognize close people from photographs and smiles when he sees them. If music is playing or rhythmic poetry is read to him, the little one can jump up and clap his hands. Due to the development of concentration and psychomotor skills, the baby can play with toys independently for a long time.

At eight months, the baby should already clearly know the daily routine. Feeding and sleeping should be on a schedule. If the baby is not put to bed on time, the nervous system is subject to enormous stress. Often children are capricious, become whiny, and cannot sleep.

Eight-month-old children should be engaged in various developmental exercises. These could be games such as “find an object”, “show the color”, “build a pyramid” and so on.

Ninth month

At 9 months, it’s hard to call a baby helpless. He crawls well, sits up, and tries to walk. Many toddlers learn the skills of independently eating with a spoon and drinking from a cup. The child has contact with parents and other family members, communicates using one- or two-syllable words.

Physical development

At 9 months, a small family member should have the following physical skills:

  • The baby increasingly walks in a walker or leaning on a support. Muscles become stronger, muscle-nervous coordination develops more and more;
  • At this age, hearing and vision improve. At the same time, the baby not only sees objects and hears sounds in the room in which he is located. If a child hears plates or pots clinking in the kitchen, he already clearly understands that dinner or lunch is coming soon;
  • Most nine-month-old babies have their second pair of incisors erupting. During this period, the jaw apparatus develops. It is useful to offer your baby a lot to chew, for example, carrots, apples, crackers. At the same time, it is important to ensure that he does not choke;
  • at 9 months the baby skillfully plays with toys, can put various objects into boxes, put together a pyramid;
  • the baby distinguishes between animals and some colors;
  • the child responds to his name;
  • the new family member listens to the parents’ speech, tries to repeat mom and dad’s words, babbles emotionally, and laughs loudly.

Some children do not succeed in everything, but parents should not worry about this, because each child is individual. It is recommended to contact a specialist if the child does not perform basic actions. For example, the baby does not sit, does not walk, does not respond to its name, and does not get angry if a toy is taken away.

Neuropsychological development

Many children at nine months can boast of the ability to distinguish objects, faces, colors, and animals. During this period, logic actively develops. The child can stack cubes, pyramids, and sort objects by color and shape. Don’t be afraid to give your baby new information, play with him, leaf through books, look at pictures. Even if it seems to you that the baby does not yet perceive this information, believe me, later the result will be very noticeable, because all this is stored in the memory of your little child.

Already at nine months, the child should clearly know that this is not possible. Raising children at this time is the basis of his behavior in the future. You can't give in to crying. If you think that the baby should not take this or that item, stand your ground. The same applies to the daily routine.

Tenth month

At ten months, the small family member becomes more and more similar in silhouette to adults. The volume of the head becomes smaller in relation to the chest, the body becomes even, he spends more and more time in an upright position, and looks more and more proportionate.

Physical development

The achievements of a child at this age continue to please parents. Many boys and girls are already trying to walk. Most children confidently move along the sofa and other objects. Kids actively crawl around the whole house, study objects, actively involve various objects in all their games (mom’s pots, dad’s tools, open and close drawers on chests of drawers and cabinets).

Skills of a ten month old baby:

  • pick up and examine small objects;
  • transferring objects from one box to another;
  • folding towers from cubes and pyramids;
  • The baby enjoys collecting pebbles on the street in a bucket;
  • many children become familiar with pencils, felt-tip pens, and finger paints;
  • Some toddlers enjoy playing in the sand.

During games, you should never leave your child alone. Always nearby. This will help prevent many accidents.

Neuropsychological development

At this age, the child becomes a full-fledged participant in communication between family members. He laughs, babbles, hearing his parents speak, and sincerely rejoices at the arrival of guests. The baby gets upset or angry when something doesn’t work out for him. At loud sounds, he flinches, gets scared, and may cry. At this age, a sense of humor appears. A toddler can laugh loudly if he sees a bizarre grimace or a cheerful dance. At this stage, children imitate adults, try to repeat facial expressions and behavior. This is a great time to teach your child the rules of behavior at the table and in the company of people.

In addition, boys and girls perform simple elements of the game. They roll cars, throw a ball, feed a doll from a spoon, put the animals to sleep, and so on. Don't scold your know-it-all if a toy is broken or a cup is broken. These actions also relate to methods of understanding the world.

Do not leave your child in the room alone unattended. Toddlers at this age love to take everything off the shelves, press buttons on electrical appliances, and explore sockets. If you need to leave the room, it is recommended to leave your little one in a playpen or crib with high sides.

Eleventh month

Children at 11 months acquire more and more skills and delight mothers and fathers with their first steps and new simple words. An indicator of proper physical and mental development is the ability to communicate with adults and other children, a wide range of emotions in a little person, and an attempt to learn more and more new information.

Physical development

At this stage, the child is actively growing and has the following skills:

  • plays with toys for a long time;
  • takes small objects with two fingers and holds them tightly;
  • builds a pyramid and a turret;
  • is interested in colorful books and magazines and leafs through them for a long time. He likes to tear pages and rustle them;
  • The toddler actively dances to music and loves musical toys;
  • at the request of the parents, shows objects, takes off a hat, socks, unzips, finds hidden objects, feeds a doll, pushes a car, and so on;
  • more and more words consisting of two syllables appear in speech;
  • the little man already distinguishes between encouragement and denial, waves his head if he doesn’t want something, points his finger at the desired item;
  • the baby finds new activities and games, for example, he can transfer cereals, pasta and other small objects from bowl to bowl, plays with flour, and loves playing with water.

The child becomes more and more independent, eats with a spoon, drinks from a cup, tries to put on socks or a hat, tries to fasten buttons.

Neuropsychological development

Normally, children at 11 months should have the following neuralgic skills:

  • tying the first words to the meaning (“am” - eat, “ma” - mother, “yes” - give, and so on);
  • The little one already knows how to manipulate adults; he whines on purpose, which helps him get attention;
  • the little man responds to his parents’ requests - take it, go, lie down, don’t touch, and so on;
  • children learn to stand their ground, cry and become capricious if they don’t get what they want;
  • intelligence develops. For example, to reach an object that is high, the baby will put up a chair;
  • The baby plays role-playing games more and more - feeding dolls, driving cars, petting animals.

If your child does not quite meet the established standards, you should not immediately run to the doctor. Some children master certain skills later than their peers. This is especially true for premature babies and babies with Down syndrome.

At 11 months, the child should receive the necessary complementary foods. The menu should include vegetables, fruits, meat, fish. New products should be introduced little by little. It is recommended to continue breastfeeding for at least 1 year.

Twelfth month

When a child turns 1 year old, it is a joyful event for every family. The little toddler delights the household with his loud laughter and new achievements.

Physical development

At the age of one year, it is quite possible to transfer the child to one nap during the day. He becomes active, plays more and more and spends time communicating with adults. At this stage, it is already possible to agree on something with the baby.

Skills and abilities at 12 months:

  • playing story games;
  • repeating any actions;
  • the child can name the names of other family members;
  • the baby should be able to explain to others what he wants;
  • the baby walks independently or with the support of adults;
  • The toddler draws, tries to tie his shoelaces, fasten buttons and snaps;
  • The little man eats on his own and puts on his outerwear.

Daytime sleep usually takes 2 – 3 hours. The rest of the time the little know-it-all is awake, exploring the world. Under no circumstances should you leave the baby alone, since the instinct of curiosity at this age prevails over the instinct of self-preservation.

For proper physical development, you should do daily exercises and massage with your child. Excellent for swimming and walking in the fresh air.

If your child’s skills and knowledge do not fit within the framework of the baby’s development calendar, do not worry. Each child is individual and sooner or later he will succeed.

Neuropsychological development

According to child psychology, at 12 months a baby may experience the first psychological crisis. This is due to the process of separating one’s “I” from my mother. Some children become capricious, do not let their mother take a step, and often throw tantrums.

Let's give an example: a baby wants to build a pyramid, but he can't do it. Having got used to the fact that his mother helps him in everything, he calls her, begins to cry and get upset if the mother expects the baby to succeed on his own. During this period, it is very important not to shout at the little fidget and not to do everything for him. The mother’s task is to teach the little one to perform this or that action independently.

Table of physical development of children from birth to one year

In this table you can find approximate parameters of height, weight, head and chest circumference for children from birth to one year.

Age in months Weight in kilograms Height in centimeters Approximate weight gain in grams Head circumference in cm Chest circumference
At birth 3 – 3,4 49 — 54 30 — 37,5 36
1 3,7 – 4,5 54 — 56 600 37,5 — 39,5 36
2 4,5 – 4,9 59 — 59 800 39,5 — 43 36
3 4,9 – 5,6 59 — 62 800 43 — 45 44
4 5,6 – 6,3 62 — 65 750 45 — 46 44
5 6,3 – 6,8 65 — 68 650 46 — 47 48
6 6,8 – 7,4 68 — 70 650 47 — 48 52
7 7,4 – 8,1 70 — 72 600 47 — 48 52
8 8 – 8,1 72 — 75 550 47 — 48 52
9 8,5 – 9 75 — 76 500 47 — 49 56
10 9 – 9,5 76 — 78 450 47 — 49 54 — 56
11 9,5 — 10 78 — 80 400 47,5 — 49 54 — 56
12 10 — 11 80 — 82 350 48 — 49 55 — 57

The child’s parameters do not always fit these descriptions specified in WHO standards. Minor deviations from the norm in one direction or another are considered quite normal. Premature babies gain weight more easily and have lower weight and body parameters. Sometimes a child’s weight per year can be up to 13-15 kilograms. As a rule, large children are born to parents with the same body constitution. You can learn more about baby development in the encyclopedia.

An accurate diary of intrauterine development of children by month

Having learned about pregnancy, a woman experiences unforgettable emotions, because a little life is developing inside her.

Let's look at a monthly detailed diary of the development of the fetus in the womb, and also find out what sensations the expectant mother experiences.

1 month

From the moment of conception, new life grows and develops in the mother's womb. After the union of the egg and sperm, cell division begins within a few days. As a result of this process, the so-called morula is formed - a connection consisting of 8-12 cells tightly in contact with each other. After penetration into the uterus, the fertilized egg attaches to its wall. Implantation lasts about forty hours. After attachment, the bubble begins to branch strongly, small vessels appear inside, which in the future will nourish the fetus. All this happens during the first week of pregnancy.

Later the following processes are observed:

  • development of the amniotic sac, placenta and umbilical cord;
  • the cells of the embryo divide into two halves and acquire a disc-shaped shape;
  • between the layers of the disk a middle leaf appears - a layer;
  • the future spine – chord – is formed from it;
  • from the same middle leaf the formation of muscles, blood vessels, and genital organs begins;
  • the skin and nervous system are formed from the outer leaf;
  • the inner leaf is the future digestive and respiratory organs;
  • at week 20, the embryo begins to develop the rudiments of a head and body.

To summarize, it should be said that in the first month of life the fetus has such organs as the heart tube, the kidneys, the primordium of the bronchi and trachea, the intestinal tube and the pancreas. At this stage, the circulatory and nervous systems are already developing.

On the 23rd day after conception, the fetal heart begins to contract. At this stage, the child resembles a fish embryo.

2 months

At the beginning of the second month, the fetus already has the rudiments of kidneys and lungs, and the intestinal tract is actively developing. Already at this early stage, the liver performs a hematopoietic function. The embryo's face and limbs can be seen. All this time the nervous system is being improved.

In the second month the following changes occur:

  • bringing the eyes closer together;
  • dividing the limbs into separate parts (shoulder, forearm, hand);
  • the rudiments of the ears and nose are formed;
  • towards the end of the second month (in the seventh week), the rudiments of teeth are formed;
  • in the eighth week, muscles appear that are already contracting;
  • the brain is divided into sections, the cerebral cortex is divided into layers.

At this stage of pregnancy, many women experience toxicosis, which is associated with hormonal changes in the body and the developing new life in the womb.

3 months

In the third month, active development of the fetus continues. He looks more and more human. Here are the changes:

  • the liver continues to develop and function;
  • facial features are drawn;
  • nails form on the fingers and toes;
  • the fetus performs its first movements;
  • vocal cords are formed.

By the end of the third month, the intestines begin to function. The genitals continue to form, but it is still impossible to distinguish a boy from a girl. The nervous system continues to form, the little man already feels skin irritation and reacts to it by squeezing his fingers.

4 months

In the fourth month, the fetus grows rapidly. The vessels are not very deep, so they are clearly visible on the body. The following processes take place here:

  • already at 14 weeks the skeleton is formed;
  • the digestive system continues to develop;
  • the stomach and gall bladder are already working;
  • the child is already excreting the first feces (original);
  • red bone marrow already performs the function of hematopoiesis;
  • the endocrine system begins to function;
  • The kidneys are working and urine is being released.

The child performs more and more movements. He turns his head, moves his arms and legs, takes a finger in his mouth. In the fourth month, the woman feels the first movements of the fetus.

At the fourth month, it is already possible to determine the sex of the unborn child using an ultrasound scan.

5 months

In the fifth month, subcutaneous fatty tissue appears in the fetus, the skin becomes less transparent, and the vessels are almost invisible. This is half of the entire pregnancy. At this stage, the baby's first hair appears. The changes in the fifth month are as follows:

  • the body is covered with a cheese-like lubricant, which protects it from pathogenic microorganisms;
  • the spleen begins to take part in the process of hematopoiesis;
  • the vestibular apparatus is formed;
  • the entire endocrine system works.

In the fifth month, the baby has facial expressions and can smile or frown.

6 months

During this period, the baby's entire body is covered with cheese-like lubricant and thin fluff. A six-month-old fetus develops eyebrows and eyelashes. The baby breathes and swallows amniotic fluid. The lungs are still closed at this stage. The baby's brain parts are finishing to form. The digestive system is well developed and fully functioning. The baby moves freely in the amniotic fluid. The baby sleeps most of the time (up to 20 hours a day). The little man already reacts to bright lights and loud sounds.

7 months

Alveoli and air tubes form in the lungs. At this stage, a special substance begins to be synthesized, which causes the lungs to open when inhaling (surfactant).

The sense organs are already fully functioning. The baby sees a bright light and hears sounds. In connection with the further development of the endocrine system, the fetus develops a special type of metabolic processes.

8 months

The fetus grows significantly and no longer moves so freely in the uterine cavity. Movements become more coordinated. In most cases, the baby is positioned head down, but sometimes breech presentation occurs.

The heart is almost formed, but there is still a hole between the right and left atria, which should close on its own after the baby is born. In addition, the child has a botal duct. Its function is to connect the pulmonary artery and aorta. After birth, it must stop working.

9 months

At the ninth month, the baby already has light skin, its shape is rounded, and the fetus is gaining weight. The fluff on the body gradually disappears. Movements are reduced to a minimum, since the baby already occupies the entire uterine cavity. A special center has already been formed in the brain, which is responsible for breathing.

The formation of the liver and pancreas is still ongoing. These organs will continue to mature after the baby is born. At 9 months, the baby can already distinguish the intonations of voices and hear music.

10 months

At this time, the fluff on the child’s body disappears, most internal organs fully perform their functions. At 38 weeks, the baby is considered mature for birth.
At 38–40 weeks, the baby gives an impulse to be born, and labor begins.

In this photo you can see the development of the fetus week by week.

What toys do children under one year old need?

Every baby after birth requires proper care and affection. At the same time, every parent wants to develop their child, so they ask themselves what toys are needed for children of this or that age? Let's figure out which toys are preferable from birth to one year:

  • 1 month – colorful soft toys and rattles without small parts;
  • 2 months – a musical carousel, which should be secured above the crib, will be just right here;
  • 3 months – colorful rattles, toys with different textures, rustling, ringing;
  • 4 months – balls, tumblers, rattles, various jingling toys;
  • 5 months – blocks, soft toys, rattles, musical ones;
  • 6 months – pipes, tambourines, piano. The baby will be happy to learn new sounds. In addition, you can buy rubber bathing toys;
  • 7 months - here you can already use various play mats and panels, musical instruments, balls, pyramids;
  • From 8 months to a year, finger paints, pencils, dolls, simple constructors for sorting objects, and gurneys are perfect.

No matter how interesting and colorful the toys are, parents should remember that they cannot replace communication with mom and dad, so spend as much time as possible with your child, talk to him, sing songs, leaf through books. This will help you grow a happy, healthy and creative person.

Video about the early development of children under one year old

In his video, Dr. Evgeniy Olegovich Komarovsky spoke about the early development of children.

Know the approximate norms newborn development by month important for every mother. This “development calendar” will not only show whether the baby is developing correctly, but will also help you understand what you need to pay attention to first in each month of his life.

Newborn development calendar by month.

First month of life.

10-15 days

  • Follows a slowly moving toy with his eyes (the toy moves horizontally) .

20 days

  • He can fix his gaze on a hanging toy or on the face of his mother, who is talking to him at that moment.

1 month.

  • The first smile appears.
  • The baby can already smoothly follow a moving toy with his eyes. Follows the toy as it moves vertically.
  • He responds to the sound of a bell.
  • Raises his head for a few seconds while lying on his stomach.
  • Shifts his gaze from one object to another.

2 months

  • The child smiles for a long time when they talk to him.
  • He watches his mother talking and slowly moving around the crib. The baby listens to her voice, singing, sounds.
  • He turns his head to the sound of a musical toy or following the movement of an object.

3 months

  • The baby responds to cues addressed to him with a smile, sounds and movements of his arms and legs.
  • When a child comes across a low-hanging toy, he tries to grab it and feel it.

4 months

  • A baby can determine the location of an object by sound.
  • He finds his mother by hearing her voice (searches for the source of the sound).
  • While awake, the child rejoices a lot. He is also happy when he recognizes his mother: he smiles, makes loud noises, and makes movements with his arms and legs. The joyful state becomes longer and more expressive.
  • The baby purposefully reaches for the toy, grabs it and holds it, manipulates it. Feels the low-hanging toy with both hands. Looks for a toy that has fallen out of his hand.
  • The baby holds his mother's breast or bottle with his hands.
  • The child turns on his side.
  • The baby starts to walk.

5 months

  • The baby recognizes close people and reacts to them differently.
  • He can clearly distinguish the intonation of speech addressed to him (a joyful tone of voice or his mother scolds him or his mother speaks sternly and asks, etc.)
  • The child hums melodiously - melodiously draws long vowel sounds. Booming occurs often and for a long time when the child is in good health.
  • The baby turns from his back to his stomach.
  • If he is held under his arms in a vertical position, he rests his feet on a hard surface.
  • The child takes the toy from the hands of an adult from different positions (lying on his back, stomach, while in his mother’s arms). He tries to reach a distant object.
  • The baby reacts to new surroundings and unfamiliar conditions: he may stop smiling when he sees a strange adult or even cry.
  • The baby lies on his stomach for a long time, supporting himself with his palms.

6 months

  • The baby pronounces syllables (ba, ma, pa, etc.)
  • He loves to work with objects of different sounds, colors, shapes, textures (soft, rough, hard, rough, etc.).
  • The child turns from his stomach to his back.
  • The baby begins to recognize his name by the sound.
  • A child can no longer just take a toy from the hands of an adult, but also pick it up, lying on his back, on his stomach, on his side, hold and examine it, transfer it from one hand to another, and throw it.

7 months

  • The child babbles for a long time.
  • Crawls independently, actively and for a long time.
  • First, at the mother's direction, and then only at her verbal request, he performs actions: knocks with a rattle, rolls a ball, takes objects out of a box and puts them back, transfers a toy from one handle to another.

8 months

  • The child loudly speaks various syllables in roll call with an adult.
  • At the request of the mother, the baby performs a learned movement (“okay”, etc.).
  • It crawls a lot, quickly and in different directions.

9 months

  • The baby repeats different syllables and sounds, imitating his mother. Imitates not only the sounds, but also the intonation of an adult. The “repertoire” of syllables is constantly growing.
  • When mom asks: “Where...” he looks for the named object. Can find objects located in different places in the room.
  • The child can, at the request of the mother, perform simple movements - “give me a pen”, “goodbye - bye - bye” (wave your palm), etc.
  • The child steps along the side of the crib or along another support, holding on with his hands, and tries to climb over the bolster.
  • Each toy is used differently depending on its properties: press the keys or roll it, take it out and put it back in, etc.

10 months

  • The baby pronounces many different syllables independently and in roll calls with his mother, imitating her.
  • He already knows the names of his closest people, for example, his brother.
  • If you ask him to give him a toy (“give me lalya”), he gives it to him.
  • The child begins to play simple games with the adult - “catch up, catch up”, “hide and seek” (hides behind his palms or puts on a transparent handkerchief when his mother looks for him and asks “Where is Katenka?”).
  • The baby takes the toy from any position (either from the side or above the head), reaches it, examines it, testing it on the tooth.
  • Enjoys playing with educational toys aimed at developing fine motor skills - taking off and putting on parts, opening and closing, sorting large beads on a thick fishing line, unfastening buttons, etc.

11 months

  • The baby pronounces the first child's word - “mother”, “av-av”, “give” or another.
  • He can, at the request of an adult, perform an action familiar to him, for example, rock a doll, roll a ball.
  • The child learns to walk by holding onto objects and moving from one object to another. Walks with support from both hands, squats, climbs low objects, stands up and down freely.

12 months

  • The baby understands several names of close people (“Where is Vanya?”),
  • knows the names of several objects (“give me a kitty, a clock tick-tock, a dog aw-aw”,
  • knows the names of several actions (walk, sit, stand, give a hand, say pats, goodbye, rock, feed, dance, etc.
  • The child very easily imitates syllables and simple words spoken by his mother. He begins to speak his first words (within 10 words).
  • The child plays with blocks and can make a tower by placing a block on top of a block. Rolls a ball. Likes to crumple paper, iron it, insert it, etc. act with objects.
  • Walks independently without support or assistance from an adult in different directions, without sitting down.

It must be remembered that newborn development calendar by month It's different for different kids. And therefore, being behind or ahead of these indicators by a week is not critical. But if more than 15 days have passed and the skill has not appeared, then you need to watch the baby more closely. And be sure to play games with him aimed at developing these skills.

Lots of useful and interesting information O child development in the first year of life You can find it in the section. In this section you will find a detailed description of the child’s development in each month of the first year of life, educational games and exercises with the baby, mother’s massage with nursery rhymes and much more. You can read on the topic of child development.

When they talk about the physical development of a child, they mean a set of certain indicators. These are height, weight, chest and head circumference. All these indicators are assessed every month at a visit to the pediatrician. It is important for the doctor to monitor their growth dynamics. Based on your baby’s gender and all four indicators, a conclusion is drawn about the child’s physical health. Thus, a specialist can tell the level of physical development of your child and, if necessary, give recommendations.

It is believed that a child's height corresponds to his age, and in about a year children grow by 25 cm.

The baby's weight should correspond to his height. By the end of the first year of life, babies weigh approximately 10 kg. At the same time, body weight is considered the most unstable indicator. It depends on the condition of the baby (illness, loss of appetite, sleep disturbance, discomfort)

Up to 4 months, the head circumference should be a couple of centimeters larger than the chest circumference. These indicators are equivalent to 4 months. After four, the chest circumference becomes larger than the head circumference.

All children are different and the level of physical development even at birth is different. Some are born small and long, actively suckle at the breast and lie quietly in the crib, while others have a high birth weight, muscle tone is too high, and the child flinches at the slightest sound. Therefore, the starting point of physical development is individual for all children. Parents should be vigilant and if anything causes concern or anxiety, they should immediately consult a doctor. Only a specialist will be able to correctly determine and calculate the physical development of a child.

In the first year of life, children have well-developed skin sensitivity and for better physical development it is necessary to constantly touch, touch, and perform light massage movements on your baby.

Physical development of children under 1 year by month

Newborn has innate unconditioned reflexes: food (sucking movements), indicative (turning the head to various stimuli), defensive (screaming at irritating factors). Movements of arms, legs, eyes are spontaneous, disordered and uncoordinated. The newborn moves his whole body.

By the end first month In life, movements become more coordinated, the baby tries to raise his head in a position lying on his stomach. He reacts to a loud sound by moving his arms to the side, and then pressing them towards his body and clenching his fists.

On 2 months of life eye movements become coordinated, the head turns towards the sound, the baby tries to grab and touch objects that interest him, he can hold his head for 1-1.5 minutes in a position lying on his stomach. Some kids at this age respond with a smile to a smile.

During 3 months of life the child in a prone position rests on his forearms and elbows. Rolls over from back to side, twists head, holding it in an upright position. Pulls up its body when picked up. When an adult addresses him, a “revival complex” appears - he smiles, can laugh, coo and answer.

IN 4 months the baby can recognize faces and simple objects and rolls over from back to stomach. When lying on his back, he can raise his head. Grabs and holds small objects in his hands, pulls them into his mouth, favorite and unfavorite toys appear, prefers mother to other adults.

Fifth month- tries to sit up, but cannot hold his back without support, recognizes familiar voices, stands evenly on his feet when supported by the armpits, imitates sounds.

Sixth month- sits up independently, tries to crawl on all fours, learns to pronounce elementary syllables, the pronunciation of which is similar to the sucking movements of the lips and mouth: ma-ma, etc. The baby sleeps less, physical activity increases, his arms reach out to his mother, and he grabs toys tightly with both hands. There is rapid development of fine motor skills, throwing toys on the floor and seeing what happens to them. The first teeth erupt, the 2 lower middle incisors appear first.

During seventh month of life crawls freely, in a sitting position can straighten and tilt the body forward, tries to perceive, understand and remember words. Gets upset when he loses sight of a toy and looks for it. Knows how to move food from the front of the mouth to the back and, as a result, swallows better.

At the end of the article we have prepared a convenient table of the child’s physical development. Download it to be sure that the baby is developing according to the norms!

Eight months– stands up on his own, having support. With support, he tries to walk, performs various manipulations with toys (drops, rolls, throws, etc.), sits confidently on his own. 2 upper middle incisors appear.

IN nine month walks holding onto support, knows his name, and can fulfill simple requests. Holds objects with thumb and index finger.

Ten months- can get up and stand without the help of strangers, begins to pronounce simple words, does not give up the toy he likes, and, at the request of an adult, looks for a familiar object. 2 upper lateral incisors appear.

IN eleven months knows the names of many objects and parts of his body, fine motor skills are well developed, freely navigates space, and continues to try to take independent steps.

TO one year walks independently and can bend over on his own. Understands everything that is said and what he is asked to do. Says the first meaningful words. 2 lower lateral incisors appear.

By the end of 1 year of life, the baby should have 8 teeth, 4 of them on top and 4 on the bottom.

Physical development is influenced not only by genetic factors, but also by environmental factors (upbringing, nutrition, social conditions). If you want your child to develop all physical indicators in a timely manner, you need to work with him every day, feed him properly and give unlimited amounts of your love, which your baby so needs.

Infant swimming from birth. . Read our next article.

Print it out and hang it on the wall! Physical development of children under 1 year in the table.

​Do you know how a baby should develop up to one year old? Download a convenient chart of the child’s physical development to be sure that the baby is developing according to the norms!​

Good day! Today we have a very interesting topic - and the boys are not particularly different in development during this period, but there are small nuances, which I will tell you about in detail.

The difference between girls and boys visually is as follows:

  • Girls have more fat reserves at birth;
  • boys are more likely to have greater height and weight;
  • boys grow and gain weight faster than girls;
  • Boys' head circumference is usually slightly larger.

In general, all children develop differently, but there are certain standards that babies must meet. That is why, in the first year of life, you should take your child to the clinic every month. There, tell the doctor in detail what your baby has learned over the past 4 weeks.

Regular examinations will help to recognize any pathology or developmental delay in time. If you start treatment immediately, you will have every chance of fully curing your child.

There are special precise tables that indicate the correspondence of height, weight and other skills to age. We will rely on their data.

Baby development by month

Let's take a closer look at what a baby should be able to do:

1 month:

  • weight gain should be from 500 grams or more (you need to count from the minimum weight.);
  • height increases by 2-3 cm;
  • the child sleeps 70% of the time;
  • practically does not react to sounds;
  • the little baby knows the smell and voice of his mother well;
  • When laying it on the tummy, he tries to hold the head for a few seconds.

2 months

  • increase in body weight from 750 grams;
  • height + 3 cm;
  • the baby stays awake for about a quarter of an hour;
  • if you communicate with the child often, she may start to play;
  • holds the gaze on objects for some time;
  • drags everything into the mouth (usually fingers);
  • knows how to show joy and smile.

3 months

  • weight increases on average by 750 grams;
  • height +3 cm;
  • the baby sleeps about 14-15 hours a day;
  • holds the head up for half a minute;
  • sees the difference between various sounds;
  • shows a lot of activity;
  • distinguishes all relatives well from each other;
  • she likes it when someone is next to her, if you try to move away from the baby, you can cause her dissatisfaction and screaming.

4 months

  • weight gain 700 grams;
  • in height +2.5;
  • tries to copy the emotions of adults;
  • loves when they spend time with her and take her in her arms;
  • a developed child at this time holds his head well and even knows how to turn it;
  • continues to put everything in his mouth (you should carefully monitor the child);
  • perfectly recognizes an object at a distance of up to 4 meters.

5 months

  • weight + 700 grams;
  • height + 2.5 cm;
  • the baby has already learned to roll over, so you need to watch her more closely so that she doesn’t fall;
  • can reach the desired object;
  • examines toes with mouth;
  • knows how to transfer objects from one hand to another;
  • copies the movements of adults, for example, if you show her how to make palms, she will be able to clap her hands without any problems;
  • may show his dissatisfaction in the form of crying;
  • knows how to laugh loudly and squeak;
  • the child will like it if the parents read to her or sing to her.

6 months

  • the height and weight table shows us the same weight gain as at 5 months, i.e. 700 grams;
  • the baby can already sit up on her own and is trying to crawl;
  • You can start teaching a child to drink from a cup and eat with a spoon at this age (with the help of adults, of course);
  • shows distrust of unfamiliar people.

7 months

  • weight gain 550 grams;
  • weight + 2 cm;
  • the baby can lie for a long time, walk and play;
  • sits and crawls confidently, and also knows how to stand up while holding on to something;
  • knows the purpose of objects;
  • continues to explore objects through the mouth;
  • understands prohibitions;
  • knows his body parts and can show them.

8 months

  • weight + 550 grams
  • height + 2 cm
  • is familiar with many objects, knows what they are intended for;
  • moves with the help of support;
  • sits down and stands up;
  • can recognize and comply with simple requests from parents;
  • knows how to fold a pyramid and open drawers, studying their contents;
  • can show relatives in the photo.

9 months

  • weight gain ranges from 100 to 600 grams;
  • height + 2 cm;
  • the baby uses several objects at once in the game;
  • can sit and play for a long time;
  • she is interested in absolutely everything, the young lady checks the contents of boxes and jars (parents should be extremely careful and not leave dangerous objects and any small things in accessible places that the child can swallow, drink or put into the nasal passage);
  • speaks his own language, some words can be understood by close people;

10 months

  • weight + 350 grams;
  • height + 1 cm
  • the baby is very active, copies her relatives, often laughs and chats;
  • it's time to introduce the child to the playground, because she can already begin to contact the children;
  • continues to study objects and their purpose.

11 months

  • body weight gain 350 grams;
  • this month girls on average gain + 1 cm;
  • understands parents’ speech and their requests perfectly;
  • may begin to call animals, for example, a dog “aw-aw” or “aka”;
  • chats well and for a long time about something of his own;
  • waves his hand when greeting or goodbye;
  • confidently nods his head in agreement, or vice versa;
  • copes well with caring for his favorite toy;
  • knows how to drink from a mug.

12 months

  • weight + 350 grams;
  • height + 1 cm;
  • the child can walk independently (if this does not happen exactly at the age of one, don’t be upset, your child will definitely walk a little later);
  • the child focuses on the movements, actively walks and runs (may even fall often at first, hold the baby by the hand).

Deviations from the norm

Dear parents, if you doubt whether your child is gaining weight and growing normally, you can contact your pediatrician. The doctor will provide you with an accurate table for 2018, which will clearly indicate age standards. If something bothers your baby, never wait, it’s better to play it safe and go to the doctor for an examination.

Here is a list of symptoms for which it is better to seek advice from a qualified specialist:

  1. The baby often spits up, please do not read on the Internet that this is the norm. It’s better to tell your doctor about this and visit a neurologist again, just in case.
  2. The child cannot hold his head up at 3 months of age.
  3. An increase in temperature should also prompt immediate medical consultation. Remember, the temperature rises when there is some kind of inflammatory process in the body, or the baby has caught a viral infection.
  4. Diarrhea and Vomiting. These unpleasant symptoms threaten the child with dehydration.
  5. Rash. Even if small rashes appear, it is better to consult a doctor.
  6. Increased moodiness. Children, of course, often cry, but if the crying is very frequent, most likely something is bothering the baby.
  7. Lethargy.
  8. Trembling chin.
  9. Cramps.

With the arrival of a baby in the family, every mother is interested and important about his development, I advise you to buy a special album to paste photos into it and record the changes that have occurred with the baby over the past month.

Photos on tablets and flash drives are a good thing, but an album with recordings and printed photos will not be superfluous, believe my experience.

With this I say goodbye to you, dear readers, I wish you good luck and patience in raising your girls. Follow the blog updates.